Chapter 1: Welcome To Orario

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Birthplace of the Human Race.
The third planet of the Solar System in the Milky Way Galaxy.

This planet is home to many different stories and events take place all over the planet. This story will be following one of these stories; it is filled with adventure, self-discovery, selflessness, trust, companionship, betrayal, growth, and heroism. Our protagonist's name: Braedey Martin or otherwise known as the superhero Braedey the Transformer.

Our story begins in a modest little city called Coolsville. It was here, sixteen years ago, our hero was born. From a young age, Braedey had always wanted to be a hero, growing up, he tried time and time again to protect those who were being treated unfairly, but because of his small size, he was never successful.

At the age of ten, during his summer vacation, Braedey went on a cross-country camping trip with his grandfather, Jackson Martin, and his cousin Jessie Martin. Braedey thought it was going to be an average summer hanging out with his grandfather and constantly fighting with his cousin. That is, until his first night out camping, when he came across a piece of highly advanced alien technology called the Transformatrix; an alien watch that has attached itself to his left wrist, allowing him to modify his DNA, transforming him into ten different extraterrestrial autonomous robotic superheroes from a distant planet by the name of Cybertron.

From that day forward, Braedey was thrust into an entire universe full of heroes, villains, magic, technology, aliens, and even old gods. And Braedey loved every moment of it; he was finally able to be the hero he wanted to be. Over the last six years, Braedey has grown in maturity and power, defeating many tyrants and overlords and sometimes just the run-of-the-mill bad guys.


Our story now begins in downtown Coolsville, where a young man is walking out of a Corvette car dealership. This boy was around sixteen years of age with shaggy brown hair and cobalt blue eyes. He is wearing a blue jacket with white stripes and the symbol of an angular face on the left breast over the top of a black circle, along with a pair of denim blue jeans, and white/blue shoes. On his left arm is a small device that resembles a square, white watch with blue highlights, with said highlights converging on the black faceplate to form the Transformatrix insignia; an Autobot logo with a sword going through the middle of it in a vertical opposition, the hilt of the sword on top.

This young man is Braedey Martin... bearer of the Transformatrix, Second-In-Command of the Autobots, 'Saviour of the Universe', protege to Optimus Prime, Protector Of Earth, 'Knight of the Primes', fighter for Freedom, Peace and Creation, and the being who's vanquished the Incarnation Of Destruction; Unicron, the Chaos Bringer.

Looking down at his left hand, Braedey only frowned at the device he had been using nearly half his life. It was similar to the Transformatrix, but it didn't resemble what it looked like beforehand. It retains the central component and selection interface, the dial with the Autobot symbol. While the watch band is more sleek and aerodynamic.

It may have the same general features and extensions of the original Transformatrix itself, including Voice Command Mode, Master Control, an A.I., detect other Transformatrix cores. But the cool thing about this new Transformatrix though, is that it has a cool feature called the Evolution Function. This feature evolves the aliens into their ultimate forms, granting them new powers and abilities that are more powerful than ever.

The Evolution Function works by placing the DNA of any and all Cybertronians in a certain simulation, making it suffer the worst possible scenario in millions of theoretical years in order to "force" evolution in the genetic code in the virtual environment; the evolutionary developments are then modified into the existing DNA. This "survival of the fittest" method of evolving the aliens makes the Ultimates more suited for combat.

While it was true he enjoyed saving the world, but that didn't mean he could find joy in other things. Granted, he wasn't like other people with the fact he wielded the most powerful device in the universe.

Just as the sun was about to set behind the horizon, Braedey knew he needed to get home. The young shapeshifter walked over to his car, hoping that maybe something could happen, but not on the scale of an alien invasion or fighting beings from other universes, it was simply worthless to waste his time continuing to unlock every alien DNA sample inside the Transformatrix.

But, he finally did it when he was able to unlock Master Control manually by his future self, Braedey Prime, thus setting the activation by Voice Command Mode whenever he felt like it, and along with unlocking every alien that he previously obtained when he was still ten. His alternate future self also unlocked some new ones and the Braedey Prime transformation because he says it will annoy Alpha Trion more when he finds out.

Braedey felt happy now that he was able to use the 1,000,910 Cyber-Nucleic Acid (CNA) samples available in the Well of AllSparks on Cybertron, because he now has the full power of the Transformatrix.

Also, Alpha Trion, who Braedey managed to regain his trust, reluctantly agreed to put in the upgrades in the Transformatrix such as the ability to revive alien species on Cybertron, restore DNA, detect outer dimensional creatures, Secondary User Access, a fail-safe feature that not only protects his personality, but also can revive the user by turning into the right alien and survive death, the Star Saber, a distress signal and homing device should he go missing, and many many more.

For extra security, his friend Rex McJones built a security system into the Transformatrix with keys that have the locked DNA of a Celestial Cybertronian he has called Autobot X. It was also to prevent his doppelgänger, Masterson, from accessing this one or turn into in the middle of a fight.

Once he started the car, feeling the familiar sound of the engine, Braedey was about to move the gear stick when he saw someone standing in front of his car.

Upon closer look, it was here Braedey finally realised who the person was standing in front of his car, an individual who helped him and his friends on several occasions, Getting out of his car, Braedey walked towards the man who appeared to be in his early thirties, who was wearing a white lab coat and a pair of green shaded goggles around his neck. His outfit literally screamed 'scientist'.

"Ah, hello there, young Braedey. I see you're still uneasy with this relatively peaceful time." The time traveler said. "Though, unfortunately, I can't blame an individual such as yourself for feeling this same kind of way."

Braedey seemed a bit curious and asked the time traveler what he meant by that. "What do you mean by that, Professor TimeLine?"

The time walker, now named Professor TimeLine, sighed. "What I mean is that your from an early age was dominated by the idea of being chased around the world or the universe in some cases, and constantly in being near-death situations, but unlike most people, you don't seem all that opposed to such an idea."

It took a minute for Braedey to swallow what the time traveler had been telling him. It wasn't until he mentioned about being in danger on a constant basis, something he was quite familiar with, and realised that he enjoyed the idea of fighting, and this concept didn't even come to mind.

After briefly thinking about it, the young hero wanted to know what was the point of the professor's visit. "Not that I don't mind speaking with you every now and then, Professor TimeLine, but why are you here? Is there something wrong?" Trying his best to hide what could be considered excitement, Braedey finally thought that something exciting would happen now.

TimeLine couldn't help but chuckle at the young hero trying to hide his enthusiasm. "Braedey, why do I require to see you? You're a bright mind, though plagued by rather lazy tendencies of yours. But, you aren't wrong, I did come here for a reason."

Scratching the back of his head, Braedey couldn't help but ask. "Does it have something to do with trouble happening somewhere in the universe, or in other parts of time itself?" He asked.

Yet, the time traveler shook his head. "I'm afraid that's something which concerns me. However, even I cannot identify this issue at this every moment. The only thing I can tell you is to be careful, there's no telling what might happen."

Deciding to take the time traveler's concern into consideration, Braedey nodded, "I... I will try. With my luck, there's no telling what kind of danger might come my way."

As Professor TimeLine started walking away, he looked at Braedey one last time. "Mr. Martin, don't forget... the universe likes to operate in a rather strange way, so please don't try and fight it, it'll make only things worse. And now, I'll take my leave at this moment."

Soon, a flash of light happened, causing Braedey to shield his eyes. The young man knew TimeLine had left, but there was something that was nagging at him about all this.

How could TimeLine, the man who could travel to any place, in any universe, at any point in time, couldn't even figure what might be coming for him? While he knew he was bored, Braedey couldn't help but blame this curse of his.

Deciding that he'll deal with this in the morning, Braedey started walking back to his car. Just as he was about to open the door, he felt his Transformatrix go off. Rolling off his left sleeve, the shapeshifter saw that the symbol dial on his watch was flashing blue while the A.I. was issuing a warning to which Braedey listened.

"Warning! Transformatrix has detected a dimensional disturbance! Dimensional Anomaly location detected. Location: 10 miles south outside of Coolsville!" The Transformatrix responded in a synthetic voice of Braedey's.

Braedey's eyes widen. Another dimensional rift in Coolsville again? The last time he saw a dimensional rift, was the one that the Decepticon bounty hunter Lockdown created onboard his warship to go back in time to the point of the Great War for Cybertron. It was a freaky time for him back then.

'Finally! some action!' Braedey thought. "Alright, time to investigate this new dimensional rift. Time to Transform and Roll Out!" He shouted, hoping he could arrive in time. The Transformatrix bearer felt an immense amount of excitement at finally being able to discover another dimensional rift. He hopes it doesn't take him back in time again.

Reaching for the alien gauntlet on his wrist, Braedey toyed with the notch, which the dial popped up, exposing the core as a cobalt blue hologram of an alien appeared, he then turned the notch several times before stopping at a hologram of an aerodynamic Autobot with wheels for feet shoulders and feet. Braedey soon found the one he needed at the moment, as he pushed down the core, and in a flash of cobalt blue light, was replaced with one of the alien beings he turned into.

Standing in his place a stood high-speed Cybertronian about Braedey's height, at 5ft 5", with sharp angular aerodynamic-like wings across the body, whilst having blue and black armour, and a blue visor across his optics. The Transformatrix symbol was displayed prominently on his chest.

"Blurr!" The speedy Cybertronian announced. "Time to get racin'!" Then, he transformed into his alternate form; a futuristic racecar-like vehicle, and accelerated away like a bullet, leaving a blue/black trail in his wake. "Yee-Ha!"

Blurr, hence his name, can manipulate friction to reach speeds of over 500mph within 0.5 seconds. He can accelerate so quickly that time appears to completely stop to him. He has very high dexterity, being able to type on keyboards or keypads at extremely high speeds. Using this skill, he can input any code to deactivate devices. Blurr also seems able to think, act and react at beyond superhuman speed as well, as he was able to think of a million combinations in a few seconds. Blurr can deliver speed-enhanced attacks with rapid succession, such as excessively kicking enemies with great speed and strength. He has quick reflexes, allowing him to dodge attacks with little effort, and is fast enough to run on water. Blurr is capable of creating tornadoes by generating a centripetal vacuum powerful enough to lift a being as large as Metroplex, either by running in a circular pattern or spinning at supersonic speeds. Blurr has enhanced strength, enough to carry a multitude of people across a stretch of water to shore without slowing down, as well as to causing great damage with physical attacks, which are further enhanced by striking at rapid succession due to his speed. Blurr can recover from injuries faster than other species. Blurr is able to cling to surfaces, either due to his the rubber on his tyres or his agility, or a combination of the two.

Using the enhanced speed that the speedy Autobot's DNA possessed, Blurr traveled through the various streets, roads, and alleyways in town, finding the quickest route possible, dodging any and all traffic around the streets.

Within just a few moments, Blurr was outside of the city, running at nearly five hundred kilometers an hour. At that speed, just his form passing by was enough to knock people off their feet from the intense blast of wind coming from behind the Cybertronian.

'Bingo!' Braedey thought.

The speedy Autobot started slowing down, as the dimensional rift was supposed to form at this point. After nearly a few seconds, the alien hero reached the location where the rift is finally located. Just as the teen hero was about to find the rift, he heard a strange whirring sound in the sky. Looking at the sky above him, Braedey saw a rift starting to form in the night sky, the rift started to expand rapidly pulsing with energy as it formed a spiral.

Deciding that now is the time to enter the rift and see if this rift leads to another dimension or an undiscovered one, the teen hero transforms into robot mode, tapped the Transformatrix symbol on his chest, causing a cobalt blue light to appear, and Blurr was replaced by a much suitable being capable of flight.

Now in his place stood a 22ft tall green Decepticon. He has a yellow face and two gold horns sticking out from both sides. The cockpit of the vehicle mode sticks out from the chest and is in a very dark shade of grey. It has red eyes. It has green arms, with tiny yellow fins on the bottom. The head resembles that of a samurai. The fins on the shoulders have a yellow lining, the wings are green with a yellow lining, and the 'cuff' pieces on the arms are yellow. The Transformatrix symbol was in the centre of its chest.

"Skyquake!" The Cybertronian announced, then transformed into a green F-35 Lightning II jet fighter, and took to the skies.

Skyquake flew straight into the vortex soon as it closed with a pop. Just as he saw darkness wrap around him, Braedey knew if this was anything like the last time he traveled to another universe... he could only hope they are some good folks on the other side.

Unbeknownst to Braedey, that space-time rift actually leads to a whole different universe. Professor TimeLine, who witnessed the whole thing from a distance, smiled.

'Well, Braedey, I hope you know what kind of trouble you are getting yourself into...' The Time Walker thought. He then disappeared in a flash. Hoping to guide the young shapeshifter to lend help across the Multiverse.


Something wasn't right, that much Braedey could tell at the moment when he started regaining consciousness again. The first thing he could feel was the grass underneath him, then soon his hearing returned as it was bombarded by the sounds of birds in the distance.

'Okay... I know I'm not dead, that's good, right?' Braedey thought as he sat up.

It was here the young man realised he reverted back to human form after falling through that dimensional vortex. As Braedey sat up on the grass, he could already tell that wherever he ended up, it wasn't Coolsville by any stretch of the imagination, especially with the scenery around him.

Looking around for a few moments, the young hero saw nothing but a forest for miles in every direction. Even the sounds of wildlife told him otherwise.

Realising he wasn't going to get anything done by just sitting around, Braedey got off the ground and stretched out his muscles as they felt rather sore since he was laying on the ground for who knows how long it was. Deciding to take a look around, the young man saw the clear blue sky above him with the sun shining brightly over the land.

'Though that begs the question... where'd in the world DID I end up?' It was the first question he had at the moment.

Nothing around him looks familiar, granted it was a random patch of woods, but there was no telling what he could be hiding in the forest here. Braedey's concern was justified. As he started walking around, the hero made sure to look around his surroundings as he made sure nothing would get the jump on him. As he made his way through the forest, he noticed something in the distance. He walked up to what could be a clearing, and he was surprised to see what it was.

There is what looked to be a city. It has the design and architectural concept dating back to around the 18th or even the 19th century, the houses and the rooftops being constructed out of stone and tiles, with old-fashion styled lights down the streets and city square. There was also some kind of tower in the middle of the city.

'Whoa. That's some city.' Braedey thought to himself. He pulled out a pair of transformable binoculars from his jacket pocket, which grew in size in his hand, then he looked through them. He could see what were some large buildings in the city centre, and saw some people in armour and ragged cloths for clothing. 'Okay. Looks like I've gone to a different world set in a different Timezone.' He added in his head.

He puts away the binoculars, then began to make his way into town. Sure, he could've gone and searched anywhere else, but this city is the only one he's seen, so it's a starting point.

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