Chapter 1: Alien Meets Ghost

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5 years prior to Omniverse

We see Four Arms battling Malware in a forest. Malware throws punches and creates rocky structures out of the ground to send Four Arms flying. Malware shoots an energy beam which Four Arms just about manages to dodge.

Ben: *as Four Arms* Alright, fine. I wanted to do this the easy way, but the hard way is okay, too.

Four Arms lifts up a tree and prepares to swing it at Malware.

Ben: * as Four Arms* FORE...Arms. Hehe.

Malware liquefies himself to avoid getting hit.

Malware: This is the great Ben Tennyson? Bearer of the Omnitrix, savior of the univ-

Malware was suddenly smacked into a tree by a giant pink fist as we see it was a 5.5 year old girl with dark brown complexion, blond hair, and brown eyes. She wears a red top, black and pink skirt, and black shoes. This was (F/N) Jenifer Tennyson.

(F/N): Get away from my big brother!

Ben: *As Four Arms* Nice job sis and don't you forget it, buddy. You think you're the only Galvanic Mechamorph I've ever dealt with? Pff. It's gonna take a lot more to surprise me.

Malware: Indeed.

Malware places his hand on the Omnitrix and begins copying its schematics. Four Arms struggles. The Omnitrix times out, turning Four Arms back to Ben. Ben notices that he has changed back.

11-year-old Ben: Aw, man!

(F/N): You probably should have seen this coming, Ben.

Ben: Ya think?

Ben tries to activate the Omnitrix, but it is timed out.

Malware: Any last pithy quips or clever observations before I destroy you, Ben Tennyson?

(F/N): Hey what am I chopped liver?!

Malware: And you too, Jen Tennyson?

(F/N): Yeah, well if you are gonna yap Mal, would at least pop a digital breath mint, you sir, have halitosis, if mechamorphs have halitosis, do they? Because you are a lot different from other mechamorphs I mean they're all green and you're all red and all "blah, blah, I'm gonna destroy you all" and…

Malware: Gah! *To Ben* Is she always this talkative?

Ben: You have no idea.

Malware is clueless. The Omnitrix recharges. Ben proceeds to transform into Feedback.

Ben: *as Feedback*  Oh yeah, Feedback!

(F/N): Awesome!

Malware attacks Feedback but he dodges. Feedback tackles Malware and absorbs his energy. He then blasts him far away with an electric blast.

Ben: *as Feedback* HE SHOOTS, HE SCORES!

Feedback jumps into the air, and then times back into Ben, causing him to fall onto the ground as (F/N) went over and helped him up.

Ben: HYAAA! *Jumps up* Yeah, you better run! Ow... *Rubs his back*

(F/N): You okay?

Ben: Yeah I'm good. One thing I don't understand, why didn't you use your Omnitrix?

(F/N): Well I mean your the alien watch guy, I didn't want to steal your thunder, plus I have super powers and I only use this if it's absolutely necessary or for Halloween.

Ben: Why?

(F/N): Think about how much candy we'll get. Different aliens, means we can go to the same houses and get a lot of candy.

Ben: Ooh good idea.

(F/N): Thanks, I'm all about good ideas and good looks.

Ben: Pfft of course you are.

Five years later, in the present.

Here we see (F/N), now 16 years old, chasing down Zombozo who has a brain in a jar as she attacks Zombozo with her mana projectiles, but he dodges as (F/N) chases him into a building, and is able to make him lose his grip on the brain.

(F/N): *Grabs the brain in the jar* Really Zombozo? Again with the brain bank? What kind of sicko steals from a brain bank? Better question is why does Bellwood even have a brain bank?

Zombozo: *Snatches the container from (F/N)*  Thank you, my girl. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Zombozo leaps out of the building into the streets. He laughs maniacally and runs.

(F/N): *Glances at her Ultimatrix* It's hero time!

We then see (F/N) hit her Ultimatrix as she turned into XLR8 as she ran in front of Zombozo as she then turned into Big Chill and freezes Zombozo as she takes the brain back.

Zombozo: *Shivers* Cold… cold…

(F/N): *As Bigchill* Well Zombozo it looks like you have a bad case of brain freeze *chuckles* Get it Brain freeze? Heh, classic.

Later on, after giving  the brain back and sending Zombozo to jail, we see (F/N) now back in her human form and is now looking a lot more different than when she was a kid, she is now 5'9" ¼ with a slender figure, her hair was still amazing and longer which reached her waist, and she has a D-Cup bust. She now wears a Boston University red tube top, arsenic black pants with mauve accents, transport red flats and a red necklace.

Here we see (F/N) arrive at Plumber Base where she sees Ben and the others.

(F/N): Hey guys I'm back.

Ben: Hey sis.

Rook: How did it go with Zombozo?

(F/N): Eh, nothing I couldn't handle. He was stealing from a brain bank.

Rook: Why does Bellwood have a brain bank?

(F/N): That's what I said. *Sits down* *Sighs*

Ben: Something on your mind sis?

(F/N): Ehh, it's nothing, I dunno.

Rook: Is something bothering you? This is not your usual joyous bad guy butt kicking.

(F/N): I dunno, it just didn't feel the same as it before without Kevin or Gwen around.

Ben: Yeah I know that feeling too, but come on, this is what they wanted, plus you're a supermodel who by the way, is incredibly rich and a total influencer.

Rook: And you are really successful, Jen.

(F/N): Yeah, I-I guess but come on, there's gotta be more out there, I mean Gwen and Kevin are in college, and Ben you practically graduated high school and you're a famous hero. Plus, I was homeschooled by Grandpa Max.

Ben: True, so you thinking about going to school?

(F/N): Maybe, I'm gonna talk to Grandpa Max and see what he thinks.

Ben: Alright.

We see (F/N) leave the room leaving the two guys.

Rook: It does seem that Jen wants to make her own path.

Ben: Yeah, can't say I blame her.

Meanwhile, we see (F/N) arrive in the kitchen where she sees her Grandpa Max.

Max: Hey, just in time, Jen.

(F/N): Whatcha making?

Max: Zandurian Goulash.

Max opens the vessel. (F/N) frowns. Tentacles pop out of the vessel and grab (F/N). Max uses a blaster to neutralize the creature.

Max: It's fresh.

(F/N): Uhh, looks nice… Grandpa Max, can I ask you something?

Max: Um, I don't think-

(F/N): It's nothing girl related.

Max: Oh thank goodness, well what is it kiddo?

(F/N): You ever think that when you are a hero, saving lives, you miss having a normal life? Like dealing with normal stuff?

Max: Sometimes, but I balance it out. Why?

(F/N): Well uh, I was thinking, between saving the world and everything, I just wanna see what I've been saving, like with Gwen and Kevin.

Max: So you wanna go to Highschool?

(F/N): How did you know?

Max: Intuition. You're a smart kid (F/N), I think you know that feeling too.

(F/N): Heh, yeah, thanks grandpa max.

Max: Anytime kiddo.

Later at the Tennyson residence, we see (F/N) packing her things in a hyper storage cube.

Ben: So you're really going to school huh?

(F/N): Yep, it's like Gwen said, we've spent years saving the world, I just wanna see what I've been saving.

Ben: So... This is goodbye?

(F/N): No way, There are holidays and... and semester breaks. And besides, we're siblings. It's not like we're never gonna see each other again. Right?

Ben: Right!

(F/N) and Ben share a warm hug.

(F/N): Take care of yourself bro.

Ben: You too, sis. Hey by the way, what school are you going to?

(F/N): Casper High. In some town called Amity Park, I heard it's supposed to be some sort of ghost town, literally.

Ben: What like actual ghosts?

(F/N): Heh, yeah, says there's supposed to be real ghosts. Can you believe that?

Ben: Uh we deal with aliens and magic stuff occasionally.

(F/N): Yeah, good point.

Ben: You need a ride?

(F/N) looks out the window to see the paparazzi outside getting ready to take photos.

(F/N): Yeah no thanks for the offer, but I'll take the flying route.

Ben: Seems reasonable.

Later after packing everything, we see (F/N), in her anodite form as she was flying in the air looking for Amity Park.

(F/N): Where is Amity Park??

(F/N) then flew further as she spotted the sign that said, "Welcome to Amity Park".

(F/N): Yep this is the place. Hope the locals are nice.

We then see (F/N) land in a nearby ally as she then changes back into her human form.

(F/N): *Shakes her hair* Phew much better.  *Pulls out pocket* *Checks herself* Alright, not too blotchy, not bad. Ah who am I kidding, I'm always on point.

Meanwhile, somewhere else we see a certain half ghost boy aka Danny Fenton, running down the street.

Danny: *Scared* Aaaaaaah!

Dash: *Angry* Aaaaaaah!

Dash runs the same direction Danny went, chasing him. We cut to Danny, running through the streets, out of breath.

Danny: *huff* Moving! *puff* Gotta keep moving! *He looks behind him*

Dash: That's it Fen-ton! Run! But I'm taking this "D" on our spelling test out of your hide!

Danny: Every time he fails, he comes after me!

Dash: Arrrggh!

Danny is looking back to see if Dash is still behind him until a hand grabs him and pulls him into the ally as we see him pulled close to someone as it is revealed to be (F/N)

Danny: *Sees (F/N)* Who- *Gets pulled in close and his mouth shut*

(F/N): Shh…

Dash meanwhile was chasing Danny thinking he went further into the street as he was now long gone.

Back with (F/N) and Danny, we see (F/N) let go of Danny.

Danny: Phew uh, thanks for the save.

(F/N): Eh, it was biggie, it's the least I could do.

Danny: Well you did a big favor saving me from Dash.

(F/N): Yeah I could tell, oh heh, sorry where are my manners, my name is (F/N) Jennifer Tennyson. But you can call me Jenny, or Jen, or (F/N).

Danny: Nice, names Danny.

(F/N): Nice to meet you.

Danny: You too. Hey wait a minute, you said your name was (F/N) Jennifer Tennyson?

(F/N): Yep, why?

Danny: You're the famous model that donated a million to that orphanage! And championship cheerleader.

(F/N): Ohh man, you're not gonna be like those fanboys are you? Because I've always had this reaction.

Danny: No, no, my sister is a huge fan of your work. But uh, why did you save me? You're like a famous teen model and I'm well a nobody.

(F/N): Hey don't say that, anyone is a somebody, and why I saved you is because I don't like bullies. Especially that guy that was chasing you.

Danny: Heh, wow not even 5 seconds and someone already hates Dash.

(F/N): Yeah well, I am new here so I don't really know the lay of the land here. *stomach rumbles* nor do I know a good place to eat.

Danny: Well, there's always the Nasty Burger.

(F/N): *Confused* Nasty Burger?

Danny: Trust me, don't let the name fool you, they have good food.

We later see (F/N) and Danny at Nasty Burger where we see (F/N) eating a burger and so is Danny.

(F/N): Mm, oh, this stuff is good. *Chomps down on her burger*

Danny: Heh, glad you like it.

(F/N): Huh, this stuff is actually kinda better than Burger Shack, just kinda.

As (F/N) was eating, she looked at Danny and felt his aura, which felt almost supernatural, ethereal even.

(F/N): *In her head* Hm, his aura feels ethereal, like some sort of super natural energy.

Danny: Uh, you okay (F/N)?

(F/N): Oh heh, I'm fine.

Girl 1: Is that (F/N) Jennifer Tennyson?!

Girl 2: It is!

We then see a horde of fans come to (F/N) and Danny's table much to (F/N)'s mild annoyance.

(F/N): Okay, okay, ladies, I'm honored but um, I'm kinda eating at the moment.

Girl 1: Oh sorry.

Girl 2: Is he your boyfriend?

(F/N): Noo, no, heheh, he's my new friend. Who is a boy, not-not romantically, just like in a platonic friendly sort of way.

Girl 1 and 2: Ohh gotcha.

(F/N): Plus, he's not really my type, *to Danny* No offense.

Danny: Oh none taken.

Just then we see ghost crows and ecto-pi come in as everyone goes into a panic.

(F/N): *Sees the ghost crows and ecto-puses* Ghosts??

Danny: Heh, yep welcome to Amity Park. I uh, gotta go… use the restroom.

(F/N): Alright.

We then see Danny get up and go off as (F/N) gets up and goes off in a different direction as the two transform into their alter egos. Here we see Danny fighting off the ghost crows and ecto-puses as we see him blast some of them away with a ghost ray.

Danny: I try hanging out with a hot model, and the universe just has to interrupt me.

We see one of the ecto-puses knock Danny into a wall as they all gang up on the ghost boy.

Danny: Oh man.

Just as they were about to strike as a giant pink fist punches them back as Danny sees a girl with dark purple skin, from her head radiate streams of glowing bright pink energy which resemble hair. She does not have any externally visible ears, nose or lips, this was (F/N) in her anodite form.

(F/N): Back off the boy.

Danny: What the- uh umm…

(F/N): *Helps Danny up* You okay dude?

Danny: *Snaps out of it* Y-yeah I'm fine who are you? Or what are you??

(F/N): *Sees the Ecto-puses and ghost crows* Questions later, butt kicking now.

We then see the hero duo beat up the ghost animals as (F/N) blasts them away with her mana blast as Danny brings out a thermos and captures the ghosts.

(F/N): Huh, didn't know those things can capture ghosts.

Danny: Yeah well there's some ghost hunters in this town and well- wait wait, that doesn't explain who you are, or what you are, I've never seen a ghost like you.

(F/N): A ghost? *Laughs* I'm not a ghost, I'm an alien.

The moment Danny heard her, he was shocked, there was an alien right in front of him!

Danny: An-alien? Alien?!

(F/N): Yep. But uh, can we talk somewhere else?

Danny: Uh, sure.

We later see the duo arrive at a rooftop where they were safe.

Danny: So who are you?

(F/N): Oh come on, we met a few hours ago.

Danny: Met? I don't even know you?

(F/N) sighed as she turned back into her human form which surprised Danny.

Danny: (F/N)?!

(F/N): Yep, and don't worry Danny I know that's you, the human you.

Danny immediately realized that (F/N) knew he was half ghost.

Danny: Uhh, wh-whaat? Danny Fenton, I'm sure he's back at Nasty Burger and *sees (F/N) isn't convinced* You're not buying this are you?

(F/N): Nope.

Danny: Alright, you caught me, I'm half ghost.

(F/N): Wow, that's kind of cool.

Danny: Wait, you don't think I'm a freak? Or a loser?

(F/N): What? No, Danny you're pretty cool in my book but a freak? In case you haven't noticed I'm an alien, well uh, half alien.

Danny: Half alien?

(F/N): Yeah I got my alien half from my grandma's side of the family.

Danny: *Turns back to human* How does that work?

(F/N): Oh simple, I was born with it.

Danny: That's it? You were born with powers?

(F/N): Yep, grandma calls it "the spark", I have it, and my cousin has it too.

Danny: What about your other family members?

(F/N): Well my uncle has some of it, but anodites are mostly just all-girl aliens. And humans with alien ancestry are really common.

Danny: Really?

(F/N): Yep, like one parent was human and the other was an alien, the kid would have some alien heritage. So what's your story? How did you get your uh, magic ghost powers.

Danny: Wha- magic? Science, and here's how it went down.

Danny then explains to (F/N) as to how he got his powers in the first place as (F/N) was a bit shocked to hear how he got his powers.

Danny: So that was my accident… maybe I'm actually half dead, and now…

(F/N): You aren't half dead, whoever heard of such ridiculous nonsense?

Danny: Well, excuuuse me. But what was that you shot back there? Never saw ghost energy like that.

(F/N): 1, alien, 2, that was mana.

Danny: Mana? What's that?

(F/N): Mana is the hidden mystic life energy that permeates all of nature, being found in everything from aliens to humans to plants, and is the substance of magic.

Danny: Even ghosts?

(F/N): No, not ghosts, mana is LIFE energy soo yeah that's a no on ghosts. But half ghosts like you uh… maybe?

Danny: Huh, but umm… I can't believe you're an alien!

(F/N): Shhh, shush…

Danny: Sorry, sorry. It's… whoo, I'm a huge space fan.

(F/N): Guess you wanna be an astronaut when you grow up huh?

Danny: Yeah, wait, how did you know?

(F/N): Read your mind.

Danny: Can all aliens do that?

(F/N): Eh, some can, I'm an anodite, well half anodite and half osmosian.

Danny: Awesome, wait if you're half alien, how come you look so… human.

(F/N): On my anodite side, I can make a human body and use it as a disguise. Mature anodites are beings of pure energy. That's what my grandma Verdona taught me.

Danny: Nice. So you're like an all powerful alien?

(F/N): Well I wouldn't say I'm all powerful, but yeah the more mana I absorb the more powerful I get.

Danny: Okay, but how did you know I was half ghost?

(F/N): I read your aura, it was almost supernatural which was a dead giveaway. Also, Danny Fenton, Danny Phantom, come on, anyone could have figured that out by now.

Danny: *Chuckles* Yeah but no one has yet.

(F/N): True, so does anyone else know about your uh… "condition"

Danny: Well my two friends Sam and Tucker know, but other than them nope, no one knows.

(F/N): And now I know. But don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your ghost half.

Danny: Thanks

(F/N): Anytime.

Danny: So you have a place to live?

(F/N): Well uh, not really I just moved here.

Danny: Oh heh yeah, say why don't you come with me?

(F/N): Really?

Danny: Sure, what are friends for.

(F/N): Heh, thanks ghost boy.

Danny: You too, alien girl.

We later see (F/N) and Danny arrive at Fenton works home of Danny and his family.

(F/N): *Sees the sign* Fenton works, your folks on big on name branding huh.

Danny: Heh, yeah.

(F/N): So do they know your half ghost too? And the accident?

Danny: No, they don't and I'd like to keep it that way.

(F/N): Why? They're your parents I'm sure they understand.

Danny: They're not exactly the understanding type, plus there ghost hunters soo…

(F/N): *Realizes* Ohh, oh okay gotcha yeah, they'd definitely freak out when they find out their son was half ghost. Then again, if they ever noticed the similarities between you and your alter ego they'd probably know.

Danny: Yeah they probably would.

We then see Danny open the door as he bowed a bit.

Danny: After you.

(F/N): *Chuckles* Thanks D.

We then see (F/N) went in along with Danny as they both went into the house.

(F/N): *Looks around* Nice digs.

Danny: Thanks, it's no fancy mansion but it's nice. Mom, Dad, I'm home.

We then see (F/N) look to see it was Danny's parents and his older sister.

Jazz: Danny where were you? It's way past your curfew and…

Jazz trails off when looked at (F/N) and immediately drops her book with an audible thud which surprised her parents.

Maddie: Uhh, Jazz…?

Jazz: J..  Jenifer… Tennyson…

(F/N): Uhh, D, is your sister okay?

Danny: I don't know, I think Jazz's  brain must have exploded….


Immediately in a flash, Jazz pulled in her in a tight hug much to everyone's shock.

(F/N): Oh okay, *hugs back* Nice to meet you too Jazz.

Jazz: She knows my name!

(F/N): *To Maddie* Is she always like this?

Maddie: No, not normally, oh where are my manners name is Maddie and this is my husband Jack.

(F/N): Nice meet you both.

Jack: You too, so Danny is she your new girlfriend?

Danny: *Blushes* No! No, No, No, No, (F/N) is  new in town.

(F/N): True, although I have to thank your son for showing me around town.

Jack: Showing the girl around town, are you sure you're not dating my son?

Danny: *Blushes* Dad!

(F/N): *Chuckles* Pretty sure. *Strains a bit* Now uh, can you tell your daughter to let me go?

Danny: Uh, Jazz, I think (F/N) needs to breathe, like now.

Jazz: *Snaps out of it* Oh uh, sorry, sorry *let's go*

(F/N): It's cool J. And uh, Mrs. Fenton I wanted to ask something.

Maddie: What is it?

(F/N) then explained the situation about how she didn't have a place to stay and nowhere else to go which surprised the Fenton family, especially Jazz.

Jazz: *Hugs (F/N)* Oh you poor thing! Don't worry you can always live with us.

(F/N): *Squished* Really?

Maddie: Of course, you don't deserve to be homeless, even if you are a famous celebrity and influencer.

Jack: Plus I can blabber about ghosts with you.

Jazz: Dad! Please! (F/N) isn't into ghosts.

(F/N): It's okay Jazz, I don't mind.

Jazz: You don't?

Danny: You don't?

(F/N): Yeah, people have their hobbies. I mean, I volunteer for the homeless and get paid a trillion dollars to get my photo taken by a professional which I don't mind. Buuuut sometimes I just wanna have a decent life where I don't get hounded by the paparazzi.

Danny: So can she stay?

Jack: Of course, the Fentons never leave the homeless outside.

(F/N): Awesome! Uh I mean, cool, cool.

Soon we see (F/N) in her guest bedroom which was between Danny's room and Jazz's room where we see (F/N) wearing a light purple bra and matching frilly panties and unpacked everything from her hyper storage cube and got her stuff out.

(F/N): Thank you hyper storage cube. *Yawns* Now for some shut eye.

We then see (F/N) hop into bed as the camera fades to black.

Next: Chapter 2: Alien on campus.

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