Chapter 10: Trapped Sapphire Part 1

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Here we see Danie walking to school with Kiko on her head as she sees Danny.

Danie: Hey Danie.

Danny: Hey Danny and Kiko.

Danie: So how'd your morning go?

Danny: You know the usual. At least there any ghost attacks.

As soon as Danny said this, his and Danie's ghost senses go off much to their annoyance.

Danny: Ugh… it's too early in the morning for this.

Danie: Hey why don't you go, I can handle it.

Danny: Really? You mean it?

Danie: Of course I do. But I don't want Kiko getting hurt so…

Danny: Gotcha.

Kiko then jumps onto Danny as they went to school and Danie went ghost to where the ghost is.

Danie: Huh, weird where's the ghost?

Danie looked around as she then felt her ghost sense go off as she dodged a strike and saw it was some sort of large hairy beast with a black collar, this was the Spector Island monster.

Danie: Oh man, you have a face only a mother could love.

The monster roared as it tried to strike Danie but was blasted back by Danie as she punched it back and leg sweeped it but she was backhanded by the creature into a wall.

Danie: *Dazed* Is that all you got…

The creature tried to strike but was shocked as Danie mana punched it into a building as Danie flew in only to see the Spector monster gone.

Danie: Well, this is definitely a good news and bad news moment.

Danie then flew off unaware that a certain evil half ghost was observing the whole fight.

Later on, Danie and the others in Lancer's class only had a substitute teacher, Mr. Blake.

Mr Blake: Alright students, before we leave, we have an assignment that is due Monday...for this assignment, you will pair in groups of two and do a report.

Most of the students groaned in dismay after hearing this.

Mr. Blake: Now, for this assignment, each student will be in a group of two, and everyone must make a biography over their partner, over their names, ages, basic facts such as birthdays, hobbies and a description on who they are as a person..all due by Monday.

Everyone groaned since they knew this isnt going to be the traditional, pick a name from the hat bit when they saw him digging into it. The fat , substitute teacher then pulled out two pieces of paper and read out the names to confirm who will be working as partners.

Mr. Blake: Star Strong and Danny Fenton.

Danny and Star: Yes! *Hi fives each other*

Mr. Blake: Sam Manson and Kwan Li.

Sam: Oh come on... *smacked her face over who she had to get as a partner*

Kwan looked surprised but said nothing.

Mr. Blake: Dash Baxter and Colette Bevier.

Dash: Yes! Paired up with the hot French babe!

Colette could only groan in dismay that she didn't get paired up with Danny but the only silver lining was that there was nothing to figure out about Dash anyways.

Mr. Blake: Tucker Foley and Mikey Baker.

As Mr. Blake was pairing the students up, Danie continued playing with Kiko and feeding her breakfast to her and Paulina wasn't paying attention either.

Mr. Blake: Paulina Sanchez and Daniela Benton.

Paulina: Yes! *Sees the A-Listers looking at her* Uh I mean, What?! Noo! I… don't want to be partnered up with that… loser.

Paulina winked at Danie indicating she was acting and Danie decided to play her part too.

Danie: And… I don't wanna be partnered… with her.

Mr. Blake: Well too bad, you and Miss. Sanchez

shall be partners in this assignment and as I said before, there will be no trading.

Paulina: *Clearly acting* Oh… darn that's… a shame…

The final bell rang and all of the students were now walking out of the classroom, still talking and complaining about the kind of assignment they just got. One where they had to ask their partner about their lives and then make a biography about it too…

Sam: Ugh, of all the people they had to pair me up with, I can't believe it has to be Kwan, again.

Danny: I thought you said that compared to the other jocks, he's not so bad.

Star: Yeah Kwan maybe not as intelligent but he's… decent…

Sam: Yeah, maybe but that's a small comparison and even so, him and school work just don't mix.

Star: True.

Tucker: Relax Sam, at least this assignment isn't so hard, it's more or less just a big interview andI am sure Kwan is capable of that much...besides, all we have to do is spend 20 minutes with them, answer the list of question Mr. Blake gave us, go home and that's that..

Sam: Easy for you to say, you got stuck with Mikey and he's way more bearable.

Danie was silent during this entire thing as she got her items from his locker, listening to her  friends complaining about the kind of partner they got.

Tucker: At least working with Kwan can't be a bigger headache than working with Star, am I right, Danie?

Danie snapped out of her thoughts after hearing Tucker.

Danie: Sorry what were you saying?

Sam: We're talking about the fact that you got paired up with Paulina.

Danie blinked and then unintentionally cast a glance at the latina girl who was at the other end of the hall, talking with her own friends.

Dash: I can't believe you got paired up with Bent-tina.

Paulina had been silent as she had gotten the items from her locker and sent Dash a sheepish look.

Paulina: Well, it's not like I can do anything about it, Mr. Blake said no trading.

If anyone was paying attention, they would have noticed that Paulina didn't even sound close to being upset.

Thankfully, Colette and Dash never pay that much attention to anything outside of fashion or sports.

Paulina:'s not like the assignment is that big of a deal.

With Danie and Team Phantom.

Danie: All I have to do is ask her a few questions about herself as a person, let her do the same and that's that..I think I can handle that much.

Unaware of how similar this conversation is with Paulina and her friends.

Sam: Just be careful Danie.

Dash: Even if she is hot, Benton is a total loser, she's not one of us and the less you have to be around her the better.

Paulina: *Sighs* Even though she's a famous celebrity, I know she's not popular, Dash.

Danie: I spent time with her and got to know her and she isn't all that bad.

Danny: Just be on your guard, Paulina might look cute on the outside, but as a guy who "dated”  her once and a couple days, I can say that she is totally.

Colette: *About Danie* Lame.

Sam: *About Paulina* Shallow.

Star: *About Paulina* Not to mention bossy.

Dash: *About Danie* And a complete loser, even if she's a babe.

Sam, Tucker, Star, Danny, Dash, and Colette: So be careful.

After the unwanted warnings from their friends, Tucker, Danny, Star, and Sam had left to go join their project partners, leaving Danie to finish getting the items out of her locker.

Paulina, taking a deep breath, walked up to her locker once Dash and Colette had left to go do their own thing, since they were once again going to leave the nerds to do the work for them.

Paulina: I still don't get why they can't do it themselves…it's not like the assignment is that complicated.

Paulina soon walked up to Danie and Kiko as she saw them.

Paulina: Um… hey guys.

Danie: Hey…

There was a moment of uneasy silence between the two. Ever since Danie gave Paulina that lecture, the once shallow girl was starting to be a little nicer.

Danie: Soo… I guess we're… partners…

Paulina: Looks like it.

Danie: So…uh...we probably should head to the library and get started on it...

Paulina: Yeah, we should...but...I gotta go get something from my locker first…

Danie watched Paulina go, happy that at least this time, she doesn't seem to be trying to pick a fight.

Danie: *In her head* I told them I could handle this. *To Kiko* Kiko, nothing personal but can you go home, I don't want you to get hurt or get exposed when Paulina's around.

Kiko nodded as she teleported home.

Meanwhile, Paulina opened her locker, got a binder that was in it and when no one was looking, let out a breath she had been holding, still unable to believe the situation that she is in.

Paulina: *In her head* Wait...maybe that's it..maybe I can use this to finally figure out what the heck is up with her.

She and Danie will be alone for a while, asking each other questions about their own lives and Paulina does want to know more about her. What could be a better time than now to try and find out what's up with him?

The more Paulina thought about that idea...the more she liked it…

Danie: Hey Paulina you coming?

Paulina: I'm coming.

The two soon left to go to the library, to do the assignment and also get answers, once and for all.

Danie and Paulina were now seated in the school's library, both had their notebooks open, along with the list of questions that Mr. Blake had given them for the assignment. All needed in order to make an autobiography about the other by Monday.

Danie: 'So...I guess we should get started...

Danie pulled out the list of questions, which basically consisted of this. Full name, date/location of birth, hometown, family, hobbies, activities, likes and personal description as a person. Nothing too difficult.

Danie: So do you wanna go first? I can interview you first.

Paulina: Sure…

Danie: Alrighty then, first question, full name.

Paulina: Paulina Rosá Sanchez.

Danie: Rosá?

Paulina: What?

Danie: Nothing, it's a cute nickname.

Paulina averted her eyes when she heard this, not sure why.

Paulina: Thanks.

Danie: Okay, birthday and place you were born?

Paulina: Amity Park, June 15th, 2005.

Danie: *Writes it down* Okay… what about family?

Paulina: Well you already know my dad, my mom is Maria Migdalia Sanchez, she runs and founded the cosmetics company.

Danie: Woah wait a minute, your mom runs her own makeup company?

Paulina: Yeah, I don't usually talk about it but she does, it's also why I don't shop for make up because she gets them for herself and me.

Danie: Dang, that's convenient.

Paulina: Heh yeah… she's usually not around a lot because she works overseas.

Danie: Ohh, sorry to hear that.

Paulina: It's okay. I'm… used to it and she visits sometimes when she gets the chance.

Danie noticed the way Paulina spoke which was that she missed her mom so she decided to move on to the next question.

Danie: Okay hobbies and favorite activities?

Paulina: Well, there is shopping, yoga, pilates on Tuesdays, after that, it's dance class on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, and getting the newest outfits.

Danie had no idea of knowing the rest of what she was thinking.

Paulina: *In her head* Reading, video games, comics, reading fanfics, writing, collecting sayonara pussycat merchandise, self defense classes with papa… drawing.

According to the A-Listers rules, those hobbies aren't cool enough to be mentioned anywhere, especially Sayonara Pussycat…

Danie wrote down the list she had given her.

Danie: Okay, any likes?

Paulina: Just as I, traveling, shoes, dancing and partying.

Paulina was forced to hide the other stuff she likes but she knew that A-Listers wouldn't be okay with it or possibly Danie.

Danie: Okay...okay...I guess all that is left is a personal description.

Paulina: Oh, would you describe me?

Danie: are the one who has to describe, who is Paulina Sanchez, anyway?

Paulina paused for a moment, before she answered as much as she was going to…

Paulina: I am a fashionable girl who is pretty, popular and stylish…

Danie: That's all?

Paulina: Yep.

Danie didn't look satisfied but said nothing as she wrote down her own personal description. Paulina didn't know why, but the look Danie had on her face when she described herself. She didn't know why but she knows that she doesn't like it.

Later on, Once Danie was done writing down Star's answers and made a rough draft, it was his turn to do the answering. Paulina took the list and tried hard not to show a smirk.

Paulina: *In her head* Okay,'s time...don't be too obvious..just discreetly.

Once Danie was done writing down Paulina's answers and made a rough draft, it was his turn to do the answering. Paulina took the list and tried hard not to show a smirk.

Paulina: *In her head* smirk. "Okay,'s time...don't be too obvious..just discreetly mention it and see what happens…

Paulina took a breath and decided to go for it.

Paulina: Okay Danie, full legal name?

Danie: Daniella Jessica Benton.

Paulina: *In her head* So that's her middle name. *Outloud* Okay where and when were you born?

Danie: June 15, 2004.

Paulina: Family?

Danie: Just my two moms, Della and Sierra Benton.

Paulina: Okay, so what do you like to do in your spare time?

Danie: Well I like playing video games, bowling, cleaning up trash, and modeling.

Paulina: Any particular activities that you enjoy, like after school… *under her breath* or during..

Danie: Well I like hanging out with friends at Nasty Burger, going to the movies, and cleaning up trash.

Paulina tried hard not to frown in frustration. She wanted to know what was up with Danie and she had to be careful. She asked a few more of the basic questions and added a couple of her own, but Danie answered everything so vaguely, that she is losing her already thin patience.

Paulina: Are you sure there aren't any more activities that you like doing?

Danie: No not really.

Paulina got more and more frustrated.

Paulina: Really? No clubs or group activities?

Danie: Nope.

She just knows Danie has to be doing something during the times she and Danny cut class, since she knew there is no way they could always need to use the bathroom that much without having a serious condition and she knows from her time on the island that he doesn't.

Paulina: Okay… Danie, how would you describe yourself?

However, before Danie could answer, his ghost sense activated and Danie tried hard not to curse under her breath.

Danie: *In her head* Darn it, I have to get away from Paulina, for a while. *Outloud* Paulina,I have to go to the bathroom...I'll be back in a bit and finish up... *stood up and started running*

Paulina: Hey wait!

Old lady: Keep it down…

Paulina was silenced, sat at the table and is now fuming quite a bit. She couldn't believe that Danie started rushing out while she was still in the process of getting answers.

Paulina: *In her head* I was so close!

She just wanted to find out what Danie was up to, it's not like she was going to spread it around the school, she just wanted to know so she can stop feeling so confused and weird around her during class time.

Maybe then, Paulina can get on with her life. However, Danie had to go again, leaving her here, while she went to do whatever it is that she wants to do.

Paulina: Well I'm not standing for it.  *Got up and went to look for Danie*

However, she couldn't find Danie, having searched the usual spots in the school where it is okay for students to be at this time. She even checked the places for after-school activities and

Danie wasn't there, eliminating the possibility that she went to go to one of the clubs.

After a few more searching, Paulina sighed in annoyance and decided to go wait for him to come back to the library.

Paulina: *In her head* What time is it?

Paulina glanced at the clock and saw that it was already 4:45...they still had a while before the library and school close for today. Since it's Friday, the school will remain open until 5:30pm, so she doesn't have anything to worry about.

Paulina: *In her head* She better come back soon if she knows what's good for her… *remained at the table*

Meanwhile with Danie, we see her running into a nearby janitor's closet, changing forms and phasing out of the school, determined to find out which ghost is here to cause her trouble.

Danie: Now who is it this time?

Suddenly, the alien ghost girl barely managed to dodge what looked to be a missile. She saw it, dodged it and then turned around, as she knew who sent it.

Danie: Skulker? I thought I took care of you yesterday.

Skulker: The hunt stops for no one, whelp… *

shot a net to the ghost girl, who also managed to dodge it*

Danie: Seriously Skulker, I have an assignment to do, and a cute girl waiting for me, couldn't you wait until later to have your butt kicked?... *shot a blast to the ghostly hunter, who used a shield to block it*

Skulker: Hardly! This time you will not get away so easily… *started shooting the heavy artillery*

Danie groaned as she dodged all of Skulker's attacks, tried to block him when he went for a fist fight and Danie could only hope that this won't take too much time. She doesn't want to leave Paulina waiting any more than she has to.

Later on, we see Danie lost track of time as she was now shooting as many blasts as possible to Skulker, who seems to be even more troublesome today than lately.

Skulker: You will not get away from me that easily Whelp!.. *tried to punch her, but Danie dodged*

Danie: Oh please, Skulker, you couldn't hit the backside of a bar-

Danie didn't even get to finish her joke since Skulker ended up punching Danie square on, but the halfa girl ended up moving at the last minute, and the hunter ended up striking her hard on the chest, sending her flying away a bit.

Once she regained her senses, she glared at the maniacal ghostly hunter, who was about to send more blasts her way. He shot again and Danie, who was well passed patient now.

Danie: That does it!

Danie's eyes glowed bright blue, as did the rest of his body and especially his hands. Danie summoned her ice powers and tried to freeze Skulker, who was more agile than lately. After a few moments, she managed to hit the brute hunter straight on, trapping him in a block of ice. Once she was rendered helpless, she pulled out a thermos Danny gave her and sucked Skulker inside. Thus winning this battle.

Danie: Done and dusted.

The ghostly girl landed on the ground, changed back when she realized no one was around and smiled, feeling glad.

Danie: Why does it feel like I'm forgetting something? *Remembers* Oh man Paulina!

Danie looked at a nearby clock and saw it's already 5:20...the school is going to close soon and she had been fighting Skulker for well over half an hour!

Danie: Oh man…

Danie quickly ran inside to get to the library and get to Paulina, whom she hopes isn't too mad.

And that's if she is still hanging out in there.

Danie quickly ran inside and the good news is that Paulina is still there, waiting for her.

The bad news is that she looks pretty ticked now to say the least.

Danie: Uh… hey…

Paulina: That was a pretty long...bathroom break...wasn't it. *gripped on her pencil and Danie gulped, trying to regain her ability to lie in these kinds of situations*

Danie: Yeah...well, the thing is...I...After I got out of the bathroom, I...tripped and hurt my hand...had to go to the nurse's office to get it looked at and I was lucky that I got to her before she left…

Paulina still sent her that glare and Danie got worried that she really didn't believe her. Thankfully, the latina girl just grabbed the list of questions again.

Paulina: Well, let's continue where we left off...what are you like as a person?

Danie: Well, I consider myself a simple, easy going, all around average girl who enjoys hanging out with his friends, occasionally posing for the camera and all that.

Paulina sent Danie a look and got really annoyed now.

Paulina: *In her head* 'Why the heck is he still lying to me?! I can't take any more of this! *outloud* Is that all?...

Danie: Yes, that's it.. *In her head* 'What is with her? Is she still mad or something?...

Paulina: Are you sure that you aren't leaving anything out? Remember that we have to be specific with this project.

Danie: No.

Paulina: "Really? So, nothing after school activities like clubs, part time jobs...gang activity.

Danie heard her and his eyes widened.

Danie: What?! * shot up, only to be shushed by the librarian* What did you just say?

Paulina however, isn't backing down...Sure, maybe if she was calm, she would have been more rational and realize that what she just asked didn't make much sense, but she is tired, angry and she just wants to get her answers.

Paulina: If not gang activity, what else do you do in your spare time...or during class time…

Danie: I already answered you and what does class time have to do with this?

Paulina: Where did you go during math, science and English class today and where did you really go just now?

Danie: I told you, I just went to the bathroom and then got held at the nurse's office.

Paulina frowned, totally not believing her

Paulina: So, you really had to go to the bathroom like five times today?

Danie got nervous, but tried to mask it with anger and annoyance at her insistent nosiness.

Danie: I don't believe that's any of your business. *grabbed her items*

Paulina: Where are you going this time?

The librarian was getting fed up but they weren't listening to them.

Danie: Home, I already answered all of the necessary questions and I don't want to be here if I don't have to be

Danie walked out with her nose held high.

Paulina: Benton! You come back here right now young lady! *Brief pause* Oh great now I'm starting to sound like my papa.

Paulina ran after Danie, out of the library as the librarian heard this and shook her head.

Librarian: respect at all for rules…

The woman glanced at her watch and realized that it was a few minutes until school was officially closed for the day. She decided to get her items, close up and leave since the last two students had just left.

With Danie and Paulina

Danny couldn't believe that Paulina was still following her, trying to talk her ear off with her demands and Danie tried to get away from her.

Danie Paulina , I already told you, I was in the bathroom.

Danie felt worried that she is suspicious but she can't give away anything.

Paulina: *Sarcastically* 'Don't give me that, you mean to tell me you actually do have a condition like that...'Star said sarcastically.

Danie: "None of your business! Now if you don't mind...I want to get home now

Paulina looked positively mad right now.

Paulina: Oh no you don't.

Paulina grabbed Danie's arm, dragged her into a nearby boy's bathroom and locked the door. Danie's is well past angry now.

Danie: Open the door!

Paulina: 'Not until you tell me what's going on, Danie?.

Danie: "I told you, nothing! Now let me out, this is a boy's bathroom for goodness sake

Paulina: Don't give me that...I know that there is something up, just tell me already and we can both move on!

Danie: I told you nothing! Not out of my way! I am going home, I don't want another moment here and you can't stop me!

However, before they could argue about it more, the lights were suddenly turned off, startling the two.

Paulina: W-What's going on here?

They then heard the sound of rattling metal and the sound of a door locking.

The two teenagers both had a bad feeling about it.

Paulina: don't think...

Danie looked dismayed, though couldn't see his face.

Danie: Open the door…

Paulina quickly did so.

The two rushed to the halls, ran to the front door and to their dismay, they saw that it was locked shut. They tried to open the door, but it's locked tight and won't budge and inch. They also knew that this place is dark and it was completely empty, all of the students, teachers and staff were not in here.

Which means they are all alone, locked inside the school...on a Friday night too.

Danie: Uh oh…

Danie and Paulina could not believe it. The lights were off, the doors were locked and they just realized now that they were stuck inside the school...and it's Friday Night.

Paulina: HELP! LET US OUT OF HERE!... * frantically hits her fists onto the door*


After several more minutes of calling for help and trying to bust the door open, they realized that they were stuck in here, and no one could hear them. The janitor or whoever else was the last to get out was long gone, and they are stuck here.

Danie: I don't think anyone can hear us.

Paulina: NO! This can't be happening! As if getting stuck in hospital with Sam, or being hunted down by ghosts on my 15th birthday last year wasn't enough...but now this! *started stomping around the area, clearly freaking out*

Danie: Paulina, calm down...look...let's go see if we can find the emergency exists or something…

Paulina: Alright...alright...I guess we can do that...but's too dark in here to see straight...

Danie pulled out something out of her backpack.

It was a mini flashlight.

Danie: I knew this would have come in handy one of these days.

Danie turned the light on, lighting up the hallway and Danie saw the distressed look on the popular girl's face.

Danie: Come on...I think the nearest one is in the next hall…

Danie started going there as Paulinafollowed him, her previous worries were forgotten, with her now stronger desire to get out of here. She figured that she and Danie could get out of here first and she would resume her interrogations some other time.

At an exit.

Paulina: 'WHAT THE HECK?!

Danie had made it here and they tried to open up the door that led to the emergency exit, but for some reason, it won't open.

Paulina: What's taking so long?!

Danie: It's not my fault, it won't budge!

Paulina: Let me try, you're doing it wrong!

Paulina tried to force the door open but it wouldn't give in, and she was getting more and more distressed by the minute.

Paulina: *Struggling* What the heck is wrong with stupid this? If there was a fire or an earthquake right now, we'd be six feet under right now! *tried to push more and more but the exit won't open*

Danie: This is too weird...come on Paulina...let's go find the other exits.

Since Casper High is an average, public high school, with over 500 students inside it and about 30 or so teachers, it has about 3 emergency exits all across the school. One by the cafeteria, another by the gym and now near the front office, which was the first one Danie and Paulina had checked.

Paulina: Come on you stupid, crummy door! OPEN UP!

Danie tried to push it open, but nothing.

It wouldn't budge open and they went to the last one and it was the same, exact thing.

Danie: Okay, this is way past weird. Just how the heck can three emergency exits NOT open!

Paulina: Because of the lousy maintenance on this place or whatever! I don't care why, what I want to know now is how we are going to get out of here!

Danie: There is a window...maybe we can open it and climb out…

Danie tried to open it, but to his surprise, the clasp on the window wouldn't budge either.

Danie: *Struggling* What the heck? It's stuck?

Paulina was losing her patience.

Paulina: Move aside Tarzan, let a strong woman show you how it's done…

Paulina  tried to open the window, but to her shock, she was having just as much trouble as Danie was.

Danie: First we need to find a strong woman.

Paulina: Shush!

They tried to open the other nearby windows and The windows and the doors, including the emergency exits won't open for anything.

Paulina: If this is some kind of joke, I'm not laughing…

Danie: I have a feeling that this is no joke.

Paulina: What? No! NO! There has got to be a way out of this stupid place!

Thankfully, one came to her.

Paulina: What about your cell phone?

Danie tried to pull it out, but to her dismay, she didn't have it. She then remembered her fight with Skulker, it must have gotten lost sometime during all of that chaos and he didn't even realize it!

Darn it!

Paulina: Oh, don't tell me that you lost it.

Danie: Alright...I won't…

Paulina: You mean we are stuck in here without even a phone to call for help!?

Danie: Paulina relax...we can still use your cellphone.

Paulina blinked, realized his point and immediately pulled out her phone, only to frown when she saw something.

Danie: Don't tell me, no bars.

Paulina: No...the battery is dead.

Danny sent her a look.

Danie: How the heck did that happen?

Paulina cringed a bit, as she had an idea of what might have happened and how she could have kicked herself for letting it happen.


Earlier that day

It was a free period and Paulina found herself in the middle of a five way text chat with  Rebecca, Mia and Ashley. They were all texting over Dash’s parties and what they have to do for tomorrow night.

Mia: *Texted* So remember, we're all getting french tipped manicures for the party it a nice, classy look.

After all, it's her party and she decides the dress code, right now to the last, minuscule detail.

Rebecca: *Texted*  All the same colors or can it be any color we want?

Ashley: *Texted* The french tips should match the color of the dress you will wear.

Mia: *Texted* Like, wow...such a cool idea Ashley.

Rebecca: *Texted* Like, totally...I actually saw this totally cute flower design that will totally look cool with my flower pendant and you think it will work out?...

Mia: Totally...that sounds like, so cute...I have my own design planned out and it's a total surprise for the party.

Paulina sighed, she would never admit this but honestly, it was a little boring talking so much about manicures after two minutes...but she just continued texting her group of popular gal pals.

Rebecca: *Texted* Anyway, as for the hairstyle code...braids are out, curls are in!.

All the while, Paulina got more bored by the minutes. She continued texting with them, not knowing or caring how much this was taking out of her phone's battery.

End of Flashback

Paulina: *Clearly Lying* I'm not sure.

Thankfully, Danie didn't. She and Paulina just continued to lament over their situation.

Paulina: This is just great...I'm already late for my manicure and my self defense lessons.

Danie: Manicure? Self defense lessons?

Paulina: Oh! When my papa finds out about this, he's going to have a fit, he's still in a bad mood when I was at that abandoned hospital.

Danie: Paulina?

Paulina: What is it, Danie?

Danie: Paulina, I am not sure that you totally get our situation here! It's Friday night! It's late, The janitor, the teachers...everybody has gone home and thinks we did too! Even if they try to look for us...who knows how long it would take until they think to look here!...

Paulina looked annoyed, until her expression slowly melted into a stunned one.

Paulina: Are you saying?

Danie: Unless we get really looks like we will be spending the night and maybe the weekend here at schooll

They are going to be trapped in this school, with no way out, no anything...for the night and maybe even the weekend too?!

Danie and Paulina were still together and neither were exactly happy with their current situation to say the least.



Paulina: You're the one who left me hanging for half an hour and then had the nerve to lie to me about where you were!

Danie: I was NOT lying...I already told you what happened, besides, that's no excuse for doing what you did, going crazy and holding me here against my will!

Paulina growled and looked mad at Danie

Paulina: I'm not crazy! I just got sick of you lying to me!

Danie: I wasn't lying and even if I was, what's it to you anyway...last I checked,  you consider yourself too popular to be my friend…

Paulina: Too far!

Danie: Sorry… *sighs* Look Paulina, it doesn't matter who's at fault doesn't change the fact that we are stuck here.

Paulina pouted, before turning away but realized Danie had a point.

Paulina: Fine...but how the heck are we going to get out of here? The doors are locked, the emergency doors are jammed and we don't have cell phones.

Danie: First, let's try and see if we can get to the fuse box and turn the lights back on...the school is even creepier with the lights off…

Paulina couldn't agree more with that statement, so they went to go find the fuse box and turn the lights back on.

Paulina: Oh for crying out loud!

They made it to the electrical room, to where the fuse box is, but to their dismay, it's locked and they knew that the janitor took the keys.

Paulina: Great, not only is every door in this school locked but why the heck did they have to turn off the main flights anyway? we can't even use the light switches!

With the fuse box inaccessible and all of the door's locked, they can't even use the phone in the front office or the school computers to send an S.O.S.

Danie: It's Friday, Paulina...they always turn the main lights off during the weekend since they think no one is here and they don't want to risk wasting electricity..

Paulina muttered under her breath about "stupid public school budgets".

Danie was thinking of a way to get her and Paulina out of here until it hit her, she couldn't use her powers in front of her but maybe some creativity with his powers could help them out, with Paulina being none the wiser.

Danie: Paulina, you got a bobby pin on you?

Paulina: Yeah...why?...

Paulina pulled out said pin and Danie took and Paulina suddenly got an idea.

Paulina: You're actually going to try and pick the lock with a bobby pin...that only works in the movies

Danie: Trust me, I know what I'm doing.

Danie put the flashlight within her teeth, bent the pink a bit and tried pushing it inside, he also focused the light on the lock, where she knew Paulina would be looking.

After a few moments of pretending to try and pick the locks, Danie, using her left hand which was thankfully within the dark and away from Star's gaze. She touched the area where he knew the main lock inner mechanism was in it, quickly made it intangible and opened the door before Paulina could notice anything.

Danie: Got it!

Paulina looked slack jawed.

Paulina: You can pick locks?!

Danie: My moms taught me how to in case something like this ever happened.

Thankfully, she didn't, she just rushed inside and went to the fuse box. However, to Paulina's dismay, when she tried to turn on the lights, nothing came on.

Paulina: Hey! What's going on here? I thought the lights were supposed to come on.

Danie: What?

Danie got up and went to check it, even using her flashlight but no matter what button and switch they pressed, nothing came on.

Paulina: What is wrong with this thing?!

It's so strange, first the emergency exits don't work and now the lights won't turn on!

Paulina: Oh not only are we stuck here, but we don't have ANY power at all!

Danie: Why are you acting like this is my fault?!

Paulina: Maybe...because IT IS!...

Danie If my memory serves me, you were the one who locked me in the boys bathroom...which I am still unnerved about and you wouldn't let me go...that was your doing!..

Paulina: If you had just answered my questions…

Danie: I DID!



Paulina: UGH!

Danie and Paulina were in the middle of their argument, feeling so angry, tired, stressed and even perturbed. Blue eyes were glaring into blue eyes, as their tempers were still volatile and both clearly still blamed the other for this whole predicament.

Danie: *In her head* Bossy loudmouth.

Paulina: *In her head* Liar.  *Glares at Danie*

Unknown to the two, distressed teenagers, while the school was quiet, they were not alone.

Just outside of the school, a pair of red eyes were watching them from a window...far away so as to not be noticed by Danie and they also had a smug gleam in them.

???: This is getting more and more interesting… *vanishes from the spot*

Meanwhile we see Danny and the others walking to Danie's house after they finished their assignment.

Sam: I swear, it's only for the school's favoritism towards jocks that he even managed to make it this far.

Tucker: Still bummed you got paired with Kwan?

Sam: Yes!

Star: Hey just be glad you didn't paired with Dash or Colette.

Danny: Yeah that would have sucked.

Sam: True.

After they arrived at Danie's place, Star knocked on the door and Kiko opened the door with Della behind her.

Star: Hi Kiko… and Mrs. Benton.

Della: Hi kids, what brings you here?

Danny: We're here for Danie, is she around?

Della: Danie isn't home, I thought she was with you kids.

Sam: Really? That's weird.

Sam pulled out her phone and dialed Danie's number.

To her surprise, there was no answer.

Danie: *Outgoing message* Hey you reached Danie Benton, I'm not on the phone right now, which means I'm either busy or doing something else. Oh and if this is Sam, don't call me! Byeee!

Sam: Okay aside from that… message, this just got double-weird.

Della then tried to call Danie but no one answered.

Della: *Worried* Okay even more unusual…  Danie always picks up her phone, even if it's us.

Tucker: Hmm...maybe a ghost happened or he is still doing the assignment with Paulina.

Sam: The former, probably...the latter, unlikely...It's already seven and the school library is closed…

Sam and Star knew it was unlikely that Danie could still be doing homework with Paulina.

Della: It's not like Danie to answer her phone.

Kiko: *Worried*

Star: Don't worry Kiko, we'll find Danie.

Danny: Tuck what time is it now?

Tucker: *Checks the time* 7:15 pm, why?

Sam: Okay, in order to not freak out, in case there is something...we call again in 15 minutes and if he doesn't answer, we start to worry

Frenchie: 15 Mutants later.

15 minutes have passed, the five of them each tried to call Danie and each one was met with zero reply.

Star: Okay, now we can start to worry!

Danny: Oh man...where is she? What happened?

Tucker: Calm down you two, let's not panic...look, let's just go look for him before it gets too late...Danny, get the Boo-merang.

Della: The what?

Star: It's a boomerang with a dumb name that can home in on ghosts.

Danny: And I can't, my dad took it to chase after the Box Ghost.

Sam dragged her hand down her face in aggravation.

Sam: Oh please...who would want to go to that much trouble to find him..

Star: Let's just go start searching...let's all brings some weapons and a spare thermos, just in case one of our enemies are up to their old tricks again..

They went to get the Specter Deflectors, Fenton Wrist rays, spare Fenton Thermoses and whatever else they could find.

You can never be too careful and they know that if it involves Danie, you have to be prepared for anything and everything.

We later see team Phantom, Jazz included and up to date on what's happening, along with Danie's parents and Kiko with them too.

Sam: Okay, here's the plan...Jazz, you, the Bentons and Kiko go check downtown, starting with the mall...Tucker you, Star and Danny check the North and east side of town, starting with the Nasty Burger… I'll check the docks and the west side of town...we'll all call each other in one hour and if anything funny goes down, you know what to do...

Everyone nodded as they went to split up to go find their missing daughter/friend.

Wherever she is.

Meanwhile, Danie and Paulina were not speaking to each other now. They had spent the last ten minutes in a full blown argument over who's fault it was that they were trapped here, until Paulina  marched to the other end of the room in a huff, giving him the cold shoulder.

Something Danie had no trouble in returning.

Danie: *In her head* This is nuts, if I didn't have to lie, none of this would be happening now.

Paulina did turn to look at Danie, sent a glare, "hmpt" again and turned away.

Danie: *In her head* Arguing isn't going to do anything but waste time, and no matter how big of a pain she is...I just can't leave her here.

Someone has to be the mature one here...she just wonders why it has to fall on her…Danie sighed again, got up and walked over to Paulina

Danie: Paulina…

Paulina: WHAT?! *Realizes her tone* Sorry… What is it?

Danie: Paulina, look...It doesn't matter who's fault it is that we are stuck here...the fact remains that we are stuck here, and unless we want to spend the entire weekend together yelling at each other..we have to do we postpone all of the fighting and the yelling and just...try and find a way out of this…

Due to the lack of lighting, Danie didn't get a good look at the expression on her face, but it seems something she said got her attention, as she turned to her...but still said nothing.

Danie: So...truce? *Offered her hand*

There was a moment of silence, before she sighed and took Danie’s hand in a light shake.

Paulina: Truce.

Danie: Good, now let's go.

Danie left the electrical room, since there was no point since the fuse box was busted.

Paulina didn't know what came over her. She was mad, she was scared, she wanted to go home and she just wanted to know the truth. After the failure with the fuse box, she and Danie spend a long time yelling at each other, blaming the other over what happened.

Though to be honest, Star doesn't really know who's fault it was...she was just so mad and frustrated right now. Not just over their situation, but over the fact that Danie is still lying to her about who he really is.

The resourceful, quick thinking guy from the island leaked out when he tried to pick the lock to the fuse box, she saw it but then the memory of her continued lies made her mood foul again, and the fuse box not working just made it worse.

And the weirdest part is...she is not exactly sure why she cares so much about that...of his lies. Maybe, it was because it was the principle of the matter, of her not liking liars but, something he said earlier sort of caught her off guard...and still bothered her even now.

Danie's voice: I wasn't lying and even if I was, what's it to you anyway...last I checked, you consider yourself too popular to be my friend…

Why? She is not sure...and why they struck a nerve with her, she is also not sure…

Paulina: *In her head* Stupid Danie, ...why the heck is she still messing me up like

Paulina, against her better judgment, went to send a look at the other girl, who was in the other end of the room sulking.

She then saw that Danie also looked back at her, there was a few moments before Paulina realized what she was doing, remembered that she was supposed to be mad, turned her head away, with an audible "hmpt", and continued to sulk.

She just wants to get out of here and go home and she also wants to find out the truth of Danie, for reasons even she wasn't totally sure about...She just knows that if she does that, she'll hopefully stop thinking about and about her and just move on.

We later see the girls were out in the halls again, trying to think up a new way to either call for help or escape this school which has become their unexpected prison. She also noticed that Danie was heading back to the main entrance.

Paulina: What are you doing?

Danie: Paulina, hand me your bobby pin again...I want to see if I can pick the big locks *Prepared her flashlight*

Paulina blinked, realized he had a good idea and immediately pulled the bobby pin out of her hair...or she would have...had she had it.

Paulina: What?

Paulina felt her hair, and to her horror, saw that both her pins were not there.

Paulina: Oh no…

Danie: Oh no, what? Don't tell me that you lost them?

Paulina: I...I don't know what happened...I just had them…

Paulina started checking her person, even her pockets but the pins weren't there.

Paulina: Oh, this can't be happening.

Paulina was feeling her nerves working up right now and Danie was worried she would start freaking out again.

Danie: Paulina... Paulina, calm down...don't worry...We'll find another way out.

Without the pins to do his little "trick", she can't open the locks on the main entrance...she should have done that earlier, but she wasn't thinking.

Danie: *In her head* Now what are we going to do? *glanced at her mini flashlight*

It's small and the battery won't last forever and this is their only source of power in this crisis.

Danie: *Whispers* 'Power...crises..

Paulina: 'What is it Danie ?

Danie: Paulina what does one use when they run out of power during a crisis?

Paulina: Um-

Danie: A generator!...the school has a generator..the fuse box isn't working but I know it has one, didn't this school have a flooding in 8th grade and you all had to take shelter here.

Paulina: Oh yeah I remember that.

Thankfully it was a small flood and no one got hurt but they still had to spend the night since the school doubles as an emergency shelter during times like that.

Danie: If we find it, we can turn the lights back on, and it would make finding an escape here easier.

Paulina: It's probably in the school's boiler room or someplace...come on…

Paulina grabbed Danie's hand and the two soon ran in that direction, feeling more hopeful for their escape.

At the entrance of the boiler room


When they made it there, and saw that the door was locked, just like everything else in this school.

Paulina: Now what?

Danie: Don't yell at me, I'm not the one who lost the bobby pins.

Paulina sent her a glare.

Danie sighed, as he tried to think of another way to get in there,without alerting Star about his powers.

Danie: *In her head* Come on Danie, do you open a door without a key without giving away powers.

Until an idea hit her...a risky one, but it might work.

Danie: *In her head* works in the movies…

Danie moved a few feet close to the door, and Paulina sent her a look.

Paulina: 'What are you doing?...'Star asked but Danny said nothing to her.

Danie  got in position, willed her ghostly strength but also held back a considerable amount. She only had one shot at this. So Danie suddenly kicked the door in the area by the knob, once, surprising Paulina...she kicked it a second time...then a third time.

Third time's the charm it seems, since Danie manages to kick it open, having broken it in a bit.

Paulina was stunned, her mouth was hanging, before she started at a now sheepish looking Danny and-

Paulina: Where did that come from?

Danie: I saw it in a could have gone either way, glad it went the good way.

Danie blinked, before she actually found herself smiling

Paulina: There's the Danie I know who carried me home and hit me with a paper fan.

Thanks to Danie's mini flashlight, they managed to find the generator, turn it on...and the lights of the school finally turned on once they raced back to the halls.


Paulina even hugged Danie for a moment, surprising the two, who sheepishly let go of each other, feeling a little weird about it.

Danie: I am just glad we managed to find the generator...maybe now we can use the pay phone or something to call for help… *Went to one, only to see that the lines were dead. Darn it, it seems the power outside is still down.

Paulina: Now what...the regular pay phones aren't working, my cell phone is still without power, not even enough to send a text message or an email.

Danie: WAIT!

Paulina: What?

Danie: E-Mail! We can use the school computer! The generator is still running, so they should be working right now

They run to the school labs,to what might be their best chance to send an S.O.S.

The Computer lab

Arrived to the computer lab, happy that the lights were now working here too. Star turned on one computer, and was happy to see that it was now functional.

Paulina: YES! *cheered with her arms in the air*

Danie  smiled in relief, happy that something is finally working right now.

Danie:  Okay... just let it finish loading and-

The computer went out.

Both teens stared at it in disbelief.

Paying: What just happened?

Danie started clicking on the mouse, but the computer still wouldn't turn on.

Danie: That's... not supposed to happen...

Danny pressed the on button to turn it on.

Nothing happened.

Paulina: What happened...Did it crash?

Dani: I don't know...try turning on the other computers.

Paulina did so, walking to the computers and pressing their on buttons.

Nothing happened.

Paulina: It's not working, Danie!

Now Danie started to get suspicious.

Danie: Okay, locking the doors I can get... cell phones not working is pretty much a guarantee...the fuse box was unexpected, losing the bobby pins, also unexpected... but now this?

Paulina: What's the problem?

Danie suddenly looked around in suspicion and It made Paulina nervous to say the least.

Paulina: Danie?

Danie turned to her, before speaking to her in a low whisper.

Danie: I'm starting to think something... or someone... is messing with us…

Meanwhile somewhere else, It's been almost an hour since Team Phantom began its search for Danie, having split up to cover more ground.

Sam: Where is she?

Sam already covered the docks and most of the west side of Amity Park.

The Gothic girl pulled out her cell phone to call Jazz and then added Tucker, Danny, Star, and the Bentons making it a group call.

Sam: Any luck?

Jazz: *Over the phone* She's not at the mall or the park.

Tucker: *Over the phone* She's not at the Nasty Burger or near it

Sam: Let's keep looking *hangs up* *sighs* Where are you Danie.

Sam hopped on her scooter and continued her search for her missing friend.

Back at Casper High

Paulina: What's the problem?

Danie suddenly looked around in suspicion.

Paulina: Danie…

Danie: I'm starting to think something... or someone... is messing with us

Paulina: What?

Danie: Think about it Paulina…the emergency doors, the lights going off, the windows not opening, the bobby pin going missing…it's like someone is making sure we CAN'T leave the school.

Paulina: *Getting worried* W-Who would d-do that?

Danie: Who indeed and why?

Danie recalled the time she read the files Danny has on all his enemies but which one is it and why are they trying to keep her from leaving the school?

Suddenly, the heard the sound of a crash happening from the lower level and Paulina suddenly paled, as she heard a noise now…making it very clear that Danie’s theory was right.

Suddenly they heard that noise again, that noise is getting closer and closer and Danie immediately knew who it could possibly be.

Paulina: Run! * she started running*

Danie: Paulina!

Danie ran after her to make sure she didn't wind up running into.

Meanwhile at the Sanchez residence, we see Carlos arrive back from work having to deal with some bank robbers and a few muggers too.

Carlos: Paulina, I'm home and I bought take out.

Carlos entered his home, but saw that his only daughter wasn't there.

Carlos: Paulina? *Looked around* Paulina… Paulina… Rosá.

He glanced at the clock and frowned. It was close to ten, her curfew and she is still not home. He pulled out his phone and tried calling her, no answer.

He called again…and again and was getting more and more worried each time he called and got no answer.

Carlos: Paulina!

Just where is his daughter and why is she not answering her phone?!

Back at Casper High

Danie and Paulina kept running, trying to get away from the noise of whatever it is that is keeping them trapped here. Or Paulina  was running away and Danny was making sure she didn't end up getting herself killed.

Danie has to get her someplace safe, then make an excuse to go "check it out", when he really plans on going ghost, deal with whatever creep is keeping them here and then get them out of here.

But first…she has to get Paulina someplace safe….

Paulina: IS IT BEHIND US?!

Danie: Just keep running.

They soon turned the corner and made it to another hall, which was a dead end as they made it to a wall.

Paulina: Now what do we do?

Danie: I'm thinking

Danie looked around and then saw a row of lockers and suddenly got an idea.

Two minutes later

Danie and Paulina now found themselves in a place that he's very used to but it's also something Paulina never imagined she'd ever be in her life.

A locker…

Danie, out of desperation, managed to open up a locker and made Paulina go inside with him and closed the door. The lockers were already uncomfortable enough for one person but it's even worse with the two of them in, making it a very uncomfortable experience, especially for the latina popular girl.

Paulina: It's so cramped!

Danie: Welcome to the world of everyone not in the A-List.

That stopped Paulina squirming, as she heard this, dropped her annoyed expression and soon looked a bit….guilty…to say the least.

Paulina: *In her head* O-oh…yeah…I... keep forgetting Dash does this to Danny….

They remained silent, neither knew how much time has passed until Paulina spoke up again, making sure to whisper as to not alert whoever it is that is after them.

Paulina: *Whispers* How long are we going to be here?

Danie: I don't know…look, we wait until that thing goes back downstairs or another part of the school..I'll check to make sure…and then we go back to finding an escape.

Paulina's eyes widened, before they returned back to normal.

Paulina: *In her head* I guess I can't be too surprised…with how brave she is.

Paulina squirmed again, and felt a little awkward, due to how close she is to the boy due to the uncomfortably small but necessary hiding place of theirs.

Danie saw her expression and took pity on her.

Danie: Here…It might be less crowded if you took your backpack off.

With all that has happened, she actually forgot that she still had that on. She did what he said, managing…with some difficulty to remove it despite the cramped space.

However, something fell out of the backpack and Danie  managed to catch it, despite herself…

Paulina: Crud!

Danny eyed curiously the item that fell out.

It looks like a sketchbook…

He had caught it and it opened, and thanks to the light coming in from the small holes of the locker, he could see what's inside of it. Paulina looked dismayed that something so personal was now in his hands and she was looking at it.

Paying: Don't…!

Danie didn't listen as he still looked at the sketchbook.

Danie saw some rather impressive drawings of flowers, dogs and a bit of herself as Ghoul Girl. However, before she could continue, Paulina grabbed the book from her, closed it and sent Danie a glare.

Paulina: I said don't!

Danie can never see those things…No one can….

Danie however, just blinked, before answering her.

Danie: Did-Did you really draw those?

Paulina: So…what if I did?

Danie smiled, despite her attitude.

Paulina: That's really cool.

Paulina was taken back by the sudden compliment, before blushing and turning away from her.

Paulina: No, it's not…My friends tell me it's too dorky!

Paulina has been drawing since she was 12, she always loved drawing and sketching, it was a hobby and it helped her relax a lot. She's always gotten A's in art class, which is also her favorite class too. However, since this had nothing to do with money, sports, clothes or celebrities, her friends didn't care for it and Paulina never sketch in front of them, since they deemed it too dorky for someone of the A-listers.

Another price to pay for popularity….

As Paulina was in her moment of frustration, Danie looked puzzled by this revelation and then spoke up…

Danie: Who cares what they think?

Paulina got mad at that.

Paulina: I care…

Danie: Why?

Paulina: Because they are my friends…

Danie: Are they though…

Paulina: Not this again, look Danie…things are different in the A-Listers and-

Danie: It doesn't change the fact that they are jerks…Geez Paulina, I thought you might have gotten more sense since the time I carried you home but your still refusing to accept that they aren't good friends…I mean, come on…friends would tell you something like that aren't cool?

Paulina blinked, seeing the same strong look of conviction she saw the time she was there with her in her living room at her house.

She couldn't. Damie kept speaking, with that same look in his eyes, which she could still vaguely see, due to the small light in this locker.

Paulina: *In her head* Those eyes…

Paulina felt something she felt, from the last time she saw those eyes when they were at her house.

Danie: Paulina, these drawings are beautiful, you have an amazing talent here…

Paulina: You…really think that?...

Danie: Duh, anyone can see that you have a gift here and there is nothing dorky about it…besides, no real friends would make fun of a hobby that you love and makes you happy… My best friends are either obsessed with technology or into dark depressing music, or astrology, that I only pretend to like to make her happy. If it makes them happy, I won't discourage them and it's not cool that you are letting them discourage you.

Paulina's expression softened. The only person who knew of her drawing and didn't think it was dorky was her papa…and now Danie it seems.

Paulina: Really?

Danie: Yeah…. Paulina you like drawing don't you?

Paulina: Yes…I love drawing…ever since I was a kid.

Danie: Then draw, anytime and anyplace, don't care about what they think…heck, for all we know, they are probably just jealous that you can make something amazing like those drawing and they can't…

Paulina turned away and  Danie couldn't see her expression right now, but she then turned back to him, a look of uncertainty in her eyes.

Paulina: If I do that…what do I do about…the A-listers?...

Danie rolled her eyes.

Danie: Who cares about that? Star, in 10 years, do you think your husband or kids or working buddies care if you were popular in high school? Dash doesn't bother trying to have a life after Senior year, Colette is going to either remain the same shallow doll pining for Danny like she is now or get forced to find a job when her parents wise up, while I'm q model, Sam will probably join some environmental organization and Tucker will probably end up going to MIT like he's always dreamed.

Paulina looked surprised by this.

Danie: Paulina…I might not know you that well…but I can tell that you aren't like the other A-Listers…I saw it when we were at your house…I know that you are more than just a girl with fashion on the brain…

Paulina looked down, not being able to look Danie in the eyes any more. Eventually, she answered him and Danie  didn't expect her to say this…

Paulina: I-I do like drawing... and video games... and reading….I also do some writing and I…like reading comics too… I really love drawing and I want to do it as a job someday, I want to be a fashion designer when I grow up.

Paulina finally told Danie the things she wished she told her earlier today, when they did that interview together.

Danie was pleased to hear this…

Danie: See?... You don't have to be like them... at all. Paulina I don't think anything you said right now is dorky at all…in fact…look, I don't need you to be like me but…I think I like this Paulina, the one named Rosa, much more than the Paulina that belongs to the A-listers…

Paulina gasped before a blush formed on her face. Never in all her life has anyone said such things to her. She started feeling something strange that made her smile right now, a smile very akin to how they fought off the monster on the island.

Danie smiled back.

Somehow, this made Paulina feel like she's seeing this girl the first time.

Paulina: *In her head* Danie….

Paulina felt some right now as she kept smiling and looking into her eyes.

She had that feeling back, from the moment before she ended up kissing him on the cheek. Only it wasn't his cheek she was aiming for.

Paulina: *Whispers* D-Danie…

She didn't realize what had happened and she didn't notice or she just didn't mind but she started to move her head closer, leaning towards him.

Danie's eyes widened and before anything could happen….a blue mist escaped from her mouth and the locker door was forced open.

Uh Oh….

Next: Chapter 11: Trapped Sapphire Part 2

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