Chapter Two: The Hestia Familia

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'That's some city.' Braedey thought to himself. He pulled out a pair of transformable binoculars from his jacket pocket, which grew in size in his hand, then he looked through them. He could see what were some large buildings in the city centre, and saw some people in armour and ragged cloths for clothing. 'Okay. Looks like I've gone to a different world set in a different Timezone.' He added in his head.

He puts away the binoculars, then began to make his way into town. Sure, he could've gone and searched anywhere else, but this city is the only one he's seen, so it's a starting point.


He walked down one of the streets, which is stone cobbled, and there were wooden carts and small stands along the sides of the street. The townsfolk seemed to go their separate ways, while some were staring at the teenager. He was someone completely new, his clothes were very strange and unique, including the odd-looking object on his wrist and the shoes he had on. Braedey took notice of this, then looked down to his clothing, and heads off down a lone alleyway.

'I can't have the rest of the populace see me as some kind of spy or something.' He thought to himself, then saw a black cloak of sorts hanging by a window. He gave a small shrug, takes it off the window, and puts it on. It concealed his form and attire, along with having a hood to hide his face and head, so he'll be hidden until he finds somewhere to stay.

A few moments go by, then Braedey, putting the hood on over his head, walked out into the crowds, not attracting attention, for now. Fortunately, his whole appearance hidden from view, as he walked through the crowds, heading off towards the main building in the centre of the city. So far, he took note of some men wearing medieval armour and clothes, along with them having swords and shields, which has cemented Braedey's thoughts and hypothesis of this world being in an unknown Timezone.

'So, it would seem I've ended up somewhere during the Middle Ages, I think.' He thought to himself, walking by some fruit and goods stands. 'At least it looks like there's no conflict amongst the people.'

Braedey soon arrived at what could be a very expensive and exotic building. He guessed this is where the men and some women would go and look for currency or maybe work or something. He could find someone he could talk to, but he wasn't too certain of anyone listening to him, or even thinking his story is true. Still, he needs to find help, and information about what happened.

"Well, this is the only place I've seen that could provide help." Braedey commented to himself, then began to make his way into the building.

The main building is called the Pantheon. It is a wide space with counters for the men and women in armour to talk with their advisors and also has a exchange area. There are also small meeting boxes where they can talk one on one with their advisor without anyone else hearing them. Aside from that there is a library area.

Braedey walked into the building, looking around at the many men and women in armour, along with those in regular clothing, all of which look to be really expensive, and plus, there were some people that seemed to have elf-like ears.

"Excuse me." The brunette looked over to see a woman walking up to him.

The woman has a slim and gentle body, pointy ears, shoulder length brown hair, and emerald coloured eyes with a fair skin tone. She is wearing a set of black vest and pants with a white collared long sleeve shirt underneath, a grey bow tie and black shoes.

"Are you looking for something or someone?" The woman asked the brunette.

"Actually, I was hoping to find someone in charge around here, and somewhere quiet where I can speak freely." Braedey asked calmly. Though this was a completely different world, he was trying not to cause a ruckus.

"Well, if you'd please, follow me." The woman gestured to him, and he followed after her, heading off to one of the soundproof rooms. The two make themselves comfortable in the room, and the woman looked to Braedey. "Well, my name is Miss Eina Tulle. What is your name?" She asked.

"Martin. My name is Braedey Martin." The brunette replied.

"Why are you wearing that cloak, if you don't mind me asking?" Eina asked him curiously.

"If I reveal who I am under the cloak, please don't tell anyone else of who I am." Braedey gripped the sides of the hood, pulled it off to reveal his head and face, whisking off his pale skin tone, golden brown hair, and cobalt blue eyes, then he took off the cloak, letting it drop to the ground, revealing his attire. "This is who I really am."

Eina looked at the brunette's unusual attire with a raised eyebrow; a black short-sleeve shirt under a blue jacket with white stripes and the symbol of an angular face on the left breast over the top of a black circle, a pair of blue denim jeans, and white/blue sneakers. On his left wrist is a small device that resembles a square, white object with blue highlights, with said highlights converging on the black faceplate to form a blue robotic angular face with a sword going through the middle of it in a vertical opposition, the hilt of the sword on top.

However, it was the device on the wrist that for the half-Elf's attention. She noticed there were rather familiar symbols across the wristband, along with the familiar symbol on his jacket and the device on his wrist, and it made her eyes widen at this. "May... may I look at that thing on your wrist?" She asked, gesturing to Braedey's left wrist.

Braedey looked to his wrist, seeing she spotted the Transformatrix, and he thought he'd be questioned to absolutely no end. He raised his wrist up to eye-level, and Eina looked at the device. She seemed to be very interested in this. At first, she thought she was imagining things, but when she tapped the faceplate of the device, the core popped up, making her jump back in surprise, as a cobalt blue holographic image of a humanoid appeared.

Eina couldn't believe what she was looking at, and could only mutter one word when she saw the blue holographic image. "Bumblebee..."

This got Braedey's attention. "Hold on a second." He looked at the half-Elf. "How do you know about Bumblebee? And why are you interested in the Transformatrix?" He demanded, only to stop when he realised his error. "Oh, Scrap..."

"So, the rumours are true..." Eina looked at the brunette in the eye, making him look at her in confusion, as she took off his jacket, also to his confusion, as she looked to his upper left arm. She pulled the sleeve back, and could see what look like some odd-looking rune-like across his upper arm, all of them in black, almost like they're stamped/etched on him. "You're him... The Knight..."

"The Knight?" Braedey echoed, then he realised what she meant. "You've heard about me?"

"Of course." Eina replied with a smile. "There is no-one, God, Goddess or not, who's ever heard of you before. You are 'The Knight of the Primes'; the one who had defeated Dragonstorm and Unicron, the Creatures of Chaos."

Braedey's eyes widen in surprise. How does this woman know about Unicron, or even Dragonstorm for that matter? It sounds almost beyond him. "How do you know about me, Unicron, or anything related to Cybertron?" He asked finally.

"You have been told of in legend from the gods when they sensed the evil of Dragonstorm was gone." Eina explained to him. "They spoke of a Knight in shining armour, bearing a device that could change his body into many metal beasts of untold strength and power, and in his hand, he bore a mighty sword that could cleave an entire mountain with all but a single blow."

"The Star Saber..." Braedey muttered in shock. He never knew he was popular here in this dimension. He looked to the half-Elf with an expression that couldn't be explained. "So, Miss Eina, is it? Since you know so much about me, could you keep my identity a secret from these people? I don't want them to know that I even exist here. If they did, somebody would want to find my powers, and try to steal them away from me."

Eina seemed to understand this young man's dilemma, and gently patted his shoulder. "It's okay. Your secret is safe with me. If you wish, I could let you stay here for the time being."

"I guess that's okay." Braedey shrugged, then he looked down to his attire. "I might need some new clothes to conceal my appearance."

"I'll look for something for you to wear for the time being, and I'll think of something for you later." With that, Eina left the room, leaving Braedey lost in his thoughts about what he's learnt of this world.


Later, Braedey was standing outside of the Guild with Eina, the two of them preparing to head off to somewhere. Braedey is currently wearing a cobalt blue undershirt with his black cloak and hood overtop, dark blue pants, and black boots, while his other attire is hidden inside of a leather bag.

"Miss Eina!" A boy's voice called out, getting the duo's attention, as someone was running towards them. "Miss Eina!"

"It's Bell." Eina spoke in relief, only to scream when she and Braedey saw a young man covered in blood running up to them.

Once inside the Guild, and after the young man by the name of Bell had been cleaned up, and him, Eina, and Braedey were in the main room, the half-Elf scolding Bell gently for his actions.

Bell Cranel is a young teenager with white hair and red eyes, often compared to a rabbit based on his appearance. He seems to prefer lightweight armour, such as a chestplate, while wearing a hip length brown coat with a small black patch on the right side above his chest along with a long sleeved black shirt underneath, a pair of black pants, a beige belt with a silver buckle, and brown shin high boots.

Apparently, Bell had ventured forth down into the fifth floor, at the same time a group of Minotaurs had gotten out, but fortunately for the white-hair male, he was saved by a blonde girl in armour with a sword who goes by the name of Ais Wallenstein. From what Braedey's been told, she is a first class adventurer and an executive of the Loki Familia. Among the small fraction of first class adventurers, she is considered one of the strongest, and this made Bell blush at the thought of this.

"If you are thinking about dating her, there's a low chance of that happening, Bell." Eina told the white-hair boy, much to his disappointment, as he slumped in his seat. "You have your blessing and are aligned with the Hestia Familia."

"Yeah, I know." Bell gave a small shrug.

"Excuse me, you two." Braedey spoke up, getting the two's attention. "If you don't mind me asking, Miss Eina, could you clarify some things for me? Like what's a Familia, and what are they like part of?"

"Braedey, a Familia is a group of people who have a connection to the gods." Eina explained to the Transformatrix bearer.

"So, they are like in direct relation to them?" Braedey asked.

"Sort of. When they become part of the Familia, they end up becoming related to them." Bell added, then realised something. "Who are you, exactly?"

Eina looked to Braedey, unsure as to how to answer the young adventurer's question. The brunette looked to the half-Elf, then gave a nod to her, allowing her to explain about Braedey being the 'Knight of the Primes', then the Transformatrix bearer explained to the two of them how he came to be here in this world. After a little while, the trio were left in silence.

"That is some story." Bell commented.

"I agree." Eina agreed with the young adventurer. "But, I need to ask you; Where are you gonna stay?" She asked.

"That's a million dollar question, isn't it?" Braedey asked.

Bell then came up with an idea. "Hey, I have an idea. Why not join one of the Familias?" He suggested.

"But, which Familia should I go to?" Braedey asked.

"Maybe Bell's familia. Between you and me, it's not the most popular, so it could use some new members." Eina whispered to Braedey.

"I guess I can join. Is that okay with you, Bell?" Braedey asked the white-hair male.

"If Goddess Hestia says it's okay, then it's okay with me." Bell replied to the brunette.

"Okay then, let's head there." Ben said stretching.

"After you get your magic stones cashed in." Eina inquired to Bell, gesturing to a small pouch on his belt.

"Okay." Bell walked over to the exchange desk, taking out only three small slivers of onyx purple crystals, and placing them in a tray. Once they were traded in, it only revealed tree coins, as the man behind the desk said it's 1,200 Valis, the currency of this world.

Eina walked up to Braedey. "So, are you sure about joining him?"

"Yeah. Besides, he seems like a good kid. And maybe I can train him" Braedey replied. "Plus, he knows of my identity, and I think the Familia will be a good start for me."


Later that evening, as the sun was setting below the horizon, the colours of gold, red, orange, yellow shining across the vast landscape, Braedey and Bell were making their way down the city streets, heading off to what could be the far edge of town, basically abandoned. It also looked like the place was hit by a multitude of attacks.

'So this is why Miss Eina said it wasn't so popular. Or maybe an example.' Braedey thought to himself, following after Bell.

The duo soon stop by what could be the still intact yet dilapidated church. Braedey gave a small nod to the place, while performing a cross motion with his hand (first point to the forehead, second to the chest, third to left, and fourth to right), and follows after Bell. Braedey then noticed the white-hair wall up to a wall, and reveal a secret passage. Braedey had to mentally admit, it was pretty cool.

They soon reach an underground section of the church. "Hello, are you still here, Goddess?" Bell called out. A girly squeal was heard next, and the next moment, Braedey saw the white-hair tee get hugged by a short girl.

The girl is a beautiful, petite Goddess with a youthful appearance. She has blue eyes and black hair tied into two twintails that reach down to her mid thighs. Her hair is tied with a pair of hair accessories featuring blue and white petals along with bell shaped ornaments. She has a small frame, around 4ft 7" tall, which further emphasizes her rather ample breasts. Her attire is a white minidress with a blue ribbon around her neck and one tied under her breasts around her arms, a pair of white gloves, and is barefooted.

"Welcome home, Bell." The girl greeted Bell, as he smiled, taking off his coat, belt, and boots.

'She must be the goddess that Eina was talking about.' Braedey thought. He showed a tiny blush on his cheeks for seeing the Goddesses' large.. assets, but focused on her face instead, acting more like a gentleman.

"My, you sure are back early." The Goddess added to Bell.

"Yeah, I almost got myself killed in the dungeon today." Bell replied calmly.

The Goddess then started to look around him worriedly and in concern. "What!? You're not hurt are you!? I mean if you were dead, it would've totally given me a heart attack."

Bell then picked her up by the shoulders and placed her down. "I'm fine, Goddess. I swear, I'm the only other member of the Hestia familia. I'm not going to get killed and abandon my precious Goddess." He reassured. Braedey cleared his throat, and the two then looked towards him, now the two getting his attention. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Goddess, meet Braedey Martin. I brought him here to join the Hestia Familia." The white-hair male introduced.

"Hi there. Good to meet you, Goddess Hestia." Braedey nodded with a bow.

"Same here. It's good more people are joining my familia." Hestia stopped, looking at the brunette. "Why do I feel like I've seen you before?" She looked him over, then saw the Transformatrix insignia on his jacket. "OH MY GOODNESS!!! YOU'RE THE BRAEDEY MARTIN!!?? THE KNIGHT OF THE PRIMES, 'SAVIOUR OF THE UNIVERSE', AND THE ONE WHO DEFEATED DRAGONSTORM THE BEAST!!!!" She yelled out in shock and amazement, dancing in place.

"Wait. Goddess, how do you know Braedey?" Bell asked in confusion.

"He was the topic of the century before we Gods and Goddesses came down to this world." Hestia explained to Bell. "And to think the most powerful being in the entire universe and the most durable adventurer will be part of my familia!!! This is the best day ever!!!!" She screamed.

Braedey sweat dropped. 'Guess this is going to be an interesting new life I have.' He thought to himself.

The rest of the night went fairly well. Hestia kept doting over Bell about going down into the dungeon on his own, while Braedey just watched on with a bit of amusement. He also explained to the Goddess how he came here, along with what his world is like, much to the two's interest. The trio sat down to eat some potato croquettes Hestia brought home with her, and the Transformatrix bearer thanked the Goddess for the meal, which she thanked him back.

After that, Hestia gave him the blessing, part of which involved her having him lay on his front on the bed, and straddling his rear, and while she did something onto his bare back. It was rather embarrassing for the brunette, and once Hestia was finished, he saw there was a type of tattoo and marking on his back, and with some kind of emblem in the middle of his back. Bell explained to the Transformatrix bearer that it was there to signify which Familia he belonged to, and to check out their stats. With Braedey's, it was rather... unexpected, since they couldn't be identified.

Soon, it was late in the evening. Bell and Hestia were sitting on the couch, while Braedey was on the back, his jacket hanging by the doorway with Bell's coat, along with their shoes. Braedey had taken his jeans off, hanging them by the edge of the bed, leaving him in only his black short-sleeve shirt and a pair of black boxer shorts.

"Are you sure you want me to sleep on the bed?" Braedey asked Hestia and Bell. "I don't wish to be a burden."

"It's quite alright." Hestia reassured him. "Besides, you are the newest member of the Hestia Familia. You should have the bed."

"Well, thank you again, Goddess Hestia. You too, Bell, for welcoming me into your Familia." Braedey thanked the two. "Maybe tomorrow morning, I could tell some of my battle stories and adventures I've been on back home."

"That be interesting." Hestia spoke up. "I would like to hear about your adventures and battles." She then blew out the candlelight. "See you in the morning."

"You too, Goddess." Braedey nodded, resting his head on the pillow, pulled the bedsheets over his body, then closed his eyes, falling into a deep slumber.

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