Chapter 2: Model on Campus.

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Here open to Danie sleeping in her new room as her alarm went off and hit it too hard destroying it in the process and saw the damage.

Danie: *Wakes up* Dang it. Ah whatever.

After brushing her teeth and fixing up her hair we see Danie checking herself out in the mirror.

Danie: *Checks herself* Alright, not too blotchy, not bad. Ah who am I kidding, I'm always on point.

Sierra: Danie hurry up, you're gonna be late for your first day at your new school!

Danie: In a minute!

Della: Are you finished packing for school?

Danie: Yeah just ironing my top.

Reveals her empty bag. Danie is not packed. She's been avoiding it.

Sierra: iVamo chacho! (It's there!)

She flies around the room, tossing various items  into the suitcase, throwing on her outfit, the camera catching other childhood details--

Della: *O.S*  C'mon, you're a grown woman now! Let's show these teachers that. Let's go!

Sierra: Danie!


The door flies open.  Danie enters the living room, where her parents get ready for the day.

Danie: Where’s my laptop?

Sierra: ¿Donde la dejaste? (Where did you leave it?)

Danie: ¡Yo no se! (I don't know!)

Della: If you want me to drive you we
gotta go now

Danie: *edging away* No mom, I’ll walk!

Della: Personal chauffeur going once-

Danie: It’s ok

Sierra: Ay Della, este nene me tiene loca! (Oh Della, this baby drives me crazy!)

Danie grabs food. Della and Sierra frantically cross behind her.

Sierra: *Impatient* Danie…

Danie: *chewing* In a minute!

Sierra: *sing-song* Gotta Go-ohh...

Danie: In a minute--

Cut to Sierra smothering an embarrassed Danie with kisses. Danie rolls her eyes, she hates it/loves it.

Danie: Mom. I gotta go...

Sierra: *kissing her* In a minute…

Danie rolls his bag down the steps as Sierra calls out

Sierra: have a good at school sweetie!

Danie: Okay, mami. Hasta luego!

In streets of Amity Park, Danie struggles down the street with the heavy bag, but she’s

in his element. She walks by some of her fans.

Fan 1: No way that's Daniela Benton!

Fan 2: It can't be.

Fan 3: It is!

Danie: Hey, hi there, nice to meet people from Amity Park.

Fan 1: Are you going to school here?

Danie: Looks like it, I'm gonna mark here.

Danie runs down the street slapping homemade stickers on somethings and ends by slapping a stop sign making a loud klang but she trips on her foot and falls into the street.

Danie: ¡Maldita sea! (Dang it!)

Danie then hears a horn and looks up to it's Della in her car.

Danie: Oh man…

We then cut to Danie in the car sitting in the back with Della driving Danie to school.

Danie: Seriously, mom I can walk to school with my own legs, I don't need a limo.

Della: You can walk plenty on Saturday
when you peel those stickers off.

Danie: You saw that? I don’t know if that was me.

Della: And the two from yesterday on Clinton.

Danie: Yeah. Those were me.

Danie sighs as she looks outside the window taking in her new surroundings and getting the lay of the land, but she still misses Bellwood, Ben, her friends, even fighting aliens.

Della: Danie did you hear me?

Danie: Oh uh, what?

Della: I asked if you knew your homeroom number.

Danie: *Sighs* Yes I know mom.

Della: Aw, come on, pumpkin-pants. I know it's tough starting a new school, but I'm sure you'll fit right in.

Danie: Yeah because everyone loves a teen model with super natural good looks who's really an energy based alien who's also half ghost. And you and mama Sierra are making me move in the middle of high school. I loved Bellwood. And I was finally with my group.

Della: Your uh- group?

Danie: Yeah, you know. My pack. My crew. My tribe. My-

Della: Oh. Your uh clique. Your clique

Danie: Yeah let's go with that.

We soon see Danie and Della arrive at Casper High as Danie exits the car.

Della: I love you Danie.

Danie: I know mom.

As Danie walked to the doors of her new school. Bummed at the state of the relationship, Della  lifts her P.A.

Della: *Via P.A* You gotta say I love you back.

Danie: Mom are you serious?

Della: I wanna hear it.

Danie: You wanna hear me say it--

Della: --I love you, mom.

Danie: --You’re dropping me off at a school--

Della: --I love you Mom.

Danie: Look at this place--

Della: --Mom, I love you.

Danie sighed in annoyance knowing her mom was not gonna stop.

Danie: Mom, I love you.

Della: That’s a copy. And be home soon. *Drives off*

Danie: *to the students* Parents? Am I right?

Danie sighs as she walks into school with some dignity she had left. Meanwhile, it was another typical Monday for Danny Fenton. Arrived, pranked by Dash, uses powers to get out of the locker and phased Dash's lock off his locker so that someone else with a grudge could mess with him.

Danny: Sorry Dash, actually, I'm not... but I'm not letting you get in my way.

Suddenly, a wisp of cold comes out of his mouth and Danny is on alert.

Danny: But it looks like someone else has plans.

Danny decides to enter the boy's bathroom and, after making sure no one is around, decides that its time.

Danny: I'm going ghost!

Morphing with the ring of energy around him, Danny Fenton becomes Danny Phantom. Phasing through the door, Phantom prepares for battle. Out of nowhere, a ghost vulture swoops in and tackles Danny. Danny quickly recognizes this by the fez as one of Vlad's vultures.

Vulture 1: Gotcha punk!

Danny: What does Vlad want now?!

Vulture 1: Just to mess with you!

Danny: Mess with this!

Danny blasts the vulture off. He then gets up and flies into the bird, punching it in the beak.

Vulture 1: Get him, boys!

The other two vultures, as they normally appear in a trio, appear to attack Danny again.

Danny: I so don't have time for this.

Danny pulls out the Fenton Thermos.

Vulture 2: No! Wait!

It's too late as the thermos begins to suck them in.

Vulture 2: Not now! Not now!

As they are now trapped inside, Danny closes the thermos.

Danny: Not now? Were they planning something?"

Danny notices the clock on the wall, it reads 7:58.

Danny: Oh man! I gotta hurry!"

Danny quickly returns to human form and makes a break for it. After going down the hallway, he makes a hard right as he hurries.

Danny: I am so late! *looks behind him* What'd those bird brains want?!

Danny was too busy running while looking back that he didn't notice someone in front. They both collapse from their collision, Danny landing on his rear as this person lands on their back. Danny manages to sit up.

Danny: Oh, crud! I'm sorry! *gets on his knees to talk to this person* I wasn't looking where…

He gets a good look at this person. It's someone he's never seen before. This person makes his eyes widen, it was Danie.

Danie: You know, there are a lot of ways to meet girls, this isn't one of them.

Danie manages to sit up, leaning back and using her arms to prop herself up. Once she opens her eyes, she gets a good look at Danny.

Danie: *In her head* So this guy is the ghost kid Paradox was talking about.

Danny: *In his head* Woah… *shakes his head* Easy Fenton, you have a girlfriend.

Danny takes a moment to admire how she looks. Her soft and smooth looking skin, Cinnamon brown skin, large sky blue eyes and black hair. He can tell just by looking she's the same height as him, and he can also correctly guess by her physique she's very athletic yet curvy. However, he also notices something else. Compared to every girl he's ever found attractive, whether it's Paulina,  Ember, Valerie, Kitty, Star, and even Sam, this girl's looks beats them without question. She's... amazing.

Danie: Yo, guy? You good?

Danny snaps out of it as Daniela helps him up.

Danny: Oh uh, yeah, I'm Danny, Danny Fenton.

Danie: Daniela Benton. But you can call me Danie

Danny: Benton? Wait your Daniela Benton the famous teen model?!

Danie: Yep that's me, hey weren't you in a hurry for something?

Danny: Whatt? *Remembers* Oh no! I'm late! *runs past her* Nice meeting you!

Danie: Okay, bye! *waves to him. She then turns and looks at a piece of paper* Nice kid, but I better find my homeroom. Wait a minute.

Danie looks back to where Danny ran away and follows him.

Danny makes it to Mr. Lancer's class, though his teacher gives him a disappointing look.

Lancer: Late again Danny?

Danny: I… .I had a problem and… *notices Dash is snickering* So…

???(Danie): It's my fault!

That voice he just heard earlier is behind him. Danny looks behind and sees the girl he just met, Daniela Benton.

Lancer: Ah, Ms. Benton, I've been told you would attending Casper High.

The class looks to this girl. Many of the boys, including Tucker and Dash, stare in awe at this attractive girl. The girls, including Sam, Star, and Paulina, glare at her.

Danie: Anyway, it's my fault Danny here was late. We kind of bumped into each other, but it's cool nothing was broken.

Lancer: Really? And you're both alright?

They nod.

Lancer:  Well, you're off the hook, Fenton... this time. Now talke your seat.

Danny nods and heads to his seat as Sam, Star and Tucker look at him, somewhat relieved he's not in trouble.

Lancer: Class, this is Daniela Benton. Some of you may know her as the famous teen model to make it onto various fashion magazines and her parents are famous ghost hunters too, so we'll have at least some competent ghost hunters.

The students start speaking amongst themselves. But as they do so, Sam, Star and Tucker whisper to each other.

Tucker: *Whispers* Dude! She's... wow!

Sam: *Whispers* She's also some cheerleader from what I heard, that makes her the enemy! *To Star* No offense Star.

Star: *Whispers* None taken but I don't trust her either, especially what with my Danny boo.

Sam: What do you think, Danny? *Doesn't get a response* Danny?

Both Sam and Tucker notice Danny is the only person who isn't talking about Danie. Though they're both behind him so they can't see his face. They can't see him looking at Danie.

Danny: *In his head* There's something up with her.

Later after class, we see it was now lunch at Casper High, Danny was with his friends at their usual table.

Tucker: I still can't believe you you met a model. You know this is gonna change everything.

Danny: Oh come on, it's not gonna change anything. Besides, Danie doesn't really act like a big shot celebrity.

Star: Danny-boo this girl has been a model for 15 years.

Danny: Yeah but you don't worry, your the only girlfriend in my life Starlight.

Star: Aww thanks Danny.

Sam: Well I don't trust her, and need I remind you she's a cheerleader, which makes her an enemy.

Star: Ahem.

Sam: But Star’s an exception.

Danny: It doesn't make her the enemy, and she doesn't seem all the bad, she probably just has some trouble fitting it famous or not, and that's the truth.

Sam: Yeah well I say it's all an act.

Tucker: Yeah.  *takes a bite of his burger* If you're telling the truth, then for all we know, she's going to sit with us… *looks to his PDA's clock function* Right... about…

???(Danie): Hey Danny.

Danie's voice greets them. They look behind Danny and see that Danie is there.

Danny: Hey, Danie, what's going on?

Danie: Well, I was doing a look around the school again and figured that since it was lunch, I should eat. That and I couldn't find anywhere else to sit or anyone else to each with  since they all kept fainting whenever they saw me for some reason.

Sam: *Sarcastically* Gee I wonder why?

Danie: Don't know, it's a complete mystery.

Danny immediately moves to the near edge on his left where there was space between him and Star. While Star was a bit bummed, she decided not to let it get to her since Danie was new around here.

Danny: Plenty of space.

Danie: Awesome, thanks D.

Danie sits down, taking a lunch bag out of her backpack. She takes out a sandwich from it. She then notices Sam, Star, and Tucker staring at her.

Danie: So these guys are your friends?

Danny: Oh yeah, this is Sam, Tucker and my girlfriend Star.

Danie: Girlfriend? *Realizes* Oh, oh geez sorry about that.

Danie gets up and moves next to Star as she was once again next to Danny, her boyfriend.

Danie: *To Star* Hey uh sorry about getting between you and your boyfriend, I didn't mean to, honest.

Star was a bit taken back by this, this wasn't like the way she and the team deal with Misty or ghosts or other girls.

Star: Uh, it's okay.

Sam: So Danie, why exactly are you sitting here? You're a cheerleader, so why not sit with the others?

Danie: Others?

Star pointed to the A-Listers table as Danie
looks over to the A-list's table. She quickly noticed the Latina girl looking with the jock, Dash, and a girl with red hair in a yellow dress, Colette. She saw the jock throwing a paper ball at a skinny redhead kid with glasses as his friends laughed at him.

Danie wasn't very fond of those who use their social status to get away with mocking others, hence why she doesn't act that way, when Paulina notices the alien in disguise looking her way,  she looks the other way.

Danie: No thank you. I like my new friends to be a little more human. *Smiles in Danny's direction. This gets a smile on Danny's face. Sam looks more annoyed than Usual* Plus between you and me, I don't really like jocks.

Out of nowhere, Danny is pushed out of his seat, causing Danie and the others to gasp.

Dash: Move it, loser! *pushed Danny off and sat next to Danie* Hey, babe. Name's Dash Baxter, star quarterback and-

Danie: Dude, not cool! Get off Danny's seat and apologize! *while pointing a finger at him. Dash only Scoffs*

Dash: Please tell me you're joking?

This immediately caught everyone's attention. A cheerleader, one that was new to Casper High, is standing up to Dash for Danny Fenton's sake. Evern Sam and Tucker can't stop looking.

Danie: I'm not. Don't tell me your brain is as flat as that haircut of yours? Actually scratch that, your brain is as flat as your flat as that ugly haircut.

Danny immediately bursts out a laugh at this. This does not please Dash at all, who then picks up Danny by the collar of his shirt.

Dash: Think that was funny? Let's see you laugh when-

The back of his jacket and pulls him away from Danny. It's Danie, who then slams Dash right  through the table which breaks in half away from Danny and then Danie  glares in his eyes. Her finger pointing in his terrified face as Dash saw Danie's eyes were now pink with mana, filled with anger and rage.

Danie: *Ragefully* If you ever think about hurting him again I will rip you into pieces with my manicurd nails! Understand?!

Dash slowly, with a look like he's going to cry, nods.

Danie: *Immediately adopts a friendly look* *Eyes turns back normal* Please and thank you.

Everyone in the entire cafeteria stares at what Danie just did. The A-listers are completely baffled that a cheerleader would beat up a quarterback to defend a nobody like Danny Fenton and Star.

Team Phantom themselves are in awe, even Sam, who was the most unfriendly of them.

Star: Wow, thanks Danie.

Danie: Anytim Star.

Tucker and Danny: *In his head* This girl is awesome.

Sam: *In her head* I'm suddenly too afraid to be confrontational with her.

Later after lunch, we see Danie and the trio at their lockers.

Tucker: Man, I can't believe you did that to Dash.

Danie: Well someone had to do something.

Sam: Still, uh, wasn't that a bit… excessive?

Star: Yeah I mean Dash is an idiot but not even he deserved that. Well maybe a little.

Danie: Please, people like him don't learn and they need to have it drilled into their heads permanently so they do remember.

Star: You got a point there.

Danny: Well I gotta say, thanks for the save, again.

Danie: Hey no prob bob. So what do you guys usually do after school?

Danny: Well we usually-

Lancer: Ms. Benton.

The five look back and see him standing there, looking unpleasant.

Lancer: Come with me!

Danie: *In a Arnold Schwarzenegger voice* If I want to live?

Danny: *Chuckles* I totally get that.

We later see Danie and Danny in Principal Ishiyama's office, she sits at her desk, with Mr. Lancer at her side and Dash Baxter, looking smug, on her other side. Danny and Danie are there together. Though he said he wanted Danie, Lancer allowed Danny to come with her.

Mr. Lancer: Miss Benton, we can't allow your actions today to go unpunished.

Danny: Dash started it! He-

Lancer: Scored four touchdown passes in the last game, thereby exempt from scorn.

Ishiyama: Miss Benton, we're afraid, new student or not, we're going to have to report this.

Danie: Really? *looks at Danny* Danny, can I see your arm?

Danny: Huh? *Suddenly, realization hits him* Oh!

Danny walks up to Danie and shows Danny's arm, as she showed, on his left elbow, a scrape.

Danie: Danny got this from Dash pushing him off his seat. And you're willing to let Dash be exempt from this?

Ishiyama: Well…

Danie: Need I remind you, that I'm not only famous, but also a very powerful influencer. I have contacts with all sorts of people. The government, anti-bullying movements, doctors, state senators...

Mr. Lancer: Miss Benton-

Danie: I could have Danny come to them and talk about how Casper High's faculty turns a blind eye to bullying that's physically harming him and the other students… Here's what's going to happen, you two idiots are gonna start listening to both sides of the story, you're not gonna make anyone exempt from punishment, because if you two morons don't do what I say, I promise, you'll regret it for the rest of your very short lives.

Both the principal and Lancer immediately look concerned as they share exchanges that make them realize how bad the fallout could be. But Lancer, being the fat idiot teacher that he was, didn't listen.

Lancer: Now Ms. Danie, Dash is the-

Lancer was cut off when Danie picked up the table with ease and threw it right through the room much to everyone's shock.

Danie: I DON'T CARE IF HE'S THE DANG ICE CREAM MAN OR KING OF UNIVERSE!! Dash was the one that pushed Danny and you and the principal are believing every lie that comes out of the A-Listers' mouths! I will not stand for that! Now are you gonna listen to me, or do I have to report this to the school board?

Ishiyama: Y-you wouldn't…

Danie: Try me… and don't think I don't know about that meat buffet you all had once during the menu change. *crosses her arms and gives a confident grin for good measure*

Mr. Lancer: I.. see your point. Dash Baxter. *Dash immediately looks surprised by this* You're going to have detention for a week.

Dash: What?!

Ishiyama: I'm afraid Miss Benton  is right. We've been getting complaints about you for the whole year anyway, again.

Danie: Well this has been fun.

Danie gets up and takes Danny's hand with him as they go to the door only to be blocked by Dash.

Danie: Move it Baxter.

Dash: Make me.

The scene changes to outside Mr. Lancer's offices before the door shakes and dust clouds form. The door opens to show Danie carrying Danny as Dash was sitting on the ground, a waste basket on his head with Mr. Lancer and Ishiyama back into a corner, scared.

Danny: Wow, I never thought I'd see the day Lancer got scared out of his hair.  Or what's left of it.

Danie: So, where do your friends and girlfriend go? You said you guys go somewhere after school?

Danny: Oh, they probably went to the Nasty Burger.

Danie: *Confused* Nasty Burger?

Danny: Don't let the name fool you. It's actually a great place.

We later see Danie, Star and Danny all come to the restaurant that Danny was talking about.

Danie: So this is Nasty Burger? Looks kinda retro, but in a cool way.

Danny: You know. It was supposed to be the Tasty Burger, but someone stole the T and put up the N. The owners just went with it.

Danie: Sounds comically lazy.

Star: *Chuckles* It kinda does.

Danny: Yeah, come on let's find Sam and Tucker.

The three of them enter and look around. It was at this moment, Danie noticed most of the patrons were teenagers. She figured this was a popular hangout for teens. She also noticed so many were quiet and staring at them.

Danie: I don't see them anywhere, Star?

Star: *Looks around* Nope, they're not here Danny Boo.

Danny: Huh… I guess they got tired of waiting.

Danie: Well no use standing around, let's eat.

Unbeknownst to them, Sam and Tucker haven't left. They're outside, on the other side of the street, with Sam looking in with binoculars.

Tucker: This feels wrong Sam.

Sam: How is this wrong? *Without looking at him*

Tucker: I mean this girl's not dangerous.

Sam: Her family is a bunch of ghost hunters Tucker and by that logic, she came here to hunt ghosts!

Tucker: Yeah... but so far she hasn't shown us she's obsessed with zapping ghosts.

Sam: For all we know, that's going to change!

Tucker: But that's not just it. We're kind of committing a crime here and invading Danny's privacy and Star’s too.

Sam: It's for their own good!

Tucker: You mean like how he spied on you and Gregor?

He and Danny never really gave it much thought about Sam's actions with Valerie, they figured she was just being overprotective but let it go since Sam usually has their backs. They never really called her out for her hypocrisy when she snapped at Danny for spying on her because they were concerned for her, nor did she ever apologize. They chose not to deal with it out of fear she'd stop being their friend.

Sam quickly lowers her binoculars to glare at Tucker.

Sam: We agreed to never speak of that or that name again…

Tucker holds his arms up defensively. He didn't even have the courage to say they didn't agree to that, only listened to Sam tell them not to.

Valerie arrives for her shift at the Nasty Burger, she puts on her uniform and goes to the register. As she prepares for an eventual customer, she sees Danny. But she didn't see Sam or Tucker with him, she saw someone else. It's a girl with flawless brown complexion, dark hair, and an even more athletic and attractive frame than Paulina. Her eyes widened and a hint of jealousy shot through her.

How did Danny get to be with not only Star but with this girl who is clearly a year older than him?

Danny, Star, and Danie enjoy their burgers, not paying attention to prying eyes.

Star: So Danie, how's the burger?

Danie: Not bad, I mean it's no Burger Shack burger but it's pretty good. *Scarfs her burger down* Mmm. So tell me about yourselves.

Star: Well I'm an artist and my dad is a lawyer and so is his girlfriend.

Danie: Ohh divorced parents?

Star: Yep. But we worked it out, sort of. I hate my step sister.

Danie: The dyed redhead in the yellow dress?

Star: Yeah that's Colette, my horrible evil Step-sister who tries to get my boyfriend.

Danie: Yikes, sorry you have to deal with that.

Star: It's okay, it's nothing Danny and I can't handle.

Danie: That's a relief, what about you Danny?

Danny: Well uh, you're probably gonna laugh at what my folks do for a living.

Danie: I'm not gonna do that, besides we're friends.

Danny: Alright, my parents are ghost hunters.

Danie was surprised to hear this, someone other than her has ghost hunting parents.

Danny: Go ahead, you can laugh.

Danie: I'm not laughing just, surprised your parents are ghost hunters too?

Star: Too?

Danny: Wait are you saying that-

Danie: My folks are also ghost hunters.

Danny: Really?

Danie: Yep. But they're retired nowadays.

Star: Oh neat.

Just then we see ghost crows and ecto-pi come in as everyone goes into a panic.

Danie: *Sees the ghost crows and ecto-puses* Ghosts?!

Danny: Heh, yep welcome to Amity Park. I uh, gotta go… use the restroom.

Star: And I… have to also go to the restroom room.

Danie: Alright.

We then see Danny and Star get up and go off as Danie gets up and goes off in a different direction as the two transform into their alter egos. Here we see Danny fighting off the ghost crows and ecto-puses as we see him blast some of them away with a ghost ray and Star in jumpsuit with her ecto saber

Danny: We try hanging out with a celebrity, and the universe just has to interrupt us.

Star: Yeah why can't we just *slashes a ghost away* hang out without ghosts attacking us.

We see one of the ecto-puses knock Danny and Star into a wall as they all gang up on the ghost boy.

Danny: Oh man.

Just as they were about to strike as a giant pink and green fist punches them back as Danny and Star sees a girl with a cinnamon brown complexion, neon green eyes,black hair with white streaks, wearing a black off shoulder top, harem pants, and silver shoes, this was Danie in her ghost form.

Danie: Back off the lovely couple.

Danny and Star: What the- uh umm…

Danie: *Helps Danny and Star up* You okay guys?

Danny: *Snaps out of it* Y-yeah were fine who are you?

Star: Or what are you??

Danie: *Sees the Ecto-puses and ghost crows* Questions later, butt kicking now.

We then see the hero trio beat up the ghost animals as Danie blasts them away with her mana blast as Danny brings out a thermos and captures the ghosts.

Danie: Huh, didn't know those things can capture ghosts.

Danny: Yeah well there's some ghost hunters in this town and well- wait wait, that doesn't explain who you are.

Star: Or what kind of ghost you are?

Danie: Alright I'll tell you two but uh, can we talk somewhere else?

Danny: Uh, sure.

We later see the trio arrive at a rooftop where they were safe.

Danny: So who are you?

Danie: Oh come on, we met a few hours ago.

Danny: Met? We don't even know you?

Danie sighed as she turned back into her human form which surprised Danny and Star.

Star and Danny: D-Danie?!

Danie: Surprise.

Danny: You're… your…

Danie: Half ghost? Yep. And before you say anything else, I know your half ghost too and I know that's Star in the jumpsuit, which looks great on her.

Star: Aw thanks I… *realizes* Oh man.

Danny: How is this possible?! How do you have ghost powers?

Star: Woah woah Danny boo, easy. *To Danie* But seriously, how do you have ghost powers too?

Danie: *Sighs* Well remember a moment ago, I said my parents were ghost hunters?

The couple nodded.

Danny: Yeah?

Star: Why?

Danie: Well a long time ago, when I was 14 they invented this thing called a ghost portal.

Danny: Your folks made a ghost portal too?

Danie: Yes, don't interrupt. At first it didn't work and my parents were bummed since they spent years building day, when they were out I decided to take a look at it I went inside and then...something happened...I don't know...maybe tripped on a wire or something or maybe a fuse blew up then or. I don't know, maybe my mom did something like put the on button INSIDE the machine, I don't know...all I remember is that the portal turned on while I was still inside it, it zapped me and when I woke up...I was like this…

Danie even changed into her ghost form to make her point.

Star and Danny had been hanging onto Danie's every word, and once she was done, they suddenly looked really shocked about something, it was the same thing Danny went through when he got his powers.

Danny and Star: You were electrocuted too?!

Danie: Yeah...I remember being zapped by electricity and ectoplasım...It hurt a lot but I survived...sort of… and I didn't even know being a half ghost was a thing until I met you guys.

Danny: Okay, aside from the big reveal your also half ghost, is there anything else you wanna tell us?

Danie sighed and then glowed purple as she now has purple skin, from her head radiate streams of glowing bright pink energy which resemble hair. She does not have any externally visible ears, nose or lips adding Danny and Star’s shock.

Star: Woah, I never saw a ghost that had a second form.

Danie: Yeah, uh this isn't part of my ghost powers.

Danny: Then… What are they?

Danie: They're apart of my alien powers because I'm an alien.

Star and Danny were surprised to hear this, they encountered a lot of ghosts but never an alien.

Danny and Star: What?!

Danny: An-alien? Alien?!

Star: As in, from outer space? From… mars?

Danie: Okay first of all, that's stereotyping, not all aliens come from mars, second, I come Anodyne which is my Homeworld, and I'm an anodite and this is what I really look like. What you and everyone else sees is a human disguise

Star: So you can blend in?

Danie: Yep, *changes back to human* You don't think I'm a freak do you?

Danny: Danie, I'm half ghost and my girlfriend still loves me, you're not a freak to us.

Star: Yeah, if anything your powers are amazing..

Danie: Wow… um… thanks guys.  So Danny, does anyone else know about you being… you know who.

Danny: Well Star knows, *one arm hugs Star* and Sam, Tucker and my older sister Jazz.

Star: Don't forget Valerie.

Danie: The Red Huntress right?

Star: Yeah- wait how did you-

Danie: Read her mind.

Danny: You can read minds too?

Danie: Well more like reading her memories but yeah.

Danny: Huh, neat. So does anyone know you're half ghost?

Danie: Yeah my moms know I'm half ghost too. And before you say anything else, my moms know I'm an alien because my mom is an anodite and my second mom is human.

Star: Moms? *Realizes* Ohhh… your parents are-

Danie: Mmhm.

Danny: What?

Star: Danny-boo, Danie’s parents are lesbians.

Danny: Ohh…

Danie: *To Star* And so am I, so you don't have to worry about me stealing Danny, although Star on the other hand~.

Danny hugs Star in a protective manner.

Danny: Don't even think about it.

Danie: *Chuckles* Relax dude, you two have a steady relationship, I don't wanna mess with it.

Danny: That's a relief.

Later that night we see Danie fly home as she sees Della and Sierra.

Danie: Moms I'm home, and I made some friends today.

Della: Really?

Sierra: Congratulations sweetie!

Danie: Thanks, and I also found out Danny Phantom is Danny Fenton.

Della: Oh that we knew, or I knew.

Sierra: Plus it was kind of obvious.

Danie: Oh that's nice. *Yawns* I'm going to bed.

Della and Sierra: Good night Danie.

We then see Danie go to her room and to bed as the camera fades to black.

Next: Chapter 3: Alien Ghost Cheerleader

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