Chapter 12: Trapped Sapphire Part 3

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After a few more moments of...whatever this is...Danie and Paulina realized what they were doing, immediately let go of each other and even took a step back away from each other. They both suddenly feeling a little bit awkward now that things have calmed down.

They both just realized that they just kissed each other and well...they were feeling a little awkward about it now.

Danie  shuffled his feet a bit as she rubbed the back of his head and Paulina looked down to her shoes and rubbed her left arm, both not daring to look each other in the eye after what they just did together.

That they actually kissed each other!

Paulina and Danie, who, since the day they met, could hardly be in the same room as each other, came from different social standings and seemed to have as much in common as a cat would have with a dog...and who also had developed a rather strange sense of respect for each other over the course of the last few days...just kissed.

Danie: So...

Paulina: So…

Danie: Uh..well…

Paulina: That happened…

Danie: Yeah...

Paulina: Yup...

They pause. They looked away from each other. Both having massive blushes on their faces that they both were as red as tomatoes right about now. They still couldn't believe what they just did just now.

Danie and Paulina: Yeah...

They pause again.

Danie: So are you-

Paulina: You wouldn't ha-

They both stopped, realizing they were speaking at the same time. They gave a quick, awkward laugh and blush a bit.

Paulina: So...Uh...Danie...we..uh...

Danie: 'Thank you...

Paulina: Huh?

Paulina stopped whatever excuse she was going to make up to explain her actions and now looked confused.

Danie: I said thank you...for coming to help me...that was really brave of you, Paulina…

Danie wasn't not stupid. She was in a bad moment and without his powers and Vlad was no doubt going to kill him to clone him again. So, Star coming to his aid was what he needed. He had to thank her.

Paulina blushed again, unable to believe he actually called her "brave" of all things. She then looked away, she felt a lot of things tonight, but bravery wasn't one of them.

Paulina: I wasn't really brave...I was trying hard not to faint the entire time we were fighting that thing...

Danie heard this and wasn't going to let her think this way. This had to be corrected right now.

Danie: Paulina, the fact that you came to help me, even though you were scared, is real bravery...Remember what Lancer said in class that one time... "Courage is not a lack of fear, it's having the strength to overcome it" or something like that.

Paulina looked surprised.

Paulina: You actually remember that?

Danie: Hey, I sometimes retain stuff in between my naps in class and photo shoots.

Paulina actually laughed at that.

Danie hen gave her that sincere look once more.

Danie: Anyway, it was true tonight Paulina...You were really brave…

Paulina continued to blush and look away, hiding the smile she felt at this praise. Paulina smile then faltered a bit as memories of this entire night...this entire day...heck, this entire week came to her mind. The only reason they got trapped in this school in the first place was because he was such an enigma to her.

A mystery that she wanted to she still wants to, now more than ever.

Things were just so confusing that...she just had to know.

Paulina: Danie…

Danie: Yeah, Paulina…

Paulina tried to control her feelings, kept a cool expression as she finally opened her mouth to speak to him.

She then turned to Danie, with a most serious expression on her face. It was not the angry, accusing look she had when she confronted him in the girl's bathroom. It was a desperate, honest look now that confused Danie.

Paulina: I...I think we need to talk…

With Danie

Danie had a bad moment when she heard the words "I think we need to talk..."

She had a feeling he knew what Paulina wants to talk about. The same thing she tried to talk about just before they got locked inside this stupid school in the first place.

Her secret.

Danie: *In her head* Oh man...what am I going to do?

She and Paulina were now sitting on the bleachers within the gym.

Both of them were still pretty tired about the battle and night they had just had. Paulina was looking at her, not angrily or demandingly. If anything, she had an almost sullen look on her face.

Paulina: Danie...

Danie flinched at being addressed.

Danie: W-What?

Yeah, that totally doesn't sound like she is hiding a huge secret right about now, huh?

Paulina: I want to ask you a few questions and I... would like you to answer them.

Danie was silent, not liking this. Paulina continued.

Paulina’ Why did that ghost capture you? And how did you know it's real name?...

Danie groaned in exasperation, knowing there is no way out.

Danie: I know his name...because he told me when he began to threaten me...

That wasn't a lie, per say. That is how she learned Vlad's ghostly name...though she left out the fact about her first encounter with him and Danie talking about him.

If Paulina didn't believe her, well, she didn't voice it. She then proceeded with her next question for him.

Paulina: Why did he capture you? And how are you so good at fighting ghosts that you are actually better than Danie's parents?

Danie gulped. That was one of the questions he didn't want to answer but Paulina is suspicious.

Danie: *In her head* Geez, what do I do? What do I do?...

Paulina: Danie?

Danie remained silent, looking away from her.

Paulina: Danie...please...just tell me...I promise I won't pass it on but please...just tell me...this whole thing is driving me crazy!

Danie: What whole thing?

Danie saw a look of pure desperation on Paulina's face.

Paulina: THAT?! Why are you so good at ghost hunting that you actually outclass Danie's parents? Why did that ghost want you? Why do you keep this part of yourself hidden and why...why... WHY DO YOU KEEP LETTING DASH FLIRT YOU?!

Danie: P-Paulina.

Paulina: Do you have any idea how hard it was, watching Dash do stuff like that to you and to Danie?! I saw you stare that thing down, and even talk smack to that ghost with that hideous hairdo and yet Dash, who could easily be torn apart by that monster ghost, gets to throw Danie in a locker almost every day and flirt with you? YOU'RE BOTH NOT WIMPS, SO WHY ARE YOU BOTH PRETENDING TO BE ONE?!

Danie could have sworn she almost saw tears beginning to form in her eyes.

It surprised her to see just how...concerned she was.

Danie: Paulina...

Before Danie continued, Paulina looked away, trying to hide her obvious discomfort but at the very least she calmed down a little more, at least enough to talk in normal volume again...

Paulina:'s...It's saved my life and Danie even led us against a pirate ship to save our parents once...and...despite how things are at real you is a lot tougher, stronger and braver than I thought...

Paulina: What I don't understand is why? Why hide all this? I know you said you don't care about popularity anymore but...why dose Dash and the others treat Danie like dirt when I know you and Danie are strong to stand up to them...I know you are...I saw why do you keep acting like you are weak?...

Danie: If you hate seeing Dash do that kind of stuff to Danie, why didn't you tell him to stop like Star did?...'

Paulina gasped and took Danie only a second to instantly regret what he just said.

Danie: *In her head* Stupid...stupid...This isn't helping…

Danie  was about to say something to take back what he said, only for Paulina. to look away from him, making her feel even worse.

Danie: Paulina...I'm sorry...I didn't mean that...

Paulina to look at her again, still looking like she has just been told she has been voted the worst person on Earth.

Paulina: *In her head* She's right...I kept getting upset that she never told Dash off... And Star told me off too… and all I did was give her a hard time, I am just a shallow queen, but why didn't I help Danie.

She knew why. Because she was following the A-Lister's code...a code she was finally seeing as pointless, shallow and pretty twisted in how it treated the other students, like Danie...who she realized now, didn't deserve to be treated that way.

Danie: Paulina...Look...I take it back...I-

Paulina: No..don't...I had that one coming… *in guilt and shame evident in her tone of voice*

Paulina then looked at Danie again, pure emotion in her eyes right now.

Paulina: Danie...I am sorry that I never did anything to stop Dash and the other bullies from picking on Danie...even after you saved me...

It made Danie feel kind of guilty herself.

Danie: It's okay Paulina...I never blamed you for that… even before I got here.

But Star's expression remained the same.

Paulina:'s confuse me...I feel like there is this whole other side of you that I don't know about...a side I want to know about...and regardless of what you think, I wouldn't tell anyone if you ask me not to...I just...I just want to feel like I actually know who you are...'

Danie looked away for a bit, trying to think. She thought about what she just said and he knew that she can't.

Danie: *In her head* I can't just tell her. ..Just because we've saved our lives and... did... THAT... doesn't automatically make us friends or anything more instantly. But... she did come and save me…

On the one hand, Paulina did prove herself to be a good person a few times, much more than she originally thought she was. She did come to save him when he needed help and she did seem to sincerely care about his well being. But on the other hand, she has only recently begun to like her and well, her secret is a huge thing to her. Even if she swears not to tell anyone, how can he be sure she will? Not to mention, there is the fact that he doesn't want to put Star's life in danger again like it was tonight.

Still, he actually admired how sincere she was being and gave her a smile...

Danie would just have to explain things to her as honestly as she could without telling her secret and hope that she will understand.

Danie: Paulina...It's not that I don't trust you, It's that I'm not sure if I'm really ready to reveal my secret to you yet...It's are right...I could probably stop Dash from picking on Danie if I tried..and I have tried...but I would regretted stooping to his level…

Paulina looked surprised.

Paulina: *In her head* What does she mean by stooping to his level?

Danie kept talking, looking at her with that same expression.

Danie: You are right Paulina...There is a side of me that I don't want others to know about...because I can't tell you..not yet anyway... I sort of made up to Star, but my friends still don't trust you...and...I'm...I'm just not ready.

Paulina’s look started to soften, but only a bit.

Paulina: Is it beca-

Danie: It has nothing to do with the A-Listers… It's just...Let's just say it's something I'm not sure if you can handle..."Danie said and

Danie saw the latina girl frown when she said that.

Danie then sent her a smile as she said this next.

Danie: But the fact that you were brave enough to save me proves that you're someone I think I can learn to trust.

Paulina: You can?

Danie  smiled and nodded.

Danie: Yeah...You proved to me that there is way more to you than a pretty face obsessed with looks and're a good person and I promise... I will tell you one day...when I feel ready... But until then, please, don't ask me or try to convince me to tell you sooner…

Paulina looked away for a moment, thinking about this.

Paulina: *In her head* She says she can't tell me her secret now...but she says that he will when he is ready… On one hand, it might take her forever before she finally trusts me enough with her secret. On the other hand, she says that I am gaining his trust...

That thought made Paulina smile a bit. She wants to know what she is hiding...but she also realizes that she wants her to trust her too...She wants Danie's trust...

Paulina: *In her head* Plus, I really want to get to know her more… *shake her head at that last part since the kiss was still in the back of her mind*

Still, it was true. She truly wants to get to know who he really is, she wants to learn more about the cool, brave girl she only recently found out exists underneath the beautiful model Daniela Benton.

After several more moments of thinking, Paulina nodded her head, having a gentle smile as she did so.

Paulina: Okay.

Danie smiled, relieved.

Danie: Thank you...

The two teens shared a smile, happy that for now, they felt that they truly could trust each other with such a secret one day.

Several moments of silence have passed and Danie then recalled the other elephant in the room.

Danie: So… Are we gonna talk about... that thing we did?...

Paulina realized what he was saying and blushed.

Paulina: The kiss?

Danie nodded, a flush still present on her face as he did so.

Danie: Yeah... the kiss… *scratching the back of her head.

Paulina blush got deeper and she looked away, leaving an unbearable silence between the two.

Danie and Paulina: *In her head* This is awkward.

One of them finally found her nerve to speak again.

It's Paulina

Paulina: I... I... um… *In her head*  Stupid...How could I let myself be so bold like that. *outloud* *To Danie* I...really wanted to thank you and... I couldn't think of a better way…

Danie blushes as she said that.

Danie: Well...I'm not saying I didn't like it.

Paulina blushed again at that, and a small smile formed on her face at that.

Paulina: Me neither…

Once those words came out of her mouth, she looked away. Embarrassed.

Thankfully, Danie didn't press on it. Paulina then spoke up again.

Paulina: You never bragged about carrying me all the way to house when I hurt my leg so-

Danie: I won't say a thing unless you say so. Besides, who would believe that we kissed?

Paulina laughed. It made Danie smile wider.

Paulina: What?

Danie: Nothing, just... you have a nice laugh when you're not being mean to people..."

This caught Paulina  by surprise and she blushed again. She started to play with her hair a bit, feeling a little flustered.

Paulina: Thanks…

After a few moments, Danie spoke up again

Danie: So, we're in agreement about all this?

Paulina: We'll keep this between us...And I think it's safe to say that this has been the most interesting interview, like, ever...'Star joked.

Danie: I forgot about that.

Paulina laughs with her

Paulina: Don't worry I'll leave out a few bits, including my favorite...

Danie got curious.

Danie: What's that?

Paulina then sent Danie a playful look.

Paulina:  I'm afraid that's my little secret. *with a giggle*

Danie: Come on, what is it?

Paulina sent her a teasing sort of way

Paulina: Sorry..not happening. *kept giggling and Danie chuckled as well*

Danie: *In her head* You know, when she is like this...she's kind of cute..

Danie got up and helped Paulina up as well.

Danie: Alright, a secret is a secret...

Danie then noticed something on the ground near the door.

It's Paulina’s backpack.

Danie: *In her head* She must have left it there before the fight...

Danie walked over and picked it up. He then saw Paulinasketchbook which once again fell out of it. He picked it up and, remembering her reaction from before, chose to not look at it. She put the sketchbook back in her bag.

Paulina noticed this and look relieved.

Danie walked over and gave it back to her.

Danie: Here… *handed it back to Paulina*

Paulina took the bag back and smiled.

Paulina: Thanks... for... you know. Not just this but... before...

Danie: Anytime..

Danie sent her that smile of hers. The smile that made her feel that special feeling again. Paulina saw Danie's free hand as he looked away and scratched her head in silence. She looked to her own free hand and was about to reach out to it before he looked back at her. This made her retract her hand before he noticed.

Paulina: *In her head* Whoa girl...chill out!...

Danie didn't notice. She just started speaking again

Danie: *To Paulina* We should get going now. Maybe with that ghost gone, we can finally get out of here...'Danie said to her, causing

Paulina snapped out of her mental self chastising and blinked before remembering why they were sort of trapped here but maybe with those ghosts gone, they can finally get out.

Paulina: Oh... right! Yeah! What time do you think it is?...

Danie: Knowing my luck, it's already waaayyy passed curfew. *giving her a more optimistic smile*

Danie: Come on.. *opened the door of the gym*

Star nodded and followed Danie. As she walked, she looked into her backpack and saw one of the pages of her sketchbook folded. She realizes that's the page it was on when Danie found it. She looked to the page and realizes which it was. She sighed with relief, being thankful that Danie didn't see it.

I'm so not ready for him to see that... She thought.

It was a drawing of Danie, the way he looked on the island, when they were eating by the fire he made them...with his shirt off. It was actually one of several drawings she made of him since that incident, not knowing why she did those drawings at the time but she knew that she didn't want him to know about them.


Paulina quickly placed it back inside the safety of her backpack and was now walking next to Danie. She felt so many things right now as she now had two secrets that she would be keeping from her for now on.

The drawings she made about Danie...and the thing she found out of him tonight that was also her favorite that she won't tell her about...which she is also thinking about as she walks next to him.

Paulina: *In her head* "Who would have thought that Daniela Benton is a good kisser… *another blush forming on her face*

Paulina continued to walk next to the dark haired girl who, unknown to her, was still stirring those emotions within her that she would not tell her about.


Next: Chapter 13: Trapped Sapphire Part 4.

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