Chapter 21: Pirate Radio

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Here we see stars glittering in the nighttime skies, a streak of light flies overhead before panning down to the roof of the Fenton Works OP Center.

Danny: *Sighs* Ah!

Sam, (F/N), Roxie,  Danny, and Tucker are on the roof of the OP Center. Tucker is laying back against the satellite tower while Danny and Sam look through two different telescopes. Sam is holding hers up while Danny is on one knee with his telescope on a tripod.

Danny: Clear skies and no moon. *The focus pans to the end of the telescope, some shooting stars are seen shooting across the skies in it's lens*

(F/N): A perfect night for stargazing.

Sam: More like star snoozing. This music is putting me to sleep. Can't we listen to something else?

Tucker scans radio stations.

Tucker: Survey says no.

A ghost pirate ship appears out of the street and ghost pirates go on top of Fenton Works.

(F/N): Survey says... going ghost!

We then see (F/N) and Danny go ghost as they flew to the pirates and taunted them as camera cuts to a hook being slammed on the board.

Youngblood: Avast, man, what's the word?

Youngblood's Assistant: Scurvy dogs. *swaks*

Youngblood: Right. Avast, ye scurvey dogs! Prepare to be boarded by Captain Youngblood and his skeleton crew. *Camera cuts to the pirate crew*

Danny: Hey isn't it past your bedtime kid?

(F/N): Yeah don't you have a curfew or something kid.

We then see Youngblood turn his hook hand into an ecto slingshot and shoot a fireball at the duo sending them back.

Youngblood: Don't call me kid! I'm mature beyond my years. *Sticks his tongue out at Danny and (F/N)*

The crew take the Fenton ghost shield generator.

Youngblood: Fall back me harties! We've got, uh. Got, uh. What's the word.

YB Assistant: *Swaks* Booty.

Youngblood: Ha you said booty. Haha.

All the pirates, and (F/N) laugh.

(F/N): He said booty.

Danny Hey. They're stealing my dad's ghost shield generator.

We then see the duo fly in and take it as Youngblood flew in and shot a cannon ball from his peg leg which hit Danny sending him back.

(F/N): Cannon peg leg, awesome!

Youngblood: I know right?!

We then see (F/N) get shot back as she lands next to Danny and the ghost ship goes away.

Sam: Nice going mates. You just got your butt kicked by short john silver.

(F/N): Coming from the girl who's constantly getting forced to wear a pink dress for a week?

Sam: Touché.

Danny: And considering he just took my dad's ghost shield, you think maybe you could be a little sympathetic, like Tucker.*Tucker laughs* Tucker?

Tucker: He said booty.

The next day we cut to Fenton works, where we see Maddie, Jack and Jazz listening to this new age song as (F/N), Roxie  and Danny were irritated by this as Danny tried to change it.

Danny: Mom, dad, fyi when you're 14 easy listening isn't that easy. Could I please turn this off?

(F/N): Seriously, it's making our ears bleed.

Maddie, Jack and Jazz : No!

Danny: You can't possibly like this music that much.

(F/N): Yeah it's not that good.

Maddie: I do dear. It relaxes me.

Jazz: And me.

Jack: It's much more soothing than that other song I've been hearing all morning.

Warning signal: Warning. Security

breach. Ghost shield not operational.

Danny: Um, that would be the warning signal.

Jack: And it's interrupting with the cool easy sounds of morning radio. So crank up the tunes Jazzy-pants.

Jazz turns up the volume as (F/N) got annoyed by this.

(F/N): Oh heck with this!

(F/N) pulls out G-Pillar and smashes the radio to bits.

Jack, Maddie and Jazz: No!

Jazz: Why?!

(F/N): This music sucks, deal with it. *Turns around and is about to go but is stopped by Jack*

Jack: (F/N)-

(F/N) turns around and glares at them with red eyes making them flinch in fear.

(F/N): What?

Maddie: N-n-never mind.

(F/N) let's out a 'hmph' as she, Roxie , and Danny walk off.

Danny: Was that really necessary?

(F/N): Got them to turn off the music didn't I?

Danny: Fair enough.

We later see everyone at school.

Danny I don't get it. The ghost shield's gone and it barely registers a blip on the parental radar.

Sam: My parents have been acting kinda flaky, too. All they do is listen to that new age vapor drone that's playing on every station.

Tucker: Tell me about it. My folks crank it 24/7. Must be a generational thing.

Danny, (F/N) Sam and Tucker: And the worst part, I can't get it out of my head. Wait, you hear it, too?

(F/N) and the trio go to the gym where they see DJ tryouts being held.

Mr. Lancer: Since we announced our new school radio station an anonymous donor has been kind enough to provide us with these promotional, and incredibly soothing, vinyl albums.

Tucker: Vinyl? What is this, the stone age?

(F/N): I will end it. *About to pull out G-Pillar but Danny stops her.

Danny: No! Not here.

(F/N): Fine.

Mr. Lancer: Of course you kids should feel free to, as you might say, bust out your own freaky beats. As long as they're not too freaky or too, uh, beaty.

Danny Sweet! Where do I sign up to yank this crud off the air? *Stops the music*

Dash: Fenton a DJ. Yeah right. Who would ever listen to you?

Danny: I'll show you who will listen. *On the speaker* What do we want?! *Cricket chirps* Um, this is the part where you said good music. What do we want?!

Sam and Tucker: *hesistantly* Um, good music?

Dash: *Shoves Danny Off-screen* What do we want?

Students: Good music!

Dash: When do we want it?

Youngblood: Now!

Everyone looked to see it was Youngblood and his crew as the students and Mr. Lancer run off screaming.

Danny: Being ignored does, occasionally, have its advantages. *Offscreen* Going ghost!

We then see (F/N) and Danny go ghost as we cut to Youngblood and his crew in the weight room.

Youngblood: Avast, ye bilge rats! Bilge rats is right isn't it? *Youngblood's Assistant nods* Our plunder lies afore!

Danny: Hate to break this to you guys, but you can't build muscle tone without muscle.

The duo then dodges the incoming pirates as (F/N) yanks off the arms of one of the pirates and knocks him Off-screen with them and into the other pirates.

(F/N): Another playdate with captain kid.

We then see Youngblood shoot his hooked hand pinning the duo on the wall as they couldn't get loose.

Youngblood: Get the stuff and let's go.

The pirates grabbed the treadmills and flew away and Youngblood too. Danny and (F/N) broke free and looked around.

Danny: Oh great. Hide-and-seek again.

(F/N): Don't worry they'll show up again.

We later see the (F/N), and the trio walking to Fenton Works with the vapor drone playing in the background.

Tucker: So what do ghost pirates want with exercise equipment?

(F/N): Probably to lose weight, if they had any.

Danny: I can't help thinking it has something to do with this lousy music.

We then see an ice cream drive by with kids running after it then another truck playing the vapor drone with adults running after it.

Sam: We have to counteract it somehow. Send some real music out into the airwaves. *gasps* We should start our own radio station.

Danny: And where would we get the equipment to do that? *Sam points to the emergency ops center*  *chuckles* No way. * (F/N) and the trio go into the kitchen* Mom, dad! Me and (F/N) really wanna use the emergency ops center to start a radio station.

(F/N): Uh, bro they're not here.

Danny looked to see Jack, Maddie and Jazz are not here.

Sam: *After there's no answer* That's a yes!

(F/N): Still a no.

Danny: *Reading a note* Your mother, sister and I are on a fun weekend getaway fun cruise. We're sure you will take charge and act responsibly. Love mom and dad. (Pulls the note away). M.Bersback Cruise Lines.

(F/N): Weird.

Danny: They went on a fun cruise with Jazz? Who isn't fun in the least. You know what this means.

(F/N): That someone other than Youngblood is in on this scheme.

Sam: *Sam kicks open the door to the

emergency ops center* Cool. They left it open for us.

Danny: The music, the pirate ghosts, our parents, and now this cruise ship?

(F/N): Something weird's going on and we need to get to the bottom of it.

Tucker: So your family's takin' a cruise. What's the worst that could happen?

(F/N): Famous last words.

We cut to a montage of parents packing up to go on the cruise.

Tucker Your parents ditched you too? *Sam lowers vacation brochure to expose the school hallways and Tucker*

Sam: Yep, my parents are gone.  *characters in the background holding the same brochure behind Sam highfive before camera pans out slightly to include Tucker, (F/N), Sam and Danny by their lockers* And just because I like saying it, I'll say it again my parents are gone! *tossing up arms in joy*

Danny: *Focus moves to Danny, (F/N), and Tucker side] It's like this cruise is attracting every adult in town.

(F/N): And Jazz who thinks she's an adult.

Sam: *Focus moving to current speaker's side* Think of it as the hand pushing the party on the air.

Danny: Party? What party?

Sam: *Taking out a piece of paper with acrostic poem style writing and reading* Providing alternate radio to you! *Cheering* P.A.R.T.Y!

Tucker: *Finishing cheer*We ain't got no alibi!

Danny: You already made up a logo?

Tucker And I got our first sponsor. *Holding up a Nasty Burgers bag* Plus all the Nasty burgers I can eat!

(F/N): *Taking away bag and paper with acrostic logo* This is serious, guys! *Gives it to Danny*

Danny: There's something suspicious about this cruise! *Throws both items into nearby trash can* Me and (F/N) can't focus on the party with our parents out of town.

Danny and (F/N) walk off screen.

Sam: *While walking offscreen* I can.

Focus remains on the same spot and Kwan and Dash walk into the frame and up to the trash can. Kwan then picks out the scrap of paper with the logo on it.

Kwan: Woo-Hoo! Party at Fenton's house!

Kwan and Dash: *High fiving each other*

Crash and trash!

Scene changes to a ship part at night. Danny and (F/N) fly across the scene in ghost form. Outline of the ship with a large crowd outside is visible momentarily. Then the camera gets a close-up of Danny's and (F/N)'s face before traveling over the side of the ship where all the parents along with Jazz are distinguishable as well as the same happy frozen expression they all share and pinkish flickering dots to suggest some sort of oddity

(F/N): Man those smiles are creepy.

Danny: Yeah and the ship is still in port. Good thing we're not too late. * He and (F/N) Go into a dive towards the ship, but winces away, prevented by some previously invisible force) W-why can't we get aboard? *A transparent ball of green glowing energy surrounding the ship has become visible*

(F/N):  It's like there's some kind of… *realizes* ghost shield!

Youngblood: *Offscreen*Ye catch on quick for a couple of land lovers!

Danny and (F/N) turn around, and the camera moves to where Youngblood, his skeleton bird assistant from earlier and three helpers hover.

Skeleton bird assistant : It's lubber.

Youngblood: It's lubber? That makes no sense!

The three helpers attack. However Danny dodges past them easily and grabs Youngblood by the shirt

Danny: Ok, pewee, talk. Tell me what you want with these people or I'll-I'll spank you or something!

(F/N): Really? That's the best you could come up with?

Danny: He's a kid, what was I supposed to say?

Youngblood: I'd love to see you both try! *Youngblood's eyes glow red and shoot Danny causing Danny to release Youngblood*

Image of ship flickers three times and the ghost shield goes invisible

Youngblood: Arrrg! There's another radio station jamming our transmission. Weigh anchor and set sail! Smartly there swabbies!

Three helpers salute before going to prepare cannon on ship.

Danny Great, this snot nose punk can get people to follow orders but I can't?

Youngblood: You just need to know the right words. Watch, Fire!

Three green cannons fire off red and black balls of energy. Danny and (F/N) barely manages to dodge out of the way of two of them and gets hit by the third into a stack of barrels

Danny: *Gasps in surprise and camera view turns to reveal a completely empty dock where the ship used to be* Well one thing for sure, it's going to be awfully quiet at our house tonight.

(F/N): Yeah I get the feeling that's not gonna happen.

We Change the scene to interior of one of the rooms in Danny's house.The camera moves across to reveal that it's full of kids dancing to music with white sparks that make it easy to assume a disco ball is present. The camera stops at Danny and (F/N)  standing in the doorway clearly shocked.

Danny Not getting invited to a party is one thing.

(F/N): But not getting invited to a party at our own house!

Danny: *Walks over and picks up a plug to the nearest machine which seems to be the source of the noise however it isn't* Hey, where's the music coming from?

(F/N): *Hears it's coming from the OPs center* The OPs center.

Sam: *Camera pans up from a record and zooms out to reveal Sam and Tucker using the emergency Ops center for DJing*  You're listening to the PARTY, fiercely independent radio, one hundred percent free of corporal influence

Tucker: *camera pans over to his side of the booth.* Except for this, brought to you by Nasty Burger. Nasty is one letter away from tasty.

Danny: *offscreen* Wait! *Camera moves with Danny and (F/N) from the doorway of the Ops center to the booth*

(F/N): Guys. you've got to stop the broadcast,the party downstairs is getting out of control!

Sam and Tucker: *With excited expressions* There's a party downstairs?! *both get slapped by (F/N)* Ow!

(F/N): Yeah because of you two!

Danny: How can you not know?

Sam: Hello, we've been kinda busy with the premiere broadcast! *Pulls out a labeled cover with a disc inside*

Danny: You took a vapor drone promo disc?

Sam: *Putting it on a disc player* They make great scratch fodder. *scratches*

Disc: Leave your kids, come-

(F/N): Wait a minute-play that backwards again, slowly

Disc: Leave your kids, come to the cruise. Leave your kids, *Sam, (F/N), Tucker, and Danny's eyes widen in likely surprise* come to the cruise.

Sam: Subliminal advertising?

Danny: More like mind control.

Tucker: Using music to control people.

(F/N): Why does that sound so familiar?

A loud rumbling sound and the windows of the Ops center are blocked with some kind of smoke. Smoke clears slightly to let Youngblood's ghost ship through. Camera moves in to reveal Ember standing on the bow of the ship, wearing pirate getup and holding her signature guitar. Youngblood and Skeleton bird assistant appear floating behind her. Camera moves in to capture Sam, Tucker (F/N), and Danny's seemingly stunned expressions

Ember: *Camera focus returning to Ember* That's right, poppins. Ember's back and ready to rock! *Strums a chord on her guitar sending a soundwave at the Ops center*

(F/N),  Danny, Tucker and Sam, grip their ears due to the noise. Ember sends another soundwave causing the group to topple over. Sam falls right next to one of the cruise brochures.

Sam: *Picking up and reading* M. Bersback...Ember's back! That's not a clue, it's a billboard!

Tucker: We got to start paying more attention to these things.

(F/N): Your just realizing this now?

Danny: *Getting up* Going ghost!

The two white transformation rings appear, turning Danny's human form into his ghost one and (F/N) turns into her anodite form as the duo turn intangible and fly through the top of the Ops center, towards the ghost ship.

Ember: Wasting your time, wannabe! *Presses a red button activating the ghost shield which Danny and (F/N) slams into*

Youngblood:  *flying up to mock Dannyand (F/N)* Na na na na! *Glancing at Skeleton bird hovering beside him* I mean aurgh!

Danny: *While firing ecto blasts  at the shield with (F/N) helping* What, is the music career going so poorly that you've had to pick up babysitting jobs on the side?

Ember: I guess you could say we share the same opinion of adults-

Youngblood and Ember: Hate 'em!

(F/N): Figures.

Ember: *Strumming guitar chords*So, Youngblood here helps me haul away the over-30 so I can, you know, take over the world and stuff. And I provide him with a power source for his fleet of ships.

(F/N): And the mind-control music?

Ember: How else am I supposed to get the over-30s, besides my songs never go out of style.

(F/N): Please, you're just mad because I'm a better singer than you are and I went global! And you're just a sad washed up, hazbin.

Everyone gasped in shock as Ember could only glare at (F/N) in jealousy recalling the first time she tried to take over the world and got outsung and upstaged by (F/N).

Danny and Tucker: Dang...

Sam and Youngblood: *Surprised* Oh snap.

Parrot: Oh snap indeed.

Ember: Below the belt dudette! Below, the belt!

Camera pans down to the lower deck and scene changes to the ship's storage hold where the hypnotized adults are being made to run on treadmills and other exercise equipment causing a machine producing blue flames to work. Camera skips around to show the adults working out. Such adults as Danny's and (F/N)'s mother who's on the treadmill next to Jazz's and Danny's father,Jack. Jack,who instead of being motivated by Ember's music like the other adults, is being motivated by a piece of bread held out of his reach

Ember: *Camera returning to her and Youngblood* Problem is, with your radio station jamming my frequency, and, I can't hypnotize any more adults!

Youngblood: *Camera shifting to him* But not for long! Attack!

Youngblood's men activate the cannons, letting loose a storm of cannon ball-like blasts. Danny and (F/N) raises their arms in defense but they are blasted away by the force. They intangibly sails through the roof of the Ops center, turning tangible just as he hits the floor of the center, and reverts back to human.

Danny: Activate the defense system!

Sam and Tucker: How?!

(F/N): We don't know! Just start pressing buttons!

Tucker and Sam start randomly pressing buttons on a coded keyboard activating causing several features to appear on the roof like a red, flashing alarm, a chicken windvane, and a 'go fenton!' Sign that is blasted apart by a red cannonball blast. Camera cuts to a party downstairs where a chandilar falls causing some of the partygoers to dive out of the way. Camera then turns to Youngblood's ghost ship charging and bashing into the Ops Center causing it to shake. Sam accidentally puts a hand down stopping a record and waves of sound emanate from signal dish, shoving Youngblood's ship away and causing the crew inside to topple.

Danny: *Watching from the window* Whoa! Sam, what did you do?

Sam: Struck a blow for independent radio!

(F/N): Or caused a feedback loop.

Tucker: Well, don't just stand there! Throw it into heavy rotation! And work in a plug for Nasty Burger, I promised them ten hits an hour!

Sam bends over the record player with a headset pressed to her right ear as she scratches the disc. More soundwaves fly from the satellite dish and knock into Youngblood's ghost ship, shoving it farther away.

Ember: *Suddenly below deck with the hypnotized adults and momentarily rocking with the boat* We need more power! I can't lure more adults aboard if I can't broadcast my music.

Skeleton bird assistant Then we'll have to bring them in the old fashioned way, like pirates.

Youngblood smiles and the bird flies up to the deck, turning the wheel with his talons. The ghost ship flys away, cruising through the city while members of Youngblood's crew drop down from the bow of the ship.

They phase into houses and kidnap a man with orange hair reading a book, a woman with curlers in her hair, carrying a loaf of something, and what seems to be a bride and a groom getting married as they are about to kiss as well as several other adults.

They then fly them up to the ship. Scene then changes to an outside establishing shot of Fentonworks as several kids including Paulina and Dash run outside to witness several other adults being kidnapped by the ghost pirates.

Paulina Hey, they got my parents!

Dash: Mine too!

Kwan: Cool, party at Dash's house!

Paulina : Like, what is wrong with you? *Shoves Kwan who crashes into Dash*

Dash: Hey, watch it! *Shoves Kwan into another unnamed jock who mistakes the culprit for another unnamed kid who knocks over several other people*

Basically a domino effect happens and everyone is arguing with everyone else

Danny: *Standing with Sam, (F/N), Roxie, and Tucker on top of Fentonworks above the chaos below*. I need to get my parents back!

Sam: How? You and (F/N) can't past the ghost shield on that pirate ship!

Danny: Maybe Danny and Lady Luck can't-

(F/N): But Danny and Jenifer Tennyson CAN.

Danny: *Quick pan to the arguing teens below who immediately clutch their ears with their hands and quiet at the screech of a microphone that magically appears in Danny's hand* Listen up people!

(F/N): If you want your parents back, you're going to have to follow my brother's  lead!

Dash: Why should we follow you, Fentoad?

Danny: You're right, Dash. Let's follow the other kid that comes from a family of ghost hunters and knows how to work all their gear! *Dash frowns*No takers? All right then who's with me? *Punches fist into the air*

The Crowd cheers in agreement, waving hands above their heads.

Sam: Wow, Danny. How'd you do that?

Danny: Just have to know the right words.

Danny: *Previous scene fades to reveal Danny giving orders from the top of the stairs* Paulina, you're good with makeup.

(F/N): We need you to disguise Tucker as an adult, so he can get aboard the pirate ship and dusable it from within.

Paulina : Ay-ay, Captain *Paulina salutes* *to Danny* though you still have no shot with me.

Danny: *Talking through walkie-talkie and camera pans to Ops center with Sam* Sam, keep scratching. It's our only weapon against that ghost ship. Kwan *hands him a weapon* you're on defense. Protect Sam and keep her on the air. Dash, you're with me and (F/N) on offense. We're going to spring the adults from the pirate ship.

Dash: So I get to hit people?

Danny: Oh yeah! *Dash suddenly grabs him by the shirt* Not me!

Dash: Sorry, old habits.

Danny: Ok people, *Hands out more weapons to people who all suddenly become dressed in orange jumpsuits* Let's move!

Tucker: *Disguised as an adult with a cane, walks up to Fentonworks* Hey, you kids! Turn that music down! I'm an adult, you know! A strong able bodied adult! *Two pirates hover behind Tucker before grabbing and flying him up to the ghost ship.*

Danny: *Watching the event through binoculars* The fish has swallowed the bait.

Sam: *In the Ops center with Kwan* But how do we get our offense up to the pirate ship?

Danny: I just have to think like a Fenton. Now if I were our dad where would I put the secret control panal for the Ops center?

(F/N): Easy, Some place you would see everytime I come here.

Danny: *Eyes widen in realization before smiling. Scene changes to Danny and (F/N) opening the fridge*Yep, next to the ham! *Pushes button*

Alarm system: Defense system activated. Also the ham has spoiled!

The Ops center shakes and several items retract from the roof including the attachment cables. Then the blimp portion with Jack Fention's face on it inflates and the Ops center floats into the air.

Sam: Now your dad's only the second biggest blimp in the family. *Blimp floats up to the pirate ship*

Ember: *Below deck Ember pauses strumming her guitar when the two members of the skeleton comes in carrying Tucker disguised as an old man* Oh fresh fuel! Strap the geezer in while I keep this crew motivated!

Ember resumes her strumming and the camera quickly cuts from the excercising adults to the machine that lights up and continues powering the ship

Tucker : *Using an excercise bike located near his parents* Mom, Dad it's me, Tucker! You're under a spell. And looking really trim. Maybe you guys should excercise more often. Now if I was a ghost shield where would I be? *Camera zooms into the beeping ghost shield panal on the wall*

Youngblood: *Offscreen and seemingly above deck* Ship ahoy! All hands on deck.

Ember opens the trapdoor leading to the deck just as the Fenton blimp is charging the ghost ship causing several members of Youngblood's pirate crew to scramble out of the way.

Danny: *Steering the blimp* Steady as she goes!

Sam scratches the record causing the signal dish to create soundwaves that bash into the pirate ship, knocking it away as well as causing the crew to tumble. In retailation, the ship fires a barrage of red, glowing cannon balls at the ship. Danny punches a button on his dashboard, causing armor like protection to form around the Ops Center of the blimp and the cannon balls to be reflected harmlessly. The Blimp then lands on the ship, causing the occupants to be momentarily buried under the fabric of their ship's flag as the mast has given out.)

Youngblood: *Cutting a hole through the fabric* Hey, quit it!

(F/N): Make us Young-butt!

We cut to Tucker who's below deck.

Tucker: *Still below deck,pressing buttons on the control panel* Ghost shield shut down in sixty..fifty- nine..fifty-eight...

Danny: *Preparing gadgetry* On my signal.. Now!*Releases a barrage of Fenton gadgets which latch onto parts of the ship,acting as a means to swing throgh the ghost shield onto the pirate ship, kicking aside members of Youngblood's ship as they do so.*

Danny: *Landing safetly on the deck along with (F/N)* Now We're going-OW! *Zapped by ghost shield*

(F/N): Can't change either- ghost shield.

Dash jumps in front of them blasting several ghosts with the Jack o' Nine Tails

Cut to Star

Star: *Holding a rod-like device and beginning to cheer* Ready? Ok! We hate pirates, yes we do! *whacks two ghost pirates with the ends of her staff causing them to disappear in a puff of smoke* We hate pirates, how 'bout you?!

Dash: *Fighing back to back with Danny and (F/N)* You're both brave geeks, Fenton and Tennyson. When I'm whaling on you tomorrow, I'll be whaling on a hero. But I will be whaling on you.

Paulina : *Danny and (F/N) charges with two ends of a ghost weapon* Danny! (F/N)! *Throws two Fenton skateboards which Danny and (F/N) hop on.*

Danny and (F/N) roll toward the approaching skeletons before getting blasted of by a soundwave from Ember's guitar into his peers who toppel to the ground like bowling pins.

Ember: The only one rocking this boat is me! *Casts an ectoblast that restrains and surrounds Danny, (F/N) and his teammates in a small dome*

Youngblood: *Pulling (F/N) out of the dome* Time to walk the plank, sharkbait.

Youngblood then places (F/N)  on the plank and approaches him, swinging the pirate hook on his arm. (F/N) attempts to dodge and falls off the plank. Camera cuts to the display on the ghost shield control panel which changes from 4 to 3 to 2 to 1 and then the ghost shield deactivates.

Ember: *Peeking over the edge with Youngblood* So, where's the splat?

Everyone then hears a splash as they all gasped in shock.

Ember: There it is!

Danny and Everyone: (F/N)! No!

Dash: She was so hot!

Paulina tears up as Danny hugged her along with Star.

Meanwhile with (F/N).

(F/N): Show time.

(F/N) hits her Ultimatrix as the water glowes red and the ground starts shaking and the water started to bubble as everyone sees it's Ultimate Way big.

Danny: What the…?! *Over the com* Sam, are you seeing this?

Sam: *In shock* Seeing and not believing…

Star: Wait where's (F/N)?!

The camera zooms in on the person standing on Ultimate Way Big [ (OG (F/N) ], and it is revealed to be a (F/N) clone , holding another clone of (F/N) in human form in a bubble pretending to be unconscious

(F/N) OG: *As Ultimate Way Big* Ember Mclain! You just made a BIG Mistake!!

Danny looks closer to see a clone of (F/N) is in a bubble as everyone else did too.

Star: *Sees clone (F/N) and gasp* She's alive!

We see (F/N) flies over shoots at Ember and Youngblood causing both to fly back, and Ember to lose her guitar as (F/N) catches it as OG (F/N) begins to blow Mana bubbles at the ship.

(F/N) #1: *Holding the guitar mockingly* Looking for this?

Ember glares furiously before removing her pirate hat and, with eyes glowing red, shoots streams of electric blue fire at him. (F/N) dodges flying up to the magically repaired flag which Ember burns with her flames.

Ember Ok, maybe not the best idea. Oh well, bon voyage, catch you on my comeback tour. *About to disappear but gets trapped in a mana bubble* Ah! Hey! *Turns to Ultimate Way Big and realizes what's gonna happen* Oh crud, *Gets flicked away by Ultimate Way Big like  a booger*AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! *Flies off screen and into the distance*

Youngblood launches at (F/N) cutting Ember's guitar in half, the top of which (F/N) uses as a weapon

(F/N) #1: Bring it on, snotnose.

(F/N) #1 and Youngblood fly up to and battle on the mast while the flag's burning.

Youngblood slashes at (F/N), who separates his body so the slash goes through the space created by the separation and causes no damage. Youngblood turns one of his arms and legs into some type of weapon that shoots ectoplasmic flames.

(F/N) dodges the blasts and the whole mast along with Youngblood on it catches on fire. (F/N) flies down to where the others are still trapped in the ectoplasmic orb.

Paulina: *Gushingly* Oh look, it's Lady Luck! *(F/N) removes mana orb* *in her head* But I know that's you (F/N).

Dash: Hey, where's Tennyson?

(F/N) #1: *Brings in the bubble with "(F/N)" in it* She's unconscious but she's safe. *Gives her to Danny* Make sure she's okay, she's a cool girl.

Danny: *While holding "(F/N)" * *To Paulina* Yeah and you should totally make out with her.

(F/N) #1: *Blushes* Not the time!

Dash: *Breaking down the door to below the ship's deck with a shout and bursting in to rescue their parents* Wow, it looks like a PTA health club.

Youngblood: *Clinging to part of the mast* *Sees the adults escaping* Arrgh! Me prisoners are escaping!

Bird assistant: Then what's powering the ship?!

The ghost ship begins plunging through the air towards the water.

(F/N): Everyone huddle together now!

Paulina: *Hugging (F/N)* With you? It's my dream come true!

Danny: Seriously, you need to wrap your mind around the idea of Paulina Tennyson.

Everyone huddles around (F/N) just before her eyes light up green and she turns them all intangible. The pirate ship sails down into the water but Ultimate Way Big manages to catch it as (F/N) and the others hover in mid-air. (F/N) flies the group above the wooden dock before collapsing onto it like everyone else.

Jazz: *Dazed* What happened? Where are we?

Jack: And why do I suddenly feel like I have buns of steel?

Maddie: At last! I mean I love you just the way you are!

Jazz: Eeewww!

(F/N) #1 then hops back to Ultimate Way Big aka OG (F/N) as she is seen playing with the ghost pirate ship like a tub toy and breaking it too.

(F/N) #1: *to OG (F/N)* You wanna do the honors m'lady?

OG (F/N) nodded as she then used the Infernal kiss and then flicked the broken ship sending it flying through the clouds as it hit something and sank to the bottom of the ocean as (F/N) changed back and used a time freezing spell to put everyone in place as she made her way to where her clone is, made it disappear as she took its place and unfroze time.

(F/N): *Pretends to wake up* Ughh… what happened? *Gets hugged by Paulina* Gah!

Paulina: *Hugs (F/N) tightly* (F/N) you're okay!

Star: *Sees (F/N) turning blue* Uh Paulina I think you need to let go of Tennyson.

Paulina: No! I'm never letting (F/N) go and risking her life! Not ever again!

(F/N): *Strained* Paulie… Need… Oxygen…please…!

Paulina: *Sees (F/N) turning blue* Oh! *Lets go* Sorry, sorry.

(F/N): *Takes a deep breath and exhales* It's cool, did we win? *Gets hugged by Paulina but gently* *Blushes* Oh uh…

Paulina: *Smiles* I'm just glad you're okay.

(F/N): *Blushes red* *(F/N).exe has stopped working* Uhh… y-y-yeah… me… am… glad… okay too…

Danny: *Chuckles* Yeah we did.

Jack: *Sees everyone in jumpsuits* Hey, nice jumpsuit, kid! You too! And you! And- wait a minute! Danny, did you use the emergency Op center while we were away?

Danny: Uh,whatever would give you that idea?

Sam: *In the Fenton Op center blimp with Kwan waving* Hi Danny! Thanks for letting us use the Op center!

Danny's parents glare at Danny while Danny and (F/N) simultaneously glare at Sam who lowers her hand giving an oops face.

(F/N): Uh actually Mr. And Mrs. Fenton I can actually explain this whole situation.

We cut to Danny cleaning up the front room with Sam, (F/N), and Roxie.

Danny: So I was almost grounded for a month if it wasn't for (F/N) but I still cleaned up the damage from the party.

Sam: Look at the bright side Danny, at least we brought some decent radio to this town. *Gets tail slapped by (F/N)* Ow! The back of my head!

(F/N): But you got grounded by your folks Sam, soo ha.

Tucker: *Burps* Man, I got serious heartburn from eating all those Nasty Burgers!

(F/N): *Pulls out some aspirin and some water* Here.

Tucker: Thanks (F/N), *Drops the aspirin in the water and drinks it* Ah, much better.

Danny: Still I can't help wondering why Youngblood didn't abandon ship?

Tucker: Didn't I tell you? After we escaped. I used my PDA to kick in the back-up power on the ghost shield and set it in reverse. They're not going anywhere.

The scene cuts to under the water to where the ghost ship is visible through the ghost shield. Camera zooms in to where Youngblood's skeleton bird assistant is headbutting the ghost shield

Skeleton Bird: Let me out of here! Let me out!

Youngblood: Actually it would be more like 'Ahoy Matey! I'm marooned on this island!

Skeleton bird: Oh shut your gob, you twit!

The screen closes on Youngblood's face as the camera fades to black.

Next: Chapter 21: Alien Date.

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