Chapter 44: Meeting the Mom

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Here we fade to Amity Park where we see it's morning as we see (F/N) and Paulina went on their jog unaware that a certain goth girl was tailing them.

Paulina: *Sweating* *While running* So, how... much... longer?

(F/N): *While running* Another mile. I told you not to overdo it for breakfast, even if you're adorable with that syrup on your face.

Paulina, despite her tiredness, smiled and kept jogging with her girlfriend.

Paulina: *Sweating* *While jogging* I… still can't… phew… believe… you do this… every morning… babe.

(F/N): *While jogging* Well believe it hun, it's what keeps me in shape, you didn't think I have this figure all the time do you?

Paulina: *While jogging* Kind of. Who knew working out would be so sweaty.

(F/N): *Chuckles while jogging* Don't tell me you're afraid of a little sweat are you?

Paulina: *While jogging* *Wipes some sweat* As if, Paulina Rosa Sanchez is not afraid of anything, well except for ghosts, and getting a zit, and that mole, but other than that, I am not afraid of anything.

(F/N): *While jogging* That's my girlfriend!

Paulina smiled at (F/N)'s happiness which made her happy that she's with her girlfriend.

(F/N): *Stops* *Sees the park* So wanna take a break?

Paulina: *Stops* Yes please, *wipes her sweat* Phew, how long did we run for?

(F/N): *Checks her speedometer* About 5 miles.

Paulina: 5 miles?! Wow, no wonder I feel so slim.

(F/N): Yeah you get used to it. But jokes aside, you actually bonded with Madama Styx?

Paulina: Yep, turns out she made a pact with this girl named Jeanne, she told me she reminded me of her but minus the platinum hair and awesome fashion sense.

(F/N): Huh, neat, Madama Butterfly and Khepri told me they reminded me of Bayonetta and her mom, overconfident and head strong, though I don't see the similarities.

Paulina: Neither do I.

We later see (F/N) and Paulina at the park sitting on a bench, unaware that Sam and now Tucker were spying on them.

Tucker: Sam come on, this is a bad idea. Paulina isn't up to anything.

Sam: That's just what she wants you to think Tuck. She's just biding her time and soon she'll do something to (F/N), I just know it.

Tucker: *Sighs is dismay* *In his head* It was funny the first time but now it's annoying.

Back with (F/N) and Paulina we see them drinking some water after a long run and cuddling each other.

Paulina: Ahh, I feel so much better.

(F/N): Ditto, *Pulls Paulina in close* Nothing says victory like a good rest on a bench, and cuddling with my Sapphire.

Paulina: *Giggles* *Hugs (F/N)* And cuddling my sweet potato~.

(F/N): And the best part, no one is here but us.

The two girls shared a passionate kiss as Sam looked away and gagged in disgust while Tucker looked away out of respect for boundaries. That and he didn't want to be here.

Sam: Oh gross!

Tucker: Seriously Sam, come on, Paulina isn't up to anything.

Sam: Tuck, this is Paulina we're talking about, she's using (F/N) like she did with (F/N).

Tucker: *Looks to see (F/N) and Paulina are making out* Well if she is using (F/N), she's not making it look like it.

Sam: *Sees what's happening* Gah! Do those two ever stop?!

Meanwhile back with (F/N) and Paulina we see them making out as they fell back on the bench as Paulina felt (F/N)'s hand snaking down her waist.

Paulina: *Pulls back and giggles* Hands above the waist missy~.

(F/N): *Playful* Aww…

Paulina: *Chuckles* Plus, don't think I know you staring at my tush.

(F/N): *Sits up* You knew?

Paulina: *Giggles* It was kind of oblivious.


Here we see Paulina was walking down the hall with a nice sway to her hips, (F/N) couldn't help but stare at Paulina's shapely buttocks as it moved side to side.

As (F/N) started, she saw Paulina's hot pink thong peeking out from the sides of her tight jeans, making the sway all the more sexy.

Paulina: You loving the show, (F/N)?

(F/N)'s head whipped up to see Paulina looking at her with a smirk on her face.  The Latina then raised her hand before bringing it down hard on her ass, a loud smack sound filled the entire hallway as her butt jiggled for a good few seconds. She gave a wink before turning the corner and leaving for class.

(F/N): …Dang. *weak chuckle* No wonder she's at the top. I'm so glad she's my girlfriend. *Realizes* Oh wait I have the same class as her, *Runs after her* Baby, wait up!

Flashback ends.

(F/N): *Blushes* I didn't want to be rude. Heh, sorry hun.

Paulina: *Giggles* It's okay sweet, this tush is all yours~.

(F/N): *Blushes* Thanks… huh never thought you had it in you babe.

Paulina: *Giggles* Neither did I. And Since we are going steady, you're allowed to have your hand on my tush.

(F/N): Woah… *✨👀✨* Cool…! *Holds Paulina's hands* Another big leap in our relationship! *Hugs Paulina* Yay!

Paulina could only giggle at (F/N)'s somewhat childish behavior as Sam could only face palm and Tucker smile.

Tucker: Dang (F/N) is so-

Sam: Tuck, do not finish that sentence.

Tucker chose to keep his mouth shut since he wanted to fear the wrath of Sam as they duo then heard the couple talking again.

(F/N): So wanna go to my place hun?

Paulina: You know it.

We then see the duo walk to Fenton Works as Sam and Tucker follow them.

The camera fades to Fenton Works, as we see (F/N) and Paulina, changed back to their normal clothes after coming here once their jog was done.

Paulina was on the couch, laughing as (F/N) recalled one of her past adventures with Danny

Paulina: Are you serious? Did Danny really grab Youngblood by the leg and slide him on the ground? *giggled, finding it hilarious*

(F/N) nodded and continued.

(F/N): Then I heard Mr. Fenton say "get me a Fenton towel, stat!" as me and Danny flew off...

Paulina laughed so hard, she had to wipe her eyes.

Paulina: Wow…

(F/N): Yeah…

Paulina: That must have been some camping trip…

(F/N): It was…

(F/N) then sat next to Paulina, both of them resting their elbows on the cushion.

(F/N) then placed her arm around Paulina's waist, bringing her closer.

Paulina smiled and cuddled into (F/N), enjoying their time alone.

(F/N): I love you.

Paulina: I love you too.

They kissed. Then it got deeper.

(F/N) and Paulina: *While kissing* Mmm...

As they started making out, Paulina pulled (F/N) back as she rested on the couch. This continued for about five minutes of joyful bliss.

Her cell phone went off as Paulina groaned.

Paulina: Hang on. *Looking at the phone and sighing* It's my papa.

(F/N): Oh… *Pulled back as Paulina got up and walked away a bit to answer the phone, not seeing (F/N) getting up and following her*

Paulina: Papa? Hey, I'm at (F/N)'s…

(F/N): Tell him you're busy. *Hugged her from behind and kissed the side of her head*

Paulina giggled as she lightly pushed (F/N) away.

Paulina: *While on the phone, It's fine Papa... we're doing... homework. *Paulina blushed* WHAT? NO! French class does not involve Frenching!

(F/N) chuckled.

(F/N): I wish it did…

Paulina: *While on the phone* Wait… she's here?! Really?! Wait, you're not joking are you…?  You want me to bring (F/N)? Sure, of course. Okay, love you too, *hangs up*

(F/N): What is it hun?

Paulina: My mom is here at my house!

(F/N): Really? Oh-ho that's awesome!

Paulina: I know! She finally gets the day off.

today. Oh man, I hope she approves of you.

(F/N): Don't worry babe, if your dad likes me I'm sure your mom will too.

Paulina: *Hugs (F/N)* Thanks hun.

(F/N): Anytime.

Paulina: *Feels a pinch on her butt* Eep! *Giggles* (F/N).

(F/N): Sorry, couldn't resist.

We later see (F/N) and Paulina arrive at Paulina's home where they went in the living room and (F/N) saw a woman with a slender and curvy figure, a tan complexion, green eyes, long and curly dark brown hair and wearing a green top, jeans, white shoes, and sunglasses on her head, this is Maria Migdalia Sanchez, Paulina's mom.

(F/N): Um, hi Ms. Sanchez, nice to meet you.

Maria: And to you as well, but mija, where is your boyfriend? What was his name? Dash?

Paulina: Mama, no, Dash and I aren't dating, I dumped him.

Maria: What? But mija I thought you… loved him?

Paulina: No, I didn't mama, he was annoying, only talked about himself, and worst of all, he kept asking if I liked quarterbacks, which I don't.

Carlos: Maria we've been over this, a lot has changed since you were here last time.

Maria: Oh come now, Carlos, how much could I have missed? I know Paulina just as much as you do. *Notices (F/N) and Paulina's class rings* And why are you two wearing friendship rings?

(F/N): First of all, these are class rings.

Paulina: And second, mama, me and (F/N) are girlfriends.

Maria: Oh girls who are friends.

(F/N): No, girlfriends as in we're dating.

This shocked Maria, her daughter was gay?! Why didn't she know about this?

Maria: W-What? Mija why didn't you tell me?!

Paulina: W-well-

Maria: And don't say, "Because you never asked."

Paulina: But you never did ask.

Maria: Okay fair enough. But mija, why didn't you tell me you were into girls?

Paulina: I did! Multiple times! I even have a flag that shows I'm a lesbian! You never noticed it!

Maria: Well it was because-

Paulina: You were busy, I get it, too busy for dad, and too busy for me. And now you're gonna be too busy for my girlfriend.

Maria: Oh come on, I'm not that busy.

Paulina: You didn't even show up to my quinceanera! I wanted to invite Danny and Dannie Phantom to my party because they were important, but they never showed but (F/N) did, and she's important to me.

Maria: I wasn't that busy… I visited your father that day when they were playing that nice music.

Paulina: Yeah, that hypnotized all the adults and got captured by the ghost pirates! *Sighs* Mama, I swear the only thing you care about is the company.

Maria: Well it is the thing that made us rich, and I can always visit you on your next birthday.

(F/N): Seriously, you care more about your makeup company than your own daughter? Has it ever occurred to you, what happened to her?!

Maria: I… uh-

(F/N): She was almost ran over if I wasn't there, she almost fell down a flight of stairs, almost hit by a book, almost got hit by an chemical explosion, got chased and almost killed by three ghosts themed after scary movie characters, got possessed by one to make her boyfriend jealous, got infected by a ghost bug, went into a depression by a therapist, and a bunch of other stuff! And I saved her every time.

Maria was speechless, this girl saved her daughter's life time and time again.

Paulina: And when I sprained my leg, (F/N) carried me all the way from school to home.

Maria: *In shock* You… you sprained your leg?

Paulina: Yes! Not that you would know, because you were tending to the company! But importantly, (F/N) saved me from myself, I was a complete jerk to almost everyone in school and pretty much everyone else. But (F/N) never saw me as the spoiled brat I used to be before, she saw a kind hearted girl, the real me, not a trophy, but as a person. *Holds (F/N)'s hand* And that's why I love her.

(F/N): It's true.

Maria was speechless, all this happened and she thought the company was more important than her familia.

Maria: Mija… I… I… *tears up* I'm sorry… I'm so, so sorry…! I-I never knew that… ¡Oh Dios mío! ¡Soy una madre tan horrible! ( Oh my gosh! I'm such a horrible mother!)

(F/N): Ms. Sanchez you're not a… well kind of… but it's never too late make it up…

Maria: *Sniffles* But what can I do?... I have to travel to those meetings…

(F/N): Yeah there's this amazing thing called, "online meetings" You should try them.

Maria: *Wipes her tears* Don't "old person" talk to me, I know what inter-web meetings are.

Paulina: Online meetings.

Maria: Those too. And (F/N)... You have my approval to date my daughter.

(F/N): Thank you Ms. Sanchez.

Maria: Please, call me Maria. And Mija… I… I'm sorry for putting the company after you…

Paulina: *Hugs Maria* It's okay mama, you're my mother, it's okay to make mistakes.

Maria: *Hugs back* Thank you mija. And you being… gay, I'm okay with it.

Paulina: Really? Wow! Thank you mama.

Maria: Anytime mija. Your still my wonderful girl, even if you have that mole on your left back.

Paulina: Uhh… actually (F/N) removed it.

Maria: What?! *To (F/N)* How?! The doctors said it would leave a nasty scar on her back.

(F/N): I didn't bring her to the doctors, I just used a special anti blemish cream on her back and it went away.

Maria: Blemish cream? I don't think I ever sold that.

(F/N): Well actually I made the anti blemish cream myself.

Maria: *Surprised* Really? You made a cream that can get rid of any blemish in a snap?

(F/N): Yep, I made it just in case I had a zit but I used on Paulina's mole so now she really does have flawless skin. And don't worry, it's safe.

Maria: Oh my. I… thank you (F/N).

(F/N): Anytime, it's what I do.

Maria: Do you think you can sell that cream to me?

Paulina: Mama…

Maria: Kidding, kidding, *mutters* mostly. But your invention is amazing.

(F/N): Heh, thanks. It actually made the cover of Genius Magazine.

Maria: Genius Magazine? *Gasps in realization* Oh my gosh! I thought I recognized you from somewhere, you made an invention that helps women, and troubled teens.

(F/N): That I did, but I didn't want to sell the formula to anyone so I hid it.

Paulina: And on another note, mama there are a few things I have to tell you.

Maria: What is it mija?

Paulina and (F/N) then explained to Maria about them being half ghosts as well as all the things that happened.

Maria: So let me get this straight, you and your girlfriend, who is from another universe, and her brother are all half ghosts, your old friend Barby is your friend again, sort of, and your friends, dad, (F/N), his friends, and your older sister Jazz knows you're all half ghosts too except for your parents since they don't know your superheros?

(F/N): Yeah that pretty much sums it up.

Paulina: You're not mad are you?

Maria: *Shakes her head* No, I'm not mad mija, I'm proud of the woman you're turning into.

Carlos: Both of us are sweetie, you have a good thing going on.

(F/N): And I'm proud of you for being true to yourself.

Paulina: Thank you, all of you. *To Maria* So I take it you'll be leaving?

Maria: Actually, now that I thought about it, I've been thinking of moving back to Amity Park.

Paulina: *Surprised* Really??

Maria: Yes, I want to be there with you mija, and I don't want to lose you.

Paulina: Thank you mama.

Maria: *Smiles* Anytime mija. And thank you (F/N), for making me realize how much of a horrible mother I have been.

(F/N): Anytime, Maria and like I said you can make up for lost time. But why do I feel like I forgot something?

Just then we see Roxie phase through the room with a picnic basket as she sets it on the table.

Roxie: *Barks*

(F/N): *Sees the picnic basket* Oh right now I remember, thanks Roxie, *Pets Roxie*

Roxie: *Mews/Purrs*

Maria: *Sees Roxie* Oh, Dios mío, ¿qué es esa cosa?!? (Oh my gosh what is that thing?!?)

(F/N): *Holds Roxie* Oh this is Roxie, she's a anubian baskurr.

Roxie: *Waves her paw at Maria* *Barks*

(F/N): *Giggles* She said hello.

Maria: *Chuckles* Well she is cute, nice to meet you Roxie.

Roxie: *Barks*

Maria: That may take some getting used to.

Paulina: Yeah, but it is nice to have you back mama.

Maria: It's nice to be back, mija. Also, try to have any kids too soon.

Paulina: *Blushes* Mom!

Maria: *Chuckles* Kidding, kidding.

(F/N): At least this went better than when I told my folks I was gay.

Carlos: I've been to ask, how did that go?

(F/N): Okay so it started like this…


Here we see (F/N), Roxie and the others are eating dinner with (F/N) sitting next to Jazz as the older sister saw how (F/N) is still wearing those glasses.

Jazz: (F/N) come on, just take the glasses off.

(F/N): No way, these glasses are awesome. Plus they look stylish.

Jazz: They make you look like a geek.

Maddie: Jazz calm down, (F/N)'s glasses are fine the way they are.

Jack: Yeah plus they make her look spiffy.

Danny: And they don't make her look like a geek.

Jazz: Seriously? Am I the only sane one here?? With those glasses they'll make her look like a dork.

(F/N): *Adjusts her glasses* Hey now, there's nothing wrong with wearing glasses. Plus, aren't you already a dork?

Danny: Ohh! Burn!

Maddie: Now Jazz I know you mean well, but you're only-

Jazz: Sixteen. Biologically! But psychologically, I'm an adult! And I will not allow my newly adopted little sister from another universe to be a dork and your insane obsession with ghosts *Pulls (F/N) close and holding her close to her* to pollute the mind of this impressionable little child!

(F/N): I'm fourteen. Plus I'm not a dork, I'm adorkable. At least that's what Paulina says. *Giggles* She's so awesome, and hot.

Jazz: Uhh… yeah. But what boy is gonna ask you out with those glasses?

(F/N): Coming from the girl who sleeps with a teddy bear dressed up as Albert Einstein, who clearly developed an emotional attachment to and refuses to let go, despite claiming she's an adult who's clearly a kid claiming to be an adult in a kid's body. And also considers herself too good for her family because of how intelligent and mature she is.

Danny: Ohh snap…

Jack: Oh snap indeed son.

Jazz: Wha- I … you-

Danny: Woah, (F/N) you got Jazz speechless, I'm impressed.

(F/N): Thanks, this always worked with the Jazz in my world.

Jazz: How do you know all of that?!

(F/N): What? You didn't think you were the only psychologist in this universe did you?

Jazz: You're a psychologist too?

(F/N): Yep, won 10 rewards for my help in the mental hospital curing all the patients. Plus the pay is bad. And after that I became a lawyer and won almost every case I was ever called on. And after that I retired.

Maddie: Ohh I'm so proud of you sweetie.

(F/N): Thanks mom.

Danny: Wait, what about being an astronaut?

(F/N): Oh I accomplished that dream in a day, went up to the moon, did some sightseeing, and planted the Fenton Flag on the moon.  *Pulls out the photo* Check it.

The Fentons all saw it was a photo of (F/N) on the moon planting a flag next to the other flag that was planted by Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin.

Danny: Wow… That is awesome!

Jack: That's my little girl!

(F/N): Thanks, you guys.

Jazz: But how are you gonna get a boyfriend with those glasses??

(F/N): That's because I'm not looking to get a boyfriend.

Jazz: What?! But-

(F/N): Jazz I'm not into guys.

Jazz: What…? But- but there has to be one guy you're into. Right? Right?!

(F/N): No not really.

Jazz: Well uh… what about Tucker?

(F/N): Ew no, he's like a brother to me. I'm into Paulina.

Maddie: Wait… (F/N) are you saying-

(F/N): Yes, Mr and Mrs Fenton, Danny, and reluctantly, Jazz, I'm gay.

Everyone (Except Roxie, Maddie, and Danny): What?!?

Jack: (F/N) why didn't you tell us??

(F/N): Well-

Jack: And don't say, "Because you never ask."

(F/N): But you never did ask.

Jack: Dang it you're right.

Jazz: Wha- I… you're gay?!

(F/N): Yes, why? I thought that you would know.

Jazz: I… I uh… I thought you'd find a boyfriend!

(F/N): Seriously? I'm not into guys, it was pretty obvious, even my mom and Danny knew I was gay

Maddie: It's true, the flag in (F/N)'s room was a sign of her preference.

Danny: Yeah it was pretty obvious.

Jazz: But… but… since when are you gay?!

(F/N): Since always, you guys never bothered to ask.

Jack: I… did not see that coming.

Jazz: But… but you and Danny were supposed to be together! I-I-I-

(F/N): No Jazz, that's not how a relationship works. Just because I like hanging out with Danny, doesn't mean I like him that way, *to Danny* No offense.

Danny: None taken.

(F/N): Thanks. *Sees Jazz about to have a breakdown and her eye twitching* Uh Jazz you okay?

Jazz: Oh hehe, I-I'm fine, totally fine.

Jack: Well I for one am okay with it.

(F/N): Thanks Mr.Fenton, at least some people are okay with my style.

Flashback ends.

Carlos: Did that really happen?

(F/N): Yep, if there's one thing I know about my big sister, she's a stubborn habit of not admitting she's wrong.

Maria: (F/N) I must ask, what's in the basket?

(F/N): Oh right, thanks for reminding me, I got some snacks as an ice breaker, and it was also plan B, in case things went south.

Paulina: Well with that said let's eat.

We then see everyone eating the contents of the picnic basket and having a good time.

The next day we see the camera fade to Casper High where we see Danny, Sam, Tucker and Jazz outside of Casper High.

Tucker: So has anyone seen (F/N)?

Jazz: She called yesterday and said she and Roxie are sleeping over at Paulina's.

Danny: Huh, hope meeting her mom went well. Hope she isn't anything like her dad, *shivers in fear*

Sam: Well all I know is that her mom probably disapproves of her and she'll-

Sam was cut off when everyone heard the honk of the car as they all saw a limousine pull up to the school and the door opens and (F/N), Roxie and Paulina come out wearing sunglasses much to everyone's shock and awe.

(F/N): Hey everyone.

Paulina: Hiii…!

Jazz: A limo?!

Danny and Tucker: Awesome!

Sam: You gotta be kidding me!

(F/N): Hey Danny, Jazz what's up?

Danny: Nothing much, but the limo?

(F/N): Paulina's mom insisted on driving us to school, to make up for lost "mother daughter time."

Paulina: It's true, plus it is nice to have my mom back.

Tucker: What do you mean?

Paulina: My mom had to work overseas so I don't see her a lot, or at all for that matter…

Danny: Yikes… sorry to hear that Paulie.

Paulina: It's cool hermano, but after pulling some strings my mom moved back in with my dad so now I get to see her all the time.

Sam: Well at least-

Paulina: And she approved, *hugs (F/N)'s arm* my relationship with (F/N)! *Sqees*

Sam: *Facepalms* Of course she did.

(F/N): *Sees Sam's angry expression* What's with you Sam? Aren't you happy?

Sam: Uh… yeah I'm happy. Congratulations. But seriously, why Paulina?

Jazz: Yes! Please tell us!

(F/N): I fell in love with Paulina because she's kind, sweet and nice. *Blushes* And she's very beautiful. Plus she's the only girl that never freaked out me being an alien.

Paulina: And I fell in love with (F/N) because she saw the kindness in me, and encouraged me to be who I want to be and not what people see me as. Plus, who could resist those chocolatey brown eyes, that blond hair, and those adorable dimples! *Hugs and cuddles (F/N)* *Giggles* I can't!

(F/N): *Hugs back* She's not wrong. I get my good looks from my mom.

Jazz: Okay but-

Danny: Jazz let it go, just be glad that (F/N) and Paulina are happy.

Jazz: *Sighs* Yeah you're right.

Maria: *Lowers the window* Have a great day at school mija! And you too (F/N)!

(F/N): Thanks Maria.

Paulina: Gracias Mama.

Maria then drove off leaving team Phantom.

Sam: So now your mom is driving that gas guzzler huh?

Paulina: Actually (F/N) did a little work on the limo, so now it's both lunar and solar powered. And has an electric engine just in case. So now it's environmentally friendly.

Tucker: Dang not bad (F/N), you know your way around a car.

(F/N): Thanks, I do what I can to make the world a better place.

Sam: *In her head* D'oh come on!

(F/N): Anyways, let's get to class. *To Paulina* Ready baby~?

Paulina: As ready as ever be mi amor.

Next: Chapter 45: Of Predators and Prey.

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