Chapter 55: Infinite Realms.

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Here we open to the ghost zone where we see Danny come up on screen.

Paulina: Remind us again, what are we doing here on a Monday afternoon?

Tucker: Don’t ask me, ask Danny.

Danny: Okay Fenton. You've looked evil in the face and defeated it time and again. You can do this. *Looks at the map* We turn left at Skulker's Island then right at Walker's Jail. Or is it left at Walker's Jail and right at Skulker's Island?

We then see the Specter speeder come on screen with Sam, Tucker, (F/N), and Paulina inside.

Sam: Um, are we ever going home? Or are we still playing lost in the Ghost Zone.

(F/N): Yeah because me and Paulina wanna get back home.

Paulina: So we can go back to sleep and cuddle with Roxie .

(F/N): Good thing Jazz is watching over Roxie .

Sam: Ugh, do you two ever get sick of each other?

(F/N) and Paulina: Hmm, nope.

Paulina: (F/N)'s the best girlfriend a person could ask for.

(F/N): And Paulina is the best girlfriend a ghost girl from another universe could ever have *kisses Paulina's cheek*

Paulina: *giggles* Aw thanks sweetie.

Sam: *muttering* Shallow witch.

(F/N): What?

Sam: Nothing.

Danny: We're not lost. My expertly drawn map tells me exactly where we are. We just hook a u-turn around this swirling vortex of infinite pain and we're home.

Paulina: *Looks at the map* Um, Danny, that's a thumb print.

Danny: What? No it's not a- *looks at the map* Oh wait, no you're right, that's a thumb print.

Tucker: If we don't get back soon I'm gonna die of starvation. I've already missed my 4 o'clock feeding.

Paulina: You schedule your feeding?

Tucker: Hello, have you met me? I schedule everything.

Paulina: Everything?

Tucker: Everything.

Danny: Would you guys quit complaining? If we're gonna become a better ghost fighting team we need to know the enemy's territory inside and out so we, uh, don't get lost.

(F/N): *to Danny* Oh kinda like you?

Paulina: *Chuckles* Nice one.

Two ghosts fly by.

Sam: Hey. Ask them for directions.

Tucker And snacks. Ask for snacks.

Danny: No, let's just follow them. They're bound to lead us somewhere.

(F/N): Like the way out?

Paulina: Yeah, I'd rather be home by now.

Sam: Ugh. What is it with you guys not asking for directions?

(F/N): They're stubborn Sam, you of all people should know a thing or two about being stubborn.

Sam was about to say something but chose to be quiet knowing (F/N) would criticize her again.

Tucker: Now I missed my 4:05 feeding. If I don't make it, tell my PDA I love her. The cell phone meant nothing to me.

(F/N): What about the refrigerator? If you're lucky you can tell her how much you missed it when you have your feeding time. *Paulina giggles*

Tucker: *Sarcastically* Ha ha very funny.

We then see the two ghosts fly into the tunnel leading into the Far Frozen.

Danny: See? These guys seem to know their way around. We'll be out of here in no time. *crashes into ice.*

The Specter Speeder crashes into ice, and (F/N), Paulina, and Danny as Sam and Tucker fall down a hole.

Danny: Is everyone alright?

Sam: *Sarcastically* Besides being lost, almost killed, and now having no way home. *cut to Specter Speeder is upside-down.* Stellar

(F/N): Yeah real nice inviso-bill. Also, *pulls out some winter fashion for Paulina* I’ve made this for cold emergencies for you honey.

Paulina: Aw thanks sweetie, *wears the winter clothes* and they feel comfy too.

Sam: And now I wanna gag. *sees Paulina kiss (F/N) on the cheek* Now I want to vomit.

(F/N): Oh calm down, you got Danny as your boyfriend.

Sam and Danny: Were not together!

Paulina: Sure you say that now you love birds.

(F/N): But soon you two will be together someday, *gets punched in the shoulder by Sam* Ow geez my shoulder!

Danny: Oh man. My dad's gonna kill me.

Frostbite comes up from behind, growling.

Sam: He's not the only one.

We then see Frostbite ready to attack Danny

Danny: Good boy. Nice boy.

Danny dodges Frostbite's fist.

Danny: Lay down.

He shoots a plasma blast, knocking Frostbite back and trapping him in a cage of icicles.

Danny: Very good. Next we'll work on fetching the paper, *walks off*

As Danny was walking back, Frostbite threw one of the icicles at him.

(F/N), Sam, Tucker, and Paulina: Danny!

Danny fires a plasma blast, breaking apart the ice. Then Danny fires another plasma blast at Frostbite, who counters with ice rays from his eyes, freezing Danny's plasma blasts. Frostbite throws one of the frozen plasma blasts, causing a pile of snow to dump on top of Danny. (F/N) phases out of the Speeder and helps Danny out of the snow.

(F/N): You okay bro?

Danny: Don't worry only my pride is hurt, *sees Frostbite* (F/N) behind you!

(F/N): *Sees Frostbite* Stay away from my brother you frosty freak! *Gets back handed into the snow* Gah!

Paulina: *Sees the icicle lodged in Frostbite's shoulder* Wait a minute, *to (F/N)* Sweetie, aim for the icicle on his shoulder!

(F/N): What do you-*sees the icicle* oh.

(F/N) then blasts the icicle away with a plasma blast as Frostbite stops growling.

Frostbite: Huh? The pain. It's gone *lifts Danny and (F/N) out of the snow and into a giant hug* Hahaha thank you both!

Sam: Aww two kids and their snow monster.

Tucker: Is there a greater love to be found anywhere?

(F/N): I know where, *kisses Paulina on the cheek* The love I feel for Paulina, is like a never ending fire in my heart.

Paulina: Awww thanks honey *kisses (F/N) on the lips*.

Tucker: I stand corrected.

Sam: And I stand disgusted.

Frostbite: To whom do I owe my debt of gratitude. *He brushes the snow out of Danny's hair and does the same to (F/N)* You two? The savior of the Ghost Zone.

Danny and (F/N): Us?

Paulina and Sam: The saviors?

Tucker: Of the Ghost Zone?

Frostbite: Oh Great Ones *gets on his knees* behold your humble servant Frostbite, leader of the Far Frozen.

Danny: Uh *laughs nervously* I--uh--

Sam: Excuse me, your majesties, do you two think you could talk it--him--whatever into helping us?

Tucker: Yeah, I need nourishment. Stat.

Paulina: And maybe some coats.

Frostbite: *Standing up* Yes! It is my honor to assist the Great One and his servants.

Frostbite lifts up the Specter Speeder and lifts Danny and (F/N) and puts them on his shoulder.

Sam: Servants?!

Paulina: Hey! I am no one’s servant!

Danny: Silence, oh Sam of the Very Vegan.

(F/N): And Paulina of the very Beautiful.

Paulina: Aw thanks babe.

Frostbite: To my village shall we go and a great feast shall we have.

We then see Frostbite walking with him on his shoulders to an ice cliff. Here we see  a wooden table with a few bones left on it and a yellow banner with a picture of Danny's and (F/N)'s face on it as well as the words "All hail the Ghost Zone saviors!", as two yetis wearing goggles work on fixing the Specter Speeder with wielders and two other yetis carrying spears stand guard in front of the entrance of a cave.

Frostbite: This shrine is dedicated to you oh Great Ones!

We then see a few pictures of Danny and (F/N) inscribed on the cave wall.

Frostbite: This shrine is dedicated to you oh Great Ones!

We then see a few pictures of Danny and (F inscribed on the cave wall as you all saw the drawings on the cave.

Danny: So this is why they think me and (F/N) are the Ghost Zone's saviors, because we defeated the Ghost King!

(F/N): *Sees a picture of him and (F/N) pushing the ghost king in the sarcophagus* That's us trapping him in the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep!

Sam: Wow, in the world of freaky, hairy, frozen people with bad breath, you're both a legend!

(F/N): Yeah, and in the world of overbearing, 1950s styled parents who want their vegan goth daughter to be like them, you're a legend too Sam.

Tucker: Ohh! Burn!

The camera pans to the left as Frostbite moves towards them.

Frostbite: It is my hope that our humble tribute pleases you *bows*oh Great Ones.

Frostbite runs down into the cave followed by the trio until they reach a room where maps are hanging on the walls, several knick knacks are scattered and a purple glowing treasure chest with claw shaped lock sits on a pedestal in the middle of the room. Frostbite places the hand of his arm of ice into the lock causing the golden chest to open and a scroll to hover and the air.

Frostbite: Behold, the infi-map!

The camera cuts to the confused trio.

(F/N), Paulina, Tucker, Sam, and Danny: Infimap?

Frostbite: We have guarded it for millennia.

Frostbite presses a claw to the bottom of the glowing map causing it to unravel, exposing the green patterns and odd markings on it.

Camera cuts to Danny's stunned expression before cutting back to the map.

Frostbite: It can lead the wielder to any entrance of the Ghost Zone.

Taps a part of the map with his claw and several purple holographic doors appear in the room.

Danny: Any entrance? I thought our portal, (F/N)'s portal, and Vlad's portal were the only entrances.

Paulina: Wait, that guy has a ghost portal too?

(F/N): Yep.

Frostbite: Your world has many natural entrances to the Ghost Zone that only the infimap can reveal. For example...

A screen appears displaying a green glowing triangle hovering over the sea.

Frostbite: An area you call the Bermuda Triangle.

An airplane flies into the green triangle and the camera cuts to Sam.

Sam: That explains all the mysterious disappearances! Everything that comes in comes to the Ghost Zone!

Frostbite V.O: Travelers pass quickly through until they find their way back --

Scene changes to some place in the Ghost Zone where three ghosts fly across the screen. Then a triangular shaped portal appears and the plane from earlier flies out into the Ghost Zone. The two pilots glance at each other before turning their gaze forward again as another portal appears directly in front of them.

Frostbite: Yet not necessarily from the time period in which they left.

The pilots fly through this new portal. Almost immediately they fly into a pterodactyl causing the plane to shake and the pilots to look at each other terrified before looking down at their surroundings. Several dinosaurs are roaming the straw covered ground overlooked by a volcano.

Danny: So it not only takes you through Earth but time too?

One of the pilots pulls on the tiller causing the plane to swoop around the volcano back towards the portal.

Frostbite: The Ghost Zone is constantly shifting. Entrances can appear in many different periods . Most remain open for only a short time before closing forever.

The portal fizzes out of existence and the pilots stare wide-eyed with shock at the place where it just was as the plane flies towards the sun. The scene fades to a close-up of Frostbite's face.

Frostbite: In the wrong hands, the map could be very dangerous. *Camera zooms out to show everyone, Danny steps forward, and takes the map* And you must not stray from it's indicated path which *Close-up on Frostbite* is why I'll be escorting you home.

Danny: *Sam and Tucker stand by the side, holding a part of the map* Wow, thanks! Which way do we go?

Camera flickers back to Frostbite.

Frostbite: The map can read your mind. *Puts paw to chest* I shall simply speak where I wish to go and the map will take us there.

Camera returns to the trio.

Danny: You mean if I say "take us home" it'll take us--

The map immediately glows purple and a white dotted path line moves across the map from one area to the symbol resembling Danny's portal. The camera pans out to show the trio encompassed in an area of green light before the map jerks them away and through the cave at an extremely fast speed.

Frostbite: *Attempting to grab onto the map only to come up empty handed* Wait!

The map and the trio, who are going so fast they are represented by a green streak, fly out of the cave, down the steep descent, over several feet of snow, zooms past two yetis who turned their heads at the commotion, off the Far Frozen's island and hurdles into the Ghost Zone, passing several floating land masses as they do so and then the scene cuts to them being catapulted through the portal into the Fenton lab.

Tucker: Wow, that was better than the Vomit Vortex at Floody Waters!

(F/N): Never. Do that. Again.

(F/N) was about to fall over until Paulina supported her.

Paulina: *supports (F/N)* It's okay sweetie I got you.

(F/N): Thanks honey.

Paulina: Your welcome

Camera pans left to Danny who stops examining the map to look at Tucker and transforms

Danny: *Speaking in Sam's direction* See? I promised I'd get you home.

Sam: Frostbite didn't seem so keen on letting this out of his sight. We better get it back to him.

Paulina: Yeah, we don't want anyone to steal the map.

Danny: We will, But who says we can't check it out a bit. After all, me and (F/N) are the saviors of the Ghost Zone.

Tucker: Besides, who's gonna know?

(F/N): Hm let's see, Vlad, Valerie, Skulker, Ember, Spectra, the Box Ghost, Klemper, Technus, Johnny 13, the Lunch Lady ghost, Poindexter, Desiree, Walker, Bullet, Young Blood, Kitty, sort of, Shadow, the GIW-

Paulina: Vilgax, Sunder, Looma, Attea…

(F/N): Oh yeah them too, evil Danny from the future and-

Tucker: Okay! Forget I asked.

Meanwhile at a large house we see a checkerboard just as a piece is toppled and someone moves a horse chest piece. We then see Vlad Masters sporting his usual look.

Vlad: That's check and mate, Maddie.

We then see a white cat sitting there the whole time.

Vlad gets up from his purple armchair, looking dejected, as he stares outside from his window

Vlad: Oh Maddie, I'm bored.

We then see Maddie the cat jumps on the windowsill, pacing back and forth as Vlad strokes her.

Vlad: Splendid idea!

Vlad then grabs the remote control that was sitting on the table that's next to the sofa and lounges on the couch as Maddie jumps from the floor to the table to the couch.

Vlad: Watching TV to view others less fortunate than myself is the perfect pick me up!

We then see Vlad look up at Maddie who's rubbing against  his head.

Vlad: And remember, if anyone asks, you're my sister's cat.

Maddie Barks as they both turn their attention forward and Vlad presses a button.

On the TV, we see Michael Jackson being escorted by two policemen through a crowd of people.

Vlad: Now, let's see, shopping with sycophants. *Switches channels* Embarrassing celebrity arrests

The TV then switches to a feed of Danny's house.

Vlad: Ah, illegally spying on the Fenton family! My favorite!

With a press of a button, we get a glimpse of the Fenton's kitchen before the Fenton's ghost lab.

Vlad: I wonder what lame invention Jack has come up with this week.

On the TV, we see Danny run into the lab with the curled up scroll and transform into his Phantom form. (F/N), Paulina, Sam and Tucker run in to stand by his side as they look at the map as Vlad was shocked to see the Infi-map.

Vlad: It can't be!

Vlad practically flies from the couch to the bookshelf grabbing a purple book with a green decoration on the spine. He opens the book to a page with an illustration of the infi-map and the name of the object below.

Vlad: The infimap does exist and Daniel found it before I did! Drat!

Danny: *on screen* We take a quick trip, come home and send the map back. What's the harm?

Vlad: You'll go nowhere without me knowing your every move!

Vlad presses a button on the remote and the eyes of a robotic Vlad bug that has been sitting on one of the walls of the Fenton lab flashes and it's wings unfold from its shell. It flies down to where the trio is standing which is now right in front of the Ghost Zone. Its eyes focus on Sam's purple spider backpack and the words "Hiding place confirmed" flashes across the screen in blue. It lands on the bag and slides down into the mouth of the spider which is actually a pocket. The quintet stared at the map.

Danny: Map, take us to… *To the others* Hey where do we want to go anyway?

Tucker: I dunno. Anywhere would be--

The map glows purple and the dotted arrow line begins darting everywhere on the map. The trio, (F/N) and Paulina are encompassed in a purple aura before the map launches into the Ghost Zone dragging the yelling trio, (F/N) and Paulina with it first through several stone rings, in which we can see Pariah's keep and a yellow river.

Danny: According to the map this is the river of revulsion.

Tucker: Why is it called that?

Paulina: *Holds her nose* Besides the smell I mean.

As they come to the end of the river, a green lump monster with red eyes comes into sight. It burps, causing the quintet to be knocked backwards by the purple gas before the map drags them on through the green realm that is the Ghost Zone.

From there they enter a canyon looking place where the sides are pink with

thorns sticking out.

Danny: This is Carnivorous Canyon. The place is one big--

The walls shake and the map quickly jerks upwards.

Danny: MOUTH!

They fly out just as the walls of the gigantic mouth slam shut. The trio glance at each other terrified before Danny unravels the map and they land by a non triangular portal outlined by purple stone

Danny: Well, it's not exactly the Bermuda triangle.

Tucker: More like the Denver Dodecahedron.

Tucker bursts out laughing while you, Paulina, Danny and Sam stare at him confused.

(F/N): Wow, that pun is as bad as Sam's sour attitude and her mothball stench.

Sam: Hey!

Paulina: *laughs* Good one babe.

Tucker: *chuckles* Yeah and that was just a little Ghost Zone geometry humor.

Sam: Well it's not on the path. Frostbite said not to stray from the path.

Danny: Oh just for a second or two! We go in, look around, and get out before it closes! I promise!

The five jump in the portal which teleports them under someone's bed.

Little boy: Mom, are you sure there's no ghosts under my bed?

Here we see a woman wearing a white bonnet and a pink nightdress enters the scene, and sits on the bed.

Mom: Of course not, Billy. Remember what President Roosevelt said, "We have nothing to be afraid of besides fear itself!"

Danny and (F/N) then go intangible and poke their heads through the bed in full view of the people

Danny: Actually, it's "Nothing to fear but fear itself."

(F/N): Yeah get your facts right lady, you don't wanna mess up history.

The child and woman scream in terror as (F/N) and the others go back into the portal and back into the Ghost Zone.

Sam: Great, we scarred a child for life!

(F/N): No we didn't, we scarred a child and a mother for life, now that's a twofer *hi-fives Paulina* Thanks to Danny.

Danny: Yeah and I just wanted to make sure she didn't mess up the one historical quote I actually remember.

(F/N): Seriously, that's the only quote you remember?

Danny: Hey give me a break, history isn't my subject.

Danny unravels the map.

Danny: Well, are you guys up for finding another hidden--

We then see the white path arrow immediately scurries across the map to the next path,yanking the trio with it into a portal that appears right at that very second for them to fly into as we then see an old, colonial town and inside the clocktower we see a ghost portal open as (F/N) and the others peer at the surroundings from behind the structure.

Tucker: Cool, it's Thanksgiving!

We then see Two pilgrims walk forward, one being a man wearing the buckled hat and the old black and grey clothes as he walks next to a woman wearing a bonnet and a pale dress while carrying a basket.

Sam: No it's Salem, Massachusetts back in the sixteen hundreds.

Paulina: The paranoid villagers used to punish completely innocent people because they thought they were witches. *Sees Sam's surprised look* What? (F/N) and I watched a history documentary last night.

Tucker: How?

Sam: Oh no big deal, they just burned them to the stake.

Sam had barely finished saying this when a mob carrying pitchforks and torches rushed by on their way to a burning stake with a scarecrow dressed as a person.

They tie the scarecrow to the stake, toss some wood underneath it before standing in front of it with torches at the ready as we see a villager holding an hourglass.

Random Villager: Nice job, Joshua! That was your best time yet!

Tucker: I'm a big fan of barbecue but that's taking it too far!

Paulina: *Gasp* And I’m too pretty to be burned!

(F/N): Yeah no one is burning my girlfriend on my watch so let's not stay here for too long.

Danny: You're right, let's bail! The longer we're here, the more chance we have of messing something up.

Just as (F/N) and the others were about to leave Sam marches forward angrily towards the villagers.

Sam: Can't you people get a life!

Sam walks into a rope trap which immediately snaps, yanking Sam upwards and trapping her. Her backpack falls off and onto the ground.

(F/N), Danny, Paulina, and Tucker: Sam!

Sam: *struggling against the net* Let me go! I'm not a witch!

(F/N): Really? I mean with make up, and the black hair, and your clothes…

Sam: Not helping (F/N)!

(F/N): Hey I can't help it if you look like a witch.

A crowd of villagers with pitchforks gather below including one whose white hair tucked in a ponytail and facial look extremely familiar

Villager with ponytail: Don't listen to her!

Takes off hat to reveal that it's actually Vlad in villager clothes.

Vlad: She is a witch!

Vlad approaches Sam, holding a torch threateningly.

Vlad: And you know what we do to witches around here.

Here we see Sam is now tied up to a stake with angry villagers around with torches as Vlad was watching casually.

Vlad: Ah, mob mentality. Such a soothing sound.

We then see (F/N), Danny, Tucker, and Paulina hiding behind a building.

Danny: The portal is going to close soon!

Paulina: How the heck did Vlad find us anyway?!

(F/N), Paulina and Tucker then saw something on Sam's bag as it was revealed to be a tracking device.

(F/N): There on Sam's bag.

Paulina: An ugly bug?

Tucker: Tracking Device.

Sam: I'm not a witch! Are you people that paranoid! *realizes* Oh wait, Salem, sixteen hundreds, duh.

Danny hands Tucker the infimap before flying into the air to rescue Sam as you flew beside him.

Vlad: Right on cue.

Vlad: Behold! Two evil spirits come to rescue their dark mistress!

The crowd yells angrily pointing their pitchforks when someone hidden by their orange cloak jumps from the crowd before uncrossing their arms causing their cloak to flow down to reveal a person with an extreme likeness to Jack Fenton. He lands firmly on the ground displaying the basket full of red flowers he's carrying

Jack-like villager: Stand back, I pray thee! For I, John Fenton Nightingale, Salem's greatest witch whacker shall. shall vanquish these demons!

Tucker: Deja vu!

Paulina: No kidding.

John Fenton Nightingale runs around the stake, spreading the red flowers in a circle around Sam.

John Fenton Nightingale: This should vanquish quite nicely!

The flowers that fell to the ground and began emanating dark red swirls

Danny: Are you kidding with the -

(F/N) and Danny both slam into a painful barrier created by the flowers before crashing to the floor.

(F/N): Ow! What the heck was that?

We then see John Fenton Nightingale making a sandwich with the flowers and eating it.

John Fenton Nightingale: And it doth make it tasty treat! *takes a bite* Ah, my innards are now ghost free!

Vlad: Well done, John Fenton Nightingale!

Vlad stoops down so he's at eye level to (F/N) and  Danny as the two of you were  still on the ground.

Vlad: It's called blood blossom, you two. An ancient anti-ghost remedy and it looks it works on extraterrestrials too. Sort of like a primitive specter deflector. It's delightfully quaint.

Vlad grabs (F/N) and  Danny off the ground by your shirts and lifts them  high into the air so all the crowd can see.

Vlad: Observe! The spirits are vanquished!

Vlad then shoves (F/N) and Danny into the circle of blood blossoms, ignoring his screams. (F/N) and  Danny fell to the ground withering and yelling in pain before Sam.

Sam: Danny!

Paulina: (F/N)!

Tucker runs forward to help (F/N) and Danny and Vlad snatches the map out of his hands as Tucker runs past.

Vlad: I thanketh thee.

Tucker stops short of Danny realizing what Vlad had done. Tucker whirls around as Vlad transforms and begins to fly off. He picks up Sam's backpack, removes the tracking bug, and throws it at Vlad so it lands on his cape before Vlad turns intangible. Vlad phases through the wall of the clock tower to stand beside the portal. He unravels it so several purple doors appear.

Vlad: Incredible! It's even more beautiful than I'd imagined! And if the legends are true, *to the map* Take me to my destiny!

The path arrow darts across the map before quickly stopping at a location. It surrounds Vlad in a pink aura before Vlad and the map vanishes through the portal. Meanwhile we see (F/N) and Danny screaming in pain.

Sam: Tucker, (F/N) and Paulina have to get Danny and (F/N) out of the circle

Tucker runs forward and drags Danny out of the circle of blood blossoms and Paulina does the same to you however (F/N) and  Danny still continues to scream and thrash.

Tucker: It's still hurting them!

Sam: Then get rid of it!

Tucker: How?!

Paulina then remembers something.

Paulina: Wait that guy said these flowers are edible *to Tucker*  Tucker, you've got to eat all the blood blossoms.

Tucker: *shocked* Me?! I've never eaten a vegetable in my life!

We then see (F/N) and Danny still screaming in pain as it becomes louder.

Tucker looks back and forth before stuffing a flower into his mouth while holding his nose. He crawls forward, picking the flowers off the ground and eating them and Paulina does the same while (F/N) and Danny scream in the background.

They slowly make their way around the circle till he reaches (F/N) and Danny, and Tucker eats the last blood blossom and collapses next to (F/N) and Danny who are no longer in pain.

Danny: Thanks Tuck.

(F/N): Yeah, and thank you Paulina.

Paulina: Your welcome honey *kisses (F/N)*

Tucker: And you two owe me for this one *burps* dude!

The villagers surround them with pitchforks, planning on spearing them.

Tucker: And you can pay me back right now.

Danny grabs on to Tucker and you do the same with Paulina as Danny flies them far above the spears before zipping over to Sam and phasing her through the ropes as you throw an ecto bomb at the crowd scaring them and you blast Fenton Nightingale injuring him. They fly through the clock tower and land right next to the portal

Danny: Vlad has the map, he could be anywhere!

We then see Tucker on his PDA who's pressing some buttons on it.

Tucker: Fear not! All I have to do is calibrate my PDA to his tracking device frequency, and we can follow him wherever he goes!

On the PDA, we see it shows a smaller version of the Ghost Zone including white dot representing Vlad. Danny grabs on to his two friends and they fly through the portal. Cut to them flying in the Ghost Zone with Tucker tapping away at his PDA

Sam: I'm curious to see how a body that's never eaten any roughage reacts when 30 pounds of it is suddenly introduced.

Paulina: Me too.

(F/N): Same here, since you never eat veggies.

Tucker: Don't get your hopes up you three, we Foleys can handle anything.

Tucker's stomach lets out a growling noise

Tucker: And we'll talk about it more once I hit a restroom.

Tucker's PDA starts beeping

Tucker: He's in there!

The quintet flies into a portal surrounded by a roman-like arch structure as we see (F/N) and the others jumping into the portal and into a colosseum.

Sam: Whoa, we're in Rome!

We see Tucker whose hands are on his stomach

Tucker: They had bathrooms, right?

(F/N): Uh, no they did not.

Paulina: At least Vlad isn't here.

Three identical heralds sitting among the rows, carting golden horns blow into their instruments signaling the arrival of the ruler.

The heralds: All hail Vladius Plasmiudius!

A giant poster with a silhouette of Vlad's head rolls down with "Vlad" written in red. The crowd raises their hands high in admiration and the quintet looks up. Floating in front of two flames is Vlad wearing a wreath of golden leaves.

Vlad: You're alive?! Unbelievable!

Danny: Not as unbelievable as this! What have you done here, Plasmius?

Vlad: Welcome to my destiny, Daniel! It seems I was meant to rule after all! Funny, all I had to do was float a bit and these Romans hailed me as a deity!

Danny: Stay as long as you want. Just give me the map, you don't understand how powerful it is!

Vlad: You dare lecture me about power? Release the lions!

We then see  a wooden gate that are pull upwards just a lion leaps out of the clearing, one for each of the four gated doorways. Danny draws his friends close as the beasts stalk near, surrounding them.

Tucker: Now I really have to go to the bathroom!

We see Danny standing there terrified, his arms stretched in front of his friends as the lions move closer. Meanwhile, we see Vlad fly out of the arena and onto a throne of blue and gold while clenching the Infi-map.

Vlad: Ah, looks like someone forgot to feed the kitties this morning! Oh well better late than never!

One of the lions runs straight at the quintet, mouth agape and jumps into the air only for the quintet  to go intangible and phase into the ground, the lion landing where they were just a moment ago.

Vlad: I love a good mauling, don't you?

Vlad turns to three armored guards on his right for a response, only to be answered with the guard swinging an ax at Vlad, and one trying to stab him, and the other trying to punch him destroying the throne however Vlad floats high above it's reach. The guards removed their masks to reveal it's (F/N), Paulina, and Danny.

Danny: I'm more of a pummeling guy myself.

(Y/N): Same here.

(F/N), Paulina and Danny phase through the suits which collapse between Sam, Paulina and Tucker as (F/N), Paulina, and Danny fly up towards Plasmius. Plasmius shoots ectoplasmic energy blasts at Danny from his fists as you block it from and bounces away from him and  Danny dodges past the other blasts which damage several of the buildings behind Danny.

However some of the blasts make contact

and (F/N), Paulina, and Danny are thrown backwards.

Vlad: You can't stop me, Daniel and (F/N), and Ms. Sanchez. The map shall take me  to every realm and in every realm I shall rule!

(F/N): Are you sure about that?

Danny: Yeah some ruler!

Paulina: You just set your entire kingdom on fire!

Danny gestures at the ground behind him with his thumb where several purple flames created by Vlad's ecto blasts are consuming the buildings below. Plasmius glances down where angry Roman citizens are pointing and yelling at him.

Roman citizens: He's destroying the city, we shall destroy him!

Vlad: Very well, you might have thwarted my plans here, Daniel but many other kingdoms await my genius!

We then see Vlad unroll the map so it blocks the camera for a second before it flies him off towards the portal with Danny on his tail. Sam, Paulina  and Tucker gasp and run towards the portal as you, Vlad and Danny disappear through it causing them to dive in. The portal closes behind them leaving the pouncing lions clawing at the ground. We then see you, Paulina, Sam, Tucker, and Danny floating alone in the Ghost Zone surrounded by doors.

(F/N) and Paulina: Where is he now?

We see Tucker typing on his PDA.

Tucker: *points to a door* Up there!

Tucker points to somewhere as we see an old wooden cabinet among the purple glowing doors. Here in a  pillared structure decorated with red symbols. A man wearing an orange uniform falls to the ground in front of a familiar form, behind which we can see several other similarly dressed injured people. We then see

Vlad's pink glowing fists and face.

Vlad: I've defeated all your best Monk warriors, now take me to your palace!

We see the orange dressed warriors clenching part of their bodies in pain or struggling to get up.

Vlad: My rule will begin immediately.

(F/N), Paulina and Unknown voice: Still three more you must vanquish.

We then see two figures shrouded in black robes standing atop a gong with a sword at both of their sides behind the wounded warriors who have turned to look.

Vlad: Too easy.

Vlad slams his sword to his ground before dragging it with such force that a large portion of the stone floor ruptures and flies towards the gong causing the warriors in its path to scurry out of the way frantically. The figures, on the other hand, leaps high into the air and out of harm's way, tipping their heads as he and the other warrior does so his familiar green eyes and the other's familiar brown eyes can be seen. Vlad then emerges from the dust stirred up by his first attack and proceeds to slice the two people into several pieces with no resistance confusing him.

That is until Vlad looks up to see (F/N), Paulina, and Danny hurtling towards him and Danny clutching his sword and you doing the same after having phased through the costume.

Vlad raises his sword blocking (F/N), Paulina (As Diamondhead), and Danny's first attack and sword play commences until all three swords lock together with each trying to rival the other's strength and push them back.

However the four of them break the lock by dropping to the ground onto the two largest pieces of the destroyed stone among which a broken vase is seen.

The warriors immediately surrounded Vlad, pointing sharp swords and a spear.

Leader warrior: You have dishonored our priceless treasures, we shall never obey you!

We then see a broken vase by Danny's feet, and the three of them smiling.

(F/N): Guess some people are smart enough not to listen to you Plasmius.

Paulina: Yeah, cause you're a fruitloop.

Danny: Yeah see what happens when you play ball in the house?

Vlad clenches his fists and lets out a frustrated yell

Vlad: Try as you might, you three,  you will not stop me from achieving my destiny!

Vlad flings the map open and it flies him through a new, convenient portal. (F/N), Paulina and  Danny pause at the edge of said portal to call Sam and Tucker.

Danny: Come on, guys.

(F/N): Yeah we don't wanna lose him.

We then see Sam peek out from behind a pillar and we then see an outhouse with a moon symbol, where after a flushing noise, Tucker emerges, pointing his thumb behind him.

Tucker: Wow, the toilet paper had my fortune on it!

A hand, probably Sam's as it's wearing a black wristband, grabs

Tucker and the scene changes to show the Wright brothers' airplane flying low above the color muted landscape. However flying not so far behind is a familiar halfa.

Vlad: If I can destroy the world's first airplane, then man will never fly and I can rule the world from the air!

Vlad flies above the aircraft and shoots an ectoblast through both layers of the right wing. The plane instantly starts losing altitude much to the pilot's terror. We then see (F/N), Paulina, and Danny flying through the air and invisibly supporting the faltering airplane till it safely reaches the ground. The crowd cheers and a man wearing a bowler hat goes up to congratulate the pilot .

Man: Congratulations, Orville!

Photographer: Smile boys!

We see Vlad, floating in the air and frowning as a photographer takes a picture of the Orville brothers standing in front of the plane with (F/N), Paulina (As Ghostfreak),  and Danny standing invisibly behind the two men. We then see Vlad hurtling through the Ghost Zone with the quintet tailing him.

Vlad: Fiddle faddle! Everywhere I turn you're there! It's like having ectoplasmic gum on my shoe! Very well, since you intend to plague me no matter where I go.

Vlad shoots a pink ectoball at the trio which entraps them.

Danny: Just give us the map, Plasmius!

Sam: It's not meant for you!

(F/N): It never was!

Paulina: Yeah you tyrant!

Vlad: Oh, but that's where you're wrong. This map is going to take me to my destiny or I will destroy it forever. *to the map* Now map if you know what's good for me, and for you, take me to my destiny!

Vlad holds the unfolded map over his head and speeds off temporarily leaving a pink zigzag in his wake.  We then see Danny whose fists glow in the pink ectoball as he prepares to shoot an ectoblast while speaking to Tucker.

Danny:  I can get us out of this, but where'd he go, Tucker?

Tucker pressed some buttons on his PDA before looking up surprised.

Tucker: Oh wow.

Paulina: What is it? *sees the location* Wow.

(F/N): *sees the location* He is so busted.

We then see Vlad emerging from a green portal indented on the side of a snowy wall.

Vlad: Yes, free to finally rule in peace!

We then see Vlad's face, his mouth agape and eyes wide in

surprise as we see a familiar empty tundra.

Vlad: B-But there's nothing to rule here!

We see Vlad swooping over the snow, angrily

Vlad: Nothing but ice, snow and hopelessness!

Vlad makes a sound of disgust when suddenly a large shadow looms over him causing him to whip around

Frostbite: I disagree.

We then see Frostbite with two other yetis backing him.

Frostbite: And I'd appreciate the prompt return of our map.

Vlad: This map is mine, you abominable snow freak! Forever!

We then see Frostbite and the other yeti's start glowing icy blue  as we hear an explosion. Later, we see (F/N), Paulina, and  Danny standing outside the repaired Specter Speeder.

Danny: Sorry that got so out of hand.

(F/N): Yeah, our bad but to be fair it was mostly Danny's fault. And Sam's too.

Danny and Sam: Hey!

Paulina: Well (F/N) isn't really wrong.

Danny: Okay fair enough, but once again I'm so sorry things got out of hand.

Frostbite: No need for apologies, Great One and no harm done. The map is mysterious. Though it can take you where you wish to go, it sometimes takes users to where it feels they need to go.

Paulina: Like how it brought Vlad here so you could get it back?

We then see Frostbite, whose expression turns into one of affirmation and satisfaction. Later we see a repaired specter speeder with Tucker in the driver's seat and Sam sitting next to him along with (F/N) and Paulina with (F/N) next to Paulina.

Tucker: Let's get home. This time I inputted the directions into my PDA.

(F/N): Thank goodness. At least someone's good with directions.

Paulina: Now we won't get lost.

Danny takes a few steps towards the specter speeder before stopping and turning slightly.

(F/N), Paulina, Sam, Tucker and Danny: Thanks for everything!

Frostbite: Thank you, Danny Phantom and Jenifer Tennyson, for everything we still have.

Frostbite grasps his hands together in the shape of a heart and the rest of the surrounding yetis mimic this gesture of gratitude

Frostbite: Here you are always welcome.

Danny floats into the Specter Speeder and Tucker waves at the Yetis.

Tucker: And thanks for letting me use the restroom but two words of advice; seat warmers.

Tucker points at them with double finger guns and the door closes.

Cut to the boosters on the Specter Speeder, which power up and shoot the vehicle up and out of sight. We then see a side view of a Yetis face.

Unnamed yeti:  Will they ever return?

Frostbite: Indeed he will. He shares more in common with us than he realizes. But the girl has already Mastered her ability.

Later in city hall, we see a pigeon fly and joins two others on top of the building. A large crowd talks below as a man, wearing a grey pantsuit and blue striped tie, emerges. He walks up to the podium.

Man: As deputy mayor, it gives me great pride to dedicate this status of the new mayor to the town of Amity Park.

We then see the crowd as they cheer and a few citizens wave their hands in excitement. We then see the quintet and Danny's family.

Here we see (F/N), Roxie , Paulina and Danny facepalm, seeing Jack's excitement over a statue of Vlad.

The deputy mayor pulls the red cover off the statue. Cut to the crowd, which cheers in happiness as we see Jack Fenton, whose wiping fears from his eyes

Jack: It's so lifelike! I feel like it's looking right through me. As though it understands my every emotion!

(F/N): Dad, you do know that- *sighs* you know what nevermind you do you.

Sam: You think Vlad will ever find his destiny?

Danny: Maybe.

(F/N): But for now, I'd say his dreams are on ice!

Paulina: *giggles* Good one sweetie, *kisses you on the lips*

Sam: Well my lunch is officially gonna be gone seeing that.

(F/N): Oh come on there's nothing wrong with showing public affection, *kisses Paulina on lips* see.

Sam: Ugh seriously do you ever get sick of locking lips.

(F/N) and Paulina: Hmmm, nope.

Sam: Ugh I need to go somewhere dark and stay for a couple of days.

We then see a pigeon land on Vlad, who follows it with his eyes. A second one lands on his left shoulder. Then a third one lands on his head, turning his butt to the camera, implying that he attends to defecate on ice Vlad. We then see the quintet as Danny lets out a sound of surprise and disgust.

Tucker: Oh, boy, that reminds me!

Tucker rushed through the crowd, which split apart to let him through. He runs into an outhouse.

Tucker: Curse you, vegetables!

Later that night, we see (F/N), Roxie  and Paulina at their house in the living room.

(F/N): Man, talk about a crazy day.

Roxie: *Barks*

Paulina: Tell me about it. Is this what it's like for you all the time?

(F/N): Yeah, ever since that road trip with my grandpa, me Ben and Gwen have delt with a lot of stuff, crazy aliens, magic, demons, mad scientists etc. But we can handle it together.

Paulina: *Chuckles* True, *eats some bean chips* Mmm, but we can always get through it like we always do.

(F/N): True, *notices Paulina eating bean chips* uh honey, are you eating bean chips?

Paulina: *While eating* Yep, why?

(F/N): And just moments ago, you ate blood blossoms that can harm ghosts and did a number on Tucker's digestive system.

Paulina: Yeah, and don't worry I'm fine.

(F/N): Good to know, but remember the last time you had bean chips?

Paulina: Oh come on sweetie, that was one time, it won't happen-


Paulina was cut off when she accidentally let loose the most loudest fart on Earth as (F/N) and Roxie  took cover as it shattered a window and stench went outside.

Paulina: -Again. *Blushes* Hehe, sorry sweetie.

(F/N): *Comes up from her hiding spot* It's okay hun, farting is natural, although that gas bomb was not.

Paulina: Heh, thanks, I think this was bigger than the last one.

Roxie : *Barks*

(F/N): Yeah, thank goodness it didn't do any real damage.

???1: *Off-screen* My eyes!!

???2:  *Off-screen* It stinks so bad!

(F/N): Like I said, no real damage.

Paulina: *Giggles* True, *snaps her fingers fixing the window* Now let's get to bed, and take an anti-gas pill.

(F/N): Good call.

Next: Chapter 56: Tummy Trouble

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