Chapter 41: Gone Fishin'

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Here in Bellwood, we see a man is on his boat, fishing in the river.

Radio Announcer: And with the robots gone back to Dimension 12 for good, Ben and Jen Tennyson, and new hero Paulina Sanchez, have saved the Earth yet again.

The fisherman turns off the radio.

Fisherman: Yeah, sheesh. *Chuckles* Some folks will believe anything.

He seems to have caught something.

Fisherman: He-Hey!

He reels the fish in using his fishing cable, but the fish and bait are gone.

Fisherman: ARGH, shucks!

A larger ship sails past his boat. All of a sudden, a whirlpool emerges in the water just in front of the ship. The ship gets sucked in. The fisherman's ship also starts slipping towards the whirlpool slowly. The fisherman tries to drive away from the whirlpool but his efforts are futile. He radios for help.


His boat gets sucked into the whirlpool.

Meanwhile, in Undertown, Ben, (F/N), Paulina, Rook, Max and Magister Patelliday are fishing on a boat at Spaceman's Wharf.

Ben: *Bored* Rook, hand me the chips.

After sometime we see (F/N) and the others as Ben is getting bored.

Ben: Aw, man! Since when do we fish in Undertown, Grandpa Max?

Max: Hehe. Are you kidding? You never know what you'll haul in down here. Last time, Patelliday, (F/N), and I caught Nocturnal Pus-Oozers, Sticky Nine-Eyed Eels and Bursting Gelatinous Tilefish. *Patelliday nods in agreement*

(F/N): Now that was a good haul.

Patelliday: And some good eatin'.

Max: Oh, yeah.

Ben: I-I'm fine with catch and release. Too bad I need to catch something first.

Max: Have patience Ben.

Paulina: Yeah, you don't wanna scare off the fish or whatever's down there.

Ben: For how long?

Ben then grabs some bait and looks at it while giving it a squeeze.

Ben: I'm not having any luck Rook *gives his fishing pole and bait to rook* you try this one.

(F/N): *Looks at his hook* Hmm, nothin, *gives his fishing pole and bait  to Paulina* Why don't you try this one too honey.

Rook was using his Proto-Tool's fishing rod mode. He reverts it back to its normal mode and takes Ben's fishing rod and bait and Paulina does the same. Rook and Paulina swing the cable into the water,  and they both wait, and in seconds, they both catch a fish. They both reel the fishes in and catch it with their hands.

Max: Oh, nice catch, Rook!

(F/N): Ooh nice one babe!

Rook: I have succeeded with Ben's choice of bait. *To Ben* You have a genuine knack.

Paulina: I did too thanks to (F/N)'s bait. Thanks hun.

(F/N): Anytime.

Ben: *Annoyed* Give me that.

Ben takes the fishing rod from Rook and tries to pick up a piece of bait. He finds that the box is empty.

Ben: Hey, where's the bait?

Ben then turns to see Patelliday licking his fingers and makes delighted sounds as he ate the bait and so did (F/N) too.

Ben: Seriously you guys?

(F/N): Whoops our bad bro.

Patelliday: Sorry about that Ben couldn't help ourselves but don't you fret *brings out another can of bait* A brought us another can.

Rook: It is well that we are not fishing for you Magister. A Piscciss Volann will eat anything.

Paulina: So can Tucker, as long as it's not a vegetable.

Patelliday: We ain't picky, and that's a fact. Jaws that can slice through steel. And then, you are looking at a fine physical specimen. *Gets up and strikes a pose*

Ben smirks. He dials up the Omnitrix, slams the dial and transforms into Ripjaws. Patelliday is rather surprised.

Patelliday: Huh?

Ben as Ripjaws screeches and then jumps into the water and after a few seconds jumps back out and lands on the boat as he coughs up a handful full of trash.

Ben: *As Ripjaws* Ha! Who's the best fisherman now?

Rook: Magister Tennyson.

Patelliday: Max.

Paulina: Mr. Tennyson.

(F/N): Grandpa Max.

Max: Me

Ben realizes that he only caught junk and drops it. He changes back and is disappointed.

Rook: Ben, you must make the fish come to you.

Ben: Did a lot of this back home, did you?

Rook: None. This is a method that I learned in my Earth studies.

Patelliday: Heh. 'Joe College' over here. *Munches*

(F/N): *to Patellitday* 5 Taydens says he catches something bigger than you ever ate.

Patelliday: *To (F/N)* Make it 50.

Rook: Behold- Noodling!

Rook then sticks his hand in the water and waits patiently as you and the others did too and after a few seconds Rook pulls his hand out showing a large blue fish on the end of it shocking the others.

Rook: Sized.

Max: Ha!

Patelliday: *moves his glasses* Well would you look at that.

(F/N): I believe you owe me 50 Taydens Patelliday.

Patelliday: Well Applefish *hands you 50 taydens* Here’s the money kiddo.

(F/N): *Takes the 50 Taydens and puts it in your wallet* Thank you, pleasure doing business with you.

Paulina: *Sees the Taydens* What kind of money is that?

(F/N): Tayden, it’s a space currency made from a substance called Taydenite, it's most valuable stuff in the Milky Way next to Earth diamonds.

Patelliday: Which if converted into earth money could make ya richer than a bunch of gold groupers.

Paulina: *Surprised* Wow… I could buy a lot of dresses with that kind of dough.

Rook then tosses the fish into the bucket while Ben was a bit peeved.

Rook: Your arm please.

Ben then puts out his arm as Rook put the sucker on his hand.

Ben: Ew, now what?

Rook: Now you wait patiently.

Ben then sticks his hand in the water and waits as (F/N) sees Patellitday eating some of the bait.

(F/N): Try not to eat all of the bait this time okay Patellitday.

Patelliday: *while eating* Will do, Jen.

(F/N): *sees Ben about to lose it* Looks like someone is getting too impatient.

Max: Yeah when it comes to Ben he can get a little reckless.

(F/N): A little is an understatement, he's a full on loose cannon.

Max: I’m sure he will be fine.

(F/N): Maybe, but just a little side deal, 25 Taydens says a fish jumps on Ben's face the moment he takes his hand out of the water.

Max: Make it 70.

We then see Ben getting impatient as he takes his bail covered hand out of the water.

Ben: Oh this could take all d-- Unh!

A fish jumps at Ben and attaches to his face. Ben struggles.

Ben: *Muffled* Hey! Get this thing off me!

Rook pulls the fish off Ben's face. Ben coughs and breathes heavily. His face has gone red.

Max: No substitute for patience Ben

(F/N): *laughs at Ben* Oh man now that's comedy, *to Max* And I believe you owe me 70 Taydens kind sir.

Max: Well I'll be *gives you the 70 Taydens" Here you go.

(F/N): *Takes the 90 Taydens and puts in his wallet* Thank you.

Paulina: *Laughs* Maybe we should use Ben's face as bait the next time we go fishing.

Ben: *Sarcastically* Oh haha very funny.

Ben transforms into Ripjaws again, and dives into the water with (F/N) and Patelliday. They swim together.

Ben: *As Ripjaws* I'll bring up more fish than that boat can hold. I'm at least a better fisherman than Rook.

Patelliday: I don't know. That noodling was pretty darn impressive, if you ask me.

Ben: *As Ripjaws* A lucky accident. It would never work the same way twice... and never on a fish more intelligent than that half-witted alien fluke that Rook hauled in.

Suddenly, a mechanical arm appears in front of Patelliday, with several pieces of bait attached to it. Patelliday and (F/N) literally take the bait and bites at the arm. They get pulled up and captured by two robots, called Mechaneers. Patelliday and (F/N) let out a muffled screams

Mechaneer: Got them.

Ben then hears the struggles from the both of you as he turns to see you two are captured.

Ben: *as Ripjaws* Magister Patelliday? (F/N)?

We then see (F/N) and Patellitday being hauled off to who knows where.

Patelliday: Robots in the drink!

(F/N): Get us out of here!

Ben: *as Ripjaws* Hold on!

Ben then goes after the two robots as they began to swim faster as Ben caught up with one the mechaneer then launched his Claw at him but Ben dodged it as he then caught it and grabbed the robot and head-butted him making it sink to the floor as he then grabbed a boulder and tossed it at Ben only for him to swing the robot slamming him and the boulder to the wall making it fall on it and crushing it.

Ben: *as Ripjaws* Rock on.

Ben then swam to the other robot that had you and Patellitday only for him to time out and turn back into human.

Ben: Aw man!

Ben then swam up to the surface and drifted gasping for air as Rook and the others saw while Max caught a fish.

Rook: Ben!

Ben: *While swimming to the boat* Robot pirate thingies, nabbed Patellitday and (F/N)!

Paulina: Robot pirates?

Ben: I know right?

Rook: How?

Ben: They noodled them.

Paulina: Oh not bad.

Meanwhile we see the robot that had (F/N) and Patellitday as they ran off to who knows where.

Patellitday: Now just you wait I got jaws of furry ichen to chomp through some titanium skull.

(F/N): Yeah let us go or you'll end up in the scrap heap.

Patelliday: By the way, where are we going?

Meanwhile we see the others going to the cave as they then hear water rushing.

Paulina: What is that sound?

Max: Look

We then see Ben and the others are now headed to a waterfall.

Max: Nuts.

They fall off the waterfall.

Ben, Paulina, Rook, Max: AAAAAAAAH!



Ben desperately dials up the Omnitrix and transforms into Rath. Water splashes on him gently.

Ben: *As Rath* LEMME TELL YA SOMETHIN', WATER- *He sees their boat speeding down the waterfall, towards the water* WATER?! WHAT? RATH DOESN'T DO WATER!

Ben moves to the back of the boat.

Max: Pick another alien!

Rook: Like me.

Rook takes out his Proto-Tool and shoots two grappling cables on two individual sides of the waterfall above. The cables get stuck inside the rocks. This stops their descent.

Ben: *as Rath* You better save Rath, or Rath is gonna drop kick you both, awkward alien partner and flawless skin girl teammate!

Rook: *Grunting* I could use some help.

Ben and Paulina, who turned into Four Arms, both hold the Proto-Tool while Rook adjusts its controls to slowly lower their boat. Water keeps trickling over Ben.

Rath:  AAAAARGH! KEEP THAT WATER OFF OF RATH! *Gets really annoyed by the trickling, turns around and points at the waterfall* LEMME TELL YA SOMETHIN', WATERFALL!

Rook and Paulina  are unable to hold on to the Proto-Tool. It slips out of Rook's hand and goes flying upwards and Paulina tried to catch it but fails to do so. Ben sees it and lets out a timid squeal. The Proto-Tool falls into the waterfall. The boat falls.

Ben (as Rath), Paulina, Rook, Max: AAAAAAAAAH!

They emerge from the water shortly, so does their boat. Ben  screams and squeals.

Ben: *As Rath* Aaah! Get it off!

Rath reverts back into Ben.

Ben: *Sadly* Uh... sorry?

Rook's Proto-Tool also emerges out of the water, making Rook happy.

Max: Where do you think those pirates took Patelliday and (F/N)?

They ponder.

In another part of the water body, hidden within a cliff-like structure, is a ship. Inside, the captain of the ship sits and gives orders.

Kork: Switch to full power!

Mechaneers: Aye-aye, Captain Kork.

The Mechaneers activate a machine that generates a huge whirlpool outside their ship. The whirlpool goes all the way up to the surface of the water in Bellwood. Two cruise ships get sucked into the whirlpool. The ships get sucked into Kork's ship and are shrunk down.

Mechaneer: Ready to bottle, captain.

Kork: Excellent! Engage bottle crew.

Mechaneer: Engaged. Yarg.

The Mechaneers work on the computers. The people inside the shrunken ships scream. The ships are then bottled up and shelved, like many other ships in the hall.

Kork: Now, then, how's my lunch coming?

In the kitchen, the Mechaneers put Patelliday the place where they keep their supplies. Patelliday struggles to break free, as he has been tied up. He looks around the kitchen. One Mechaneer uses its claws to slice through the ingredients.

Patelliday: Now this is an unpredictable predicament.

(F/N): *Hears the alarms and people screaming* And it sounds like we're not the only ones that were caught.

Meanwhile with the others they were now in the cave as they saw two paths.

Ben: *points right* We can make it through this way, it's gotta be faster.

Rook: Is faster always better?

Ben: We gotta stay on their trail or we lose Patellitday and (F/N).

Paulina: Ben's got a point. I don't wanna lose my girlfriend to robot pirates. Or any pirates for that matter. Or ghost pirates that steal parents to power their ship.

Ben: Wait what?

Paulina: I'll tell you later.

The others went to the right with increasing the boat speed. Meanwhile back on Korg's ship we see the bottle ships were being put away along with the others.

Korg: Galley slaves, bring me lunch! I'm hungry.

We then see two mechaneers bring out a large dish

Mechaneers: Yes sir captain Korg.

Korg: You know I was just thinking about how magnificent the local seafood is and I wondered, I wondered why I wasn't smelling anything cooking?!

The mechaneers then open the cloche.

Mechaneer: Ta-da.

Korg then looked to see (F/N) and Patellitday were eating the food.

(F/N): Mm, not bad but could be better.

Patelliday: And we're not technically local.

(F/N): Or fish for that matter well *Points to Patellitday* He is, though, no offense.

Patelliday: Non taken.

Korg: Sushi? I don't want sushi! I want it cooked.

(F/N): Oh don't be such a big baby about it.

Patelliday: Yeah, we weren't gonna let you eat us anyway.

(F/N): Yeah *realizes* Wait what?

As the two robots were taking (F/N) and Patellitday away (F/N) saw all the large ships in a bottle.

Patelliday: Well now would you look at that.

(F/N): Yeah that's a lot of bottle ships.

Patellitday: Sure is, there's a bit more to this capper then what's for lunch.

Meanwhile we see the others going through the cave.

Rook: I cannot locate Magister Patellitday's badge.

Paulina: And I'm not getting (F/N)'s signal from Ultimatrix.

Rook: It could be interference from the subterranean geology or-

Max: Don't worry about Patelliday and (F/N). They can take care of themselves.

Paulina: I hope so, I don't know what I'd do without (F/N).

Ben: Don't worry Paulina, (F/N) is as tough as they come, after all she is a magister.

Paulina: Heh right, I know that. She told  me about it on one of our dates.

As the boat was going by Ben and the others saw all the discarded mechaneers.

Ben: Woah.

Paulina: Something isn't right around here.

Then suddenly all the robots rose and activated.

Paulina: I knew it!

Max: It's a trap!

The Mechaneers surround them. Rook brings out his Proto-Tool. Ben and Paulina  both transform into Juryrigg. Rook is somewhat surprised.

Paulina and Ben: *As Juryrigg* Juryriggs disassemble!

Ben and Paulina hops onto Rook's head, then Max's and then jumps onto the Mechaneers. They laugh maniacally and proceed to rapidly disassemble the Mechaneers.

Ben and Paulina: *As Juryrigg* Reassemble... Fix! Fix, fix, fix, fix, fix! With one difference!

Both Ben  and Paulina quickly build a Mechaneer with six arms. They both control the Mechaneer to attack all the other ones.

Ben and Paulina: *As Juryrigg* Hahaha! Hahahaha!

Ben and Paulina jump back onto the boat and change back.

Rook: I am duly impressed.

Max: Wow. Fast work, you two

Paulina: Thanks.

Ben: Is there any other kind?

The quartet drive away as the six-armed Mechaneer fights the other Mechaneers.

Max: If they had that many sentries up front, you know it won't be the end of it.

Paulina: Either that or they have some sort of guard dog at the front.

Ben: Nothing me and Paulina can't handle.

You... did see us back there, right?

All of a sudden, a Kraken emerges out of the water in front of them.

Ben and Paulina: Aah!

The Kraken roars. Ben and Paulina turn to Rook and Max, rather scared.

Ben: You guys got this one.

Max : A Kraken!

Rook: It must be robot pirates' guard dog.

Ben:You mean guard fish!

The Kraken dips back into the water. Water splashes over Ben. He proceeds to dial up the Omnitrix.

Ben:Just enough room here for Way Big!

Ben transforms into Crashhopper.

Paulina: Why did you turn into Crashhopper?

Ben: *As Crashhopper*  Don't blame me, blame the Omnitrix*Frustrated, clenching his fist* And thr next time I see Azmuth, I'm gonna step on him! Rook... gimme a line.

Rook: Okay. *Extends his Proto-Tool's cable* But I fail to see how-

Ben takes the hook and jumps onto the ceiling of the tunnel. The Krakken emerges out and dips back in behind their boat.

Rook and Paulina: Ben!

Ben then lowers himself using the cable and dangles upside down while Rook holds the Proto-Tool.

Crashhopper: Let's see if he'll take the bait.

Rook: This is a terrible idea.

Paulina: And a super dangerous one.

Ben: *As Crashhopper* Shh!

Max: But what i-

Ben: *As Crashhopper* Sh-sh-sh-shh! Gotta have patience, Grandpa Max.

Crashhopper continues dangling. In a short while, the Kraken takes the bait and jumps back into the water.

Max: Hang on!

Rook maintains a firm hold over the Proto-Tool and Paulina helps him out. Their boat rides along behind the Kraken as it swims and pulls the cable. Eventually, the Kraken releases the cable with Crashhopper still inside of the Krakken. Rook retracts the cable. Max, Paulina, and Rook look at each other, worried. Then, they look inside the water. The Kraken swims around. Inside of it, Ben violently bounces around, hurting the Kraken. The Kraken emerges out in pain and dips back in.

Max: Attaboy, Ben!

The Kraken finally surrenders to the pain and comes out of the water onto a platform as Ben changes back. The Kraken spits him out. Ben is covered with slime.

Ben: Sorry about the wet fur, Rook. *To Paulina* And the wet hair.

Paulina: It's okay.

Rook: It is nothing... compared to the way you smell. *Rook, Paulina, and Max cover their noses*


Rook:  Forgive me. It is even worse than Stinkfly.

Paulina: It smells like durian and everything bagels in a dumpster mixed with sewer water.

The trio ran ahead through a large gate. The Kraken slowly dips back into the water.

Back on Kork's ship, Patelliday and (F/N) struggle to break free. One of the Mechaneers cuts a fish and throws it into a bowl, which another Mechaneer was cooking with.

Chef Mechaneer: You said the Captain wanted raw fish.

Cutter Mechaneer: I said "fresh".

Chef Mechaneer: Raw!

Cutter Mechaneer: Fresh!

Chef Mechaneer: Raw!

Cutter Mechaneer: Fresh!

Chef Mechaneer: Raw!

Cutter Mechaneer: Fresh!

Patelliday sees this as his chances and breaks free of his bonds and (F/N) does the same.

Chef Mechaneer: Raw!

Cutter Mechaneer: Fresh! *Picks up a piece of the fish and throws it at the chef*

Chef Mechaneer: Raw! *The piece hits him and drops into the bowl* Watch what you're doing. You chopped ropes up along with that talking fish. And the blond fish *Continues cooking*

The cutter Mechaneer sees that Patelliday and (F/N) have disappeared from the table.

Patelliday: Uh, 'scuse us.

(F/N): But... We don't wanna be lunch!

Patelliday is perched over a machine above the table. He jumps and drops-kicks the Mechaneer down. (F/N) leaps and kicks the chef, knocking it down too. Patelliday has a little snack.

Patelliday: Well. Glad we cleared that up.

Outside, in the tunnels, Ben, Paulina,  Rook and Max continue running, determined as ever. Ben crashes into a force field and falls down, bumping into Max. Rook walks closer and touches the force field.

Rook: *Displeased* Force field.

Ben: Thanks. *Max and Ben recover*

Max: It means we're getting close. *To Rook* Blast it!

Rook readies his Proto-Tool but hesitates before shooting.

Ben: What's wrong?

Rook shoots a laser at the force field. The laser bounces off it as well as around the walls of the tunnel.

Ben: Oh.

Rook, Ben, Paulina, and Max barely manage to avoid it. It comes to a stop at the wall just beside Max. Then, determined, Max charges into the force field, but he only lets out a painful groan. Ben and Rook look away, painfully.

Paulina: *Winces* Ooh…

Max: Ben... Paulina…*Slowly falls down*

Ben: Just need the right alien.

Ben and Paulina dial up their Omnitrices and are about to slam it down. Just then, Patelliday disables the force field with (F/N) by his side.

Ben: *Surprised* Patelliday?

Paulina: *Equally Surprised* (F/N)?

Max: *Confidently*Told you they could handle themselves.

Ben, Rook, (F/N), Paulina, Max and Patelliday go towards Kork's ship.

Patelliday: We're gonna need everything we've got to stop these robot-pirate guys.

Ben: What're they up to?

Patelliday: Well, they... *Thinks* It'll come to me, once I let it ruminate. *Walks on*

Max: He's a ruminator.

The ship powers up and is about to dive in. The five of them jump onto the ship and run inside through a hatch just before it closes.

Back on the ship's bridge.

Kork: Full power!

The Mechaneers work the controls. The ship speeds up.

Kork: Just a few more ships, and this set of Earth vessels is complete and ready for sale.

Rook blasts open the door and the gang enters the bridge.

Patelliday: Aw, nuts. I wasn't quite done ruminating.

The Mechaneers run closer to the heroes, ready to fight.

Ben: Magister Patelliday wanted to figure out your plan for himself.

Patelliday: Gotta say, I was expecting something a bit more... hmm... *Thinks*

Rook: Impressive.

Paulina: Dangerous.

Kork: Impressive?! Dangerous?! I'm stealing boats and putting them in giant bottles!

Patelliday: I could've sworn he was planning some kind of universal hostage situation.

Paulina: Don't be so hard on yourself, Mr.Patelliday. He's still dangerous.

Ben: *Dials up the Omnitrix* Your... ship-bottling days are... over!

Kork: Take them, my Mechaneers!

Kork swipes his arm and Mechaneers surround the heroes. Ben and Paulina both transform into Diamondhead.

Kork: Take them my mechaneers!

Ben: *As Diamondhead* Fine. We can do this the hard way... Diamond hard!

A few Mechaneers try to attack Ben and Paulina, but they jump over them. Rook attacks a Mechaneer by punching it down. Patelliday takes down a Mechaneer. (F/N) blasts away  a Mechaneer. Rook tackles and defeats another one. Kork is startled as Ben and Paulina try to attack him.

Kork dodges and Ben  and Paulina end up smashing the guardrail behind Kork. Ben and Paulina shoot a few crystal shards but Kork smashes them away with his hook hand.

Kork: Hahah! A nod to tradition. *Raises his hook hand*

Ben and Paulina punches the ground and causes crystal structures to emerge from the floor, knocking Kork away. Ben jumps down and picks Kork up.

Ben: *As Diamondhead* What about the people on those boats?

Kork: Haharr! They're gettin' a free trip across the galaxy! Hehe. These boats are worth a fortune to certain galactic collectors. *Winks*

A door opens behind Ben and Paulina and some more Mechaneers arrive. Diamondhead turns around. Kork punches and pushes him forward.

Ben: *As Diamondhead* Those bottles are sealed.

Paulina: *As Diamondhead* They're all gonna run out of air.

Kork swipes at Ben and Paulina but they avoid the blows. Rook shoots a laser to get their attention. The three of them have defeated many of the Mechaneers.

Patelliday: It IS a hostage situation!

Max: Hear that? Not much time!

Kork: Take them!

Rook, Max, Paulina, and Patelliday smile confidently. We see cinematic stills: Max uses his blaster to take down the Mechaneers. Patelliday punches one down. Rook smashes another with his fists. (F/N) blasts one away.

Kork, Paulina and Ben continue to fight. Ben and Paulina form crystal swords out of their arms. Max blasts another Mechaneer. Max, (F/N), and Patelliday stand back-to-back.

Patelliday: Huh. Reminds me of that weekend that we took at Cassiopeia Way. You and Xylene, me and Appida Lou, and (F/N) keeping us safe.

(F/N): Oh I remember that, good times.

Max: Patelliday. (F/N).

Patelliday and (F/N): Yeah, Max?

Max: Duck! *Blasts a Mechaneer*

(F/N) then froze a mechaneer that was coming at  her as she punched it making it shatter into bits.

(F/N): How's that for a cold shoulder.

Another Mechaneer tries to attack Patelliday.

Patelliday: LEG SWEEP! YEEAW! *Sweeps the Mechaneer off its feet and punches it down* *To Rook* What's keeping you, newbie? The air in those bottles is getting stale!

Rook: Right away, Magister.

Rook works on the control panel, intensely. He releases the bottled ships out of Kork's ship to the surface. Rook continues working. A slot opens and a remote-like device emerges.

Rook: That's it! Prisoners liberated!

Diamondhead: Oof!

Kork pushes Ben and Paulina against the control panel. Kork tries to hit them but they dodge, resulting in Kork inadvertently damaging the controls. The ship malfunctions.


Ben: *As Diamondhead* Nothing you didn't have coming.

Paulina: *As Diamondhead* And for the record, this is on you pal.

The control panels explode. The four heroes and Kork move back. Water starts to flow into the ship and the ship begins to sink. The glass shielding the bridge eventually cracks and breaks, allowing water to flow in. Kork runs off, and the heroes follow him. The ship sinks to the bottom. The heroes and Kork escape in a UFO-shaped lifeboat.

Their boat reaches the surface. The covering opens. The heroes have apprehended Kork.

Patelliday: Wrap this up, boys and girls. I wanna see if the fish are still bitin'. *Stands at the edge of the boat*

Paulina: *As Diamondhead*  Nope. No more fish.

Kork:  You're out of luck. You'll never get the ships out before your humans run out of air!

Rook reveals that he has the remote-like device from earlier. He clicks a button, which causes the bottles to open up and vanish, freeing all the boats and ships.

Ben: *As Diamondhead* You were saying?

Diamondhead reverts back into Ben. Rook walks closer to Kork, grabs and lifts him up.

Rook: Looks like this fishing trip has caught us a whale.

Patelliday: Oh no! *Facepalms*

Paulina: Why?! *Facepalms*

(F/N): *Shakes her head* Oh brother…

Ben: *Shakes his head* Terrible.

Rook: *Puzzled* Uh-W-uh-Why was it terrible?

Max: He means it was a groaner.

Rook: I-I, um... a 'groaner'?

Kork: Oh-ho-hoo.

The camera zooms out.

Next: Chapter 42: Omni-Sapphire

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