The Twin

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Gregor may not of been a GIW agent, but his twin sister is...

*inspired by Double Cross My Heart*

(Mikey, Elizabeth, and Nathan all know his secret)



Danny huffed in annoyance as Sam, Tucker, and Gregor all sat laughing with one another across the lunch room.

Sam smiled as her new boyfriend- Danny glared at Gregor even harder- kissed her cheek.

Tucker started laughing at a Joke that Gregor said.

"Hey Danny, you ok?" Danny looked up and saw Mikey, Elizabeth, and Nathan. Danny smiled and nodded his head.

"Yea, Im ok"

"How come you're not sitting with Sam and Tucker?" Elizabeth asked. They all turned to look when Gregor and his friends started laughing loudly.

"Um... just... reasons" Danny mumbled.

Mikey opened his mouth to say something when the lunch bell rang. Danny stood up.

"Well, see you in fifth period!" Danny smiled and waved goodbye. Once his back was turned, his smile disappeared and he walked slowly towards his next class.


Danny sat at his empty desk. Each were meant to fit three people but nobody sat next to him.

"Hi, are these seats taken?" A female voice with a familiar accent asked. Danny looked and saw a girl with long straight white hair and blue eyes.

"N-No, no they aren't" Danny replied, giving her a warm smile. She smiled back.

"I'm Gabrielle, Gregors twin sister" She said, motioning towards her brother who sat at a desk with Sam and Tucker.

"O-Oh, I'm Danny. Nice to meet you" Danny greeted.

"Nice to meet you to, Danny"

They talked every day after that.


Danny smiled as he saw Gabrielle walk towards his lunch table.

"H-Hey" He greeted with a blush. She smiled back at him.

"Hey Danny" She said, sitting next to him.

Dannys heart started to beat faster. He nervously fidgeted with his hoodies sleeve.

They had been talking and hanging out for months now. He developed a little crush on her and wanted to tell her how he felt. He didn't want to wait to long and miss his chance like he did with Sam.

He unconsciously looked towards her table. She was laughing and smiling with her boyfriend and Tucker.

"-nny, Danny? DANNY?" Danny jumped a little and looked back towards Gabrielle.

"You ok? You seem nervous" She said, grabbing his hand. His blush deepened.

"I.. uh, well... would you um- do you want to hang out later? At t-the movies or maybe to a restaurant-" Gabrielle cut the stuttering teen off.

"Are you asking me on a date?" She asked.

"I-I... yes...?" Goodness, he was a nervous wreck. Her smile widened.

"Of course!"

He breathed a sigh of relief. The lunch bell rang.

"You go on ahead, I gotta do something first" Gabrielle said.

"Ok, see you in class!" He smiled.

Once he was out of view and the lunchroom was empty, Gabrielle smirked and opened her backpack. Making sure she had the blood blossom powder.

"Heh... enjoy the freedom you have now, Ghost boy" She smiled mischievously.


Danny and Gabrielle both laughed together as they sat in the booth at the nasty burger. Dannys ghost sense went off. He mentally groaned.

"I'll be right back" He said, standing up. Gabrielle stood up as well and kissed his cheek.

"Ok, i'll wait here" She said. Danny blushed and smiled. He walked outside.

Gabrielle smirked and reached into her pocket. She grabbed the blood blossom powder and poured it over Dannys food.


Mikey, Elizabeth, and Nathan all sat at a booth close to Dannys. Sam, Tucker, and Gregor were with them as well.

"Didn't know they were dating" Sam said, seeing Gabrielle kiss Dannys cheek.

"Well, you guys haven't even talked to him in months" Elizabeth said, taking a sip from her soda.

"If he didn't spy on me, we wouldn't of had that fight!" Sam argued, getting frustrated.

They all watched Danny walk out.

"Still, you guys shouldn't have abandoned him" Nathan said.

Sam and Tucker both looked down guiltily.

"This is awkward" Gregor mumbled. Tucker nodded in agreement.

Mikey looked back towards Dannys table. His eyes widened when he saw Gabrielle put something in his food.

"Hey!-" Mikey was interrupted by the waitress. He quickly ordered then looked back and saw Danny walk back inside.


"Hey, sorry about that" Danny said as he sat down. Gabrielle was quick to hide the rest of the powder up her long sleeve.

"Its fine, lets eat" She took a bite from her chicken sandwich.

Danny grabbed his burger and ate some. It tasted a bit different. They probably just changed the Nasty Sauce recipe or something.


"I wonder why he doesn't like me..." Gregor wondered out loud. He caught Danny glaring at him.

'Its not like you stole his friends or anything' Elizabeth thought, rolling her eyes.

"He thought you were apart of the Guys in White, an organization that wants to take his parents equipment away" Tucker said, not entirely telling the truth. Gregor laughed, shaking his head.

"That's ridiculous! Of course i'm not a guys in white!" Gregor laughed, everyone joined in.

"I mean, my sister is though"

The laughter stopped.

"WHAAAAAAAAAT!?!?" Everyone screamed, looking towards Danny. They saw him and Gabrielle leave. Danny looked a bit pale.

"I swear I saw her put something in his food!" Mikey exclaimed.

"WHAT!?!?" Sam exclaimed, standing up.

"Where are you going!?" Gregor grabbed Sams hand. Sam smacked it away.

"TO GO SAVE MY BEST FRIENDS ASS! SORRY BUT, I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU!" Sam exclaimed, running out the door. Everyone else ran after her, leaving Gregor all alone.



Danny felt sick to his stomach. He could barely walk. His ghost sense went off. He gasped as he felt excruciating pain. Gabrielle grabbed his hand and dragged him into a nearby alley.

She shoved Danny to the ground. Danny kept groaning in pain. It felt like he ate a ton of blood blossoms.


"D-Did y-you... poison m-my- f-food?!" His voice came out as a whisper. Gabrielle looked down and gave him a disgusted look.

"Stop talking, ghost scum" she grabbed a phone from her pocket.

"This is Agent G, I got phantom" She said.

'Excellent, we're on our way' he heard someone say back.

His eyes widened in fear.
"Y-Your a- G-GIW" He felt another wave of pain. He shut his eyes and wrapped his arms around his stomach. He tried not to scream in pain.

'How did she even find out my identity!?' Danny thought. He was close to blacking out from the pain.

His ghost sense went off again. He let out a loud scream of pain before he blacked out.


"We're horrible friends tucker!!! We completely abandoned him!!! We should of been there for him!!! This never should of happened, oh my gosh where is he, what if he's already in a lab being-" Tucker cut off the worried teen.

"Sam! Calm down! We'll find him!! We just need to look around, Its danny we're talking about! He probably already escaped" Tucker said, trying to calm them both down.

It wasn't working...

"Tucker, she gave him something! What if its poison- What if he's already dead!?" Everyone winced. Sam turned towards mikey.

"Mikey, what did it look like?" She asked.

"It was a powder. It was red, kind of purple-" Sam cursed under her breath and Tucker paled.

"Blood blossoms..." Sam mumbled.

"Blood blossoms? Wait, aren't they extremely painful to ghosts!?" Elizabeth gasped.

Sam was about to say 'yes' when they heard a pain filled scream. Everyone turned towards the direction of the noise.

"T-That sounded like..." Nathan began.

"DANNY!" Everyone yelled. They ran towards the source.

They ran into the alley and stopped. Danny was on the ground unconscious, his face contorted in pain, Gabrielle stood beside him, grabbing some weapons.

They all ducked out of sight behind a dumpster.

"That little bitch... Wait until I get my hands on her..." Sam gripped the side of the dumpster so hard, Tucker wondered if it would dent.

"Its a good thing I always carry these around with me" Tucker grabbed his backpack and zipped it open. Inside were a bunch of Ecto guns, wrist rays, and a small baseball bat. Sam grabbed the bat and clicked a button on the side.

The bat grew larger with some spikes on the end.
"Got my weapon of choice" She said, her voice filled with anger.

Tucker grabbed the ecto gun and everyone else got a wrist ray.

They heard a soft groan.


Dannys eyes cracked open. He was lying on something hard. He began to panic, thinking he was on a dissection table.

His breathing sped up.

He was gonna get dissected. He felt his heartbeat speed up.

He was gonna die.


Sam saw Dannys chest quickly rise and fall.

"He's starting to panic" They all jumped up and ran towards Danny and Gabrielle.

"What the-" Sam punched Gabrielle in the face. Gabrielle fell down.


Several cars began honking.

She kicked Gabrielle in the face with her steel toed combat boots. Elizabeth and Nathan all stood gaurd in case anymore agents showed up.

Tucker and Mikey were helping Danny.

"Hey, bud. C'mon its ok, you're safe" Tucker said, helping up a panicking Danny. His eyes were barely open. He was trying to escape from them.

"N-No! Dont- d-dont touch m-me! Getway!!" Danny mumbled, trying to rip Tuckers hands off of him.

"Danny! Its ok! Calm down, just breathe. Take deep breaths, you're ok. You're safe. You're still in Amity, you're outside in a alley" Mikey said, trying to calm him down.

Danny stopped moving and took deep breaths. He opened his eyes wider and looked around.

He was outside.

He was safe.

Danny relaxed.
"See? You're safe" Tucker said comfortingly.

Sam stopped beating a unconscious Gabrielle and walked over towards them.

Everyone was quiet for a moment before Dannys ghost sense went off, making Danny scream in pain.

"Crap, the blood blossoms! We gotta do something!" Tucker exclaimed in worry. Sam grabbed Danny from Tuckers arms.

"Shhh, its gonna be ok Danny. We're going to help you" She said. She grabbed her cell phone.

"Hu-hurts" Danny cried out.

"I know, I know. Everythings going to be ok. Just hold on" Sam murmured. She entered in the number. It rang a few times.

"Hello? Sam?" Jazz answered.

"Sam! Hurry, we're in the alley way near the Nasty Burger! And quick, bring the specter speeder!"


Danny opened his eyes and sat up. He immediately knew he was in the infirmary at the Far Frozen.

The last thing he remembered was Sams comforting voice.

'What happened?' He wondered, rubbing his eyes.

He was on a date with-

Gabrielle... she did something to his food and... it was painful. He remembered his friends coming to his rescue.

He looked to the side and saw all of his friends, and Jazz, asleep on the floor. Jazz was asleep on the chair next to him.

Sam opened her eyes and sat up. She saw Danny awake.

"Danny!" She stood up and gave him a hug. Danny hugged back.

"I'm so sorry Danny, I-" Danny shushed her.

"Don't apologize, I shouldn't have spied on you and Gregor. I... I got jealous. I should of just been happy for you..." Danny trailed off.

"Still doesn't excuse our behavior... we shouldn't have abandoned you. I'm sorry dude... I've been a horrible friend to you" Tucker said, surprising both Danny and Sam. They thought he was still asleep.

"Can... Can you forgive us? I-I know we don't deserve-"

"Are you kidding? You guys have been my bestfriends since kindergarten. Of course I forgive you. Thanks for saving my butt back there by the way. If you guys hadn't showed up..." Danny trailed off, wincing at the thought.

They all hugged.

"We'll always be there for you Danny. No matter what"


*Two Months Later*

"SAMMY!!! DANNYS GOT SOMETHIN TO TELL YOUUUU" Tucker said in a sing song voice.

"...I swear if you say you stole muffins again I'll-" Danny cut her off.

"That was one time!"

Sam raised her eyebrow.

"...six times- oh whatever!"

"Anyways, what was it you wanted to tell me?" Sam asked, noticing Dannys face turn red. Tucker wiggled his eyebrows and walked away.

"I uh... well, do you wanna go out... with me? Like... on a date?" Danny asked. Sam smiled.

"About time you asked. Yes, i'd love to" Sam grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek. Danny blushed and smiled back.

They walked down the hall, hand in hand.

Tucker turned towards Mikey.

"Pay up" He said. Mikey grumbled to himself and handed Tucker a twenty dollar bill.

"Told you it was stupid to bet" Elizabeth said.

"Not the first person who I made this bet with, man IM GONNA BE RICH!" Tucker cheered happily.


Hope you enjoyed :3 another long chapter. Over 2000 words!

How was it?

Coming up: Danny gets Driving lessons.

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