Chapter 42: Omni-Sapphire

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Here we fade into Casper High in the hallways where Paulina was giggling to herself as Star saw this.

Star: Another great date with (F/N), Paulina?

Paulina: Yep, ever since me and (F/N) went steady, things have been going awesome.

Star: *Chuckles* I can tell, so what did you two do?

Paulina: Well for one we went to the movies to see Trinity of Doom and (F/N) was hugging me to comfort me.

Star: Ooh best girlfriend points on that move. what happened next?

Paulina: Well after the movies we hit the arcade, then the fair, and went on a rollercoaster. After that (F/N) walked me home and both shared a goodnight kiss.

Star: *Raises an eyebrow* Just a kiss?

Paulina: Okay we made out through the whole movie.

Star: The whole movie?!

Paulina: Yep, even through the jump scares.

Star: Dang girl, did you two even take a break?

Paulina: Of course we did, after half an hour we took a popcorn and soda break and a bathroom break too. We're not that obsessed with each other like some couples are.

Star: Oh heh, phew that's a relief.

Paulina: *Chuckles* Yeah, she is the best girlfriend a girl could ever ask for.

Star: I still question your taste with girls but, if she makes you happy then I'm happy. You two make such a cute couple.

???(F/N): *From behind Paulina and in a playful tone* Boo.

Paulina and the girls turned to see it was (F/N) and Roxie smiling as Paulina smiled too and wrapped her arms around (F/N).

Paulina: Hey sweetie how's it going~?

(F/N): Going good now that I'm with you~.

Roxie: *Barks*

With that the two girls kissed each other in affection as everyone was now used to this by now as we see the camera pan to the trio with Sam glaring daggers at Paulina.

Sam: I still can't believe that shallow puddle is still with (F/N).

Danny: Lighten up Sam, Paulina really changed.

Tucker: Yeah she's not the girl you used to know.

Sam: Seriously? Are you two still buying her act?

Danny: Act?

Tucker: What are you talking about?

Sam: She's playing (F/N), I know she is.

Tucker: Sam, pretty sure she isn't using (F/N). Plus she hasn't spilled Danny's secret or (F/N)'s secret or her own for months now.

Sam: How can you two buy this? She's using her.

Jazz: *Comes by* Who's using who?

Sam: Paulina! Who else?

Jazz: *To Danny* She's still on that?

Danny and Tucker: Yep.

Sam: Come on! How can you guys not be concerned about this?!

Danny: Sam relax, if Paulina really loves (F/N) and (F/N) loves her back it's not our problem.

Tucker: Yeah and (F/N)'s actually been a good influence on Paulina. She hasn't once flaunted herself to anyone.

Jazz: Plus, she's really changed. At first even I thought she was the stereotypical Queen Bee who only cared about herself and got her way because of her looks and status. But now that she changed she's really come a long way. And she'll be an awesome in-law for (F/N)'s family.

Danny: I know right?

Tucker: Yeah, man (F/N) is lucky to have a girl like her.

Sam could only seeth in anger as she saw (F/N), Roxie and Paulina being all lovey dovey with each other and this infuriated her.

Sam: *In her head* How can (F/N) be that blind?! She's being used!

Just then we see (F/N), Roxie, and Paulina walk to team Phantom, as they see Paulina and (F/N) holding hands and the rings they were wearing much to Sam's annoyance.

(F/N): Hey guys.

Paulina: What's up?

Roxie: *Barks*

Danny: Nothing much. How was the fishing trip yesterday?

Paulina: Oh you know the usual, we caught alien fish, and fought some robot pirates.

Tucker: Robot pirates?

Paulina: Yep, robot pirates and their captain who was stealing boats and was gonna sell them to collectors.

Jazz: Who would wanna buy boats from earth?

(F/N): You'd be surprised.

Sam: *A bit smug* And let me guess, Paulina was one in distress?

Paulina: No, it was (F/N), she and Mr.Patelliday were gonna get eaten by the captain. But they freed themselves and helped us stop them.

Sam: Whatever. *To Danny, Jazz, Tucker and (F/N)* They're showing undead teacher tonight so you guys wanna-

Jazz: I'll be studying tonight.

Sam: Oh right, (F/N) do you-

(F/N): Oh sorry, no can do Sam, Paulina wanted me to train her on how to spar if something ever happened to her Omnitrix.

Sam: What? But she always uses that dumb watch and she's an expert at it.

Paulina: Well if something were to happen to it I need to know how to defend myself and improve my sparing skills.

Tucker: That makes sense.

Sam: Like training is gonna improve her.

Paulina: Hey just because I'm still new to being a superhero doesn't mean I can learn.

Sam: Yeah, learning from a fashion magazine.

Paulina: Like you know anything about fashion Ms. dark and broody.

(F/N): *Gets in between them*  Okay easy girls come on, let's not start a fight here. *To Paulina* Sweetie, stay calm *Sam had a smug look* Sam, not cool.

Sam: What?! But she's the one who-

Danny: Yeah seriously, Paulina may be new to the team but even people like her need training. *To Paulina* No offense.

Paulina: None taken. But I'm with you, I'm still getting the hang of my aliens and I need all the help I can get.

Sam: *Sighs* Well I know Roxie wants to-

Roxie: *Barks*

"I'm with (F/N) and Paulina, you're no fun and I already saw that movie."

Sam: Oh come on!

(F/N): Alright, come on you guys let's get to class before Lancer gives us detention.

We later see team Phantom go to class before the bell rang.

Later after school we see (F/N), Roxie and Paulina at Paulina's house in her backyard as we see (F/N) using hand constructs she made as a shield and blocking Paulina's punches with each strike.

(F/N): *While blocking* Come on, is that you got, babe?

Paulina: *While punching the shield* Oho you're gonna wish you didn't ask for more.

Paulina continued punching the shield while (F/N) kept blocking, Unknownst to them, we see Sam, Jazz,Tucker and Danny spying on them.


Tucker: Don't blame me, it was Sam's idea.

Sam: *While looking through her binoculars* She's up to something. At any moment she'll hurt (F/N).

Jazz: Sam come on, she'd never do that.

Sam: That's just what she wants you to think.

The others groaned in dismay as they continued to watch (F/N) and Paulina train.

After some time we see (F/N), Roxie, and Paulina go back inside and in the living room we see them slump onto the couch and turn back to human forms.

Paulina: *Stretches* Mmm, man that was more tiring than I thought.

(F/N): Yeah, we worked up a sweat. *Hears her stomach growl* And an appetite too.

Paulina: Well Papa is working the late shift so dinner is out of the question.

(F/N): Nuts, *sees a flier for Burger Shack* Hey, how about Burgers?

Paulina: Hm, I'm down dome some Burgers sweetie.

(F/N): *Kisses Paulina on the cheek* Awesome, so any requests. And please don't say pineapple.

Paulina: Hm, I'll have mine with Pickles, Mustard, Ketchup, Lettuce, and Onions.

(F/N): Alright the works, Roxie what about you?

Roxie: *Barks*

(F/N): Okay Burger with the works, TOL(Tomatoes, Onions and Lettuce) Burger for Roxie, and I'll have mine with pickles and ketchup.

???: Burger Shack, how can I take your order?

(F/N): Hey this is Jen Tennyson, It's like one Burger with the works, a TOL(Tomatoes, Onions and Lettuce) Burger,  and I'll have mine with pickles and ketchup. *Roxie Barks* Oh and large chili fries.

???: Gotcha, your order, we'll be here soon. *Hangs up*

(F/N):  Awesome *Hangs up*So while we wait, what do you wanna do?

Paulina: *Sits on couch with (F/N)* Well we got some time to kill. *Leans on (F/N)* How about we practice some CPR~.

(F/N): What? but that's not- *gets kisses by Paulina* Mmmhm…!

(F/N) was caught off guard by the kiss as she melted in as Paulina kissed back and so did (F/N) which led with the two making out as Team Phantom saw this from their hiding spot.

Sam: *Looks away* Gah come on! Do those two ever stop sucking face?!

Danny, Tucker, and Jazz: Nope.

Jazz: I think it's cute how those two love each other.

Sam: Well it's nauseating to me, especially if she's sucking face with (F/N).

Meanwhile back with (F/N), Roxie, and Paulina we see the two are now cuddling and watching TV after making out for half an hour.

(F/N): That was an amazing make out sesh.

Paulina: Yeah it was, when is our food getting here?

(F/N): Hm, it should be here right about. *Hears the doorbell* Now.

(F/N) got up and went to the door as she opened it to see… Ben?

(F/N): *Pulls out some money* So how much for the *Sees Ben* Ben? What are you doing here?

Ben: Just doing some deliveries.

(F/N): You wrecked Baumann's car didn't you?

Ben: It wasn't my fault! *Sighs* Anyways, *gives (F/N) the food* Here's your food sis.

(F/N): Thanks bro.

Ben: Anytime.

Ben then leaves as he turns into XLR8 and runs off as (F/N) closes the door.

Paulina: Was that Ben?

(F/N): Yep.

Paulina: Did he wreck Baumann's car?

(F/N): It wasn't his fault. *Stomach rumbles* Now let's get eating.

We then see (F/N), Paulina and Roxie eat their pizzas unaware that it was now Sam just watching them eat and have fun all while seething in her delusions of Paulina using (F/N).

Sam: That shallow no good… *sees the time* Oh man, another time.

Sam then quickly left the area for home after seeing that it's almost her curfew.

Meanwhile we see (F/N), Paulina and Roxie are now cuddling each other after eating their pizzas.

(F/N): Ahhh, Burger Shack is the best.

Paulina: And, can't believe I'm saying this, it's way better than Nasty Burger.

(F/N): *Chuckles* Yeah it is.

After cuddling and watching TV for a few more hours we see (F/N) and Roxie leave and say their goodbyes.

Later that night we see Paulina is now in her pajamas which was just a tank top and bloomers as she went to bed.

Paulina: *Giggles to herself* Best day ever. *Yawns* Now off to bed.

Next: Chapter 43: Double Cross My Heart

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