Chapter 48: New House, New Surroundings.

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Here we fade open to (F/N), Paulina and Roxie sleeping in their new two person bed as they all hear the alarm clock go off.

Paulina: Mmm, *Yawns* *Wakes up* Morning already?

(F/N): *Yawns and wakes up* Looks like it, morning baby.

Paulina: Morning sweetie, you were an amazing teddy bear~.

(F/N): *Pulls Paulina in close* And you were an amazing cuddler babe~.

Paulina: *Blushes and giggles* Thanks sweetie.

(F/N): Anytime boo.

Roxie: *Wakes up* *Meows*

(F/N): Morning Roxie, did Mama's little girl sleep well?

Roxie: *Goes to (F/N) and nuzzles her* *Barks*

(F/N): *Chuckles* *Pets Roxie* Good girl.

Later on after freshening up, we see (F/N), Paulina and Roxie all in the kitchen eating breakfast which was strawberry pancakes, beef bacon, and fresh orange juice.

Paulina: *While eating* Mmm, these pancakes are amazing (F/N).

(F/N): Thanks, I know some people use the box mix, but sometimes making it from scratch is always better.

Paulina: Anytime, *eats more of the pancakes and takes a bite of the bacon* Plus it goes well with the bacon.

(F/N): I know right? But try not to go overboard, hun.

Paulina: *While eating* Gotcha. Don't want my hips to get too large.

(F/N): *Giggles* Got that right.

After breakfast, we see the two girls, and Roxie are in the living room watching TV and cuddling.

(F/N): So we have a whole day together, what do you wanna do?

Roxie: *Barks*

Paulina: Hm, I dunno let's see where it takes us.

(F/N): Sounds good to me.

Just then the duo and Roxie hear a knock at the door.

(F/N): Hm who could that be?

(F/N), Roxie and Paulina got up and went to the door and (F/N) opened the door to see Danny, Ben, Jazz, Jack, Maddie, Carlos, Maria, and Tucker.

(F/N): Ben? Guys?

Ben: Hey sis.

Paulina: What are you all doing here?

Jack: We came by to see the new house.

Paulina: Okay, we didn't realize we would have guests. *Gets out of the way* Come in.

(F/N): Hey where's Sam?

Danny: Uhh… well…

Just then we see Sam walk out as she was getting the newspaper.

Sam: *In her head* Oh man that was a crazy nightmare I had yesterday, I thought for sure Paulina and (F/N) were my-

Paulina: Hey Sam.

(F/N): Morning.

Sam looked to see it wasn't a dream, Paulina, (F/N) and Roxie were her neighbors and it was reality, whether she didn't like it or not.


The camera faded to black and then back to Sam who has been screaming for hours on her porch.

Sam: Noooooooooooooooooooooooo! Nohohohoooooooooohaoooooooooooooo!

(F/N): Is she ever gonna stop screaming?

Paulina: She's been going at it for hours.

Ben: *Covers ears* Man she's loud.

Jazz: *Covering her ears* Danny, you're the voice of reason here, calm her down.

Paulina: Hey, maybe she wants to visit too.

Danny: Oh yeah, *to Sam* Sam shut up! Get over here and check out (F/N)'s new place!

Tucker: Yeah it actually looks pretty nice.

Sam: No! No Noooooooooooooohohohooooooooooooooo!

Tucker: I don't think she's even listening to us.

Sam: Noooooooo actually that time I was answering your question noooooooooooo!

(F/N): *Groans* Heugh.

Sam: Noooooooooooooooooooo-

(F/N): Go over there and get her Danny.

Sam: -oooooooooooooooooooooo-

Paulina: If she keeps screaming like that, she's gonna pass out.

(F/N): Nevermind, Danny.


(F/N): Sweetie, get my paintball gun.

Paulina: On it.

Sam: -oooooooooooooooooooooo-

Later on, we fade to Sam still yelling like a walrus.

Sam: Nooooooooooo- Whoa!

He starts running back and forth to avoid paintball shots.

Sam: No! No no no!!

(F/N): That was close!

Ben: Thank you, sis!

Sam: Nooo!

(F/N): Babe, you're going outta turn.

Paulina: I thought I went after Ben

(F/N): No, we go in line. It goes you then me, then Ben, then back down to me then you, then me then me, then Ben then me then me then Ben, me, me Ben you Ben me me me Ben you. Me. Then me again. It makes perfect sense!

Ben: But doesn't that mean you go twice as much? Or, ten times as much?

(F/N) fires.

Sam: Ow!

(F/N): This is the best game since Samball!

Sam: I'm not comin' down!

(F/N): Hey Sam! Move back and forth like one of those ducks at the carnival!

(F/N) fires again, but misses as Sam ducks.

(F/N): No, don't duck, that makes you harder to hit. Act like a duck!

Ben: Wait a minute, that was my turn!

(F/N): This is the Lightning Round.

Ben: Who's in the Lightning Round--

(F/N): Me.

Sam: Alright, I'm comin' over!

(F/N) fires again.

Sam: OW! I said I'm comin' over!

(F/N): Hyaha, buzzer beater! Take that you stupid duck.

Paulina: *Chuckles* Nice shot.

(F/N): Thanks.

Danny: So wanna visit (F/N)'s new house?

Sam saw the hopeful looks she was getting, even from Roxie.

Sam: Fine…

(F/N): Awesome!

We later see (F/N) and everyone else in the living room of their new house.

Tucker: Man, this place looks amazing.

Danny: Yeah, gotta say not bad (F/N).

Ben: Looks pretty nice.

(F/N): Thanks guys.

Paulina: It was easy getting the house, the hard part was moving all the furniture in place.

(F/N): And making that new lab.

Jack: New lab?

(F/N): Oh yeah, we made a new lab downstairs in the basement.

We later see everyone in the new lab where Maddie and Jack were in awe of how much work (F/N) and Paulina put into it and so was Sam.

Maddie: Oh my goodness…!

Jack: *Tears of joy* It's so beautiful!

Juan: Mija you and (F/N) did all of this?

Paulina: Yep, everything right down to the beakers to the anti-ghost weapons.

(F/N): And the ghost portal too.

Paulina: And the thumbprint scanner too so only we have access to it.

Maddie: Good call you two.

Jack: Don't want any hooligans messing with our work, uh I mean your work.

(F/N): Yeah the last thing we need is the GIW busting into our house and stealing the portal.

Paulina: That would be awful.

(F/N): Too true.

Sam: So you two made all of this? And the portal?

(F/N): Yes, why?

Sam: Come on (F/N), how can you and Paulina possibly build all this? Especially Paulina.

Maddie: I sent blueprints to (F/N) on the Fenton Lab and portal.

Paulina: And I studied the blueprints.

Sam: Of course you did, after you did all the work while Paulina did nothing right?

Paulina: Uh no, I studied the prints and helped (F/N), plus putting the portal together was not a one person job.

(F/N): It's true.

Sam: Pfft yeah right.

(F/N): Anyways, let's get back to the living room.

We later see everyone back in the living room where they were eating and mingling.

Juan: *While eating a cookie* Mm, these cookies are amazing, where did you get them?

(F/N): Who said we got them?

Maria: You made these?

Paulina: Well actually I made them, I watched some cooking tutorials online.

Barby: Well I must say, these cookies are amazing.

Sam: Yeah they would be, if I wasn't an ultra recyclo vegetarian.

Sam had a smug look on her face thinking she got Paulina right where she wanted and thought she was gonna lose her cool and show (F/N) that she isn't the perfect girl she is.

Paulina: Which is why I made a vegan batch too. *Points to a platter labeled vegan cookies*

Sam: It's Ultra recyclo- *gets a vegan cookie shoved her mouth by (F/N)* Mmhp!

Paulina: Thanks hun.

(F/N): Your welcome.

Sam reluctantly ate the cookie and surprisingly it was good but she didn't want to admit it in front of (F/N) and Paulina.

Later on, we see a montage of (F/N) and Paulina showing all the rooms to their friends and family which awed and surprised them, except Sam which made her bitter.

After that we see (F/N), Roxie and Paulina and everyone in their room showing how big it was and how much open space there is.

Danny: Wow, (F/N) your room is amazing.

Tucker: Yeah it is way bigger than your old room.

Sam: It's not that impressive. *Sees a few venus flytraps* Venus flytraps?

Paulina: They tie the room together.

Sam: Of course it does. *Sees a door leading to another room* And what's this room?

(F/N): *Sees Sam about to open the door* No, don't! That's my... *Sam opens the door and a bunch of awards pile out of (F/N)'s closet* ...award closet.

Tucker picks up a trophy and sees it was labeled "Most charitable person" "Miss Amity Park Teen" and some keys to the city.

Tucker: You were in a beauty pageant?

(F/N): Yep, I was a pageant girl back in the day,

Sam: Seriously? I can't believe you of all people participated in something that's a throwback to the dark ages!...

Paulina: Geez.. I know the early 20th century was a long time ago, but not that long…

Sam: *Confused* I-wait... what?...

Danny: *Also Confused* Huh?

Paulina: Beauty pageants became a public thing in 1921, and their origins date back to similar contests in the late 1800's. I say this because the actual Dark Ages were 900 years from the 500's to the 1400's... at least 400 years before any kind of beauty contests existed..

Everyone, except (F/N) and Roxie, blinked and were surprised by what Paulina just said.

Danny: Where did you learn that?

Paulina: I did some reading on the subject a while back… Plus (F/N) told me about her pageant days. *to Sam* Maybe you should do your homework before opening your mouth? Plus I'm proud (F/N) won those pageants.

Sam: Or maybe you should stop caring about contests that demean women?!

Paulina: By women, you mean girls who think what 90's animated movies say about medieval fantasy was real?...

(F/N): Plus I only did those pageants for fun, sure having a lot of people look at me was fun but now I'm retired.

Paulina: It's true.

Sam: I… you… *groans* Forget it.

Later that night we see everyone outside in the front.

Jazz: It was so nice to see your new place.

Paulina: Thanks and it was nice of you all to visit.

(F/N): Yeah and like we said you're all welcome to visit anytime you want.

Jack: Thanks Dannie, and I have to say your girlfriend is amazing. *Eats a cookie* She's a good cook.

Paulina: Heh, thanks Mr. Fenton.

Jack: Anytime.

After some goodbyes we see everyone leave and Sam immediately ran back to her house and (F/N), Roxie, and Paulina went back in.

(F/N): Phew what a day.

Paulina: Tell me about it, *sees the time* Oh man, look at the time, let's get some rest.

(F/N): Aww do we have to?

Paulina: You'll get to see me in my new red nightgown~.

(F/N) immediately blushed red after imaging Paulina in a fancy red nightgown.

(F/N): Bedtime it is.

Paulina giggled at this as she, Roxie and (F/N) went to their room and got ready. From there we see (F/N) in bed wearing a shirt and some bloomers.

Paulina: *Off-screen* Ready baby~.

(F/N): Ready hun.

We then see Paulina come in now wearing a red nightgown that looked very impressive on her and made (F/N) beat red.

(F/N): *Blushes* Woah…

Paulina: *Giggles* Do you like it?

(F/N): I love it…. You can definitely pull off red.

Paulina: *Giggles* Thanks, *Yawns* Now let's get to bed.

We then the two girls and Roxie go to bed with Paulina cuddling (F/N) in her sleep and Roxie sleeping next to (F/N) as the camera fades to black.

Next: Chapter 49: Micro Management

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