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Rin sighed in frustration as he once again melted all of the candles. He was practicing in his room, Yukio was away on some mission.

Shura had told him to take a break but he couldn't. His friends won't trust him if he can't control anything!

He concentrated on the two outside candles.

Then something crashed through the window.


Rin jumped as Danny hit the floor with a 'thump'. He landed on his back, arms protecting a small child.

"Oh, hey Danny"

Danny smiled and sat correctly. He then held out a small baby with blue eyes and black hair.

"Hey, meet my son, DJ!"

"Hey DJ- waIT WHA-"


"Ohhh, ok, so that creepy frootloop cloned you, and you took him in as your son. Ok, that makes sense" Rin said after Danny had finished explaining everything. DJ was fast asleep in Rins bed.

"Yup! Probably should have came after his nap time though..." Danny mumbled.
"Anyways, so why're there three candles on the floor?" Danny asked, head tilted in confusion.

"Oh! It's because I'm using them to control my powers... if I don't pass the exorcist exam, the vatican is going to... well, kill me"

Dannys eyes flashed an angry neon green.
"Like hell they are! They're gonna have to go through me first! And we both know that's NOT gonna happen! Why the hell... They don't have the right to kill you! You haven't had your powers for that long! You literally just found out about your heritage!"

Rin quickly calmed the fuming half ghost before he went to kill all the exorcists.

"I know I know! But I have to practice. I promised myself I'd become the greatest exorcist ever! I'm going to become the Paladin, just like my old man!" Rin proudly exclaimed.

Dannys anger diminished, a smile making its way onto his face.
"Damn right you are! I'll even help you! I know two amazing people who know all about this stuff! With my amazing ability to persuade people, they'll be more then happy to help you!" Danny exclaimed.


Rins face brightened.
"Really! Man, I don't know what i'd do if I haven't met you! But I have to control my powers as soon as possible so my friends can trust me again"

Dannys angry expression returned.
"Those assholes don't deserve to be friends with you" Rin quickly calmed Danny down once more.

"Shit. Forgot my baby was in the room" Danny whispered, turning around to see if DJ was awake.

He was.

"Oss" DJ said. Dannys eyes widened.

"Hoool" DJ giggled.

"NOOO! NO NO NO! No! Don't say that, that's a bad word! I said Loop Hole! Can you say 'loop hole?'" Danny gently picked DJ up off the bed.



"Jazz and Sam and all of the girls are gonna kill the rest of me"


"So you have to light the two outer candles?" Danny asked. DJ was playing with his toys next to him.

"Yea. But I can't do it. Everyone expects me to, but I haven't had my powers for that long and nobody is explaining it to me in a way that I understand" Rin said, frustrated.

Danny thought for a moment.
"Hmmm... i'm not sure if i can explain this correctly... but try to concentrate. Try to imagine what you want your flames to do and how they're going to do it. They're your flames aren't they? You control them, not the other way around"

Rins eyes widened at his words. He was right. They were his flames. He controled them.

"Imagine the middle candle as someone who you want to protect. The other two are enemies. You want to protect your loved ones, dont you? Isn't that the reason you decided to be an exorcist?"

Rin nodded his head. Danny smiled.

"Then do it"

Rin closed his eyes and focused. Blue flames erupted around them, not hurting anything. Danny watched with a proud smile as the two candles lit up without melting anything.

The flames subsided. Rin opened his eyes.

"You did it!" Danny exclaimed, standing up. Rin smiled and stood up as well.

"Thankyou, Danny. Thankyou so much" Rin hugged him.

"That was all you"


"DANNY NO!" Rin exclaimed as Danny tried to pour an entire bag of sugar into the muffin batter.

"But it's sugar!" Danny exclaimed.

"I know, but the recipe only calls for a cup"

Danny grabbed a tall glass from the cupboard.

"No" rin shook his head, Danny pouted.

Soon, rin finished preparing the muffins. He put them in the oven.

"Alright! Now that it's-"

He was interrupted by a voice.


They both heard feet walking towards the kitchen. Danny looked confused while Rin looked at Danny nervously.

"Don't kill anyone!" Rin exclaimed as the door to the kitchen was opened. Several people walked inside.

"Rin, everyone decided to-" A boy, who Danny assumed to be Yukio, trailed off, looking at Danny curiously along with everyone else.

Danny knew exactly who they were. Shima, 'Bon', Shiemi, Konekomaru, and izumo.

Yukio turned towards Rin with a suspicious glare.
"Rin, who's this?"

Rin was about to speak when Danny beat him to it.
"Wow, love your manners there, bitch. I already know all about you guys" Danny walked up to Bon.

"You're the asshole who kept on trying to get Rin to trust you guys and when he finally did, you stabbed him in the fucking back. Nice to meet you, rooster head" Danny glared at him. He moved to the next person which was Shima. Bon looked at him exasperatedly.

(Is that a word? Did I use it right? I dunno english, man. Gibberish is my first language)

"Rin didnt say a whole lot about you, but you were his friend and you also turned your back on him. So fuck you, pink headed cowardly shithead"

Shima stared at him with wide eyes, his mouth opening and closing like a fish.

Danny then turned towards Shiemi.
"From the way Rin talks about you, I know your reaction hurt him the most. You were his first friend and he expected you to at least hear him out. You should have let him explain. You all should have."

Shiemi looked down in guilt. Her eyes filled with tears.

Danny moved to Konekomaru who still looked at rin in fear.
"Trust me, chicken little. Rin isn't the one you should be afraid o right now" Dannys voice was low and dangerous. Konekomaru looked at him, scared.

Danny began,
"You Shouldn't blame Rin for something his 'dad' did. Rin hates him just as much as you guys. What you all did was messed up. He trusted you all. It wasn't his choice to keep it a secret, mind you. He didn't lie to you all purposely. And even so, it would have been none of your fucking buisness. Do you realize he saved your guys' fucking life? You're all ungrateful little shits. You do realize that Yukio is also the son of satan, right? Considering they're fucking twins?" Danny spat, everyone, except for Rin, flinched from his tone of voice.

"And you!" Danny turned towards the last person, Izumo. She stiffened up, a little scared herself.

"You're ok, in all honesty. You didn't completely abandon him. And you did accept him more then the others did" Danny shrugged. Izumo sighed in relief.

Danny then walked towards Rin who remained silent the whole time.

"And YOU!" Danny pointed towards Yukio who immediately put his hand where his gun was.

"Oh please, those pathetic bullets wont work on me. You'd be wise not to challenge me" Yukios eyes widened and he looked over towards Rin.

"Keep your eyes on me, shit face. That is your brother! Your twin brother! You guys are supposed to be FAMILY! Family accepts one another! Family doesn't tell their siblings that they should die! Siblings should be able to rely on eachother! They shouldn't ignore the other when they fucking need them the most! They don't blame them for the death of a loved one!" Yukio flinched and his eyes filled with guilt.

"You're supposed to have his back. Just like he has yours" Danny said, finishing his lecture.

Shiemi burst into tears.
"You're absolutely right, Rin kun! I'm so sorry. Can you forgive me?" Shiemi bowed forwards.

"Of course I forgive you, Shiemi" Rin gave her a toothy grin.

"Who are you...?" Bon asked, still shocked.

Danny looked at everyone, eyes stopping on Yukio.
"My name's Danny. However, if you dont shut up and listen to rin, If you don't accept him after everything he says," Dannys eyes flashed a deadly neon green.

"I'm going to be your worst fucking nightmare"

One thought rang through Dannys mind.

'Thank god DJ is asleep'


"...who'd you kill?" Star asked accusingly as Danny walked into class the next day with a huge satisfied grin on his face.

"Surprisingly nobody, I had a 'chat' with Rins friends" Everyone looked at him with shock.

"And you didnt kill anyone? I'm so proud of you, bro!" Tucker wiped away a fake tear.

"Aw, thanks bro!"

"Do they accept him now?" Mikey asked, his voice full of hope.

Danny nodded with a smile.
"Yup! I helped him control his powers and got his friends to listen to him. He handled things with them pretty well on his own though"

Lancer patted Danny on his back.
"Good job, Daniel. I'm proud of you. Even though you can be a pain most the time, you have a good heart" Lancer smiled.

"DANIEL JAMES FENTON!" Sam burst through the door, holding DJ.

"EXPLAIN!" Sam yelled. DJ looked at Danny and smiled.

"Oss! Hoooool"

All of the girls turned towards Danny and glared. All the guys tried to hide their laughter. Lancer sighed, covering his face with his hands.

"Ok, might have cussed a bit. BUT AT LEAST NOBODY DIED?"

"Not yet" Star glared at him. Danny scoffed.


Danny phased DJ out of Sams grip then booked it out of the school.

"DANNY!" Everyone yelled.




I started out with a different idea but I wrote this instead. Hope you enjoyed. Feel free to correct any mistakes, I feel like I made a lot this chapter.

BuT tHaTs OkAy!

BeCaUsD dANnY fInAlLy tOlD rInS fRiEnDs tHaT tHeyRE ASSHOLES!

Or should I say,

Oss hoooools

Meet the fockers, anyone?

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