Chapter 56: Tummy Trouble

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Here In a warehouse, Ben, (F/N), Paulina, and Rook are hanging from the ceiling, upside-down and bound by pink tape. They hang over a large cat bed filled with felines. A young woman with cat-like apparel walks up to the two.

Nyancy: Cat's out of the bag, Tennyson! Thanks to my meow-meow militia, Bellwood's about to rub up on its new master- Nyancy Chan!

Nyancy lifts three cats up from the bed, revealing that they are hypnotized by her. She lets them climb onto Ben's face, before continuing their ascent. Ben spits out cat hair.

Ben: Which one is she again?

Rook: The woman who controls cats.

Ben: Right. Cat lady.

(F/N): Is that just a little gimmicky?

Rook: On the contrary. I find her strangely compelling.

Paulina: Can we take care of this quick? Me and (F/N) have a date today.

Ben: Okay. Let's do this. *to Nyancy* Better hope they don't have squirt bottles in the Null Void, Nyancy.

Rook tears one of his arms free of the tape and uses a razor from his Proto-Tool to cut himself, (F/N), Paulina,and Ben loose. They and the cats land safely on the ground, and the cats run away.

Rook: Because you have been a bad kitty.

Nyancy: Cry havoc! And let slip the cats of war!

A nearby cage containing a group of tigers opens, and they begin to approach Ben, (F/N), Paulina, and Rook.

Ben: You pick, guys. The lady or the tigers?

Paulina turns into Rath as she and Rook leaps over the tigers and tackles Nyancy to the ground.

Nyancy: *gasps*. Ugh! Meow! *sits up; bats eyes* You two don't really want to arrest me, do you?

Rook and Paulina(As Rath): *spaced out* We do not want to arrest you.

Meanwhile, the tigers walk towards Ben and (F/N). He activates the Omnitrix.

(F/N): Just two tigers?

Ben: Huh, I won't even need my heavy hitters.

Ben transforms into Perk Upchuck and (F/N) turns into Murk Upchuck.

Ben: *As Upchuck* Just my big eaters.

Ben and (F/N) devour the tigers, but quickly regurgitates them. Covered in green saliva, the tigers begin to lick themselves clean. Nearby, Rook and Paulina fall victim to Nyancy's hypnosis.

Nyancy: You'll both help me escape, meow-meow. But first, beat Ben and Jen Tennyson to a pulp!

Ben and (F/N) turn around, surprised.

Rook: I am...not nearly as hypnotized as that.

Paulina: *As Rath* Same here Rook Blonko, alien teammate and friend of Ben who doesn't speak contractions!

Nyancy: What?! But I control cats.

Rook: Yes, and I am catlike. But, no.

Paulina: *As Rath* And I took meditation lessons from (F/N) Jenifer Tennyson, wielder of the Ultimatrix and girlfriend to Rath!

Nyancy turns her back on Rook as he and Paulina stand up.

Nyancy: Well, fiddlesticks!

Later, some Plumbers take the now-handcuffed Nyancy away on a Plumber Ship.

Nyancy: A galactic tribunal? *sputtering* Boy, you try to take over one city...

Molly Gunther : Keep moving.

Rook, (F/N), Paulina, and Ben watch from afar, as the Plumber Ship flies off.

Rook: Are you okay, Ben? It cannot be wise to swallow tigers whole, even for a moment.

Paulina: Yeah, what about you sweetie? Are you okay?

(F/N): *As Upchuck* Upchuck is a bottomless pit, I'm a-okay here.

Ben: *As Upchuck* And when I'm Upchuck, I eat punks like those for breakfast.

Ben's and (F/N)'s suddenly try to vomit, and they groan.

Rook: I see.

Paulina: Ookay.

Ben's and (F/N) eyes begin to glow.

Ben: *As Upchuck* No. Something's wrong.

(F/N): *As Upchuck* As if millions of stomachs suddenly cried out in hunger.

Ben and (F/N) then fall on their  backs and time out, reverting back to normal.

Rook: Ben!

Paulina: Jen!

Ben: *Groans* Come on, guys. Road trip.

We later see (F/N), Paulina, Ben and Rook travel through space in the Proto-TRUK.

Rook: Peptos XI.

Ben: Home world of the Upchucks.

Rook: According to the Alien Life-Form Database, there are two distinct subspecies of Gourmand- the Murks and the Perks.

Rook brings up a display on the dashboard showcasing two Gourmands. One is a brownish green with spots and an underbite (resembling Upchuck in Alien Force and Ultimate Alien), while the other is neon green with a curled tail (resembling Upchuck in the Original Series).

Ben: Anything that explains me and (F/N)'s stomach ache?

Rook: Gourmands share a swarm gastronomy.

Ben: Anything that explains what you just said?

Rook: Swarm gastronomy- all Gourmands' stomachs link to a trans-spatial bladder dimension. How else do you think they can eat that much?

Paulina: Um what?

(F/N): They have a giant pocket dimension in their stomachs.

Ben and Paulina: Gross!

Rook: It is a big universe, Ben. Full of wonder and variety and...yes, incredible grossness.

The Proto-TRUK suddenly enters a field of pink rocks. One slams into the Proto-TRUK's windshield.

Ben: What was that?!

Rook: Some kind of debris field. Hold on!

Rook maneuvers the Proto-TRUK away from the debris.

Ben: Rook, is it just me, or do those look like...?

Paulina: Pieces of Peptos XI.

Rook: We have only a few suspects to consider- Vilgax, Aggregor...perhaps the Highbreed at one time.

(F/N): Nah, they wouldn't destroy this planet for a reason, it's gotta be someone else doing this.

Paulina: Well who else would wanna destroy a planet of competitive eaters who don't get hungry at all.

Something unexpectedly attacks the Proto-TRUK from behind. Several Incursean ships fire on the Proto-TRUK. One of the Incurseans speaks on a screen to Ben and Rook.

Rana: Unknown vessel, this is Lieutenant Rana of the celebrated Calaveras Legion. Prepare for glorious destruction at the hands of the Incursean empire!

Paulina: Who was that?

Ben: Or it could be the Incurseans.

Rook: I was coming to them.

Ben: What are they doing here?

The Incurseans fire on the Proto-TRUK again.

Rook: Excellent question. I suggest we not stick around to find out.

Rook flies the Proto-TRUK away from the Incursean ships.

Ben: *activating the Omnitrix* I don't know. A little space battle sounds right up me and (F/N)'s alley.

(F/N): Same here.

The Proto-TRUK flies behind the Incursean ships, and fires at one, taking it out.

Rook: Ben, that would be unwise.

Ben: Jetray's got it covered.

Ben transforms into Big Chill and (F/N) turns into Big Chill and Paulina does the same.

Ben: *As Big Chill* Or, Big Chill, I guess.

The alien trio turn intangible and flies out of the Proto-TRUK.

Rook: And so it begins.

Ben, (F/N) and Paulina spews their ice breath on two passing Incursean ships. A third ship fires at him, but he dives out of sight. Ben quickly reappears on the ship's windshield, scaring the Incursean pilot.

Ben: *As Big Chill* *looking at the dashboard*  These, your controls?

(F/N) reaches into the ship and freezes the controls, causing the ship to explode and careen. He flies back into the Proto-TRUK, and reverts back to Ben.

Ben: There. Was that so unwise?

Rook struggles to control the Proto-TRUK, which is damaged.

Ben: *Pointing* Anyway, there's a planet over there that's still in one piece.

Rook flies the Proto-TRUK down to Peptos XI, but the Proto-TRUK is smoking, shaking, and has an alarm blaring.

Rook: We have taken several hits. I do not know whether this vehicle can survive the strain of re-entry.

The Proto-TRUK plummets, crashing on Peptos XI. The engine is heard powering down.

Paulina: Woo-hoo! We did it!

Ben: Awesome! We did it, everyone!

Rook: Computer, set a reminder to review Earth grammar. I may not fully understand the pronoun "we".

Ben and Rook observe the destroyed Proto-TRUK.

Ben: Come on. The Upchucks have got to be around here somewhere.

The two walk and eventually stumble upon two groups of Gourmands and some Incursean spaceships.

Rook: Upchuck's stomach was warning us of a full-scale invasion.

Paulina: By the Incursions.

Some Murk Gourmands go on the attack, disarming Incursean soldiers of their weapons. One Incursean is than tackled, while another has his blaster spat back out at him in the form of a loogie. One Murk Gourmand uses his tongues to grab an Incursean and swing him into his allies. A similar tactic is performed by two others, with one latching onto another with their tongues to make a flail. Meanwhile, a Perk Gourmand bashes an Incursean over the head with his massive spoon before kicking him to the ground. Ben and Rook watch as a Murk Gourmand tries to evade fire from the Incurseans. However, he is knocked down and surrounded by Incurseans. He sits up and surrenders. Ben then leaps into action to save him, dialing in Echo Echo. He splits into two and lifts the Gourmand up while (F/N) turns into Kickin' Hawk and Paulina turns into Diamondhead and fights off the incursions.

Private Brownbag: Aah!

As Echo Echo escapes with the Gourmand, Rook jumps in to take their place. He bashes two Incurseans' heads into each other, and axe-kicks another. The other Incurseans try firing at Echo Echo, but he creates a third clone, who then summons four more copies.

Ben: *As Echo Echos* You frogs. Are in. Deep trouble.

The five Echo Echos use their sonic screams to knock back the Incurseans. They fuse back into one and run away. One Incursean tries to shoot at him, but Rook jumps on his back, taking him down. The Echo Echo clone re-fuses with one of the Echo Echos, still carrying the Murk Gourmand.

Private Brownbag: Hey! Let go!

Ben: *As Echo Echo #1: Don't-

Ben: *As Echo Echo #2* Worry!

Ben: *As Echo Echo #1: We'll get-

Ben: *As Echo Echo #2*.You back-

Ben: *As Echo Echo #1* To your-

Ben: *Echo Echo #2* Group.

The Echo Echos toss Private Brownbag to the Perk Gourmands and revert back to Ben.

Ben: No need to thank me.

Private Brownbag: What are you, crazy?! I'm a Murk! You just returned me to the Perks!

The Perk Gourmands point their spoons at Ben.

The Perk Gourmands surround Ben, (F/N), Paulina, and Rook.

Perk Gourmand #1: Where'd you get these off-worlders, Murk?

Perk Gourmand #2: What are you, consorting with the enemy?!

Private Brown Bag: Ah, blow it out your gullet, Perk! That's Ben and Jen Tennyson! And her mate, Paulina Sanchez!

Ben nervously waves and points to his Omnitrix and (F/N) waves too and so does Paulina.

The Gourmands bring Ben, (F/N), Paulina, and Rook to a partially-underground amphitheater, filled with both types of Gourmands. On a stage in the center is a Murk Gourmand and Perk Gourmand, arguing.

Cast Iron: It's time to act. You Perks think too much, Cookmeister!

Cookmeister: You Murks act too much, Cast Iron!

The Gourmand crowd join in.

Murk Gourmand #1: Yeah! Just like a Perk!

Murk Gourmand #2: Just like a Perk!

Perk Gourmand #3: Who you calling Perk, Murk?!

Ben: *to Private Brownbag* You sure that the Incursean Empire is your enemy?

Paulina: Because it looks like you guys are gonna start a war.

Private Brownbag: I know! Aren't they infuriating? Private Brownbag. Appreciate the assist back there, even if you did muck it up. *shakes hands with Ben, (F/N), Paulina and Rook*

Ben: What's going on here?

Private Brownbag: This? Brass is having it out. Queen Rumbletum was captured by an Incursean raid last night.

Cookmeister: The Murk's got no head for this fight. We got to execute Plan Omega before it's too late! There's way too much at stake!

All Gourmands: Mmm! Steak...

Paulina: He said "Stake" not "steak"

All Gourmands: Mmm! Steak…

Rook (to Private Brownbag) Plan Omega?

Private Brownbag The big one. Only the queen can order it.

The Gourmands all start to talk over themselves.

Cast Iron & Cookmeister Order! Quiet!

Ben and (F/N) gets an idea and  transforms into Murk Upchuck and (F/N) turns into Perk Upchuck. They both join the Gourmands in the stands.

Ben: *As Murk Upchuck* Hey! Quiet down, you!

(F/N): *As Perk Upchuck* Yeah, quiet! Let's hear 'em talk!

Ben and (F/N) walk up to Cast Iron and Cookmeister before reverting back to normal.

Ben: *waving* Hey, Ben Tennyson-

(F/N): And Jen Tennyson.

(F/N) and Ben: Saved the universe a few times.

The Gourmands gasp at his sudden presence and pipe down.

Ben: Some of us are Perks, some of us are Murks. So what? I'm human and my partner's a Revonnahgander. We don't see eye-to-eye, but we work it out.

(F/N): Ben's right, I'm an anodite Osmosian Hybrid and my girlfriend is human, and sure were different but that doesn't mean we listen to each other.

Cast Iron: I'm leading a mission to get the queen back today.

Ben: *pumps fist* Yeah! Who's with us?!

(F/N): I am!

Cookmeisterv You got to be kidding me! If we're not going to execute Plan Omega, then we attack the enemy directly!

Perk Gourmands: Yeah!

Rook and Paulina join Cookmeister on the podium.

Rook: That is much less risky and it leaves our options open.

Paulina: And to think of a good plan to save the queen.

(F/N): But we don't have time to think.

Ben: Dude, they took the Upchuck's queen.

Murk Gourmands: Yeah!

Rook: If the Incurseans win, the queen will have no country.

Perk Gourmands: Yeah!

Ben: Great. Let's do it my way.

Rook: No, Ben.

Ben: Huh?

Rook: My mind is made up.

Paulina: Mine too.

Ben: Well, so is mine.

(F/N): Same here.

Ben, (F/N), Paulina, Rook and their respective Gourmands go their separate ways.

Ben and (F/N): Hey!

Rook and Paulina turn around.

Ben: Good luck, man.

Rook: To you, as well.

(F/N): Stay safe babe.

Paulina: *Smiles* You too sweetie.

Ben, (F/N), Paulina and Rook continue their treks.

On an Incursean ship, Attea enters a room.

Attea: Raff! Raff!

Raff walks in from behind her.

Raff: Right here, Princess Attea.

Attea: What did you call me?

Raff: Forgive me, General Attea, Princess, Scion, and Teen Supreme of the deathless Incursean Empire, Highest Commander of the celebrated Calaveras Legion.

Attea: Better! Make yourself useful and call my daddy. Tell him my moment of glory is at hand.

Raff: Far be it from me to correct you, Highest Commander, but the Gourmand army is more resilient than expected.

Attea: I am leading this fleet, Raff, not you! Get the queen!

Later, two Incursean soldiers drop Queen Rumbletum before Attea.

Queen Rumbletum: *grunts* Well, hello. I've been planning the most wonderful victory banquet.

Attea: You're gonna sign this planet over to me, barfbag, or you will pay the price.

Queen Rumbletum: Ooh! Ha! That does it! You shan't be invited!

Outside the Incursean ship, the Murk Gourmands propel themselves out of the Proto-TRUK and into the ship with their belches.

Inside the Incursean ship, two Incurseans take Queen Rumbletum down a hallway.

Queen Rumbletum: Unhand my royal person! I have seating charts to make! *grunting* Oh! Ooh! Where are you taking me?

On the floor below, a door opens behind two Incurseans soldiers, who are blindsided by the Murk Gourmands. They continue their raid of the building, only to be stopped by an Incursean, who readies his blaster. He is then blasted by (F/N), who is in her anodite form, and frozen by Ben, who is Big Chill, who phases through the wall.

Ben: *As Big Chill*  Piece of cake.

Murk Gourmands: Mmm! Cake!

Ben and (F/N) facepalm. Ben freezes an Incursean running towards a communications station.

Ben: *As Big Chill*  Now, that's cold-blooded.

(F/N): *Chuckles* Nice one.

The speaker on the communications station activates.

Raff: Who's there?

Ben changes back.

Raff: Guard station 19. Report!

Ben: Uh, this is guard station 19.

Raff: This is Commander Raff. Is everything all right there?

Ben: Oh, yeah, great. Uh, we're all great here. Ribbit, and uh...

The Murk Gourmands and (F/N) collectively groan.

Ben: Well, just ribbit, and just, you know, super psyched for...the Emperor. Go, war!

The Murk Gourmands all gasp.

(F/N): *Whispers* He's joking.

The Murk Gourmands sigh in relief.

Raff: Well, stay alert. Raff out.

Everyone sighs of relief.

Ben, (F/N), and the Murk Gourmands continue their mission.

Ben: Last time me and (F/N) were  on an Incursean ship, the holding cell was...this way.

Ben and (F/N) notices the Murk Gourmands eating at the inner workings of the ship. One tries to hide his partially-eaten pipe, and Ben and (F/N) just shakes their heads.

Later, two more Incursean soldiers are taken out by Murk Gourmands. They pick up the Incurseans' blasters. They open a doorway and enter another room.

Cast Iron: Stay frosty, Murks.

Murk Gourmands: Mmm! Frosting!

Murk Gourmand #3: *pointingz Sergeant Cast Iron!

Everyone looks upwards to see Queen Rumbletum encased in a beam of light.

Cast Iron: She's in stasis! *to Murk Gourmand* Get her out of there!

The Murk Gourmand repeatedly smashes the controls with his fork, disabling the stasis. The queen falls to the ground.

Cast Iron: Get back! Give the queen some air!

Queen Rumbletum: Ooh! Oh! What happened?

Cast Iron: Don't worry, your highness. We'll get you out of here.

Attea: Ben and Jen Tennyson!

Attea and several Incursean soldiers block the doorway.

Attea: Did you really think you could sneak aboard my ship without my knowing?

Ben: Wait. Attea?

Attea: Uh-huh. Older and wiser.

(F/N): Older is right, I can see some wrinkles on your face. *Laughs*

Attea: Hey! *Composes herself* Now stand down, all of you! I'm only saving this once.

Ben transforms into Spidermonkey and  (F/N) does the same as Ben picks up Queen Rumbletum.

Ben: *As Spidermonkey* *chitters* Don't have to tell us twice!

Ben and (F/N) make a run for it.

Cast Iron: *to Murk Gourmands* Attack!

Ben and (F/N) evade the fire from the Incursean soldiers as a Murk Gourmand eats one and spits it back out. Spidermonkey jumps around Attea, followed by the Murk Gourmands.

Attea: No!

Attea chases Ben and (F/N) and the Gourmands down the halls of the ship, but is met by fire from the blasters that the Murk Gourmands stole.

Queen Rumbletum: *chuckling* Oh, my tract! A rescue! How delightful!

Attea continues chasing Ben and )F/N) as two Murk Gourmands fall down a trapdoor. She leaps over the trap and kicks Ben and (F/N), who drops the queen.

She motions for a fight, and Ben and (F/N) assumes a stance. Although he successfully blocks her first few attacks, Attea kicks Spidermonkey in the face, sending him into a wall as (F/N) tries to attack her but Attea kicks her into a wall. Ben reverts back to normal.

Attea: Enough monkey business. Surrender! Or you'll have a royal mess to clean up.

Attea aims her blaster at Queen Rumbletum.

(F/N) shakes off the damage as she looks at her Ultimatrix.

On Peptos XI, the fight between the Perk Gourmands and Incurseans rages on. Cookmeister and Rook easily dispatch two Incurseans, and Rook shoots an arrow from his Proto-Tool at another and Paulina, as Four Arms punches four Incurseans away.

Cookmeister: There sure are a lot of them!

Rook: Yes. Perhaps I should have listened to Ben.

Paulina: And I should have listened to Jen.

Ben: I should have listened to Rook.

(F/N): *As Spidermonkey* I should have listened to Paulina *Chitters*

Attea: You heard me. Weapons down or the queen gets it.

Queen Rumbletum: Don't listen to her, boys. Next to my people, I am nothing.

Queen Rumbletum suddenly sticks Attea's head in her mouth, catching her off-guard.

Attea: Aah!

Attea starts pounding on Queen Rumbletum until she slips off, crashing into her subordinates. Ben, however, gets out of the way, and transforms into Kickin Hawk and (F/N) slams her Ultimatrix and turns into Ultimate Spidermonkey

Ben: *As Kickin Hawk* Big mistake, kid.

Attea: Hyah!

Attea kicks Kickin Hawk, who blocks the attack and (F/N) punches her away.

On the ground, Rook takes down two Incurseans before hurling one of them at their allies from afar. and Paulina, as Humungosaur, tail smacks a group of incurseans away. Meanwhile, Cookmeister blocks the Incurseans' fire with his spoon.

Cookmeister: There's too many of them!

Rook: We hold the line.

Paulina: *As Humungosaur* Until Ben and Jen get here .

Rook converts his Proto-Tool into a shield and throws it at several Incursean soldiers, defeating them and Paulina turns into Diamondhead and shoots several crystals destroying some incursean blasters. The Proto-Tool returns to him like a boomerang. Cookmeister dispatches another Incursean.

Cookmeister: I don't think there's much of a line left.

Rook: Huh?

Rook and Paulina turn around and sees a massive vehicle known as an Incursean War Wheel approaching.

Paulina: *As Diamondhead* Dios miho.

Rook: Bralla Da.

On the ship, Attea, (F/N) and Bencontinue to fight. Queen Rumbletum runs to help.

Queen Rumbletum: Come on, boys! All pushing!

Queen Rumbletum and the Murk Gourmands suddenly rush Attea, (F/N) and Ben, pushing them up against a wall in an airlock.

Queen Rumbletum: *burps* Pardon.

The Murk Gourmands collectively belch.

Cast Iron: *grunting* I would do literally anything to get out of this airlock.

(F/N): *Turns back into Spidermonkey* Same here!

Suddenly, the airlock's controls begin sparking and the airlock closes.

Ben: *As Kickin Hawk* You think?

The airlock opens, forcing everyone out of the ship and into space, holding their breath. The Proto-TRUK arises, allowing for Ben, (F/N), and the Gourmands to make an escape. Ben and (F/N) sit down, and exhale deeply.

(F/N): *As Spidermonkey*.I… never wanna… do that… again…

Meanwhile, Attea hangs onto the outside of the Proto-TRUK, donning a helmet allowing her to breathe. The Proto-TRUK flies back to Peptos XI.

On Peptos XI, Rook, Paulina(As Diamondhead) and the Perk Gourmands evade the Incursean War Wheel, which has begun firing lasers from its turrets. Rook jumps to the side to avoid being crushed, only to spot his Proto-TRUK in the distance.

Rook: Ben!

Paulina: Jen!

Attea, still in tow, unmasks herself.

Attea: I am General Attea- Princess, Scion, and Teen Supreme of the deathless Incursean Empire!

Attea enters the Proto-TRUK from the roof, catching Ben and (F/N)  attention.

Ben *As Kickin Hawk* Huh?

Attea presses a button on the wall of the Proto-TRUK, opening up a trapdoor. She pushes Queen Rumbletum out of the vehicle.

Queen Rumbletum: Whoa!

Queen Rumbletum lands on the Incursean War Wheel, but nearly falls off. She grabs a ledge of the War Wheel.

Queen Rumbletum: Ohh, my tract!

Rook: The queen!

Rook and Paulina, as Crashhoper, leap onto one of the ascending treads of the Incursean War Wheel.

Rook: Hang on tight, your highness!

Paulina: *As Crashhoper* We'll get you!

In the Proto-TRUK, Attea kicks Ben  out of the driver's seat and (F/N) out of the passenger seat, and out of the vehicle altogether. However, they are able to grab onto the door and Attea, pulling her out alongside them.

Attea: Hey!

The Proto-TRUK begins to dip to it's left, making Kickin Hawk and Attea dangle.

Ben: *As Kickin Hawk* *to Cast Iron* Keep it level.

Cast Iron re-levels the Proto-TRUK, flinging Ben, (F/N) and Attea onto the roof of the ship.

Meanwhile, Queen Rumbletum struggles to maintain her grip on the ledge.

Queen Rumbletum: Oh, dear! Ohh, my tract and tummy. *loosens grip* Ooh!

Rook runs to grab Queen Rumbletum's hand, but she falls before he can save her.

Queen Rumbletum: Woah!

Using the grappler on his Proto-Tool, Rook manages to suspend Queen Rumbletum in mid-air by her leg. The Gourmands cheer as he lowers her to the ground. He looks back at his Proto-TRUK, as does Ben to the War Wheel. He assumes a fighting stance, but times out.

Ben: Aw, man.

Attea: Tough toady, Earth boy. Hyah!

Attea kicks Ben back, but he lands on his feet. He dials in and transforms into Water Hazard. He lowers his mask and blasts Attea with streams of water, followed  by (F/N) charging and punching her in the face, breaking her mask and sending her flying off the Proto-TRUK, and landing on a bunch of Incursean soldiers.

Rook and Paulina (As Heatblast), meanwhile, leap off of the War Wheel, shooting it and causing it to explode. and topple over. The Incursean soldiers gasp.

Incursean #1: Run away!

Incursean #2: Run!

Rook lands on the ground and motions to the Proto-TRUK. Water Hazard times out.

Ben: Be right down!

Reunited, the two Gourmand subspecies begin to feud again.

Cookmeister: *to Cast Iron* What are you, deficient? Plan Omega is our only chance!

Cast Iron: There's an invading force on Peptos XI. Plan Omega's gonna do the work for them!

Queen Rumbletum: I'll be the judge of that.

Cast Iron: Queen Rumbletum!

The two bow before their queen, who is joined by Ben, (F/N), Paulina,  and Rook.

Cookmeister: Your majesty.

Queen Rumbletum signals them to stand back up.

Queen Rumbletum: Sergeant Cast Iron, thank you for your bold rescue of my royal person. *burps*

Cast Iron: *saluting* Well, of course, your grace.

Queen Rumbletum: *to all Gourmands* My boys, I had the most wonderful feast planned. Oh, well! Perhaps in the next world. It's moving day! Bon appétit!

The Gourmands suddenly begin to eat their land, including the Incursean ships on it. Slowly, the terrain around them is devoured whole. Incursean ships and War Wheels sink into fissures created by the Gourmands eating away at Peptos XI.

Paulina: What are they doing?!

Ben: They're eating the planet!

Queen Rumbletum: This is Plan Omega! They can't take our planet if there's no planet to take.

Chunks of Peptos XI begin to disappear, thanks to the Gourmands.

Queen Rumbletum: It's called Peptos XI, dumpling. What do you think happened to the other ten?

Ben: Wait, you mean those other planets, the wreckage we saw-

Paulina: You ate them?

Cast Iron: *scoffs* And just when we got this planet the way we like it.

A fissure forms near Attea and Raff. Some Incursean soldiers grab the former.

Incursean #3: Your highness...

Attea breaks free from her subordinates.

Attea: No! We can't let these little freaks beat us!

A pillar of flames suddenly erupts next to Attea, and a ship falls into the planet in the distance.

Raff: Highest Commander, our troops! We can't take much more of this!

Attea and Raff escape to the remaining ships, and they all retreat into space.

Rook and Paulina walk up to Ben and Paulina, who is astonished.

Rook: Is my vehicle still space-worthy?

Ben: *baffled* But I...who's with the...? What the...? Ugh, I can't.

Paulina: I've seen a lot of crazy things, but this takes the cake.

All Gourmands: Mmm… Cake.

Rook: It is not uncommon. Many species develop such defense mechanisms. It is...

Ben and Paulina: A big universe, yeah.

More of Peptos XI crumbles in the distance.

Paulina: Well if you can't beat em join em.

Ben: Yeah, when in Rome, I guess.

Ben, (F/N), and Paulina dial in and transform into Perk Upchuck. They join their brethren in eating Peptos XI. Eventually, they lie down and pick their teeth with a toothpick before burping.

Now in the Proto-TRUK, Ben and Rook admire what appear to be green comets.

Rook: The Gourmands?

Ben: Yeah. Kind of beautiful.

Excessive burping is heard as the green comets are revealed to the be Gourmands propelling themselves through space with their vomit. Some vomit lands on the Proto-TRUK's window, grossing out Ben.

Paulina and (F/N): Ewww…!

Ben: And the moment passes.

Rook: Perhaps the Gourmands will be happy in their new home.

Ben: Sure, provided they can keep from eating it.

In an Incursean ship, Attea gets off her throne. A hologram of her appears in Milleous's ship.

Attea: All hail Lord Emperor Milleous, light of the Incursean Empire, destroyer of entire galaxies, all living creatures tremble in your-

Milleous: Attea, you're stalling!

Attea: The operation on Peptos was a complete success.

Milleous: So, it's ours now?

Attea: I...changed my mind. Better to destroy it, and let it serve as a warning to others.

Milleous: You are wise, daughter of mine. Soon the rest of the galaxy knuckles under...or there will be fireworks. And soon, many places do not even get to knuckle under. *croaks*

Milleous observes a cube displaying a pink hologram of the Earth.

Next: Chapter 57: Boxed Up Fury.

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