Shot (2)

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Pure fluff and a pining Dash.


'It's not being creepy. I just want to learn better self defense, and she just so happens to be the teacher' Dash thought as he walked into the building.

It's been several months since the incident and he hasn't seen his savior a lot since. He learned her name was Danny, short fOr Danielle. She visited a few times to visit Dr Foley and see how he's been doing. He overheard Dr Foley talking about her self defense class.

'This is my chance' he thought as he walked up to the front desk.

Once he signed in, he went into the locker rooms and changed into his workout gear. (He totally didn't purposefully pick out a shirt that would show off his muscles)

After he was done, he walked out and went into the room where the class was taking place. There were many other men and women waiting for it to start.

Soon, she walked in. She was wearing some green sweats along with a simple black workout tank top. Her long black hair was pulled up into a ponytail.

"Sorry for the wait everyone" she gave everyone a smile which made Dash's heart skip a beat. Her eyes immediately met his and he feigned a surprised expression, acting like he hadn't known she taught the class and that's the only reason why he's even there-

"Oh, Dash. How's your chest?" She asked, all eyes turned towards him.

He tried not to blush because oh my gosh she knows his name- he mentally slapped himself. Nows not the time to act like a star struck teenage girl at a Harry styles concert!

"It's fine, barely bothers me" he said nonchalantly, like getting shot was an every day occurrence for him. She sent him a grin which had his heart pounding.

'How can a girl who beat the shit out of an armed maniac be so damn cute!!' He thought, face heating up.

He has it bad.

"Good, then I won't go easy on ya" She smirked. Dash's breath caught in his throat. She turned towards everyone else and ordered them to find a partner and a place on the mat.

Everyone did as so, Dash wasn't paying attention, eyes focused on Danny's backside as she made her way towards the front.

"Dude. I haven't seen you this way since that thing with Paulina you had in junior year"

Dash nearly screeched as he turned to see his best friend since kindergarten.

"Kwan? The fuck! Why the hell are you here" he whispered. "And how the hell didn't I see you before??"

"I'm here to be your wingman! When you told me of the girl who stole your heart, I vowed to be the best bro and future best man so here I am!" Kwan proudly stated.

"Also you didn't see me because I was hiding in that corner"

Dash facepalmed then turned away to listen as Danny began talking.

"Alright, today we're going to be learning the basics. Say you're in a threatening situation and need to run. The best and most effective places to hit are the eyes, nose, neck, ears, knee, groin, and legs..."


Dash walked up to Danny as the class ended.
"Didn't know you taught this class" he said.

"Are you surprised?" She asked, amused when Dash quickly shook his head.

"Not at all, makes sense honestly" He grinned which she returned. She bent down to grab her phone.

"It's getting pretty late, I was just gonna grab a bite to eat at the Nasty burger, want to come? Or do you have other plans?" She asked.

Kwan suddenly poked his head out the front door, which was facing away from Danny, and gave him an enthusiastic grin and a thumbs up.

Dash tried not to sound too excited when he agreed. The two of them separated to go get changed. Dash had changed out of his workout clothes in a record breaking 10 seconds and was quickly out the door.

A few minutes later, Danny joined him. He opened the door for her, like the gentleman his mother raised him to be, and she sent him a smile of thanks before walking out, followed by Dash. Dash shivered a bit because of the freezing temperature. Danny didn't seem to be affected by it at all.

The two of them walked the short distance from the self defense building to the Nasty Burger. They both arrived and walked inside. There weren't a lot of people there.

After they both ordered and grabbed their food, and Dash paid because he insisted, they sat down at a nearby table.
"So how long have you been teaching self defense?" Dash asked.

"Since I graduated high school. I got in quite a few fights with bullies so I decided to teach others how to protect themselves" She replied, taking a drink from her soda.

"People can be assholes" He said, feeling a bit guilty because he used to be one of those assholes who picked on the weaker kids. Thank goodness he grew up.

"What high school did you go to? There's not a lot in Amity. I went to Casper High" He said.

"Wait really? So did I"

There conversation was then filled with funny stories about their high school experience. Dash couldn't believe he never noticed a girl like Danny at his school. However, he was extremely attracted to Paulina and only Paulina until he finally realized she wasn't as pretty on the inside as she was on the outside. It was a big school too and Danny was a year younger than him so it made sense they never met. Also, Dash was in the popular crowd while Danny wasn't.

"Wait, That prank with the chickens was you?" Dash laughed. Danny blushed a bit and nodded.

"To be honest, I didn't mean for it to happen-"

"You didn't mean to release several baby chickens into the school"

"Don't question it, trust me I don't even know"

If it was possible, Dash grew even more in love. They both finished eating awhile ago and decided to head out. They walked back to the self defense building.

"That was fun. We should definitely hang out more often" Danny smiled at him. Dash tried not to cheer.

"Definitely" He smiled back. As if the moment couldn't get anymore perfect, it started to snow lightly. He was pretty sure there was music playing but he paid it no attention, gaze too focused on the girl in front of him.

She was looking up, eyes locked on something above them. He looked up as well and didn't know wether to punch or hug Kwan. Above their heads was a mistletoe hanging onto the edge of the building they were conveniently standing under.

They both looked at each other and laughed silently. Before Dash could make a move, Danny's phone began ringing. She quickly picked it up.

"Yeah?" She asked with a bit of annoyance and curiosity. They were silent as the other person on the phone began speaking.

"...WHAT!?" She exclaimed as she immediately began rummaging through her bag for her keys. Her yell made Dash jump in surprise.

"Everything okay?" He asked, voice laced with concern.

"I swear, I knew it! Hold on, I'm on my way. Don't kill him without me" She grumbled. She hung up and Dash took a small step back when he saw she was seething in rage. She relaxed a little and sent him a reassuring toothy grin.

"Sorry, my friend needs me. We should do this again sometime" She gave him a kiss on the cheek before getting into her car, leaving Dash standing alone in the snow. He raised his hand to his cheek and grinned goofily.

He watched as she drove off and a hand touched his shoulder, making him jump.

"Mission failed, dont worry we'll get em next time" he rolled his eyes at his best friend.

"I wouldn't call it a fail" He said, smiling at the memory of her laugh and smile.




Tis all,

Good day

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