Chapter 47: Big Move.

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Here we see (F/N), Paulina and Roxie coming back from class, along with the trio.

(F/N): *Groans* That test was brutal.

Paulina: Yeah, my brain feels numb just thinking about it.

Sam: What are you two complaining about? *To (F/N)* You get straight A's everyday. *To Paulina* And you probably cheat off of (F/N).

(F/N): True to the first one.

Paulina: But wrong on the second one, the old me would have cheated, but the new me studied hard and knows she aced that test.

Sam: *Groans* Of course you did.

(F/N): And it looks like they've been paying off.

Danny: How?

Paulina: Well (F/N) comes over to my place to study and we do, but for every answer I get right I get a kiss.

(F/N): *Chuckles* It was her idea, and if she does really well, we make out for a half an hour.

Sam: *Groans* Tmi (F/N), tmi!

Paulina: Well excuse me for loving (F/N) too much.

(F/N): Yeah and the same goes for me and Paulina.

Jazz: *Comes by* What goes for Paulina?

Sam: Their "Study sessions" which are just excuses to swap spit, *to Paulina and pointing an accusing finger* Alright you, where are the test answers?! *Points to Paulina's Omnitrix* It's probably in there right?!

Paulina: No, *Points her head* Right here, and not on paper or in my Omnitrix.

(F/N): Seriously Sam, let it go, and like it or not Paulina is my girlfriend and on the team whether you like it or not. And you're just mad because Danny isn't dating you, so deal with it.

Sam could growl in frustration at this, thinking how her sort-of friend can be this dense to Paulina's "intentions"

Sam: Oh come on!

Danny: Sam relax, we've been over this, like it or not Paulina's on the team and with (F/N).

Sam: Seriously, you too?? Why can't you all see she's still shallow! D'oh forget it! *Walks off* Don't come crying to me when ms. shallow ditches you all! *Storms away*.

(F/N): She is so stubborn.

Jazz: Yeah, and on a completely unrelated note, (F/N), I also wanted to apologize again. I didn't really make an effort to get to know you. I just assumed you were just like Danny.

(F/N): Like I said Jazz it's okay.

Jazz: No, it's not okay. I jumped to a conclusion and judged you before I got to know you. Nothing can excuse that. I guess that I still have a lot to learn before I'm ready to actually help people with their problems.

(F/N): Well, admitting one's problems is the first step to fixing them. You yourself said that once…

Jazz: *Chuckles* Thanks. And super sorry about assuming you had a crush on Sam.

(F/N): A crush on Sam? Ew no, I mean no offense Sam's a nice girl and all but she's not really my type, considering she's not all that empathetic and occasionally thinks about herself and wears a ton of black.

Paulina: Got that right.

(F/N): But I'm sure she'll get with a certain boy she's thinking about.

Danny: Who Tucker?

(F/N), Paulina, Jazz and Tucker: *Facepalm* *in their heads* Clueless.

(F/N): Uh, nevermind. You'll understand soon.

Roxie: *Barks* *Points to her tum-tum*

(F/N): Oh right, come on, let's get to lunch.

We later see everyone at lunch where we see everyone eating and (F/N) and Paulina sitting next to each other much to Sam's dismay.

Paulina: *Holds up a fry* Say "Ah"

(F/N) said "Ah" as Paulina fed her the fry and ate it and (F/N) did it to Paulina to which she ate it too as the couple giggled making it a rather cute scene between two people in love.

(F/N): Love you mi amor~

Paulina: Love you too babe.

The two shared a kiss, feeling bliss.

(F/N) and Paulina: Mmm French fries. *Laugh after realizing they ate french fries*

Danny: Gotta admit you two are so compatible together.

Tucker: I know right?

Paulina: It's like fate wanted us to be together. *Leans on (F/N)'s shoulder* And I don't mind it one bit~.

(F/N): *One arm hugs Paulina* Neither do I.

Sam: *in her head* Well I mind…! Wish something convenient would happen.

(F/N) sensed something as she caught a burger without even looking as it was about to hit Paulina in the back of her head as everyone was shocked to see this, especially Sam.

Sam: (F/N)...

Tucker: Woah… talk about ninja reflexes.

Dash: Oh come on! That was supposed to hit Paulina!

After hearing this, (F/N) snapped and turned around giving the jocks, the "I'm gonna kick your butts for almost hurting my girlfriend." Look which made him and the others flinch in fear.

(F/N): Go. Now.

Dash and the other A-listers ran away out of the cafeteria in fear of what (F/N) might do to them.

(F/N): *Sighs* Idiots.  *To Paulina* Are you okay babe?

Paulina: I'm fine, thanks for the save.

(F/N): Anytime.

Danny: Okay what was that? Wait, that wasn't… *whispers* A new alien power?

(F/N): No, just good reflexes.

Danny: Oh well nice reflexes.

(F/N): Thanks

Paulina then sensed something as she stuck her hand out and caught a milk carton much to everyone's surprise and Paulina saw it was her "fanboy" who threw it

Student. Oh come on! That was supposed to hit (F/N)!

Paulina eyes widen as she turned around and glared at her "fan"

Paulina: Get out of here before I claw your eyes out with my manicured nails!

The guy flinched as he ran out of the cafeteria out of fear of what Paulina might do to him.

(F/N): And I also taught it to Paulina. And she didn't use them for her own personal gain.

Tucker: *To Sam* You were saying?

Sam: Well-

Danny: Sam give it a rest will you? Before something bad happens.

Sam: Oh please like I'm gonna get karma for being right about Paulina still being shallow.

Both (F/N), Roxie and Paulina sensed something as they both got out of the way and Sam was met with a pie to the face.

Sam: *Gets hit with a pie* Oof! Really?!

(F/N): *Laughs* Ahahaha… pie to face…! Classic.

Tucker: *Laughs* You can't beat broad comedy like that.

Paulina: *Laughs* No, no you can't.

The couple shared a kiss and felt bliss as Roxie nuzzles (F/N).

(F/N): Can't forget about you Roxie, *gives Roxie meat flavored biscuits* Your favorite.

Roxie's eyes widened as she took the can and ate it all with the biscuits inside it.

Roxie: *Barks*

(F/N): Your welcome.

Later that day, we see the trio walking to Fenton Works since (F/N), Roxie and Paulina wanted to go to the park since they got all their homework done.

Sam: *Groans* I can't believe those two left for the park on another date, while we're stuck doing patrol.

Danny: Sam come on, you know how much they love each other.

Tucker: Plus it'd be rude to interrupt their date.

Sam: They already had a date yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and, the day before that, and the day before that… and on Valentine's day they spent it feeding each other chocolates at the park! On a school day!

Tucker: Yeah, that's because (F/N) and Paulina are exempt classes since at this point they're super geniuses since they aced all their classes.

Sam: That still doesn't excuse them from being lazy.

Just then we see (F/N), Roxie and Paulina, in their jogging clothes, jogging as they went by the trio as they saw them.

(F/N) and Paulina: Hey guys.

Danny: Hey you two, wait what are you two doing now?

(F/N): Jogging.

Sam: I thought you two were swapping spit under a tree or something.

Paulina: *Giggles* We were, we went at it for hours.

(F/N): But eventually we got bored so we decided to jog a bit.

Sam: Seriously? You two are so irresponsible.

(F/N): Hey now we are plenty responsible, we cleaned up after our picnic and Roxie is carrying the basket.

The trio looked to see the basket was on Roxie's back.

Tucker: Huh, neat.

Roxie: *Barks*

Paulina: So what are you three up to?

Sam: We were on patrol, and you two didn't show up.

(F/N): Oh heh, whoops, well if it makes you feel better we did stop some ghost goats from destroying a zoo.

Danny: Really?

Paulina: Yep, *Pulls out the thermos and gives it to Danny* All in the thermos.

Tucker: Wow, not bad you two.

(F/N): Thanks.

Paulina: But, on a completely unrelated note, me and (F/N) have been talking.

Danny: About what?

(F/N): We'll tell you when we get home.

Paulina: And when my parents get there too.

The trio was confused by this sudden news. Later that night we see (F/N) and everyone in the living room where we see the Fentons, Sanchezes, Tucker, Sandra, Carl, and Sam are there too.

(F/N): Thank you all for coming today.

Maddie: Well when you told us it was urgent we dropped everything and called an emergency meeting.

Paulina: Now before anyone freaks out, no it's nothing big, but… we have some news we want to discuss.

Sandra: Well what's the big news you two wanna announce?

(F/N): Well… me and Paulina were talking.

Paulina: And discussed it at our picnic date, and we all wanted to ask you something.

Maria: What is it ?

Carlos: Whatever it is, we'll support you two.

Carl: All of us will.

Paulina: Well… *(F/N) holds Paulina's hand in reassurance and Paulina smiles*

(F/N) and Paulina: Can we move out and find our own place to live?!

Everyone: What?!

Jack and Carl: You two want to move out??!

Maddie: *Gasps in shock* Was it something we did?

Sandra: Or something I did?

(F/N): No, no of course it's not that.

Paulina: Since me and (F/N) love each other so much we figured why not find a nest of our own.

(F/N): *Sees Sam about to say something* And before you say anything, it's not because we want to be closer.

Jazz: Well, why do you two want to move out?

Paulina: We just want to find a nest of our own, and to show that we can be responsible for having our own place.

(F/N): And don't worry, we won't be that far, we'll find a place not too far from here. Plus I have enough money to get a house.

Paulina: So what do you say?

Sandra: Well if you two really want this, we won't stand in your way.

Maria: That's right, our daughters are old enough to make their own decisions, and that includes them getting their own house.

Carl: *Wipes a tear* I've never been so proud of (F/N)!

Carlos: Same with Paulina, *blows his nose*

Paulina: So you're all okay with this?

Danny: Yeah, sure it won't be the same without (F/N) here but hey gotta find your place in the world somewhere.

Jazz: Too true.

(F/N): Yep, plus we already found a place that's not too far from here.

Paulina: And it was on sale too.

Sandra: That's wonderful you two. So you're planning to pack tomorrow?

(F/N) and Paulina: Yep.

(F/N): And Roxie is coming along too.

Roxie: *Barks*

The next day, we see (F/N) using a storage cube she recently made and stored everything in her room into it as we cut to Paulina doing the same thing with her cube that was given by (F/N).

(F/N): There we go. Is that everything?

Roxie looks around and checks the now empty room.

Roxie: *Barks*

(F/N): Alright, thanks Roxie.

Roxie: *Barks.

With Paulina.

Paulina: *After vacuuming everything into the cube* Is that everything?

Maria looked around the room and checked everything.

Barby: Yep, that's everything.

Paulina: Awesome, and don't worry mom, you and my the others can always come and visit.

Maria: *Smiles* Thank you Paulina.

Paulina: Anytime.

We later see (F/N), Roxie, and Paulina outside of Fenton Works and their families and friends are there too.

(F/N): Well this is it.

Paulina: All packed up and ready to go to our new home. Also, great idea on making hyper storage dimension cubes sweetie.

(F/N): *Giggles* Thanks, it's just something I made a while ago just in case. Plus it's much more convenient than having a moving truck and hauling all that stuff one by one.

Paulina: Well it is amazing.

Jazz: *Wipes a tear* My idol is an adult, *cries hysterically* I'm so happy! *Cries and blows her nose*

Danny: Easy Jazz, we can visit her.

Tucker: Hope you two enjoy your new home.

Sam: *Forced* And… congrats… on the new house.

Paulina: Thanks Sam, I knew you'd understand.

(F/N): That's Sam for ya. *To everyone* Well bye everyone.

We then see (F/N), Roxie, and Paulina go into the hell charger and drive off to their new house leaving everyone.

Danny: Think they're gonna be okay?

Jazz: This is (F/N) we're talking about, she'll be fine.

Tucker: Yeah, plus the girl is super genius.

Sam: *Groans* This is gotta be some joke, sure (F/N) is kinda responsible but Paulina? Come on, she's the queen of shallow.

Tucker: Was the queen of shallow.

Jazz: *Sighs* Not this again.

Tucker: Sam will you give it a rest, Paulina's saw the error of her ways thanks to (F/N) and now she's turned over a new leaf.

Sam: Yeah right.

Danny: *Sighs* Seriously Sam, come on when are you ever gonna accept that Paulina gone good.

Sam, being the stubborn individual goth that she is, didn't believe it for one bit and stuck to her belief and said the following.

Sam: When I start wearing pink, which is never.

We then see Sam storm off leaving everyone as they could only sigh in annoyance.

Everyone: *In their heads* She is so stubborn.

Later that night, we see (F/N), Paulina and Roxie arrive at their new house which was a block away from Sam's house and the house, if you could call it that, was actually a mansion, as (F/N) and Paulina now own is really big mansion as they parked in the new driveway.

Paulina: This looks amazing!

(F/N): *Looks at the house* I know, right? Now let's get to unpacking and organizing.

We then cut to a montage of (F/N), Paulina and Roxie unpacking and organizing all the stuff they had including their room and putting up a lesbian flag outside the house showing people their pride.

After some time, we see the two girls and Roxie slump onto their couch.

(F/N): *Pants* Storing stuff is easy…

Paulina: *Tired* Haaa… haaa… Taking them out and putting all of it in one room is hard…

(F/N): Too true.

Roxie: *Barks*

After some rest, we see (F/N) and Paulina setting up their Fenton Lab with beakers, ghost weapons, and even a new ghost portal.

Paulina: *Puts in the final part* And there we go. Hit it baby!

(F/N) then turns on the portal from the outside as the portal opens to the ghost zone.

(F/N): There, the Tenchez lab is up and running.

Paulina: Tenchez?

(F/N): Yeah you know, Tennyson and Sanchez, Tenchez.

Paulina: Ooh like our ship name, nice sweetie.

(F/N): Aw thanks hun.

Paulina: Anytime. *Hears her stomach growl* Now how about we get something to eat?

(F/N): *Also hears her stomach growl* Ooh yeah good call. All that work got me hungry.

Later that night, we see (F/N), Roxie and Paulina eating birria tacos that (F/N) made and Paulina helped too and Roxie was eating her dog food.

Paulina: *While eating* Mmm, oh these tacos are amazing babe, I didn't know you were great in the kitchen.

(F/N): *While eating* Mmm, thanks I learned a lot from my mom, aside from kickin' ghost butt and  making weapons to destroy me and Danny, she's great in the kitchen.

Paulina: Well I gotta say these are amazing.

(F/N): Thanks.

Just then (F/N) hears a ringtone as she answers her video phone on the TV screen.

(F/N): Hello?

Sandra: *Over the video phone* Hi sweetie!

(F/N): Hey mom, *sees, Danny, Jazz and Jack* And friends.

Paulina: Hey guys, what's up?

Jazz: *On screen* Nothing, just seeing how you three are doing.

(F/N): Well we unpacked, rested for a bit, made a lab, and we're having dinner.

Paulina: We're having birria tacos. *Eats another one* Mmm, yum.

Danny: *On screen* Nice, so how are things going?

(F/N): Pretty good so far. How are things going back home?

Danny: *On Screen* Same old, same old.

(F/N): Well we know it'll take some getting used to but give it some time.

Paulina: Yeah we'll see each other at school.

Roxie: *Barks*

Jazz: *On screen* True, we'll see you tomorrow then. Bye.

(F/N) and Paulina: Bye. *Hangs up*.

Paulina: *Finishes eating* Ahh, now that was amazing. Now let's get to bed.

(F/N): *Yawns* Yeah I'm tired and I'm in mood to cuddle *Leans on Paulina* And guess who's gonna be my cuddle buddy~.

Paulina: *Giggles flirtatiously* *Hugs (F/N)'s arm* Mmm is it your seductive sapphire~?

(F/N): You know it~.

As (F/N), Roxie and Paulina got up and went to bed, they looked out the window to see it was Sam walking home and (F/N) and Paulina remembered that their house was 3  blocks away from the Manson residents.

(F/N): Oh yeah, Sam is our new neighbor.

Paulina: Oh yeah, almost slipped my mind.

(F/N) then opens the window and she and Paulina call out her name to get her attention.

(F/N) and Paulina: Hey Sam!

Sam looked up to see (F/N) and Paulina waving at her and then looked back at her house and then immediately realized that she and Paulina, the girl who she despised and thought she was wrong with women everywhere in the world, was her neighbor that was a block away.

This shocked the goth indifference out of Sam and she could only say one word in this kind of situation where her nightmare just became a reality.


Sam immediately ran into her home and locked the door and covered all the windows.

(F/N): *To Paulina* Was it something we said?

Paulina: I don't know, *Yawns* Now let's get to bed.

After brushing their teeths and freshening up, and putting on their pajamas we see the two girls and Roxie go to bed with Paulina cuddling (F/N) and Roxie sleeping on a bed made for her that was next to (F/N) as the camera fades to black.

Next: Chapter 48: New House, New Surroundings.

(A/N): To give you a better idea this is what the reader's new house and rooms look like.

(Entire Property)

(lounge room) (Ignore the HB characters)

(Reader and Paulina's bedroom)

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