Oblivious (DashXDanny) (1)

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WhAt tIs ThIs!?

An UpDaTe!?

ANd a OnE sHot ThAt iSnT (somewhat) reLaTEd tO tHe oThErS!?

ThE wOrLd iS eNdInG!.!.!.!


In which everyone is oblivious to the fact that they're dating even though they aren't very discreet about it (except Sam and Tucker)

Dash also knows his secret.


"Dash. Carry me" was the first thing said when Danny met up with Dash at his house.

"...why?" Dash asked, raising an eyebrow at his half dead boyfriend.

"Because I got exactly three minutes of sleep this week and I'm to tired to walk" Dash sighed and bent down, allowing Danny to climb on his back for a piggy back ride.

Danny happily kissed his cheek as he wrapped his arms around him.
"Thankyouuu" Danny gave him a toothy grin. Dash smiled back at his adorable boyfriend then stood back up, beginning to walk towards Casper High.

"You need to take better care of yourself" He scolded. He got soft snores in reply.

'Must of fell asleep'

"HEY MAN!" Dash softly jumped at the sudden loud greeting of his best friend. Dash carefully turned around, shooting Kwan a dirty look.

"Why the hell are you carrying Fenton!?" Paulina asked. She stood next to Kwan along with Star, all of them were giving him a confused look.

"Because he's tired" Dash said, ignoring the surprise and confusion in her voice. They were dating, what was so strange about him carrying his boyfriend?


"Sup loser" A group of jocks cornered Danny at his locker. Sam and Tucker were gone, probably at their next class.

"Hi" Danny mumbled as he reached for his history book, yawning.

"So, saw that you made Dash carry you this morning. What the hell, nerd" One of the jocks took a threatening step towards him. They cracked their knuckles.

"If you're trying to appear threatening, it's not working" Danny shut his locker door and turned around, heading towards his next class.

A hand grabbed his shoulder and ruffly yanked him back.
"Ok, congratulations you just decided to die" Danny glared at him and rolled us his sleeve.

"Hey!" The jocks hand was ripped off of Dannys shoulder. Danny immediately smiled when he saw Dash.

The jocks looked startled.
"U-Uh... hey man-" Dash punched him in the face.

"I told you to leave Danny alone. C'mon, lets get to class" Dash put his arm around Danny protectively and began to guide him away.

"Y'know, I had it handled" Danny pouted.
"I know, but we need them for football. No killing" Dash kissed his cheek and shot the group of jocks one more death glare.

"...i'm so confused" They all mumbled.


Danny frowned when he saw his boyfriend cornering Mikey and his friends. Danny walked a bit closer to hear their conversation.

"I just wanted to apologize for being such an asshole to you guys... you guys didn't deserve any of the shit me and my friends did to you. I know it's been awhile since we last bothered you but I wanted to properly apologize. I'm hosting a party this Saturday and wanted to know if you guys wanted to go. Almost everyone else is" Dash gave them a smile. Danny smiled proudly as he walked over.

"It'll be fun" Danny said, shaking Mikey and his friends out of their shocked state.

"U-Uh... we'd love to go! And thanks for apologizing Dash, We forgive you" Mikey smiled, his friends nodding in agreement.

"Great! So, its this Saturday at nine..."



"C'mon, we sat with your friends yesterday"


"Please?" Dash gave his boyfriend the puppy dog eyes.

"Your friends are meanies"

"Hey! Sam slapped me in the face with her sandwich!"

"...true... fine" Dash happily stood up and reached for Dannys hand.

"But tomorrow we're sitting with Sam and Tuck for lunch!" Danny grabbed Dashs hand as he helped him up.

They both walked out of their English classroom and down the hall. They reached the lunchroom and made their way towards the A-Listers table.

"Hey guys" Dash greeted, taking a seat. Danny sat beside him. Kwan gave Dash a high-five.

"Sup dude"

"Hey Dash! Hey... Fenton?" Paulina scrunched her eyebrows up in confusion.

Danny gave her a small wave then immediately dug into his lunch.

Which was basically all muffins.

"Um... Dash, question, why is he sitting with us?" Star whispered the last part.

"Because we're-"

"SON OF A-" Danny shrieked, dropping his lunch. Everyone looked towards them as Dash immediately stood up.

"WHAT!? WHATS WRONG!? ARE YOU HURT!? DID YOU RUN OUT OF MUFFINS AGA- oh.. it was a spider" Dash calmed down as Danny pointed at the small brown tiny spider crawling across the floor. Dash squished it.

Dash turned back around and saw Danny packing his lunch.

"Baby what are you.."

"It was a sign"

Dash blinked.


"The spider was a sign"

"A sign of...?"

"That I Shouldn't sit here! So lets go to Sammy and Tuck"

Dash raised his eyebrow. Danny turned towards him.

"We can sit here to- wait you have something on your face" Danny wiped the speck of food off of Dashs face, completely unaware that everyone was still staring at them.

"Thanks. You have something on your face to"


He got interrupted by Dash kissing him. He pulled away, smiling at his boyfriends flustered face. Everyones eyes widened.

Danny covered his beat red face with his hands.
"That was so cheesy" He mumbled.

"LoVe bIrDs" Danny heard Tucker shout.

"Get a room!" Sam teased from her spot next to Tucker.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" The A-Listers exclaimed.

Dash turned towards them, confused.
"Is it wrong to kiss my boyfriend?"


"Since six months ago" Danny said, shocked that they didn't figure it out.

"It's not like we were secretive about it. It even says he's my boyfriend on my instagram" Dash said.

"Anyways, the spider ruined my appetite. Wanna go outside?" Danny asked. Dash smiled and nodded.

"Sure, see you guys" Dash waved goodbye to the still shocked A-Listers. He slung his arm around Danny and pulled him close. As they walked out the exit door, Dash whispered into his ear.

"Please tell me you got a picture of their faces because that was hilarious"

Danny laughed.
"Of course! Still surprised that they never figured it out though"

Dash kissed him again.
"Me too"


MY FIRST DANNYXDASH ONE SHOT! You like? Anybody else ship them? Sorry if you dont. I just really love them XD

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