Chapter 1: Even More Things Change

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5 years prior to Omniverse

We see 11 year old Ben battling Malware in a forest. Malware throws punches and creates rocky structures out of the ground to send Ben flying. Malware shoots an energy beam which Ben just about manages to dodge.

Ben: *as Four Arms* Alright, fine. I wanted to do this the easy way, but the hard way is okay, too.

Ben lifts up a tree and prepares to swing it at Malware.

Ben: * as Four Arms* FORE...Arms. Hehe.

Malware liquefies himself to avoid getting hit.

Malware: This is the great Ben Tennyson? Bearer of the Omnitrix, savior of the univ-

Malware was suddenly smacked into a tree by a giant pink fist as we see it was a 11 year old girl with a cinnamon brown complexion, black hair, blue eyes wearing a blue cat shirt with pants and shoes, this is (F/N) Daniela Benton

Danie: Back off ugly!

Ben: *As Four Arms* Nice job Danie and don't you forget it, buddy. You think you're the only Galvanic Mechamorph I've ever dealt with? Pff. It's gonna take a lot more to surprise me.

Malware: Indeed.

Malware places his hand on the Omnitrix and begins copying its schematics. Ben struggles. The Omnitrix times out, turning Ben back to normal. Ben notices that he has changed back.

11-year-old Ben: Aw, man!

Danie: You probably should have seen this coming, Ben.

Ben: Ya think?

Ben tries to activate the Omnitrix, but it is timed out.

Malware: Any last pithy quips or clever observations before I destroy you, Ben Tennyson?

Danie: Hey what am I chopped liver?!

Malware: And you too, Danie Benton.

Danie: Yeah, well if you are gonna yap Mal, would at least pop a digital breath mint, you sir, have halitosis, if mechamorphs have halitosis, do they? Because you are a lot different from other mechamorphs I mean they're all green and you're all red and all "blah, blah, I'm gonna destroy you all" and…

As Danie was talking the corrupted mechamorph couldn't help but get annoyed by her.

Malware: Gah! *To Ben* Is she always this talkative?

Ben: You have no idea.

Malware is clueless. The Omnitrix recharges. Ben proceeds to transform into Feedback.

Ben: *as Feedback*  Oh yeah, Feedback!

Danie: Awesome!

Malware attacks Feedback but he dodges. Feedback tackles Malware and absorbs his energy. He then blasts him far away with an electric blast.

Ben: *as Feedback* HE SHOOTS, HE SCORES!

Feedback jumps into the air, and then times back into Ben, causing him to fall onto the ground as (F/N) went over and helped him up.

Ben: HYAAA! *Jumps up* Yeah, you better run! Ow... *Rubs his back*

Danie: You okay?

Ben: Yeah I'm good. One thing I don't understand, why didn't you use your Omnitrix?

Danie: Well I mean you're the alien watch guy, I didn't want to steal your thunder, plus I have super powers and I only use this if it's absolutely necessary or for Halloween.

Ben: Why?

Danie: Think about how much candy we'll get. Different aliens, means we can go to the same houses and get a lot of candy that'll probably last until Easter.

Ben: Ooh good idea.

Danie: Thanks, I'm all about good ideas and good looks.

Ben: Pfft of course you are.

Five years later, in the present.

Here we see Danie, now 15 years old, chasing down Zombozo who has a brain in a jar as she attacks Zombozo with her mana projectiles, but he dodges as Danie chases him into a building, and is able to make him lose his grip on the brain.

Danie: *Grabs the brain in the jar* Really Zombozo? Again with the brain bank? Actually, What kind of sicko steals from a brain bank? Better question is why does Bellwood even have a brain bank?

Zombozo: *Snatches the container from Danie*  Thank you, m’lady. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Zombozo leaps out of the building into the streets. He laughs maniacally and runs.

Danie: *Looks at her Spectertrix* Hero time!

We then see (F/N) hit her Ultimatrix as she turned into XLR8 as she ran in front of Zombozo as she then turned into Big Chill and freezes Zombozo as she takes the brain back.

Zombozo: *Shivers* Cold… cold…

Danie: *As Bigchill* Well Zombozo it looks like you have a bad case of brain freeze *chuckles* Get it Brain freeze? *Doesn't get a laugh* Ah you're no fun.

Later on, after giving  the brain back and sending Zombozo to jail, we see Danie now back in her human form and is now looking a lot more different than when she was a kid, she is 5’5” wearing purple lipstick, a blue off shoulder top that shows her midriff, a blue headband on her head, blue harem pants, and matching blue flats.

Here we see Danie arrive at Plumber Base where she sees Ben and the others.

Danie: Hey guys I'm back.

Ben: Hey Danie

Rook: How did it go with Zombozo?

Danie: Eh, nothing I couldn't handle. He was stealing from a brain bank.

Rook: Why does Bellwood even have a brain bank?

Danie: That's what I said.

Ben: So how's the whole being half ghost alien thing going?

Danie: Great actually, and my Spectertrix is working fine as usual.

Ben: Okay I gotta say, you are lucky you survived that accident.

Danie: Oh relax I was wearing my seatbelt when I did that shoot.

Rook: I do not think that was the accident Ben was talking about.

Danie then realized Ben was talking about the accident, as in the accident that gave (F/N) her ghost powers.

Danie: Ohh that accident, the one that gave me my ghost powers.

Ben: Yeah, ever since you went into your moms portal and ghost powers, you hardly ever use them.

Danie: Because I have the Spectertrix, I don't need to use my ghost powers all the time, no matter how fun they are. Besides, who'd wanna date someone that's half ghost?

Meanwhile in Amity Park we see Danny sneeze as he looks around.

Star: You okay Danny-Boo?

Danny: Yeah Starlight, it just felt like someone was talking about me.

Back with Danie and the others.

Ben: I'm just saying, if you used your ghost powers more often you'd be used to them.

Danie: I am used to them, I just… don't use them a lot.

Just then Danie’s phone started ringing as she picked it up and saw it was her moms.

Danie: Hey Moms, wait what? Okay I'll be home. *Hangs up*

Rook: Your mothers?

Danie: Yep, I'm gonna bolt, see you guys in the AM.

Rook: Where is the AM?

Danie: It's an expression Rook.

Rook: Oh yes.

We later see Danie, in her ghost form, flying to her home as she phased through the door and went to the kitchen where she saw her moms and retired ghost hunters, Della and Sierra Benton.

Danie: Hey moms, what's up?

Della: Danie-kins, we have some news for you.

Sierra: And it's very urgent.

Danie: If it's about the motorcycle I used in my photo shoot don't worry I wore my clothes.

Della: No it's not that, it's just um…

Sierra: We're moving!

To say that Danie was surprised was understatement.

Della: Sierra!

Sierra: Oh uh sorry.

Danie: …What?! Movie?! Why?! What did you two do?

Della: We didn't do anything, we just feel like we need to broaden our horizons.

Sierra: And we want you to be safe ever since-

Danie: Ever since I got ghost powers?

Della: Yeah, but we just want you to be yourself with or without ghost powers.

Danie: I guess, but moving? We'll be leaving everything and everyone in Bellwood.

Sierra: I know this is a big adjustment but this is something-

Danie: We have to get used to it, I know. By the way, where are we moving?

Della: A town called Amity Park.

Sierra: I hear it's supposed to be haunted.

Danie: By real ghosts? Come on mama Sierra ghosts aren't real.

Della: Oh and aliens are real?

Sierra: And our alien daughter who also happens to be half ghost?

Danie: Touche.

Della: You're not mad are you Daniela?

Danie: Danie, and… are you sure you two wanna move?

Della: More than anything.

Sierra: Plus, it'll be a great opportunity for you to make some friends.

Danie: I already have Ben and Rook.

Sierra: I mean more friends.

Danie sighed knowing her moms were not gonna take no for an answer so she agreed. The next day we see Danie talking to Ben and explaining the situation that she and her moms are moving.

Ben: So you're really moving to this new town huh?

Danie: Yeah, but I guess my moms sort of have the right idea, and so did Gwen and Kevin, we've spent years saving the world, I just wanna see what I've been saving.

Ben: So... This is goodbye?

Danie: No way, There are holidays and... and semester breaks. And besides, we're friends. It's not like we're never gonna see each other again. Right?

Ben: Right!

Danie and Ben both share a warm hug.

Danie: Take care of yourself Ben.

Ben: You too, Benton. Hey by the way, what school are you going to?

Danie: Casper High. In some town called Amity Park, I heard it's supposed to be some sort of ghost town, literally.

Ben: What like actual ghosts?

Danie: Heh, yeah, says there's supposed to be real ghosts.

Della: *Off-screen* Danie hurry up, we're all packed up.

Danie: Coming Mama Della. *To Ben* See you around, hero.

Ben: You too.

We then see the Bentons leave Bellwood as Danie sees the “You are now Leaving Bellwood” and she looks down a bit.

Danie: Goodbye Bellwood.

As we see the Bentons arrive at Amity Park, Danie sees a Billboard with a picture of Amity Park’s resident hero, Danny Phantom.

Danie: Danny Phantom? *In her head* So that's the guy Paradox was talking about.

Sierra: Oh yeah, I've heard about him, he's supposed to be the town hero. Though some people don't like him.

Della: I don't see why, he seems like a nice kid.

Danie: Yeah, guessing he must be half ghost too… just like me.

We later see the Bentons arrive at their new house as they come out of the car.

Danie: Soo this is Amity Park? Doesn't look all that bad.

Sierra: It's a step better from our other choice, Polter Heights.

Della: I know right, who wants to live with a bunch of snobs.

Everyone went into the new house as Danie glanced at the building that was a couple blocks away that said “Fenton Works”

Danie: Hmm…

Della: Danie, is something wrong?

Danie: No, nothing's wrong mom.

Danie came inside as with her moms as she looked around and turned into her ghost form which consisted of her having black hair with snow white streaks, glowing green eyes, and her outfit was all black as her moms saw this much to their confusion.

Sierra: Sweetie you turned into your ghost half?

Della: Why?

Danie: Well I thought about it, a part of me wanted me to reject my ghost half, but another part of me knows better, but the anodite part of me knows this is gonna be fun. *Looks out the Window* Look out Amity Park, here comes… well as soon as I come up with a hero name.

Della: That's the spirit Danie!

Sierra: We're both proud of you.

Danie: Thanks moms, *yawns* Now let's unpack and go to bed.

Meanwhile at Fenton Works we see Jazz is in the kitchen reading as we see Danny come in as Jazz feels a shiver down her spine.

Danny: Jazz?

Jazz: Gah! What?

Danny: Have you seen- wait a minute, what the heck are you doing?

Jazz: Uhh... You ever get the feeling something really, really bad is going to happen...?

Danny: Only when you have an episode or spazz out.

Danny leaves.

Next: Chapter 2: Model on Campus.

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