Talent Show: Part Two

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Danny was beyond nervous. Today was the Talent show. Sam and Tucker still had no idea on what his Talent was. Danny sat anxiously in the front row along with the other competitors. All of the populars laughed when they saw his name on the sign up sheet. They all knew of the bet he had made with Dash and nobody thought he'd win. Dash and Paulina had won the talent show two years in a row.

"Good luck Loser" Paulina scoffed as she walked towards dash. 'What the heck did i ever see in her?' He thought, thinking about the crush he had on her when he was 14.

He peeked at the crowd and his eyes widened. There were so many people! He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He could do this... he had his friends and family's support.

He sat back down in his chair as he waited for Lancer to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, i'd like to Thankyou all for comming to Casper High's annual talent show! Our first talent is going to be a duet by Dash Baxter and Paulina Sanchez!" Lancer announced and the crowd immediately buzzed with excitement.

Dash and Paulina walked up on stage, a microphone in both of their hands.

The music started and they began to sing. Danny hated to admit it but, they were good... better than good. They were fantastic! Danny began to doubt his chances of winning.

They finished off strong with a high note and walked off stage. They both smirked at danny.
"Still think you can beat us?" Dash asked as they walked past him. Danny rolled his eyes.

"Next up..." Lancer went on. Pretty soon, Danny was up next. His heart was beating fast. He had never performed in front of that many people.

"Finally! Our last talent is... Daniel James Fenton!" Lancer announced in surprise. He walked off stage and a few minutes later, danny walked on. He looked nervous.

He stared at the ground as he walked towards the microphone. He was almost there when he tripped and fell. A few people laughed but stopped immediately when Maddie aimed her ecto gun at them.

Danny cursed under his breath as he stood back up. He grabbed the microphone with shaky hands.

"Um... hi... m-my names Danny-" he was cut off by someone in the audience.
"Just do whatever you're going to do! I wanna see who wins!" The guy exclaimed. Maddie aimed her ecto gun at him and he immediately apologized.

He heard laughter from back stage and immediately knew it was Dash.
The music started and he gripped the microphone.

Sam and Tucker looked nervous for him. He began to sing but his voice was scratchy. He stopped along with the music.
"Sorry" he said, clearing his throat. People in the audience yawned and began scrolling through their phones. Lancer shot them all a glare. He looked towards danny and nodded his head.

Danny looked at his family who all smiled at him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He opened them again as the music started playing once more. He opened his mouth to sing.

(You can press play on the video now! The song is counting stars by OneRepublic!)

Lately i've been, i've been losing sleep dreaming about the things that we could be but baby i've been i've been praying hard said no more counting dollars we'll be counting stars, yeah we'll be counting stars

Everyone who laughed sat there in shock. Their mouths wide open. Lancer's eyes widened when he heard his voice. He had no idea that danny had such a talented voice!

I see this life like a swinging vine swing my heart across the line in my face is flashing signs seek it out and ye shall find Oh, but i'm not the old young but i'm not that bold I dont think the world is sold i'm just doing what we're told

Sam and Tucker stared in shock. They had never heard danny sing. Sometimes he'd sing jokingly but not seriously! Maddie was chanting her sons name and jack was cheering loudly.

I feel something so right doing the wrong thing I feel something so wrong doing the right thing I couldn't lie couldn't lie couldn't lie, everything that kills me makes me feel alive

Lately i've been i've been losing sleep dreaming about the things that we could be but baby i've been i've been praying hard said no more counting dollars we'll be counting stars

All of the populars who laughed at him were all silent as they watched him sing. Dash and Paulina hadn't moved a muscle. Their eyes were wide and their mouths were open in shock. Dash hadn't blinked once.

Lately i've been i've been losing sleep dreaming about the things that we could be but baby i've been i've been praying hard said no more counting dollars we'll be we'll be counting stars

The crowd was bursting with cheers. It was the loudest they've ever been. Danny didn't notice at all. His eyes were closed and he was completely focused on singing.

I feel your love and i feel it burn down this river every turn hope is a four letter word make that money watch it burn

Oh, but i'm not that old young, but i'm not that bold i dont think the world is sold i'm just doing what we're told

I feel something so wrong doing the right thing I couldn't lie couldn't lie couldn't lie everything that drowns me makes me want to fly

Sam and Tucker both began cheering as loudly as possible for their halfa friend.

Lately i've been i've been losing sleep dreaming about the things that we could be but baby i've been i've been praying hard said no more counting dollars we'll be counting stars

Lately i've been i've been losing sleep dreaming about the things that we could be but baby i've been i've been praying hard said no more counting dollars we'll be we'll be counting stars

The crowd began clapping and singing along.

Oh, take that money watch it burn sink in the river lessons are learnt

Take thats money watch it burn sink in the river lessons are learnt

Take thats money watch it burn sink in the river lessons are learnt

Take thats money watch it burn sink in the river lessons are learnt

Everything that kills me... makes me feel alive

Lately i've been i've been losing sleep dreaming about the things that we could be but baby i've been i've been praying hard said no more counting dollars we'll be counting stars

Lately i've been i've been losing sleep dreaming about the things that we could be but baby i've been i've been praying hard said no more counting dollars we'll be we'll be counting stars

Danny's classmates were happily cheering him on. The people who were competing just sat there slowly clapping knowing that they weren't going to win.

Take thats money watch it burn sink in the river lessons are learnt

Take thats money watch it burn sink in the river lessons are learnt

Take thats money watch it burn sink in the river lessons are learnt

Take thats money watch it burn sink in the river lessons are learnt

Danny opened his eyes and quickly placed the microphone down. He froze once he heard the cheering. He was so focused he hadn't realized that everyone had been cheering for him.

His ghost sense went off just as he saw Skulker, Ember, Youngblood, Dora, Frostbite, Dani, and VYLAD Cheering for him while floating in the sky. How nobody had noticed was beyond him.

He smiled, which made the girls in the audience squeal, and walked backstage. Lancer walked onto stage and grabbed the microphone.

"I'm proud to announce that this years winner of the Talent Show is..." Lancer began. The crowd waited anxiously in their seats. Dash and Paulina nervously waited.
"DANIEL JAMES FENTON!" Lancer announced. Danny froze.
"Wait what?" He said.
"Go!" A girl exclaimed, motioning towards Mr Lancer.

Danny walked back on stage. Lancer gave danny the microphone.

"Um... thankyou?" Danny said, not knowing what to say. Everyone began cheering again.
"THIS IS RIGGED!" Danny heard Dash yell from backstage.

Danny chuckled, remembering the deal that they made.


"C'mon, Dash! A deals a deal!" Tucker laughed. Dash walked out of the bathroom wearing a chicken costume.
"I hate you" Dash said.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" Danny asked, smirking. Dash sighed in defeat.

"BWACK CWAWK KAW KAW" Dash shouted like a chicken. Tucker and Danny rolled on the floor in laughter. Paulina walked up to them. She was also wearing a chicken costume. Sam walked up to danny and tucker.

"This is the best day of my life" she said as both Dash and Paulina began shouting like a chicken.

THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 400 VIEWS! YOU HAVE NO CLUE HOW HAPPY I AM!!! I'm sorry I haven't been updating that much... i'm running out of ideas on what to write. If you have any requests, i'm happy to hear them! :)

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