Flash (3)

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"Here we are"

The small four year old looked at the apartment complex in awe. He pointed to the large fancy looking building then at each of them.

Oliver chuckled as he scooped him up in his arms.
"No, the whole thing isn't ours. There are many living areas built into the building, ours is on the highest floor" He explained.

Barry watched them with a smile, happy with how much more comfortable Danny seemed. Danny and Oliver bonded a lot after the whole kidnapping incident.

Danny pointed to the large building again, this time more eagerly. The two adults got the hint and walked inside.

Danny phased out of Oliver's arms, making Barry look around to make sure nobody saw. Oliver opened the elevator and they all walked inside.

Danny pointed at the elevator buttons, Barry nodded and told him which button to push. He happily pressed number 56 and smiled in excitement when it began to move.

"Auntie Iris is going to be here soon to take you to the park, she's babysitting another kid your age so you'll have a new friend" Barry told the excited four year old.

Danny's smile brightened at the prospect of seeing Iris but he was a bit nervous about meeting someone new.
"And this is our stop" Oliver said as the elevator stopped. Danny grabbed Barry's hand as they walked out.

He followed the two adults to their door that belong to their penthouse. Oliver took out a key and unlocked it. Danny wasted no time in running inside. He stopped and stared in awe.

Barry smiled as Danny began to explore. He ran up the stairs of the penthouse to explore further. Barry took his time looking at their new home as well.

The living room had a large L shaped couch and a glass coffee table in front of it. A large flatscreen T.V was on the wall in front of the couch. There was a sliding glass door which led to the balcony.

Barry walked up the stairs to search for Danny. He found him in a room that was already decorated just for him. Danny had not kept his love of space and superheroes a secret. His walls and ceiling were painted to resemble a galaxy while his bedspread and pillows were Flash themed. Barry loved the fact that he was Danny's favorite hero, Oliver says he doesn't care but Barry saw him buy an arrow themed lamp which was now on Danny's new nightstand.

He had another arrow themed nightlight which was plugged in beside his bed which Oliver also got him. Danny was sitting on the floor, playing with some Justice League action figures along with his flash plushie.

Barry smiled and bent down next to him.
"Are you excited about seeing Iris?" He asked, frowning a bit when Danny shrugged.

"You're not excited about seeing Aunt Iris? Normally you'd be ecstatic" Barry sat down cross cross next to him and Danny put down one of the action figures he had been playing with.

Danny paused before shaking his head.
"So you are excited? Is this about the kid she's babysitting?"

Danny immediately nodded and Barry began to understand. Danny has always been shy, especially after the accident with his family. He's wary around new people, it doesn't matter who they are. He was even skittish around Barry, Iris, and Joe for the first week he was with them.

"It'll be alright, if you truly don't want to go I can give Iris a call and explain to her. I'm sure she'll understand" Barry did want Danny to get used to meeting new people but he also didn't want to rush him. Though It would be best if he got used to it before he started kindergarten which was in just a few months.

Danny thought for a moment before shaking his head, meaning he'd go. Barry smiled at him before plopping a kiss on his forehead.
"I'm positive you're going to have a blast" Barry smiled. Danny smiled back just as Oliver walked in the room.

"Ah, there you guys are. Iris just called, she says she's currently in the elevator on the way up" Oliver tried his best to hide his grin when he noticed Danny holding the arrow action figure he had bought him.

Barry stood up and reached his hand out for Danny to grab. Oliver did not pout when Danny dropped the arrow action figure and grabbed his Flash plushie instead. Barry noticed and sent him a cheeky grin.

The three walked out of Danny's room and made their way downstairs, Danny hiding behind Barry the entire time. As soon as they walked down the long staircase, there was a knock on the door.

Oliver walked ahead and opened it. Iris stood on the other side with a big grin. There was a small boy standing by her side. He had brown skin, turquoise eyes, and was wearing a bat-man shirt and jeans. He was playing some games on Iris' phone.

Oliver greeted the two before welcoming them inside. Iris ignored Barry's greeting in favor of looking for a certain four year old.

"Where's Danny?" She pouted when she couldn't find him. Oliver's eyes widened and he looked at Barry who also looked slightly alarmed. Barry immediately turned towards Iris.

"This must be Tucker!" Barry turned the two away from Oliver as he began running around the room trying to find their ghostly child.

The boy beside Iris looked up and gave Barry a toothy grin.
"Yup! That's me!" He exclaimed.

Barry looked behind the two and tried his best to hide his shock when Danny appeared right above Iris. Oliver flipped over the couch and ran behind her, jumping up to snatch the four year old.

Iris saw Barry looking behind her and turned around, jumping a bit when she came face to face with Oliver holding a nervous looking Danny.

"Danny!" She immediately wrapped him in a hug once Oliver put him down.

Barry and Oliver both let out a sigh of relief. Iris held Danny's hand and led him over to Tucker. He quickly moved to hide behind her leg.

"Danny, this is Tucker. He likes superheroes just like you, maybe you can bring along some of your action figures to play with at the park?" Iris suggested, trying to get the two kids to be friends.

Tucker brightened up at the mention of superheroes.
"You like superheroes? I love them too! Who's your favorite?"

Barry and Oliver held their breath as they waited for Danny's reaction. Danny hesitantly stepped closer and held up his Flash plushie, making Barry give Oliver a smug grin.

"Really? I like him too! Although my favorite is Bat-Man! Wonder Woman is a close second" Tucker didn't seem to mind Danny's shyness or the fact that he wouldn't talk.

Danny smiled shyly as the other began to list his top fifteen favorite heroes, some fictional and some real. The adults all smiled when Danny eagerly motioned for Tucker to follow him. The duo ran up the stairs and soon came down, each holding two action figures.

Danny had the Flash and Aquaman while Tucker had Bat-Man and Wonder Women. Danny also had his flash plushie as well.
"Alright, ready to go?" Iris asked the two four year olds.

They both nodded and Danny hugged Barry and Oliver goodbye. Tucker dragged Danny out the door and towards the elevator.
"I'll be back in a few hours or so, enjoy the free time"

"We will"

Iris said goodbye before walking after the two kids.


Iris watched with a smile as Tucker began chasing after Danny. Danny was grinning as he ran away, holding his flash action figure and his flash plushie. She went back to writing after a minute of watching them.

"BAT MAN IS GONNA GET YOU!" Tucker laughed, holding the bat man figurine. Danny shook his head in reply and continued to run. He suddenly came to a stop making Tucker run into him. They fell down.

Tucker sat up and shook his head, sand and dirt flying out of his hair as he did so. Danny sat up as well and did the same. Tucker turned towards his new friend with a confused expression.
"How come you stopped?" He asked.

Danny pointed towards a girl who was sitting under a tree, she looked upset about something. There were other kids playing near her but she didn't join them. 9 other adults sat at a picnic table near them.

"Wanna ask her to join us? She can play wonder women or Aquaman!" Danny nodded his head and they both walked towards the frowning girl.

She had short black hair and was wearing a frilly pink dress.
"Samantha! Get up off the ground and join the others, you're getting your dress all dirty!" One of the adults at the picnic table scolded. Danny assumed it was her mom.

Samantha glared and ignored her. Her violet eyes turned towards the group of kids and glared at them as well. Danny began to feel nervous, maybe inviting her is a bad idea.

Tucker didn't seem to think so as he happily walked up to her. Danny followed hesitantly behind him.
"Hi! My names Tucker and this is Danny! He can't talk but that's fine, he's really cool and fun! Wanna play superheroes with us?"

The girl looked at him for a moment before standing up. She didn't bother wiping the dirt off of her dress.
"Sure... my names Sam" She gave them both a small smile. Danny shyly waved at her and she waved back.

He smiled then pointed at his Aquaman figurine then to the Wonder women one. She tilted her head a bit, confused.
"He's asking if you want to play Aquaman or Wonder women" Tucker explained.

"I'll play Wonder women" She said, grabbing the female superhero. The trio then ran off to play.

They played for a half hour before Iris had them sit down to eat lunch. Tucker introduced her to Sam before digging into his lunch. Sam had already eaten lunch with her family so she wasn't hungry.

Danny gently tapped the black haired girls shoulder. She turned to look at him. Danny pointed over to where Sams family and her parents friends sat. He then frowned and pointed at himself.

She looked confused for a moment before brightening up.
"You wanna know why I looked upset?"

Danny smiled and nodded. Tucker turned towards them, mouth full.
"My mommy makes me wear frilly pink things and I hate them. I don't like pink, I like the color black and dark purple. She also makes me go on play dates with those other kids but I don't like them, they're snotty" She explained.

"Well you can just play with us instead!" Tucker exclaimed after he swallowed, Danny nodding in agreement. Sam gave the two of them a smile.

"Thanks! I like playing superheroes, nobody else will play with me. My parents refuse to buy me superhero stuff since my mom says it's 'un-ladylike'" Sam huffed.

Iris watched with a smile as Danny handed her the wonder women figurine. Sam looked at him in surprise. He nodded his head with a smile and pointed at her.

"You're giving me your superhero action figure?"

Danny nodded with a smile. Sam blushed a bit before smiling back.
"Thanks Danny"


After dropping Tucker off at his parents house, Iris took Danny back to Barry and Oliver. Danny was smiling the entire way back to their penthouse, carrying the action figures.

They got to the elevator and Iris let Danny push the button. They rode it to the top floor before getting off. Iris knocked on their door and soon Oliver opened it.

Danny gave him a hug before running in. He found Barry on the couch and gave him a hug as well. The adults watched as he happily ran up the stairs.

"Looks like somebody had a blast" Oliver smiled before letting Iris in.

"He had a great time, even met a new friend. He gave her his Wonder Women action figure too" Iris cooed at the sweet memory.

"That's adorable. I'm happy he's coming out of his shell" Barry smiled as he got up from the couch.

Iris walked over to Barry. Oliver was about to as well until a certain half ghost phased out of the ceiling and landed in front of him. Oliver did his best to hide his shout of surprise. He checked to make sure Iris didn't see which she didn't.

Danny smiled and held up a picture of the green arrow he had drawn. On the bottom right hand corner was a message written in Danny's handwriting.

'I drew this for you becuze he is your favrite superhero! I dont reelly no him but if you like him then me to!' -Danny

Oliver stared at the picture in his hands then looked back at Danny. He soon grinned and picked the small four year old up.

"This ones going on the fridge"



Just so you know those spelling mistakes on Danny's message was on purpose, he's four he's not an excellent speller yet.


Also sorry if its b a d i tried

FINALLY AN UPDATE! I have like four chapters planned but I'm having trouble.


I PLAN ON MAKING A PERCY JACKSON CROSSOVER BUT I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE PERCY JACKSON FANDOM! I read the first and second book like five years ago but that's just about it. I don't remember any other characters aside from Percy, Annabeth, and Grover.


Hope you enjoyed that,

Tis all

Good day

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