Chapter 17: Alien Ghost and Huntress

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Here we see Danie and Kiko at home where we see Danie is putting a blue glyph on her top as she ironed it on.

Danie: *Puts the iron down* There, perfect.

Danie then put her top on as she checked out her reflection in the mirror.

Danie: Ooh not bad I look good.

We later see Danie and Kiko phase through the door of the Fenton residence as they plop on the couch and turn the TV on.

Danie: Now for some television.

Kiko: *Squeaks*

We then see Danny come downstairs as they see the news.

Harriet: And other news, new local hero Ghoul Girl has once again saved our beloved Amity Park from a couple of bank robbers last week, helped the elderly cross the street, and even provided homes for the homeless. Oh and Danny Phantom helped too I guess.

Danny: Oh come on! I helped too. How come they said your name first and mine second?

Danie: Maybe it's because some people still think you're the bad guy? I.E your parents.

Danny: *Sarcastically* Gee thanks for the vote of confidence Danie.

Danie: Oh relax dude, suckin' at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.

Danny: You think so?

Danie: Yeah, I used to be where you were D, but look at me now, big time hero.

Danny: Heh, thanks Danie.

Danie: Anytime. *Gets up and picks up Kiko* Now if you'll excuse us, me and Kiko got things to do.

Danny: Like what?

Danie: Hm, eh, whatever happens, happens.

Danie and Kiko go outside as Danie turns into her ghost form and Kiko hops onto her left shoulder which makes Danny a little worried that a certain ghost huntress will go after her.

Danny: Uh Danie, are you sure that's a good idea?

Danie: Of course I'm sure, what's the worst that could happen?

Danny: Well for one, Valerie will hunt you down.

Danie: Hunt me down?

Danny: Yeah, Valerie is a ghost hunter, and a good one too, be careful.

Danie: Relax Danny I'll be fine. I got Kiko with me.

Kiko: *Squeaks*

Danny: Yeah, that's reassuring.

Danie: Relax Danny, I'll be okay.

We then see Danie and Kiko fly off leaving Danny.

Danny: Why do I get the feeling something bad is gonna happen?

We later see Danie and Kiko are out in town just flying around.

Danie: Hm, alright, what to do, what to do?

Just then we see a school bus driving on a Cliffside road. A black dog  walks in the middle of the road and does not move, causing the bus to swerve off the cliff. Before it can fall into the water Danie catches it and lifts it back onto the road.

Danie: *After catching the bus* Okay kids I know this bus is dirty but there are easier ways to wash it.

Kids: Yay! Ghoul Girl!

The kids take Danie's picture to which she smiles for as

Danie: *After placing the bus back on the road* There ya go. Wouldn't want you to miss one day of happy therapy inducing school memories.

Bus driver: You're a hero GhoulGirl.

Kiko: *Squeaks*

Danie and Kiko (as Hypnotick) fly off to somewhere else. Unknownst to them, a certain huntress was watching them from afar.

Valerie: Another ghost? Looks like a girl version of Danny Phantom. Whatever, time to hunt that ghost down, and her ghost panda too.

Valerie then flies via hoverboard to find Danie and Kiko and capture them.

Meanwhile, we see Danny is with Star, Tucker and Sam at the mall as we see the halfa is worried about Danie and Kiko .

Tucker: Dude you okay?

Danny: No, because Danie and Kiko are outside!

Sam: So? That doesn't sound too bad, *drinks her water*

Danny: As Ghoul Girl.

Star: What?!

Sam does a spit take which lands on Tucker soaking him in backwash.

Tucker: Ugh! Seriously Sam? Say it, don't spray it.

Sam: Sorry and what?! Is she nuts?! Doesn't she know Valerie is out there?!

Danny: I told her but she just shrugged it off.

Tucker: Well I'm sure she can take care of herself.

Sam: *Sarcastically* Yeah if your folks aren't outside and see  Danie in hero mode they'll definitely not rip her apart molecule by molecule.

Star: And Danie doesn't have that much experience fighting ghost hunters Tuck, what if she gets hurt or worse? And Valerie doesn't know Danie is an alien.

Tucker: But she's an alien, Valerie hunts down ghosts.

Sam: And if Valerie thinks she's a ghost, then she's hosed. Plus Danny's folks will rip her apart molecule by molecule!

Tucker: Relax Sam, I'm sure everything's fine with Danie.

Meanwhile with Danie and Kiko we see them at the pet store shopping for pet food as we see them pushing a cart with various stuff.

Danie: Alright, let's see, new car bed, cat pillow, and a bag of cat food.

Kiko: *Squeaks in a question tone*.

Danie: Matcha flavored of course.

Kiko: *Squeaks thank you*

Danie: You're welcome, *Sees there's no line at the checkout* Awesome, no line. Nothing can absolutely ruin this moment.

Just then the ceiling exploded open as the smoke subsided as it was revealed to be Valerie aka the Red Huntress.

Valerie: Everyone get out of here! There's an evil ghost here! And her ghost red bear too!

But rather than panicking and screaming, they just went back to doing what they were doing.

Valerie: Hey! There's some evil ghosts here!

Random girl: Where?

Valerie was speechless, how could everyone not know Ghoul Girl and Kiko were dangerous?!

Valerie: *Stammers* Are you people blind?! *Points to Danie and Kiko looking at the checkout line items* They're right there!

Everyone looked at Danie and Kiko  who were buying candy.

Danie: *To Kiko * So what do you think? Twix Snickers, or Musketeers?

Kiko: *Squeaks*

Danie: Oh yeah, those will get stuck in your fur, how about a york peppermint patty?

Kiko: *Squeaks in agreement*

Random guy: Uh, they're just buying stuff.

Valerie: Yeah right! *Aims a baster at Danie and Kiko * alright spooks hold it right there!

Danie turned around only to be met by a blaster aimed at her.

Danie: Woah hey! Come on, I'm not much of a caramel kind of gal or peanut fan, but I can make some exceptions for people, but come on, it's just candy.

Valerie: Don't even think about spooks, I know what you're up to!

Danie: *Brief pause* You mean you knew about shopping for my cat?

Kiko: *Squeaks*

Valerie: Yeah right! You're both robbing this place! I know it!

Danie: Uhh, nope we are not robbing, *to Kiko* Kiko, are we robbing this place?

Kiko: *Shakes her head no*

Danie: Yeah, uh not robbing this place.

Valerie: Yeah right, your a ghost *aims her blaster at Danie* And this is what I do to ghosts!

Danie: Okay red, first of all I'm not a ghost, an alien, and second I'm a paying customer.

Valerie: Not falling for it!

Danie and Kiko could sigh in annoyance, as she pulled out a huge wad of cash and gave it to the cashier.

Danie: Keep the change my good man.

Cashier: Thanks Lady Luck.

Danie: No prob.

We then see Danie pull out a hyper storage cube and store all the stuff she bought.

Danie: There, *Sees Valerie still aiming her blaster at her* Oh crud.

Valerie: Now to wipe you out!

Not paying attention to her, Danie saw a Charleston Chew as she smiled a bit.

Danie: *Sees a Charleston Chew* Hey, a Charleston Chew, I haven't seen these things in years!

Valerie: Hey! Ghost hunter here!

Danie: In a minute will you, sheesh you sound like my dad. *Picks up the candy bar* You know these things are super old, and dusty.

Danie then blew the dust off of the candy bar which ended on Valerie's mask, which blinded her.

Valerie: Ah! Hey!

Danie: Whoops, sorry. *Gives the cashier $5.* Keep the change. *To Valerie* I hate to shop and dash but gotta jet see ya.

We then see Danie and Kiko fly off leaving Valerie as she fires her wrist blaster,  thinking Danie and Kiko were still there as everyone ducked for cover.

Valerie: Finally got the-! *Sees the damage* Uh-oh!

Random girl: Get out of here scary lady!

Valerie: Hey I'm the-!

Valerie was cut off when everyone boo'd her and threw tomatoes and other garbage at her as she flew off via hoverboard.

We later see Danie and Kiko at the library sitting on a beanbag reading a book on astronomy.

Danie: Ahh, now this is what I call relaxing.

Kiko: *Squeaks*

Danie: And the best part, that red girl isn't here.

Kiko: *Squeaks*

Danie: And nothing can absolutely ruin this-

Danie was cut off when the ceiling was blasted open and once again, it was Valerie.

Valerie: Alright Phantom! Hold it right-!

Danie and Kiko: Shhhhhhh…!!

Valerie: Don't shush me when I'm-

Danie: *Whispers* No look! We're in a library!

Danie and Kiko point off-camera as it pans over to a sign that says "No talking, only whisper." And to a elderly librarian who glared at the huntress.

Valerie: *Embarrassed* S-sorry. *Whispers* Alright Phanom you and cat are-

Danie: *Whispers* Shhh, shush, were in the middle of something.

Kiko: *Squeaks*

Valerie: Why I oughta-

Danie: Ahem, *Points to the librarian who's glaring at her*.

Valerie could groan in dismay quietly as she then sat at a table and waited.

Danie: *Whispers* I'm not even doing anything "evil".

Valerie: *Whispers* Yeah right you and your cat are loitering here.

Kiko: *Squeaks*

Danie: *Whispers* Yeah, Kiko's right, wouldn't we have to be outside to loiter?

Valerie: *Whispers* Doesn't matter! You two are still loitering!

Danie and Kiko just blankly looked at Valerie with a "Is she serious?" Look.

Danie: *Points and whispers* And what about them? Are they loitering?

Valerie looked to see there were other people here too.

Valerie: I-you-but-

Danie: *Gets up* Look this has been nice and all but this is a library and I'm just looking for a quiet place to read, so later gator.

We then see Danie and Kiko get up and walk out of the library as Danie put the book back leaving the Red Huntress in rage.

Later on, we see Danie and Kiko under a tree at the park relaxing.

Danie: Ahhh, now this is more like it: no alien threats, no evil ghosts, no jocks, no paparazzi, no anything, just me, myself and my sweet kitten.

Kiko: *Nuzzles Danie*

Danie: *Pets Kiko* Aw thanks girl, and nothing can ruin this moment.

Just then Danie sensed a missile as she and Kiko got out of the way.

Kiko: *Squeaks*

Danie: Yeah I know I spoke too soon.

Valerie: No more jokes, spooks!

Danie: For the last time we're not-

Valerie flies in front of Danie, throws three pink buzz-saw blades. One hits a tree bark, one hits a rock which goes upwards and another one hits a bird bath fountain and knocks into it.

Danie: Wow you have a bad aim.

Danie then sees a blade coming to Kiko.

Danie: Kiko!

Danie ran in front of Kiko and grabbed her as Danie took the hit for Kiko as Danie winced a bit.

Danie: Ow! That hurt! *Realizes* Wait a minute. That hurt.

Valerie: Oh, don't worry, ghost. It won't hurt long, because you are going down! *Aims her double-barreled weapon at Danie*

This enraged Danie, the fact that this person would actually hurt an innocent ghost red panda was something she could not stand for.

Danie: You…You almost hurt my Kiko… NOBODY MESSES WITH MY KIKO!!!

Danie then flew and charged at Valerie and before she could even react Danie decked her in the face breaking her visor in the process as Valerie was trying to gain her footing.

Valerie: Oh that's it! You just made my-

Valerie was cut off when she was hit by a mana blast and knocked into the ground as Danie went over to her and picked her up by her leg.

Danie: *While slamming Valerie repeatedly on the ground* DON'T. YOU. EVER. HURT. MY PANDAAAAA!!!

Danie then throws Valerie into a tree as she was now bruised and hurt and her ghost hunting gear was damaged badly. For the first time in her life, Valerie was scared of this new ghost, she was different, more different than Danny or Dani or even Vlad, she was power and rage incarnate.

Valerie: *In her head* Who or what is she?! She isn't like Phantom or Vlad.

Valerie then sees Danie create a scythe made of pure mana as she sees the murderous intent in Danie's eyes.

Valerie: W-wait a minute, you're a hero like Phantom! You don't kill people!

Danie: *While walking to Valerie* That's the difference between me and Phantom… I don't show my enemies or people who hurt Kiko mercy.

Without wasting any time, Valerie hopped on her hoverboard and flew out of here leaving Danie and Kiko as the alien ghost made her scythe disappear and picked up Kiko.

Danie: Kiko are you okay? Did she hurt you?

Kiko: *Shakes her head no*

Danie: *Smiles* Good.

We later see Danny and the others at Danie's house waiting for her and Danny was pacing on the floor.

Tucker: Danny relax, Danie will be fine.

Star: Plus you've been pacing for hours now.

Danny: Because I'm worried about Danie, what if Valerie caught her or-

We then see Danie and Kiko phase through the door with their stuff.

Danie: Hey guys.

Team Phantom: Danie!

Everyone immediately went to Danie and Kiko and pulled her into a group hug.

Danie: Woah, guys I was only gone for a couple of hours.

Star: Are you okay? Are you hurt?

Danie: Guys relax, I'm fine. I did have a run in with Valerie?

Tucker: How are you alive?

Danie: Simple, she almost hurt Kiko, so I sent her a message, anyone, *starts glowing intensely with Mana and Ectoplasma* and I mean anyone who messes with my Kiko or Paulina answers to me!

Everyone backed up when they felt the intense aura around Danie. The air felt thick and Danie's aura was so intense it made Danny take a knee.

Danny: *In his head* Wha… what is this…??

Danie then felt something nudge her as she saw Kiko was doing it and she calmed down and the atmosphere was back to normal.

Danie: *Yawns* I'm going to bed, I'm pooped. *Giggles* Pooped, such a silly word.

Danie and Kiko went upstairs and the team was still in shock and awe at what just happened.

Star: What… just happened?

Danny: I don't know…

Sam: Since when did Danie, the nice girl next door, get mean?

Tucker: I don't know, but we better stay on her good side.

Next: Chapter 18: Ghost In Bellwood.

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