Chapter 18: Ghost In Bellwood.

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Here we see Danie and Kiko in the lab as we see her adding some modifications to Kiko's Nemetrix.

Danie: Almost done… annnd… *adds the new ultimate feature* There we go.

Danie puts the Nemetrix back onto Kiko's collar as she squeaks approvingly.

Danie: Now don't worry Kiko, I upgraded your Nemetrix so now you can turn into Ultimate Predator Aliens just like mama.

Kiko: *Squeaks excitedly*

Danie: I know it's gonna be so awesome!

Just then we see Danny come down into the lab as he sees what was going on.

Danny: What's gonna be awesome?

Danie: I upgraded Kiko's Nemetrix so now she can turn into Ultimate aliens.

Danny: Ultimate Aliens? What are those?

Danie: They're basically like a power up for my aliens, Ben used to have it before but his ultimate forms were sentient and they didn't like being used and well it's a long complicated story let's just put it at that.

Danny: Yikes, that must have been rough.

Danie: Yeah, Ben almost sacrificed himself for his ultimate aliens but in the end Azmuth got them their own place and all's well that ends well.

Danny: Wow, sounds like you had a lot of crazy adventures.

Danie: Crazy isn't the world I'd use but… no yeah it was crazy, ever since that summer road trip I had with Grandpa Max, Ben and my cousin Gwen.

Danny: And you thought it was gonna be-

Danie: The worst summer ever? Yep that's what I thought but it turns out it wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be.

Danny: Because of aliens?

Danie: Yep, that and magic too, but mostly aliens.

Danny: Man sounds awesome.

Danie: Yeah, but it gets kind of dull and normal after a while.

Danny: Huh, can't be any more annoying than dealing with ghosts.

Danie: Hm true, after dealing with ghosts it kind of gets annoying. Just the other day, I caught Ember at a music store trying to broadcast her song, again. Then I stopped this other ghost making other people miserable and absorbing their misery.

Danny: You mean Spectra?

Danie: Yeah, is that her name?

Danny: Yep, I fought her before and she is not easy to take down.

Danie: Ain't that the truth.

Danny: So you got any plans for the day?

Danie: Uh, well not really, I was planning on visiting Ben and Rook. It's been a while since I saw them. Wanna come along?

Danny: Yes!

Danie: Okay, wait, you finished all your homework?

Danny: Yep, and double checked it too.

Danie: Awesome.

Danny: I'll call Star and see if she wants to join too.

Danie: Cool.

We later see the trio and Kiko in the alter egos flying to Bellwood where they land near Burger Shack.

Danie: *Stretches* Mm, man it feels nice to be back here again.

Danny: We were just here weeks ago.

Danie: I know, it just feels like I haven't been home for awhile. Besides, it kinda feels nice not fighting ghosts, or aliens, or ghost hunters.

Danny: Ain't that the truth, just hope Sam and Tucker are okay with this.

Danie: Oh please they'll be fine, honestly you spend a lot of time with them Danny.

Star: She makes a good point, Danny Boo.

Danny: Eh true.

Meanwhile back in Amity Park, we see Sam and Tucker at Fenton Works where Tucker knocks the door and Jazz opens it.

Jazz: Oh hey guys what's up?

Tucker: Is Danny around?

Sam: Yeah it's three for one at the arcade.

Jazz: Oh sorry guys, you just missed him, he, Star, and Danie went to Bellwood.

This made Sam go into jealousy and into "Danie's the enemy" mode and Tucker noticed this.

Sam: Tuck, come on we're going to-

Tucker: Nope, you're on you're on this one I'm not getting involved.

Tucker walked off leaving the two girls not wanting to get involved in one Sam's "Episodes" again.

Sam: Fine then, I'm going to Bellwood.

Sam then walks off angrily leaving Jazz to herself.

Meanwhile back with Danie, Star and Danny we see the duo at Burger Shake eating and talking amongst themselves.

Danie: So what's Valerie’s beef with you? You owe her money or something?

Danny: Something like that, there was this ghost dog that I found but it was a guard dog from the place Valerie's dad used to work and all this time when it kept coming out of the ghost zone it was looking for it's toy.

Star: And in the process, Valerie's dad lost his job and they hit rock bottom, and somehow Valerie became a ghost hunter because of Vlad.

Danie: Figures. And let me guess, the ghost dog went feral and left a trail of destruction across its path wherever it went, right?

Danny: Yep, I still feel awful about ruining Valerie's life.

Danie: Well I mean it wasn't your fault persay, but then again I don't blame you.

Danny: Thanks, and now Valerie hates ghosts more than ever.

Star: Not every ghost, remember Dani?

Danny: Oh yeah.

Danie: Well I'm sure that'll change in time, she's just blinded by her rage that's all.

Danny: You think so?

Danie: I know so.

Danny: Thanks Danie, you always know just what to say.

Danie: Anytime D.  So what-

Before she could continue, they heard the sounds of people screaming. Along with that, they also heard what sounded like a large dog barking,

Danny: *Groans* He's back.

Danie: Who's back?

Danny: That ghost dog I was talking about, He's adorable, but a hassle.

However, what they saw next caught Danny by surprise. They saw crowds of people running away from what looked like a giant mutated Great Dane.

Danny: That's... not him.

A laugh Danie found familiar was heard as an old man wearing some kind of device that allows him to control the large dog.

Danie: Dr. Animo?!

Danny and Star: Who?

Danie: Mad scientist, likes to experiment on animals, strictly a B grade villain. You guys wanna lend a hand?

Danny: Well it's only fair since you helped out fighting my enemies. *looked around and saw nobody could see them* I'm going ghost!

Danny raised his hands and created the energy rings, turning into Danny Phantom. He then noticed Danie  giggling.

Danny: Something funny?

Danie: I still can't get over the fact that that's your battle cry, And I thought Ben saying "It's Hero Time" was goofy."

Danny: *Sarcastically* Haha Let's just go.

Danie: Right, Star, get anyone here to safety.

Star: Right.

Animo watches as his dog mutation causes rampant chaos, scaring off people and destroying cars and trees in its path.

Animo: Perfect! And no trace of Tennyson anywhere! I can take over this little town and then Bellwood! Then the world!

As Animo laughed maniacally, a familiar voice called out.

Danie: I'm not Tennyson, but here's my mana blast!

Danie fired a mana blast that knocked Animo down. He got up and saw Danie glaring down at him.

Animo: You?! What are you doing here?!

Danie: Showing my friend around town.

Danny: That'd be me!

Danny flew in and caught the large dog by one of the hind legs, keeping it from attacking anymore. He started pulling the creature as Animo got up and shouted in disbelief.

Animo: That's the half ghost child! He's real?!

Danie: He's also not fond of using dogs as weapons. And neither am I.

Animo: How's this for a weapon?!

Animo was about to command the large beast, but Danie fired a blast that destroyed his antennas.

Danie: Not a chance, Animo! You're going back to your cell at Plumber HQ.

Animo: Fool! Without my technology, no one can control the-

When turned around, he saw the giant Great Dane not attacking, but being rubbed in the belly by Danny Phantom.

Danny: *Cooed* Aww.. you like that, don't you.. *the large dog licked him in gratitude* You just want someone to play with you, don't you?

At that moment, the dog began shrinking down. It was nearing its original size and its hair becoming less shaggy.

Danie: Huh... without Animo in control, it must be returning to normal. I'm right, aren't I? *turned to look, only to see Animo missing* Uh oh…

While the heroes were distracted, Animo made a break for it. He had no chance against Kevin's sister, or this Danny Phantom. He was reaching the streets when he realized something was off. He looked down.

Animo: WHAT?! *His feet weren't on the ground. In fact, he was in the air* What's going on?!

Danny: I'm giving you a lift, that's what.

The voice of a teenage male telling him is when Animo looked up and didn't like what he saw.

Animo: Danny Phantom?!

The ghost boy was carrying the evil scientist from his gadgetry on his back. Animo couldn't feel it thanks to being covered in all that tech.

Animo: "Release me, you freak of nature!" He demanded.

Danny: I will, but someone would like a word with you.

He made a turn back to the park. There, Animo saw Danie waiting for him.

Animo: You think I can't handle the second Tennyson girl?

Danny:  No, you can't. And she's not who I'm talking about.

Once Danny put him down, using his ghost powers to phase Animo's tech off him, the evil scientist saw the Great Dane he mutated snarling at him. He realized who Danny was talking about.

Animo: Uh-oh…

Animo made a break for it as the dog started coming after him, baring its teeth as it barked viciously. Danny and Star then walked up to Danie.

Danny: We'll just let Fido have his fun, then you can take Animo back to... where you said he broke out of.

Danie: Plumber HQ.

Danny and Star: You have an HQ?!

Danie: Yep, well uh, not really it belongs to my friend's grandpa.

Danny: Well what are we waiting for, let's go.

Star: Yeah, I've always wanted to go to an alien base after just hearing about it.

Danie: *Chuckles* Okay, okay.

We later see Danie, Danny and Kiko arrive at HQ where they put Animo back in his cell.

Danie: Hey guys, guess who's back.

All the plumbers: Danie!

Plumber 1: Good to see you Ms. Benton.

Danie: You too.

Plumber 2: Hi Daniela.

Danie: Hey.

Danny: Wow someone's popular.

Danie: These guys know me.

???(Ben): Danie? Is that you?

Everyone turned to see it was Ben and Rook.

Danie: Ben! *Hugs Ben* Dude, it's been a long time.

Ben: *Hugs back* Yeah, it's been too long.

Rook: Greetings Danie.

Danie: Hey Rook, nice to see you again too, how's keeping Ben from doing stupid stuff going?

Rook: It is challenging but I can manage. *Sees Danny and Star* And you must be Mr. Fenton and Ms. Strong.

Danny: *Surprised* You heard about us?

Rook: Of course, Danie tells everything about you, especially your ghost form and Star being your girlfriend.

Danny: You know about me being half ghost?

Ben: Yeah, even I know, and come on, Danny Fenton, Danny Phantom? Not that hard to see the similarities.

Danie: I know right?

Danny: Oh come, is it that obvious?

Everyone: Yes, yes it is.

Star: Well they're not wrong, even I was surprised when I didn't notice similarities, and he told me he was half ghost.

Just then we see Kiko teleport into the base via her Nemetrix.

Ben: Ah! Mutant panda! *Reddies his Omnitrix*

Danie: Wait, wait, Ben! This is Kiko.

Rook: Kiko?

Danie: My pet ghost red panda that I got a few weeks ago, remember?

Ben: *Remembers* Oh yeah you sent me a selfie with her.

Kiko: *Squeaks*

Rook: *Notices the Nemetrix on Kiko* What is that device Kiko is wearing?

Danie: Oh it's a special Omnitrix I made for Kiko. It has sapient DNA in it for Kiko to use.

Rook: Impressive work.

Danie: Thanks. *Pets Kiko* This is my red panda, my little helper and easy to train too.

Kiko: *Squeaks*

Ben: *Chuckles* And the cutest.

Just then everyone hears the alarm go off as we see Max come in.

Danie: Max what is it?

Max: An intruder in the base.

Rook: Here? But it is impossible for anyone to come here.

Danie: Not unless they had intangibility. But maybe this isn't something serious, yet. *To Kiko* Kiko, be mama's little helper and hunt up whoever got in here.

Kiko: *Squeaks in agreement*

Kiko then runs off to find the intruder leaving everyone in the base.

Rook: Are you sure this is a wise decision?

Danie: Of course I'm sure, I trained Kiko well.

???: Let me go you mangy cat thing!

Everyone looked to see Kiko, as Buglizard, come back dragging  someone with her as Danny, Star and Danie are all too familiar with Sam.

Danny, Star,  and Danie: Sam?

Ben: You guys know her?

Danny: Yeah, she's one of my friends from Amity Park, *To Sam* Sam what are you doing here?!

Star: More importantly, how did you get in here?

Rook: Agreed, this is a top secret facility and yet you somehow managed to infiltrate it.

Danie: Isn't it obvious dude? She's been spying on me, Star, and Danny, again.

Ben: Wait again?

Max: This isn't the first time this happened?

Danie: No it's not. I thought she would have learned her lesson, clearly I was wrong.

Ben: So uh, why was she spying on you?

Sam: I was trying to protect Danny and Star!

Danie: Protect them from what? Getting a paper cut? They're fine with me.

Danny: Yeah seriously Sam, Danie isn't doing anything wrong.

Star: Yeah she's just doing a nice thing for us.

Sam: Apart from using Danny for his powers, again and trying break you two up.

Danie: What? I'm not doing that.

Sam: *Not believing Danie* Sure you aren't, and it isn't a coincidence that you brought Danny and Star with you to Bellwood, again.

Danie: Well they helped me take down Animo so there's that, and I wanted to thank him by showing him around the base, and meeting Ben and Rook.

Sam: Yeah right, I'm not falling for it you pink haired bimbo!

Ben: Hey that's my friend you're talking about!

Danie: *Sighs* I am so sorry about this everyone. Don't worry I'll send her back to Amity Park.

Sam: Oh like heck you are you-

Danie then teleports Sam back to Amity Park in her mansion.

Rook: Not bad.

Danie: Thanks and again sorry about Sam she can be a little…

Ben: Plum loco?

Danie: I was gonna say crazy but yeah works too.

Danny: Geez this is the second time this happened, I thought she would have learned by now.

Star: Looks like she hasn't.

Max: If you want I can have her under surveillance and-

Danie: No Max, it's fine, I can handle this problem myself.

Rook: And you are certain you know what you are doing?

Danie: I'm positive.

The next day, we see Danie and the others are in school coming out of a classroom after a test.

The next day, we see Danie and the others are in school coming out of a classroom after a test.

Tucker: Well can't say that test was easy.

Danie: They never are, so Danny, Star you two think you both aced that test.

Star: I know I did.

Danny: Yeah, thanks to your study guide and tutor sessions I think I might bump that C to a B, maybe even an A.

Danie: Alright that's what I like to hear.

Danny, Star and Danie all fist bump each other much to the annoyance of a certain goth girl.

Sam: Okay that's it!

Sam then grabs Danie and drags her somewhere else in the hallways where no one could hear them.

Sam: Danie we need to talk.

Danie: We do?

Sam: Yes, we do. I'm warning you, Danie, you may have fooled everyone else but if you do something funny, and Danny or Star doesn't like it or you hurt Danny, I'm coming after you…

Danie: I'm not fooling anyone, Sam,  sheesh.

Sam: Yeah right, why else would you hang out with Danny and Star? Because of Danny's powers? Is that it??

Danie: No, because they're nice people and I wanna get to know them better.

Sam: *Unconvinced* Sure you do, you want to get to him better by taking him out of town or steal him away from Star.

This irritated Danie.

Danie: Okay, Sam! Why are you like this? Are you jealous of me hanging out with Danny and Star?

Sam: I am not!

Danie: Don't play dumb with me, I'm a straight A student.

Sam: Pfft.. how many boys have you promised a date with to help you?

Danie looked very offended.

Danie: Okay, you know what?! I think I know what your problem is. For all your talk about disliking shallow jerks, you're just as, if not more, shallow than the rest! You won't give me a chance to be your friend just because I'm a cheerleader.  Sure, I have a habit of not exactly being a saint, but I care about people. You, however, are unwilling to even try and be nice with others. So, I'm a cheerleader, so what? Why is that a good excuse to be rude to me? How does that make you any better?! The answer is, of course, it doesn't! You complain about what's wrong with people and the world and yet all you do is buy depressing poetry and concert tickets! I use my cheerleading to save people and stop bad guys and my money to help people. You wanna do something good or prove you're not another shallow little brat?! Why don't you use that money and instead of buying more black clothes, donate to homeless shelters or fixing houses that were destroyed by storms?!

At this point, Sam's scowl started to fade and begin to look a bit hurt by Danie's words.

Danie: I'm trying to be friends with you because I like Danny. I don't have to be your friend, but I actually put the effort into it for his sake... So, why aren't you willing to put in any effort?If you care about him in any way at all... why aren't you willing to do something to make him happy?

Sam looked away, not wanting Danie to see how her words have affected her.

Danie: Well?

Sam: I do care about him… But... I think I understand him better than he thinks.

Danie: Really? I highly doubt the Danny you like isn't the same as the Danny I like.

Sam: Well why do you like him?

Danie: He's not afraid of what I can do. He thinks I'm pretty but also cool. But more importantly, Danny is funny, nice and very understanding. That and he's the first guy that doesn't gawk or stutter when he talks to me.

This caused Sam's jaw to drop. She just described things about Danny that are true and honest. Aspects she herself does admire, but not as much as his superhero persona. This causes Sam to start feeling bad, recognizing Danie does care for Danny, Danny Fenton. The boy she considered her best friend and only started to grow attached when he became Danny Phantom. This causes Sam to start recognizing one other thing. Danie has genuine feelings for him.

Danie: Oh and in case you're wondering, I'm not trying to steal Danie away from Star.

Sam: You're… not?

Danie: No. Plus, I know you had a thing for Danny.

Sam: Wh-what? No I don't! Why would I have a crush on my best friend when he already has a girlfriend!

Danie: Oh so you don't mind if I french him during our next study session~?

Sam: DON'T YOU DARE!! *Realizes she done goofed* Dang it… walked right into that one didn't I?

Danie: Mmhm…

Sam: Soo, you're not trying to steal Danny away from Star?

Danie: No that's Colette’s thing, and I can tell from all the love letters she stuffs into his locker, he is not into her. And for the record, Danny and Star are the first friends I made ever since I moved here, and we enjoy our mutual friendship and common interests. And aside from Star, I actually help him see the brighter sides of things instead of ruining his life like some people did.

Sam immediately realized Danie was talking about her and she got defensive again.

Sam: I… didn't ruin his life.

Danie: *Sarcastically* Oh yeah, you definitely didn't do that. I mean who else convinced him to go into his parent's ghost portal get zapped and get ghost powers twice, change the menu for themselves, blackmail him into not telling anyone you released a gorilla from the zoo, sell his dad's haunted ghost tech, use his parent's opt center as a pirate radio station and let him take all the blame.

Sam: I… okay you make it sound way worse.

Danie: It is that worse! Did you ever think what would have happened if he didn't get ghost powers? He could have killed Sam, and his life would have been in your hands.

Sam stood in silence. She didn't want to think of losing Danny but in a way Danie had a point, if Danny didn't get ghost powers it would have been really bad for him. She then heard Danie continue speaking.

Danie: And for the record, not everyone is the stereotype you think they are Sam, this isn't some highschool drama movie.

Sam: I know that! So you aren't trying to break up Danny and Star?

Danie: No! I saw how much they love and care for each other, and they're good for each other, and you can knock off the stalker persona, I already have enough of those, *casually elbows a geek with a camera ready to take picture of her*

Geek: *Falls on the floor* Ow…!

Sam: Wasn't that a bit harsh?

Danie: You'd do the same thing to anyone who tried to take a candid pic of you.

Sam: True…

Danie: Besides, do you have any idea what it's like not being taken seriously because of the way you dress? And people just wanna change who you are?

Sam: The way you dress?

Danie: Yeah, people think that I'm some harem girl, but just because I dress this way doesn't mean I'm a harem girl, it's stereotypical, racial, and offensive. Mama Della might be from the Middle East but that doesn't mean she was a harem girl, and she and mama Sierra don't mind that I dress this way.

Sam: Lucky, and I'm…. I'm sorry to hear about people doing those things to you.

Danie: Don't be, I'm used to it.

Sam: I'm sure you are, and um… I'm sorry about stalking you multiple times, and almost black mailing you, and accusing you of stealing Danny from Star, and using him for his powers.

Danie: It's okay. Come on, let's get to class.

Sam: Okay, and um, thanks…

Danie: Yeah, yeah whatever.

Next: Chapter 19: Mutants and Magic Decent 2.0

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