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R E A D T H I S-


Don't say I didn't warn you :)

So this is a lil one shot where Danny is in infinity war/Endgame

But not as funny as the other

DashXDanny if you squint because HelLo?


My son(s) don't die don't worry


Smiling through the painful memories.

Also, once again, T H I S

So I want NO comments saying I should of put a spoiler warning because I did. Also, I don't remember everything that happened even though i saw it a week ago because my memory is absolute trash.



(This part takes place during civil war to avoid any confusion)

"I'm sorry, I-I mean, why me? Why do you need my help?" Danny stuttered as he looked into his idols eyes.

"You're strong, kid. And by what I've heard, you have strong morals and fight for what's right. I'm gonna need that" Captain fucking America said.

Danny nearly screamed in excitement. The actual captain America wanted him to join him! For what, he didn't really know yet. But who cares! It's Steve fucking rogers!

"Ok! Yeah, I'll gladly help! But first you're gonna have to explain what I'm getting myself into exactly"

"The Sokovia Accords..."

Danny listened with rapt attention as Steve began explaining. At the end, he turned towards him.

"So, Kid, What do you say?"

Expression determined and serious, Danny looked straight into his heroes eyes.

"I'm in"


Three Years Later...

Danny's eyes widened as the agents above him suddenly vanished, turning into nothing but ash that fell on the ground next to the occupied examination table. Only one was left, staring at their arms, eyes filled with fear as they waited to be next.

Only, it didn't seem that they were gonna turn to dust. The agent quickly grabbed their phone and called someone.

Danny twisted his head to the side, staring at the remnants of the people who had been torturing him for the past month.

'What the fuck just happened?'

Danny turned his attention back to the scared and confused agent. He strained his ears, trying to overhear what the other person on the line was saying.

'Doesn't change anything, if there's only you then finish the experiment on your own or until back ups arrive. We'll see what's going on'

Danny gritted his teeth. The world was probably ending and they didn't give a shit about anything else except ripping him apart. His gaze once again found the ashes, gritting his teeth in pain when he felt one of his many wounds tear open.

'Lucky bastards'


Five Years Later...

"Sir, it's getting really bad"

The Agent didn't look up from his desk, eyes restrained from looking at the photograph of his vanished family.

"I know..." His voice, devoid of emotion yet filled with sorrow.

The Other occupant in the room looked at the security cameras, then back to his boss.

"I think the world could really use him right now"

The boss clenched his fist and teeth.

"I know!" He all but screamed. The agent stepped back a bit. The anger in his eyes diminished and was replaced by guilt and sadness.

"Should of helped him escape the moment we got the chance. However, we can't. If he goes missing under our watch, next it'll be us on that examination table" He sighed, burying his head in his hands.

The Agent walked over to the controls, ignoring him.

"Then it won't be under our watch"

He looked up at the Agent, staring at him in confusion. Pressing a few of the controls on the computer, he stepped back.

"We have two and a half hours before this place shuts down. I think we can make it outta here before then"

Grabbing their stuff, they both walked out of the hidden facility trying to act as inconspicuous as possible.


Walking down the deserted sidewalk of NYC, Danny shoved his hands inside his sweatshirt pockets. He managed to escape the facility. After the agents turned to dust, They hadn't done much with Danny. Mostly just starve him and run stupid experiments. Most of the agents vanished, leaving only fifty or so. It was quite a small organization. If it wasn't for the ghost Shield surrounding his cell, he could of easily escaped.

He heard what had happened by some Agents. How a evil purple alien wiped out half the planet by turning them to dust. Danny didn't know the specifics. He only hoped his family was okay.

He suddenly stopped and saw a park filled with tall slabs.

His eyes instantly widened, people were bringing flowers and other stuff to them. He sprinted towards them, eyes catching the words 'The Vanished'

Each slab held hundreds of names. They were all in alphabetical order. Eyes racing the B's, he read,

Morgan Baxter

Aaron Baxter

Lily Baysal

He didn't see Dash's name. That was a good thing.

However, his breathing quickened as he skimmed over the M's.

Samantha Manson

His heart sank. Fearing the worst, he ran to the F's and began searching for Fenton.

Jack Fenton

Jazz Fenton

Madeline Fenton

His breathing hitched as he saw the last name.

DJ Fenton

He clenched his fist, nails digging into his palms. His body began to shake and the temperature dropped down ten degrees.

His eyes turned a blazing angry green.


"We only have enough for one practice run" Scott said as he showed them the Pym Particles that will allow them to travel back in time.

"I'll do it" Clint said, making Scott gladly hand him the particles.

"Do what?"

All the Avengers jumped in shock and turned to face the intruder. Their eyes widened when they recognized them.

Danny grew a few inches but looked like he lost a lot of weight. No doubt he could still kick a majority of their asses like he did in their civil war though. The twenty year olds clothing was ripped and torn and seemed to be a few sizes to small.

"Danny? Jeez kid, where've you been?" Clint asked.

Danny gave them a tight smile and shrugged.
"With a bunch of assholes. Now I want to hear this plan. And everything that had happened. I was kinda held in the dark a bit"


"So, 'with a bunch of assholes' huh? How much of an asshole were they?" Tony asked as he worked on the time machine thingy. Danny didn't know what they called it.

(ANd NeiTHeR dOes ThIs auThOR)

They were all getting their suits on as Tony finished the last of it. Danny also began suiting up. He put his arms up, revealing parts of his stomach through a large tear in his shirt.

It didn't reveal much, just the sight of a scar that made their eyes widen and stomachs feel sick. It quickly disappeared as he put on the red and white time suit over his ripped clothes.

"Major assholes, now let's beat this son of a bitch"


"A soul for a soul" The red dude said, motioning towards the large cliff then looking back at Natasha, Clint, and Danny.

The red guy disappeared, leaving the three of them in silence.

"This has gotta be a trick. He's tricking us" Clint said in disbelief.

Natasha shook her head.
"No, he's telling the truth. He knew my fathers name"


"I didn't even know it"

Danny watched as they both stared at each other then back at him. Clint looked towards Natasha.

"Tell my family I love them"

He ran towards the edge but was quickly knocked down by Natasha.

"You tell them yourself"

The two of them fought, until Natasha dove off the edge. Danny and Clint ran after, Clint using his grappling hook to catch her.

"I won't let you!" He exclaimed, looking down at her with panicked eyes. She tried to convince him it was okay, it had to be her.

Danny floated down to Natasha.
"Or how about neither of you?"

They snapped their attention back at him.

"Hell no!" They yelled in sync. Danny looked back at them then to the ground below. Looking back, he dropped his flight and plunged to the ground below. The two watched in shock.


The two woke up on the ground. However, they didn't have the soul stone, or Danny. They stared at each other in shock.

"It's okay I got it"

They both jumped up and looked behind them at Danny who was holding the gold stone.

"So I'm about 55% dead now" He said. They both collapsed to the ground, relieved.

(know you're supposed to sacrifice someone you love but you know what, EvERyoNe LoVeS DanNy and this probably isn't how it goes but FaNfiCtIOn MagIc)


They arrived back to the present time and had just put all the stones into one of Tony's armor arms. Bruce put it on and snapped.

However, it burned most of his body which Danny cooled using his ghostly ice. Danny's heart sped up with glee when Clint got a call from his once vanished wife.

Then the explosion happened.

Danny managed to escape easily using his intangibility. Iron man and Captain America had made it out with his help. He knew the others were okay.

They looked up in time to see a alien warship making its way down to earth.

Thanos and his army.

Danny immediately felt his blood boil and as soon as Thanos and his army touched the ground, he attacked.

He sent several ecto and ice blasts his way. Pouring every ounce of anger and grief he had into each attack. It knocked Thanos back a bit until a couple of his guards jumped in front of him.

Suddenly, lighting filled the air and Thor made his move. Throwing his axe and hammer towards Thanos. Danny fought off Thanos army, using his wail to knock them down. The Adrenalin in his body keeping him from feeling exhausted.

Tony sent blasts from his suit and Cap threw his shield at Thanos, doing his best to help Thor. Danny saw the God get thrown across the ground and onto a rock.

Danny tried to make his way over to help but stopped when a bolt of lighting hit Thanos. He stopped and grinned when he saw Cap holding Thor's hammer. Thor saw as well and grinned.

"I knew it"

Cap, Tony, and Thor all fought off Thanos while Danny fought off the army.

It was soon becoming to much, then these golden portals appeared. Many unfamiliar and some familiar people stepped out. Danny smiled brightly when he saw them.

T'challa stood and nodded towards cap before ordering his army to attack. Everyone immediately ran and began fighting off Thanos and his army. Danny grinned once more when he saw Tony give Spider man a hug, recalling all the stories he'd tell of him while they were working on the time machine.

Suddenly, the warship above pointed large laser guns at them. Danny's eyes widened and immediately put a ghost shield around everyone, gaining some curious and impressed looks.

They shot down but didn't break through Danny's shield. They stopped and then turned towards something in the sky and began shooting. A bright blur suddenly flew towards it and quickly destroyed it. That must of been Captain marvel who Danny had heard about.

(Honestly, In mY OpInIoN I'm not a big fan of captain marvel. And when that scene appeared where the guns on Thanos ship pointed at the sky, I was hoping Loki would appear on a ship filled with Korg, Miek, Valkyrie, and the other asgardians and say 'You're savior has arrived!' Like he did in ragnarok and all I'm saying is that they missed a FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY BUT OK I jUsT mIsS LokI A LoT AnD nEeDEd TO SeE hIs DrAMaTiC aSs SeLf)

Danny let the shield down when it was safe to do so. He saw a large Ant Man holding hawk eye, Natasha, Hulk Bruce, and Clint who had the infinity gauntlet.

He set them down then shrunk back to normal size. He saw a women in a wasp costume fly next to him, he saw Ant Man grin at her, relieved.

He saw a large group of Thanos' army running towards them. He quickly knocked them down with his ghostly wail.

Clint dodged out of the way of a few attacks, still holding the gauntlet. Before he could get tackled, he quickly yelled out.

"HEY CASPER! CATCH!" He threw the gauntlet at Danny which he quickly caught, running through all of the army using his intangibility. He looked over at Thanos and saw the Scarlet Witch send multiple attacks at him.

'So cool'

He saw Captain America and called out to him.

"CATCH!" He threw the gauntlet but before he could catch it, it was grabbed by one of Thanos guards. However, a piece of webbing quickly snatched it and he saw Spider man web his way towards Tony. Danny let out a breath of relief.

Spider man dodged many attacks but ended up tripping. He was quickly helped by Captain Marvel and many of the other avengers. He gave Captain Marvel the gauntlet.

It quickly grew worse when Thanos attacked and seized the gauntlet. Tony quickly attacked Thanos only to be knocked down. He didn't give up though, and blasted him once more before trying to grab the gauntlet from him.

Thanos smirked and punched him, sending him flying to the ground. Danny immediately took action and flew towards Thanos as he put the gauntlet on then snapped.

Only nothing happened. Danny looked in shock when he saw the stones were missing. He looked and saw Tony had grabbed them last minute and placed them on his own gauntlet.

Danny saw him raise his arm.

"Who are you" He heard Thanos mumble.

"I... am... Iron man" Tony weekly said, getting ready to snap. Danny knew he wouldn't survive.

He wouldn't allow that.

His eyes turned green and he immediately overshadowed Tony's body. He knew if it was just tony he'd die, but if Danny helped he'd have more of a chance surviving.

Together, they snapped.

(It MaDe SenSE In mY heAd OkAY. Like in the guardians of the galaxy when they all grabbed the stone to share the affects, they survived. It'S LiKe ThAt)


Danny woke up in a hospital. It wasn't like any hospital he's ever seen though. He was in a wakanda hospital. He looked over and next to his hospital bed laid Tony in his own, body covered in bandaged burns like the hulk had.

A women he recognized as Pepper Pots and a small little girl was next to his bedside. Pepper was on a stark tablet, hand clutching Tony's.

'It worked, thank everything' he sighed in relief which alerted Pepper of his conscious state. She turned her head quickly towards him and perked up when she saw he was awake.

"You're awake! How're you feeling?" She asked, standing up. The little girl grabbed her hand as they walked over to him.

Danny shrugged. He didn't really feel any different, Just exhausted. He noticed he was in his human form which allowed him to fully relax. At least he didn't turn into a full ghost.

"Just a bit tired" He said, voice scratchy and rough. He then noticed he had bandages wrapped around his chest, arms, and legs. He winced a little at the thought of them seeing the Y scar on his chest but quickly shook the thought away. Nows not the time to think of that.

"...thank you" She said, voice soft and grateful. He noticed her eyes were glossy as she stared at him. She placed a comforting hand over his.

"You saved his life, thankyou, so much"

Danny gave her a smile. He felt a small hand grab his other and tuned to see the little girl. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. She handed it to him.

"I'm Morgan" She said shyly. He gave her a reassuring smile before unfolding the piece of paper. It was a drawing of him in his ghostly form. He looked at it with tears in his eyes. Being reminded so much of DJ.

"Hi Morgan, I'm Danny" He said to her. She smiled at him. They heard groaning coming from Tony and Pepper immediately ran over.

The door opened and T'challa appeared along with a younger looking girl who Danny assumed to be his younger sister, Shuri. Next to her stood Peter and the rest of the Avengers.

Several nurses ran in the room and began checking on Danny and a slowly waking Tony. He suddenly heard running feet and the Avengers were shoved aside. Danny sat up when he saw who it was.

"Holy shit you're alive" A disheveled looking Dash exclaimed. He looked older then the last time Danny had saw him, right before he was captured. Danny's lip quivered and he flung himself out of the bed, much to the dismay of the nurses and everyone else who immediately told him to lay back down. Danny ignored them.

"Half alive" He said as he gave Dash a hug.


"SAM!" Danny yelled when he heard the familiar shouting of his best girl friend. She ran into the room and gasped when she saw him.

"Holy shit you're actually taller than me now" Danny gave his shocked friend a bone crushing hug.

"SAAAM! WHY MUST YOU RUN! AND YOU KNOW I WANTED TO HUG HIM FIRST!" Danny perked up at the voice of Tucker who ran into the room shortly after.


The Avengers and a groggy Tony watched in amusement as Danny grumbled about how he wasn't that short.

Many others disagreed.

Danny suddenly turned towards Sam.
"Where's DJ!?" He anxiously asked. Sam was about to reply when he heard more running feet and a panicked looking Maddie, Jack, and Jazz Fenton ran in. Jazz was holding DJ.

They all quickly engulfed him in a hug, careful of his injuries. After they broke apart, Danny immediately took DJ out of Jazz's arms. He looked the same as the last time he saw him.

"Dada!" DJ exclaimed excitedly, to him he hadn't seen Danny in a month. Danny hadn't seen him in five years. Tears fell out of his eyes as he immediately hugged his baby, DJ wrapped his tiny arms around Dannys neck and placed his head on his shoulder.

Clint choked, Natasha began pounding his back. Falcon blinked, Caps eyes widened, Bruce Hulk smiled, Pepper looked surprised, Thor waved at DJ, and everyone else gawked.

"I think I'm going into cardiac arrest"

"Tony this is not an appropriate time for death jokes"


You know what, could it have been better?


However there is over 3000 words-


That was not intentional.


Hope you enjoyed. It's almost 1 am. I've been reading Iron dad fics to make me feel better and it's working.

Seriously tho, my smol sweet child had to suffer the losses of three father figures. His actual dad, Uncle Ben, and now Tony (LOUD SOBS) and two died right in front of the poor lil bean. (At lease I'm pretty sure peter was there when Ben died, he was in the Spider-Man movie with Toby Maguire. I dunno about Andrew Garfield, I never watched those ones) and now TONY

*I N T E N S E S O B B I N G*

Tis all

Good day

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