Chapter 10: Protecting the pet.

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Here we see (F/N) and Roxie in bed together as we see the blue anubian baskurr wake up and go to (F/N) nuged to her to wake up.

(F/N): *Stirs from her sleep* Mmhmm, *yawns* *Wakes up* *sees Roxie* *pets Roxie* Morning girl, thanks for the wake up.

Roxie: *Barks*

(F/N): I know, I'll get you your breakfast. Hm, you like bacon right?

Roxie: *Barks yes*

(F/N): Alright, bacon it is. And some beef bites too, you chicken right?

Roxie: *Barks yes*

(F/N): Awesome, *Pets Roxie* Now let's get some grub.

We later see the duo at the kitchen eating breakfast and Roxie eating her breakfast which was meat and dog food made specifically for Roxie.

(F/N): *Eating cereal* Mm, can't go wrong with the classics.

Jazz: I can't believe you bought… a stray dog with you.

(F/N): She's not just a stray dog Jazz, she's family. There's a difference.

Jazz: What difference? Roxie is a pet.

(F/N): Family. And the last thing I want is Roxie getting hurt on my watch. Plus I've always been more of a dog person than a cat person.

Jazz: *In her head* A dog person too? Oh she is soo dating Danny.

Later that day we see (F/N) down in the Fenton Lab working on something for Roxie, which was some sort of red and silver. The symbol looks like an open mouth with sharp teeth. After creating the device, (F/N) programmed various types of alien predatory DNA into it, this was the Nemetrix, only this one was gonna be used for good.

(F/N): There we go.

Just then we see Danny come in and see what (F/N) made.

Danny: Hey Jen, what are you doing?

(F/N): I just made a special invention for Roxie to defend herself with.

Danny: Nice, but why?

(F/N): After that rude fight with Skulker, I want Roxie to be safe, which is why I made this, *shows the Nemetrix*

Danny: Woah, it's an Omnitrix?

(F/N): Nemetrix actually, it's a knock off version of the Omnitrix. It contains alien predatory DNA.

Danny: Nice, when do I get to test it out?

(F/N): Woah, woah, slow down dude, the Nemetrix only works with non-sapient creatures like Roxie. *Sees Danny's confused look* It can only work with animals.

Danny: Oh gotcha, but why?

(F/N): The last time I saw the Nemetrix being used on a person was my grandpa's old partner and let's just say it did not go so well…

Danny: Ohhh, gotcha.  But are you sure this is gonna work?

(F/N): I'm positive, I have a technological memory.

(F/N) then put the Nemetrix onto Roxie's collar as she looked at it curiously.

Roxie: *Barks questioningly*

(F/N): I know this looks a little weird Roxie but it's to protect you. Now, and if you can, think of a Biglizard.

Roxie then focused as much as she could as she then glowed red and turned into Biglizard as she roared.

Danny: Woah!

(F/N): Awesome! I'm a genius!

Roxie: *As Buglizard* *Roars*

Roxie (as Buglizard) tail smacked some equipment away as she then turned back to normal and shook herself.

Roxie: *Barks in excitement*

(F/N): *Hugs Roxie* Aww I knew you could do it, that's my girl.

Danny: Okay now that is awesome! *Sees the other Nemetrixes* What are those?

(F/N): Oh those are just other Nemetrices that I made just in case I ever lose one.

Danny: Huh, neat.

(F/N): Yep, it's nice to have extras on hand.

Later that day, we see (F/N) and Roxie walking down Amity Park and (F/N) talking to Ben via Omnitrix.

Ben: *Via Omnitrix* So you got a new pet?

(F/N): Yep, her name is Roxie and she is a sweetheart.

Roxie: *Barks hello*

Ben: *Via Omnitrix* I'm sure she is, hey just a heads up, be careful out there.

(F/N): *Groans* Ben come on, I'm a tough girl and I can handle things myself.

Ben: *Via Omnitrix* I know but you're my sister and I don't want you to get hurt, and there's some weird alien monster out there.

(F/N): Define weird.

Ben: *Via Omnitrix* It sort of looks like your new pet, but evil, and it can shapeshift into any alien that fights mine, it's like a Ben eating monster. And take it from me, that thing is dangerous.

(F/N): So is your messy room, but you hear me complaining. I can handle it, I'm me.

Ben: *Via Omnitrix* *Chuckles* Yeah, just be careful.

(F/N): I will. *Hangs up* Alright, now to go to the hardware store. But first…

(F/N) summons a boomerang and throws it as it then hits something or someone.

???(Sam): Ow!

Sam falls down from her hiding spot and is dazed as (F/N) catches the boomerang and makes it disappear.

(F/N): Spying on me again? Sheesh, don't you have a protest you should be going to? Or not listening to your parents?

Sam: *Gets up* *Holds her hand* You're one to talk, you may have Danny and Tucker fooled but not me.

(F/N): You're still on that? I don't have anyone fooled. And apparently you're paranoid.

Sam: I'm not paranoid! *Points at (F/N)* You're up to something and I know it! And when I find out I'm gonna tell Danny and everyone else.

(F/N): Roxie wanna take this one?

Roxie growls at Sam as Anubian baskurr turned into Terrorantula, which is a giant four-legged spider with a body of a silverfish with four pincers with one claw on each and a silver colored exoskeleton, the lower half of her legs and back of her head is covered with light brown hair. Her eyes are red, reptile-like head with an open mouth smile. Sam wanted to say she wasn't scared but to say she wasn't was an understatement.

Sam: Woah hey c-come on, you're not really-

Roxie (as Terrorantula) shot an energy web at Sam, encasing her in the web as she fell over as Roxie turned back to normal.

Sam: Since when can Roxie do that?!

(F/N): Since I gave her a Nemetrix, don't worry the energy web is only temporary.

(F/N) and Roxie walk off leaving Sam in the webs and anger. Later on, we see (F/N) and Roxie walking out of the hardware store with the parts they need.

(F/N): Got all the parts I need.

Roxie: *Barks*

As (F/N) and Roxie went home, (F/N) sensed something as she then sent a mana blast and heard a "ow!" And saw it was three ghost vultures.

(F/N): First octopi, crows, now vultures wearing fezzes?

Vulture 1: They happen to be very fashionable young lady!

Vulture 2: Why are we talking shouldn't we be taking her to the boss? And her little invention too?

(F/N): Boss?

Vulture 3: Quiet you idiot you don't want to give her the name of our boss.

(F/N) was getting tired of this and punched them all them away with a giant mana fist.

(F/N): And it's outta the park! *Sees Roxie shaking her head disapprovingly* Yeah I know, I'm not exactly proud of that either, but before I punched them all away I read their minds, or what's left of it.

Roxie: *Barks good job*

(F/N): *Chuckles* Thanks Rox, now let's go home.

We later see (F/N) and Roxie arrived back home where they see Danny watching TV.

(F/N): Hey we're home.

Danny: Hey (F/N), Roxie, what took you two so long.

(F/N): Ghost vultures, but it was nothing I couldn't take care of.

Roxie: *Barks*

(F/N): Weird though, they were wearing fezzes and saying something about bringing me to their boss and the Nemetrix.

Danny: *Realizes* Wait, their boss?

(F/N): Yeah, sounds like you know him.

Danny: Yeah, he's my dad's old college friend. His name is Vlad Masters.

(F/N): Vlad Masters? I heard about that guy in rich people monthly and I assume he's your archenemy who not only hates your dad but is obsessed with your mom, and is also half ghost too right?

Danny: Right on the money. No pun intended.

(F/N): So you owe this guy money or something?

Danny: Naah, he just wants me to join him and leave my dad because he wants me to be his son.

(F/N): Wow, that's messed up.

Danny: Tell me about it, and I barely beat him the first time I met him, but believe me when I say this that Vlad is nothing like me.

(F/N): Because he's more experienced in his ghost powers than you are right?

Danny: Yep. And take it from me, Vlad is no Box Ghost, be careful.

(F/N): I will, and besides I fought tougher villains than him. So you don't have to worry about anything D.

Danny: I hope you know what you're doing Jen.

(F/N): Trust me, I do know.

Danny: Hm, okay.

The next day, we see (F/N) and Roxie playing fetch in the park unaware Sam and Tucker are spying on her, again.

Tucker: *Sighe* Seriously, Sam let it go.

Sam: I'm not, Tuck we still don't know anything about (F/N), other than the fact she's half alien and gets her powers from her grandma's side of the family, she's a complete mystery.

Tucker: That still doesn't make her a bad person.

Sam: It does too!

Tucker: Still mad she hit you with a boomerang and Roxie trapping you in an energy web?

Sam: *Glared at Tucker* We swore we would never speak of that again.

Meanwhile back with (F/N) and Roxie we see them still playing fetch since they were the only ones there.

(F/N): *Sighs* This is the life, no ghosts, no aliens, just me, *Roxie comes to (F/N)* my dog and this peaceful park. And nothing can ruin this day.

Suddenly a pink ecto blast came from the sky as (F/N) and Roxie dodged it as they both saw it was Plasmius aka Vlad Masters in his ghost form.

Vlad: Well, well Ms. Tennyson, an honor to meet you. *Sees the Nemetrix* And the clever little device you made.

(F/N): And you must be the Wisconsin Ghost, such an honor to meet you, but dude, gotta say, a cape? Fangs? Come on, are you supposed to be a cereal mascot or a super villain?

Tucker was silently laughing and so was Sam who while she didn't like (F/N) still thought what she said was funny, although Vlad didn't find it funny one bit.

Vlad: Why you insolent little-

(F/N): Oh and let's not forget your personal vendetta against your old college pal for giving you ecto acne and "stealing" your girl.

Vlad: How did you-

(F/N): It seemed pretty obvious.

Vlad was now losing his temper but composed himself.

Vlad: You know why I'm  here, you'll hand over your little device you gave to your… pet. Or else.

(F/N): Or else what, fruit loop.

Vlad shot an ecto blast near (F/N) as she and Roxie moved out of he way.

Vlad: I am more powerful than you child and you hand over that device! *Eyes glow red*

Tucker and Sam were not panicking that Vlad at their blond friend and her dog cornered.

(F/N): Alright, you win Plasmius.

(F/N) then took the "Nemetrix" off of Roxie and tossed it to Plasmius who caught it.

(F/N): You can have the Nemetrix, you're clearly far more stronger than me.

Vlad: And don't you forget it.

We then see Vlad fly off with the "Nemetrix" as we see Sam and Tucker come out of hiding with shocked expressions at how (F/N) gave up that easily.

Sam: Are you kidding me right now?!

(F/N): Oh hey guys what's up?

Tucker: What's up? You just gave Vlad the most powerful device in the world! How are you not freaking out?!

(F/N): Oh did I?

Sam: Yes, you did!

(F/N) then pulls out the real Nemetrix from back pocket.

Tucker: What the?

Sam: That's the real Nemetrix?

(F/N): Yep, *places onto Roxie's collar*

Tucker: But wait a minute, if you have the real deal then what does Vlad have?

(F/N) smiled coyly as we cut to Vlad at his mansion getting ready to examine the "Nemetrix"

Vlad: *While the "Nemetrix" is beeping* Now I can mass produce these and make an entire army of alien predators and destroy Jack Fenton!

Vulture: Hey why is that do-hicky beeping?

Vlad then sees the device beeping and is confused by this until it immediately hits him like a runaway truck.

Vlad: Oh cheese logs!

The mansion exploded into a million pieces as we cut back to (F/N) and the others.

Tucker: Wait, you gave him a bomb?

(F/N): Yep, I had a feeling that Vlad would try something like this and I planned ahead. And that punk totally fell for it, *laughs*

Sam and Tucker were in shock that (F/N) actually planned this.

Tucker: Remind me to never touch or ask for (F/N)'s stuff  again.

Sam: Noted.

Next: Chapter 11: Public Enemies

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