Chapter 16: New Day, Powers and Looks.

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Here we see Danie is in bed with Kiko snuggling with her like a teddy bear enjoying her sleep.

Danie: *In her sleep* Ultimate… power…

Just then her alarm rang rudely waking her up as Danie smashed it to bits and she and Kiko got up.

Kiko: *Angrly squeaks and roars*

Danie: I know Kiko. I hate mornings too. But sometimes we gotta do what we hate the most.

Kiko then noticed something different about her owner, she saw her left eye was pink and her hair had pink streaks in it too.

Kiko: *Squeaks and points at Danie*

Danie: What? Do I have something on my face?

Kiko grabbed a hand mirror and showed Danie her reflection.

Danie: Woah! Guess absorbing that dwarf star not only changed my hero look, but my normal look too. *Checks herself out* Ooh and not bad either, I definitely rock the pink look.

Just then we see Della open the door and comes in.

Della: Danie it's time for breakfast your mother and I made, *sees Danie's new look* OH MY GOODNESS!!

Danie: Uh hi mama Della.

Della: Don't *hi mama Della” me! What did we tell you about dying your hair!?

Danie: Only do it when I have a photoshoot. But mom, I didn't dye my hair, I absorbed a dwarf star and well… this happened.

Della examined Danie's hair and she was telling the truth, it wasn't hair dye at all, it was pure mana energy.

Della: Oh my…

Danie: Mama D? What's wrong?

Della: This isn't hair dye at all, it's mana, pure mana energy.

Danie: Mana? How?

Della: Hmm, it must have been from that dwarf star you absorbed. I'll have to run a few tests.

Kiko: *Squeaks worriedly*

Danie: Don't worry Kiko, I'll be fine. I'm sure it's nothing serious.

Meanwhile we see Danny and the others arrive at the Benton Resident where Star knocked on the door and it was opened by Kiko.

Kiko: *Waves her paw at the others saying Hello*

Star: Hi Kiko, is Danie around? We wanted to see if she was free.

Kiko shook her head as she gestured to Team Phantom to follow them as they all went inside and to the basement where they saw the lab.

Tucker: Woah, talk about cutting edge. This tech is amazing!

Sam: Try not to drool on it.

Danny: Yeah but where's Danie.

Danie: *From inside a tube* Hey guys.

Everyone looked to see Danie was a tube and Sierra and Della were doing some scans on her.

Star: Danie hey… uh Mrs. And Mrs. Benton what's going on?

Tucker: And what's with Danie’s new dye job?

Sam: Because pink is definitely an eye sore.

Danie: Hey!

Sierra: It's not a dye job Sam, it's mana.

Tucker: That pink energy that Danie uses?

Della: Yes, and from the looks of it *sees the scans* She has a lot of untapped mana.

Danny: How is that possible?

Della: She absorbed a dwarf star.

Star: Oh a dwarf star of course, uh… what's a dwarf star?

Della: A dwarf star is an energy source, and a very powerful one at that.

Tucker: How powerful is it?

Sierra: Very powerful, it can supercharge any device in the galaxy. A regular engine becomes a super engine. A regular weapon becomes a super weapon.

Danny glances at Danie as he sees how powerful she now looked, radiating mana and ghost energy.

Danny: And if someone who's half ghost absorbs it?

Della: They become supercharged themselves.

Danie: And I should know, after me and Ben took it from Psyphon.

Sierra: You took it from Vilgax's lackey?!

Danie: Former lackey, Ben and I were doing deliveries for Baumann, after we accidentally destroyed his car but it wasn't our fault.

Della: Did an alien warthog come to Ben's house claiming you two ate his dad?

Danie: Yep.

Danny: Why would he do that?

Danie: I honestly don't know. *To Della* Mom, how am I?

Della looked at the scans and saw how much energy Danie was putting out and her vitals looked okay.

Della: Well looks like everything is fine, vitals are normal but your energy is off the charts.

Tucker: And that's bad?

Sierra: In some cases yes, but due to Danie being half ghost it looked like the energy regulating at a normal level, but that's not all.

Sam: What else could there be?

Della: Well after some scans, it looks like Danie's ghost half and her anodite form merged into one singular being.

Danny: Meaning…?

Sierra: Meaning Ghoul Girl and her anodite form, are now one.

The others were surprised to hear that both of Danie's forms both ghost and alien, are now merged into one singular entity.

Danie: Wow… that would explain why my ghost powers and my mana felt more stronger.

Star: How powerful is Danie now?

Danie then turned into her new ghost/anodite form and teleported out of the tube and in front of Danny.

Danie: Why don't we find out.

We later see Danie and Team Phantom in the backyard as they all saw how large it was.

Danny: Woah… this is some yard.

Sam: *Notices the fly traps* And flora isn't bad either.

One of the fly traps spits a goo ball at Sam as she got out of the way.

Sam: Ah! What was that for?!

Danie: Sorry, Cleopatra doesn't do well with someone with a negative attitude. *To Cleopatra* Cleo what did mom say? No spitting acid on our guests.

The fly traps nodded and went back to their original spots and glares at Sam with predatory intent to Sam.

Star: She understands what you say?

Danie: Well yeah she's a genetically engineered venus fly trap. Mama Sierra made her.

Tucker: I thought you said your moms were biomechanical engineers?

Danie: They are but before that, they were botinests and ran their own greenhouse.

Sam: So your moms were bioengineers?

Danie: Yep.

Danie then pulled on a statue’s arm and the floor opened as everyone found themselves in another room where it was a large battle field made for fighting.

Danny: Woah, what's this?

Danie: My training room, my moms made it for me when I got my ghost powers.

Tucker: Your parents made you a training room just to hone your ghost powers?

Danie: Yep. It's also where I trained my anodite powers and learned to control them.

Danny: Lucky, all my parents do is make stuff to hunt down ghosts, and by ghosts I mean me.

Danie: I don't get you Danny, your half ghost, why don't you tell your parents about that, they'd actually understand.

Sam: No they won't, they'll just shoot first and ask questions later about how he got ghost powers in the first place.

Danie: Yeah because of you.

Sam: It wasn't my fault-

Danie: Ohh I'm sorry, who was the one that encouraged Danny to go into his parent's portal, you or someone else?

Sam looked away in a huff not wanting to admit she was right.

Tucker: Alright come on, let's not have a fight already.

Danie: Yet. *Calls out* Computer, start simulation, environment, Ghost Zone.

Computer: Ghost Zone environment, engaged.

The room glowed as it was now transformed into the ghost zone.

Star: Woah…

Tucker: Amazing!

Danny: Awesome!

Sam: Oh come on! It's not that awesome. *Gets hit with some Ectoplasma* Gah!

Tucker: Wow, even the ectoplasma is real.

Danie: Oh no that's just some lime jello I used to make the fake ectoplasma.

Sam: *Sarcastically* Lucky me…

Danny then turned into his ghost form getting ready to fight Danie.

Danny: Ready Danie?

Danie: Hang on.

Danie then ran her hands through her hair and took her headband off as she lit it on fire and tossed it aside as she shook her hair and then turned into her ghost anodite form.

Danie: Ready, and don't worry I'll go easy on you since your girlfriend is watching.

Star: Don't worry I still love my Danny-boo even if he loses.

Unlike Star, Sam had different intentions.

Sam: Kick her butt Danny!

With that we Danny hovered into the air and Danie hovered into the air too.

Danie: Mana blasts beat ghost rays.

Danny: Ghost rays beat mana blasts.

Danie: *Gets into a battle stance* But a kiwi punch wins the day.

Danie fired a small mana blast, while Danny fired an ecto-blast as both attacks collided and canceled out as the two fought. Danny created an energy shield that blocked the blasts but Danie took advantage and went higher. Once Danny lowered the shield to look around for Danie, he looked up and saw Danie appear in front with a blast that, while light, still knocked him to the floor.

Danie: Gotcha.

Danny: *Chuckles* Not bad for a model.

Danie: *Helps Danny up* You're not bad yourself for a half ghost guy.

Danny: *Changes back* Thanks.

Danie: Though your combat could use a little work but other than that your good sparring buddy.

Sam and Stat immediately went to Danny's side.

Sam and Star: Danny you okay?

Danie: Oh well-

Sam: Not you! I was talking to my friend.

Star: *Chuckles* Good one, Danie.

Danie and Danny: Thanks.

Danie: I think she was talking to you dude.

Danny: Pretty sure it was you.

Sam: Will you two stop that!

Star: Sam will you cool it, they were just joking around.

Tucker: Yeah you act like Danie is gonna steal Danny from Star. *Gets elbowed by Sam* I mean uh… hey is that a new touch pad?

Danie: Uh no, I just cleaned it, that's all.

Danny then noticed the Spectertrix on Danie's wrist which piqued his curiosity.

Danny: Hey Danie, I've been meaning to ask, what's with that weird watch on your wrist?

Danie: Oh this is a level 20 DNA replicator.

Danie then notices the confused looks on the others, even Tucker was confused by what Danie said.

Danie: It's a watch that lets me turn into aliens.

Team Phantom: Ohhhhhh…

Tucker: Like Ben can right?

Danie: Yeah, except unlike the Omnitrix, the Spectertrix lets me use my ghost powers in tandem with whatever alien I am.

Star: So it's like having an extra power up.

Danie: Exactly. Now then onto the nitty gritty, Danny I gotta say you're pretty good with your powers, good defense, and a good offense.

Danny: Thanks Danie.

Danie: Anytime but you're lacking in creativity.

This confused team Phantom, especially Star.

Star: Wait… creativity? What are you talking about?

Danie: When I read Danny's memories, I looked at the times he encountered Vlad, and I can tell from first hand Vlad is no slouch when it comes using his ecto energy.

Danny: Yeah he has years of experience while I have none, I can barely get my duplication down when I fought Vortex and even then Vlad can make like four to a whole army of copies of himself.

Danie: But that's where I come in.

Sam: Excuse me?

Danie: Look, I know Danny already has some experience with his ghost powers and stopping whichever ghost he's fighting but he's gotta have some training if he's gonna beat any more powerful ghosts, or run away from Colette.

Tucker: Well you're not wrong there.

Danie: Exactly, which is why I'm gonna teach you how to make constructs with your ecto energy, like so.

Danie then focused and engulfed her hand in ecto energy and formed into a scythe and slammed it on the floor causing a small shock wave.

Danny: Woah… that's pretty impressive.

Danie: Thanks, but that's not all I can do.

Danie then started absorbing all the light in the room while reversing her ecto energy causing the room to go into ultimate darkness.

Tucker: Hey who turned out the lights?!

Star: Danny where are you? *Touches someone's arm* Danny? Why's your hand all cold and clammy?

Sam: That's me!

Danny: *Holds Star's hand* Starlight I'm here.

Star: Oh phew thanks Danny-boo.

Danie: Neat power huh?

Danie then fires the blast in a random direction as the lights come back on.

Sam: So you turned off the lights, big deal.

Danie: Oh heh no, I didn't turn the lights off, I absorbed all the sunlight in the room.

Danie then turned the environment off and showed the windows in the room and the sun wasn't shining in.

Danny: Woah… so what ghost power was that?

Danie: The Void as I call it, it lets the user cause ultimate darkness in a room.

Star: That's gotta be useful power.

Danny: Yeah, you gotta teach how you did that.

Danie: In time Danny, I can tell you already have your ice powers down but The Void is a little too advanced for you, but hey don't worry you'll get that power when you get older.

Danny flinched a bit when he heard that phrase.

Danny: Heh yeah older…

Danie and Star: Something wrong?

Danny: Oh no, no, everything's fine.

Danie: Anyways whenever you're free, you can always swing by my place and get in some ghost training.

Sam: Okay first of all, he doesn't need training, second he can train at his house.

Danie: Yeah where his parents can see their “Enemy” slash son and shoot first, ask questions later, whereas my parents know he's half ghost and is okay with it.

Star: You know, Danie has a point Sam, besides Jazz, who thinks she's an adult, and Vlad, who's  evil, not a lot of adults know Danny's secret and having two retired ghost hunters could be helpful.

Sam: Oh come on you too?

Tucker: Star's right, it could be kind of helpful having some authority figures on our side.

Sam: But-but they're Danie's parents, they probably hunt Danny down even as we speak.

Della: *Over the speaker* No we don't.

Sierra: *Over the speaker* And for the record we can hear everything you're saying Sam, and don't worry we can cover for you all while you're out ghost hunting.

Danny: Thanks Mrs. And Mrs. Bentons.

Della and Sierra: *Over the speaker* Anytime Danny.

Sam looked away in a huff knowing she was wrong again, as she briefly glanced at Danie who was laughing with Danny, Tucker and Star which irked her to no end because she was becoming the popular one of the group.

Sam: *In her head* Just you wait, Danie, I'll show Danny and Star your true colors!

Next: Chapter 17: Alien Ghost and Huntress

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