Chapter 78: Roxie Takes A Bath.

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It's been a day since (F/N) and Paulina got married and made it official, and took down Dan and Aesir for good.

Here we see Roxie watching TV as we then hear the clock ring as (F/N) showed up and saw this.

(F/N): Roxie, Looks like it's about that time o' week again! Bathtime!

Roxie's eyes enlarged, as if to say, "Uh oh…"

(F/N): Come on, Let's go get the water started.

(F/N) walked away expecting Roxie to follow her, but Roxie, in turn, just crossed her arms and turned her head away.

(F/N): You're gonna have to get in that tub, Roxie. Now, Roxie, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, or the medium way, or the semi-hard with a touch of challenging way.

Roxie didn't answer and just went back to watching TV.

(F/N): So that's how you wanna play it, huh?

(F/N) knew it was gonna take some effort getting Roxie into the tub, so she decided to try and entice him into hopping in. She played fetch with him, and Roxie ran after the ball, yelling "MeowMeow

MeowMeowMeowMeow!" The ball then turned around and came hurtling back to (F/N), like a boomerang.

(F/N): Huh? *looked at the box and read* "New boomerang pet ball. Really works!"  *Groaned and threw the box away, only to be hit by it as it came boomeranging back to her.* Ow geez the back of my head!

(F/N) had what she thought was a genius idea next: she strapped a bomb to her stomach and began to panic.


Roxie sighed and didn't obey.

(F/N): Please?

The bomb exploded, and (F/N) was left an ash-covered mess.

We then see (F/N) began circling her hands around like "wax on, wax off," in The Karate Kid (1985).

(F/N): I am now going to assault your mind with subliminal messages.

Roxie saw images of a tub, a running shower, a rubber duckie, a bar of soap, and finally, an  image of Paulina in her underwear. Somehow, (F/N) saw that too, and was shocked.

(F/N): *Walks off screen* Sorry you had to see that.

Next we then see (F/N) pull out her phone and called a fancy French restaurant.

(F/N): *Pulled out her cell phone and called the nearest restaurant* Hello? Fancy French restaurant? I got a naughty one eyesd cat here that won't take a bath!"

The person on the other end was speaking too fast for her to make out what he was saying.

(F/N): *While on the phone* Huh? Could you say that again? Slow down! It's like you're speaking some other language! *angrily hung up*.

Roxie walked away thinking, "I am so done with this crap."

Next we see (F/N)'s new attempt at getting Roxie into the tub.

(F/N): Hey, Roxie! How 'bout some leapfrog! *leaped over  Roxie with ecstasy* Okay, it's your turn!

As soon as Roxie was on the back of her legs, (F/N) arched her back forward, hoping to send Roxie flying off into the bathroom, thereby trapping him inside. Instead, Roxie splattered against the wall.

After taking some time to heal, (F/N) suggested another round of leapfrog, but Roxie, knowing what would happen again, whacked (F/N) in the head with a cane.

Now (F/N) realized the only way to lure Roxie into the tub was by bribing him. She pulled out a dollar to entice the alien dog.

(F/N):  I've got a crisp dollar bill for the next person to take a bath in this house!"

Suddenly, Tucker, who was already taking a bath, drove the tub over and snatched the dollar with a greedy look on his face and drove off.

Finally, (F/N)  tried dancing in order to get Roxie into the bathroom, but that also wasn't working. The more methods she tried, the more and more confused she got.

(F/N): *After dancing* That didn't work either, huh?

(F/N) then thought up a genius idea she was surprised she didn't think of beforehand. She slapped on a pirate hat and eyespatch and pulled out a fake treasure map she drew herself.

(F/N): *In mock excitement* I found a treasure map! There's treasure in this house!

(F/N) and Roxie walked around the church until they came across the door to the bathroom, where (F/N) had painted a big, red X on.

(F/N): The treasure must be in here! *opened the door, and cheered* Wow, Roxie, look! A pirate treasure chest!

Roxie wasn't stupid. She could tell that the "treasure chest," was really just the bathtub painted to look like one.

Roxie: *Barks* *pointed to it, as if to say, "Are you stupid?!"

(F/N): Why no, Roxie, this isn't the bathtub! It's the treasure! *Kicks the paint bucket off screen* *whipped out two bars of soap* Look! Doubloons! Don't drop 'em! *winked* *Finally, she pulled out a rubber duck* Look at this broach!

Roxie: *Barks* as if to say, "What are you talking about?"

Now (F/N) has had it up to here. She stripped off her pirate hat and eyespatch and said the following.

(F/N): I don't know what a alien dog would want with a broach! Now why don't you just get in the tub!?

(F/N) grabbed Roxie, and tried to plop her  into the water, but she skidded away from it just as she let go of her. Roxie didn't even touch the water. This happened over and over again, until finally, (F/N) began growling.

(F/N): Now, Roxie, are you gonna get in this tub *began strangling her* or am I gonna have to-

Before (F/N)  could complete her sentence, Roxie did a high jump, (F/N)  still holding onto Roxie, and crashed through the ceiling and grabbed onto the chandelier on the ceiling of the floor above them.

(F/N) was in hot water now (no pun intended). She looked down through the hole Roxie had just made, staring at how far down the tub was.

(F/N): Roxie, uh, could you, uh…?

That's all  (F/N) could say before Roxie wiggled her off of him.

(F/N): Roxie, no! RoxieIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!

(F/N) fell down and into the tub. Thankfully, she was not hurt.

Now (F/N) had REALLY had it. She called up to Roxie from below.

(F/N): "Alright, Roxie! You have duped and/or frustrated me for the last time! So if I can't bring you to the bath, I'll just have to bring the bath to YOU!"

(F/N) lowered her head underwater and sucked in all the water, practically swallowing it all, to the point where the tub was empty, and she was now as fat as a bloated ghost bomb.

Roxie, thinking she was done putting up with (F/N) shenanigans, was now relaxing on the couch reading a book.

(F/N): "Psst! Roxie!"

Roxie heard a voice say. (F/N) was totally round, and just huge. She busted through the door.

(F/N): Bath delivery! *spits out water at Roxie like Godzilla breathes fire, scaring the poor cyclopean away from the couch*

Roxie: *Barks*

Roxie dashed away before the water could catch her. (F/N) continuingly chased Roxie around the house trying to get her wet, but then Roxie made it harder for her when she escaped the house, still whining "Bark!"

(F/N): "Water" you waiting for, Roxie?

(F/N) then busted outside and she Suddenly, she heard what sounded like Roxie screaming his name for help, and saw what appeared to be a silhouette of her up in a nearby tree. (F/N) pulled out a ladder from the attic.

(F/N): Aw, stuck in a tree? It's time to clean up your act, Roxie!

(F/N) spat out the last of her water and was reversed to her original form, no longer fat. She could then hear Roxie's whines sounding more and more deadpan, and then the silhouette she saw collapsed and its eyes fell off. (F/N) was upset now.

(F/N): Oh no! *ran over in disbelief and regret, I bathed Roxie too hard and removed her skin!

Just then, she heard what sounded like Roxie from below the tree, saying his name in a singsong voice, "Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark!" The Roxie (F/N) thought she killed was just a decoy, and the real Roxie was at the bottom of the tree holding the ladder.

(F/N): Roxie, you put that ladder back this instant!

Roxie, now grinning with an evil smirk on her face, dropped the ladder, letting it fall to the ground.

(F/N): Roxie, you are going to take a bath and you are going to get clean RIGHT NOW!

Roxie: *Barks*

(F/N): I am SO the boss of you!

Roxie: *Barks*

(F/N): Roxie! It may be a free city, but you live in my house, under my rules.

Roxie: *Baeks*

(F/N): Don't you take that tone of voice with me young lady!

Suddenly, Roxie tiptoed toward the puddle of mud that was sitting underneath the tree with a mischievous grin on her face.

(F/N): What are you doing? *Doesn't get a response* I am talking to you, missy! *Sees Roxie going near the mud puddle* Do not go near that mud puddle! Roxie the anubian baskurr, do you hear me!? I am giving you three seconds!

As (F/N) counted, Roxie only crept closer and closer, bending her paw over the puddle, ready to soak herself with it.

(F/N): Don't make me say three, Roxie, no! RoxieIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! *fell out of the tree and into the mud puddle* I'm a dirty girl.

Now (F/N) was the one having to take a bath instead of Roxie. She sat in the tub with a pouty look on her face. Roxie was sitting on the edge of the tub watching in both pleasure and victory. She was happy that he finally got his way and didn't have to bathe, but was also happy to see (F/N) naked.

Roxie: *Barks* *pointing at (F/N)*

(F/N): Yeah, yeah, Roxie, I'm getting behind my ears *took the soap bar and scrubbed herself some more*

Roxie meowed in victory knowing she got the upper hand this time.

Just then we Paulina came inside with the groceries as she placed them in the kitchen and went to the bathroom.

Paulina: *Comes in the bathroom* Hey sweetie I got the-*sees what's happening* Um, what's going on?

(F/N): I tried to give Roxie a bath and well you can imagine how that went.

Paulina: *Chuckles* Yeah, but how about we make the bath extra fun~.

(F/N): *Blushes after realizing what Paulina meant* Yes…

Paulina giggled as she closed the door and Roxie went off to the side as Paulina took off her clothes and joined (F/N).

Frenchie: 2 hours of "fun" later.

We then see the duo come out of the bathroom as steam came out too and Roxie was now a fluffy puff ball who rolled out of the room as we see the duo come out too wearing their clothes.

(F/N): *Blushes* Phew, that was… something.

Paulina: *Giggles* Yeah it was, you were pretty handsy with my tushy back there sweetie~

(F/N): *Chuckles* Your one to talk Ms. Groper~ *yawns* How about we take a couch nap.

Paulina: *Yawns* Good idea, but let's put away the groceries first.

(F/N): Okay.

Paulina: Oh yeah, and just a little heads up my mama asked to spend the day with my mama to make up for some lost time.

(F/N): Gotcha, just remember to stay safe babe, and keep your mom safe too.

Paulina: *Giggles* I will be sweetie.

We then see the two girls go to the kitchen and put the groceries away. After that we see (F/N) and Paulina napping on the couch as Roxie went over and hopped on the couch and nuzzled against (F/N) and cuddled with her as the camera fades to black.

Next: Chapter 79: D-Stabilized.

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