Chapter 43: Double Cross My Heart

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Here we see a small ghost laughing and flying around the town. Skulker emerges from the street and activates his goggles. He watches the small ghost.

Skulker: Well, it's a minor prize. But any prey is good prey!

Skulker flies off as a scared man watches him.

Skulker: Boo.

Man: AHH!

Skulker flies off and chases the small ghost. He catches it with a gadget on his wrist.

Skulker: The element of surprise, the hunters best friend!

Skulker gets blasted in the chest by the Guys in White.

Skulker: And the hunted's worst enemy!

The men's plane flies closer, machines beeping.

Operative O: Decoy ghost liberated. What about the unfriendly?

Operative K: Any prey is good prey. Unleash white lightning sidewinders!

Skulker approaches the plane, shooting his own missiles at it. The plane dodges every missile. In turn, they shoot their own missiles at Skulker.

Skulker: Huh??


Skulker: ARRGH!!

Operative K smiles and drives the plane above Skulker. Pressing a button, he activates a beam that captures the ghost, bringing Skulker up to the plane.

Skulker: What? I can't break free! Auto eject in 3...2...1!

Skulker watches the plane fly away.

Operative K: Target ghost obtained.

Operative O: True, but his suit is hard-wired. If we can access its database--

Operative K: It may help lead us to our primary objective... the punks known as Danny Phantom and Lady Luck.

The next day, we see (F/N), Paulina, Roxie, Danny, Sam and Tucker sitting at a booth in the Nasty Burger

Sam: Danny, if you're going to drool, would you mind not doing it over my tofu soy melt?

Danny is seen looking at Valerie fawning over her.

(F/N): It could make it taste better. *Eats her burger* I'm not much of a tofu fan but I can make some exceptions.

Paulina: Yeah and that'd be a huge improvement *hi fives (F/N)*

Roxie: *Barks and eats her burger*

Tucker: Drool on a tofu soy melt isn't drool; it's seasoning.

Sam moves her tray out of Danny's way.

(F/N): Won't it make the bread soggy?

Paulina: Yeah soggy bread is not good for a sandwich is no good.

Kiki: *Meows*.

Tucker: True, and seriously, Danny, you need to let go. It was over between you and Valerie before it really began. *Danny waves Valerie who was leaving*

(F/N): As much as I hate to admit it, he's kind of right Danny.

Paulina: Yeah you and Valerie were cute together but with her trying to kill you as Danny Phantom and you accidentally messing up her life, I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

Danny: I know, but it's not easy. I mean, do you guys realize what it's like to like somebody you can't be with?

Sam spits out her soda and looks over at Danny.

(F/N): Hm, I had that feeling before me and Paulina started dating but I swallowed my fear and told her how I feel.

Paulina: So did I. *Hugs (F/N)'s arm*

Tucker *Wiggling his eyebrows* Do you, Sam? huh? do you-- *gets slapped upside the head by (F/N)* Ow! Geez the back of my head!

Sam: Thanks (F/N), and all I know is, you'll never catch me going googly-eyed over some... *sees someone* ooh, my.

Camera pans over to Gregor and Mr. Lancer.

Mr. Lancer: Ah, there you children are. This is Gregor, an exchange student visiting us from...Hungary?

Tucker offers his hamburger to Gregor.

Gregor No, thank you. I have already eaten.

Sam giggles.

Danny *rolls eyes* Ugh....

Gregor Yes. There is only so many opening lines you can use when you're actually from Hungary.

Mr. Lancer: Great. You're getting along, and I don't get paid for overtime. You kids have fun, Bye!

Lancer leaves the building.

Sam: So, did you actually eat?

Gregor: Yes, but not here. I doubt there's anything I would like to eat here. I don't eat anything with a face on it because I'm ultra-recyclo vegetarian.

Sam: Ultra-recyclo vegetarian?

Danny looks over at Sam, annoyed. Sam offers her hand to Gregor.

Gregor : *sniffs* tofu soy melt. Excellent choice, Miss...

Sam: Manson. Sam Manson. It's short for Samantha but my friends call me Sam. You can call me Sam, too. Why am I still talking? I am such a spaz.

Gregor scoffs and sits down at the booth

Gregor: I find it charming.

Gregor and Sam gaze at each other while Danny angrily grabs his soda as (F/N) and Paulina sees this.

(F/N) and Paulina: *In their heads* He's jealous.

Danny: *Ghost sense appears* Well, I'd love to stay and chat but we gotta go... Sam.

Danny runs off while Tucker follows.

Ghost: Hahahaha!

The people in the nasty burger run off screaming while the ghost passes through Gregor and Sam's table.

Gregor: Ghost?

Sam: Welcome to Amity Park!

Danny runs towards the men's restroom while (F/N) and Paulina run to the women's restroom and notices the door handle. Text: 10¢

Danny *motions hand out to Tucker* Dime, please.

(F/N) then goes over and rips the door open much to the other's surprise.

Danny: Or that works too.

The hero trio go in Danny transforms as (F/N) and Paulina do too. Tucker guards the door while Danny, Paulina (As Big Chill) , and (F/N) fly out and past Sam and Gregor's table.

Gregor: Now, There is a ghost that knows hair!

Ghost: Hahaha!

Ghost flies through the ceiling with Danny and the others chasing it.

Danny: Where'd you go?

Paulina: *As Big Chill* *Sees a laser* Danny, look out!

A laser shoots as it goes through Danny's hair as he and the others gasp in surprise. Danny looks up and he and the others see the guys in white coming towards him.

Danny: The Guys in White.

Paulina: *As Big Chill* What are they doing here?

Tucker: You guys need our help?

Danny: Nah, we can handle these losers.

The men shoot lasers out of their flying vehicles as Danny and the others dodge them in place. They fly off and run across the Nasty burger roof.

(F/N): You were saying?

Danny: *Jumps back in the air* ...Losers who got better.

Danny, (F/N) and Paulina all shoot a beam towards the guys in white but they use their shields to propel them.

Operative O: Commence attack protocol z. In accordance with standard rules of engagement, section two, paragraph one.

Operative K: Second edition, abridged?

Operative O: *in agreement* Second edition, abridged.

Operative O pulls out a pen from his jacket and presses the top of it, activating some kind of device. Operative K follows suit.

Danny attempts to shield himself but the Guys in White shoot him with energy beams.

Danny: A lot better.

The Guys in White fly off and circle back around, activating more weapons from their ships. They begin to shoot at Danny as he dodges them in place as (F/N) make a mana shield around in front of Danny blocking the incoming shots.

Danny: Thanks (F/N).

(F/N): No prob.

Paulina: Now blast these losers away.

Danny: Right!

Danny and (F/N) form a green and pink energy ball with their hands and shoot it at them which makes them fall off their ships.

The Guys in White: Ahh!!

The guys in white land in a large pool while their ships continue on, flying over Danny and the others and crashing behind them. Danny flies away.

Danny: Now, to rescue Sam and Tucker from the clutches of a smarmy exchange student.

(F/N): Rescue?

Paulina: They don't look like they're in danger.

Danny: They are too in danger.

(F/N): In what way?

Danny: I... I have my reasons.

(F/N) and Paulina all shared a look of concern as they followed Danny, and remaining unseen, went to Gregor, Sam and Tucker.

Tucker: Nice PDA. Where'd you get the enhanced graphics?

Gregor: I do you Americans say it? beam you the upgrade software? Europe is always 6 months ahead of the technology curve.

Gregor grabs Tucker's beret and puts it backwards on Tucker's head.

Gregor And we wear our berets, just so. It's very goth.

Sam: You're a goth? But you're in white.

Gregor In Hungary, white is the new black.

Sam giggles as they continue walking down the sidewalk. Danny watches them, feeling dejected.

The scene changes to the Guys in White at a hotel called The Safe House. Operative K is trying to open a safe, holding a stethoscope. The safe opens revealing chocolate bars and soda. He grabs a chocolate bar and closes the safe with his foot.

Operative K: Exosuit analysis status?

Operative O is typing away on a computer.

Operative O: Still unable to access data bank but the noose is tightening. We've traced the phantom from the town at large to something called, Nasty Burger. Apparently the prime hangout for Casper High.

Scene changes to Casper High. The bell rings. Tucker is walking into people in the halls with his beret still on backwards.

Tucker: Oh! Sorry! My bad.

Tucker walks into Danny, Paulina and (F/N)

Tucker: Excuse me.

Danny: Will you wear this thing normal?

(F/N): Yeah seriously that's super unsafe Tuck.

Tucker: What? Gregor thinks it's cool.

Danny: Who cares about Gregor?

Danny rolls his eyes.

Sam: Guys...

Tucker puts his hand around Danny's shoulders.

Tucker: Give you 3 guesses...

Paulina: And all of them start with. "S".

Sam walks towards them.

Sam: I've been looking for you.

Danny: Where, in Gregor's locker?

Sam: Whoa! Thank you Joe Hostility.

Danny: Look, I'm sorry, Sam. I'm just saying that Gregor--

Gregor appears behind Danny.

Gregor: That Gregor...what?

Danny: Uh... heh heh... Hi, Gregor.

Gregor: *To Danny and (F/N)*By the way, cool shirts.

(F/N): Um, thanks.

Danny: Not too much red messing up the whole white thing for you?

Gregor: It totally works for you two. *puts hand to his face* I could never pull off such a look myself.

(F/N) and Paulina: *In their heads* And yet you can pull off being fake and getting with Sam.

Danny: Really? ...Thanks!

Gregor scoffs and holds his arm out.

Gregor: Sam, would you care to show me around school?

Sam: I thought you'd never ask!

Sam walks over and grabs Gregor's arm as they walk away.

Tucker: You know... he's not a bad guy.

Danny: I still don't trust him.

(F/N): Now you know how Sam felt when you were dating Valerie.

Danny: What does that mean?

(F/N) and Paulina: *in their heads* Clueless.

Danny's senses set off and an ecto-pus appears in the school's hallway. The students run off screaming.

Danny: More on this later.

Danny, (F/N) and Paulina run off into a vacant room and transform. They quickly fly off towards the loose ghost, chasing it into various rooms. The ghost hits them in the face multiple times with its tail, making them dizzy. The chase continues on and they both end up in the pool area, both flying into the water.

The Guys in White, wearing swimming gear, aim their weapons at Danny, (F/N) and Paulina. They shoot and he quickly dodges it.

Operative O: Firing ghost depth charge! Prepare for the great white whale!

Operative K: Wait! those are only for--

Operative O activates the weapon as Mr. Lancer walks into the pool area with a book in his hand.

Mr. Lancer: Ah, the perfect way to spend lunch. Shakespeare by the pool, and dry white toast.

The pool water immediately shoots up towards the ceiling. Danny, (F/N) and Paulina turn themselves intangible as the water forces him upward and out of the room. Mr. Lancer squeezes the water out of his toast, annoyed. He notices the Guys in White at the bottom of the empty pool.

Mr. Lancer: Hunt for Red October!

Operative K: ... Deep water use.

Scene changes to a dark street lit up by street lights. A cat screeches in the background. Danny, (F/N), Paulina and Tucker are in an alleyway.

Danny: Think about it. Gregor shows up, so do the guys in white. He's got the whole white hair-white clothes do the guys in white! And what's with the phony accent? and that 'Pfft' thing?

Tucker: So you're saying Gregor's a spy?

(F/N): He doesn't sound like a spy.

Paulina: Just a weird guy. But you're saying he's a spy?

Danny: ..And I'm saying that maybe I should keep an invisible eye on him and Sam.

Tucker: What?? I don't're gonna spy on Sam?

(F/N): Didn't she spy on Valerie and Danny when they were going out?

Tucker: Yeah she did.

Paulina: Danny this is a bad idea, spying on Sam while she's on a date?

(F/N): Yeah Paulina's right, this has "bad idea" written all over it.

Danny looks out of the alley way and sees Sam and Gregor walking towards them.

Danny: Hey, it's for her own good.

Danny turns invisible and flies off. Tucker shakes his fist at the air.

Tucker, (F/N), and Paulina: It's a bad idea!

Gregor: Shouting angrily into the sky! Very euro-goth. I like it.

Gregor turns Tucker's beret backwards and walks off hand in hand with Sam. Danny, still invisible, flies back over to Tucker and turns his beret the way he usually wears it. He then flies off towards Gregor and Sam.

Tucker: It's still a bad idea!

Paulina: Sure is.

(F/N): Yeah, *to Paulina* But speaking of dates, wanna have a "stay-at-home" date~? Mi amor~.

Paulina: *Hugs (F/N)'s arm* You know I do baby~.

The two girls walk off with hearts popping around them as they walk to Paulina's home leaving Tucker by himself.

Tucker: Oh come on!

Montage of Gregor and Sam hanging out together starts. Sam and Gregor are skipping rocks against a pond. Sam giggles as she throws a rock that skips through Danny's face, who's invisible in the water. He looks on annoyed.

Scene changes to a movie theater. A romantic movie is playing and Gregor puts his arm around Sam. Danny watches the two and flies through the theater. His shadow appeared on the screen for a second, making Sam turn around and look.

Scene changes to the Amity Park Mall, Sam and Gregor are sitting together, sharing a plate of spaghetti. Danny watches them from above.

Danny: Oh, man. If they share a strand of that spaghetti, I'm going to hurl.

The Guys in White walk out of a store together. Text reading: Sophia's White sale!

Operative O: Why do they call it a white sale when none of the clothes are white?

Their watches begin to beep and they smile at each other. Running off, the Guys in White activate their ghost seeing goggles. They look around the mall and spot Danny floating nearby.

Operative K: The fox is in the hen-house!

Operative O: Silencers on!

The Guys in White point their weapons at Danny and shoot at him. He gets knocked out of the mall without being seen. Sam, thinking she saw or heard something looks up.

The Guys in White activate their suits.

Operative O: Intangibility suits deployed.

Operative K: Operation "Ivory Mist" is go!

They fly off to chase Danny as the blast of their weapons shoots him off pretty far.

Danny: Ahh!!!

Danny shakes off the dizziness and prepares to fly off.

Danny: Close, but you'll never catch me now!

Operative K: Guess again, kiddo.

The Guys in White point their weapons at Danny as he looks at them, irritated.

Danny What's the matter with you two?? I'm not doing anything! Why can't you leave me alone?

Operative O: An unauthorized entity of scale-7 ectoplasmic power?

Operative K: A prepubescent specter operating freely? Unacceptable!

Danny: Hey! I have totally hit puberty!

Danny reaches into his suit and plucks a hair, showing the two men.

Danny: See that? Totally a chest hair!

The Guys in White fire their weapons, hitting Danny and making him fall to the ground of a parking lot. He quickly hides behind a car and de-transforms. The Guys in White fly over him, searching for Phantom.

Danny: Could this week get any worse?

Danny hears Sam giggling in the distance. He turns around and sees her and Gregor walk out of the Mall. Gregor stops her under one of the parking lot lights.

Gregor Wait. Sam. Is something I must tell you... right here and now.

Sam: Okay...what?

Gregor holds up Sam's chin with his fingers.

Gregor: You have a little tiny strand of spaghetti hanging from your lip.

Gregor kisses Sam on the lips as Danny watches them, horrified. Sam closes her eyes and kisses Gregor back, putting her arms around his shoulders and his hands on her waist.

Danny: Okay! Now it's officially worse.

Danny looks down sadly as the screen fades to black.

Scene resumes with Danny watching Sam and Gregor kiss from behind a car.

Danny: I'm beginning to think that spying is better left to soulless government drones.

Danny, feeling terrible, transforms and flies off. Sam opens her eyes and pushes Gregor away by the shoulders.

Sam: Whoa! Easy there, big fella. Don't you think we're rushing this a bit?

Gregor :Uh, yes yes! I forget. The American girls like to take it slow.

Sam: I've just got some things to figure out.

Gregor: Of course. I respect this.

Gregor takes Sam's hand in his and she smiles. As they walk off together, Sam's smile fades a little.

Scene changes to Casper High. Sam, (F/N), Paulina, Tucker and Danny are sitting at one of the tables with their lunches.

Danny: So...uh, Do anything fun last night?

Sam: I don't know. Just hung out.

Danny: With Gregor?

Paulina and (F/N): Danny no.

Tucker: ...I wouldn't do that.

Sam: Why is that any of your business?

Danny scoots close to Sam, looking at her face.

(F/N): *Face palms* Ah geez.

Sam: What are you doing?

Danny moves back to his seat.

Danny: I don't know. Just, uh, checking for pimples, dimples...spaghetti sauce.

Sam: Spaghetti-- *Gasps in realization* Were you spying on me?

Tucker, (F/N) and Paulina: We told you it was a bad idea to spy on her.

Danny: *Glares* Niice.

Sam gets up from her seat, infuriated.

Sam: You used your ghost powers to spy on me?! You've really crossed the line!

(F/N): Crossed the line?! Oh, So it's not okay for you to spy on Danny when he was with Valerie but it's not okay for Danny to spy on you with Gregor?

Sam: (F/N) now is not the-

Paulina: No, no (F/N) is right on this one, how is it that Danny crossed the line when you crossed it by spying on him with Valerie. I mean if you think about it, both of you crossed a line by spying on each other's dates. And stalking (F/N) wherever she went.

Tucker: How did you know?

Paulina: She told me.

The trio was speechless after hearing the couple's reasoning.

Sam: I... you... *stammers* That's totally different!

(F/N): How is that different? You both spied on each other's dates.

Paulina: And clearly you're both jealous of each other.

Danny and Sam: We're not jealous!

(F/N): Jealous couple says what?

Sam and Danny: What? *Realizes* Dang it!

Paulina: See, you both crossed a line. Sam spied on Danny and Valerie and Danny spies on you and Gregor.

(F/N): Makes sense to me. Clearly Danny was spying on Sam.

Danny: No, and *to Sam* Not you! I was spying on Gregor! He's so obviously working with the guys in white!

Danny gets up from his seat and Sam puts her hands on her hips.

Sam: Oh, so that's it! The only way a boy would like me is if it was a part of a plot to get to you? huh? Ego much?

(F/N) and Paulina: *Mutters* Or to fake being goth just to be with you.

Sam: What?

(F/N) and Paulina: Nothing. *Mutters quietly* Clueless.

(F/N): Plus he's clearly faking it.

Paulina: Yeah, being where he's from and liking Tucker just to get on your good side.

Sam: Yeah right, he's not faking it.

(F/N): Is too.

Sam: Is not.

Paulina: Is too.

Just then we see Gregor show up.

Gregor: Hey, Sam. You want to--

Sam: Whatever it is, Yes!

Sam takes Gregor's hand and drags him off.

(F/N): Boy you really messed up this time D.

Danny: No need to rub it in.

(F/N): Sorry.

Tucker: I think I can guess the answer, but how'd it go last night?

Danny: Well, I got hit in the face with a rock, Gregor kissed Sam! And the Guys in white attacked again. So there's got to be a connection between them and Gregor.

Tucker: Wait. Hold up. Gregor kissed Sam?

Paulina: Dang not bad Sam.

Danny: Yeah! But apparently that's none of my business.

Danny grabs his milk carton, drinks from it and then crushes the carton. He tosses it behind him, looking down at the table sadly.

Tucker: Tell you what. Since you get attacked every time you get close to Gregor, I'm gonna tag along with Gregor and Sam. we'll be your mole. (F/N), Paulina you two wanna tag along?

(F/N) and Paulina: Nope.

Tucker: Okay then I'll be your mole.

Danny: Really? To protect Sam?

Tucker: That, and Gregor rocks! Plus you're my best friend, and I gotta watch your back too, right?

Tucker gets up from his seat and turns his beret backwards. He walks away confidently but falls into a sewer hole under construction.

Tucker: AHH!

Danny, (F/N) and Paulina wince at Tucker's sounds of pain but quickly turns his attention to the voice of one of the guys in white. He, (F/N) and Paulina run behind a tree to listen to the conversation.

Operative O: The purple-back gorilla information we accessed traces back to an assignment you gave in your class.

Mr. Lancer: And what makes you think I want to cooperate with the feds?

Operative K: Because ghosts are a constant threat to your student body.

Operative O: And because we're with the government and have access to your tax records.

Mr. Lancer: *Nervously* What do you want to know and how fast do you want to know it?

Danny: This is getting too close for comfort.

Paulina: We need to lay low and let Tucker do his thing.

(F/N): And I need to hide Roxie too, I don't want her getting hurt.

The scene changes to a bookstore. Text reading: Skulk and Lurk and Books.

Gregor: Edward Gory. Excellent choice. Even his name is... Gory.

Tucker: Hey guys. Thanks for letting me tag along. I hope I'm not getting in your way too much.

Gregor: Of course not.

Sam: Yeah, of course not. You asked to tag along. Unlike some people I know who better not be here right now!! *Looks around at the ceiling*

Gregor: Shouting angrily at the sky... it reminds me of home. *wipes tear away*

The scene changes to a mini golf course. Text reading: Golf 'n' Putt. Gregor is preparing to swing his golf club.

Tucker: You're cool, Gregor!

Gregor hits the ball wrong, startled by Tucker. It hits the windmill and ricochets towards Sam. The ball lands in her mouth.

Gregor: Classic American humor, yes?

The scene changes to the Nasty Burger. Tucker bites into his food, making the sauce of his burger fly off towards Sam and Gregor, sitting on the other side of the booth.

Tucker: And my fly was down the entire time!

Some sauce flies and hits Sam in the eye.

Sam: Ugh! Tucker! *turns to Gregor* I'm so sorry for this.

Gregor lets out a loud belch and slaps his hand down on the table, laughing.

Gregor:His fly was down the entire time!! Ha ha ha!! ...What is fly?

The scene changes to Sam's movie theater. A movie is playing in the background while Tucker is loudly playing a video game on a game-boy. Sam is looking over at Tucker annoyed while Gregor has his arms crossed behind his head.

Tucker: Oh. Does this bother you?

Gregor: Pfft. Not at all.

Tucker's ringtone goes off. He takes his phone out and the screen says "Danny Fenton Calling"

Tucker: I have to take this.

Sam: So do I, apparently.

Tucker walks out of the room, leaving Sam annoyed.

Tucker: Yo, dude. What's up?

Danny: *In his room with * Hey, Tucker, anything to report?

Tucker: Well, I bought this great graphic novel at the Skulk and Lurk. I was two under par at the put-putt course. Oh! and Sam has some kicking new surround sound.

Danny: I mean, anything about Gregor!

Tucker: If he's a spy, he's really cool for a spy.

Gregor: Tucker, my friend. Movie is over. You up for bowling?

Tucker: Got to go! *Hangs up*

Danny: Great. Now I'm losing both my best friends.

Paulina: Hey, we're still here.

Danny: True. But how come you two aren't hanging with Gregor?

(F/N) and Paulina: Because he's faking it.

Danny: Wait what?

(F/N): Duh, it's what some guys do to get with girls.

Paulina: And I should know what that's like, and again Danny, I'm super sorry about what happened at the dance last semester.

Danny: It's okay Paulina, it's in the past. But what were you talking about Gregor faking it?

Paulina: Oh come on Danny, the accent, the looks, he's not a real Goth, heck, he's not from Hungary.

(F/N): Plus, why else would he fake being goth to be with Sam?

Danny: I guess that makes sense.

The scene changes to The boys locker room at Casper High. A student throws their gym shoes into their locker. Danny walks over to his locker and sighs.

Danny: Gregor, I know you're not what you seem to be and-- ah. Gregor! I know you're up to something, and--! Oh! Come on! Find the words!

Danny shuts his locker to see Gregor standing right next to him.

Gregor: Danny, I wish to talk to you, if you are done talking to yourself.

Danny: Uh... ah. Oh. Uh. Heh. Sure, Gregor. Uh, what's up? *sits down*

Gregor: I am not blind. You do not like me.

Danny: Gregor, that's not--

Gregor: Let me finish. You do not like me because you want to protect your friend, Sam. and I respect this.

Danny: I-It's not just that.

Gregor: You like her more than just friends?

Danny: Well...

Gregor takes a seat next to Danny and puts a hand on his shoulder.

Gregor: You hesitate, which means you are unsure. I am not, and I'm going to ask her out.

Danny looks at Gregor, shocked.

Gregor: I hope we can-- How do you Americans say? Hang out?

Gregor smiles and hugs Danny. He pulls away and takes Danny's face into his hands.

Gregor : I'm glad we had this talk. Mwah! Mwah! *kisses Danny on both cheeks and walks off*

Danny touches his cheek and blinks. He puts his hand down and becomes angry, getting up from his seat.

Danny: I know who you are, and I know what you're up to! and--

Danny's demeanor changes as he looks into the empty locker room.

Danny: ...Somehow, I pictured this chat going differently.

The school bell rings. Students are chattering as they exit the school. Danny looks off at Tucker, Sam and Gregor. As they're walking off, Sam and Tucker look at Danny.

Sam looked annoyed but then looked off sadly. Tucker followed suit. Gregor waves happily at Danny and takes Sam's hand again.

Danny, feeling bad, gives them one half-hearted wave and heads home along with Paulina, Roxie and (F/N), who patted Danny's back in reinsurance.

The scene then changes to the Fenton home.

Maddie: Our son and his friends? Hanging out with Danny Phantom? Well that is preposterous.

Jack: (F/N)! Danny! Get over here!

Operative K: We've managed to trace this PDA to Tucker Foley. We figured the ghost must be an associate of his.

The guy holds up the PDA to Danny as proof. Danny nervously puts his hand behind his neck.

Danny: H-Have you checked...uh, Dash Baxter?

(F/N): Yeah he could be the ghost boy.

Operative O: Affirmative. He's too much of an oaf to be the ghost kid. and you-- you're too prepubescent! *To (F/N) and Paulina* And you two are prepubescent girls

Danny, (F/N), and Paulina: *offended* Hey!

Operative O: And it's not that Manson girl, which leaves the Gregor kid we saw them hanging around with.

Operative K: Of course! How did we not see that? He's got the white hair, and so does the ghost boy! Come on!

The Guys in White pull out their weapons and head out.

Jack: Hey! If you ever need a guy in orange, Jack Fenton's your man!

Danny: Wait. Gregor can't be a spy for them if they're going after him with guns blazing...

(F/N): And Sam and Tucker are right in the line of fire.

The scene changes to the Amity Park Observatory on a mountain where Tucker is looking through a telescope.

Tucker: Cool! It's a new moon! You guys want to take a look?

Gregor: Later, perhaps. I wish to have a word with Sam-- In private.

Gregor takes Sam's hand and leads her away.

Gregor: I will not mince words, Sam. I like you and I would like to go steady.

Sam: With me?

Gregor: With you, and not with your losing friend, Tucker.

Sam: It's "loser".

Gregor: Then you agree!

Tucker: You two really have to see--

Sam: No, I don't agree. Tucker may be annoying but he's one of my best friends. He's part of the package.

Tucker: Uh... am I interrupting something? Gregor? *Doesn't get a response* Dude? Hello!

Gregor furrows his brows as Tucker waves his hand in front of his face. Gregor snaps, yelling at Tucker and making him forget to use his accent.

Gregor: Dude, Do you ever stop talking??!

Tucker frowns as Gregor continues his outburst.

Gregor: Do you even know how obnoxious you are? With your stupid jokes and lame-o technology? Idiot! *Realizes he messed up*...Uh, I mean... Psssh *resumes accent* Is nothing. Uh...*loses it again* Aw, darn it.

Sam: Wait a minute. You were faking it? The accent? and liking Tucker? Just to get on my good side?

Gregor: Ugh, I'm a guy. Hello! I mean, I really like you, but... *gestures to Tucker* Come on!

Tucker and Sam glare at him.

Gregor: We're...through. Aren't we?

Sam: Oh, beyond.

Gregor: Oh, well.

Two girls walk by, giggling.

Gregor: Cheerleaders. Better adjust my pitch.

Gregor pulls out a varsity jacket and puts it on, walking towards the two girls.

Gregor: Hey babes, you like football?

Sam and Tucker watch him walk away, arms crossed.

Tucker: Can I hit him for you?

A missile suddenly comes flying in between Sam and Tucker as they quickly dodge it. It continues towards Gregor and the girls, missing them but hitting the edge of the ob's balcony, blowing it up.

Sam: Thanks, but I think that's covered.

They both gasp as look up at the white plane flying above them.

Operative O: Commence operation "White Noise, White Heat".

The Guys in White press one of their buttons, making their plane lock onto Sam, Tucker, the girls and finally their target, Gregor.

Sam: Gregor, although I think you're the world's biggest jerk-- RUN!!

Gregor: Huh??

Gregor, still on the ground, looks up at the plane. It begins to fire and Gregor jumps away. He continues to run as the guys in white shoot at him.

Scene changes to Danny, (F/N) and Paulina are flying around town, searching for Sam, Tucker and Gregor.

Danny: Where--

Danny is cut off by the sound of an explosion behind him. He sees the observatory being attacked.

Danny: Oh, no. we're too late!

The Guys in White lock onto Gregor and continue firing. While running, Gregor jumps and falls. He skidded towards the observatory entrance.

Missiles are shot above him, causing debris to crumble down. The large sculpture of Earth comes falling down towards Gregor.

Tucker: Gregor--!

Gregor Huh?

Tucker runs towards Gregor and quickly shoves him out of harm's way.

Gregor: Dude, you saved my life!

Tucker: Yeah, but I despise you now.

The Guys in White continue firing at Tucker and Gregor as they run off.

Operative O: We've got the ghost boy on the run.

(F/N) knocks on the plane's window.

Guys in White: Huh??

(F/N): Man you guys are idiots.

Paulina: *As Ghostfreak* That isn't the ghost boy you're looking for.

(F/N): *Points to Danny* But he is.

(F/N) and Paulina then fly through the plane and grab the men, pulling them out of the plane. The plane then loses control and crashes.

Gregor: This town is too crazy for me. I'm going back to Michigan!

Gregor removes his shades and runs off.

Tucker: Don't you mean Hungary, Greg-or?

Gregor: My name is Elliott!

Gregor runs off and the scene pans to Danny, (F/N), and Paulina floating in the air with a Guy in White in (F/N) and Paulina's grasps.

Danny: Guys, we're only gonna say this once.

(F/N) Stay away from those kids.

Operative K: Or what?

Danny: Ladies.

(F/N) and Paulina then throw the Guys in White into large puddles of mud. He dusts his hands off and flies off. The men begin to get up but are stopped by another agent.

Agent Alpha: O. K. Is that a cleanliness breach? Are your suits completely black with filth?

Operative O: Uh... D-Did you know that in Hungary, black is the new white?

Scene cuts to Danny, Paulina, (F/N), Sam and Tucker standing in front of Casper High.

Danny: So... I'm sorry. I never should have betrayed your trust by spying on you and your... boyfriend.

Sam: *rolls eyes* Ugh. He's not my boyfriend. I dumped him as soon as I figured out that you were right about him being a phony. Apparently that is the only way a boy can like me.

Tucker: That's not true!

(F/N) and Paulina: So not true.

Danny That's totally not true! There are a million reasons a boy can like you-- I mean, you're smart, you're fun, you're cool, you're pretty---

Sam looks off towards Tucker, blushing.

Danny: ...Why am I still talking? I am such a spazz. Still friends?

Sam: Pssh. The best.

Tucker: You think I can use that 'Pssh' thing to pick up girls?

Star walks past Tucker. He turns his beret backwards.

Tucker: Excuse me, Star.

Tucker follows her.

Tucker: Pssh. *gets slapped* Ahh!!

Sam, Paulina, (F/N), and Danny: That's a no! *All four are laughing*

Later on, we see (F/N), Kiki, and Paulina along with the trio at the cafeteria as (F/N) explained a similar situation with Michael Morningstar.

Sam: So this Morningstar guy was only using your cousin for her mana?

(F/N): Yep, turns out Michael was behind the zombie school girls and almost turned Gwen into a zombie and he only wanted Gwen just for her energy.

Paulina: Man that is shallow, and that's coming from someone who used to be shallow.

(F/N): Yeah but that's not who you are anymore. You're a different person now hun.

Kiki: *Meows*

(F/N): And Kiki agrees too.

Paulina: *Blushes* Aww thanks sweetie.

(F/N): *Kisses Paulina* Anytime. And the Paulina from my world would be proud to see how much you have changed now.

Paulina smiled as she pulled (F/N) close to her as she kissed her and (F/N) kissed back as (F/N) puts her arms around Paulina's shoulders and (F/N) puts her hands around Paulina's waist as the two girls made out passionately much to Sam's displeasure.

(F/N) and Paulina: *While kissing* Mmmm... mmm...

Sam: Seriously you two? I'm right here! You couldn't do that at home?

(F/N) and Paulina: *Pulls back* *Smiles* Nope.

Danny: Oh relax Sam, they're not harming anyone.

Student: No! *Runs away with a photo of Paulina in his hand*

(F/N): Except for that guy.

Sam: Seriously, do you two ever stop swapping spit??

(F/N) and Paulina: Only to take a breath.

Paulina: One time we almost made out for a full 5 hours.

Tucker: Really?

(F/N): Yep, *Smiles* It was our best record yet.

Paulina: Plus, can you blame us, (F/N) is such a great kisser, *leans on (F/N)*

(F/N): *Leans on Paulina* And Paulina has such great lips.

Sam: Okay enough with the details, I do not want to toss my lunch.

Tucker: Man I still can't believe you two aren't married yet.

(F/N): What do you mean?

Tucker: Well I read online and saw it's possible to get engaged in highschool.

Paulina: Really?

Sam: Tuck, don't give them any ideas!

Tucker: But it's true, some couples can get married when they're in highschool.

Danny: I thought you had to wait till college to get hitched.

Tucker: Nope, you can get hitched when your highschool.

(F/N) and Paulina: *Thinking* Hmmm...

Sam: Oh great, *Sarcastically* Nice going Tuck, now were gonna hear wedding bells.

(F/N): Now hang on, while it does sound like a nice idea-

Paulina: -We don't wanna rush things too fast.

(F/N): Yeah, we'll stick to being girlfriends.

Paulina: And maybe, just maybe we'll get married. But for now we'll think about it.

Danny: That's a relief.

Sam: Not to me it isn't.

Paulina: Oh don't get your bat wings in a bundle, we're not getting married immediately.

(F/N): Yeah we're taking things slow. Plus marriage takes time.

Paulina: Got that right.

Danny: Well if you two are ever gonna get married, I hope you both have a happy marriage.

Paulina: Thanks, Danny.

Danny: Anytime.

Next: Chapter 44: Meeting the Mom

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