Chapter 13: Trapped Sapphire Part 4.

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Danie gently stirred awake, got up and yawned, before wincing a bit, due to waking up in an uncomfortable position.

Danie: Geez...what happened?...

Danie realized that she had been sleeping on the floor of the science lab.

She looked around, feeling confused. Suddenly, his memories of last night came back. She and Paulina got trapped in the school and couldn't get out due to Vlad's evil plotting. They managed to beat and capture Vlad and the ghostly monster he had under his control. She and Paulina patched things up together...she kissed Danie as a thank you after slapping her silly and then they tried to find a way out of the school, went back to the science lab to see if they could find some tool to unlock the doors and then...then?

Danie: I guess we must have been so tired after all of that, that we just fell asleep...'Danny muttered as

Danie moved a little..only to feel like she was touching something.

Her eyes widened and to his shock, he saw a sleeping Paulina, right next to her.

Danie bit back a scream of shock and scooted away, an uncomfortable blush on her face.

Danie: *In her head* Oh...Oh of us must have rolled in our sleep.

Danie tried to control her heart rate and fight back the blush on her face.

Suddenly Paulina  started stirring awake and Danie immediately got up and looked away, trying to act casual. Sure, he is sort of in a truce with this girl and yeah, it wasn't anyone's fault they ended up like that but still, things were awkward enough as it is.

He saw Paulina yawning and then rubbing her eyes. She then noticed him and sighed.

Paulina: So I guess last night wasn't a dream.

Danie: Looks like it.

Paulina got up.

Paulina: "What time is it?

Paulina yawned and winced, her own back a little sore due to sleeping on the floor.

Danie: Morning.

Danie pointed to the windows and that the sun was just coming out.

Paulina: Our families must be so worried.

Danie: Let's try and see if we can finally find a way out of this place.

Paulina nodded.

In the halls

Danie and Paulian soon made it to the still chained up doors and Paulina sent Danie a look.

Paulina: Do you think you can do that lock picking trick again?

Danie: Not without a bobby pin.

Danie knew her powers were still short out and Paulina sighed.

However, before they could think about something else, they heard a crashing sound, they both turned around and then something smacked into Danie's head.

Danie: OW! Frick!

Paulina: Are you okay?

Danie: I'm fine…

Danie picked up the item and was stunned. It's the Boo-merang..which means...

Paulina: Isn't that one of your parent's gadgets?

Danie's smile widened at that.

Danie: Well more like the Fenton’s gadgets and it is...Star, the windows..

Danie immediately ran to the closest window and Star followed them.

Once there, they saw the Fenton RV and Danie looked relieved as they started waving from it, trying to get his parents attention.


Paulina: HELP US! PLEASE!.

The RV stop and several people finally come out.

Danny's parents, Danny, his sister, his friends Star's father, and Paulina's father and a patrol car?

Paulina: *In her head* Huh?


Bentons, Fentons, and others: WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?!

Carlos: We have been searching for you two all night long...just how the heck did you two end up inside the school?!

Danie really did see some of Paulina's dad intimidating side must have come from him with the way he is glaring right now.

Danie: Look, this is what happened, me and Paulina had been working on a project together but we accidentally got locked in the school when they locked up...we would have called but Paulina's phone died and mine was missing…

Della: How on Earth did you both get locked inside the school in the first place?

Maddie: Yeah, the school doors should have been open.

Danie was about to speak, but Paulina beat her to it.

Paulina: That was...sort of my fault, Mrs. Benton...Danie wanted to leave early but I made him stay a little longer because I had more questions and...we both went to the bathroom and that's when the janitor or whoever locked the door and the librarian left for home and the power inside the school were out and the emergency exits were jammed...

Danie looked at her in appreciation.

Carlos: Rosa, you have no idea just how worried I have to be more careful than that.

Paulina: I'm sorry, papa.

Carlos gave her a gentle smile and hugged her.

Carlos: I'm just glad that you are safe...

Della and Sierra: Us too. *hugged Danie and even Kiko too*

Soon the cops got their attention.

Cop 1: Excuse me, young lady...did you say that the emergency exits were jammed, while you both were inside?...

Paulina nodded

Star’s and Paulina's dad then got angry.

Johnathan: Mr. Lancer and the school board will hear about this as soon as I get my hands on them…

Carlos: Not before I rip him apart about this!

Paulina: I missed you, dad.

Paulina hugged her father, who just hugged her back.

Danie smiled at this, while her parents were relieved that he was safe and were thanking the cops for their help.

Danie soon walked to where her friends, Sam and Jazz hugged her.

Sam: You really had us worried there, Danie.

Tucker: Just what happened exactly?

Danie: I'll tell you guys later...sorry you guys had to search all night…

Jazz: We would have found you sooner but we only managed to sneak the boomerang away from my dad just a while back and we tricked them into heading in its direction...without letting them know…

Well, that explains why it took them all night, their dad has a tendency to be pretty clingy to his gadgets when he has them in his hands.

As their parents were still talking to the police, Paulina soon approached Danie and to his friend's and sister's surprise, she had a smile on her face..and a Fenton Thermos in her hand.

Paulina: Here sort of left this in the science lab… *Gave it to Danie

Danie: Thanks…

Team Phantom looked in shock at the kind of interaction between them.

Tucker: She knows?!

Tucker got  both his feet stomped on by Jazz, Star and Sam but it was too late, Paulina heard him.

Paulina:  So you guys know...No, I don't know the whole story yet...but I can wait.. anyway, Danie...

Danie: Yeah?

Paulina: Thanks again know.

Danie smiled.

Danie: Any time..."Danny said as

Paulina then went back to her dad.

Danie then turned to the others, who were still looking at her with shocked and maybe disturbed looks too.

Danie: What?

Sam: What was that?

Danie: What?

Tucker: I think she means why Paulina had Danny's thermos...and why she acted all...nice to you?.

Danie blinked before she smiled a bit.

Danie I'll tell you guys later...and as for Paulina being nice...well...I guess she can be when you get to know her ...stranger things have happened, plus I told you she wasn't a bad person.

Sam was confused and then she noticed something else that disturbed her. Paulina was still looking in their Danie in particular...with a strange smile on her face.

Sam: *In her head* What?

Before she could think about it, Danie and Danny's parents, Star's dad, Paulina's dad, and the cops have decided that it was time to leave

Danie smiled, happy that after such a long and crazy night, he was finally going home.

At the Benton house

In Danie's Room

Danie was happy to be home and miraculously, her parents have decided to leave him off with a warning since they were pretty mad over the fact that the emergency exits didn't work when they should have and Paulina admitting she made her stay might have had something to do with it.

Now, she is in the privacy of her bedroom, with her friends as she told them about everything that befell last night...with the exception of one certain event that she was promised not to talk about.

She also explained that Vlad shorted out hher powers again but thankfully, just like the old fruit-loop said, they came back around 10 in the morning, 12 hours after he shorted them out.

Once she was done, Danny, Star, Sam and Tucker looked mad, while Jazz looked surprised.

Sam: I can't believe that Vlad was trying to clone you instead of Danny again.

Jazz: Again?

Tucker: Long story.

Tucker: What I can't believe is that Paulian actually helped you take Vlad on.

Star: Same here, I mean this is the girl who's afraid of dirt and chipping her nail, but… wow…

Before Danie even moved to Amity Park, Paulina was probably the rudest, crude, and shallowest person in all of Amity Park, and Danny had a thing for her until he wised up.

But the Paulina that Danie described from last night ended up risking her life and for a girl who was sort of her friend.

Danie: Well, believe it.. Paulina saved me and together, we managed to turn the tables on the old Fruitloop.

Sam: I still find it hard to believe that she did that.

Star: Yeah I mean this is the girl who came up with one cheer and is horrible at bowling and gets other people to do her homework.

Danie: Well, believe it ladies, Paulina really helped me out and she promised to keep what happened between us.

Sam: Can you really trust her Danie...I mean, what if she actually finds out about your secret and tells everybody?

Danny: Sam kinda has a point, what if she rats you out?

Danie: Paulina promised that she will wait until I am ready to trust her with my secret and that she won't tell anyone and I believe her...Look Sam, I know that Paulina isn't your favorite person but she is capable of being nice when you give her a chance...and without her, I probably wouldn't be here right now, while The Fruitloop replaced me with a ton of sycophant copies of me...So for now, I trust her to keep her promise.

Sam raised a brow at how quick he was to defend her.

Tucker: Where is Vlad, anyway?

Danie: Right here with his new pet…

Danie gestured to the thermos...and then paused with a smirk coming on his face.

Danie: I know I should let them out soon and I will...but first, I think we need to make a little visit to Vlad's a little remodeling. *Eyes glowed pink*

Danny, hus friends and sister knew what Danie was talking about. It's best to get rid of that cloning lab while they still have the chance. It is sort of their job to ruin all of Vlad's evil plots whenever they can, after all.


Inside the Thermos

Vlad Plasmius was painfully crammed inside the Fenton thermos, along side his very hairy...and smelly, cell mate..and he is not happy right now.

Vlad: Curses...Daniela, you may have won the battle but mark my words, I will win the war! I may be down for the moment but I AM NOT OUT! *hisses in pain due to his uncomfortable position*

The beastly ghost roared, crammed next to him roared in his face.

Vlad: Oh, shut up!

For now...


It was late at night and Paulina was back in her room, happy to be dad was happy that she was safe but Paulina didn't exactly get out of this predicament scott free. Since she basically admitted it was her fault that she and Danie got trapped, her dad said she couldn't go to Dash’s party tonight.

A punishment that Paulina  didn't argue against...and secretly didn't mind since she totally didn't want to go to that party in the first place, now that she had time to think about it.

She spent the entire Saturday at home with her dad, who was still worried about her and she was just happy that, despite how busy he can be, to spend even this much time with him. She even ignored all of Paulina and the other A-Listers calls and texts due to her phone now working again. She knew she would be in for an earful on Monday but right now, she didn't care.

She wanted to be home right, away from danger, ghosts and the stress of being an A-Lister and their stupid rules.

Anyway, she is now in the privacy in her bedroom, currently sketching, making new drawings to relax herself as her dad made dinner tonight since their house keeper had the weekend off.

Paulina smiled as she hummed happily as she continued to draw, enjoying her hobby. Once she was done, she was pleased.

Paulina: There...perfect… with a light blush on her face.

She made a drawing...another drawing of Danie. It was a drawing of the look on her face when they were in the lockers together and how he smiled back at her. Now this drawing of her is smiling back at her too.

She was glad that Danie and anyone else wasn't here to see this or see this. Paulina’s hands were now caressing the image and due to how well drawn it was, it was practically life-like. Her hand then touched the image of the lips that she drew on.

Paulina then touched her own lips, still unable to believe that she actually kissed him last night...and even more that she liked it and she wouldn't take it back.

Paulina: I wonder what this means now…*put her pencil down*

She knew that things would be different between her and Danie now. She can't just go pretend that this entire week never happened...because she doesn't want to. She knows that there is way more to Danie than meets the eye and she wants to find out more as well.

She is not sure what will happen when they return to school on Monday or when Danie will finally feel comfortable enough to tell her his secret but for right now, Paulina is just happy to be home and to have ended their adventure on good terms and hopefully, someday soon, she will trust her enough to tell her secret to her and she can finally get to know the real her...but until that day arrives, Paulina will just have to wait.

Carlos: *Off-screen* Paulina! Come on! Dinner's ready! Wait...OH NO!...

Paulina could get a whiff of burned meat loaf and shook her head in amusement.

Her dad might be a great officer but they don't exactly give a course on cooking at the police academy.

Paulina: Looks like we're ordering out tonight.

Paulina placed her sketchbook back in her bag and soon went downstairs to help her dad out.

Unaware of what things will happen the next time she comes across Danie...but whatever it is, she looks forward to it.

Next: Chapter 14: Trapped Sapphire Part 5.

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