Chapter 14: Trapped Sapphire Part 5.

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It was Monday at Casper High and another weekend was now finished and students reluctantly came back to school to endure yet another week of tests, books and teacher's dirty looks.

Danie, Kiko, and Danny have arrived at school all yawning.

Last Saturday, Danie  spent the entire day with her friends searching for Vlad's new cloning lab, which predictably, was under his mayoral mansion. Once there, they completely destroyed it and all plan data Tucker could wipe with his self made virus, so Vlad wouldn't be able to start over again and then he released Vlad and the monster of Specter Island into the Ghost Zone...just last night.

She figured a day or two trapped with that wild animal in the thermos was the least that old cheese head deserved for all of his trouble...and the fact that the thermos isn't designed to hold ghosts in for more than just a couple of days, yet.

Now it is Monday and Danie had to deal with the typical, potential therapy enduring drama of high school, not that it was a problem for her but a problem for Danny.

Danie: Well another day, another migraine.

As Danie went in, a fancy Mercedes pulled up to the school and Paulina came out of it.

Carlos: Have a good day sweetie.

Paulina: Thanks papa, good luck on your patrol.

Paulina turned to the school and took a deep breath, before walking inside of it. It felt kind of weird, being here after reluctantly spending the night and nearly being torn to shred by two vicious ghost's to boot.

Once inside, Paulina went directly to her locker and then saw something that made her stop and smile.

She saw Danie and Danny, at the end of the hall where  they were at their own lockers, getting their items from them.

She still remembered everything she went through with Danie as she saw her walk off and saw Danny and remembered when Star told her she once dated him but doesn't remember.

Paulina: *In her head* I wonder how Danny is doing.

Paulina was about to take a step forward, but before she could, someone got her attention.

???(Rebecca): PAULINA!

Paulina turned around and saw a very peeved Rebecca along with Mia and Ashley.

Paulina: What is it Rebecca?

Rebecca: What do you mean, "what is it, Rebecca?", you totally didn't show up to Dash’s party last night.

Mia: Like, where were you last night?

Paulina: Sorry girls, but my dad grounded me during the weekend, I couldn't know, due to being stuck here overnight.

Ashley: So? You could have just sneak out

Paulina glared at them. They didn't even ask if she was okay from that whole experience. Who does that, anyway?

Paulina then started moving, wanting to get to class before the bell rang and her “friends”  kept making demands and questions and Paulina was frankly getting sick of it.

Rebecca: We mean it Paulina, you really need to be more you know how it looked that not all of the members of the A-Listers were at Dash’s party.

Paulina rolled her eyes. In the past, she would have had a meltdown or made it a big deal that she missed Dash’s party but she realized that her “friends” weren't her friends at all, and Dash isn't the macho football star that he claims to be, all he is just a annoying idiot.

And in all honesty, the fact that her “friends” cared more about Dash’s party than the fact that Paulina was stuck in this school overnight was sort of wearing her patience right about now.

Suddenly, something got Star's attention at the end of the hall.

Dash showed up and the first thing he did was march up to Danny, there was a moment of a brief exchange and even from here, Paulina didn't see any fear in the dark haired boy's eyes...just annoyance.

Dash then opened the locker, pushed Danny inside and then slammed it shut and then walked away laughing.

Paulina saw this...and frowned.

Rebecca: I mean it should-...where are you going?...

Paulina just ignored her and started walking in the direction of the lockers.

Paulina stood in front of the locker and to the shock of everyone who witnessed it, especially her fellow A-Listers, opened the door and helped Danny get out.

Paulina: Are you okay Danny?

Danny: I'm fine, thanks for the help.

Paulina smiled back, before she frowned in the direction of Dash, who saw what she did.

Dash: What do you think you are doing Paulina?!

Dash was not liking that one of his own let his victim out.

Paulina: What's it look like, I'm helping him thanks to you…

Dash looked angry..

Dash: Paulina...what's with you? You're a lead A-Lister...A-Listers don't help dweebs, losers or geeks and Fenton is all three of them…

Paulina was now outright glaring at him.

Paulina: No he's not, Dash.

Dash's jaw dropped and everyone in the hall was stunned by this development.

Paulina Rosa Sanchez, was the most popular and hottest girl..was sticking up for Danny Fenton?!

Dash: Since you are clearly going through some temporary insanity, I'll let this little outburst slide, as for Twinky here…

Dash suddenly opened another locker, pushed Danny inside and slammed it shut, while Paulina's jaw dropped at how quick he was.

Before she could say anything, Dash already walked away laughing in such an obnoxious way and Paulina growled under her breath as she pulled out a textbook and threw it in Dash’s direction hitting him in the back of the head and knocking him on the floor as Paulina walked over to him and kicked him in the groin making him scream in pain and went back to where Danny was as Dash limped away.

Paulina: Has he always been this much of a jerk?

Danny: *From inside the locker* You have no idea.

Paulina helped him out again and soon the bell rang and they noticed most of the hall was empty.

Paulina: Oh man, the warning bell...we got to hurry.

Danny nodded as the two had to get to class and fast.

In Class

Paulina and Danny had arrived, Paulina had arrived just a second before the bell rang and was spared but Danny, who had been behind her, wasn't so lucky.

Lancer: You're late again, Mr. Fenton… *started writing down a tardy slip*

Danny looked dismayed.

Danny: But it's Dash's fault, he-

Lancer: Won last week's game and every game this passed season and thus is exempt from scorn…

Dash sent him a smug grin at having gotten away with his bullying yet again.

Danny looked sad when he got the detention slip, which means yet another afternoon taken away from him. His friends and girlfriend, Star, Danie, Kiko, Sam and Tucker saw this and sent him a sympathetic look.

Paulina saw this and frowned.

Lancer: Now students, we shall-

Paulina: Excuse me...Mr. Lancer.

Lancer: "What is it, Ms. Sanchez?

Paulina sent him a poker look.

Paulina: I need to ask you something very important.

This surprised everyone.

Lancer: Ms. Sanchez, we are in the middle of starting class...can't this wait until after school.

Paulina: I am afraid that it can't, sir...

Lancer: Well, what is it, Ms. Sanchez

Paulina: I am afraid that it's a...private kind of question...let's step outside...'

Mr. Lancer, despite reluctance, went out in the hall with her and the other students were confused.

Danny: *In his head* What is she doing?

A few minutes later

Paulina and Mr. Lancer soon arrived back in class. Star still had that cool expression on her face while Mr. Lancer suddenly looked a little pale and shaky.

Lancer: I...I hope that was the answer you were looking for, Ms. Sanchez…

Everyone was confused to see this.

Paulina: It should be, thank you Mr. Lancer.

Paulina nonchalantly took her seat next to Danie and Kiko, as if nothing had happened. Things got even weirder when Lancer suddenly went to Danny's desk.

Lancer: Before we start forgive me Mr. Fenton...m-my mistake...

Lancer suddenly took the detention slip and tore it in half, shocking everyone in the room.

Danny: What? You mean I don't have detention?

Lancer: are I mistake…

Lancer regains his composure and then goes to Dash's desk.

Lancer: However, Mr. Baxter...I will see you after school in detention…

Everyone gasped.

Danie: Yes!

Dash: Say what?

Lancer: Did I stutter? I said that you will be serving detention today for bullying Mr. Fenton today and harassing Ms. Benton.

Everyone's jaw dropped at that.

Dash: B-But Mr. Lancer...I'm the school's quarter back and you said that I'm exempt from scorn.

Lancer: It seems that some policies are changing ...and as the school quarterback, you should set an example for your fellow students.

Lancer wrote a new detention slip and handed it to Dash.

Danny and the others, minus Danie and Kiko, couldn't believe any of this. Lancer is punishing Dash? And Danny doesn't have detention today?

Danny: *In his head* What's going on? What has come over Mr. Lancer?..."Danny thought as

Even the others were shocked by this sudden development

Suddenly, Danny's eyes landed on Paulina and the latina girl sent him a smile and winked at Danie as she smiled.

Danny blinked in surprise at that.

Danny: *In his head* Wait...did...did she have something to do with that?...


A few periods have passed and Danny and Danie eventually managed to find Paulina who was talking to Valerie.

Valerie: I'll see you later Paulina, and thanks for the apology.

Paulina: Anytime Val. *Sees Danny* Oh hey Danny.

Danny: Hey Paulina, can we ask you something?

Paulina: Sure what is it?

Danny: Paulina, did you say something to Mr. Lancer earlier today?

Danie: Yeah, the guy was sweating bullets. And he wasn't even at the gym.

Paulina: Well...I might have mentioned that the whole "exempt from scorn" thing might not sit well with some people ...such as my dad, the most successful cop in town, not to mention some anti-bullying groups.

Paulina recalled her little "conversation" with Lancer earlier today.


Earlier that day

In the hall

The latina girl and the portly educator were now in the hallway.

Lancer: Now what is your question Ms. Sanchez and be quick?

Paulina, surprisingly enough, kept a poker face.

Paulina: Mr. Lancer, before I ask my question...I feel you should know that Dash stuffed Danny in his locker before class time… *in a cold tone.

Lancer: Ms. Sanchez, I just said that Mr. Baxter gets exempt from punishment due to being the star of the football team.

However, Paulina sent him a vicious glare as a result.

Paulina:  I see...I also see the other jocks and cheerleaders get this special treatment...even though it's not fair.

Paulina was angry at Lancer and angry at herself for once taking part of it.

Lancer: What are you getting at, Ms. Sanchez?

Paulina: I’m saying that Danny didn't do anything wrong and that he doesn't deserve detention and Dash does.

Lancer: Now wait a minute-

Paulina: Before you say your piece, here is my have things been since the lawsuit?

Mr. Lancer flinched.

Lancer: W-Why do you ask?

A month ago, the parents tried to sue him and the stupid boat captain over the disastrous field trip. Fortunately, the judge saw the captain as the guilty one but Lancer got left with a warning...and his field trip duties would be suspended for a while.

He also thankfully managed to avoid getting sued again due to the Bentons and Fentons discovering ectoplasm on the emergency doors which caused their jamming...meaning that a ghost was responsible and not the school's management.

Paulina: You see, Mr. Lancer, I know that there is a big double standard at this school with the students, Star told me about it, jocks and rich kids get off easy and the others don't...I have only seen now just how... unfair it is that a student gets away with bullying due to social standing...and I am sure others would to if they knew about Star’s dad, the super lawyer… and my dad the super cop.

Lancer started sweating profusely now.

Paulina: Not to mention there are groups made for that sort of thing...geez, I wonder what the superintendent would think if the school got sued not just twice, but three times  in the same semester due to its treatment of its students...nothing good, I'll bet… and don't think I know you've been parking in a handicap spot, illegally.

Lancer was now as pale as a ghost.

Lancer: Well...uh...I...

Paulina: But...if you and the school were to...I don't know...clean up your act and "change your policy", maybe such a thing could be avoided?...

Now Mr. Lancer, I asked my question...whats your answer?...

The teacher gulped .

Lancer: What... What changes do you have in mind?

Paulina told him exactly what to do.

End Of Flashback

Danny: Did you really threaten to sue and arrest Lancer?

Paulina: Yeah...and to make sure I remain an anonymous source...I realize now that the old system wasn't fair and that Dash shouldn't do that to you...or anyone else… So unless Lancer and the other teachers actually do their jobs right, they will be up to their ears in lawsuits from Star’s lovable but fierce, justice loving father...who is still sore about the whole emergency doors thing and the field trip disaster..

Danny just kept smiling at her.

Danny: Wow Paulina...I don't know what to say other than thank you.

Paulina sent him a sweet smile.

Paulina: It was no problem...When your dad is one of the toughest cops in the country and knows the most successful lawyer in the country, you don't kid around.

Danie: Remind me to stay on your good side.

Danny: Anyway, thanks again...I really owe you one.

Paulina: It was nothing...also, no...let's see this way of making up for not doing it sooner. And for the mean things I said about you.

Danny: Danie told you that she never blamed you for that...but if it will make you feel any better… I forgive you...

Paulina smiled again.

Paulina: Thanks, Danny…

Danie: You know and my friends are going to hang out after school...maybe get some smoothies...would you like to come and join us?..

Paulina: I'd love to..."Star said, happy for the chance to actually hang out with him without being in life threatening danger...

"Awesome...Danny said, flashing that smile that she was becoming fonder and fonder of.

Dash is being punished and Danie and Danny get to hang out with Paulina after school today.

It rocks!

Sam: You did what?!

After talking with Paulina,  Danie and Danny  then joined up with their friends and told them what happened.

Danie: I invited Paulina to get smoothies with us after school, is that so much a crime?

Tucker: Are you serious?...

Danie: Yes, I told you...she really helped Danny out with Dash and Lancer.

Danny: It's true.

Sam: I still don't trust this Danie...Paulina has been one of the rudest people towards us for years, especially to Danie..."Sam reminded.

Danie: Sam, she helped me against Vlad the other day and helped Danny also today with Lancer...I already told you we are getting along better...I think we might actually be...friends now...

I know you don't like her but if you try and get to know her like I did... you'll see that Paulina  is a lot nicer than any of us thought...she's not the shallow girl people make her out to be.

Sam scoffed.

Sam: I'll believe that when I see it.


Lunch Time

The students were in the cafeteria, Paulina had paid for her lunch but stop when she saw something.

She saw the A-List table, where all of the popular kids were already. She also saw at the opposite end of the cafeteria, a table with only one student sitting at, with lunch she made and brought from home.

Paulina: *In her head* Valerie.

She usually hated seeing Valerie eat lunch alone due to losing her popularity but she couldn't do anything about it due to the A-Lister's code...

Until now..

Star looked at the two tables and then realized which one she wanted to sit at. The girl soon headed in the direction of Valerie's  and Danie's table, much to the surprise of everyone who saw her, especially her "popular friends", who couldn't believe it.

Paulina arrived at Valerie's table and sent her a smile.

Paulina: Hey…

Valerie: Hey.

Paulina: Mind if I sit here?

Valerie: I thought you said it was against the rules.

Paulina sent her a playful smile knowing Valerie was just kidding.

Paulina Maybe I don't want to follow that rule anymore.

Valerie's smile widened more at that.

Paulina soon sat next to her, ignoring the stares everyone was sending in her direction. Soon one person marched to the table and Paulina sighed as she saw that it was a peeved off Dash.

Dash: Paulina what are you doing?!

Paulina: What's it look like, I am having lunch with Danie and Val.

Dash: You're an A-Lister, you're supposed to have lunch at the popular're not supposed to eat lunch with losers!

Valerie: Now wait a-


This surprised everyone who was seeing this.

Paulina: Valerie is not a loser...she's Star's friend and I am having lunch with her and Danie today and that's that.

Paulina was growing sick and tired of Dash, period. Dash snapped out of his shock and then sent her a nasty, disbelieving glare.

Dash: What’s with you Paulina? Are you sick or something? First you are seen helping Fenton and now you are socializing with Gray and Benton? This isn't like you..

Paulina: I helped Danny because I wanted to help him...and I am having lunch with Valerie and Daniela because I want to as well...they friends…

Dash: Friends?! Since when?!

Paulina: Since a few moments ago when I apologized to her! And as for Danie, she's a nice girl and at least they were more worried about the fact that I had to spend all night stuck in this school while SOME PEOPLE here kept complaining how I didn't show up to a stupid party!

Dash: P-Paulina…

Did she flat out admit to being friends with losers and spoke against Dash?

Dash didn't like this…

Dash: Paulina this weird attitude has gone on long enough...if you keep doing this...I will have no choice but to throw you out of the A-Listers.

Then something happened that shocked the entire school… Paulina walked up to Dash and looked him straight in the eye.

Paulina: You know...had this been last week, that might have worked on me...but...let's just say that lately, I have had some soul searching done be honest...I'd rather be like this than go back to being your little queen bee.

Dash: W-What did you just say?

Paulina: I am saying that you can't kick me out of the A-Listers..because I quit! *To Rebecca, Mia and Ashley* And you girls aren't my friends anymore!

This shocked everyone.

Dash: What?! Nobody quits the A-Listers!

Paulina then hands all her A list items, even her fro yo card.

Dash stood there as Paulina walked back to the table where Danie and Valerie were at, ignoring the fact that everyone was looking at her in disbelief.

Paulina didn't care because for the first time in a long time... Paulina felt something she never felt in her life as an A-lister.

She felt free...

Paulina rejoined Danie and Valerie at their table and Valerie was looking at her in wide eye shock.

Valerie: Paulina...that was totally amazing!

Paulina:  It was?..

Paulina felt  a little sheepish on the big dramatic scene she just did but she doesn't regret it.

Danie: Yeah girl...I always knew you had it in you.

Valerie: So, what made you finally take off the popular colored glasses?

Paulina: *Glances at Danie* Like I said...these last few days had made me do a lot of thinking and I realized that the A-Listers were never about order or being the best...and I also realized that deep down, I don't want to be like them...not anymore

Valerie blinked, she knew Paulina hurt her leg a few weeks ago and was carried by Danie. She was also stunned that she had to spend last Friday night stuck in the school overnight as well but at the very least she wasn't hurt.

But did something else happen during all of that?

Valerie: I know being a former A-Lister won't be easy least this way we can hang out together again like we used to...and I also realize that I would rather be unpopular with a friend I can actually trust...than an A-Lister with "friends" that I can't.

Danie: Yeah I actually like this Paulina more than the shallow one.

Paulina soon found herself in a hug with Danie.

Valerie: Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm proud of you Paulina.

Paulina smiled as she hugged back.

She may have just lost her status, but she has Danie and Valerie, and she alone is worth way more than Dash and the rest of their fake friends, every time.

At Danny's table

Sam: Did that really just happen?

Sam actually dropped the fork she was using to eat her salad.

Tucker: Yes, it did and I got video proof of it all… *pointed to his PDA, which he started shooting the potential jock and cheerleader fight*

Suddenly a small ecto blast hit Tucker’s PDA destroying it in the process.

Tucker: Noo!! My baby!

Star: Never thought I'd see the day Dash get put in his place by Paulina of all people.

It took a lot of guts to stand up to Dash and basically reject your own school lifestyle to stick by a showed that Paulina really was nice on the inside...and she is finally showing it.

Sam managed to snap out of her shock and then noticed something. She saw Paulina at her table, talking with Danie and Valerie.

Dash has long since gone back to his own table in an angry huff and Paulina was enjoying talking to Danie and Paulina at school, openly once again and they are actually talking about stuff that interested her instead of that generic "popular" stuff that she faked being interested in just to fit in.

Paulina: *In her head* Feels good to be me again. The real me.

Next: Chapter 15: Special Delivery

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