Chapter 2: Alien on campus.

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It's been a day since (F/N) saved and met Danny along with living with him and his family.

Here we see Danny getting up going to the bathroom as he saw it was locked. Danny: What the?

(F/N): *From inside* Occupied D.

Danny: Oh sorry (F/N).

(F/N): *From inside* It's cool. I'm almost finished anyways.

We then see Jazz come on screen and go to open the bathroom door only to see it's closed.

Jazz: Huh?

(F/N): *From inside* Sorry, occupied! Jazz: Uh...

Danny: (FN) is in there.

Jazz: Gotcha. *To Danny* Also don't even think about peeping on her.

Danny: *Holds hands up defensively* I wasn't going to!

The bathroom door opens as we see a waft of steam come out which hits the two siblings as we see (F/N) come out wearing a bathrobe.

(F/N): *Flips her hair* Ahh, much better, nothing like a hot shower to make you feel alive.

Jazz: *Sniff* *Sniff* Woah, why does it smell like apple pie?

Danny: *Sniffs* And snickerdoodles?

(F/N): Because I showered.

Jazz: Did you use any conditioners?

(F/N): Nah, I don't use conditioners, just some regular body wash. Also, you didn't peep on me did you Danny~?

Danny: *Blushes* No! No! I would never do that!

(F/N): *Chuckles* Relax dude, I'm just kidding. I know you wouldn't do that.

(F/N) left for her room leaving Danny and Jazz.

Jazz: There goes the most awesome hero I know.

Danny: Jazz, she took a shower.

Jazz: A heroic shower.

Danny: Oh brother.

Later on, we see (F/N) and the Fenton siblings eating breakfast with the others.

Maddie: So (F/N), how are you enjoying your stay here so far?

(F/N): I am Mrs. Fenton,

Maddie: Well thank you (FN), I'm glad you feel that way.

Jack: It sure is, way better than living on the streets.

(F/N): Heh, yeah. Um, Mr and Mrs Fenton, I have to tell you all something.

Maddie: What is it?

Danny: *Whispers* (F/N) what are you doing?

(F/N): *Whispers back* Trust me.

(F/N) then engulfed her hand in mana much to everyone's surprise.

Jack: What the-?!

Maddie: What is that?!

(F/N): As you can see, I'm an alien, well half alien, I'm half anodite, half osmosian, I get my anodite side from my grandma from my uncle's side of the family. My cousin told me it's a girl thing, at least that's what she told me.Is me being half alien gonna be a problem?

There was a long silence and Danny was freaking out knowing that (F/N) had already dropped the bomb on her being half alien, until Maddie broke it.

Maddie: Of course not, you being half alien isn't gonna change a thing. Alien or not, you're not just a guest, you're our friend.

Jack: Yeah your abilities must be very unique and amazing.

Jazz: Yeah and you're still human to us.

(FN):, um... thanks you guys.

Danny: *Mentally sighed in relief* Oh thank goodness.

Jack: So (F/N), ready for your first day of highschool?

(F/N): Sure am. I've actually never been to high school before since I was homeschooled.

Jazz: Really?

(F/N): Yep.

Jazz: Wow, you learn something new everyday.

Later after breakfast, we see (F/N) and Danny going to school.

Danny: I still can't believe you told them about being half alien.

(F/N): They had to know at some point, plus I didn't want to hide anything. And I only told them about being half alien, not about the superhero part. But why didn't you tell them about the accident or you being half ghost.

Danny: Remember, my folks are ghost hunters. They're not exactly big fans of Danny Phantom.

(F/N): Oh yeah. Well I'm sure they'll understand.

Danny: You think so?

(F/N): I know so. If my parents can accept me being half alien, I'm sure they can accept you being haf ghost, and the accident that got you your powers.

Danny: Thanks (F/N).

(F/N): Anytime.

Danny: So ready for the most miserable day of your life?

(F/N): If you're talking about highschool then yes, I've been mostly homeschooled by my Grandpa Max so I know a thing or two.

Danny: Nice.

Sometime later we see (F/N) and Danny arrive at school.

(F/N): Ooh, so this is highschool. Oh this is so cool.

Danny: Famous last words.

(F/N): You're exaggerating. Also, small question no one is gonna break out in song right?

Danny: *Laughs* Nope, believe me this is not a highschool musical.

(F/N): Oh thank goodness. Those things are never accurate.

As (F/N) and Danny entered the school and walked the halls to their locker we see everyone is in awe by (F/N) and some boys were a bit jealous that the teen model was with Danny of all people.

(F/N): *Whispers to Danny* Um, Danny, what's everyone staring at?

Danny: I think they're all staring at you.

(F/N): What makes you say that?

Danny pointed as (F/N) saw some of the boys bump into walls, fall over, and hurt themselves.

(F/N): Oh yeah.

Girl 1: No way, that's Jennifer Tennyson!

Girl 2: The more famous, than famous teen model!

Soon everyone was talking about (F/N) and her fame.

Danny: Well looks like someone's getting popular.

(F/N): Yeah, and it hasn't even been 5 minutes.

???(Tucker): Hey Danny.

(F/N) then looked to see two people. The first one was a guy with brown skin, turquoise eyes, black hair, and wore black glasses. He wears a long-sleeve yellow shirt, green cargo pants with a black belt, and brown boots along with a red beret. The second person was a caucasian girl with violet eyes, and short black hair with a small ponytail at the top and at the back of her head held by a green hair tie. She also wears purple lipstick and her clothing consists of a black choker around her neck, a black top that exposes her midriff with a purple oval in the center, black striped skirt with a green crosshatch design, purple tights, and black combat boots. She also wears a pair of black bracelets around both of her wrists. This was Sam and Tucker, Danny's friends.

Tucker: Where were you yesterday you said we were gonna hang.

Danny: Oh uh, heh, sorry you guys I was  just showing (F/N) around town the other day.

And it was at this moment Sam's jealousy instincts kicked in.

Sam: Who's (F/N)?

(F/N): *Walks in* Hey Danny, I was checking out this room where old people hang out, *pulls out a donut* They even gave me a donut too.

Danny: *Chuckles* (F/N) that's the teacher's lounge.

Tucker and Sam looked to see (F/N), and it didn't long for the techno-geek to recognize her.

Tucker: J… J…J…

Danny: Tuck? Tucker??

(F/N): Is your friend okay?

Danny: Yeah, I think so.

Tucker: You're Jenifer Tennyson!!

(F/N): Yep, that's me. Nice to meet you guys.

Tucker: You too, and it is such an honor meeting a famous person.

Sam: *Strained* Yeah… an honor. Danny… aren't you gonna… introduce us…

Danny: Oh yeah, (F/N) this is Sam and Tucker.

(F/N): *Whispers loudly to Danny* Is she a mean girl or a regular girl?

Tucker snorted and laughed after hearing that question while this ticked off the jealous goth girl.

Danny: (F/N) what did I tell you?

(F/N): That there are no regular girls.

Danny: Exactly.

(F/N): Well it's nice to meet you both.

Tucker: You too, so what are you doing at Casper High? Are you doing a school themed photo shoot?

(F/N): Heh, no, I'm actually attending Casper High.

Tucker: *Excited* Yes!

Sam: No!

Danny: I know it's kinda awesome. Plus, (F/N)'s been homeschooled so she's kinda new to this.

(F/N): It's true, I have never been to highschool so this is my first time.

Tucker: Really?

(F/N): Yep. I'm gonna get a lay of the land here. I'll see you when I can D.

Danny: Alright.

(F/N) went off leaving the trio as Danny saw Sam was cheesed off.

Danny: What?

Sam: You can't be serious right?

Danny: What are you talking about?

Tucker: Danny, she's a famous celebrity and a model, and super hot, hotter than Paulina or any other girl here. *Gets hit by Sam* Ow!

Sam: Which makes her a threat.

Danny: What are you talking about? (F/N) is super nice, plus she saved me from Dash the other day.

Tucker: She did?

Danny: Yep.

Tucker: Well she's okay in my book, and pretty easy on the eyes.

Sam: Not with me she isn't.

Tucker: Oh come on Sam, not every girl is the stereotype you think they are.

Sam: You don't know that, she's just waiting to show her true colors.

Tucker: Sam we don't know that for sure.

Sam: We'll know soon.

Tucker sighed and knew this was gonna be a long day for him and Danny.

We later see everyone in the classroom where they see the vice principal/ fat balding teacher, Mr. Lancer.

Lancer: Now class, settle down, today we have a new student joining us today, some of you that you may know. So give her a warm welcome.

We then see (F/N) come into the room as everyone was surprised by this.

(F/N): Hey everyone.

Nerd 1: No way, that's Jenifer Tennyson!

Everyone started asking questions about (F/N) until Lancer spoke up.

Mr. Lancer: Now class, calm down.

Geek 2: Where are you living??

(F/N): Oh I'm living with Danny, he was nice enough to let me stay with him.

Soon all the boys and some girls glared at Danny in jealousy at the fact that the model is living with him of all people, especially a certain vegan goth girl.

Everyone (Except Sam): *in their heads* Lucky!

Sam: *In her head* What?! He's letting this… this blond bimbo live with him?!

Mr. Lancer: Uh interesting Ms. Tennyson, why don't you tell us more about yourself.

(F/N): Well I'm a model as you all know, and I'm also an influencer too. I've been homeschooled for 15 years so this is my first time at an actual highschool. And I'm also a cheerleader.

Danny: Really?

(F/N): Yep, it kept me really limber and balanced, plus I'm naturally acrobatic.

Sam: *In her head* And now she's on the enemy list.

The students start speaking amongst themselves. But as they do so, Sam and Tucker whisper to each other.

Tucker: *Whispers* Dude! She's... Wow!

Sam: *Whispers* She's also a cheerleader, that makes her the enemy!

Tucker: *Whispers* Maybe your enemy!

Sam: *To Danny* What do you think, Danny?

Danny: *Whispers* She's not a bad person alright, I trust her and she trusts me.

Sam: *Whispers* That's just what she wants you to think. Face it Danny, soon she's gonna be just like all the other popular people.

Danny: *Whispers* You're wrong, she isn't like them.

Later after class, we see it was now lunch at Casper High, Danny was with his friends at their usual table.

Tucker: I still can't believe you're living with a model now, you know this is gonna change everything.

Danny: Oh come on, it's not gonna change anything. Besides, (F/N) doesn't really act like a big shot celebrity.

Sam: *Sarcastically* Sure she doesn't, and need I remind you she's a cheerleader, which makes her an enemy.

Tucker: Correction, your enemy. Plus she's a nice person, and she's gonna sit with us *looks at his PDA's clock function* Right... about... ???(F/N): Hey Danny!

(F/N)'s voice greets them. They look behind Danny and see that (F/N) is there.

Danny: Hey, (F/N), what's going on?

(F/N): Well, I was doing a look around the school again and figured that since it was lunch, I should eat. That and I couldn't find anywhere else to sit or anyone else to each with  since they all kept fainting whenever they saw me for some reason.

Sam: *Sarcastically* Gee I wonder why?

(F/N): Don't know, it's a complete mystery.

Danny immediately moves to the near edge on his left.

Danny: Plenty of space.

(F/N): Awesome, thanks D.

(FN) sits down, taking a lunch bag out of her backpack. She takes out a sandwich from it. She then notices Sam and Tucker staring at her.

(F/N): What? Is there a boogy on my face?

Tucker: No, no it's not that it's just… I figured you'd be eating something more fancy?

(F/N): Ehh, not really I'm sure fancy stuff tastes good but at the end of the day it's just food that just costs a ton of money. I mean do you have any idea how much they mark up the prices for food for such small portions? I mean come on, it's food, it's not art.

Tucker: She's not wrong there.

Sam: Anyways, why did you decide to sit with us? You're super famous, and a cheerleader shouldn't you be sitting with them?

(F/N) looks over to the A-list's table. She quickly noticed the Latina girl looking with the jock, Dash. She saw the jock throwing a paper ball at a skinny redhead kid with glasses as his friends laughed at him.

(F/N) wasn't very fond of those who use their social status to get away with mocking others, hence why she doesn't act that way, when Paulina notices the alien in disguise looking her way,  she looks the other way.

(F/N): No thank you. I like my new friends to be a little more human. *Smiles in Danny's direction. This gets a smile on Danny's face. Sam looks more annoyed than Usual* Plus between you and me, I don't really like jocks.

Out of nowhere, Danny is pushed out of his seat, causing (F/N) and the others to gasp.

Dash: Move it, loser! *pushed Danny off and sat next to (F/N)* Hey, babe. Name's Dash Baxter, star quarterback and-

(F/N): Dude, not cool! Get off Danny's seat and apologize! *while pointing a finger at him. Dash only Scoffs*

Dash: Please tell me you're joking?

This immediately caught everyone's attention. A cheerleader, one that was new to Casper High, is standing up to Dash for Danny Fenton's sake. Evern Sam and Tucker can't stop looking.

(F/N): I'm not. Don't tell me your brain is as flat as that haircut of yours? Actually scratch that, your brain is as flat as your flat as that ugly haircut.

Danny immediately bursts out a laugh at this. This does not please Dash at all, who then picks up Danny by the collar of his shirt.

Dash: Think that was funny? Let's see you laugh when-

the back of his jacket and pulls him away from Danny. It's (F/N), who then slams Dash right  through the table which breaks in half away from Danny and then (F/N)  glares in his eyes. Her finger pointing in his terrified face as Dash saw (F/N)'s eyes were now pink with mana, filled with anger and rage.

(F/N): *Ragefully* If you ever think about hurting him again I will rip you into pieces! Understand?

Dash slowly, with a look like he's going to cry, nods.

(F/N): *Immediately adopts a friendly look* *Eyes turns back normal* Please and thank you.

Everyone in the entire cafeteria stares at what (F/N) just did. The A-listers are completely baffled that a cheerleader would beat up a quarterback to defend a nobody like Danny Fenton.

The main trio themselves are in awe, even Sam, who was the most unfriendly of them. Tucker and

Danny: *In his head* This girl is awesome.

Sam: *In her head* I'm suddenly too afraid to be confrontational with her.

Later after lunch, we see (F/N) and the trio at their lockers.

Tucker: Man, I can't believe you did that to Dash.

(F/N): Well someone had to do something.

Sam: Still, uh, wasn't that a bit… excessive?

(F/N): Please, people like him don't learn and they need to have it drilled into their heads permanently so they do remember.

Tucker: Can't argue with that.

Danny: Well I gotta say, thanks for the save, again.

(F/N): Hey no prob bob. Anyways, Danny I was thinking you and I could hit the park after school.

This ticked Sam off a bit. How could this girl take away his crush, err friend.

Sam: *In her head* How could this bimbo ask something like that?!

Danny: Sure that sounds awesome.

(F/N): Cool, we can-

Lancer: Ms. Tennyson.

The four look back and see him standing there, looking unpleasant.

Lancer: Come with me!

(F/N): *In a Arnold Schwarzenegger voice* If I want to live?

We later see (F/N) and Danny in Principal Ishiyama's office, she sits at her desk, with Mr. Lancer at her side and Dash Baxter, looking smug, on her other side. Danny and (F/N) are there together. Though he said he wanted (F/N), Lancer allowed Danny to come with her.

Mr. Lancer: Miss Tennyson, we can't allow your actions today to go unpunished.

Danny: Dash started it! He-

Lancer: Four touchdown passes in the last game, thereby exempt from scorn.

Ishiyama: Miss Fenix, we're afraid, new student or not, we're going to have to report this.

(F/N): Really? *looks at Danny* Danny, can I see your arm?

Danny: Huh? *Suddenly, realization hits him* Oh!

Danny walks up to (F/N) and shows Danny's arm, as she showed, on his left elbow, a scrape.

(FN): Danny got this from Dash pushing him off his seat. And you're willing to let Dash be exempt from this?

Ishiyama: Well…

(F/N): Need I remind you, that I'm not only famous, but also a very powerful influencer. I have contacts with all sorts of people. The government, anti-bullying movements, doctors, state senators...

Mr. Lancer: Miss Tennyson-

(F/N): I could have Danny come to them and talk about how Casper High's faculty turns a blind eye to bullying that's physically harming him and the other students… Here's what's going to happen, you two idiots are gonna start listening to both sides of the story, you're not gonna make anyone exempt from punishment, because if you two morons don't do what I say, I promise, you'll regret it for the rest of your very short lives.

Both the principal and Lancer immediately look concerned as they share exchanges that make them realize how bad the fallout could be. But Lancer, being the fat idiot teacher that he was, didn't listen.

Lancer: Now Ms. Tennyson, Dash is the-

Lancer was cut off when (F/N) picked up the table with ease and threw it right through the room much to everyone's shock.

(F/N): I DON'T CARE IF HE'S THE DANG ICE CREAM MAN!! Dash was the one that pushed Danny and you and the principal are believing every lie that comes out of the A-Listers' mouths! I will not stand for that! Now are you gonna listen to me, or do I have to report this to the school board?

Ishiyama: Y-you wouldn't…

(F/N): Try me… and don't think I don't know about that meat buffet you all had once during the menu change. *crosses her arms and gives a confident grin for good measure*

Mr. Lancer: I.. see your point. Dash Baxter. *Dash immediately looks surprised by this* You're going to have detention for a week.

Dash: What?!

Ishiyama: I'm afraid Miss Tennyson is right. We've been getting complaints about you for the whole year anyway.

(F/N): Well this has been fun.

(F/N) gets up and takes Danny's hand with him as they go to the door only to be blocked by Dash.

(F/N): Move it Baxter.

Dash: Make me.

The scene changes to outside Mr. Lancer's offices before the door shakes and dust clouds form. The door opens to show (F/N) carrying Danny as Dash was sitting on the ground, a waste basket on his head with Mr. Lancer and Ishiyama back into a corner, scared.

Danny: Wow, I never thought I'd see the day Lancer got scared out of his hair.

(F/N): Or what's left of it.

The two share a laugh as we see Tucker and Sam show up.

Tucker: So what did Lancer punish you with?

(F/N): He didn't punish me, he punished Dash instead.

Tucker and Sam: What?!

Tucker: How did you convince him?

(F/N): I have my ways. That and I scared him and Principal Ishiyama.

Danny: And she beat up Dash.

Tucker: Nice.

Sam: Uh, not nice there's such a thing as self control.

(F/N): And there's such a thing as convincing stubborn people who won't listen. Come on, Danny, let's hit the park.

Danny: Right. Uh could you put me down?

(F/N): Oh yeah, sorry. *Puts Danny down*

Danny: Thanks.

(F/N): Anytime.

We see the duo go to the park leaving Tucker and Sam, as we see Sam was livid about this.

Sam: How can she do this?!

Tucker: Do what?

Sam: Not only sweep Danny off his feet and-and save him, but now they're going to the park?!

Tucker: Sam come on, it's not like they're going on a date or anything.

We later see the duo arrive at the park where they were the only ones there.

(F/N): So since we're the only ones here, wanna spar?

Danny: Hm, sure I don't see why not.

We then see Danny turn into ghost mode as (F/N)'s eyes glowed pink.

(F/N): Ready?!

Danny: Ready.

(F/N): Then let's see who's stronger. And for the record, Mana blasts are stronger than ecto blasts.

Danny: Ecto blasts are stronger than mana blasts.

(F/N): *Gets into a battle stance* But a kiwi punch wins the day.

(F/N) fired a small mana blast, while Danny fired an ecto-blast as both attacks collided and canceled out as the two fought.

Danny hovered into the air and (F/N) created mana constructs that helped her go up to his level as she fired again. Danny created an energy shield that blocked the blasts but (F/N) took advantage and went higher. Once Danny lowered the shield to look around for (F/N), he looked up and saw (F/N) appear in front with a blast that, while light, still knocked him to the ground.

(F/N): Gotcha.

Danny: *Chuckles* Not bad for a model.

(F/N): *Helps Danny up* You're not bad yourself for a half ghost guy.

Danny: *Changes back* Thanks.

(F/N): Though your combat could use a little work but other than that your good sparring buddy.

Danny: Heh, yeah so I've been meaning to ask, what's with the weird watch on your wrist?

(F/N): Oh this is a level 20 DNA replicator. *Sees Danny's confused look* It's a watch that lets me turn into aliens.

Danny: Ohh gotcha.

(F/N): Yep, my brother has one too. It also doubles a phone too, and lets me and my brother walk a mile in an alien's shoes or whatever they wear.

Danny: And you two have been doing this since you were 10?

(F/N): Well I was 5.5 and he was 11 so there was a little age difference there. But unlike Ben's Omnitrix, mine is the Ultimatrix, not only does it let change into aliens but it hyper-evolves them.

Danny: So like ultimate forms?

(F/N): Pretty much. So what do you wanna do next?

Danny: Well... we could- *ghost sense went off* Uh oh…

That's when the sound of some kind of machine could be heard from above. They looked up.

Skulker: Ghost Boy! Your pelt will be mine!

(F/N): Foe of yours?

Danny: Yeah, *looked around and so nobody else present* He wants my pelt, so just give him a piece of my mind instead."

Danny morphed thanks to the rings.

Danny: Be right back…

Danny flew at Skulker, who readied his shoulder cannon.

Skulker: Eat this, Phantom!

He fired. Danny was about to fire, but a blast of pink energy flew past Danny and hit Skulker's rocket, blowing it up before it could reach Danny.

Danny looked down and saw it came from (F/N).

(F/N): I have powers too you realize.

Danny smiled.

Danny: Then, care to give me a hand?

(F/N): Alright.

(F/N) created constructs that acted as steps for her as she ran up them to help Danny out. Skulker blinked his eyes before pulling out his special binoculars. His readings made his gasp.

Skulker: Mana energy? How?!

That's when he scratched his chin and an idea formed.

Skulker: Then again... such a creature would make a fine addition to my collection…

(F/N): So uh, who is this guy?

Danny: Skulker is an egomaniac hunter. He's actually a tiny ghost in a robotic body. Think man-sized Megazord.

(F/N): Hm, so where's the real him?

Danny: The head.

(F/N): Good to know.

(F/N) fired mana blasts in disc-shapes at Skulker.

Skulker flew around to avoid the blasts.

Skulker: Excellent! I didn't want this hunt to be too easy!

He fired another rocket from his cannon. Danny fired a ghost ray, destroying the rocket. Since Skulker couldn't see past the smoke, he didn't defend himself in time from Danny flying in and kicking him in the side, towards the ground.

Danny: Don't even think about hurting (F/N)!

Skulker soon felt something as he hit what was not the ground. Opening his eyes, it was a glowing pink platform (F/N) created. She hopped off the one she was standing on, making it disappear, and faced him.

(F/N): Don't worry partner, I can take him.

Skulker got up and grinned.

Skulker: You'll regret that, girl… *raised his fists*

He threw a punch, but (F/N) countered, grabbing his fist and flipping above him before blasting him in the back, destroying his jetpack. Angered, Skulker turned around to attack her again. However, (F/N) used her powers to create small shields to block his blows. He swung his arm as hard as he could, but Skulker missed. (F/N) did a split and fired into his stomach. The blast was enough to send the screaming ghost to the ground.

Danny, who was observing, was pretty impressed.

Danny:  Not bad.

Seeing this, (F/N) smiled, and had a hand through her hair to adjust it.

(F/N): Thanks.

Skulker, having made a crater that was comically his shape, got up. He was not happy.

Skulker: Accursed girl!

Then (F/N) fired a beam around his head. With her power and strength, (F/N)  pulled it off. Once it was close enough, with a swing of her hand, the face opened and revealed the tiny ghost inside. Skulker flinched in fear.

(F/N): Huh... and Ben thought Grey Matter was tiny…  *grabbed hold of Skulker and pulled him out and looked at Danny* You're up!

(F/N) threw Skulker up and Danny used the Thermos on him.

Danny: That was awesome, (F/N).

(F/N): Thanks, guess ghost hunting is just as easy as taking down supervillains.

Danny: Sure is, what did you have to fight?

(F/N): Hm, let's see mad scientist, alien warlord, evil version of my brother, zombie clown, a lot of things really.

Danny: Wow, and here I thought the ghosts I fight.

(F/N): Yeah, but I don't understand though, why do we have to be the ones with superhero stuff? I mean, you were just a normal guy until that lab accident and I was just a regular girl until I found out about my alien heritage.

Danny: Well I mean someone's gotta do it.

(F/N): Fair enough, but why do you do it? Why save humans?

Danny: Because people aren't strong enough to protect themselves.

(F/N): Well I'm not people, why should I care?

Danny: Well you care about your family and the people you protect, and besides someone's gotta do it.

(F/N): True. I guess being a superhero isn't all bad. But love life wise, not awesome. It's hard finding a nice girl.

Danny: Nice girl? *Realizes* Wait your…

(F/N): Mmhm, I'm a lesbian. That's not a problem is it?

Danny: *Waves his hands* No, no of course not, you're my friend and I won't judge who you like.

(F/N): Oh phew, that's a relief. Thanks D.

Danny: Anytime. So do you actually have a superhero name?

(F/N): Nope, honestly finding a decent superhero name is hard. But I'll come up with something, eventually, probably.

Next: Chapter 3: Alien Cheerleader.

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