Chapter 22: Alien Date

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Here we see (F/N), Roxie, Sam and Danny at school in the hallways.

(F/N): *Roxie gives her a bottle of orange juice* Thanks Roxie, *opens the bottle and downs it* Ahh, *tosses it into a recycling bin* better.

Sam: Geez (F/N), that's like your 10th bottle today.

Danny: Yeah, you okay?

(F/N): I'm fine, just a bit winded from using Ultimate Way Big and making clones of myself yesterday

Danny: That does explain why you slept in on Sunday.

(F/N): Yeah, I was so tired that day.

Roxie: *Barks* *nuzzles (F/N)*

(F/N): *Pets Roxie* Aww don't worry Roxie, mama (F/N) will always be there for you.

Sam: Anyways, why the OJ diet?

(F/N): To make new blood duh. Drinking orange makes new blood.

Sam: Wait, that's still a thing?

(F/N): Yep, it's a thing.

Roxie: *Barks*

Danny: I gotta ask though, how did you get WayBig to go... Ultimate?

(F/N): It's a function I added in my Ultimatrix, I can hyper-evolve my aliens to give them a boost and it gives me new powers in the process. The only downside is because it uses my manna and it leaves me drained for a day.

Danny: sounds powerful.

(F/N): And dangerous, I almost felt like beef jerky after using Ultimate Way Big.

Danny: Well hope you feel better Jen. *Walks off to class*

(F/N): Thanks D. *To Sam* And nice job on that test last class Sam.

Sam: Uh, thanks (F/N). So I gotta ask, you do a lot of traveling right?

(F/N): Yep.

Sam: And I take it you traveled all over the world and galaxy once right? And met some cool guys too, right?

(F/N): *While organizing her locker* Yeah, totally.

Sam: So any special guy pinning out for you?

(F/N): *While pulling out another orange juice bottle* Nah. *Downs the bottle and tosses into the recycling bin*

Sam: Well there must have been one guy, you know, somewhere, some guy, any guy.

(F/N): Sam, if your trying to find out if I'm a lesbian, *Sam's eyes widen* it's okay to just ask.

Sam: What? No, no I was- it's not like I was-

(F/N): Yes, I'm into girls, and I'm really flattered but... I'm into someone else. And you're not really my type, especially stalker types.

Sam: Oh... okay.

(F/N): Are we alright? Still friends?

Sam: Yeah, yeah, totally.

Hey where's Tucker?

Sam: Don't know, he said something about getting college funds.

(F/N): But that's like years away. Although I guess it's never too late to be prepared.

We then see the duo and Roxie walking by as they and Danny see all the girls in the cafeteria and Tucker at a table and (F/N) sees a banner over him that said, "The Tucker Foley fund, Win a date with Lady Luck, proceeds to charity"

Tucker: Who'll open the bidding? Remember, it's for a good cause.

(F/N): *Reads* "The Tucker Foley College Fund"?

Roxie: *Barks in confusion*

(F/N): *To Danny* Danny, explanation.

Danny: Tucker did some research and found out your trending.

(F/N): I am?

Danny: Yep. Lady Luck is more popular than Danny Phantom.

(F/N): Woah, heh, I never knew that. Then again, it could have been that video of me fighting off those angels last week.

Sam: (F/N) how could you let Tucker auction off a date with your superhero secret identity?

Danny: Yeah seriously that is so not cool.

(F/N): Oh come on it's for charity and you know how I feel about charity. *Sees the look Sam is giving her* *sighs* But I guess you're kind of right, I'm gonna let Tucker know...

Tucker: *Bangs the hammer and points to Paulina* Sold to Paulina!

Paulina: Yes!

(F/N): *With hearts around her* ...That I'd love a date with the girl of my dreams!

Sam was confused as she looked at Paulina then back at (F/N) then vice versa until hit her, Paulina was that special someone! This enrages the goth girl as she thought about Paulina tied ro a railroad. Just then Sam spotted the Box Ghost floating in the back above a box of ketchup as she turned to Tucker counting the money he got.

Tucker: So jealous?

Sam: Of Paulina? Never.

Later after school, we see (F/N) getting ready for her "date" with Paulina as Danny and Tucker.

Danny: Congrats on the date (F/N).

(F/N): Thanks D, *giggles* Oh man, this is so awesome!

Tucker: No need to thank me (F/N).

(F/N): Oh and thanks Tuck, you actually came up with a non-awkward way for me to ask out Paulina, *blushes*

Tucker: Anytime girl, now get out there and do your thing.

(F/N): Right, *picks up the heart shaped box of chocolates* Good thing I got this heart box of chocolates. *Changes into anodite form* So how do I look?

Tucker: Uhh... the same?

(F/N): *Facepalms* Ugh... boys, should have just asked Jazz. But whatever, I'll take what I can get. *Inhales and exhales* Okay I'm ready.

We then see (F/N) go intangible and fly off leaving the boys.

We then fade in on (F/N) and Paulina flying through the night sky with stars above them.

Paulina: Woo-hoo! This is cool!

(F/N): Glad you're enjoying it. Just to be clear, there are no barf bags on Air Luck.

Paulina: *Giggles* Aye aye, Captain Luck.

(F/N): *Giggles* Still doesn't roll off the tongue like Lady Luck, but it's cool by me. *Remembers* Oh yeah I got you something, *pulls out the heart shaped box of chocolates*

Paulina: For me?

(F/N): Just a little something to say...

(F/N) was cut off when the Box Ghost holding a box of ketchup popped out of the box as she accidentally let go of Paulina as she was falling.


Paulina: *While falling* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

(F/N) flies in and catches Paulina in the nick of time in a bridal position.

(F/N): *After catching Paulina* Just what this date needs! An annoying ghost who haunts boxes! *Turns to Box Ghost* Good thing Box Ghost isn't the only one with powers. *In her head* Wait, why does this scenario feel so familiar? *Remembers* Oh yeah, now I remember. No energy blast.

(F/N) then fires an ice blast from her eyes freezing the Box Ghost in ice as he dropped the ketchup box as it exploded and it was about to get on Paulina until (F/N) made a portal and sent the ketchup somewhere else.

Paulina: Phew, thanks Lady Luck. That would have been horrible.

(F/N): Anytime. Tomatoes would definitely not look good on you.

Paulina: *Giggles* You got that right. But why was that sales guy holding that crate of ketchup?

(F/N): Huh, that I don't know, but he's long gone now. So how about we continue our date?

Paulina: I say yes. *Hugs (F/N)'s arm*

(F/N): *Blushes* Um, heh, thanks. Sorry about the chocolates though.

Paulina: Aww it's okay, you're the only sweet treat I want.

(F/N): *Blushes pink* I... uh... heh... th-thanks...

We then see the two girls walk off with Paulina hugging (F/N)'s arm. Unknownst to them, we see a certain goth girl seeing this from behind a tree.

Sam: Grrr...! Come on! Boxy you had one job! Could this get any worse?!

We then see the portal open as the ketchup from the box lands on Sam covering her in ketchup.

Sam: Gah! I just had to say it... Well it's not like those two are actually made for each other they'll have a horrible date. I just know it.

We then cut to a montage of (F/N) and Paulina enjoying their date night ranging from eating, playing at the arcade and a bunch of other stuff too all while Sam was spying on them.

After some time we see the two girls head to Paulina's home.

Paulina: I had an amazing time, Lady Luck.

(F/N): Me too Paulie. Can't believe you got the high score on Crash Nebula. That and you actually play video games.

Paulina: *Giggles* Thanks, just one of the many secrets I have, that I don't tell anyone except to Star and (F/N). *In her head* And I especially know that's you (F/N).

(F/N): Well everyone has their secrets. But I gotta ask, why do you stick around with those guys at school, they're you know-

Paulina: Complete jerks?

(F/N): Yeah, and I'm guessing that's not who you really are, huh?

Paulina: *Sighs* Yeah, at first I thought I was the queen of Casper but how can I compete against (F/N), but she's been super nice to me even though I've been a total jerk to her but I'm starting to change now.

(F/N): Well everyone has their secrets. But I gotta ask, why do you stick around with those guys at school, they're you know-

Paulina: Complete jerks?

(F/N): Yeah, and I'm guessing that's not who you really are, huh?

Paulina: *Sighs* No, I just pretend to be vain and shallow because that's what people see me as, except (F/N) of course, she's the only girl other than Star or Valerie, that treats me like an actual person.

(F/N): Well you are one lucky girl to have a friend like her, and me too.

Paulina: Really?

(F/N): Yeah, you're not a shallow girl Paulina, you're a kind hearted person that I would spend every minute with. And I would even take a bullet for you.

Paulina: *Blushes* Aww, thanks Lady Luck.

(F/N): Anytime.

Paulina: Well before you go, there is a little something I wanna give you.

(F/N): Oh? What's that?

Paulina: This.

Paulina then pulls (F/N) and kisses her on the lips much to Sam's shock as Paulina pulls back as we see (F/N) shocked and dazed.

(F/N): *Dazed* Wooah, mama... that was some kiss...

Paulina: *Giggles* Guessing you enjoyed my gift.

(F/N): *Dazed* Yeah... uh gotta get going... stay safe.

Paulina: Oh I will, ghost girl.

We then see (F/N) fly off leaving a heart shaped cloud as she accidentally crashes into a billboard as Paulina winced a bit from hearing that crash.

(F/N): *Off-screen* I'm okay!

Paulina giggled at (F/N) cuteness as she went inside and sighed.

Paulina: Papa, I'm home!

Carlos: Sweetie, are you okay?! Did she try any-

Paulina: Relax papi, I'm fine, and she didn't try anything. Though I did kiss her.

Carlos : On the cheek?

Paulina: *Lies* Oh uh, yeah it was a kiss on the cheek. *In her head* It was on the lips, she tastes like vanilla and strawberries. *Outloud* Well I have to get to bed now, goodnight Papa. *Walks to her room*.

Carlos: Goodnight sweetie.

Meanwhile with (F/N) she arrived back at home as Danny and Roxie saw her.

(F/N): *Turns back to human* Hey I'm home.

Danny: Hey, how was your date?

(F/N): Amazing! Sure there was a ghost attack but it went pretty well. *Slides back on the door* *dazed* Very, very well...

Danny: Looks like someone got a smooch huh?

(F/N): Yep, come on Roxie let's go to bed.

We then see (F/N) and Roxie go to bed as the camera cuts to Paulina, who's in her PJs.

Paulina: I gotta tell (F/N) that I know she's half ghost. But... how? *Thinks for a moment* I'll tell her tomorrow, and maybe we can be... more than friends.

Sam: *While kicking a trash can* That shallow puddle-witch so and so and such and such! How can she of all people do that to (F/N)! *Kicks the can hard to makes a dent in it*

Unfortunately the trashcan hits a car which triggers the alarm as Sam runs off as the camera fades to black.

Next: Chapter 22: Alien Confession.

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