Chapter 11: Trapped Sapphire Part 2

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Here we see the locker door opened and Danie and Paulina fell out of it.

Danie and Paulina: AH! *They both landed on the floor*

Once they came too, they saw who...or rather what opened the door.

Paulina: GHOST!

Danie looked stunned, unable to believe who it was.

It was the same ghost, the monster of Spector island, that she encountered earlier this morning.

The ghost roared loudly at them and Danie, due to being used to thinking on her toes, got up and lifted Paulina up.

Danie: RUN!

Danie grabbed Paulina's hand and the two began to run as the beastly ghost Paulinated to chase them.


Danie: I don't know, just keep running!

Danie and Paulina kept trying to outrun the ghostly monster that was still chasing after them.

Though Danie noticed that the Monster Ghost seemed to have a collar on his neck which was there the last time she fought it this morning.

Danie: *In her head* Huh?

Danie remembered that he had to get Paulina to safety and then separate so she could go ghost and capture this stupid beast.

Danie: Hurry, this way…

Danie,  seeing some trash cans, knocked them down and kicked it in the direction of the monster, which Paulinated angrily crushing it in a fit of primal anger.

She used this opportunity to lead himself and Paulina to the stairs that lead to the next floor and Danny managed to open the door of a classroom and lock them in.

Danie: Stay quiet…

Danie  then realized that she and Paulina were inside the science lab and Paulina was still trembling.

Paulina: I can't believe it, there's a huge ghost monster in the school that's after us and we don't even have anything to fight it off with.

Danny sighed as he thankfully still had her backpack.

She pulled out an extra Fenton Thermos and Paulina looked surprised.

Danie: Danny's parents gave me this and make Danny and  Jazz carry one just in case...along with a mini can never be too careful… *handed Paulina the blaster*

Paulina looked stunned, unable to believe it but then again, maybe she should.

Paulina: How the heck did the creature even make it to the school? And why is it after us?..

Danie: That's what I'd like to know…

Danie and Paulina stayed down, talking quietly as to not attract the beastly ghost. Once they were sure that it wasn't in the hall outside, did Danie say this to her.

Danie: Okay, Paulina...Here's the plan, you hide in the closet and don't come out for anything until I come back…

Paulina’s eyes widen.

Paulina: What are you saying? Where do you think you are going?...

Danie pulled out another thermos that was on her

Danie: To teach Hairy a lesson.

Paulian eyes widened in horror.

Paulina: Danny, you can't do that...'Paulina said in worry for his safety.

Danie: Relax, all I have to do is try to suck it inside the thermos and then we are safe.

That's not her complete plan. Danie knew that the ghost wasn't smart enough to do all of the things that kept them locked in here since it's just pretty much a wild animal, so she was savvy enough to know that there was probably another bad guy involved here, no doubt the one who placed the collar on it.

Danie had to find that ghost, but first she has got to get away from Paulina and also make sure that she is safe. Which would be a challenge due to how stubborn she was being.

Paulina: No, this is too dangerous. *grabbed Danie's hand, not letting her leave*

Danie: And what do you suggest, we do nothing and wait around until it comes in here and kills us!

*retracted her hand from her and Paulina looked angry now.

Paulina: Darn it, Danie...Are you so blind that you actually think you can face that thing alone...I don't want to see you get eaten by it or whatever.

Danny blinked, she realized that Paulina is actually worried about him and he knew that from her point of view, he is doing something really dangerous but he has no choice. She sent her a sincere smile.

Danie: Paulina...I know how to use the thermos...My folks taught me all sorts of stuff and like it or not, I am the best one to face Tall, Dark and Ugly.

Paulina's glare persisted...before softening.

Paulina: Then at least let me come with you.

Danie: Bad Idea...You don't have a lot of experience dealing with's too dangerous for you.

Paulina: I have as much experience as you do...'

Danie resisted the urge to roll her eyes at how ironic that was.

She knew from personal experience that Paulina is really stubborn, she won't let this go and they don't have a lot of time, the monster ghost could come in here at any moment.

Danie: Paulina...Look...It's just that I think-...OH MY GOSH! *pointed to something behind her*

Paulina looked back, worried that the monster had come in here, only for the blonde girl to suddenly be pushed inside the closet inside this classroom and the door slammed shut. It took a second for Paulina to realize what had happened and for her to get angry.

Paulina: DANIE! OPEN THIS DOOR! *tried to open it but it was jammed*

After several tries, she managed to kick it down and saw that a chair had been placed on the knob to make it impossible to open.

Paulina was angry...but her anger disappeared when she saw that the door of the lab was still closed...and no Danie in sight.

Paulina: No!

With Danie

Danie had run out to the halls, looked around, about to change into her ghost form, only for the ghostly monster of Specter Island to appear, bearing down on her

The beastly ghost roared loudly at her but Danie wasn't scared.

Danie: Okay Hairy, time to kick your butt and the butt of the loser who set you up to this...

Two white rings appear at her waist. However, before anything could happen.

Danie: AHHHHH!...

Danie fell down to the floor in pain as something..or someone had attacked him from behind.

Danie: W-What?

The pain made her pass out and the Monster of Specter island picked her up by the leg and the beastly ghost's collar gloved red as a voice could be heard.

???: Well done, now bring her to me...

The monster ghost grunted, before the collar glowed again and it did as it was told.

The monster ghost left with the unconscious Danny, unaware that a pair of eyes had witness the entire thing with a look of horror and worry.

With Paulina

After the monster had fazed away, Paulina had regained mobility and walked out the corner she had been hiding her. She couldn't believe what she just saw. That ghost… that… thing… took Danie.

Paulina: No...No...Danie...

Paulina briefly registered that it didn't even try to look for her now, it just left with Danie once it had him. Why didn't it try to go look for her? Why ignored her?

She doesn't understand but it doesn't matter now, all she knew is that Danie  is in danger. She is at the mercy of and who knows what it will do to him. Then again, Danie is really tough and resourceful and would probably handle the beast but still, it didn't make Paulina feel any less worried.

Paulina: Oh man...Oh man...Oh man!...

What on Earth is she going to do?!

She could just stay hidden. She could just hide from this creature. Danie clearly can handle herself and she'd probably just get in the way.

Still, she thought back to what he said. Back in the locker before the beast found them and he told her things she never expected to hear from anyone.

Things that made her feel...funny.

Danie’s voice: I think I like THIS Paulina, the one named Rosá, much more than the Paulina that belongs to the A-Listers…

Those words echoed in her mind, they were affecting her somehow.

He has been having an effect on her since the island, ever since he saved her...heck, since even before then.

She remembered the way he could smile, how cool he looked whenever he faced a problem and how he managed to resolve it and keep them alive. She also remembered how his voice sounded when it was all friendly like that it actually it stuck with her.

Especially tonight, when he said that he liked the real her over the popular persona she created to be accepted by her peers.

Those words stuck out to her more and the most bizarre thing was how she reacted to it.

It made her blush.

It made her… happy.

She remembered when Danie walked her all the way to her house and she didn't brag about it.

In the locker, after hearing those words, she knew that she tried to kiss him somewhere else on his face. Had that creature not found them, she might have...might have..okay, she isn't completely sure now but she knew she was planning to do something...

She wanted to do something to her...but why?

Paulina: *In her head* What's going on with me? Why is he still making me feel this way and think these things?... *Whispers*  Wait...Do...Do I LIKE hee?...

That thought caused her to freeze up.

She never thought Danie was ugly or anything. She did think she was kind of cute, and jer family was decent even if they were ghost hunters. And yet because of her parents, he knew how to fight off that monster. She was also brave enough to call the shots and kept an eye on her even when she was being difficult.

Could it be… has she become attached to jer?

She closed her eyes, trying to block out that thought from her head.

Paulina: I'm just grateful she saved my life… that's all...Yeah, that's it...

It was more to convince herself of that more than anything else.

She then looked to where Danie was taken and remembered his words again.

Danie's voice: I think I like THIS Paulina, the one named Rosá, much more than the Paulina that belongs to the A-Listers…

Those words affected her again, just like his eyes... his smile… it made her fists clenched and had a serious look. She spotted the thermos that had fallen off of Danie and then took the blaster he had given to her for her safety.

She knew what she had to do now. Danie has always been the one to protect her, now she needs someone to protect her and that someone has to be her.

Paulina: I'm coming to save you, Danie. *held said items in her hands*

Determined to go save the girl that, whether she will admit it or not, has become very important to her.

Meanwhile we see it's past 10 at night and Sam, Jazz, Danny, Star, the Bentons, and Tucker have been searching for hours, having checked the mall, Nasty Burger and every other usual spot Danie could be found but nothing.

There haven't even been any reports on ghost activity in the past few hours.

Jazz: You don't think some ghost might have captured him and took her to the Ghost Zone?

Sam: We're going to have to assume so.

However, before they could think of their next step, someone ran by and accidentally ran into Tucker, knocking him down.

Tucker: Ow!

Carlos: Oof! Oh sorry about that.

Tucker and the others saw who ran into Tucker. It was Paulina's dad.

Sam: Do I know you from someplace?

Carlos blinked as he looked at Sam and Tucker.

Carlos kids go to Casper High with my daughter Paulina.

Tucker: Wait… your Paulina's dad?

Carlos: Yes, have you seen my daughter? She never came home tonight, I tried calling her but no answer and when I called her friends, they said that they haven't seen her either.

Jazz: Wait… Paulina's missing too?!

Carlos: Too, what do you mean?

Sam sent a glare at Jazz for letting that slip, but they knew that the damage had been done.

Sam: We're looking for our friend Danie Benton, she never came home and we can't reach her on the phone…

Carlos: Oh man, when was the last time you all saw either of them?

Tucker: We haven't seen either of them since school ended and they both left to the library to do the assignment together.

Danie is missing and so is Paulina. That's too much of a coincidence for them.

Carlos: Oh boy, I better call the force. *pulled out his cell phone*

However, before he could dial, a new vehicle came up to the street. It's the Fenton RV and a very angry looking Jack and Maddie came out of it.

Maddie: Jasmine Fenton...there you are, we have been looking everyone for you and your brother…

Jack: Sam? Tucker? Star? Do you kids know how late it is? It's way past curfew!

Before Maddie could begin to chew her daughter out, she noticed the absence of another teenager here and she got more upset, angry and worried.

Maddie: Where's Danie?

However, her anger ended when she noticed the expression on her daughter's face and on Della and Sierra.

Jazz: We...we don't know

Back at Casper High

Paulina Sanchez, cheerleader captain , leading member of the A-Listers, member of the school's 10 ten best dressed list, hottest girl in Amity Park,

and an all around popular far as most of her peers are aware of anyway...was now doing something she never expected that she would do.

She was exploring the dark, creepy school that she is still trapped in, holding one of the Fenton's weird devices in her grip as she tried to find Danny, even if it meant facing the ghostly monster that could kill her.

She is doing this because Danie was captured by said beast, due to stupidly and over confident charging into that fight and now his life is at stake and Paulina had to save her

She needed to save her, she needed to see that she was still alive and she needed to help him now because he needs her. She needs to save her.

Paulina: *In her head* Where is she?...

Paulina continued to search the school, being ever so careful and keeping her guard up and her weapons close as she did so.

With Danie

Danie groaned as she slowly regained consciousness and became more aware of her surroundings.

Danie: Where...Where am I?...

Danie looked up and saw the monster of Spectrer Island was the one that was carrying her. Danie struggled.

Danie: Let me go, you overgrown fur ball! *tried to use intangibility...but nothing*

Danie gasped as she tried to go ghost but nothing. She doesn't know how but he is without her powers and at the mercy of this stupid monster ghost.


Danie: Where are you taking me?...'Danny shouted as

Danie struggled but then noticed that, even though this is a beastly ghost with no sentience, it just continued to float and carrying her...and her movements were almost robotic and that collar around its neck is still glowing red.

Danie Huh?

Danie's eyes narrowed at who she saw in there.

Danie: YOU?!

Vlad: Hello, Daniela.

Danie: I should have known that you were behind this… Count Chocula.

Vlad: It's Plasmius! How do you not remember my name?!

Danie: *Laughs* Yeah I know, I was being disrespectful. So what's the evil plan this time and how did you get Hairy over here to do what you say? It's too primal to follow orders.

Vlad: All very good questions… *looked at his nails with feign interest just to get under his young rival's skin* But if you must plan is the same as always, kill Daniel’s idiot father, marry her beautiful mother and have myself the perfect half ghost son and heir to call my own.

Danie struggled to get out of the ghostly monster's grip but nothing.

Vlad: As for my new minion's assistance, well, after your father told me about your predicament on Specter Island, I knew you must have come in contact with the beast, so I had Skulker capture him for me and make this collar which makes it obey my every command.

Danie: Why did you try and keep me inside the school and with Paulina of all people?

Vlad: Oh, do you really think did that I, Vlad Plasmius, did something such as...short out the power of the school, send a virus that rendered the computers useless, steal that young girl's bobby pin to keep you from using it as smoke and mirrors to hide your powers and...say, jammed all the windows shut, which left you with no alternatives for escape aside from using your powers, which you can't use around your little classmate without revealing your, why would I do that, other than the fact that it would be very humorous to see you act like such a fool to her…

Danie: So, you are saying that this entire thing was a PRANK?!

Vlad: Not entirely...watching you make a fool of yourself while trying to keep your secret from your classmate was an added bonus

Danie: Then why go through all of this trouble?

Vlad: Well, since I have time...12 hours to be precise until your powers come back from the Plasmius Maximus 2.0 effects, I suppose I can tell you...You see Daniela, after Danny and Valerie ruined my chances at studying Danielle's DNA in order to help me in my quest to gain my perfect clone son...I decided that I would have to try something else.

Danie: Oh yeah, Danny told me about that. But if you're gonna clone someone, why didn't you just capture Danny for his DNA?

Vlad: As much as I would like to use his DNA, you seem to be more stronger than he is, and in theory if I use your DNA I can make my perfect son more stronger than Daniel.

Danie: *Sarcastically* Figures…

Vlad: I managed to rebuild my cloning lab and I managed to create a machine which will be able to make not one one perfect clone of you, but as many as I wish...not only giving me one perfect half ghost son who is loyal to me and will do whatever I say but several of them but it will take a huge chunk of power...your power with each cloning...but sacrifices must be made...and the only reason I am even bothering to tell you this now and here is because I know you can't stop me now without your powers.


Vlad: Normally, I would not tolerate that...but I believe we have wasted enough time...Beast, come, we must take him to my lab now...I want to have the first of my sons ready by morning

The collar glowed red again as the monster of Specter island held Danie tightly, as she kept struggling.

Danie: Let me go!

Vlad: Don't even bother, are weak now and no one knows where you have lost!

However, before Vlad and the beast could fly away with a struggling Danny.

This happened.

A blast appeared and hit the monster of Specter island, causing it to yell in pain and drop Danie, who looked shocked.


Danie: Huh?

Danie looked around to her surprise and horror, she saw who sent the blast.

It was Paulina, having entered the gym and still had the blaster he had given her just to give her some piece of mind. She sent the blast.

Danie: Paulina?!

Vlad merely rolled his eyes.

Vlad: Oh, please…

Paulina still held the blaster in her hand, her anger and protectiveness overpowering her fear at not one, but two ghosts.

Paulina: I said get away from her!

Vlad: Or what?

Vlad got closer to the latina girl, not viewing her as a threat.

Paulina: OR THIS!

Paulina blasted again and actually managed to hit Vlad on the chest.

Vlad: AH!...why you little brat...I don't have time to waste on you...I have an evil plot to get back to, Beast, you deal with her...

Vlad left to go take his prisoner with him.

However, before he could, he saw that Danie was no longer on the ground and was away, glaring menacingly at Vlad as he went to help Star.

Danie: "Not happening, Plasmius

Danie pulled out an extra blaster that she had hidden in her pocket, just in case.

Two sets of blue eyes glared at two sets of red eyes. Anger, fear, annoyance and impatience was radiating as Danie and Paulina stood together, ready to face these ghostly enemies and determined to get out of this alive.


Paulina searched the cafeteria, the library, any place she could enter and now she was on her way to the gym.

Paulina: *In her head*  I just hope she is still within the school...and that she is still alive...

Fear, anxiety and worry coursing through her, getting worse by the minute.

She soon arrived at the gym and to her surprise, noticed that the door was slightly opened.

Paulina: *In her head* *Sarcastically* Well, that's not totally suspicious...

She snuck to the door and to her horror, surprise and relief, she could see what was happening through the window.

It's Danie .

Good news, she is still alive. The bad news, he is currently in the clutches of the monster ghost...and there is also another ghost as well.

Paulina: Huh? Who is that? *tried to get a better look*

It had blue skin, red eyes, a nasty black horned hairdo and the most atrocious outfit and cape she has ever seen. That ghost was familiar. She has recalled seeing Danny Phantom fight against it a few times...she thinks the Fenton's call it "The Wisconsin Ghost", which is a super lame name for an evil ghost by the way.

What's it doing here? And what does it want with Danie?

Pault couldn't hear much of what they said, but she did hear this bit from Danie due to how loud he was being right now, even if his life is in danger.

Danie: Huh I guess Danny was right, YOU ARE ONE SERIOUSLY CRAZED UP FROOTLOOP!

Paulina blinked when she heard it and sighed.

Paulina: I admire her bravery but there is a difference between being brave and being stupid… *feeling really worried about her safety right now*

Thankfully, neither ghost tried to kill him...but Paulina  then heard more struggles and Danie shouting "LET ME GO!".

Paulina then bursted it, pulled out the blaster Danie had given it and pulled the trigger. Soon a green, ectoplasmic energy ball appears and then hits the monster ghost on its back, making it yelp in pain and let Danie go.

Paulina blinked, unalienable to believe it.

She actually did it.

Paulina: Wow.. *mouthed in disbelief as she eyed the weapon*

Had neither of their lives been in danger, this would have been kind of cool...

Then she realized that she had a rescue to do, so she ignored all of her shock and fear and focused on her anger right now as she started yelling.

Paulina: HEY UGLY, GET AWAY FROM HIM!... *held the blaster in her hands, ready to fire more at these ghosts to save her...her?...*

Classmate?... Partner?...Rescuer?...Friend? Or...More.?..

Well, whatever Danie is to her, she is going to save him, one way or the other.

Danie: PAULINA?!...

Vlad: Oh, please...

Paulina: "I said get away from her!...'Star shouted at the two ghosts, who turned to her.

Paulina also noticed that Danie used this opportunity to crawl away.

Paulina continued with her threat to distract them and give him time.

Vlad: Or what?... *got closer to the latina girl, not viewing her as a threat*

Big mistake!

Paulina: OR THIS!

Paulina blasted again and actually managed to hit the ghost on the chest.

Vlad: AH!...why you little brat...I don't have time to waste on you...I have an evil plot to get back to, Beast, you deal with her…*only to see that Danie wasn't in his original spot*

She was with Paulina now

Danie: Not happening, Plasmius… *pulled out an extra blaster that she had hidden in her pocket, just in case*

Paulina had to admire her quick thinking...She also registered how he referred to the blue ghost as.

Paulina: *Muttered* 'Plasmius?

Danie then sent her a look.

Danie: I told you to stay hidden.

Paulina: And I told you that was not happening...Speaking of which, remind me to slap you for the closest thing later...but first let's kick their butts… *her finger on the blaster's trigger*

Despite it all, Danie  sent a determined smile at that and nodded.

The two charged their blasters and started shooting at the ghosts, although Vlad merely yawned in annoyance.

Vlad: Oh, please...this isn't even worth my effort...Beast handle them and then get Daniela...

The collar then glowed and the creature soon leaped in front of Danny and Star, baring its teeth at them in a menacing fashion.

The monster of Specter Island roared, while Vlad soon floated to the bleachers, deciding to enjoy the show.

It irked Danie to no end.

Danie: That arrogant, self absorbed-

She didn't even get to finish his insult to his arch enemy, as the monster of Specter Island soon leaped at them and Danie and Paulina barely managed to dodge it, and then kept sending blasts at it.

The beast roared as he tried to dodge their blasts and thr duo kept firing and tried dodging, however, the beastly ghost managed to knock the blaster out of her hand and raised its large, hairy fists, determined to crush her.

Paulina: AH!

However, before she could be crushed, Danie managed to push her out of the way from the attack and they were now a few feet away, where the blaster had landed. Paulina realized what Danie did and that she had his arms around her.

Paulina: *In her head* She saved me again…

Paulina felt a small blush form on her face when she noticed Danie's arms were around her. Danie didn't notice as she quickly let her go and picked up her blaster and handed it to her.

Danie: You okay?

Paulina: Y-Yes...

Danie: Good..look, see that collar...that other ghost is using it to control it...

They both managed to dodge being slashed to death by it's claws, when it charged at them again.

Paulina: 'So, what?

Danie: "So, as long as it's under's Plasmius's power, we are in me...Now, here is my try and aim for the collar..Since I am the one it really wants, so I'll distract it..."He whispered to her and

Paulina blinked, before they recalled the type of danger they were in and both tried to dodge and blast the monster, who was putting more of a fight now than the last time.

Meanwhile, Vlad saw at the top of the bleachers, watching the entire "battle" from their with an amused smirk on his face.

Vlad: Oh, Daniela...your stubbornness would be amusing if it wasn't so pathetic…* sat back and watched his little minion do his dirty work*

Back in the battle

The monster ghost was roaring in rage as it continued to try and attack it's two targets. However, right now, it was focusing on Danny.


Danie sent a blast, making it roar.

He tried to slice her with it's claws but Danie narrowly managed to avoid them.

Danie continued with her jeering.


Danie avoid a large, hairy fist smashing her to the ground.

Danie: WHAT? AM I REALLY TOO MUCH FOR YOU?! YA BIG, STUPID, STINKING' HAIRBALL! *kept dodging and blasting*.

Vlad: She really doesn't know when to give up.

Vlad yawned, not worried since the odds were in his favor.

Or so he thought...

Paulina had moved away, still scared witless but determined. She was by the basketball hood as she watched Danie taunt the beast while it's master watched in sick amusement. She aimed the blaster, trying to make sure she didn't miss or worse...hit Danny by mistake.

She had to get this done right.

Paulina: *In her head* Come on can do it… *held the blaster tightly in her hand*

As Danie continued to taunt, avoid and blast the hairy monster, Paulina saw an opening. She sent a huge blast at the collar around it's the back of it, getting it's attention.

The beast yelled, only for Danie to hit it again with his own blast as he kept trash talking it.

Paulina used this, each time Danie trash talked, Star sent another blast and by the fifth one, the collar has begun to weaken.

Paulina: *In her head* I think it's working

Paulina sent two more blasts.

However, Vlad checked the time and frowned. This battle was lasting longer than he thought it would. He decided to end it now.

Vlad: Alright, that's enough!

Vlad sent an ecto blast and managed to hit Paulinastraight on, sending her flying to the ground, much to Danie's horror.

Danie: PAULINA! * in worry for her partner who was now on the ground and not moving*

Danie felt so angry, even more when Vlad started talking again.

Vlad: Such a pity, I didn't want to have to hurt her but she left me no choice...'Vlad said,

Vlad was unaware that the collar on the monster of Specter Island, now damaged, had now fallen off the ghostly creature and when it did, the beastly ghost turned around in a fit of pent up, animalistic fury.

It's eyes were on Danie  and Vlad.

His red eyes glowed in anger and the beastly ghost then leaped and had his claws out as it growled as it soon began to attack...


Apparently, the Monster of Specter Island didn't appreciate the fact that, after being trapped on that island for years and then being released back into the Ghost Zone, it got captured and controlled again. It recognized Vlad as the one who had trapped him again and that is why it is angry.

It began to try and slice, bite and just try and destroy the ghost that had tried to trap him again, ignoring Danie in favor of trying to attack Vlad, much to his irritation.

Vlad: What are you doing, you stupid animal?!...* in anger as he tried to avoid this beastly ghosts claws*

Danie saw this and used this opportunity to her advantage, she picked up his blaster and sent a blast, actually managing to hit Vlad in his smug face.

Vlad: AH!...

Danie: That's for calling Danielle a mistake!


Danie: That's for trapping me in the school and ruining my Friday night...

Danie continues her attack while the beast tries to maul him.


Danie: And that's for hitting Paulina!

Danie kept sending blasts to Vlad as the monster ghost kept trying to attack Vlad, who was growing impatient.


Vlad sent a very powerful ecto blast and hit the beastly ghost, sending it crashing to the ground and knocking it out.

The beastly ghost let out a low roar as it was now unconscious.

Now Vlad then looked at Danie in pure anger over what had happened and then turned to his young enemy, determined to beat her up and then take her away to be cloned.

Vlad: Oh, you really think that it matters that you turned my minion on me and got a few cheap shots at me? NO! YOU ARE STILL WEAK AND  I AM STILL THE MOST POWERFUL BEING HERE!

However, while Vlad was distracted by the sound of his own evil speech, Paulina recovered from the hit and then spotted the thermos nearby.

Paulina: *Whispered* The thermos. *Saw the evil ghost about to descend on Danie*

She immediately crawled towards it, picked it up and then looked at it and then at the evil ghost who was responsible for all of their suffering and how it is about to hurt Danny.

She knew what she had to do...she aimed the device in the direction of Plasmius, who was still too distracted by his own words to notice her until it was too late.


The device activated and sent something that was now beginning to suck Vlad inside.

Vlad: WHAT?!

Vlad found himself being sucked by the Thermos's current, but he tried to fight off it's effect.

Vlad: NO!

Vlad tried to resist and Danie smirked as he knew that the tables had been turned.

Danie: Oh, Cheese Head...your stubbornness would have been amusing if it wasn't so pathetic!...

Vlad started raving as he still fought the effects of the device...and was failing.

Vlad: NO! NO! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS DANIELA, SOMEDAY!... *sucked inside the thermos, now trapped inside.

Once that happened,  Paulina  panted as she soon fell to her knees, still clutching the thermos in her hands, unable to believe that she actually did it.

She actually caught a ghost and saved herself and Danie.

Danie: Paulina...are you okay?...

Danie ran to her, but before he could answer her, they heard a groaning sound again and soon saw the beastly monster of Specter island about to come to.

Danie: Not again.

Danie took the thermos from her hand, aimed it at the beastly ghost and sucked him inside to be stuck with Vlad.

Once done, he clasped the thermos shut and smiled.

Danie was glad that the battle was finally over.

A few moments later

Danie was panting heavily, unable to believe it. There was another ghost attack and she was rendered without her powers again and he and Paulina still managed to survive it, beat Vlad and the monster ghost and save their own lives.


Danie: Paulina. *looked at the latina girl, who had a stunned look on her face*

Not unlike when Danie carried Paulina all the way to her house. Danie was concerned. She was on her knees, panting heavily and she still looked stunned.

Danie: Paulina?

This caught her attention, she looked up and saw the boy.

Paulina: Danie

Danie: "Here, let me help you up.

Danie  helped her up, but she still had that stunned look on her face.

Paulina walked up to her, looking Danie in the eye and Danie got nervous.

A few moments have passed as they just stood, in the middle of the room, both of them not saying a word.

Danie: Paulina..what's wrong? We won.

Danny looked concerned,  Paulina was just staring at him. Her face had no emotion whatsoever. Is she okay? Is she upset? Did this incident somehow give away her secret?

Paulina then reached for him and then-


It took Danie  a moment to register the pain and the fact that a now angry looking Paulina had just slapped her.

Danie: W-what?

Paulina: That's for locking me in the closet in the science lab!...


Danie: Ouch!

Paulina slapped him again. This time harder than the last one.

Paulina: 'That's for charging blindly into battle and getting yourself captured.

Paulina soon grabbed Danie by the collar, pulling him and they were now at eye level and Star, still angry, was panting heavily as they were now eye to eye.

Danie has never seen Paulina look this angry before and he has seen her mad plenty of times before...

Paulina: And...This....this....

Paulina panting and Danie was worried she was going to hit her again.

Except...for some reason, Paulina's anger and glaring soon ended as her breathing returned to normal and soon, she began to have a...softer expression for some reason.

Paulina: This…  *let out in between her breaths as she still held Danie  like this in her fist and she wondered what on Earth was going through her head right now*

Unknown to Danie, there is a lot going inside Paulina head right now.

Rush, adrenaline, thrill of victory and survival, anger at his stupidity, admiration for his bravery, selflessness, intelligence and his other noble qualities that she has only recently discovered existed and...something else...

Paulina was still in a whirlwind of her own emotions right now as she had these thoughts.

Paulina: *In her head*  Stupid Danie, what an idiot for getting himself captured...but she did it to try and protect me...and despite it all, his plan worked and we managed to turn Hairy on his master and we won...We beat a ghost together!...But he came cutting it a little too close for the both of us... she's nuts...she's brilliant...she's reckless...she's amazing…

Paulina's expression morphed from glaring to smiling.

Then something happened that neither, especially Danie, would have ever expected. Paulina got an urge to do something to Danie...something she realizes now she has been wanting to do to her since they were in the locker together and he said all those wonderful things to her...

Heck, maybe even a little before then...for a while now...

Paulina yanked Danie forward to her, quickly wrapped her arms around Danie's neck and then kissed him...right...on...the...lips!

Danie: *In her head* "W-What?...

Danie found himself in a kiss with the least likely girl she ever expected.

However, Danie's shock quickly wore off and the dark haired girl soon melted into the kiss. Danie wrapped her arms around Paulina's waist and pulled her in, deepening the kiss even more.

Paulina: Mmmm… *when Danie began to kiss her back*

They remained that way for 10 seconds. One of Paulina's hands went up and down the back of Danie's neck as the other cupped her face. One of Danie's hands went up and down Paulina’s back as they continued their embrace.


Once they were finished, they just looked into each other's eyes, smiling and blushing. Both confused by what just happened...but not disliking it.

Not at all.

Danie however, still looked really confused, while Star sent him a tender gaze.

Paulina: That was for saving me again...and for what you said in the lockers.. * kept her arms wrapped around Danie*

In her mind, there was only one word to describe what she just did with him.

Paulina: *In her head* Wow… *Continued to look at Danie's eyes*

Danie: *In her head* Wow… *kept her arms wrapped around her.*

Next: Chapter 12: Trapped Sapphire Part 3

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