Mad-Libs (3)

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"I hate people" Danny grumbled as he sat down at his lunch table.

"So you hate half of you?" Dash asked.

"I hate all of me"

Everyone gasped.
"Hey! That's my best friend you're talking about! How dare you hate yourself!" Tucker stated dramatically.

"I'm annoyed! Why does everyone hate Imagine Dragons new album?? I listened to every song and I love it!" Danny exclaimed.

"So thats why you're all moody. I don't know either in all honesty. They say that they're making generic songs now and aren't being a rock band" Star explained.

"But they're a non-genre band! They don't just make one genre of music! And the songs are pretty good! Especially Birds!" Danny threw his hands up in frustration.

"Not much of a fan of Digital though" Elizabeth shrugged.

"I love Digital, actually" Sam said. Danny nodded in agreement.

"...people are also getting offended over Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer"

Everyone looked at Danny.

He nodded.
"Yea. Because his dad was ashamed of him and made him cover his nose up"

Tucker slammed his face against the lunch table.
"BuT tHaTs hOw ThE sToRY fRiKkIn GoEs!"

"Are they gonna change it?" Mikey asked.

Danny shrugged.
"I dunno what they're going to do. They better not! Rudolph has been around since the 40's, right?"

"His first appearance was in a booklet published in 1939" Sam said, looking at her phone.

"If they end up changing the story or getting rid of it all together, I'm gonna get clockwork to throw me into an alternate universe where he's real and bring him back to this world" Danny grumbled.

"...can you still do that even if they dont, though... I wanna meet Rudolph" Kwan pleaded.

"Maybe. Clockwork is kinda upset with me right now though"

"Why?" Elizabeth asked.

"Because I found out that the reason why Deja vu happens is because clockwork always rewinds time when a funny thing happens"

"Can he send me to a universe where Swagger Bishie is cannon?" Paulina asked.

"Aren't you and Dash dating..." Ned asked.

"Yes. If you're going to judge, get the fuck out" Paulina said, placing her hands on her hips.

"I'm uncomfortable" Dash mumbled.

"I'm used to it" Everyone said in sync.

"We need a new conversation starter. I'm bored now" Danny sighed.

"I wonder if people actually look up conversation starters" Nathan asked.

" gonna look some up" Mikey got on his phone. Elizabeth looked over his shoulder.

"Oh this one is perfect. If you did a crime, where would you run to?" She asked.

Tucker thought for a moment.
"Well first we gotta say what our crime would be and if it would be bad enough that we'd have to run... I'd probably hack into the government and uncover all of their secrets about conspiracies like aliens and cloning"

"I'd probably steal all the animals away from farms that are just being used for food. And for hurting (killing) the people who mistreat their animals" Sam said.

"I don't know what crime i'd do... but If I did do a crime, i'd feel too guilty and turn myself in" Mikey smiled.

Elizabeth thought for a moment.
"I'd steal books. Or expensive art supplies. Then i'd flee to some remote island"

"I'd go to jail for all the crimes I already committed. Then i'd use my memory thingy, which I forgot the complicated name of, and erase everyones memories. If it broke, i'd go to the MIB facility and get a new one. Or i'd just go to the ghost zone" Danny grinned.

"You Just described Monday" Star deadpanned.
"Anways, I'd go to jail for killing anyone who hurt a child or an animal"

"Ok, we're getting looks from others who're close by. Time to change the conversation" Nathan said, face turning pink in embarrassment.

"Screw them! I KILLED SOMEBO-"

"DANNY SHUSH!" Everyone yelled.

"Did you know there's a normal human guy who can withstand any amount of electricity without being fazed by it" Tucker said excitedly as he showed everybody the article he found.

"Lucky him" grumbled Danny. Everyone winced.

"There there... all is okay" Tucker patted Dannys back.

"Here's a deep conversation starter. Where's your life headed?" Mikey asked.

Danny snorted.
"It AlReAdY eNdEd lMaO"

"Into a trashcan" Ned sighed.

"Everyones just a little ray of sunshine... pick a different question" Jazz told Mikey.

"How do you think you will die- sorry Danny"

Danny crawled under the lunchroom table.
"All these questions are STUPID!"

"True... I don't wanna do this anymore" Mikey put his phone away.

Tucker pulled out his phone and grinned.

"Mad Libs?"



"Ok! Jazz, Plural Noun"


"Ned, Adjective"


"Danny, Adjective"


"Sam, noun"


"Star, noun"


"Mines a noun as well. Im gonna put kumquat"

"Paulina, another noun"


"Nathan, Adjective"


"Elizabeth, part of body"


"Dexter, plural noun"


"Jazz, Adjective"


"Ned, noun"


"Danny, Adjective"


"Sam, noun"


"Star, part of body plural"


"I have part of body so imma put nose. Ok, last one. Paulina give me a plural noun"


"Ok! Danny, read it!"

Danny cheered and grabbed his phone. He cleared his throat and began to read.

"Bugs of all ages enjoy watching delicious magicians preform their dead tricks" Danny paused.

"Hey! I can be a magician and preform dead tricks! Screw being a superhero, imma be a dead magician!"

"...just keep reading, Danny"

"Hmph... fine... anyways, Every man, woman, and toothbrush loves to see a magician pull a planet out of a hat, saw a live kumquat in half, or make a huge flower disappear into large air."

Everyone laughed.
"If kumquats were alive, i'd move to mars" Tucker mumbled.

Danny continued,
"Audiences love when magicians preform sleight of toe with a deck of rats, a pink coin, or a silk blanket. "The greatest of all magicians was the ugly Harry Houdini, who was able to escape from a locked tree even though his eyes were tied behind his nose-"

"Sounds painful..."

"-and his feet were wrapped in iron clouds."

The bell suddenly rang, signaling the end of lunch.

"Great timing. That was very interesting" Star said, standing up.

"Yup! How about we all play after we finish our work in English?" Tucker asked, grabbing his phone from Danny.

"Poor Mr Lancer... we should make him something that tells him how much we appreciate him" Danny said.

"Why haven't we done that before..."

"No clue"


So MaNy uPdAtEs
I feel bad for not updating a lot XP

Probably not gonna update a lot on weekdays but I shall make up for it on the weekends! Plus winter break is coming up!


Happy holidays!


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