Chapter 77: Alien Wedding.

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It's been a day since (F/N) and Paulina proposed to each other and both of them saying yes and their folks being happy for their soon to be wedding. When word got out, everyone was surprised by this news and even more surprising they all congratulated them as the soon to be newly wedded couple, well everyone except for Dash and Sam. Sam being the stubborn Goth girl she was, still thinks it's all a trick to humiliate (F/N) and Dash being the broken hearted jock tried many times to get Paulina to change her mind but the girl said no countless times.

Here we fade to Casper High where we see (F/N) and Paulina along with Roxie walking by wearing their wedding rings and everyone congratulating them on their soon to be marriage.

Paulina: Ohh I can't wait for our wedding.

Paulina: Me too, this is gonna be so amazing.

We then see Star come by to the duo who were at their lockers.

Star: What's gonna be amazing?

Paulina: *Excited* Me and (F/N) are getting married!

Random Student: No! *Runs away in tears*

Star: Ohh congratulations! Where's the wedding gonna be?

(F/N): At that new church.

Star: The one that allows gay marriage?

(F/N): Yep.

Just then we see team Phantom walk by with the Fenton siblings happy for their second sister and Tucker too, Sam on the other hand, not so much.

Danny: Hey there's the happy couple.

Jazz: Congratulations you two.

(F/N): Thank you guys.

Tucker: Anytime you two are gonna have the best wedding.

Sam: *Sarcastically* Oh yeah you sure are, with the pu- *gets elbowed bt Jazz* Oof!

Jazz: What Sam meant to say, is that we're all happy for you both

Tucker: *Looking at Sam* Well most of us.

(F/N): Well if we're gonna have a wedding we're gonna need a few things. Danny, I want you, Ben and Tucker to have the honor of being my best men.

Danny and Tucker: Us?!

Paulina: Yeah, we couldn't decide on whether to have you or Tucker being the best man so figured why not go with both.

Star: Seems reasonable to me.

Paulina: And Jazz and Star you're gonna be our bridesmaids.

Jazz and Star: Yes!

Sam: Oh great and I guess that leaves with being the flower girl huh?

(F/N): Yeah… no.

Sam: Huh?

Paulina: We knew you'd rant and rant on how wasteful it would be to have someone scatter flowers that would ruin nature.

(F/N): Which is why you're gonna make a black wedding dress.

Sam: For who? *In her head* Please don't say Paulina, Please don't say Paulina, Please don't say Paulina.

Paulina: And in case you're wondering it's not for me, it's for (F/N).

Sam: Oh thank goodness…

Danny: But wait, I thought one of you had to wear a suit?

(F/N): Well yeah traditionally, but since this wedding involves two girls, I.E me and Paulina, we both decided to wear wedding dresses one white and one black, that's where Sam comes in.

Sam: And what am I supposed to do?

Paulina: Doesn't your mom give you a ton of frilly fru-fru dresses for you to wear?

Sam: Uh, yeah but I don't-

Paulina: Spray paint it black and boom, instant black wedding dress.

Sam was a bit surprised, Paulina, the girl she absolutely despised, asked her to mess up her dresses her mom got she was still in thought until the others spoke up and voiced their thoughts.

Tucker: That's… actually a good idea.

Danny: Yeah it is.

Jazz: And it saves money on getting an actual wedding dress.

(F/N): True, speaking of. *To Sam* Are your parents still grounded?

Sam: Yeah, when word got out of your wedding with Paulina, they were gonna stop it but my grandma stopped them and grounded them for an extra 10 weeks.

Paulina: Good, they deserved it after what they put us through.

(F/N): Yeah they really need to get with the times.

Sam: Well you're both right on that. So you really want me to make that black wedding dress?

Paulina: Yeah, who else is more goth than you. Plus you always keep a can of black spray paint under your pillow and don't deny it.

Sam: How did-

(F/N): You're Goth, you always have a can of black spray paint.

Sam: Fair enough. Alright I'll make the dress for you.

(F/N): Thanks, this totally makes up for you spying on proposing to Paulina.

Paulina: And vice versa.

Sam: Hey you were-

Tucker: *Whispers* Sam shush, do you really want (F/N) to go alien monster on you and finish what she would have started.

Sam recalled what happened yesterday, if Tucker hadn't stepped in, (F/N) would have ended Sam or possibly injure her.

Sam: *Gulps in fear* Uh, yeah good call. And I'll get started on the dress after school.

(F/N): Awesome thanks Sam.

Paulina: Oh and tell your parents they're not invited to the wedding. They know what they did.

Sam: Noted.

(F/N): But your granny is invited, on account she defended us.

Sam: Gotcha.

Later after school, we see (F/N) and Paulina at the new church along with everyone else except for Pamela and Jeremy for obvious reasons.

(F/N): *While frosting the wedding cake* Alright, almost there…

(F/N) puts the final touches on the cake which was blue and pink to match her and Paulina's life colors with some red spots on it.

(F/N): And done.

Paulina: *Comes by and sees the cake* Ooh nice work on the cake babe.

(F/N): Thanks hun.

Paulina: Anytime, now for the other food.

(F/N): And the decorations.

We then see the duo get to work as Paulina got the rest of the food and set both the tables, which was a vegas style buffet because Jack is a big eater. Meanwhile we see (F/N) and Roxie putting up the decorations with Roxie decorating the tables and booths too and (F/N) putting up the banners and streamers and balloons.

After sometime we see the duo and Roxie are finally finished decorating the church as we see them sitting at a table.

(F/N): There… phew that didn't take so long.

Paulina: Haah, yeah that was a piece of cake.

Just then we see Danny and the others come in as they see what (F/N) and Paulina did.

Danny: Wow, gotta say this place looks amazing.

Tucker: Yeah, who did you hire to do all this?

(F/N): Who said we hired someone?

Sam: Wait… you did all this??

Paulina: Yes, we didn't want anyone else doing so me and (F/N) decided to take matters into our own hands.

Ben: Figures.

Everyone was a bit speechless, especially Sam,  they would have guessed the duo would have hired people to do all the catering and decorating the altar too.

Sam: And you're sure you two didn't hire anyone to do this?

Paulina: We didn't, *gets up and walks to Sam* And this is a special day, so you're gonna keep all your individual, vegan negative comments and "my parents don't understand me" crud to yourself because so help me, I will go dragon and barbecue you, you liberal goth pain in the butt that demands everyone conform to her veganism!

Sam and everyone else was reeled back in horror, and knew not to mess with a bride on her wedding day, especially if both soon to be weds with one is a alien, but Sam just had to open her big mouth.

Sam: I'm a ultra recyclo-

(F/N): Would you please stop using that made up term, it doesn't make you unique, it makes you sound stupid, deal with it.

Gwen: Okay easy you two calm down.

(F/N): *Sighs* Fine… *glaces at Sam and glares at her with her red eyes making her flinch* *sighs* Okay now I'm cool.

Paulina: Speaking of, Sam, you got the black wedding dress?

Sam: *Pulls out the dress from backpack* Got it right here.

Everyone looked at the dress and it looked amazing.

Paulina: Wow… not bad.

(F/N): Yeah this looks amazing.

Sam: Thanks, the hard part was hiding it from my folks who wanted to make it "normal".

Maria: And sweetheart I got you your wedding dress.

Maria then showed Paulina's wedding dress as everyone saw how amazing it was.

Paulina: Woah… mama it looks beautiful.

Maria: Thanks, it did belong to me so I'm giving it to you.

Paulina: Thank you.

Maria: Anytime.

Sam: Huh, that almost-

Maria: Plus it saves money on getting a new wedding dress.

Sam: There it is.

(F/N): Okay come hun, let's put our dresses on.

Paulina: Right, ooh this is gonna be so amazing.

(F/N): Yeah it is.

Later on, we see (F/N) putting on her black wedding dress as we see Sam fitting her in.

Sam: How is it? Not too tight?

(F/N): Nope it's perfect.

Gwen: It looks amazing on you Jen.

(F/N): Thanks Gwen *to Sam* So make any moves on Danny?

Sam: *Blushes* Wha- I no!

(F/N): Hey don't deny it, I know how you two feel about each other.

Sam: *Sighs* Fine… I do care about Danny. Happy?

(F/N): Eh, close enough.

Meanwhile, we see Paulina getting into her wedding dress as we see Maria and Star helping her.

Paulina: Ooh this is so-

Maria: Amazing?

Paulina: Yep.

Star: You look so beautiful girl, still can't believe you're getting married and you're still in highschool.

Paulina: Yeah, well gotta put a ring on it sooner or later right?

Star: True.

Maria: Yeah, but I have to say (F/N) is a nice catch for you mija.

Star: Yeah at first I thought she was a geek but she's actually kind of cool.

Paulina: She sure is. *Blushes* That's what I love about her, and not just for her looks, because she helped me be who I want to be and not what people want me to be.

Star: Like Dash and Trixie?

Paulina: Exactly, if (F/N) didn't get me to be who I wanted to be, I would still be like my step-sister, maybe even worse.

Star: And you'd still be dating Dash.

Paulina: *Shivers in discomfort* Yeah, don't remind me. We had to beef up security just in case Dash or any of his pals tried to sabotage the wedding.

Star: Good call, Dash has been trying to get you back for weeks now.

Paulina: Me and (F/N) noticed, with all the "letters" he sent and the text messages so we burned them.

Maria: *Sighs* That boy is stubborn, but I'm sure he'll back off, eventually.

Star: Mrs. Sanchez, this is Dash we're talking about, he's a complete idiot.

Maria: Fair enough.

After the two girls are finished getting their wedding dresses, we fade to Rodin playing the organ. Paulina is shown in a wedding dress. She starts to walk down the aisle. The scene changes to show (F/N) at the end of the aisle with the priest. Ben, Rook, Danny, Roxie, and Tucker are near (F/N) and Jazz and Star are on the other side. On each side of the aisle there is a crowd of people, including Maria and Juan. Paulina finishes walking down the aisle.

Priest: Friends, we have gathered here today to join these two hearts *The crowd is shown* in the bonds of love. *Jack is shown. He looks to the side. The scene widens to show Maddie. She looks at Jack. The scene returns to (F/N), Paulina and the wedding officiant* (F/N), do you take Paulina as your lawfully wedded wife?

(F/N): *While looking at Paulina* I do.

Priest: And Paulina, do you take (F/N) as your lawfully wedded wife?

Paulina: *Smiles* I do!

Priest: Well then, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss the bride.

The priest walks away backwards. (F/N) sprays breath spray into her mouth and straightens her dress. (F/N) and Paulina lean in and (F/N) kisses Paulina as she kisses back as they look at the crowd as they cheer.

Carl and Carlos: *While crying* I'm so proud of my daughter!

Sandra and Maria: *Sighs* Husbands.

Ben then gives (F/N) her ring as Tucker does the same with Paulina as the two girls put their rings on each other and kiss again.

(F/N): Best day ever!

Paulina: And nothing can absolutely ruin this moment.

Just then, an ecto blast opens the ceiling as everyone gasps in shock as they all see it was someone team Phantom was all too familiar with, Maltruant, powered by Dan Phantom.

Paulina: And I spoke too soon.

Maltruant: Ah Jen Tennyson, nice to see you again.

Maddie: (F/N) you know this ghost? Alien?

(F/N): Uhh… well it's a long story.

We then see Maltruant send more energy blasts as (F/N) and Pailina get everyone out of the altar as (F/N) and Gwen puts up a shield blocking any incoming attacks.

Maddie: (F/N) who or what is that? A ghost?

Ben: It's not a ghost, it's an alien, and a dangerous one at that.

Maddie and Jack: What?!

Jack: And you fought that thing?

(F/N): Sort of. I sent him back a million years into the past in another universe.

Paulina: So who or what is that?

Ben: Maltruant, and long story short he's a crazy chronosapien.

Maltruant kept hitting the shield as (F/N) struggled to keep it up.

(F/N): I've no choice.

Paulina: Sweetie you can't be serious.

(F/N): It's our only option hun, you and the others get everyone to safety and no matter what you do, do not come for me, I don't want anyone getting hurt.

Maddie: But we can-

(F/N): Mrs. Tennyson please, ghosts are one thing, but this alien is really dangerous, as in, he can wipe you all out with ease. So please let me do this.

Sandra: Maddie she's right.

Carl: But-

Sandra: Carl please, you know (F/N) is the only one who can beat this clock alien person.

Jack and Maddie and everyone sees that (F/N) wants them to be safe and they complied.

Carl: Okay… stay safe sweetie.

(F/N): I will.

We then see (F/N) turn into her anodite form much to Jack and Maddie's shock and awe as well as Maria and Carlos.

Maria: Dios miho!

Maddie: *to Sandra* Your daughter is the alien superhero girl?!

Jazz: Uh now let's not-

(F/N): Jazz, it's okay they had to know at some point.

Sam: (F/-

(F/N): Not the time Sam, *to Paulina and Ben* Ben, you and others get everyone out of here, I'm gonna take care of Maltruant, once and for all.

Paradox: And you're sure you want to do this Jenifer?

(F/N): More than anything Professor.

Ben: Be careful Jen, this is Maltruant we're talking about.

Paulina: Yeah, just promise me you'll make it back.

(F/N): *Smiles with determination*  I will. *To Gwen* Gwendolyn, drop the shield.

Gwen drops the shield as Paulina got everyone out of harm's way and it was now only (F/N) and Maltruant (in Dan's body).

(F/N): You're not gonna drag anyone into this fight, this is between you and me.

Maltruant: How right you are.

With that said, the two aliens  fought with all their strength. Meanwhile we see everyone else is somewhere safe.

Maddie: I-I don't believe it, (F/N) is Lady Luck, I mean we knew she was half alien but hiding her alter ego from us?

Jack: *Confused* But we're her friend! *turning to Maddie* I wonder why she didn't trust us enough to tell us.

Jazz: *sarcastically* Hmm, let me guess. *mimicking Jack* "Hey, Maddie, let's destroy the ghost!" *mimicking Maddie* "No, Jack, let's dissect the ghost." *mimicking Jack again* "I know, let's catch the ghost girl and rip her apart molecule by molecule!" *normal voice, sarcastic again* You guys are so understanding. *Jack and Maddie drop their gazes, ashamed.*

Jack and Maddie drop their gazes, ashamed.

Sandra: Look I was just as scared as you two, but sometimes you just have to accept it.

Carl: (F/N) did a lot of good around here and you two think she and the ghost boy are the bad guys.

Maddie: But-

Maria: No, you didn't think, all you two did was shoot first and ask questions later, you're no better than that Red Huntress hooligan. If you two were the leading experts on ghost hunting and despite your daughter telling you she's half ghost you still hunt her and Danny Phantom down like their criminals.

Jack: Well it's because they're-

Juan: They're not evil, I'm a cop and I know good from bad, and those two have done nothing but good for this town.

Jack and Maddie were stunned by this, all this time, their adopted daughter was a hero and they couldn't even see it.

Jazz: Maybe now you know who's the real hero and who's the bad guy in this situation.

Paradox: Calm down, all of you, in case you all forgot, (F/N) is out there fighting both a rogue chronosapien and an evil spirit from the future.

Tucker: What evil spirit?

Paradox: *While looking at Danny* Who do you think?

Danny: Wait, *makes sure his parents aren't listing* You know about-

Paradox: Your malicious evil future version of you? Yes, Clockwork told me.

Sam: And you think she can beat them both?

Paradox: She can, but at a possible cost.

Paulina: What would that cost be?

Paradox: *Brief pause* Her own life.

Team Phantom and Alien Force: What?!

Danny: You're kidding right?

Does it look like I'm kidding?

Sam: So (F/N) is out there not only fighting a time alien but Dan too?

Paradox: In a way, his spirit is trying to fight for control but he's fighting a losing battle.

Danny: Great, now it just got worse.

Paulina: (F/N) will make it, she's just as strong as those two morons. Right?

Sam saw the distraught look on Paulina's face, sure Sam hates her but not even the goth girl had the heart to tell her that (F/N) won't make it.

Sam: …She'll make it if she can take on demons, she can take on a chaos god and an *makes sure Jack and Maddie aren't listening* evil future version of Danny.

Paulina smiled knowing that (F/N) was gonna make it.

Meanwhile we see (F/N) is still fighting Maltruant as she was punched into the altar and landed on the table of presents and saw one of them was a mud cake made with actual mud and grass.

(F/N): So not eating your gift Sam.

Maltruant came in as he was hit by a dirt cake blinding him.

Maltruant: *After getting hit by the dirt cake* Gah! What on earth was that?!

(F/N): *Got up* It's Dirt cake, and it makes a great distraction to Chronosapiens.

Maltruant: Wipes the mud* Oh very mature.

(F/N): Like your one to talk. *In her head* I gotta get him outta here so no people get hurt or worse. *Gets an idea* Got it.

Before Maltruant could react, (F/N) mana punched Maltruant in the face putting him in a daze as she then grabbed him by the cape and they both flew at fast speeds as everyone saw what (F/N) was doing.

Tucker: What's she doing?!

Danny: *Realizes what (F/N)'s plan is* She's taking him into space.

Jazz: So no one gets in the way.

Paulina: But why?

Sam: Guessing she doesn't want anyone getting hurt.

Gwen: That's (F/N) for you doing something incredibly dangerous-

Ester: And heroic.

Paradox: And setting up a way to take down the both of them for good.

Maddie: For good? But wouldn't she…

Paradox: Have to sacrifice herself in the process, yeah she would.

Everyone: What?!

Danny: Better hope (F/N) makes it out of this.

Meanwhile we see (F/N) and Maltruant (controlling Dan)  arrive in space as (F/N) tosses Maltruant right into a meteorite.

Maltruant: Taking me into space, so this is where you chose your demise.

(F/N): I chose it, because I didn't want to get anyone hurt.

Maltruant: I see, half Anodite and half Osmosian,

I've been to other timelines. *gets off the meteorite* your deceased friends and family would be proud, especially your lover, what does she call you? Batata?

(F/N) clenched her fist tightly and growled in rage.

(F/N): You have no freaking right to say that name!!

(F/N) then charged at Maltruant as she used the wicked weaves to punch Maltruant through a meteor belt as he tried to fight back but (F/N)'s range and anger along with Strider's strength to back her up, was too much for him as Maltruant tried to fight back but (F/N) was overpowering him as he was punched hard by (F/N) and landed on the moon and (F/N) landed on the opposite side.

(F/N): I love, care and protect, are always with me even if they're not there, guess you Chronosapiens don't know anything about humanity, that's the power of humans having free will, and buddy you don't have an ounce of it.

Maltruant: Human free will is a joke; it is a worthless illusion. You need only obey me. My will shall become that of the universe!

(F/N) then charged into Maltruant and mana punched Dam out of his body along with all evil Bens much to (F/N)’s surprise along with the observers.

(F/N): You kept all the evil Bens and observers in your body? Okay now that's just sick! Now to send you all back.

(F/N) then transform into Clockwork and then unleash a powerful beam of energy to send them all back into their own universes including Dan and the evil Bens.

Maltruent: Noo! If I cannot rule the cosmos, then I'll be the one to destroy it!

We then see Maltruent pull out a modified Annihilargh as he then opens it as he's about to push the button.

Maltruant: Well, we had a good run, dear friend.

Maltruant creates a barrier and pushes the button as (F/N) turns into Chromastone and creates a Celestialsapien blade forces open the barrier and dives in as she turns back.

(F/N): This is not how I'm going out!

We then see the black hole shrinks, releasing a red explosion of energy right in front of (F/N). Meanwhile back on Earth, Paradox was showing everyone what was happening as everyone was horrified to see (F/N) has been killed as they hear

Maltruant roar with laughter.

Ben and Rook: Jen!

Max: No!

Maltruant: *On screen* Jenifer Tennyson has failed! I have dreamed for millennia of this moment -- an entire universe in my image!

Suddenly, the energy rises out of the void and back into the ship, much to Maltruant's horror.

Maltruant: What is happening?! *To the Observers*  You are supposed to be observers, You are not supposed to involve yourselves in any event that transpires! What are you doing?!

We then see the energy ball rising up and onto the moon as everyone sees this.

Maltruant: *On screen* What are you doing?!

Observer: We are observing.

As the energy subsides a bit everyone sees it's (F/N) as Feedback, who was holding the pulsing energy, as she cycles through nearly all of his alien transformations, containing the energy before finally transforming into Feedback.

Ben: Jen?

Paulina: She's alive! My sweet princess is alive! *Brief pause* uh I mean yay…

Maltruent: *On screen* You cannot do this!

(F/N): *As Feedback* You said you always wanted your own big bang!

(F/N) blasts Maltruant with the Annihilarrgh's energy, causing the rogue Chronosapien to implode into bits and pieces.

Maltruant: N-o-o-o-o-o-o! *Glows green and implodes into bits and pieces*

After changing back, (F/N) comes back in front of everyone and crushes the modified Annihilarrgh beneath her feet.

(F/N): And that, as they say, is that.

Everyone: (F/N)!

Everyone then tackled (F/N) and pulled her into a group hug.

(F/N): Gah! Okay…. everyone please… oxygen!

Sandra: Oh, *lets go* Sorry sweetie.

(F/N): It's okay. *Gets hit on the back of the back of the head by Paulina* Ow! Geez the back of my head!

Paulina: *Hugs (F/N)* Don't you ever scare me like that again!!

(F/N): *Hugs back* Noted.

Rook: I thought you were --

(F/N): When I made the Ultimatrix, I programmed it with a fail safe, same as the Omnitrix, so

that wouldn't let me die, and sure enough,

it kicked in right when the big bang started --

gave me just the alien I needed.

Paradox: Well done Jenifer I knew you wouldn't fail.

(F/N): Thanks, I knew it too.

Rook: You did?

(F/N): Yes. *Pulls out a piece of Maltruant*

See, Maltruent is stuck in a time loop.

Paradox: *Takes the piece* And he is doomed to failure, over and over. Every time he pulls himself together, he returns to the beginning of time and is defeated by either Ben or someone just as powerful as Ben.

Sam: Like (F/N)?

Paradox: Precisely. And I gather up the pieces of Maltruent and scatter them across the universe, and the loop begins again.

(F/N): *Gives Paradox a bag filled with Maltruant parts* The only person who doesn't know about the time loop is Maltruent himself *to the others* Oh and you guys too I guess.

Paradox: It was quite the wedding everyone, and pardon for any interruptions.

Ester: It's okay Paradox.

(F/N): Yeah we understand.

Kai: You did what you did, or done. *groans* You know what I mean.

Later that night after the party, we see (F/N), Roxie, and Paulina go home with (F/N) carrying Paulina in a bridal position as they were making out and went to their room and made out on the bed.

Paulina: This is so amazing!

(F/N): Finally married at last, and again sorry for the scare babe.

Paulina: It's okay hun, you did what you had to do. It's what I love about you.

(F/N): Thanks hun. *yawns* Now let's go to bed.

Paulina: *Yawns* Good call but we're all ready in bed.

(F/N): Well how about we get more comfortable~.

Paulina: *Blushes* Ooh that we can do.

With that the newly wedded couple began to get more "comfortable" as the camera faded to black.

Next: Chapter 78: Roxie Takes A Bath.

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