Danny On Ice (1)

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Danny walked down the streets of Japan, hands tucked into the pocket of his sweatshirt. He tried his best to ignore the snow that was gradually getting heavier as time went on.

It was getting darker out and the streets were clearing. It made sense, who'd want to be out in the middle of a blizzard after all?

The ones who didn't have a choice.

Danny grumbled profanities as a pile of snow slipped off the edge of a nearby roof and landed on his head. Ice core or not, with how little he's been sleeping and eating even he would eventually get a cold.

Now since colds weren't common for half ghosts, when they did get them it was awful. He wasn't in the mood to get a deadly cold so he began searching for temporary shelter.

His eyes scanned the buildings until he saw one named 'Ice Castle Hesetsu'

He remembered when his parents used to take him and Jazz ice skating when they were little. He also visited there a ton before he first got his powers. He absolutely loved ice skating. Danny's mood saddened at the thought of his late family.

Deciding to reminisce in the old days, Danny pulled his hoodie up higher and made his way to the ice rink.

He opened the doors, immediately spotting the large platform of ice.
"Hello! Are you here to skate?" A voice greeted him. He turned towards the voice and saw a woman with large chestnut colored eyes and brown-red hair up in a messy bun.

Danny nodded his head. She asked for his shoe size and, in fluent Japanese, he told her. Once he was handed his skates, she went back to the back room. He sat down at a nearby bench and took off his worn out tennis shoes, replacing them with the skates.

He stood up and made his way onto the ice. He was a little wobbly at first, but he quickly began sliding across the ice gracefully.

He remembered his parents amazed expressions when he first stepped onto the ice and began skating like he'd been doing it since birth.

His skating sped up and he jumped, landing a perfect triple toe loop. A smile appeared on his face when he remembered Jazzs' expression when he first landed a jump. She'd been so excited and determined to land one herself.

When he first developed his ice core, he was slightly amused and not at all surprised. The ice gave him comfort, reminded him of a time where he used to be happy and scarless.

He landed an axel jump.

"You're so talented, sweetie!"

He glided gracefully across the ice before turning it into a fast rotating camel spin.

"You'd make an excellent figure skater Danny-boy! Maybe you can make that your hobby! Right after ghost hunting!"

Turning the spin into a two legged spin, he then began skating across the ice again, getting ready to do another jump. He didn't notice three mischievous triplets filming him.

"I'm jealous, I can barely stand on the ice without risk of breaking my leg. Good job, little brother"

Danny gained some speed before jumping and twisting his body into a quad axel. He landed flawlessly.


He slipped and fell, smacking his head against the ice. He felt pain flare up in his ankle and groaned, more so in annoyance then pain.

He closed his eyes, trying not to remember that day. He heard someone skating towards him and some gasps.

"That was AMAZING! Yuuri~ did you see him! He reminds me a lot of Yurio!" A voice with a thick Russian accent exclaimed.

"Oi! I'm right here shithead! And that's not my damn name!!!" Another guy with a Russian accent cursed.

"Victor! Help him up!" He heard another say.

He looked up to see a man with short silver hair and light blue eyes. He offered a hand to Danny which he gratefully took. Victor helped him up so he was standing.

Danny saw that he had a small audience and blushed in embarrassment. How he wished a portal would just open up and take him away.

"You landed a quad! And you're not much older then Yurio-"

"Not my name!!"

"-What country do you skate for? I don't recognize you" He said as they made their way off the ice. Danny had a small limp but it would be gone in a couple of days.

"Oh, uh.. I'm not a professional skater... I just do it for fun" he said, playing with the hem of his sweatshirt sleeve.

"Bullshit!" Yurio scoffed.

"Language" The same guy who told victor to help him up scolded him. He had black hair and glasses.

"Oh fuck off piggy, you and victor are not my parents!"

Victor and Yuuri both gasped. Danny looked at all three of them, confused. Yurio then turned his glare towards Danny.

"What's your name?" He asked (demanded)

"Uh- Danny... nice to meet you guys? Um... thanks for helping me up by the way" Danny mumbled, turning towards Victor who just smiled.

"No problem!"

"Danny, huh? Well... I'd like to skate against you some time. You seem like a challenge, unlike these two dumbasses" Yurio motioned his head towards Victor and Yuuri.

"Yurio! How dare you speak to your parents like that!" Victor 'scolded'.

Yurios face turned red.

"Don't use that tone of voice with us" Yuuri gave him a scolding glare.

Yurio rolled his eyes.
"Whatever, mom"

His eyes immediately widened and he let out a long groan as Victor engulfed both him and Yuuri in a hug.

A smile broke out across Danny's face and he let out a laugh. They stopped and let go, Yurio still mumbling profanities under his breath.

"Are your parents skaters as well?" Victor asked.

Dannys expression immediately saddened again.
"Oh, no... no, it's just me" His sad tone told them it was just him in more ways then one. Yuuri immediately placed a comforting hand on the fifteen year olds shoulder.

Victor turned towards Yurio, eyes watering.
"Yurio, you have a brother now"

"oh FUCK OFF!"

Danny couldn't help but to chuckle, then-


Danny sneezed into the crook of his elbow and his nose began to run. Danny's eye twitched as he felt the start of a cold coming.

'Are you fucking kidding me'


As he sat on the couch in Yuuri's family business home, his phone chimed. He reached down and felt his eye begin to twitch.

Video: Cute stranger skates like a boss then totally eats it

Yuuri could only look at him in sympathy as he drops his phone and rolls off the couch, taking his blanket and box of tissues with him.



Le fin~

I know nothing of ice skating btw sOOoO



Tis all,

Good day!

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