The Ultimate Phobia (9)

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In which the Avengers (plus Dannys class) decide to have a movie night!


"....FUCKING TURN THE LIGHTS BACK ON DAFUQ!!!" Clint screeched as he watched the women turn the lights off, revealing the silhouette of another women.

Peter clutched tonys arm, anxiously munching on some popcorn. Danny sat on the couch next to Natasha, both were bored out of their minds.

"This isn't scary at all" Danny grumbled. Natasha nodded in agreement. Everyone, except Sam, Steve, Lancer, and Danny screamed as a jump scare appeared.

"no no no NO" Clint kept on mumbling as he grabbed a flashlight and a blanket. He crawled towards the vents only to be pulled back by Falcon.

"If I have to suffer through this shit, then so do you!" He exclaimed.

Lancer sighed as he flipped to the next page of his book. Both him and Steve were reading 'How to Kill A Mockingbird'. It was their favorite book.

"Language" Mumbled Steve.


Tony covered Peters ears.

"Excuse you! DJ is sleeping, be quiet" Danny sent Falcon a death glare as he began to gently rock DJ back and forth.

Tucker was hiding behind an annoyed Sam. He shrieked as another jump scare popped up.

When the end credits appeared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally! Now onto the next one"

Dash crawled out of his spot under the table.
"W-We dont have t-to watch another scary m-movie, do we?"

"Relax, as long as you're not scared of spiders, this wont be scary" Scott said, sending Danny a mischievous smirk. Danny immediately stood up, grabbed DJs diaper bad, and walked towards the elevator.

"Fuck this shit im out"

Sam dragged him back to the couch.
"Stay or no kisses for a week"

Danny pouted.
"Fine. Hold DJ while I suffer through this torture. Thankyou, my favorite person in this room right now aside from Mikey, Elizabeth, and Peter" Danny handed DJ to Natasha who gladly took the adorable baby.

The movie started. At first, nothing interesting happened.

Then the spiders appeared.

Danny hugged the closest person to him, which was Dexter.
"Hey! Get off of m-"

"Fuck off or I'm sacrificing you to the next demon I see"

"I'm feeling unsafe"

Danny screeched as several spiders began to crawl over the victim on the screen. He screeched even louder when another victim, covered in webs, dropped down from the ceiling. He screamed once again when he saw Peter shoot his webs to grab another bowl of popcorn. Peter looked at him sheepishly.

After another hour of Danny, and many others, freaking out the movie finally ended.


At 3 AM, everyone decided to call it a night.

Nobody got up.

"So... anyone else wanna stay here all night with me? Preferably with the lights on..." Mikey asked, scooting closer to Elizabeth while hugging his pillow.

"...i'm getting my bow" Clint mumbled, standing up. He faltered a bit before turning towards Natasha.
"...can you please come with-"


"I'll buy you more guns"

Natasha was already at the Elevator. Clint cheered and followed after her.

"So... night" Danny picked up DJ and placed him in his portable crib. He then crawled in next to him.

"If any of you wake up halfway in a wall, it was because you were snoring" Danny said before falling asleep.

" now that our two best chances of survival are currently unavailable to save us if a demon appears, who're we gonna sacrifice?" Scott asked.

"I vote Ned!"


"No, Dexter!"

"Wha- Hey!"

"Screw it, why not both?"


Everyone stopped arguing when they heard a noise coming from the kitchen.

"Oh hell no" Tony mumbled.

Everyone slowly got up and made their way towards the kitchen. They all stopped when they heard another noise.

"Not it! No nose goes!" everyone replied at once, touching their nose. Tucker was the last one. He took a deep breath and grabbed the nearest item, a spoon, for a weapon.

"Here goes nothing... BEGONE SATAN!" Tucker screamed, charging into the kitchen.

Lancer yelled in surprise at seeing Tucker charge at him with a spoon. He dropped his mug of coffee.

Tucker stopped.

Everyone ran into the kitchen and immediately facepalmed.


"A lot of things" They all turned to see Danny munching on a muffin with DJ. He was sitting on top of the fridge. Natasha and Clint were next to him. Natasha was feeding DJ some babyfood while Clint was playing peekaboo with him.

"...I have many questions..." Star mumbled.

"Me too" Peter yawned.

"...are we gonna ignore the fact that Tucker was ready to fight a demon with a spoon?" Nathan asked.

"Hey! Don't underestimate spoons! They can get the job done" Danny gave a creepy laugh.

"Now I'm scared for several reasons"

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