Dungeon Hotsprings

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you defeated Dark Goliath with the help of your power as a Demi-god, or is it Demi-Demi-God since your Zeus' grandson. Whatever it may be it happened.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's been about a hour or so since the fight with Dark Goliath. Me, Hestia, Lili, Ryuu, Asfi, Hermès, Mikoto, Chigusa, and Ouka were walking back to the surface. I was in the mood to relax and just walk back up to the surface. I want to get Rai and hug him then relax. We could of relaxed before going back up to the surface but there were two gods in the dungeon so that wouldn't end well. Hestia and Lili were hugging my arms, thankfully they weren't arguing their heads off.

"Unbelievable, that battle was something fierce, though I wish we could of relaxed a bit more while we were still there but I guess that wasn't going to happen with Hestia and I here" Hermès says.

The dungeon was quiet, too quiet for the dungeon so I was on high alert. I heard a low growl ahead of us and I immediately sped to the front of our group with Hestia knife and Ushiwakamaru at the ready. From the darkness emerged many hell hounds, yeah those fuckers were ready for another round. Then Hard Armords/ Armadillos started spawning from the walls.

"Let's try my power as a demi-god in this optimal setting"

I imagined the flow of power coursing through me and I the power from before came to me like it was normal for me. The fiery bolts of lightning jumping all over my body with immense power going through my body. I charged at the hell hounds and hard armord, needing only a single swing to kill a single hell hound and hard armord. With swift swings and swift combos I finished off all of the enemies.

"Easy as pie" I say as I turned off my power.

"That was amazing master (Y/n)" Lili says with some amazement.

"Good work (Y/n)" Ryuu tells me with a small smile.

"That's our Rook for ya" Welf says while chuckiling a bit.

We then hear the sound of the wall nearest to us cracking "I didn't mean to-Hestia says as she stepped back away from the wall that was cracking. Sand then started to spew from the multiple cracks like waterfalls, forming a pile of sand on the ground.

"Get behind me Hestia" I say as I got infront of her with Hestia knife and Ushiwakamaru in hand.

The wall opened up and a massive amount of sand poured out and created a dust cloud. When the dust cloud disappeared, it revealed a tunnel in the wall.

"Unexplored territory" Ryuu states.

"You think so?, you mean this place hasn't even been mapped out?" Chigusa asks.

"That's correct" Ryuu says.

"I'm certain of it" Asfi says as she walks up to the tunnel "I don't think I recall seeing such topography in this level, it's structure is different from the normal pit"

"So you think it's a new discovery then?" Ouka questions.

"Well isn't that incredible Hestia?" I said to Hestia as she stood next to me.

Mikoto then zooms past me and Hestia to the mouth of the tunnel before getting on all fours and smelling the ground " I way!" She shouts before running full speed into the tunnel.

"Hold up It could be dangerous in there!" I shout before we all run after Mikoto.

When we get all the way into the tunnel, we find a open cavern with what looked like a hot spring. The cavern was vast and had crystals and vines, there were even bamboo like plants that grew out cups and just about anything that could help you relax with a hot spring theme to it..

Hestia crouches down to the water and feels it "A hot spring?" She says.

"That's right! Definitely a hot spring!" Mikoto says enthusiastically while coming from some where "If there is one thing on earth that I'm a expert about it's hot springs

"There doesn't seem to be anything else here" Ryuu states.

"Yes, and I don't sense any monsters near by either. This must be a place of rest, something the dungeon created on its own" Asfi says.

"Well I guess that means we're safe to take a little break then, thank the gods" Ouka says.

Mikoto then goes to the waters edge and shoves her head into the water and starts drinking it. When she pulls her head out, the look of delight was all over her face. Lili, Chigusa, and Hestia were at her side.

"How's the water Mikito?" Chigusa Asia Mikoto.

"Oh the temperature, the salt ratio, absolute perfection, pure excellence, we should all enjoy it" Mikoto says with enthusiasm.

"We've been quite exhausted since the fight on the 18th floor" Lili says.

"Mhmm, everyone, I think it's about time to treat our selves to some hot spring fun!" Hestia shouts happily.

The girls then looked at Hermès with a slight look of disgust, excluding Ryuu who was standing next to me "Hey what's up?" Hermès questioned.

"Are you serious?, don't you remember the last incident at the bathing pool?" Asfi reminds Hermès.

"Ahh, (Y/n)'s first steps into man hood, such a good day" Hermès says while tipping his hat and chuckling a bit.

"I'm still not over that Hermès!" I shout at him.

"The point is, none of us feel comfortable while Hermès is lurking about" Hestia says.

"What a waste of a hot spring" Lili says.

"This cannot be happening!" Mikoto says with rivers of tears running down her face.

"You could always wear swim suits" Ryuu says to them "If we wear swimsuits then no one has to worry about it"

"A brilliant idea!" Mikito says.

"But where are we going to find any swimsuits?" Hestia questions.

"I knew something like this might happen" Hermès says then Asfi starts screaming after Hermès blew me open Asfi's cloak "So I thought I would come diligently prepared"

"Hermès I hate you" Asfi says

After Asfi gave Hermès a good beating. The swimsuits that were attached to Asfi's cloak was passed out. I was wondering how the hell Hermès got those swimsuits there without Asfi noticing. I got my swim wear and it was just a simple black swim shorts.

"These were all specially hand selected by myself. You should all find one for you shape" Hermès says.

"When in the world did he buy these" Asfi grumbles.

"Yeah and how did he know all of our sizes" Chigusa says.

"Oh my god does it really matter? Just put on a suit and get in the water" Mikoto says.

The girls started walking somewhere, except for Ryuu who wasn't holding a swimsuit at the moment "Great now ladies, feel free to get changed, don't be bashful" Hermès says.

Ryuu stood guard to where ever the girls were changing. Us guys were waiting for the girls to finish changing and Hermès started to speak.

"We're really missing out on a treat here boys. I bet there having a little share and compare beauty contest right about now" Hermès says and Welf and Ouka tense up "There's Lili, seemingly innocent in some ways, has managed to survive the cruel dungeon which would require a well honed and strong. Then we have Mikoto's bodacious curves contrasting with her serious and earnest nature, and the lovely Chigusa exposing that dainty frame of her's to the glistening waters of the dungeon. Ohh, and my always lovely and loyal Asfi, a treasure to behold. She's so strict, always telling me what to do, I like it. Now Hestia's a genu-"

Before Hermès continued on his tangent of pervertedness, I hit him in the back of the neck. "Could you not continue please" I state.

"Its all in good fun (Y/u)" Hermès said with a chuckle.

We then hear Hestia scream in fear "What's wrong Hestia?!" I question after getting up.

"It's nothing (Y/n), just a little wardrobe issue that's all. I think I'm going to need another minute" Hestia replies from wherever she was changing.

"Okay" I said back.

A few minutes go by and then we hear Mikoto "Yoo-hoo, sir Welf, can you come help us? Pretty please" Mikoto as she and Asfi motioned for Welf to come to them from behind a rock.

"Me? sure" Welf says before standing up "Huh, well fellas this has been awful fun but it looks like my skilled hands are needed"

"Why did he get to go?" Ouka questioned as welf went over to Mikoto and Asfi.

{Time Skip}

After a bit of time Welf came out looking down with the other girls all in their swimsuits. Hestia was on a rock with vines and some sort of crystals holding her swimsuit together, Lili was wearing a peach colored Gemini that was small and fit her small frame pretty well. Mikoto was wearing a towel around her body and her katana was one top of her head. Chigusa was wearing a pink on piece swimsuit with white frills and Asfi was wearing a straight black one piece swimsuit that was almost skin right.

"Ahh wonderful, you really saved the day for me Welf. Nothing like having a talented smith as a friend, I'll be sure to share with Hephaestus how helpful you turned out to be" Hestia says happily with a wave.

Welf sighed "Okay thanks"

"Oh c'mon Welf, what were you expecting?" Lili said to Welf.

"Hold on (Y/n) I'm coming!" Hestia shouts before jumping down and landing in front of me. Hestia's boobs jiggled when she landed and she leaned forward, exposing the top of her cleavage to me "So what do you think (Y/n)? You like it?"

I smiled a bit "It looks great on you" I say.

Hestia smiles and giggles a bit "Sorry for the trouble guys, everyone get changed so we can all get into the hot spring"

Part 2.
After me and the guys changed, we sat I front of Mikoto who was at the waters edge facing us. I was wearing the black swim shorts, Welf was wearing black and red swim shorts, Hermès was wearing a purple speedo and Ouka was wearing something I didn't know the name off.

"Everyone good, are you all properly changed?" Mikoto asked.

"Well yes I suppose so, I must say that I do feel a bit embarrassed wearing something like this" Asfi says in way which sounded a bit cute in my opinion..

"Mine is way worse then that" Lili shouts.

"And mine is embarrassing for a whole other unsettling reason" Chigusa says.

"What are you girls talking about? You all look just fantastic" Hermès says before looking at Mikoto "Though I'm a bit disappointed, Mikoto doesn't seem to want to wear the suit I picked out for her"

"While I'm thankful for your great kindness, the naked body is the very quintessence of a hot spring. Now under the circumstances I've regretfully had to abandon that notion. That said, there are rituals that must be preformed before entering" Mikoto says "Now if you would indulge me and allow me the honor to teach you some of those traditional practices"

Mikoto then starts saying instructions and we do what she says "First give two bows, now two claps, another bow" She says then sits down then tosses something into the waterAnd a monotary offering"

"Woah woah what?"

"What's the monotary offering for?"

Welf and Hestia question.

"Quiet heathens, do not question the ritual!!" Mikoto shouts at them then quiets down "Next we say a prayer and preform a customary ceremony"

Mikoto then starts doing the ceremony which was sort of weird but I guess it's Mikoto being Mikoto?. After she does the ceremony, Mikoto fills up a cup of water and downs the whole thing in one sip "Congratulations the ritual is complete. All that's left is to give your wrists and ankles a little twirl"

We did what she said and twirled our wrists and ankles

"Now cannon ball!" Mikoto shouts before jumping into the water.

{Time Skip}

I was sitting on a natural ledge that was in the hot spring. I sat there relaxing in the hot water with my eyes closed, draining the stress and fatigue away. I was by myself right now, Then I felt something bump into me so I opened my eyes. I was met with Ryuu, who was sitting on a human sized lily pad with a makeshift fishing pole in hand?. The way Ryuu was sitting in the kneeling positing, with her legs out from under her to be more comfortable, it gave me full view of her crotch and it didn't help that she was wearing a kind of floating that resembled a pair of panties (I don't know what her green panty looking clothing is called that she wears). I couldn't help but continue to glance down there as I tried to make eye contact with her.

"How are you feeling (Y/n)?" Ryuu asks me calmly.

"How can she ask me that nonchalantly when I have full view of her crotch?!" I shout in my mind as I felt my checks Heat up a bit.

"I-I'm fine, just enjoying the water and scenery.." I said then laughed a bit nervously.

"Your face is a bit red, is the water to hot for you?" Ryuu asks and leans in a bit.

"N-no it's just" I say then sighed "To tell you the truth, I've got full view of your crotch..."

"Oh..., I never thought you were that kind of man (Y/n)" Ryuu says with a slight blush on her face.

"I-I'm not, it's just that your crotch is kinda at eye level" I said while now trying to avoid eye contact with anything.

"Then look if you like, I do not care if it is you" She says like there was nothing wrong with it.

Her saying that made me relax about the situation a bit and I made eye contact with her "Why don't you come in the water?, it feels nice" I say.

"I don't trust this place, I don't feel like this is just an ordinary hot spring, though my feelings are most often inaccurate " She explains.

"Alright then, thanks for telling me that then" I say.

"(Y/n)!" I hear Hestia call out from my left. I look to the left and see Hestia on top of a rock near by "It looks like the water gets deeper over here, why don't we check it out"

"I'm coming Hestia" I say and I stood up "I'll talk to you later Ryuu"

Ryuu leans towards me and sets her left hand on my cheek before kisssing me. The kiss lasted a few seconds before she parted from me "Be careful"

"I will" I say then got out of the water.

I walked over to Hestia who was waiting for me at the edge of the water some ways away from where I was with Ryuu. Hestia sees me and stands up.

"Ready to go?" She asks.

"Yeah" I say with a smile

She holds her hand out to me and I take it. As we held hands, Hestia lead me through wat was ankle hight water.

"I thought you wanted to take me to a spot where the water was deeper?" I asked.

"I was, but I found something even better" Hestia tells me enthusiastically.

Hestia lead me to a rivine like cave that was dark with many crystals lighting the way. Waterfalls from above flowed down the vertical edges of the cave.

"I still find it hard to believe that this is still part of the dungeon" I say "Mostly because the dungeon has really been trying to kill me the past few days"

"I'm just happy that we can have this alone time together" Hestia says and goes from holding my hand to hugging my right arm. I didn't mind it since she had such a bright smile on her face she then points off into the distance where there was a some sort of red light "Let's go over there!"

Hestia pulls me along towards that red light. The light was nice looking and pretty to look at but I felt slightly uncomfortable about it. Other then the creepy red ball of light hanging from the ceiling and the red spire that connected the ceiling and floor, the cavern looked beautiful. The ceiling and walls were dark with small blue crystals illuminated looking like the night sky.

"What do you think (Y/n)?, don't you think it's gorgeous?" Hestia says as she turns to me and she interlocks our hands together.

"Not as gorgeous as you though" I say and Hestia blushes then smiles. If there was a physical definition of someone who is both hot and cute, that would be her.

"I'm so happy we're together" She says.

Hestia then leans up close and kisses me. I wasn't in shock like the first time she kissed me, I kissed back this time. I then felt the ground doubling so I parted from the forever feeling kiss with Hestia.

"That felt great" Hestia says with a bright smile.

"We need to go" I state as I noticed the water had turned from clear to a orange red.

"What?, why?!" Hestia questions..

I hear the ceiling break and I look up and see three massive angler fish looking monsters falling from above "Holy Shit!!" I shout.

I quickly pick Hestia up bridal style and bolted the fuck out of there with her. The angler fish monsters fell into the shallow water and started swimming after us. I weaved through the many big crystals that were on ground and the angler fish monsters swam straight through them. As I turned to look at the monastery's who were chasing us to see if they were gaining any distance, I tripped over a crack in the ground and fell. Hestia was in the red tinted water and I was on all fours above her. The angler fish monsters had surrounded us, I looked at Hestia and noticed that her bikini was being eaten away at by the water.

"Uh......" That's the only thing I could say as very little was covering her assets.

When Hestia notices why I wasn't speaking, her entire face went bright red and she let out a squeak.
I instantly got up and turned my eyes away from Hestia.

"I didn't see anything, I swear" I tell her.

As Hestia got up, the angler fish monsters started circling us. I tried to shoot a fire bolt at one of them but it blinded me with a bright green light from its back. The three angler fish monsters then jumped up at us, I blocked Hestia from the in coming attack that I couldn't really do anything about. 8 could use my demi-god powers but it wouldn't be fast enough for me to do something. I then see some sort of invisibility slash go through the three monsters before the three angler fish monsters turned into dust. I turn around and I see Ryuu with her wooden sword staff.

"Thanks for the help Ryuu" I say.

"Are you two alright?" Ryuu asks as the others came up to us, excluding Welf, Ouka, and Hermès. The others were out of their swimsuits and back in their regular clothing.

"Goddess Hestia, stop clinging to master (Y/n) with all your stuff hanging out like that!" Lili shouts and I just chuckled a bit as Hestia unclinged from me.

"Here you go Hestia, you may use my cloak" Asfi offers as she hands Hestia her white cloak to cover herself with.

"Thank you, I appreciate it" Hestia replies.

I then looked down and noticed that Argonaut was activated with its white and blue sparkles on my right hand "What now?..." I grumble.

The ground starts to shake again, but more violently then before. Cracks start forming on the walls and roof of the cave me and Hestia were just in. Then out of the rough of the entire cave section, a angler fish monster more the 20 times bigger the then the three me and Hestia ran away from fell onto the ground. At this point I was absolutely pissed, mainly because the dungeon is consistently giving me the finger. I'm so posited that charged at the monster and gave it a sucker punch with my right hand in the face. Argonaut did it's thing, but unlike when I used it with fire bolt, the result was me obliterating it with a single punch. So much for not being overpowered I guess. My attack was so strong that instead of it turning into dust first it just dropped the stone. I looked at my right fist and I see some smoke coming from it.

"Fuck you dungeon!!" I shout.

"Uh...(Y/n)..." Hestia says and I turn towards them.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Well, it's your...." Ryuu says while looking away from me with a blush on her face.

I locked down and I noticed that my attack was so strong I evaporated my own swim shorts. Asfi had her hands over her eyes, Mikoto had her hands over Chigusa's innocent eyes while she herself tried not to look with her face bright red., Lili was looking with blood streaming from her nose, Hestia was just smiling with a smug smile on her face. I instantly covered my junk.

"Well shit, you weren't supposed to see that until your respective lemon..." I say nonchalantly.

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I'm unsure on whether I'll add arrow of Orion to the boom because the movie is non-canon to the official story. Also, I probably won't update with chapters for season 2 until it's fully out. Hope you guys understand. Until next time bye.

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