Hero Academy (1)

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AnD aN aCtUaL oNesHot!?

Le dRaMaTiC GaSp!

I said somewhat related CUZ THE MUFFINS ARE STAYING!

Danny Phantom X My Hero Academia

Also, sorry if any characters are OOC... I dOnT kNoW hOw tO wRiTe tHeM

So... any advice? I'm only halfway through the first season of BNHA.


Danny knew he was breaking the law by doing this, but he couldn't help it. It was partially his fault that ghosts now swarmed the city of Amity Park, so therefore, it was also his duty to protect it. He used to be quirkless until he accidentally turned his parents ghost portal on.

With him still inside.

Sam and Tucker both agreed with him. Somebody needed to do something about the ghosts. There weren't a lot of heroes in Amity Park, and the ones that were there didn't have the right quirk to deal with them.

Even though it was illegal to use your quirk in public without a heroes license, Danny still did it anyways.

"Whelp! I will get your pelt!" Skulker shouted angrily as Danny created a portal. He rolled his eyes.

"Only in your weird and psychotic dreams" Danny sent an ecto blast, hitting Skulker in the stomach and sending him flying into the portal.

Danny quickly closed the portal and landed on the ground in the middle of an Alleyway. He suddenly gasped as he unwillingly transformed back into his human self.

"Y'know, kid. It's against the law to use your quirk"

Danny turned around and saw a guy with goggles and a scarf wrapped around him.

"You're gonna have to come with me"

Dannys eyes widened in realization.

This man was a hero...

"Uh! Wait! You got it all wrong! I didn't mean to-"

The man shot him a look that told him to shut up. Danny squeeked, eyes darting anywhere but the mans scrutinizing glare. It was visible even through his goggles.

"Where do you live, kid? I don't feel like taking you to the police" The man grumbled in a tired voice.

"I'll just have a little chat with your parents"

Danny felt his blood run cold. His parents didn't know about his new quirk. They couldn't know. If they found out his quirk was anything like a ghosts, they'd kick him out for sure... him and Jazz weren't even allowed to be ghosts for Halloween!

"No!" The man looked a bit startled by Dannys outburst. He groaned, rubbing his eyes with his forefinger and thumb.

"Look, kid. I gotta fly back to Japan first thing tomorrow so if you could just-"

"You can't tell my parents! Just take me to the cops instead!" Danny just about begged.

The man looked taken back.
"You'd rather go to jail then have me tell your parents? The fuck, kid"

Danny groaned. He didn't want to tell this hero everything.
"Look, my parents don't necessarily know that I have this quirk, ok? And they can't know! It's ghost related and they absolutely hate everything that has to do with ghosts! And if they found out then they'd kick me out for sure! Or worse they'd-" The hero cut off the rambling teen by raising his hand as a signal to stop.

"So, you're telling me that your parents have no idea that you have a quirk? How is that possible, there's no way that you've been able to hide the fact that you have a quirk since you were five" The man tiredly replied.

Danny looked down at his feet.
"Well... I was kinda a late bloomer... like, an extremely late bloomer..." Danny mumbled.

The hero sighed.
"So then I guess you'll be going to the po-"

Danny interrupted him with a gasp as his ghost sense went off. The man stared at him oddly.

"The hell was-"

He was interrupted once more by a green blast of ectoplasm whizzing past his head. His eyes widened.
"What the-"

"WATCH OUT!" Danny jumped in front of him and created a ghost sheild just as another blast of ectoplasm headed their way. It hit the sheild.

The hero looked up, shocked to see some strange floating person in armor.

"Skulker?? How?? I literally just sent your ass back to the zone!" Danny exclaimed. He quickly transformed into his ghost form.

"Yeah, but your portal was still on when I got there! I said that I will have your pelt, whelp!"

The hero glared at the villain. He activated his quirk but frowned when nothing happened. Skulker looked at the hero and grinned.

"What is this? Another hero! I shall have your pelt as well!" Skulker sent a missile towards him.

He easily dodged out of the way and jumped towards the villain. Skulker flew out of the way, making him miss. He landed on the ground and analyzed the villain, trying to come up with a plan to take him down.

Skulker fired several missiles towards him again. He dodged them but they turned around and flew towards him again.

'They're locked on me' The hero huffed, dodging them again.

He was suddenly pushed out of the way and was surprised to see the kid standing in front of him protectively.

'Like a hero' he thought, eyes widening.

"Kid! Stay outta this"

"Sorry, can't do that. I promised to protect this town and that includes anyone in it, visiting or not" Danny sent several ecto blasts of his own, blowing up the missiles.

Danny flew up off the ground and towards Skulker. He blocked all of skulkers attacks with ease and sent many of his own.

Danny turned intangible and disappeared into the ground, surprising the hell out of the hero. Just how many quirks did this kid have?

Danny suddenly reappeared behind Skulker and blasted him to the ground.

"Because you didnt give me to hard of a time, you'll only stay in the thermos for three hours instead of six" Smirking, Danny pulled out the thermos and sucked the ghost inside.

He softly landed on the ground and transformed back, helping the, still shocked, hero up.

He turned towards Danny.
"Have you ever heard of U.A, kid?"


"Are you sure? I mean... he's quirkless. I didn't know U.A took quirkless students, or even let them take the exam" Maddie asked, a little reluctant to let Danny go all the way to Japan with a man they barely knew, even though the man was a hero.

"Yes, I'm sure. I see much potential in him, I'm certain he'll make a great hero" The hero, now known as Erasure Head, or Aziawa Shota, said.

They had been talking about it all week, Aizawa having postponed his flight. Maddie was still a little unsure. Her son was quirkless, how was he going to become a hero?

Jack, on the other hand, was very excited that his son had a chance to go to U.A. He had even helped him pack his bags.

Maddie sighed.
"Alright, but are you sure it's ok if he stays with you? We can always-"

"I assure you, it's fine. I have plenty of room for him" Aizawa reassured, a little impatient. Danny stood at the doorway, holding his suitcase.

Maddie hugged Danny goodbye and kissed his cheek.
"Make sure to call me when you land, ok?" Danny nodded.

"I will, mom. Dont worry" Danny hugged her back, feeling a bit guilty about lying. However, he knew it was for the best.

"We'll make sure to always visit, Danny boy! I'm proud of you!" Jack engulfed Danny in a bear hug.

"I haven't even made it into U.A..." Danny mumbled.

"Yet!" Jack exclaimed.
"You haven't made it into U.A yet"

After they all said their goodbyes, Danny and Aizawa walked outside and towards a black Taxi. They opened the doors and went inside.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

"To the airport"

Danny bounced his leg in excitement.

He was going to U.A. He was going to be a hero.

Well... A legal one.


There! Finished! Sorry for the lack of updates this weekend XP also, sorry if it's crappy... feel free to correct any mistakes you see!

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