Chapter 23: Alien Confession.

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Here we see (F/N), Roxie and the trio at school in the hallways as (F/N) was happy today.

Tucker: So how did your date go last night?

(F/N): Well other than Box Ghost crashing my date with Paulina, and almost getting doused in ketchup, and almost ruining my date, it went amazing.

Tucker: I bet it did, no need to thank me.

(F/N): Well I gotta say that idea for a charity date with Lady Luck was a pretty good idea to get a date with Paulina.

Tucker: Ah it was nothing.

Sam: *Sarcastically* Yeah, bet you really enjoyed that date.

(F/N): I did. And It was-

Danny: *Chuckles* Amazing?

(F/N): Yep *To Roxie* And sorry I couldn't bring you along Roxie, but I hoped you had fun with your uncle Danny.

Roxie: *Barks* *Does a so-so gesture*

Danny: Hey I did what you told me.

Roxie: *Barks*

Danny: Eh, fair enough.

Sam: You learned to speak dog?

Danny: Someone had to when (F/N) wasn't around.

Tucker: Well I'm glad I hooked you and Paulina up.

(F/N): Well we're not technically hooked up, she likes Lady Luck remember? Me on the other hand-

Sam: *Smugly* Hates your guts?

(F/N): No, she hates your guts, not mine. Because unlike you, I actually treat her like a person instead of judging her.

Tucker: Oho, burn.

Sam: *Sarcastically* Very funny.

(F/N): Thanks.

We later see (F/N) and Roxie along with everyone else in gym class where we see (F/N) and Roxie practicing with the cheerleaders.

(F/N) and the Girls: Casper is  *One Girl poses as a H* H- *One poses as an O*O- *One poses as a T* T! Casper is Hot!

(F/N) and the girls: *While shaking their pom-poms* Go Ravens!

Roxie flies in as Hypnotick as she lets out a victory roar.

Paulina: Woo! Good job ladies.

Camera cuts to Tucker, Sam, and Danny watching the scene.

Tucker: Man, nothing more fun than watching the cheerleaders.

Danny: Tucker that's (F/N) out there.

Tucker: Doesn't mean I can admire her.

Sam: *Groans* I still can't believe she's still a cheerleader and especially with them no less.

Danny: Come on Sam, look how happy she and Roxie are, and especially with (F/N)'s soon to be girlfriend.

Tucker: Yeah, I haven't seen this much pep since… well ever.

Sam groans in dismay as she then spots two bottles of cola in Paulina's bag and gets an idea as she sneakily goes over and takes one of them and shakes it up and sneaks away as (F/N), Roxie and Paulina sit on the bench for a break.

Paulina: *Offers (F/N) the shaken up bottle* Soda?

(F/N): Don't mind if I do. *Take the bottle.*

(F/N) opens the bottle and then gets sprayed by the soda as Roxie jumps out of the way as Paulina was shocked by this while Sam had a satisfied smirk on her face thinking Paulina was gonna take the blame.

(F/N): Bleh, now I know how Pepsi feels.

Paulina: Ohh my gosh, (F/N) I am so sorry! I-I didn't mean to- I didn't know the bottle was-

(F/N): *Giggles* It's cool, dude accidents happen.

Paulina: *Surprised* You're not mad?

(F/N): Sticky and covered in soda yes, but mad, nah.

This shocked the trio, especially Sam, despite being sprayed by cola, (F/N) wasn't mad in the slightest.

Sam: H-how?! Can she not be mad at Paulina?!

Danny: *Chuckles* Oh man, not even a soda spray can ruin (F/N)'s mood.

Tucker: She's like everything that's the opposite of Sam, and everyone likes her positive attitude. *To Sam* No offense.

Sam: *Sarcastically* None taken.

As this was happening both the girls were thinking of different things.

Paulina: *In her head* I have to tell her how I feel…

(F/N): *In her head* I need to tell her how I feel…

Star: *In her head* Why don't they just confess already?

Roxie: *In her head* I'm gonna have a new mama.

Danny: *In his head* I'm gonna have a new sister-in-law.

Tucker: *In his head* They are so made for each other.

Sam: *In her head* That shallow puddle-witch! I don't know what your game is but I'll stop you from making moves on (F/N)! Like I even care about (F/N) but still!

Later after school, we see (F/N), Roxie and Paulina at Paulina's place since (F/N) wanted to hang out with her.

(F/N): Thanks again for letting me hang out at your place Paulie.

Paulina: Anytime (F/N), you and Roxie are always welcome here. I'm just glad  my papa agreed to let you be here after my sprained leg.

(F/N): Hey someone had to carry you all the way here and I'm glad I was that someone.

Paulina: *Giggles* And I'm glad you were that someone.

(F/N): And I would do it again if you ever sprained your leg.

Paulina: *Blushes* Ohh heh, thank you, *in her head* I might have to sprain my leg again to be carried like a princess, which was amazing.

We then see the two girls about to get the remote until their hands touch which made them yelp in surprise.

(F/N): *Blushes* O-oh uh sorry.

Paulina: *Blushes* N-No no it's okay you go first.

(F/N): *Blushes* No, no you're the host, you go first.

Paulina: No you.

(F/N): No you.

Paulina: No you.

(F/N): No you.

Paulina: No you.

This went on for a while as Roxie watched them and unbeknownst to them, Sam was also watching from afar behind a tree with binoculars and even she was annoyed.

Sam: Oh come on! One of you just please grab the remote!

Back with the girls Carlos saw what was Happ and took the remote.

Carlos: Uh girls, why don't I choose the channel?

(F/N): Un yeah, good call Mr. Sanchez.

Paulina: Thanks papa.

Carlos: Anytime. *In his head* Those two love each other, how do I get them alone? Hmm, *gets an idea* Uh Paulina, I'm making a salad tonight and we're all out of ingredients can you and (F/N) get it? Along with some other stuff? *Give them the list.*

Paulina: Um. Sure papa.

(F/N): Yeah we can do that.

We later see Roxie and the girls go to the supermarket as Sam follows them. There we see the two girls and Roxie getting everything on the list.

(F/N): Okay got the lettuce, tortillas, and the meat, what else is on the list?

Paulina: *Checks the List* Let's see, oh it's the last one, sour cream.

(F/N): Thank goodness it's not mayo.

Paulina: Yeah that's a relief.

(F/N) and Paulina: It's basically white diarrhea and oil.

Both girls, and Roxie look in surprise at each other.

(F/N): *Surprised* You don't like mayo too?

Paulina: Yep, it's my least favorite condiment.

(F/N): Yeah, it's not good. I mean maybe in some other stuff but on its own nope.

Paulina: Yeah, I learned that the hard way when Star dared me to eat a spoonful of mayo. *Sticks her tongue out* Bleh.

(F/N): Oh wow, nasty.

Paulina: *Chuckles* I know not one of my flawless moments but we all did things we are not proud of.

(F/N): Too true.

We then see the two girls about to get the sour cream only to touch hands again.

Paulina: *Blushes* Oh sorry!

(F/N): *Blushes* No no it's- it's my fault you go first!

Paulina: No you!

(F/N): No you!

Paulina: No you!

(F/N): No you!

Paulina: No you!

(F/N): No you!

Paulina: I'll do it!

Paulina then takes the sour cream and puts it in the cart. After that the two girls were blushing red. After that embarrassing moment. We saw them at the check out as they bagged and paid for the groceries.

Paulina: *In her head* Oh man could that have been more embarrassing!

(F/N): *In her head*  Doh idiot! That was so embarrassing!

Later at home we see the duo arrive at home as Paulina parks her scooter.

(F/N): Well that was… eventful.

Paulina: Yeah it was. Uh, look I'm sorry about what happened back there.

(F/N): It's okay.

Paulina: Thanks.

(F/N): Anytime.

As Paulina opened the door both girls went in.

Paulina: The sooner we get these in, the better.

(F/N): Agreed.

As the girls went in, Paulina lost her footing and tripped.

Paulina: Woah!

(F/N): *Sees Paulina about to fall* Paulie I got you!

(F/N) caught Paulina but Paulina pulled (F/N) with her as the two girls fell with Paulina being right on top of (F/N) as the two closed their eyes in pain.

Paulina: *Feels something on her lips* Hmm? What's this soft thing on my lips? It tastes like cherries and fudge…

Paulina opened her eyes and so did (F/N) as they saw she and her were kissing.

Paulina: *Pulls back* Ahhhh!!! Oh my gosh (F/N) I am so sorry! I-I-I-I-I didn't mean to!!

(F/N): *Gets up* Woah, woah, Paulie it's okay I-

Paulina was about to run away from her crush but she thought to herself that couldn't run away from this situation and leave her crush and leve her like this.

Paulina: *In her head* No! I can't run away, I have to suck it up, put on my big girl panties and face it like a woman!

(F/N):  *Turns around* *In her head* I have to tell her it's now or never.

Both girls turn to face each other with determination and slight nervousness.

Paulina: (F/N)!

(F/N): Paulina!

(F/N) and Paulina: I have something to tell you!

(F/N): Oh uh sorry you go first.

Paulina: No you.

(F/N): No you.

Paulina: No you.

(F/N): No you.

Paulina: No you.

(F/N): No you.

Paulina: Okay I'll go first. Look I'm sorry for almost running out on you, when I accidentally kissed you. It's just, I… Love you.

(F/N): You do?

Paulina: *Inhales* Yes, ever since I met you I've been such a jerk to you, but you've always been so nice to me and… you're the only person that cares about me.

(F/N): Really?

Paulina: Yep, now uh what about you?

(F/N): Well truth be told, I um, had feelings for you.

Paulina: You did?

(F/N): Yes, besides Star, why do you think I hang out with you all the time? I mean sure you can be mean and shallow, but underneath all that you're a kind, sweet, awesome, lovely girl that I would like to spend every waking moment with.

Roxie: *Barks*

(F/N): And Roxie too.

Paulina: *Surprised* Really?

(F/N): Yes, I love you ya goof, And not just for your looks, for everything.

Paulina: *Blushes* Woah, no one's ever said that to me before, heh not even Dash would say all that.

(F/N): Yeah well, I'm no jock with a flathead haircut.

Paulina: *Giggles* True.

(F/N): Yeah. So uh… do you… like-like me too?

Paulina: Hmm, I dunno, does this answer your question?

Paulina then jumps on to (F/N) as she kisses (F/N) which catches her by surprise as (F/N) kisses back too as the two fall on the grass and Paulina pulls back.

(F/N): Mmm, cherry.

Paulina: *Giggles* That would be my chap-stick. And you taste like Strawberry.

(F/N): That would be the milkshake I had earlier, baby~.

???(Carlos): Ahem.

The two girls and Roxie flinched to see it was Carlos standing outside the doorway.

(F/N) Oh uh… hey Mr. Sanchez.

Paulina: Dad uh…how long were you there?

Carlos: Long enough, and I approve.

(F/N): You do?

Carlos: Of course, I knew you two would confess.

(F/N): So that's why you had us shop together.

Carlos: And it worked.

(F/N): Well actually-

Paulina: Let's just let him have this one hun.

(F/N): Alright.

Roxie: *Hugs Paulina* *Barks*

Paulina: *Hugs Roxie* Aww love you too Roxie.

Later after dinner, we see (F/N), Roxie, and Paulina walking to Fenton Works with Paulina hugging (F/N)'s arm along the way there.

Paulina: I had fun sweetie.

(F/N): Me too hun.

Paulina: But uh, before you go, there are a few things I need to tell you.

(F/N): It's okay Paulie, I know about the mole and relax I won't tell anyone.

Paulina: *Giggles* It's not that but thank you, it's… I know your Lady Luck.

(F/N) and Roxie were surprised by this news.

(F/N): …Wha-what…?! How? When?

Paulina: Remember that game with Thresher High and those rock monsters that attacked the game?

(F/N): Yeah why?

Paulina: I hid behind the stands and… saw you change back, plus it would explain why you always left so early. And you and Lady Luck look amazing.

(F/N): Wow, you actually noticed the similarities.

Paulina: Well it was pretty obvious sweetie, that and I compared two photos of you and her hero persona.

(F/N): Wow, heh, good eye babe.

Paulina: Thanks hun.

(F/N): Anytime.

Paulina: So good night kiss before I go~?

(F/N): You know it.

(F/N) then grabs Paulina and dips her down, giving her a nice 15 second smooch on the lips as she raises Paulina back as she had a dazed look on her face.

Paulina: *Dazed* ¡Vaya mamá! (Woah mama!)

(F/N): Enjoy that?

Paulina: Like you wouldn't believe it. *Kisses (F/N) on the cheek* Night sweetie.

(F/N): Night babe.

We then see Paulina walk home leaving (F/N) and Roxie as they went inside and to their room and went to bed.

(F/N): I'll tell them tomorrow.

(F/N) and Roxie go to bed as the camera fades to black.

Next: Chapter 23: New Day, New Girlfriend.

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