Hero Academia (6)

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"I am DISGUSTED!" Danny exclaimed, standing up, grabbing onto his desk for support so he didn't fall on his (still) injured leg.

Pros and Cons about ghost powers, Pros, you heal faster then a normal human being unless they have a healing quirk. Cons, healing powers don't work on half ghosts or ghosts in general. So Danny would have to be in a cast until his broken leg and bullet wound healed. It would take a week at most.

"I AM REVOLTED!" Aizawa groaned.


"Danny kun! Recovery girl said not to walk to much on it!" Izuku exclaimed.

"Yeah, you should really take it easy" Ochako said, voice sweet and full of concern. Danny stubbornly shook his head and proceeded to walk (limp) towards the cupboards.

"Don't get in the cupboards! Sit down! You're being ridiculous!" Aizawa said, teeth clenched in frustration and a bit of embarrassment.

"You lied to me! You said I passed, 59 percent is NOT passing!" Danny awkwardly bent down and climbed inside the lowest cupboard, injured leg sticking out. He closed it as far as it would go.

"...why did he climb inside the cupboard?" Momo asked, head tilted in curiosity and in slight amusement.

"Because he finds comfort in small spaces" Aizawa grumbled out. He took a deep breath and breathed out.

"Anyways, now that you have picked your class representative, today we're going to participate in a rescue exercise" He announced to the now excited class.

Danny crawled out of the cupboard and hopped back over to his seat, feeling much better.
"Now suit up and meet me outside"

The class did as instructed. Danny excitedly got up but Aizawa told him to follow him.
"You won't be participating because of your leg" He told him as they walked out the exit.

Danny stopped and looked at him with the best puppy dog eyes he could do.
"Stop looking at me like that. Anyways, I don't feel like it's a good idea to leave you on your own, especially after what happened last week, so you'll still be going. Just don't wander off like you tend to do" Aizawa motioned for him to get on the bus.

Danny, a little happier since he could still go, just nodded his head and climbed inside, sliding in the first seat he could find. He set his crutches aside.

A few moments later, Aizawa and everyone else walked inside. Kirishima sat next to him, followed by Denki and Sero.

After everyone found a seat, the bus started and drove towards the U.S.J.

"Anyone else notice how similar Midoriya's quirk is to All Mights? Ribbit" Tsuyu noted, looking towards Izuku who looked a bit nervous.

"Nah, they're totally different! All Might doesn't break a limb every time he uses his powers. I wish I had a flashier quirk" Kirishima looked a bit bummed out.

"That's not true Kirishima kun! Your quirk is certainly powerful enough to make you into an amazing hero!" Izuku argued.

Kirishima didn't look as upset.
"But still, Danny's,Bakugou's, and Todoroki's quirks are perfect for becoming professionals!"

"But Bakugou is to angry to become popular, ribbit" Tsuyu said, earning a glare from Bakugou.

Normally, Danny would burst out laughing but he suddenly got an awful feeling. The feeling worsened as the bus came closer to the destination. His knee began to bounce as it always did when he was anxious or nervous.

Izuku looked surprised when the class began teasing Bakugou. Like the rolls completely flipped from Middle school.

"Yeah, your personality really needs work" Denki told a fuming Bakugou.

"Shut your fucking face, you damn side character!" He growled.

Izuku noticed Danny's worried expression.
"Are you ok Danny Kun? You seem really nervous"

Danny was too busy looking out the window. The feeling of dread got even worse when they arrived. He didn't notice everyone's concerned looks.

"Danny, are you okay?" Aizawa asked in a very un-Aizawa way, gently. (LE gAsP)

"Hm? Oh yeah... just have a bad feeling" Danny stood up and grabbed his crutches once the bus was parked. Everyone stood up as well.

"Does it normally mean something?" Aizawa silently asked. Danny shrugged.
"Sometimes... But not always"

"Well, let's just keep a look out"

They all got off the bus, immediately spotting the large training facility and the famous rescue hero, thirteen.

"This is Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or for short, the U.S.J. You kids must learn how to use your quirks for rescuing people instead of fighting" She began.

Suddenly, Danny felt his ghost sense come. However, it completely stopped halfway which made him break out in a coughing fit. He felt a hand slap his back, trying to help. Probably Kirishima.

(Since He is able to make portals here, I decided it would make sense if he'd be able to kind of sense other portals around)

He heard gasps and looked up to see a dark purple portal appear. Several villains walked out, lead by three other villains. The students immediately backed away, Aizawa got ready to fight, and Danny did what he always does.

"Hmm... seems All Might isn't here" One of the three main villains said. He had hands all over his body and one covering his face.

"Wow, someone takes the word 'facepalm' way to seriously, am I right?" Danny nudged Kirishima who looked at him like he was insane.

"I wonder if he'll arrive once we kill his students"

Aizawa immediately took action. He ordered Thirteen to evacuate the students and contact the school. Aizawa got ready to fight when Danny stopped him.

"Wait! Let me help you! I'm used to fighting assholes like these" Danny transformed into his ghost form, his legs transforming into his ghostly tail so he didn't injure his broken leg more.

"No! Get out of here, I promised your parents I'd take care of you" Aizawa ordered.

Before anyone could run, purple mist surrounded the class and in a flash, they all ended up at different parts in the U.S.J. Danny turned intangible before the mist could teleport him away.

"And I made a promise that I wouldn't let anyone I care about die!" Danny exclaimed, firing an ecto blast at one of the villains aiming an attack at Aizawa.

Aizawa looked like he wanted to protest further, but knew it was futile. He clenched his jaw and turned away.

"Don't you dare die on me, you hear?" He said after taking down a couple villains.

Danny grinned, eyes flaming a neon green then a bright blue. He sent a spear of ghostly ice at one of the more tougher villains, encasing them completely in indestructible ice.

"Loud and clear, I'll try to remain only half dead"

Danny froze the villains and Aizawa interrogated them as they fought. They found out about their plans to kill all Might, causing Danny to make the ice even colder and stronger.

Danny noticed that facepalm wasn't doing much fighting, simply observing them as the others fought them. Danny could hear his classmates fighting to survive their villain attacks. He tried not to think about any of them possibly losing.

He wouldn't allow that.

Suddenly, just after Aizawa finished erasing ones quirk, facepalm raced forwards and grabbed Aizawas elbow, Danny watched in horror as it began to decay. He then sent Aizawa back, making him collapse.

"NO!" Danny growled and started to make his way towards them. He heard him order that freaky ass creature with their brain showing to defeat Aizawa.

Danny was suddenly tackled by another villain, one with a heat quirk. Danny felt them dig their hands into his back, immediately burning him. Danny choked back a scream of pain as he tried to throw the villain off. If there was one thing he couldn't stand besides electricity, it was heat.

Danny felt the villain get tossed off him. He felt a hand reach down and pull him up. He looked up and saw Tsuyu who had used her tounge to throw the villain off of him.

"Thanks" He said, Adrenalin currently blocking out the pain. Tsuyu nodded and behind her he saw Minoru and Izuku.

"Tomura, one of the students managed to escape" They heard the warp villain tell facepalm.

"It's game over if the pro heroes get here" Facepalm says angrily.

"Maybe they'll retreat now!" Minoru asked hopefully, body shaking in fear.

Facepalm suddenly turned towards their direction, noticing them. He immediately lunged forwards to attack and Danny stood in front of his friends.

He suddenly stopped as his quirk was erased. Danny saw Aizawa looking up from his spot on the ground, he had used the last of his energy to save them.

Izuku raced forwards, hand lighting up. He aimed one of his super powered punches at Facepalm but the Nomu stood in front of him and absorbed the attack.

The nomu advanced towards them, Minoru began crying, Tsuyu looked nervous, and Izuku glared.

Then Danny got a plan.

There were very few villains that were left, most being defeated by his classmates and friends. The ones who were left were near Facepalm and the warp villain.

"HEY! IF YOU'RE NOT AN ASSHOLE, COVER YOUR EARS" Danny yelled. His eyes glanced at all of his injured classmates and Aizawa, the man who changed his life and gave him a chance to be his true self without fear of being experimented on.

Finally, he stared back at Facepalm and the rest of the villains. His eyes turned a bright neon green and the temperature dropped greatly.

"You dickheads are gonna fucking pay"

Izuku stared in awe as Danny let out a piercing scream, immediately sending all the villains flying. It reminded him of Present Mics quirk. Just how many quirks did he have?

The nomu was also blasted back, along with facepalm. The wail lasted for a few more minutes before it stopped and Danny collapsed. All the villains were down, all except the warp villain, facepalm, and the Nomu.

Just before his vision faded to black, Danny heard a voice he was very happy and relieved to hear.

"I Am Here!"


Danny immediately sat up, eyes wide. The occupants in the room with him all jumped up in surprise. Danny turns towards them, eyes unblinking.

"D-Danny! Bro! You're awake!" Kirishima exclaimed, giving him a toothy grin.

"Now can we fucking leave?" Bakugou grumbled.

"Where the fuck are my damn muffins you son of a bitch"

They all stared at Danny in shock, Denki and Sero taking a step back. Bakugou just looked slightly amused.

Giving a nervous chuckle, Kirishima asked, "Muffins? I dunno what you're-"

"Tell me where they are or so help me I will boil your teeth"

Kirishima also took a step back. Suddenly, Danny yawned then laid back down, going back to sleep.

"...I'm gonna go buy some muffins for when he wakes up again" Kirishima said, walking out the door.

"Yeah good idea"


Probably gonna skip some parts. I know it didn't explain the entire USJ arc, but I've been trying to finish this for like a month now so here ya go XD sorry if it seemed like I got lazy towards the end (I kinda did) but I just really wanted to update this.

Hope you enjoyed, tis all,

Good day.

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