Chapter 11: Public Enemies

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Here we see an outside shot of the Fenton Portal. We see the camera zooms in and fades to a shot of a ghost in prison garb being chased by two of Walker's prison guards and Bullet.

Prisoner: You'll never take me alive, coppers!

Bullet: You're a Ghost.

Prisoner: Well, you'll still never take me! *He's caught in a net*

We see the guards pull in their new catch. Bullet turns around and contacts Walker.

Bullet: That's the last one, Walker. All the escaped prisoners have been rounded up.

Back at the prison, we see Walker is chatting with Bullet.

Walker: All but one... *Turns to face a door with four guards in front of it* Which brings us to you, Wulf.

A guard, reluctantly, opens the cell. Out of it jumps a wolf ghost creature named Wulf. He jumps over everybody and unsheathes his claws. He swipes at the air and creates a tear in the dimension.

Guard: He's tearing a hole out of our dimension! He's gonna escape!

Walker: No he's not. That would be against the rules. *Presses a button on his wrist, which activates a shock collar on Wulf's neck, causing him to scream in pain and fall back while the portal he created disappears* That's a nifty little power you have, Wulf. The ability to claw into the real world at will. It's one of the reasons I need you. You want that collar off, don't you?

We see Wulf pulled on his collar desperately, indicating he does.

Walker: I have one more perp to catch. *Shows a picture of Danny in prison garb and in ghost form* Half kid, half ghost.

Wulf:*Sniffs the picture* Vi deziri detrui? (Translation: "You want to destroy him ?")

Walker: Destroy him? No. I want revenge. And I need him alive for that. And since this Danny Phantom set my prisoners free, I wanna turn his world into the prison he escaped. Take my crew. *The guards smile evilly* Cause as much havoc as you can and sniff this kid out for me. And you'll be free of me forever. Do we have a deal?

We then see Wulf smiles evilly as the camera cuts to Amity Park, where a man is in panic.

Man: Ghosts!

Walker's goons are all over the place, causing chaos as you, Danny, Sam, and Tucker are looking on.

Sam: Oh man! I've never seen this many ghosts attacking at once!

(F/N): It's like the mardi gra of ghost attacks!

Danny: I'm gonna need a bigger thermos! *Tackled by a ghost*

Tucker: And a paramedic!

Later on, back at Casper High School we see kids are watching a newscast about the previous night's chaos.

News reporter: This was the scene in Amity Park last night as ghosts - that's right, ghosts - caused hundreds of thousands in damage. I'm Shelli Rakimata, and this is "ghost watch", Day 2. *TV is turned off*.

Mayor: Now, I know you kids are scared because ghosts are scary, scary things, *The kids all look unphased* but I came to your school, not because this is a great photo opportunity... *Turns and smiles for photographers* but because you children are our future... Voters.

(F/N): Oh brother...

Mayor: *Laughs at his joke as more photos are taken of him* And now, I'd like to turn this over to Principal Ishiyama, who is here to inform you of some exciting rules and restrictions.

Danny: This is going to end badly.

(F/N): What makes you say that?

Danny: Just a very strange feeling.

Principal Ishiyama: Due to the continuing and escalating ghost threat, here's the way we're going to limit your freedom. 1: Students are to have no contact with these spirits. 2: All students will be escorted to their homes directly after school. And 3: *Gives a serious face* By order of the Mayor's new security advisor, a nine o'clock curfew.

Sam: A curfew!?

(F/N) and Tucker: An escort!?

Danny: Ok, who's the idiot security advisor that came up with those lame ideas?

(F/N): I can give you two guesses and you're not gonna like them.

Danny: Who?

We then see Jack and Maddie show up armed with weapons.

Jack: *On a megaphone* Fear not, young ones. We're here to make sure this school is prepared for any ghost emergency.

Maddie: *On a megaphone* You must be cautious. At any time one of these ectoplasmic malefactors - *Sees (F/N) and Danny* Hi, sweeties! *Goes back to the crowd* - could appear out of nowhere.

time to sit in the back where nobody can notice us?

Sam: Time to sit in the back where nobody can notice us. *They get up and move*

A tear in the dimensions appears nearby. Wulf pops his head out and sniffs for Danny. He pops back in and points at the portal to Walker.

Walker: Alright, Wulf. You know what to do. Sniff out the people he's been in contact with.

We then see Wulf jump through the portal as Bullet appears next to Walker.

Bullet: While we take over everybody Wulf sniffs out.

Walker: I don't care if he knows Wulf is there, but the rest of you, I want hidden.

Walker, Bullet, and some guards go through the portal. Back at the meeting, (F/N)'s and Danny's ghost sense goes off.

(F/N): Uh oh, that's not good.

Danny: Oh no. You have got to be kidding me. Here? Now?

We then see Wulf appears onstage and frightens everyone. After jumping offstage, a guard appears from behind Principal Ishiyama and takes her over. Walker and two more guards take over Dash, Kwan, and Paulina, respectively. Sam and Tucker run outside the room.

Sam: Where's Danny and (F/N) ?

Tucker: I think he's trying to 'go ghost' and (F/N) is trying to transform but there are too many people around.

(F/N): *Looks around* Oh man there's too many ghosts.

Danny: *Ghost sense constantly goes off* Yeah there's so many ghosts in here, my ghost sense is going off like crazy.

Wulf grabs (F/N) and Danny and holds you both down

(F/N): Gah! Get off of us!

Wulf: Servi! (Translation: "Served!")

Maddie: Get away from them! *Blasts Wulf off of (F/N) and Danny*

Jack: Hey, I wanted to do that! When did you learn to shoot that good?

Maddie: What, you think I sit home and invent new cookies all day?

Jack: Speaking of which, can I have another one of those butterscotch caramel apple doodles? *Maddie gives him a cookie*

Wulf sees Bullet and two guards behind Jack and Maddie. He runs away.

Bullet: He's making a break for it! *They chase after him*

Dash: *about Jack and Maddie; in Walker's voice* I wanna keep an eye on these two. They may be of use to us.

Jack: Come on! *They run off and he hits his head on a door*

Maddie: It's a pull, Jack. *Opens the door and runs off*

Dash: *controlled by Walker* Well, SHE might.

Outside the auditorium, (F/N) and Danny see Wulf phase through the floor, looking scared. (F/N) and Danny run but immediately bumps into Mr. Lancer.

Mr.Lancer: "Bridget Jones's Diary," Fenton! Fenix! Stop your screaming, and get over there into the safe area! *Pushes her and him into a room*

Lancer closes the door and a guard appears behind him. The guard takes him over. Later, ghosts are filling the skies as (F/N), Roxie, Danny and Jazz walk home.

Jazz: *As Danny's ghost senses is going off* All I'm saying is mom and dad are gonna be very busy, and I have a lot of homework to do, so I'm not gonna be able to keep an eye on you two all night. I'm going to have to trust you both to stay in your rooms and be so quiet, it's like you're not even there.

Danny: What are you getting at? *They walk into their house and look shocked*

Jack: The first official after school meeting of the Amity Park Ghostkateers is now in session.

We see the camera zoom out and show Dash, Kwan, and Paulina all in the room. A ghost flies behind (F/N) and Danny, which sets off your ghost senses. Dash, still under Walker's possession, kneels in front of Jack, who knights him with a piece of paper.

Jack: I dub thee Ghostkateer number one.

Dash (still possessed by Walker smiles evilly) at (F/N) and Danny.

(F/N): *Sarcastically* Yeah that's not creepy at all.

Danny: Yeah, no kidding and Um... If you need us, we'll be in our room being so quiet, it's like we're not even there.

(F/N): Yeah what Danny said.

Maddie: Come on, you two. Join us in singing our Ghost-kateer battle song.

Jack: Ahem. *Singing* G H O...

Maddie: Oh, you've seen a ghost?

Jack: ... S T K A...

Maddie: Eh, you've seen a Canadian ghost?

Jack, Maddie, AND Ghostkateers: ...A T double E R! S!

(F/N): Nope...

(F/N), Jazz and Danny go to their rooms. The next day, Wulf peeks through a bush at the school as lunch time starts.

Maddie: *On megaphone* Alright, kids. Hurry up and eat your nutritious meals. *Sees (F/N) and Danny* Hi sweeties! Here's some nutritious bagged lunches. *Hands a bag to Danny and gives you a bag too* Jack, hit it!

(F/N): Thanks M-.... Mrs. Fenton.

Jack parks the Fenton Family Ghost Assault Vehicle, aka the RV, and activates a ghost shield that surrounds the lunch area.

Jack: Ha! This portable ghost shield only has enough power for fifteen minutes, so chew! Chew like the wind!

We see (F/N), Roxie and the trio sitting at the table eating lunch.

Sam: Danny, you okay?

Danny: *Sarcastically* Why would I not be? Just because the town's on high alert and our parents are at our school? *Quickly chews his food then holds his throat* And I'm chewing so fast I think I just swallowed my spork.

(F/N) then phases her arm into Danny's stomach and she pulls out his spork and gives it to Danny.

Danny: Thanks (F/N).

(F/N): Anytime.

Danny: And All I know is as soon as I get five free minutes, I'm gonna toss that blabbering hairball that started this back into the ghost zone!

Jack: I SAID, KEEP CHEWING!!! *They eat faster*

(F/N): I don't think it was blabber. I think it was Esperanto.

Sam: Esper-wha-wha?

Tucker: Esperanto. An artificial language from the 1800s. Now its only purpose is to give geeks a secret language to talk to other geeks. *A geek appears behind Tucker*

Geek: Hey Tuck. Kiel estas ĝi iri? (Translation: "How is it going?")

Tucker:Vi koni, kiel ĉiam! (Translation: "You know, (same) as always!") *The geek walks away* I couldn't tell what that ghost was screaming, but he looked scared. Like he wanted help.

(F/N): Yeah he did seem scared when those other ghosts were chasing him.

Wulf appears in a nearby tree. He jumps down and drills through the shield with his claws. He phases into the RV. Danny's ghost sense goes off as (F/N) notices this.

(F/N): Oh that can't be good.

Danny: Oh no. Here? Again?

Tucker: But we're chewing like the wind inside an anti ghost zone. Where could the ghost be?

The RV behind them blows up, causing the shield to vanish

Sam: Survey says, behind us.

Jack sees the destroyed RV and cries. Wulf appears out of the wreckage. He is shocked by the collar, now being controlled by Bullet, who's with two guards behind him.

Guard: You're using the collar? Walker said-

Bullet: Walker isn't here! * Sees Wulf runs away* Get him!

Danny: *To Sam and Tucker* If anybody asks where we are, lie.

(F/N): Come on, let's get our hero on.

We then see (F/N) and Danny run behind a tree.

Danny: I'm going- *Sees Jazz behind the tree*

Jazz: (F/N), Danny. Hi. Are you two hiding here? *Pauses* I'll go hide over there. *Runs off*

(F/N): Well that was weird, *to Danny* shall we?

Danny: Yeah, now I'm going ghost.

(F/N): And it's hero time.

We then see (F/N) and Danny transform as they both fly after the guards and Bullet. Little does he know, Jack is targeting (F/N) and Danny with a weapon

Jack: One blast and you'll find yourselves teleported back to that empty little dimension you two call home.

Jazz: *To herself* Danny and (F/N). *Runs to Jack and messes up his aim* Uh, oops.

(F/N) and Danny dodged the blast and it hits the two guards, which causes them to disappear.

(F/N): Woah, what waa that?

Danny: I think it was a portable ghost portal? Oh great.

Bullet uses a laser gun on Wulf's tail, which makes Wulf scream in pain.

Danny: *About Wulf* You're big, you're hairy, and you're a ghost. But if Walker's goons are after you, you can't be all bad.

(F/N): Come on, let's cut this wolf loose.

We see (F/N) and Danny zip past Bullet, getting him tangled in the laser. Danny cuts Wulf free from the laser and grabs a strand and (F/N) does the same.

(F/N): Let's see how he likes being zapped.

(F/N): Uh, easy big guy, we saved you from him.

Danny: Yeah, friend. Uh *Holds hand out* Friend?

Wulf sniffs (F/N) and Danny and licks both of them as we see Jack appears from behind the bushes.

Jack: Alright nobody move! *Pulls out the Fenton Fisher, but it's tangled up* As soon as I get this thing untangled, you three beasties are going down.

(F/N): Well this should be easy.

Danny: Yeah, and don't worry, he's not much of a threat. Now if my mom were here, then we'd be in trouble.

We then see a targeting laser appear on Wulf's head.

Wulf: Vere. (Translation: "Really?")

Maddie is targeting them. She blasts at them, but you push Wulf out of the way and fly off.

(F/N): Yes, really.

Danny: Wait, you can understand him?

(F/N): Yeah, *blushes a little* Paulina and I had a dead language project and we both chose Esperanto.

Danny: You sure it wasn't because of something else?

(F/N): Don't you start Danny.

Danny: Alright, and mom is SO not getting anything for Mother's Day. *To you* So are you sure you and Paulina aren't love birds?

(F/N): What about you Sam?

Danny: Touche.

Later at Tucker's house, (F/N), Roxie, and the trio and Wulf are speaking.

Tucker: I think this is a really bad idea.

Sam: Well he can't stay at Danny's and (F/N)'s. Not with it being Ghostkateer central.

Danny: Besides you're the only one of us who sort of understands him, and we need to get that collar off.

Sam tries touching Wulf's collar, but Wulf roars at her and tries to bite her, causing her to fall backward into a chair.

Tucker: He said not to touch that.

Sam: *Sarcastically* Really? I must have missed the subtext.

Danny: I gotta get my Fenton Thermos out of my locker. In the meantime see if you can find out what Walker's up to. *Flies through the roof and leaves*

(F/N): Walker?

Danny: *returns* He's a ghost warden who kept me in jail. *Flies off*

(F/N): Ah gotcha.

Tucker: *To Wulf* So, What's Walker up to? Kio estas Walker? (Translation: "Who is Walker?")

Wulf: Li estas al meti via amiko ena malliberejo! (Translation: "He is (trying) to put your friend in prison!") *Tucker starts laughing*

Sam: You have no idea what he just said, do you?

Tucker: *Stops laughing* Not a clue.

(F/N): He said "He is trying to put your friend in prison"

Tucker: Wait, you can understand him?

(F/N): Yep.

Sam: Wait, how do you know Esperanto?

(F/N): Universal translator *Blushes a little* And Uh, me and Paulina had a dead language project and we both agreed on Esperanto, and Paulina is an expert on Esperanto.

Sam: Ugh, of course you learned it from that shallow witch.

(F/N): Okay 1; She is not shallow, and 2; we both worked on our project equally and we got an A+. So *blows a raspberry at Sam*

Sam: *Sarcastically* Oh Ha-ha, really mature.

(F/N): *to Wulf* Vi diris, ke Walker metos mian amikon en malliberejon? (You said that Walker is going to put my friend in jail?)

Sam: Oh come on, and she speaks it too?

Tucker: You have to admit it is pretty impressive.

Wulf: Jes Walker faros la samon al via amiko kiel li faris al mi. (Yes Walker is going to do the same to your friend like he did to me.)

(F/N): *Gasps in realization* Oh my gosh Danny! I gotta go to him!

(F/N) then turns into her anodite form and flies through the window with Roxie leaving the others.

Wulf: Ŝi vere zorgas pri sia amiko (She really cares about her friend)

Tucker: That's (F/N) for ya.

Meanwhile, at Casper High, Danny flies up to his locker and phases his arm through to grab his thermos.

Danny: Here we go. *Ghost sense goes off, and he hears Dash nearby*

Dash:*In normal voice* Okay, listen up!

Danny flies up to a room. He sees Dash talking to Mr. Lancer, Principal Ishiyama, Paulina, and several other students and faculty. The room is surrounded by torches with blue flames.

Dash: Is everybody clear with the plan?

Paulina: Yes, yes, it should all go down tomorrow after the town meeting.

Danny: The town meeting? *Transforms into human and walks into the room* What town meeting?

Kwan closes the door behind him. Everyone glares at him. Dash grabs him and holds him up to the blackboard as Dash then passes out as Walker, still holding Danny, phases out of him.

Danny: *Shocked* Walker?

Walker: Gotcha, punk.

Walker laughs evilly as many guards appear in the room.

Danny: Let me go!

Walker: How does it feel? No place to run. No place to hide. I'm gonna turn your whole world against you, and by the time I'm done, you're gonna BEG for the safety of my prison. *Leans in closer to Danny* In the Ghost Zone, where you belong.

Just then everyone hears Mexican polka music playing

Walker: *Hears Mexican polka music* Heeey... What is that?

Danny: I don't know it sounds like... music?

The music got louder as everyone heard a car horn followed by an all too familiar voice.

???(F/N): Consequences be darned!

Walker: What the-?

Walker was cut off when (F/N), (In anodite form), on the tenn speed rammed right into Walker, followed by the guards as (F/N) got off the bike.

(F/N): *Helps Danny up* You okay D?

Danny: I am now, thanks.

We then see Danny go ghost as (F/N) and he fly off leaving Walker and his goons.

Walker: Another one?! *To the overshadowing guards* Don't just stand there gawking at me! Get them! *Overshadows Dash again*

The guards, all possessing someone, pursue (F/N) and Danny. (F/N) and Danny waited for them outside of the school. Both of their ghost senses go off. They both see Dash floating behind him.

(F/N) and Danny tackled Dash and totaled a car parked just outside the Nasty Burger.

(F/N) and Danny arethen knocked forward by the possessed Mr. Lancer.

(F/N) and Danny get up and blast back before flying off. Principal Ishiyama shoots an electrified grappling gun at Danny, which hits and shocks him.

(F/N) then takes the grapple off of Danny and uses it to toss the possessed principal into a water tower as The possessed Paulina then grabs you.

Paulina: *possessed* You can't get away from me!

(F/N): Wow. I waited all puberty for a girl to say that to me and now it's a complete bummer. *Throws her at a billboard* *winces* Sorry Paulina, hope you forgive me.

Danny: Really?

(F/N): I don't wanna hurt her, she's my friend.

Danny: *sarcastically* Sure she is.

(F/N): Don't go there.

We then see (F/N) and Danny both land on the side of a building and see Kwan. He does some showy moves with a ghost baton.

(F/N) and Danny both just fire a blast from his finger to knock Kwan off the wall. They both stomp on him and fly off, being chased by all their possessed friends as both of them go into the house.

Danny: Ghost shield. Ghost shield!

(F/N): *Sees the activation button* Found it, *Hits a button on the wall which activates a ghost shield around the house, pushing the pursuers back*

Principal Ishiyama: *possessed* Should we go after them?

Dash: *In Walker's voice* No, no. It's that anti-ghost dome. We can't get in, but they can't get out. And by tomorrow, this place will be under complete lockdown.

Walker: *Phases out of Dash* I gotta put the final phase of my plan into action, and tie up some loose ends.

We then see Bullet phases out of Ishiyama and into Dash. Another guard phases into Ishiyama. Later on, we see the scene change to outside Tucker's house. Walker is outside looking at the house.

Walker: You've outlived your usefulness, Wulf. Goodbye *Hits a button*

Inside, Wulf is looking at a picture of (F/N), Danny, Tucker, and Sam in a photo album. All of a sudden, his collar activates, causing him to scream in pain.

Tucker: That collar! It's hurting him!

Sam: What'd you think it was, a fashion accessory? We have to get it off!

Tucker pulls out his PDA. He plugs it into Wulf's collar to override it. The PDA shocks Tucker and sends him back, but also releases the collar.

Wulf: Smiles with joy and relief*.Mi libera! (Translation: "He freed me!")

Tucker: Of course you're free. You- *Wulf runs off and jumps out the window* You're welcome!

Sam: We should call Danny and (F/N).

Just then we see Tucker's parents walk in.

Tucker's dad: 9 o'clock. Curfew time. Lights out, phones off, technology down, computers off.

Tucker's mom: It's too dangerous to take you home, Sam. You'll have to stay here.

Tucker's dad: *To Tucker* And so we know you kids are safe, your mom and I'll stay in the room with you.

Tucker's mom rolls out two sleeping bags

Sam: *To Tucker* Alright, next time we take the extra-dimensional fugitive to my place.

Outside, we see Wulf look at the picture of (F/N) and the others. He puts his hood up and runs off. Morning, Danny is asleep on the couch, and (F/N) was seen sleeping on the sofa as they both woke up.

(F/N): *yawns* What happened?

Danny: We fell asleep? *Sees the still-active ghost shield]* At least the shield's still up. *Sees the clock* And it's 10:18!? *Zooms out to show Sam and Tucker next to the clock*

Danny: How'd you guys get in? The shield's still up.

(F/N): The shield blocks ghosts, not people.

Tucker: Yeah it's a ghost shield, not a human shield.

Danny: Walker's overshadowing everybody around me. I think he's trying to turn everyone in town against me.

Tucker: Well, that would explain this. *Turns on the TV, showing a town meeting*

Mayor: We only have one piece of business today: Defeating the ghosts that infest our town. And to do that, I'm calling for a vote to seed all ghost policing and security decisions *Holds up a picture of Maddie* to Maddie Fenton. *His eyes suddenly glow red, and he shakes his head slightly* I mean Jack. *Holds up a picture of Jack* Jack Fenton. The completely competent Jack Fenton.

Jack: There you go! *Looks at Maddie next to him, who is frustrated*

Mayor: And we've located the ghosts responsible for all the terror inflicted on our town. *Holds up a picture of (F/N) and Danny* These two. *Everyone gasps, as Danny turns the TV off*

Tucker: You know, I have to say. As far as evil master plans go, this one's pretty thorough.

Danny: It's not funny, Tuck. Me and (F/N) are getting our butts kicked all over the place. At school, at home, and now this? We'll be public ghost enemies number one!

(F/N): Yeah, pretty soon everyone will turn on us.

Tucker: *Pulls out a Fenton Thermos* Here you go, buddy. You're gonna need this.

Danny: Are you nuts? If me or (F/N) leave this house, we're both dead.

(F/N): Well we have to do something D, we can't just sit this one out.

Tucker: (F/N) is right, you two got to do something. If you two don't, who will?

Danny: You're right on that.

Later at city hall we see a meeting is being held.

Mayor: Order! Order! All in favor of declaring martial law, and allowing the completely competent Jack Fenton to mobilize a massive ghost hunt, please say-

Just then we see (F/N) and Danny show up now in hero mode.

Danny: We... might be too young to vote, but we're casting one anyway!

The crowd goes into panic when they see (F/N) (As Rath) and Danny.

(F/N): *As Rath* Seriously? You people of Amity Park have to listen to us!

Danny: We're on your side.

Jack: You're not fooling anybody, ghost kid! And large tiger guy, You two are going down! *Pulls out tangled Fenton Fisher* As soon as I untangle this thing!

Danny: My parents might be overshadowed, but this should harmlessly push the ghosts out of them.

(F/N): *As Rath* Wait Danny don't-!

But it was too late as Danny blasts the ground near Jack and Maddie, knocking them back.

(F/N): Do that....!

Danny: Or they could not be overshadowed, and I could have totally ticked them off.

(F/N): *As Rath* Ya think?! Danny Phantom best friend and superhero whose parents think you're the bad guy!

Maddie attaches a laser to her arm and fires at (F/N) and Danny. (F/N) and Danny dodge it and hide behind a bench for cover. The mayor grabs him and you from the floor and drags you both down with him. Wulf gasps from outside city hall upon seeing this and angrily unsheathes his claws. Meanwhile, Jack is going through his ghost weapons.

Jack: Ghost bazooka. Fenton fisher. *Picks a device up* Whatever the heck this thing does.

Maddie: Jack, what are you doing?

Jack: Getting ready to hunt some ghosts. I'm gonna tear that ghost kid apart into a million different- *Stops and looks at Maddie* What?

Maddie: Jack, I love you, but we don't have time for this. Who's a better shot?

Jack: You are.

Maddie: Who's better with the weaponry?

Jack: You are.

Maddie: Who's a ninth degree blackbelt?

Jack: You are - You are? *Hands her a cannon* Here. I'll get the Ghost kateers.

Maddie: And that's why we make a great team. Here's a cookie. *Gives Jack a cookie and devours it*

Meanwhile, we see (F/N) and Danny are brought underneath city hall. (F/N) and Danny are surrounded by Kwan, Mr. Lancer, Paulina, Dash, Principal Ishiyama, and the mayor, all of which are possessed.

(F/N): *To the mayor* *As Rath* Walker! The corrupt warden of the ghost zone! We should've guessed you'd end up in the guy that makes the rules!

Mayor: *In Walker's voice* Shouldn't you be running?

Danny: *Holds up his thermos* Shouldn't you?

Everyone scatters except for Paulina, who grabs (F/N) as she pushes her back.

(F/N): *As Rath* Let me tell you something, ghost warden who works for Walker, a corrupt warden of the ghost zone and one of Danny Phantom's enemies! You get out of Rath's best friend right now!! Wow that sounded so wrong!

Paulina: *Controlled by the guard and chuckles* Seriously, you're just a wimpy tiger with anger issues, why would a shallow girl like her be with you.

(F/N): *In rage and eyes glowing red* as Rath" Do....Not....Call....Her.... Shallow!!!

(F/N) then made her hands glow pink as she punched the ghost that was controlling Paulina out of her body.

Paulina: *Coming to her senses* What? Huh? *Screams as she sees the guard, but (F/N) captures it*

(F/N): Never say she's shallow.

Paulina: *to you* You two saved me. So, you're like a friendly ghost? And a tiger? *Gets hugged by (F/N) and pulled in the air* Oh, Hehhe, you're definitely friendly. *Hugs (F/N) back*


Danny: Uhh, Rath?

(F/N): *as Rath* Oh yeah, *Puts Paulina down*

And we have some friendly advice for you Pau- err uh I mean citizen!

*(F/N) as Rath* and Danny: RUN!!!

Paulina runs away as we see Kwan flies by and hits (F/N) and Danny knocks the thermos away. (F/N) and Danny are surrounded by him and Mr. Lancer. Both of them use a blast from each hand to push the ghosts out of them.

The two then scream after coming to their senses then they see (F/N) and Danny as they both blink as they both scream and run away.

Danny: Where's the thermos?

(F/N): *As Rath* I thought you had it?!

Danny: I thought you had it?

The two ghosts suddenly disappear into two ghost portals. (F/N) and Danny become happy until they both see that they were captured by Maddie.

Maddie uses her lipstick to draw two lines on her cannon. She fires at (F/N) and Danny, but Principal Ishiyama pulls you both out of the way and onto the ground.

Principal Ishiyama: *Pulls out the thermos* Looking for this? *Points it at (F/N) and Danny, but Wulf appears and swipes them away*

Dash: *In Bullet's voice* What are you doing?

Wulf: Amiki, friends.

Wulf stabs his claws into Dash and Ishiyama to pull out Bullet and a guard respectively. Maddie fires at them to get rid of them. The mayor then grabs (F/N) and Danny and flies off.

Danny: What are you doing?

Mayor: There's all types of prisons, kid...

Outside City Hall, field reporters are talking about what has happened.

Reporter A: Ghost kids attacking City Hall during a town meeting.

Reporter B: We now bring you live, to two evil ghost teens on a rampage.

The doors slam open, showing the mayor holding Danny in a position that makes it look like (F/N) and Danny has taken him hostage.

Mayor: *Walker's voice* I'm making sure your prison is the town you live in. *Normal voice* Help! Help me! Help! *Falls back into the building; Walker's voice* Now they'll never trust you.

Danny and (F/N) fly off. The mayor turns around and sees Wulf, who digs his claws into the mayor and separates him from Walker. The mayor lands in Danny's arms. Maddie aims at (F/N) and Danny.

Maddie: *Quickly* Get your hands off of our duly elected leader, you odd manifestation of ectoplasmic energy and post-human consciousness! And angry person!

(F/N): *As Rath* Odd? Odd?! You're the one wearing the blue jumpsuit and you're calling us weird?! Madison Maddie Fenton! Wife of Jackson Jack Fenton!

She fires at (F/N) and Danny, but Wulf, holding Walker, jumps in front of (F/N) and Danny and gets hit by it. He and Walker start getting sucked back into the Ghost Zone.

(F/N) and Danny: Wulf! No!

Wulf: Friends! We'll meet again!

Walker:So will we, punks! Feared on Earth and wanted in the Ghost Zone? You've lost, ghost kids! LOST!!! *They get sucked back in*

(F/N): *sad* Wulf....

Danny: Don't worry he'll be back, someday.

(F/N): Thanks.

(F/N) and Danny stand there, staring at the spot where Wulf and Walker got sucked in. A sound of a powering up weapon is heard and (F/N) and Danny Look to your left to find Maddie, crouched on one of the benches with the Fenton Bazooka aimed directly at his left temple.

Maddie: By the authority invested in me by the city of Amity Park, I sentence you back from once you came!

Danny: *Frowns* Oh man, I have got to start paying more attention in these fights.

(F/N): Same here.

Maddie: *The bazooka fails to fully power up and stops working. Maddie finds a note taped on the Fenton Bazooka and reads it. Frowns as she reads it.* "Honey, forgot to fully charge Fenton Bazooka. - Jack. P.S.: Can I have a cookie?"

Danny: *Smiles* With that, We bid you a fond fair farewell. *Flies out of city hall through the roof.*

(F/N): Yeah byeee, *flies and follows Danny*

Maddie:*Waves her fist angrily.* You two haven't seen the last of me!

Cut to outside where (F/N) and Danny are flying away. They both have a cheeky grin on their faces.

Danny: Duh, we'll see you at dinner.

Newspaper appears with the headline "Ghost Kid Attacks Mayor!!"

Dash: I can't believe I was controlled by a ghost! I can't remember anything for the last few days!

Kwan: I told you to wear a helmet before practice.

Dash slams a lunch tray with food on the top of Kwan's head.

Dash: I remembered how to do that! *to Kwan* HA!

Dash walks away but tripped as we see it was (F/N).

Tucker: Man. You think that it was hard to find a place to go ghost during school hours before!

Sam: *Reading the newspaper* So even with everybody thinking you're bad ghosts, *to (F/N) and Danny* you two are still gonna try to be the heros?

Danny: Well, somebody's gotta. Hey, not me? Who's gonna protect this town? Besides, it's not like we can ignore a scream for help.

(F/N): Yeah where there's trouble Danny and Dannie Phantom are on the job.

Mr. Lancer: *offscreen* HELP!

Camera pans to Jack and Maddie running away

Maddie and Jack: GHOST!!

Lancer is running from Maddie and Jack, both holding weapons.

Mr. Lancer: The Adventures of Huck Finn! How many times do I have to tell you people, I am not a ghost!

Danny: Except, that one.

(F/N) and the others laughed as we saw Paulina show up much to (F/N)'s surprise as well as the trio and much to Sam's annoyance.

(F/N): Uh, Paulina hey hi.

Paulina: *sits next to you* Hey (F/N) how's it going?

(F/N): Good, so uh, how are you feeling?

Paulina: Well my head was a bit achy but other than that I feel great.

(F/N): Phew, that's good to hear.

Sam: Ugh, why are you here?

Paulina: What? Is it so much a crime to be with your best friend? *hugs you*

Sam: If you're using her that is, Ms Shallow witch.

Paulina: I'm not shallow and I'm not using her!

Sam: *Sarcastically* Yeah sure you aren't.

(F/N): She isn't, just let it go Sam.

Sam: How can you be this blind (F/N)? Paulina isn't your friend, she's a shallow black hearted witch, who's using you.

(F/N): *In a Rath tone* SHE'S NOT SHALLOW!!!

Everyone flinched from (F/N)'s voice considering it was so loud it shattered a few windows.

Paulina: Woah, *hugs (F/N)* okay (F/N), calm down girl.

(F/N): *Sighs* I'm cool, I'm cool.

Danny: Y-yeah I'm sure Sam didn't mean it, *to Sam* right Sam?

Sam: *Nervous* U-u-uh Y-y-yeah t-t-totally d-d-didn't mean it.

Tucker: *Faints from fear*

Danny: *In his head* Man (F/N) can get scary when she wants to.

Kiki: *Hisses at Sam*

Sam: But she's still a-

Danny: *Whispers* Sam... ixnay on making (F/N) angry.

Sam looked at (F/N) as she saw the blond girl being hugged by Paulina as (F/N) growled at the goth girl like a ticked off tiger and Roxie did the same thing too.

Sam: Uh... y-y-yeah Paulina is definitely... not shallow at all. *In her head* And I'm definitely not saying this because (F/N) and Roxie are glaring at me!

(F/N): *Smiles* Thank you.

Roxie: *Barks*

Sam: *Nervous* A-a-anytime.

Danny and Sam sighed in relief knowing (F/N)'s rage was extinguished which was by far scarier than any ghost they ever encountered.

Danny: *in his head* (F/N) is nice but she has one heck of a temper, *Sees how (F/N) is happy with Paulina next to her and sees her leaning on her making Paulina blush* But at least someone is there to make her happy.

Next: Chapter 12: Material Instincts.

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