Chapter 3: Braedey's Beginning

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The next morning, the sun rose over the Labyrinth City Orario, as a new day dawns across the land. The people of the city prepare themselves for the day ahead, many of them heading off to work at their businesses, while some head off to the dungeons down below to fight against monsters and creatures of the below.

Down at the old church, Braedey woke to the soft sound of birds chirping in the distance. He sat up in his bed, then looked over to Bell and Hestia, the two of them cuddling one another on the couch, and with a bedsheet covering them. Braedey gave a small smirk, guessing the Goddess liked Bell. He got out of bed, picked up his clothes, then after a quick shower, got changed, and was ready for the day.

"Morning, Bell. Morning, Goddess." Braedey spoke quietly, the two of them slowly waking up. "You two sleep well?"

"I always sleep better when I'm with Bell." Hestia smirked, making Bell's face flush a pink colour.

"Well, that is good news." Braedey sat up on the bed. "So, why don't I talk about some of my stories over some breakfast?" He offered.

"That sounds like a great idea." Bell agreed. He then noticed three plates of fresh cooked food on the table nearby. It was strips of bacon with small sausages, and potato slices, or hash browns. "Whoa. Where did these come from?" He wondered.

"Thanks to me." Braedey spoke up.

"Not only are you the famous 'Knight of the Primes', but you can cook as well?" Hestia squealed happily. "Oh, the others are gonna be so jealous."

"Well, Braedey, why don't you tell us about your stories while we have breakfast?" Bell asked, handing one plate of food to Hestia, as he held his own.

"Of course." Braedey agreed. "Well, it all happened one day, when I was ten, and at the start of Summer vacation..." He began, as he thought back to when he obtained the Transformatrix...


The setting is in a forest. Nighttime was encroaching as the sun began to set as a few twinkling stars shined in the sky. A cascade of red and orange had been cast across the late evening sky, but was obscured by the woods.

There is a brown haired boy walking down a forest trail. He wore a white short-sleeve shirt with a blue stripe going down the centre that stretched around his collar, a pair of black cargo pants, and white/blue sneakers that resembled the ones they had seen Braedey wear.

Braedey was only 10 years old at this point in time. But, this point in time was very significant for Braedey. In fact, this... is where it all began.

Braedey was walking along the forest trail with his hands in his pockets and a frustrated expression on his face.

"Aw man... this is gonna be the worst vacation ever." Ten-year-old Braedey complained. "I might as well have stayed home with Mum and Dad." He stopped walking and looked up, to see a streak of reddish-orange light shooting across the sky. "Whoa..." He marvelled. "Its a shooting star."

All of a sudden, the meteor pulled a ninety degree angle and was now heading straight for Braedey. Braedey's eyes widened in shock and fear as the streak of light expanded into a fireball, coming straight for him. He let out a yelp, as he turned on his heels and ran as fast as he could. The meteor crashed into the ground right behind Braedey, creating a bright conflagration. Chunks of earth and a dust cloud from thrown up from the force of the impact.

As the dust cloud settled, there was a newly formed trench forged by the falling star. At the end of the smoking furrow, a remarkably unharmed Braedey was lying on his stomach. Braedey got up unscathed and walked toward the edge of the smoking crater where he looked down into it. He could see a large segmented sphere that was glowing red from its re-entry into the atmosphere.

"It looks like some kind of a satellite or something." Braedey noted.

Braedey laid his hands on his knees and hunched over, trying to get a closer look into the hole. Without warning, the earth beneath him crumbled away and caused him to fall into the crater.

"YAAAHH!" Braedey cried out as he slid into the trench.

Young Braedey quickly got up and calmly looked at the silver, metallic orb. Suddenly, steam slipped out from the interlocking plates of the sphere as it split open, making gear shifting sounds. A beeping sound was heard as a blue light emanated from the inside of the container.

Braedey peered into the sphere to see a strange, bulky watch lying in the centre. A dial rested in the centre, only it had no numbers or hands, but rather a blue angular face symbol. The wristband appeared to be comprised of a thick, blackish-grey material. It had two blue buttons on both sides, and four white pipes that extended from the dial and around the rest of the watch. A faint glow shined from the dial and bathed the newly forged crater in a cobalt blue colour.

"It's a watch?" Braedey said absentmindedly. "What is a watch doing in outer space?"

Braedey smirked as he stretched out his left hand to pick up the device and examine it. Shockingly, the watch lunged out of the sphere, opened up, and clamped down on Braedey's left wrist, locking in with the sound of a car's hood being unlocked.

"AAHHH!" Braedey screamed, frantically shaking his arm. "GET OFF ME! GET OFF! GET OFF!"

The brown haired boy grunted as he tried to pull the watch off, but to no avail. In his panic, Braedey lost his balance and fell on his back. He got back up and climbed out of the crater, making a mad dash into the forest.

"Grandpa Jackson!" He yelled.

A few minutes later, Braedey was in the middle of a small clearing with a stick in his hand; shoving it under the watch and trying to get it to come off. However, his attempts proved fruitless when the stick broke off. Braedey groaned in aggravation and fell to his knees.

Braedey turned his attention to the watch, and unknowingly pressed a button on the side of it. He was caught off guard by an electronic beep and when the dial popped up. He looked around to see if anyone was watching. As young Braedey turned his gaze back to the watch, the angular face symbol shifted into a round shape the size of the dial that had a black silhouette of a humanoid with something on its back, making a shifting sound in the process.

"Whoa!" Braedey commented. "That's strange."

Braedey placed his index finger on the faceplate. At that moment, the young boy's eyes widen in wonder as he pressed down the dial. The brunette's body was engulfed in the blue light.

When the light died away, standing in Braedey's place was a 20ft tall robot with a bright yellow and jet black striped colour scheme. A pair of door wings are sitting on his back, similar to that of a pair of wings, with two tyres as the shoulders, with a muscle car-like front built into his chest, whilst the other two tyres are on his ankles. His legs were slim from the thighs to the knees, whilst below his knees, his lower legs were thick armoured. In addition, his arms were slim and wrapped in black and yellow, whilst his hands have four-digit fingers. His helm had two optics, a silver face with yellow armour wrapped around his helm, and two black racing stripes on it. Finally, the Transformatrix insignia was present in the centre of his chest.

The robot took one glance at himself; a horrified expression crossed his facial plate. "AHHHHH!" He yelled in a chirpy, beeping voice. Seeing his new body increased Braedey's anxiety by the second. "I'M A MONSTER!! AHHHHHH!" The boy-turned-Autobot began running around in panic.

Braedey then ceased his running about. "Hey. Wait a second..." He calmed down and looked at his body, clenching his fists in relief, then looking down at his form. "I'm a robot, and... and I'm okay. Hmm. I think I should give this a name... I know. Bumblebee!" He chuckled from his own pun, as he looked at his yellow-black paint.

A roguish smile grew on the Autobot's face as he glanced back at a tree. "Oh yeah." He turned to face the tree and stood in a wide stance with his arms ready at his sides. He held out his right hand, as the metal round his arm suddenly shifted into a two-barrel blaster. "Whoa. Here goes..."

He discharged a small blast of Energon, which blasted through the tree trunk and left a smoking hole in it.

"Whoa. Now, that's what I'm talking about." Bumblebee commented.

Caught up in the moment of his newfound abilities, Braedey deployed the second blaster from his left arm, and fired more blasts of Energon, and it easily went straight through three trees. But, as a result, those trees burst into flames.

Bumblebee's optics went wide in alarm when he realised what he had done. "No. Wait! Stop!"

Naturally, the fire ignored Bumblebee's pleas as it spread from tree-to-tree. He ran toward the epicentre of the newborn forest fire and started stomping his foot on the flaming ground. However, his metal feet did nothing to stop the spread of the inferno.

"Aw, scrap. I'm gonna be so dead for this." Bumblebee said nervously.

The growing forest fire seemed to go out of control, and looked like it was getting worse. A few flaming trees collapsed around Bumblebee, who was stomping the fire on the ground relentlessly.

"This would be so cool if it weren't so... not cool." Bumblebee commented.

Just then, a little girl came into view. She wore white shoes and pants, and a light blue shirt. She had shoulder length bright orange hair and blue eyes that matched Braedey's, while also being his age. She's carrying a red cylinder device that was shooting a stream of white foam, which extinguished the flames on contact.

This girl is Jessie Martin, the paternal cousin of Braedey.

As the orange haired girl walked around snuffing the flames, she unknowingly shot Bumblebee in the back. The Cybertronian yelped in surprise and turned around to face her, standing at his full 20ft height. The girl paused and looked up at the robot blankly before letting out a high-pitched scream.


Bumblebee held out his hands in a placating manner, kneeling down to her. "Look, I know I look really weird. But there's no reason to be scared."

Suddenly, the girl jumped up and slammed the butt of the fire extinguisher into Bumblebee's helm, which sent him careening back. He flipped in midair and landed on his stomach a few metres away. As Bumblebee lifted himself off the ground, he was greeted by a stream of white foam. When he finished coughing up the foam, he looked at Jessie with annoyance.

Jessie stood in front of Bumblebee with the hose of her fire extinguisher aimed straight at him. "I don't know what you are, but you'll stay down there if you know what's good for you." She threatened.

Bumblebee grinned mischievously and flicked a burning rock toward Jessie's feet, causing a tiny flame to ignite on her shoe. Jessie squealed in surprise, as she stumbled back on one leg and sprayed the white foam on her shoe.

Once the flame on her shoe was extinguished, Jessie glared back at Bumblebee and held the fire extinguisher over her head in a threatening manner. "I warned you."

"Don't even think about trying to hit me again, red." Bumblebee mocked, narrowing his optics. "It ain't gonna hurt."

Jessie paused, as her eyes widened in recognition. She lowered the fire extinguisher and looked at the metal humanoid in moderate shock. "Braedey? I-Is that you?" She questioned, awed. "What happened?"

"Well," Bumblebee explained, "when I was walking through the forest, this huge meteor fell from the sky and almost crushed me. Except it wasn't a meteor or a satellite, but this weird and cool watch suddenly jumped up on my wrist, and when I tried to get it off, I suddenly turned into this robot guy I call Bumblebee, and I was accidentally starting this mega forest fire."

"Jessie!" Suddenly, an old man with short dark brown hair and half rotund/slender figure ran into view. He wore black boots, blue jeans, and a white t-shirt ran up. "Are you al-" He stopped and gawked at Bumblebee. "What in blazes?"

This man was known as Grandpa Jackson, the grandfather of both Braedey and Jessie, and the one that brought them out on Summer Vacation.

"Hey grandpa, guess who?" Jessie remarked.

"It's me, Grandpa Jackson." Bumblebee greeted, waving his hand at him.

"Braedey?" Grandpa Jackson said, surprised. "What happened to you?"

"Well, when I was walking through the forest, this meteor-"

The boy-turned-Autobot was interrupted by a nervous Jessie. "Um, excuse me. Major forest fire burning out of control. Remember?"

"What are we gonna do now?" Braedey asked, turning to the growing inferno eating away at the forest.

Jackson glanced at the forest fire with a thoughtful expression. He then looked back at Braedey, and answered his question. "Backfire. Start a new fire, and let it burn into the old fire. They should snuff each other out. Think you can do it, Braedey?"

"Cause another fire? That I can definitely do." Bumblebee replied, smirking.

Braedey turned to face the other side of the forest fire, then suddenly, there was some weird gear-shifting noises coming from the human-turned-robot, as he felt his body shrink while his armoured parts shifted. In a couple of a second, the sounds stopped, as Braedey then realised something: Bumblebee has some type of vehicle mode.

His vehicle mode was that of a yellow and black muscle car vehicle known as the Urbana 500.

Bumblebee revved his engine a few times, enjoying the overall feel of being in vehicular mode. He noted that he had great peripheral and central vision, and also a set of scanners that can detect things all around him.

Once transformed into his vehicle mode, he shifted himself into gear, then floored his accelerator, kicking up dust from his rear tyres, and raced right into the blaze, the flames not even affecting his body at all, while Grandpa Jackson and Jessie headed back to the campsite.

After driving some distance away from the forest fire, Bumblebee stopped and transformed into robot mode at the edge of a section of unburnt woods. He held out his arms, deployed his blasters, and instantly opened fire at the trees, creating a second forest fire. Bumblebee smiled as the two fires burned into each other, and grew smaller and smaller from the decreasing oxygen in the air.

Once done that, he headed off to get back to Jessie and Grandpa Jackson, and hoping not to get caught by the local park rangers.


Hestia was in awe of the story, as was Bell. Just hearing the tale of how he gained his powers was like the story of an adventurer.

"...and ever since that day, my life has changed for the better." Braedey concluded.

"That's so cool! What happened next? Were there bad guys you faced back then?" Hestia asked, practically jumping in place on the couch.

"Well, there was one time when I was ten, and mind you I was scared of them, when I faced against a man that was dressed like a Pirate, and he was a downright freak..." Braedey began his next story about his fight against Redbeard the Pirate...


The setting was what appeared to be a circus tent. It was rather dark as the only lighting was being shined down on the red and white stripped circle-shaped arena in the centre.

A young Braedey in the centre, lying on his stomach, after falling from a height. At that moment, a creepy-looking pirate person walked into the light.

He looked to be a middle-aged Caucasian male, with a large red bushy beard that reached down to the middle of his chest. He had a black pirate hat with a skull and crossbones on top of his head, with a blue gem just above the crossbones. The head had dark brown hair underneath that reached down to above the beard's starting point. He was wearing a large red coat with a dark blood red interior, black pants, and brown boots. His eyes were acid yellow with black pupils. His appearance aside, what really made him creepy was his wide smile that exposed his rotten yellow teeth, along with the large hydraulic claw with serrated teeth that was in place of his right hand.

Braedey turned and looked up at the pirate with a fearful expression. Then, the sound of wailing moans could be heard filling the room. Braedey noticed what appeared to be ghosts moving inside the pirate's blue gem.

"Now... don't tell me you're afraid of old Redbeard the Pirate." The pirate taunted.

Young Braedey's blue eyes widened when he saw an apparition of Jessie in the gem on Redbeard's hat. Her skin was wrinkled and her body was on fire, but what was even more frightening was that she was laughing the whole time. Braedey crawled back and got on his knees, lowering his head.

"W-what is it that you want?" He requested.

After hearing Braedey's question, Redbeard's creepy smile widened as he snapped his claw. As a result, a light shined down on the other end of the tent. It was a large, unusual machine with five big, blue gems that were similar to the ones on Redbeard's hat. Inside those circular orbs, the images of ghosts could be seen. On top were a set of intricately shaped pipes that were pumping out steady streams of smoke.

Suddenly, two long, metal tubes stretched out from the machine and connected to Redbeard's back. Redbeard then arose into the air and looked down at Braedey with a big, horrifying smile.

Redbeard moved a couple metres in front of Braedey, floating a few feet off the ground. "Only what every funny pirate with his big hat and swashbuckling crew wants... to make people laugh!" His expression then became maniacal as he spoke in a low, disturbing voice, whilst snapping his claw, sending sparks flying. "Then drain all their positive energy... like a sponge in a pool party!" His face returned to normal as he shrugged innocently. "Is that so wrong?"

Still looking down, Braedey demanded. "Is that the giant machine you used to suck the happiness out of your audience, and leave them to die?"

"I call it the Cy-Catch!" He responded, glancing back at the machine. "Clever, eh? Gotta hand it to Lockdown, he knows how to get some cool toys. Soon, I'll be taking my act to the big cities. Millions of people laughing for me... feeding me... making me stronger!"

Braedey looked back up at Redbeard. "I... I want my cousin back, Redbeard!"

"Oh! Your cousin?" Redbeard leaned down, and then stood back up. "Didn't you hear?" He pointed several metres behind him to reveal Jessie lying on the ground unconscious, her skin wrinkled up; much to Braedey's horror shock. "She ran away with the circus!" Redbeard joked.

After getting over his initial shock, Braedey looked back at Redbeard and stood up, narrowing his eyes in anger. "Okay, that's it." Braedey activated the Transformatrix. "I am gonna make you regret ever meeting me and taking my cousin!"

After slamming the dial down, his body was engulfed in blue light. When the flash died away, it revealed a ghostlike-robot form with black cracks over its body. This was the form known as Cloaker.

Cloaker is a 20ft tall robot with a dark grey and silvery colour scheme, whilst it was transparent, like a ghost. A pair of door wings are sitting on his back, similar to that of a pair of wings, with two tyres as the shoulders, with a muscle car-like front built into his chest, whilst the other two tyres are on his ankles. His legs were slim from the thighs to the knees, whilst below his knees, his power legs were thick armoured. In addition, his arms were slim and wrapped in black and grey, whilst his hands had four-digit fingers. His helm had two optics, a silver face with its facial features hidden behind a battle mask that was a fixed feature, with grey armour wrapped around his helm. A series of black cracks were spread across its body from the helm to the chest, arms, and legs. The only things that stood out were the blue optics, and the Transformatrix dial was displayed on its chest.

Redbeard looked up at Cloaker blankly for a brief moment before he smiled and shook his hands, indifferent. "Nice try, kid." He puffed out his chest and folded his arms. "But I sell the tricks. I don't buy 'em."

"I just figured out... that there is something I'm even more afraid of than you..." Cloaker stated in his raspy voice. He reared back his right fist and delivered a right hook into Redbeard's face, making him stumble back and spin around a couple times. Cloaker then vanished from sight. "...losing my family to some goofball, emotional black-market, pirate vampire..." The tubes connected to Redbeard lifted him up in the air as he looked around with an angry mien. " other words..." Cloaker appeared behind Redbeard. The pirate turned around just in time to see Cloaker's fist collide with his nose, leaving a fist impression on it. " are going down with your ship."

Redbeard clenched his teeth and snarled, enraged. He remained silent as he looked around the tent, searching for any sign of his opposition. Suddenly, a wooden plank flew out of nowhere and smacked him in the head, sending the clown crashing into his Cy-Catch machine. It surged with blue electricity, causing the the blue orbs on the machine to explode. At that moment, the wailing forms of the various ghosts flew out of the machine. One of them flew into Jessie's body, which caused her to return to normal.

Still attached to the tubes, Redbeard hovered out of the wreckage of his device, glaring up at Cloaker. "I'm warning you to back off." He threatened.

"You want to see something... really scary..." Cloaker grabbed onto both sides of his chestplates, then as he opened the chest opened, a loud screeching noise could be heard, as dark waves of energy could be seen inside, along with a volley of horrendous gray tentacles.

Redbeard's eyes widened in terror, as he jumped back, crashing into his wrecked machine once more. The tubes disconnected, causing him to fall to the floor. He quickly crawled back toward the destroyed contraption and rolled up into a ball, trembling in trepidation.

"Oh... don't tell me that you are afraid of an ole Decepticon ghost now, are you?" The ghostlike Transformer rasped, leaning closer toward the frightened pirate.

Redbeard looked away as he shielded his face with his hands. "Please... no more!" He begged.

Cloaker held out his hands, unsheathing his talon-like fingers. "Ha-ha... Boo!"

In response, Redbeard's beard caught fire, along with the rest of his body, and exploded in a cloud of smoke.

"Whoa!" Cloaker looked down at his hands, equally dumbfounded. "That kind of even freaked me out."

In a flash of red, Cloaker transformed back to Braedey. He immediately turned his attention to Jessie, who was still unconscious, and ran over to her. After checking her pulse, he then picked her up in a fireman's hold, and headed out of the tent immediately.

~*~*~(End Flashback)~*~*~

After hearing that backstory about Braedey and his encounter with Redbeard the Pirate, Hestia felt a bit bad for Braedey having a fear of pirates, but she and Braedey felt happy he dealt with him.

"So, Braedey, do you still fear pirates?" Bell asked him.

"No. After dealing with Redbeard, I no longer fear pirates, or anything like that." Braedey replied. "He became nothing more but a distant memory." He then shuddered a little. "However, one of my fears came from a form escaping the Transformatrix..." He then recounted his encounter and fight with the Decepticon ghost form in the Transformatrix known as Cloaker.

Cloaker was originally stuck in the form of the same name, but over time, he managed to gain control over it and escape the Transformatrix, becoming one of Braedey's most dangerous enemies. Cloaker has a twisted, arrogant, power-hungry and sadistic personality. Anyone whom he considers as inferior is either tormented for his amusement or is manipulated and later destroyed once his/her usefulness has ended. He a careful and brilliant master planner, able to come up with highly resourceful, cunning and complex schemes and plans, through which he aims to gain immense power for himself and domination over entire worlds.


The scene started in what appeared to be a gymnasium, judging by the wooden floors, bleachers, and laid out floor mats. However, there were three, weird-looking individuals wearing matching outfits, all of them were laughing hard at a security guard they had tied up to a couple banners attached to the gym's ceiling.

One was a lean man with wrinkly, pale skin and possessing a bit of a hunched back. He had two bits of straight black hair poking out from the front of his head. Though his eyes were red, his right eye had a large pupil while the left eye had a smaller pupil. He wore an outfit that was black with bright yellow stripes on his arms. This man was named Acid Breath.

The second character was a curvaceous female with pale skin and wore a black, body-fitting outfit with yellow stripes on her arms. The outfit seemed a little tight on her form, further enhancing her curves, and looked like it was slightly tight for her chest. Her hair was quite bizarre. It was dark blood red and tied into five tendrils with black balls at the end. This lady is named Whipwing.

The third figure was the biggest of the trio. He had a hulking body structure and wore a similar outfit as his two comrades. What really separated him from the other two, and disgusted the group, was the giant toenail on his bald forehead. This man was known as Thumbskull.

These three misfits are known as the Circus Freakshows. They used to work with a man that went by the name of Redbeard the Pirate.

Suddenly, a set of doors open to reveal a ten-year-old Braedey walking in. The Freak's laughing immediately ceased as soon as they spotted the young hero.

"What? You freakshows again?!" Braedey shouted incredulously.

"It's that kid who took down Redbeard." Thumbskull said.

Whipwig stepped forward and glared at the pre-teen boy. "That was a sweet gig working for that pirate, and you completely ruined it! Now, it's payback time, kid." She stated angrily. "Get ready for the spanking of a lifetime!"

"A little Hotrod action should light a fire under you freaks." Braedey remarked as he activated the Transformatrix and slammed down the dial. In a usual flash of blue, Braedey transformed; however, instead of Hotrod, he changed into a 20ft tall robot with a dark grey and silvery colour scheme, whilst it was transparent, like a ghost. A pair of door wings are sitting on his back, similar to that of a pair of wings, with two tyres as the shoulders, with a muscle car-like front built into his chest, whilst the other two tyres are on his ankles. His legs were slim from the thighs to the knees, whilst below his knees, his power legs were thick armoured. In addition, his arms were slim and wrapped in black and grey, whilst his hands had four-digit fingers. His helm had two optics, a silver face with its facial features hidden behind a battle mask that was a fixed feature, with grey armour wrapped around his helm. A series of black cracks were spread across its body from the helm to the chest, arms, and legs. The only things that stood out were the blue optics, and the Transformatrix dial was displayed on its chest.

"Cloaker...?" Braedey looked at himself in what appeared to be shock, given his widened optics. "I didn't pick you!"

"Nice trick, kid." Acid Breath remarked.

Thumbskull ambled over to the bleachers and, shockingly, ripped out a few sections of seats with little effort. He lifted the wooden and metal load over his head and tossed it at Cloaker, which crashed down on him as a dust cloud filled the gym. Acid Breath cocked his head back and spat out a stream of powerful green acid. The debris sizzled and steadily dissolved upon contact from the highly acidic spit.

"But we ain't scared of no ghosts." Acid Breath quipped, earning a round of full hearty laugher from his comrades.

Suddenly, Cloaker phased out from the acid-covered debris unscathed; however, for some unknown reason, a much creepier, bone-chilling aura began to emanate from Cloaker.

"You should be!" Cloaker hissed angrily.

Cloaker charged at the nearest Circus Freakshow, which happened to be Acid Breath. The other two Freakshows dived out of the way as Acid Breath spat another blast of acid. This time, Cloaker went intangible and phased through the floor before the attack could hit him. He came back up underneath the floor mat beneath Acid Breath's feet and lifted them both into the air, and casually tossed them into the wall. The acid-spitting man slammed into the wall first, and then the mat slammed into him. He collapsed on the mat on the floor, unconscious.

Thumbskull charged Cloaker from behind, but the Ectonurite Cybertronian saw it coming. He became invisible/intangible and phased through the hulking Freakshow. Thumbskull turned his head around to find his opponent, but to no avail. Suddenly, Cloaker appeared behind Thumbskull and stuck his hands, which were still intangible, into his skull. As a result, the toenail-headed giant let out a loud, pain-filled yell and collapsed to his knees.

Whipwig reared her head back and whipped her hair tendrils at Cloaker, which entangled around his left wrist. Gray let out a yelp of alarm when Cloaker phased through the floor with Whipwig's hair still wrapped on his arm and slammed her head into it. When she tried to get up, his hand reached out of the floor to grab her face and repeatedly slammed her it into the floor.

At that moment, Grandpa Jackson and Jessie ran up, standing in the doorway to the gymnasium. "Something's wrong!" Jackson said, staring wide-eyed at his grandson. "I've never seen Braedey being so vicious!"

Jessie rushed forward with shock and outrage plastered on her features. "YOU'RE TRASHING THE WHOLE GYM!" She screamed. "Are you TRYING to ruin my chances of getting accepted here?!" When Jessie didn't get a response, she started to become even more incredulous. "Braedey, answer me!"

The air seemed to go cold as Cloaker slowly turned around, seemingly gazing deeply into Jessie's soul with his oddly evil optics.

"Braedey's not here!" The cold and raspy voice hissed out, causing Jessie's angry expression to drop instantly.

Suddenly, Cloaker appeared in front of Jessie. "BOO!" The orange-haired girl yelped in fear as she fell on her butt, earning a round of raspy laughter from the ghostlike alien.

Without warning, a brown leather punching bag flew out of nowhere and smacked straight into Cloaker, sending him into a wall. As Thumbskull and Whipwig rushed for the gym's other doorway, the former picked up an unconscious Acid Breath and slung him over his broad shoulder.

Cloaker phased out from the punching bag, unharmed from the blow. "Guess they didn't learn their lesson." He rasped as he shifted into vehicle mode, a dark grey version of Sideswipe's vehicle mode, and phased after the trio.

Cloaker raced after the trio of Circus Freakshows, only to hear the dreaded sound of the Transformatrix timing out. He shifted into robot mode, running off into the shadows of a nearby building. "NO! I'm not going back!" He rasped, just as a red flash engulfed him, leaving only Braedey in a small corridor alcove.

"Man, am I glad to be rid of that freak." young Braedey muttered to himself.

"Awww! And I thought we were close..." a familiar, cold, raspy voice said.

Braedey jumped in fear and alarm. Unbelievably, Cloaker was standing over the young Braedey Martin! How could this be?

"So nice to finally meet you... face-to-face!" Cloaker hissed.

Braedey didn't respond immediately as he was frozen in fear and shock. But the young hero finally managed to regain his ability to speak. "This can't be happening! You can't be you! I am you!" Braedey shouted, desperately trying to rationalize the situation in his ten-year-old head.

"I was NEVER 'you'!" Cloaker rasped angrily. "An Ectonurite Cybertronian's consciousness exists, even in a few strands of DNA! When the sample was taken for the Transformatrix, I was trapped inside!"

Braedey was speechless upon this revelation.

"But now," Cloaker continued, catching the teen's attention. "I can reveal my true self!"

All of a sudden, long, uneven black talons sprouted out from Cloaker's hands. His white-and-black cracked armour began to break off and tear away, showing greyish-purple armour underneath. A volley of squiggling grey tentacles burst from his stomach area. He reached up and ripped off the white armour on his face, revealing an upside-down deformed Cybertronian helm that had a black crack on the left side with a single purple optic that burned with malicious intent. Its lips were black as night while its teeth were jagged and uneven.

"Yikes. And I thought an Insecticon was ugly..." Braedey mused. "What is it that you want?" He demanded.

"I need the power of the Transformatrix to make myself whole again." Cloaker answered. The already scary aura surrounding Cloaker intensified as he stepped closer towards Braedey. "To do that, I have to take over your body. Now... let's see how you like being trapped inside someone else!"

Braedey stepped out from underneath the alcove, shielded his face with his arms, and closed his eyes. As the released Transformatrix alien reached out for Braedey, his greyish-purple hand sizzled and burned as soon as it came in contact with the sunlight.

Cloaker let out a painful shriek as he moved backwards, phasing through the wall and out of sight. Braedey uncovered his eyes to see Ghostfreak nowhere in sight. Still panicked, Braedey turned around and bumped into his Grandpa Jackson and cried out in alarm.

"Braedey... take it easy." Jackson placated, resting his hands on his grandson's shoulders. "You look like you've just seen a ghost."

Braedey looked back at his grandpa with a nervous expression. He showed a small nod, and the two head off back to the building.

~*~*~(Pause Flashback)~*~*~

"So, Cloaker really wanted to take your body in order to be whole again?" Bell spoke up, as Braedey stopped to take questions. His answer was a nod from the brunette.

"But, why wasn't he able to touch you?" Hestia asked next.

"When the original Cloaker escaped from the Transformatrix, his body was incomplete. He no longer possessed his resistance to sunlight." Braedey explained. "That is why he needed to remerge with me... so he'd be whole again."

"Well... did he merge with you again?" Hestia asked.

The two of them were listening to Braedey's conversation and backstory, and were rather intrigued yet a bit spooked about Cloaker.

~*~*~(Continue Flashback)~*~*~

It was nighttime and both Grandpa Jackson, Braedey, and Jessie were in the middle of Bancroft Academy's schoolyard. The trio were walking along a sidewalk, the former carrying an odd handheld device that was blinking and beeping.

"We've been at this for hours." Jessie complained. "If Cloaker trashes the campus, I'll never get admitted!"

Jackson and Braedey stopped and looked back at her incredulously. In response, Jessie smiled and rubbed the back of her neck in a sheepish manner. "Not like that isn't important as saving all these innocent people..."

Grandpa Jackson walked forward and stopped in front of a stone archway before looking back at his grandchildren. "I'm picking up on some trace spectral activity from around that corner." He informed.

"Okay, let me get my game face on." Braedey grinned.

He pressed a button on the side of his Transformatrix, causing the dial to pop up. He scrolled until he found the form he wanted and slammed down the core. In a flash of blue, Braedey was now a 27ft tall Autobot. He was large and bulky, painted in dark yellow with dark grey highlights, along with hazard signs across his arms; he has four arms. He has a set of large wheels on the back of his shoulders, while four smaller wheels were part of the ankles. The arms are fairly long with large hammer-like piledrivers on all four elbows, whilst the legs were short, similar to a gorilla, whilst two large tank treads were on his back, and had a large lower jaw and chin. The Transformatrix is centred on his chest.

"Piledriver... I meant to do that!" Piledriver commented; referring to how he got the alien he dialed up. He walked forward with confidence in his strides. "Maybe I'm finally getting the hang of this thing."

Before anyone could comment, the sounds of screaming filled the area. Everyone turned to see a group of students running down a flight of stone stairs from a building with a clock tower. Piledriver, Jackson, and Jessie ran toward the commotion.

Casually walking out from the building was Thumbskull and Whipwig with one of her hair tendrils wrapped around a panicked, black-haired schoolgirl.

"I haven't got time for you, freaks. So the party's over!" Piledriver stated.

"You got it all wrong, metalhead." Whipwig retorted, folding her arms over her rather ample chest. "It's just about to really get rolling!"

Acid Breath stepped into view; however, there was something different about him. He was giving off a spine-chilling aura. In addition, the cracked skin around his eyes was black while his iris was purple.

"And... it's a surprise party." Acid Breath added in a familiar, raspy voice. All of a sudden, much to the gang's shock, Cloaker phased out of Acid Breath's body. "Hello Braedey... have you been working out?" Cloaker taunted.

"Cloaker..." Piledriver said.

"Ugh..." Jessie looked away in disgust of the deformed Cybertronian. "Major horror show..."

"You ain't seen nothin' yet!" The ghostlike alien remarked.

Without warning, Cloaker became intangible, flew towards Piledriver, and proceeded to take over his body; instead, his form changed into a grey paste that stuck to Piledriver body. The four-armed Autobot grunted, as he grabbed the paste and pulled hard. After a short moment, he finally ripped off the substance and tossed it away, which instantly reformed into Cloaker.

"Ah... it seems I cannot merge with your alien forms." Cloaker realised. "No matter, time is on my side. You will be human again soon enough."

"But we have a surprise of our own!" Jackson quipped as he pulled out a high-tech gun with a big light-bulb at the end.

When he pulled the trigger, the gun fired a brilliant blue beam at Cloaker. The Ectonurite Cybertronian managed to dodge a direct hit, but the light still grazed his hand and caused it to sizzle and smoke.

"AHH!" Cloaker shouted in pain. "Daylight at night!?"

"Sun-Gun." Jackson stated, taking aim at Cloaker once more. "Projects a beam as bright as pure sunlight."

"Clever..." Cloaker flew to his left to avoid another light-beam. "But not clever enough!"

Cloaker swiftly escaped into Thumbskull's body before the light could touch him. Black cracks started to spread around his eyes and he started to grind his teeth in agony.

"I... hate... this...!" Thumbskull strained.

Thumbskull ceased his struggling and looked down at Braedey, Jessie, and Jackson with purple eyes and a sinister smile.

"As long as I am in a host's body, your weapon has no effect!" Cloaker/Thumbskull rasped.

The possessed Freakshow charged forward and sent a right hook into Piledriver's chin, making him stumble back a few meters. Cloaker/Thumbskull charged at him again, but Braedey was quick to sidestep out of his path, causing him to crash into a stone statue. A cloud of dust was thrown up and clouded the freakshow's vision. As it finally settled, he was taken by surprise when Piledriver snuck up behind him. He wrapped his large arms around the freak's torso and fell backwards, smacking him hard into the ground.

Whipwig slapped her forehead in frustration while Acid Breath quickly ran in to assist his comrade. Meanwhile, Piledriver picked up Cloaker/Thumbskull and ran straight through a tree and two statues before tossing him away.

Acid Breath reared his head back and exhaled a stream of deadly acid at Piledriver. The four-arm Autobot ran to his left and dived behind a flowerbed for cover. The flowers and the stone bricks sizzled and melted instantly.

Piledriver looked over the pile of melting stone to see Acid Breath leap up on top of Cloaker/Thumbskull's shoulders. Braedey could see they were planning to use their abilities in sync to try and overwhelm him. He immediately took action and sprinted forward. Before the duo could make a move, Piledriver clotheslined Acid Breath; which caused him to fall to the ground unconscious. Cloaker/Thumbskull retaliated by jumping at him, but the four-arm Autobot saw this coming and threw the hulking freakshow over his shoulders, sending him crashing into the stairs.

Cloaker exited from Thumbskull's body and swiftly entered Whipwig's. Black cracks appeared around her eyes while her pupils turned purple. Cloaker/Whipwig glared down at Piledriver, and proceeded down the stairs, tossing the frightened girl entangled in her hair tendrils away in the process.

The student screamed in terror; however, before she could smash into the concrete sidewalk, Jessie jumped in the way and broke her fall. Though the school girl was shaken up, she was physically unharmed.

As Cloaker/Whipwig charged at Piledriver, he attempted to grab the possessed freak. But she dove between his legs and wrapped her hair tendrils around his ankles. When she popped up behind him, she pulled and brought Piledriver straight to the ground. She pulled once more and amazingly tossed the red four-armed alien a few metres in front of her.

Piledriver lifted up his head and scowled at the tentacle-haired woman. She stretched out her ball-tipped tentacles and whipped them at her foe, but Braedey skillfully blocked each attack with his hulking forearms. When one of her hair tendrils got caught around his upper left wrist, he pulled back his arm and pulled her off her feet, causing her to fly straight towards him.

As she opened her eyes, she could see Piledriver was now holding her by both shoulders and was glaring right into her purple eyes. In a matter of seconds, Piledriver took Whipwig's long hair and tied it around her body, and tossed her away.

"Go ahead and play 'musical freakshow' all yah want, Cloaker. I'll just kick their butts!" Piledriver stated, punching his upper left palm for emphasis.

"You're right." Cloaker admitted as he phased out of Whipwig. "Maybe I need a new partner." He then turned his upside down, deformed skull to Jessie, who was comforting the frightened girl. "Someone... more interesting for you to battle."

Braedey realised what Cloaker was implying; however, he was too late to act. "Jessie! Run!" He warned.

Jessie turned to Piledriver, only to see Cloaker coming straight for her, prompting her to let out a terrified scream. The ghostlike alien entered Jessie's body through her mouth, which forced her to her hands and knees. The skin around her eyes cracked and turned black while her iris became purple, signaling that Cloaker now had control over Braedey's cousin.

Jessie let out a raspy chuckle; much to the shapeshifter's disturbance. "Too late!" Cloaker/Jessie taunted. "Let's have some fun!"

Suddenly, Cloaker/Jessie jumped in the air to perform a roundhouse kick into Piledriver's face, but he stepped back to elude the hit. The possessed girl jumped around and delivered swift blows at Braedey. Most of them were easily avoided or blocked, but a few managed to hit their mark; not that they really hurt Piledriver.

Cloaker/Jessie latched onto Piledriver's upper right arm. Braedey responded by shaking her off, and tossing her face-first into a stone wall. When she hit the pavement, the black cracks around her eyes disappeared.

Jessie placed a hand on her head from the sudden pain she felt. When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was an angry Piledriver walking up behind her.

"Braedey?" Jessie spoke in her normal voice. "What are you doing?"

All of a sudden, Jessie's eyes turned purple as the black cracks reappeared, signifying that Cloaker had reclaimed control. She spun around and used her arms to propel her feet into Piledriver's face, and then used it to springboard herself onto the stone wall. Amazingly, she began to crawl straight up the wall like a spider.

Piledriver effortlessly scaled the wall after Cloaker/Jessie whilst Jackson conveniently climbed up a steel ladder a few feet away.

Piledriver pulled himself over the ledge and faced down his possessed cousin. However, before he could make a move, a familiar bleeping sound filled everyone's ears. Braedey gasped as he glanced down at the Transformatrix dial that was now blinking red.

"Ah..." Cloaker/Jessie sneered. "Sweet, sweet music to my ears..."

In a flash of red, Braedey transformed back to human. He slowly backed away as his possessed cousin menacingly sauntered toward him.


The brunette turned around to see Jackson kneeling on the wall's ledge with the Sun-Gun in hand. He tossed it at Braedey, who then caught it and turned around to take aim at Cloaker/Jessie.

"Get out of my cousin, Cloaker, so I can fry your pale metal hide!" Braedey exclaimed furiously.

The sinister smile on Cloaker/Jessie's face never left as she took a few steps forward, and put her hands on her hips nonchalantly. "I have a better idea: YOU drop the weapon, and I'll meld with you, then take over the entire world."

"Fat chance, you freak!" Braedey retorted.

Cloaker/Jessie then jumped on top of one of the stone columns lining the bridge, a step away from the ledge. "Then you'd better hope your cousin knows how to fly!" She grinned sadistically. "It's your choice, hero."

Braedey anxiously glanced back-and-forth between the Sun-Gun and his possessed cousin. Cloaker/Jessie smirked as she took a step back, just centimetres away from falling off. Then, without warning, the black cracks on her face and her purple eyes vanished and returned to normal.

Jessie groaned as she placed a hand on her head. "Braedey...?" She looked around in confusion. "W-what's happening?"

As Braedey lowered the light-based weapon, the Circus Freakshows jumped onto the wall a few metres to his left. As a result, the black cracks and purple eyes returned to Jessie's visage.

"The next sounds you hear will be your cousin's screams as she takes a big dive! HAHAHAHA!!!" Cloaker/Jessie cackled maniacally.

Braedey looked between the Circus Freakshows and Cloaker/Jessie and, left with no other options; he dropped the Sun-Gun. Cloaker immediately exited Jessie's body, causing her to cry out in agony. Jackson quickly rushed over and grabbed her shoulders to prevent her from falling off.

Cloaker then levitated between Braedey and the Freakshows. "Eliminate them both!" He ordered.

"We had a deal, you Halloween reject!" Braedey yelled.

"You had a deal with me! Not them." Cloaker countered, pointing at the three Freakshows, who had surrounded Jackson and Jessie. Whipwig entangled Jackson and Jessie in her powerful hair tendrils while Thumbskull got behind Jackson and wrapped his large arms around him.

When Braedey's eyes darted to the Sun-Gun, he quickly dashed toward it. Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough as Cloaker became intangible and stuck his long claws into Braedey's arms. As a result, Braedey shut his eyes and cried out in pain.

"Braedey! No!" Jackson shouted.

As Braedey squirmed and screamed in agony, a bolt of blue lightning shot out from the Transformatrix. The device let out a bleep as the faceplate turned blue, signaling that it was now fully recharged. Despite the pain, Braedey activated the Transformatrix. Just as Cloaker began to melt into his body, the boy hero slammed down the dial. A blue light engulfed Braedey's body. When the flash faded, Braedey was nowhere in sight. Cloaker, however, was floating in his place.

"Ah... together again. Just like old-" Cloaker's rant ceased as he coughed up something to the ground. Under closer observation, the object he spat out was actually GearRunner, which was in his small gear form.

GearRunner is a 10-inch-tall Cybertronian in a silver metallic colour scheme. His body is shaped like a human being, only with what could be a gear built into his back, with the Transformatrix insignia on his chest.

"Ugh... that's enough to make me gag, too." GearRunner quipped, shifting into his little robot mode.

GearRunner leapt on top of Whipwig's head like a frog. Whipwig released Jessie from her hair tentacles as she tried to get him off.

"Get him, you fools!" Cloaker ordered.

Thumbskull released Jackson and pushed him away as he, Whipwig, and Acid Breath rushed at GearRunner. As Whipwig reached up to grab the little alien, Acid Breath attempted to smack him off of her; however, the orange-haired Freakshow ducked under the blow. Thumbskull grabbed her by her leg, held her upside down, and shook her about like a martini drink, until GearRunner fell to the ground.

While the trio was not looking, he swiftly jumped onto Thumbskull's back. The Circus Freakshows looked around when they noticed GearRunner wasn't in Whipwig's hair anymore.

"Where'd that little pipsqueak go?" Thumbskull said while turning around, showing the other Freakshows that GearRunner was sticking to his back.

Whipwig responded by smacking her hair tendrils into Thumbskull, which Braedey eluded by jumping onto Acid Breath's face. As a result, he too was smacked in the head by Whipwig's hair while GearRunner hopped on top of her head again. Thumbskull grunted in aggravation as he tossed a chunk of stone debris straight into Whipwig's face, which Braedey avoided once more by hopping on top of Acid Breath's bald head.

Acid Breath swiped him off to the ground, where Thumbskull proceeded to step on him. GearRunner looked up to see Acid Breath preparing to exhale acid vapours at him. He quickly hopped out of the way, causing Thumbskull's leg to get burned by the acid breath.

Cloaker yelled out in utter vexation. GearRunner, amongst all the chaos, transformed into a small cog-gear form, doing cartwheels into a small crack in a wall down the pathway.

Cloaker flew after him and before he phased completely through the wall, he looked back at the Circus Freakshows and commanded, "Don't just stand there, you idiots! Get them!"

The three Freakshows raced after Jackson and Jessie, while Cloaker went after Braedey.


Inside Bancroft Academy's clock tower, there were a few levels of wooden walkways below and above them, positioned throughout the structure. It was eerie silent and void of anything happening.

Suddenly, the sound of child's yell shattered the cool quiet inside the clock tower. A moment later, Braedey could be seen falling down the middle of the tower. He positioned himself to where he fell feet first on the catwalk. He fell to the floor, rolled on his side a few times, and hit the wooden railing.

Without warning, Cloaker's deformed helm phased through the floor, startling Braedey. He quickly got up and ran down the catwalk with Cloaker trailing close behind him. The ghostlike alien slashed its claws at the boy hero, which Braedey eluded by tripping over a toolbox and falling to the floor. He shook off the hit and spotted a mallet lying in front of him.

He picked up the mallet and swung it at Cloaker, but it was to no avail as it went straight through the alien's intangible body. The ghostlike alien responded by grabbing the mallet with his tentacles and swinging Braedey into a steel girder above him.

The brown-haired boy cried out as he gripped the edge of the steel beam and hung on dearly. He strained to pull his chest up to the girder. Cloaker levitated behind him, preparing to merge with him once more.

"Think of it Braedey, with the powers of the Transformatrix and your DNA, I will be unstoppable." Cloaker declared.

Braedey glanced to his left to see a glimmer of white shining through the creases in the curtains. He narrowed his eyes in determination. The boy hero swung himself onto a curtain, grabbed hold, and pulled it down, letting in the morning sunlight.

"It's time for light this dark hour!" Braedey quipped.

Cloaker cried out from instant contact with the light. Braedey grunted when he fell to the catwalk beneath the large window. He quickly got up to see the ghostlike monstrosity trying to float into the shadows. The Transformatrix bearer ran over to the remaining curtains and pulled them down, letting the sunlight fill the room.

Cloaker's agonising screams intensified while smoke began to billow off his body. Braedey watched on with an expression of mixed relief and horror as Cloaker's body turned black and began to crumble away. Just before his body was disintegrated and engulfed in bright violent flames, he let out a high-pitched squeal.

Braedey leaned up against the wall and sat on the floor, breathing a sigh of relief, some sweat on his forehead.

The nightmare was finally over.

~*~*~(End Flashback)~*~*~

"...And after that, there was no more of Cloaker, or rather, Huntazer, as he was originally designated." Braedey finished his story, both Hestia and Bell in awe, shock, horror, bewilderment, and in wonder of the tale.

"So, did your cousin ever get the chance to get into Brancroft Academy?" Hestia asked him.

"No. She was denied the chance of even getting a place in the first place." Braedey replied. "She didn't mind this, since later on before I came here, she was currently studying at Coolsville Academy. It was a whole lot better than Brancroft."

"That's some tale." Bell commented. "A Decepticon Ghost? That is beyond crazy when one thinks about it. But, with your take on it, it's very believable. At least Huntazer is gone for good."

"That may be so, but that Decepticon wasn't one that would be considered as my archenemy." Braedey took a deep breath. "It happened like this..."


The setting is inside of the restricted space inside the faithful RV known as 'The Valkyrie'. As Braedey and Jessie were sitting at the table, reading a book and computer screen respectively, they looked out the window to see several large plumes of smoke billowing from a city in the distance.

Braedey looked at Jackson and asked the obvious question. "Hey. What's going on over there?"

Max looked out the window, and then turned his attention back to the road. "I'm sure the local authorities have the situation well in hand..." he dismissed.

Suddenly, a large conflagration erupted into a gigantic mushroom cloud of smoke within the city.

"Those people need help. And fast." Braedey said determined, his face hardening in the process.

As Braedey activated the Transformatrix, Jackson turned back to him. "Braedey, I don't think that's the best idea-"

"Time to turn up Hotrod on these guys!" Braedey exclaimed, ignoring his grandfather's concern.

When Braedey found the icon for his Pyro-'Bot form, he jumped out of the RV, and slammed down the core. In a flash of blue, he was replaced with the fiery Autobot known as Hotrod. Suddenly, the RV stopped, and he jumped out of the vehicle. The instant Hotrod set his feet on fire, he propelled himself high into the air, shifting onto vehicle mode in the process, becoming a fiery flying car in the sky.


The city was currently being attacked by countless drones that were walking through the streets. They were bipedal, all of them possessing the exact same purple colour scheme with black highlights. They stood at least twenty-five feet tall and their faces were only a red, horizontal visor. Also, they have wheels and fenders on their shoulders, whilst other robots have wings on their backs. They were walking about, firing red lasers at anyone and everything they could see, with many people fleeing for their lives all around them.

The Drones are Vehicon drones. They are machines designed to kill and destroy anything in their path.

Without warning, Hotrod arrived and hurled fireballs at two of the drones, destroying them instantly. He then lowered himself down to the street, surrounded in the flames he had created during his descent.

"Why don't you pick on someone with real firepower?" Hotrod challenged. He then saw he was completely surrounded by Vehicons of hovering drones. None of them firing at him; simply staring. "Oh scrap... I didn't mean all at once." He remarked. "Why do I get the distinct feeling that you all were expecting me?"

Hotrod surrounded himself in more flames, and used both of his hands to fire two large streams of fire at some drones. He then proceeded to spin slowly in place, blasting several more drones in the process. Additional robots then made their way toward Hotrod, only to be sliced in two by disks of fire created by the boy-turned-Pyro Autobot. He chucked a few fireballs at some of his enemies, before destroying the remaining ones with another stream of fire from his left hand, and a few fireballs from his right.

When all the drones were destroyed, Hotrod stood amongst the scrap metal debris with a triumphant smirk on his metal face, until suddenly, a bola-like device came from behind a cloud of smoke to his left, and pinned him to the wall of a building. The device was essentially six metal rods, connected by blue electricity.

Hotrod shook off his daze and lifted his head to see an incredibly large, spiked ball rolling towards him. It had the same colour scheme as the droids, which could only mean that they were connected in some way. The ball stopped rolling about two yards away from Hotrod.

Suddenly, the seam at its center began to hiss as steam poured out. The ball then split apart into two semi-spheres, and revealed a silver, horizontal tube within them. It had what appeared to be a door with a purple light on it. The door opened with steam pouring out from it as well. Once it was open, a large silhouette could be seen. It had ominous, purple eyes.

The being then stepped out from the strange vehicle, the ground shaking with each footstep. It was a very large, hulking humanoid, standing at least 60-feet-tall. Its legs, torso, chest, and shoulders were heavily armoured and layered, possessing spikes on the lower arms and legs. It's armour around its entire form was golden, black, and purple in all its place. A humungous pair of spikes curled up on his shoulder plates. His right arm was blunt and covered in symmetrical spikes while his left arm had a sharp blade sticking out just above the hand. The scariest feature of this being was its pair on horns hah curved upward on his helm, combined with the medieval-style helm and malevolent purple optics.

"You..." Hotrod's optics eye widened. "'re the Transformer from my visions!"

"At last, we meet." The creature spoke in a dark, raspy, sinister voice. "The being that has caused me so much trouble..."

There was a short, tense pause as Hotrod and the towering behemoth stared down at each other. "Who... who are you?" Hotrod asked.

" Unicron." He answered, "and I have come for the Transformatrix."

"And... I'm guessin' you're not with the good guys." Hotrod remarked.

Braedey struggled against his restraints, his engine revving loudly, and melted the six metal rods, freeing himself. Hotrod leapt at Unicron, igniting his hands in flames and slamming a large fireball into the latter's chest. He then punched Unicron's massive leg numerous times. The boy-turned-Pyro Autobot then stopped and looked up at Unicron, only to realize that his attack had gained no reaction whatsoever from the knight-helmed alien.

Unicron then picked up Hotrod and casually threw him, sending him incredibly far and crashing through several buildings.

Hotrod could be seen lying in the middle of a street with building debris on top of him. He blasted the rubble off with two streams of fire, and to the group's surprise, he appeared relatively unharmed, save for the fact that he was panting.

"Okay..." He breathed. "This guy is really tough...!"

Remarkably, Unicron jumped a great distance over several buildings, and landed about fifty yards away from Hotrod. The impact created a crater and formed a dust cloud around where he had landed. The fearsome Bringer of Chaos wasted no time as he strolled towards Hotrod.

"I got to try and slow him down somehow!" Hotrod then had an idea. He transformed into his vehicle mode, his rear bumper facing towards Unicron. He then deployed his side exhaust pipes, firing them up, and burning rubber, releasing two powerful fire burnouts at the street behind him. The intense heat from his flames melted the tar from the street into a thick, black liquid which, upon contact with Unicron's legs, caused the beast of an alien to trip and fall face-first into it.

Hotrod, his confidence now returned, shifted into robot mode, and stepped forward. "Not so tough when you're stuck like gum on a shoe, are you?" he taunted.

Suddenly, the Valkyrie pulled up directly in between Hotrod and Unicron. The door opened and revealed Jessie with an anxious expression on her face.

"Braedey! Grandpa says to get in! Now!" Jessie shouted.

Hotrod shrugged nonchalantly. "What're you talkin' about?"

As if on cue, the Transformatrix dial on Hotrod's chest began to blink red, and in a similarly red flash, he reverted back into Braedey.

"Braedey Martin! Get in!" Jackson ordered sternly.

Hearing his full name spoken, Braedey wasted no time in hopping onboard the RV, with Jackson flooring it the second he did. Team Prime watched as the Valkyrie raced off down the battered street.


The setting was now in another part of the city, but there were less destroyed and burning buildings in the surrounding area.

At that moment, there was a peculiar form flying over the buildings. It was a 20ft tall Predacon-like creature in a dark green and jet black striped armour skin. A pair of insect-like wings sprouted out of and sat on it back, with what could be a wasp-like bug front built into his chest, whilst its ankles were spiked, with the feet having two front spiked toes. The legs are slim from the thighs to the knees, whilst below the knees, the lower legs are thickly armoured. In addition, the arms are slim and wrapped in black and dark green, whilst the hands have six-digit fingers with spiked tips. The helm has two oval shape dark purple optics, a dark grey face with dark green armour wrapped around his helm, two black stripes on it, whilst two horns are on either side of it, and the front section of the helm tapering down to a pointed end in front of his mouth. The Transformatrix symbol is displayed on its chest.

This form is called Wasp, one of Braedey's first Predacon forms he used when he was ten. Wasp possesses two insectoid wings that allow quick and agile flying, and can change directions at exceptional paces, in both robot and alt-mode, which is a large Wasp. He can excrete high pressured streams of liquid, or goop, from pollen ducts located inside of his arms. These liquids can be both a flammable toxin or an immobilising adhesive. His exoskeletal body is also fairly strong, allowing him to survive unscathed while being smashed through buildings and being caught inside a large explosion. Wasp has great strength in proportion to his body, able to carry heavy loads while maintaining steady flight.

Wasp, in his large dark green/black wasp form with the Transformatrix symbol in the centre of the wasp's large head, was currently flying through the city, trying to escape from Unicron, who was closing the distance between them. He was extremely persistent, and refused to let up on his chase. Unicron leapt onto a rooftop and began pursuing him once more, leaping from one building to another. The structures cracked and crumbled underneath him.

Unicron leapt one more time and finally gained enough air to wrap his hulking arms around Unicron, preventing the insectoid alien from flying any further. Unicron and Wasp then crashed through a building, creating a large explosion on impact that destroyed the upper portion of it, and landing in the demolished street behind it.

As the dust settled and cleared up, Unicron quickly rose from the debris unharmed, clutching a struggling Wasp with his left hand, who had shifted into robot mode.

"I grow tired of this." Unicron snarled.

The Cybertronian God pointed his right index finger at Wasp's chest, as it began to glow purple, and tapped the Transformatrix dial. Doing so caused a bright red flash to engulf the area, and when it faded, Wasp had turned back into Braedey; much to his and the wizards' surprise.

"Hey!" Braedey's eyes widened from shock. "H-How did you do that?!"

"A child...?" Unicron ignored Braedey's demand and clenched his right fist, growing angrier by the second. "The Transformatrix is in the hands of a mere child?!" He roared, outraged.

Unicron seemingly shook off his initial shock at Braedey's true identity, and placed his right hand over the Transformatrix. However, the device began to give off a blue glow, along with a burst of blue electricity. An instant later, the Cybertronian was sent rocketing back into a portion of a partially-destroyed building, leaving a large dent in it.

It didn't take more than a second for Unicron to recover and approach Braedey once more. "It would appear the Transformatrix has already merged with your own DNA..." Unicron realised.

Braedey tried to scurry away, but was grabbed by the back of his shirt by the huge alien. "I... don't suppose that means you're not going to leave me alone, does it...?" Braedey asked.

"Hardly..." Unicron retorted sourly.

Unicron's spiked, ball-shaped vehicle then rolled up and opened up to allow its driver to enter. The Bringer of Chaos tossed Braedey into the vehicle, and then stepped inside himself and took his seat. After that, the door closed, as does the sphere. It then begins to roll away and crashed through a building.


The location was now inside of a large, metal circular room. Several drones were hovering around the perimeter. In the centre, Braedey was hooked up to a big, dark ring-like machine that was suspended in the air. His legs and right arm were restrained by dark purple energy beams while his left arm and the Transformatrix were inside a tube-like device.

Unicron was looking a dark red, holographic screen that displayed multiple readings from the machine Braedey was hooked up to.

"A child..." Unicron growled as he glanced back to the small boy. "I should've suspected as much. The Transformatrix being used as a play toy for entertainment..."

"Hey! I've saved hundreds and thousands of lives by using this watch." Braedey argued to the God. "What could you do that can rival that?"

Unicron approached the young Transformatrix bearer until he was less than a couple metres in front of him. "You hold the key to a power struggle that is so ancient, and so vast..." He leaned closer, Braedey feeling tense. " is beyond your feeble human comprehension." The ancient God mocked. "Picture an entire army, each in command of a Transformatrix, all of which are under my command..." Unicron paused as he imagined his vision. "I would be invincible... I will rule the entire universe! And the only thing standing between me and my destiny... is you."

With Unicron's last statement, a ring of mechanical, menacing blades rose up from the floor.

The Chaos Bringer turned to one of his drones. "Prepare for takeoff." He commanded. The servant drone simply saluted, and ran off to do as it was told. "Once we are in orbit, I will finally have the pleasure of destroying this miserable mudball planet, once and for all."

Unicron reached for the many blades surrounding Braedey, and took one that was seemingly only a hilt, though with a handle similar to that of a gun. However, from the hilt emerged a long, dark purple blade of energy, with many curves and points all along it. The God approached Braedey with the blade, prepared to cut off the latter's arm, as he struggled in vain to free himself. But before Unicron could do anything, the sound of a horn honking can be heard from somewhere nearby, distracting the warlord and his drones.

Suddenly, no more than a second later, a hole was blown open in the side of Unicron's ship, and through the smoke and debris, came the Valkyrie, albeit with the front grill extended outwards as a sort of high-tech battering ram. The RV slammed directly into Unicron, causing him to drop his energy blade and crash him into a door. After a moment, the high-tech motor home pulled back, and Unicron slowly but steadily rose to his feet again.

"Warning! Hull breach! Power surge!" a drone notified.

Just then, Jackson emerged from the door of the RV, but he looked much different than before. Now, he had a large, high-tech, blue and gray cannon strapped to his left arm. Attached to the cannon were tubes that connected to a mask of sorts covering his eyes.

"Claws off my grandson, Unicron!" Jackson yelled.

Braedey's eyes went wide from shock. "Grandpa Jackson?!"

Unicron lifted his head, and then narrowed his malevolent purple optics at Jackson. "Martin!" He growled.

Without another word, Jackson fired a large, blue beam of energy from the cannon at Unicron, sending the alien God through the door behind him, while causing a moderate explosion as a result from the blast.

Jackson then dropped the cannon and ran straight over to his grandson.

"Grandpa... How do you know this guy?" Braedey asked.

"It's a long story..." Jackson replied.

Suddenly, the device around Braedey's left arm began to surge with electricity, much to Jackson's dismay. Braedey noticed this as well, but right after he took notice, he felt something strange. His body then began to twist and contort, until he was suddenly transformed into Blurr.

Blurr struggled against the surging energy. "Hey...!"

Blurr's body then shifted until it turned into a seven foot tall visor-eyed humanoid comprised of bright blue rock, It's face and the spikes on his chest, back, and horn on his head were dark blue crystal, whilst the rest of his form was bright blue, and the Transformatrix dial was positioned in the centre of its chest.

"What's going..." Energon groaned painfully.

He then randomly transformed into a large orange armoured dog-like creature with no eyes, ears, nose, or tail, the posture being somewhat apelike, the teeth are very defined and stick out of the mouth, has three gill-like nostrils located on each side of the neck, and sharpened claws of black steel, with the Transformatrix on the centre of the chest. This is MetalMutt, and he lets out a roar, seemingly finishing his inquiry.

"The power surge. It must've affected the watch!" Jackson realized.

MetalMutt then transformed into Piledriver, and began to struggle against the device restraining his upper left arm, eventually breaking it with his enhanced strength, and easily freeing himself from the other three energy restraints. Piledriver then lifted up the ring-like device and threw it across the room with ease.

Just then, Jessie exited the RV as well and turned to her left to see several Decepticon drones making their way through the hole that Vilgax had been blasted through.

"Look out!" Jessie cried. She ran over to Piledriver and Jackson, as the drones open fired on her, narrowly missing.

Piledriver blocked a few laser bolts with his left forearms and reared back his fist and attempted to punch one of the drones; however, before his fist could make contact, he randomly transformed into Cloaker, and phased through the robot completely.

Cloaker looked at himself, and moaned, "Oh, scrap..."

Suddenly, Braedey began to transform again, just as another drone flew by, and a familiar, squeaky voice came from inside the drone as it began to spark and twitch erratically.

"A little knowhow, and the toaster is toast..." GearRunner quipped.

GearRunner hopped from the disabled drone and onto another. He then climbed inside it, ready to do some more damage, until he seemingly transformed again.

A black and blue goo began to spread all over the Vehicon while also seeping into every open seam and getting inside its structure. A second Vehicon watched in confusion as its comrade was suddenly covered in what looked like black tar, but with cobalt blue circuit patterns over it.

The face visor flickered from red to blue, back-to-forth before it finally remained at a strong, vibrant cobalt blue. Now, the Vehicon was mostly onyx while the seams, joints, and visor glowed blue. The Transformatrix dial was present on the Vehicons' chest.

Meanwhile, Jessie was cornered by two more drones, which were about to fire on her, until...

"Try and pick on someone your own size!" Morpher/Vehicon shouted.

Morpher/Vehicon then deployed two blades and rammed them into the two drones, destroying them completely, and sending scrap flying in every direction. One small, smoking chunk landed directly on Jessie's head, much to her annoyance.

Morpher/Vehicon proceeded to destroy more drones with his blades, as Max used a drill from Unicron's assortment of blades to wreck another drone.

"We've got to get the ship under control!" Jackson yelled, rushing off toward an array of monitors and computers against a wall near the hole he had sent Unicron crashing through.

"He can fly a spaceship?" Morpher/Vehicon said, shocked. Another Decepticon tackled the Mechamorph Autobot, distracting him from his grandfather.

"At this point, nothing surprises me..." Jessie groaned.

As Jackson typed away on the computer's interface, a pair of menacing, purple optics and a familiar silhouette could be seen through the smoke cloud. Unicron grabbed Jackson by his shirt and threw him across the room, where the once-retired fighter was now only mere inches away from falling out of the hole his RV made when it plowed through the ship's hull. Unicron approached Jackson and placed his massive foot on the elderly man's chest, catching Braedey and Jessie's attention.

"Grandpa!" Morpher/Vehicon and Jessie shouted simultaneously.

Unicron glared down at Jackson, ominously as the latter struggled to free himself but to no avail. "Your weapon won't help you now, Martin." Unicron rasped. "For as you can see, I am much stronger than in our last encounter."

Morpher/Vehicon sliced off the helm of the Vehicon he was fighting against, and without a second's hesitation, he charged straight for the warlord behemoth.

"NOOOOOO!" Morpher/Vehicon yelled, then he tackled Unicron and sent them both flying out of the ship.

"BRAEDEY!" Jackson and Jessie cried.

The location is now of a wide, stone mountain. A forest stretched across the hilly landscape below. Also, there were four giant faces carved into the mountain face. This is Mount Rushmore. This monument was built in honour of the four greatest leaders in Braedey's home country, the United States of America.

At that moment, a falling object in the distance impacted the ground miles away, creating a loud boom and a large crater as well.

Morpher/Vehicon, who had managed to transform the Vehicon into its jet mode, began to glide to the mountain. He was gently floating toward one of Mount Rushmore's heads; however, just before he could make it, he randomly transformed again, losing his connection to the Vehicon, which crashed to the ground, and this time, he had transformed into Hammerstrike. Hammerstrike fell down to the nose of Theodore Roosevelt's head, and was barely holding on with his sharp claws as he began to slip.

Hammerstrike is a 20ft tall dark blue metal fish-man creature, with sharp claws on his webbed hands, massive jaws with jagged teeth, similar to a Great White Shark, two eyes sticking out of the sides of his head like a hammerhead shark, whilst having a dorsal fin on his back. The Transformatrix symbol is in the centre of his chest.

"Ohhh... sometimes I hate this stupid watch..." Hammerstrike complained.

Hammerstrike miraculously managed to find his footing and climb his way up the nose and up to the top of the head. Needless to say, He wasn't looking very good. He was crawling on all fours and breathing heavily.

"Can't... breathe... need... water..." Hammerstrike managed to say, as he flipped over on his back, completely exhausted from dehydration.

Suddenly, an all-too-familiar figure leapt from the forest in the distance and behind an immobilized Hammerstrike, the ground cracking beneath his metallic feet. Unicron approached an exhausted Hammerstrike, and mocked. "You are a slippery little fish, child... but no longer."

The Cybertronian God reached his hand down to the Transformatrix dial, prepared to disable Braedey's transformation. However, he became annoyed when the Sharkticon disappeared, leaving a dust trail in its wake. The Chaos Bringer turned around to see that Braedey had now turned into a certain speedy alien.

"You can't catch what can leave you in the dust!" Blurr quipped. He shifted into his speedy racecar form, then he disappeared in another blur, leaving another dust cloud where he once stood.

"You can't hide from me forever, boy!" Unicron yelled.

A second later, there was another dust trail coming up from behind the Cybertronian God of Darkness, and it wasn't slowing down.

"Who said I was hiding? Eat racecar!" Blurr retorted, his engine revving loudly.

Blurr rammed straight into Unicron, creating a shockwave and a massive impact crater around the two. A dust cloud was thrown up and obscured the shape-shifter and the warlord. When the dust cleared, Unicron was unaffected by Blurr's hit. In fact, he only stepped back a few feet, while Blurr had shifted into robot mode, was staggering and quickly feel to his knees.

"Owww..." Braedey groaned painfully. "I'm gonna feel that one tomorrow..."

"For you." Unicron approached the Transformatrix wearer. "There will be no tomorrow!"

Suddenly, a dark purple aura appeared down the arms. Unicron raised his arms over his head and proceeded to slam them down in front of him, with Unicron only narrowly running out of the way in time. The sheer force of Unicron's blow created a massive tremor that sent giant cracks all over Theodore Roosevelt's head, which eventually caused it to crumble away down the mountain side.

Unicron wasted no time in lunging toward Blurr, attempting to punch him repeatedly, only for the Speedy Autobot to dodge him each time.

"You cannot escape me!" Unicron rasped, frustrated.

Blurr then jumped up and reared back his right hand, aiming it for Unicron's helm. However, the latter easily sidestepped the blow, and grabbed the speedster by his arm. He spun Unicron around incredibly fast and threw him into a large chunk of rock from the destroyed head of Theodore Roosevelt.

Without a moment's delay, bright blue shards flew out from the dust cloud created by Blurr, with Energon quickly following them, holding his arms out as he continued to fire more shards.

"Special delivery, Unicron!" Energon quipped.

Unicron tried to punch Energon; however, the Crystal Autobot ducked, shifted his arms into diamond blades, and proceeded to punch Unicron's leg three times. When he looked down at his diamond hands, he saw that they were now nothing more than stumps.

"Oh, scrap." Energon grumbled. "I guess I should've seen that one coming."

Energon quickly reformed his hands, but Unicron quickly grabbed him by the face and slammed the Crystal Autobot into the ground with a ton of force. When Unicron lifted his hand, Energon could be seen lying on the ground, with his eyes barely open and his crystal face covered in cracks.

Unicron reared back his massive right fist again as Energon's body began to twist and reform itself. He let loose his punch, but was met with nothing but rock and dirt, as Braedey had just turned into Cloaker, and had instinctively went intangible, albeit still covering his facial plate.

Cloaker peeked through his hands, and then uncovered his optics. "Yes! Sometimes I love this watch..."

Cloaker teasingly waved at Unicron, and phased into the ground below them. Unicron's arms then lost their dark aura around them.

A moment goes by, the scenery is now in the forest below Mount Rushmore, standing on the edge of an enormous freshly carved trench. Unicron's ship had crash-landed.

Cloaker phased out from the side of the mountain and took a quick glance back at it. "Don't switch on me now." He begged, referring to the Transformatrix. He then took a look forward and saw that Unicron's ship had crash landed, with Jackson and Jessie presumably still inside.

"Oh no!" Cloaker rasped. He immediately transformed into a sleek dark grey and silver supercar with a Japanese-like symbol on the hood, and raced off toward the crash site. When he reached it and shifted into robot mode, he found the Valkyrie completely trashed.

"Grandpa Jackson? Jessie?" Braedey called out.

Cloaker phased through the Valkyrie. He approached the back, and phased back outside. He looked forward and was shocked by what he saw.

Unicron had both Jackson and Jessie in either hand, both of them unconscious.

"No..." Braedey uttered.

All of a sudden, Cloaker transformed into a Cybertronian, standing up to 45ft in height. He has red, golden, and greyish armour all across his towering form. His hands have three claw-like structures on his wrists, while his hands are five-fingered. He is tall and largely built, having a broad chest tapering down to a narrow waist, and he possesses large broad shoulders and thickly armoured lower legs. His feet look to be boot-shaped, with the helm only having a visor and battle mask as his facial plate, with a small finically design to the rest of the helm. Finally, the Transformatrix insignia was in the centre of his chest.

Grimlock punches both his fists into the ground, and his body began to transform, the sound of shifting metal echoing from his form. His hands soon became three digit clawed feet, as his arms became long legs, and his legs formed a long tail, what his shoulders and helm formed a larger head, outfitted with sharp teeth, and small arms.

He had transformed into a Tyrannosaurus Rex. A 17ft tall, 45ft long, 10 tonne, red, gold, and silver metal T-Rex; his mouth outfitted with metal razor sharp railroad spike-like teeth that could crush and rip apart metal and concrete like it was nothing, two thick strong legs, and a toughened metal body structure.

He let out a loud, angry roar at Unicron, commanding him to let his family go.

The alien warlord, of course, was unintimidated by his transformation. "It's your choice. You... or them..." He stated.

After a brief moment of snarling, Grimlock lowered his helm in defeat and gave himself up for his grandpa and cousin's safety. Unicron dropped Jackson and Jessie's bodies and approached Grimlock. He tapped the Dinobot's Transformatrix dial and, in a flash of blue, turned him back to Braedey. He was on his knees with his head lowered and eyes closed in defeat.

"How noble..." Unicron mocked. "Pathetic."

Unicron picked up young Braedey by his shirt and proceeded to return to his ship. Jackson and Jessie were both beginning to wake up, with the former noticing where Unicron was heading.

"Unicron, no!" Jackson yelled. "Don't go back in there!"

Ignoring Jackson's warning, Unicron leaped back into the hole in his ship. He turned back to Jackson as his ship began to take off into the sky. "Foolish Earthling. Why would I-" Unicron was cut off when he noticed a red light flashing and an alarm going off inside his ship. "What?! The auto-destruct launch sequence has been initiated!"He yelled.

Unicron immediately dropped Braedey and rushed over to a nearby computer, attempting to type something on its interface. As a result, sparking, blue electricity surged from the terminal and disabled the interface.

"MARTIN!" Unicron bellowed. "You are the thorn in my side-"

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a blast of blue energy struck Unicron and sent the God slamming into the computer in front of him, his body falling to the floor. The blast came from Braedey, who is holding up his grandpa's large, blue cannon, and he had a smirk across his face.

"Guess it just runs in the family." Braedey remarked.

The young hero quickly abandoned the cannon and made his way over to the hole in the ship, as Unicron attempted to push a large, piston-like mechanism off of his torso.

"Commencing self-destruct launch..." the computer articulated.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Unicron roared.

Braedey quickly activated the Transformatrix, found the icon he wanted, and slammed down the core. In a familiar flash of blue, he transformed into Hotrod, and blasted out of the ship in a fireball, just before Unicron's ship exploded. Hotrod gave a small smirk to himself, as he flew to the ground.


"That is so wicked." Hestia announced, jumping in her seat. "You bested Unicron when you were only ten?"

"It wasn't the only times I've fought against him." Braedey spoke up. "I fought against him again five years later, then again when he threatened me and my team, and the last time when he absorbed Dragonstorm."

"Whoa." Bell commented. Who would've thought Braedey has gone through so many adventures, and that was when he was only 10. "So, what other adventures have you been on, Braedey?"

"Well, there was a few times me and my team had been fighting against around 5-6 Decepticons." Braedey replied to the white-hair young man. "Also, There was the time when both Earth and Cybertron were in danger, and I had to try and save both worlds." He then shrugged to himself. "But, I won't bore you two with that story. It's rather long and tiresome."

"I'd like to hear it soon." Hestia spoke up, as both Braedey and Bell got to their feet. "See you two later."

"You too, Goddess." Braedey nodded his head, then began to make his way out, while Bell walked alongside him. The white-hair boy is about to show Braedey the ropes.


A/N: Well, this was a rather long chapter, all of which containing four or so flashbacks of Braedey's history. That is something else.

Other than that, what kind of things any of you readers would like to see in this story? Something unique? Canon to the anime (since that's the only thing I've seen of 'Danmachi')? Or anything else? I'd like to know in the comments below.

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