Chapter 20: Birthday Memories.

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Here we Fade into a close-up of Sam's face.

Sam: Guys, Danie come on! We're gonna be late for school!

Zoom out to reveal Sam, arching one eyebrow and her hands on her hips and Star confused as to why her boyfriend isn't listening.

Sam: Guys?

Star: Danny Boo?

Zoom out further to reveal Tucker, Danie, Kiko and Danny with blank, happy expressions far in the foreground. Sam looks exasperated.

Sam: Guys!

Danny: Isn't it everything I told you it would be and more?

Tucker You did not lie, dude. You did not lie.

Danie: *Cries tears of joy* It's so beautiful! *Blows into a tissue*

Kiko: *Squeaks*

Cut to an aerial shot of a yellow monster truck.

Danny, Danie and Tucker: The Gi-normo Six-Thousand.

Star: It's just a truck guys.

Sam pulls herself up to read the specification card in the truck's window.

Sam: Seats made of owl leather? Interior wood paneling made from the Amazon rainforest? *angrily* 12 gallons to the mile?! This car is an environmental nightmare! I know what you two should do!

Danny and Danie: No.

Sam: You two could totally haunt this place! Scare people away from here and make them buy something else!

Danny: No.

Danie: Absolutely not.

We zoom out as Tucker comes to Danny's and Danie's side along with Star.

Tucker: Cut it out, Sam. It's a cool truck!

Star: Yeah, not what Tucker said, but you're asking Danny and Danie to abuse their powers.

Danie: Besides, this wouldn't be the first time one of your bad ideas got Danny into trouble.

Sam: What are you talking about?

Danie: *Glares a bit at Sam* Need I remind you about how Danny here got his powers because of you...

Sam flinched as she recalled the accident that gave Danny's powers in the first place.


Sam: Smile!

She holds up an instant camera to her face. Cut to Danny by the deactivated and empty chamber that is the Fenton Portal, with white corners around it as if seen through a camera scope. There's a console next to it. Danny is hunched by it and holding up a white suit. A flash engulfs the screen as a picture is taken.

Fade to the printer of Sam's camera. An instant shot of Danny by some gauges plugged to the deactivated Portal and holding the suit in his hands rolls out.

Cut to Danny holding the shoulders of the white suit with a black neck collar. His eyes are closed and bubbles pop around him, showing he is clearly dazed by the flash. He opens his eyes halfway.

Danny: Okay. *puts down the suit* I showed you the Portal, *looks to the Portal hoping this is over* Can we get out of here now?

We cut to Danny holding the suit, looking back warily as Sam walks up with her camera, and Tucker is right by her side.

Danny: My parents could be back here any minute. *looks back to his friends* Besides, they say it doesn't work anyway.

Cut to the Fenton Portal chamber interior. Wires are strewn on the floor. Sam walks to the center of the doorway with her camera in hand.

Sam: Come on, Danny. A Ghost Zone? Aren't you curious? You gotta check it out.

Cut to Danny walking up to Sam with his suit in his hands, looking up. The suit has a picture of Jack Fenton's face on the chest.

Danny: You know what? You're right. Who knows what kind of *looks up* awesome, super-cool things exist on the other side of that Portal?

We cut to Danny's legs as he slips on the white suit over his clothes, pulling it up so the black boots are nice and tight, but the arms are limp.

Danny puts on the jumpsuit, which has an image of Jack Fenton's face on the chest.

Sam walks towards Danny.

Sam: Hang on...*She rips off the image of Jack* You can't go walking around with that on your chest.

We cut to Sam and Tucker's legs in the foreground as they watch Danny next to the Portal. Danny turns to it.

We cut to Danny looking into the interior of the Portal. He steps in slowly with some fear, the greenish light from the chamber changing the lighting on the suit.

We cut to Danny walking in the Portal, looking behind him knowing he can't turn back. Pan right as he absently touches his hand to a console with a green button and a red button.

We cut to the console. The green button reads "ON" and the red one reads "OFF". Danny's palm presses the green one, and it beeps.

We cut to Danny's silhouette from outside the Portal. It tips back, standing up as green light comes out of it and engulfs the room, zapping Danny with enormous amounts of energy. Danny screams in terrible pain.

We cut to Danny in the explosion of electricity. He opens his eyes and holds up his hands with fingers curled in serious pain and suffering. The electricity runs past him, changing his color scheme so he now has a black suit with white accents, and white hair with green eyes. Zoom in until the shot goes into Danny's screaming mouth, until the screen turns black.

Flashback ends.

Sam: How's it bad I was there? If it wasn't for me, he'd be flying around with his dad's face on his chest. Know how you can say thank you? By crushing a few trucks! *Gets slapped upside the head by Danie and Star* Ow the back of my head!

Danie: Get this through your head, Sam, we're not doing it.

Star: Yeah, and haven't you ever heard the expression, "With great powers come great responsibility?" And if it wasn't for you Danny-Boo would be dead!

Danny: They're right Sam, We're the good guys! So unless these super-awesome trucks are being used for evil, We *can't* do anything.

Tucker: Except wonder if it's got a GPS satellite guidance system.

Danny and Danie: And rims.

Danny, Danie and Tucker: Big, spinning rims.

Sam turns away, incredulous and sullen.

Sam: Oh, I give up.

She walks off.

Cut to Sam, walking away but looking back angrily.

Sam: I just wish somebody would destroy these stupid trucks!

Pan down as Sam walks off the sidewalk where there is a grate. Zoom in on the grate. Desiree floats up so her eyes look out of it.

Desiree: Well, it's about time you made a wish.

Pan up as she floats up from the grate.

Desiree: And so you have wished it, *Lifts her hands and they glow pink with magic.* so shall it be!

Pan up to the right as she puts her hands together into a pink beam of magical energy.

Cut to a restaurant called "DAISY'S DAIRY DINER". There's a giant cow on top and a board with an ice cream cone on the side. A beige car is parked by it. The pink energy hits the cow and powers it up.

Cut to the hooves and body of the cow with pink magical energy. One of the legs shakes and unhooks itself from the plate it's attached to as it bends up. Pan up to the smiling face of the cow. It becomes angry and its eyes flash red. Zoom in as it turns its head and growls.

Cut to Danny, Danie, Kiko and Tucker from behind admiring the truck.

Danny: I wonder what this button does.

He holds up a finger to find out.

Cut to the doorknob of the car. Danny presses one of the five buttons beneath it.

Cut to Danny, Danie and Tucker admiring the car. Suddenly they are flung back screaming as it is stepped on by a giant cow hoof, bending the metal and shattering the windows.

Cut to Danny, Danie, Kiko and Tucker landing on the ground on their backs. They bounce once and land by a tire of another car, looking up in shock as a yellow metal shard lands next to them.

Cut to the head of the angry, ghost-infused cow. Zoom out to show it standing over three yellow trucks, including the one that is smashed.

Danny, Danie, Kiko, and Tucker look up at it with another truck in the foreground next to them. The cow moos.

Cut to Danny, Danie, and Tucker creeping back to another truck. They stand up and lean against it, frightened.

Cut to Danny, Danie and Tucker. Danny points up.

Danny: Get away, fiend!

Danie: Whatever you do, leave this truck alone!

Cut to Danny looking up at the giant cow. It moos as it turns to the side of him, lifting up its leg to reveal its udder. Danny and Danie look in shock.

Cut to Danny and Tucker, leaning against the truck and looking in total shock as a wave of milk is squirted out at them as Danie turned intangibile as we see Danny and Tucker, dripping with milk.

Tucker Aw, man! I just became lactose intolerant!

Another wave of milk dumps on them as we fade to black.

We then fade in Fade into a street by a blue house. Danny, Danie, Kiko, Tucker and Sam enter the shot walking down the sidewalk. Danny and Tucker appear to be splattered with white milk stains from the fight before, and Danie was clean and so was Kiko.

We Cut to the team. Tucker, Star, and Sam look proudly at a smiling Danny and Danie.

Tucker: Good job beating the big cow, you two.

Star: Yeah that was awesome Danny.

Danny and Danie looked annoyed.

Danny: Yeah, well, it hasn't stopped Sam *Looks to Sam with scorn* from busting my chops about cruelty to un-living plastic animals.

Cut to Sam.

Sam: I had to choose between fake cows and evil trucks. The cow won.

Danie snaps her fingers as a plastic cow appears in the air and raises its leg as a wave of milk hits Sam in the face.

Sam: Augh! Danie! *Wipes the milk*

Danie: *In a Faux innocent tone* Oh I'm sorry Sam, I thought you were against cruelty to un-living plastic animals.

Danny, Star, and Tucker laughed at Sam's misfortune.

Star: *Laughs* Nice on Danie.

Sam: *Sarcastically* *Wipes the milk* Oh haha, very funny. *stops suddenly.* Oh my gosh, I almost forgot!

Cut to a movie ad for Trinity of Doom on the side of a bus stop, featuring a reptilian female with pigtails and sharp teeth, an attractive cyborg female with a ponytail, and a female with a red-and-black striped shirt, claws and green hair. Sam walks up, seen from behind.

Sam: Trinity of Doom is out this Friday! *Cut to the poster for Trinity of Doom. It says "Femalien vs. Terminatra vs. Nightmerica" Offscreen* Femalien-- *Pan down do to reveal the third female monster* --Terminatra *Pan down so "NIGHTMAREICA" is shown* --and Nightmerica! *Cut to Sam, her fists clenched as she is so excited* All my favorite female movie monsters, *Clasps her hands in glee* in one film!

Tucker, Danie, Kiko, and Danny walk up, covered in milk. Pan left them.

Tucker: So it's a chick flick?

Cut to Danny, looking down at his milk-covered self with disgust.

Danie: Uh Danny, you have ghost powers.

Danny: *Remembers* Oh, duh!

Danny turns invisible, his eyes turning green as he does. Pan down as the milk oozes off him into a puddle on the sidewalk.

Cut to Danny, happy as he resumes color, and his eyes go back to blue. He looks to a Tucker that's bored of waiting as he crosses his arms.

Tucker: Hello?

Cut to Tucker. Danny's invisible arm pokes in,

touching Tucker's shoulder with a finger so Tucker turns invisible as well and the milk oozes off of him. Danny removes his hand and Tucker resumes his color. He looks down with satisfaction.

Cut to Danny and Tucker standing in a puddle of milk while Sam looks at them with her hands on her hips, reminding them what's so important by pointing.

Sam: Not just a chick flick, *Points up proudly* the chick flick *Cut to Sam in front of the poster as she curls up her fists* The three biggest *Zoom out as Sam refers to the poster* female box office monsters battling it out in a big-budget special-effects *Raises her arms really high* bonanza! *Cut to Danny from behind, looking at Sam that's pointing at him* And since you promised we'd all go on Friday, *leans back proudly* I bought us tickets.

Danie: I never promised. Plus these girls are basically rip offs of Predator, Freddy Krueger, and Terminator.

Sam: Please they're not rip offs, they're all original.

Danie: "Original" my butt. *Glares at the movie* This kind of movie reeks of insecure corporate shame and an insult to the horror movie genre.

Sam: They're all original.

Star: No I'm with Danie on this one, whoever made this movie and their characters, they were clearly not thinking of originality. These characters are just blatant rip offs.

Danie: *To Sam* And this is coming from girl who wanted me and Danny to destroy an honest business for no reason because they're eco unfriendly.

Sam: Yeah, well if you or Danny won't get rid of those horrible gas guzzlers, I wish someone would.

Desiree sighed in exasperation at the girl's adamance and carelessness. One day it would mean her downfall.

With a snap of her fingers, the wishing ghost animated the large cow again to scare the auto shoppers once more as Danie. She made sure that nobody would get hurt but she did allow the haunted bovine to soak Sam and Tucker.

As she stifled her laughter as the girl yelled in disgust and the boy wailed in pain for his ruined gear, she noticed a bystander watching the scene.

Floating down towards her, she recalled her as the Latin girl, Paulina, that she granted a wish to when she first visited Amity.

What was strange was that instead of gazing in fear at the animated cow or in awe at the Alien girl, the girl seemed to be looking for someone.

Paulina: Oh, where is Danie? She's usually around these ghostly sightings with Danny and his friends.

This intrigued Desiree. So the alien girl had an admirer. The girl certainly was beautiful with her lush blond hair, cinnamon brown skin tone, her shapely body, and especially her cute freckles. She remembered how vain the girl had been during her first venture into Amity Park but now the girl seemed to have toned it down.

In her hand she clutched a letter. Upon closer inspection, Desiree saw that it was an invitation to a party of sorts.

Looking back up, Desiree noticed that the cow had been dealt with and the alien girl and Damny were now back in their human forms and walking back towards his friends.

Paulina: Why am I so nervous to invite her? Before I wanted to make fun of her and make her totally jealous. Now that I'm interested in her, and on top of all that I know she's Ghoul Girl. I'm tongue tied and at a loss for words.

Desiree took pity on the girl. She recalled what it was like to fall in love. The butterflies in the stomach, the increased heart rate, and the longing.

Paulina: I just wish...

Desiree prepared herself, ready to grant the wish she knew was coming but regretting it all the same.

Paulina: No. Dreaming and wishing won't get me anywhere or what I want most. If I want to be with Danie, I need to put on the big girl panties and go get her myself.

With that she made her way over to the trio. Desiree was stunned. She had thought she would be granting the girl's wish. Yet she had stopped herself and decided to pursue the boy by herself. The wishing ghost was both immensely shocked and pleased by this. Now she wouldn't have to worry about putting an unfortunate twist to her wish. Smiling broadly, Desiree followed the girl at a safe distance so as to listen in on her conversation with the boy while also remaining out of his detection.

As she maintained her confident exterior walking towards Danie, Danny and the others, inside, she was a nervous wreck. Dozens of situations played through her head on how this meeting could fail. She could accidentally make fun of her. She could revert to her old ways all together. She might even lie about why she was inviting him to her party, reasoning that she just wanted him so Ghoul Girl would show up.

Paulina: *In her head* No! I can do this. I just have to remain calm, cool, and collected.

When she finally came to a stop in front of the three, she vaguely noted that the goth and the geek were completely dry. Hadn't they been soaked by the possessed cow? Never mind, it wasn't important now.

Paulina: Hey Danie.

Danie: *Blushes a bit* Oh uh, hey Paulina, *looked away a bit*

It was one of the things Paulina liked about Danie, her modesty and shyness. Meanwhile, Sam was glaring daggers at the head cheerleader.

Paulina: Quite the fight, huh. Wonder why an animated cow would want to destroy a car lot.

Danie: Yeah. *chuckled, lifting her eyes to meet hers* I could never imagine how much it would set that dealership back if they were to lose their merchandise.

Paulina: Do you like cars? *In her head* Idiota! What were you thinking?!

Danie: I do. The guys and I were admiring the new trucks that had come in but I personally like the classic muscle cars like the Charger and the Camaro.

Paulina: Excellent choice. Although ifI were to pick a style of car, it would be the cars from the 50's and 60's for their design and curves. My favorite car would have to be the 1959 Plymouth Fury like my grand-papi had.

Danie: Your grandfather had a 1959 Plymouth Fury? What color was it?

Paulina: Red with white accents, just like Christine.

Danie: That is so awesome!

Tucker was both shocked and awed at seeing Danie was talking with the most beautiful girl in school. What he wouldn't give to be in his shoes right now. Thinking fast, Tuck brought up the recording function on his PDA. There must be some secret to what Danny was doing to keep Paulina's attention. If Tucker could analyze and replicate it, there would be no limit to how much pussy he could have.

Sam, on the other hand, was irritated. Here was Danie, her enemy now sort-of friend chatting with Paulina, a girl she considered a shallow witch. Why was she talking with Danie and why was she giving Paulina her attention? She had to do something to break up the conversation.

Sam: So what happened to your grandpa's gas guzzler? I haven't seen you riding around in it.

Paulina: *A sad look crossed her face* Grandpapi and Grandma couldn't take it with them when they fled Cuba after Castro took power.

Danny: Sam, not cool.

Star: Yeah, seriously Sam think before you speak.

Kiko went over and comforted Paulina as she hugged the red panda.

Kiko: *Squeaks and roars softly*

Danie: Yeah, and I'm sorry to hear that. At least they were able to safely escape.

Paulina: Sorry about that. It tends to be a sensitive topic in my family.

Danie: I understand. My...folks were like that too but they still accepted me...

Paulina: I actually came over to invite you to my sweet sixteen. It's the same day as the meteor shower. And I want you and your friends to come too.

Danie gingerly took it from her and looked it over. He couldn't believe it. The most beautiful girl in his school and whom he had a crush on, had just invited her to her sixteenth birthday party. Quickly, he ran through his schedule in his head to see if he had any plans on that day. Thankfully, that day was clear.

Danie: I would love to.

Paulina: Really?

Danie: Absolutely.

Paulina: Thank you, thank you, thank you!! *throws her arms around Danie's neck and brings her into a hug*

Danie was shocked for a few seconds before gently wrapping her arms around Paulina's waist and returning the hug, though because of Danie's height she kneeled down a bit.

If Tucker's jaw wasn't connected to his skull, it would most likely be on the ground with how surprised he was at this turn of events.

Sam, meanwhile, was furious. How dare this harlot invite Danie to her birthday party when she was going to invite her, Danny, and Tucker to the new horror movie that was now in theaters.

When the two separated, they were both blushing furiously and trying not to look the other in the eye. After a few minutes of cute and awkward silence,

Danie: *Blushes* So uh, anyways uh th-thanks for inviting me.

Paulina: *Blushes* Y-y-yeah anytime...

Danie: So uh, can the others come along too?

Paulina: Oh sure. *Sees the suspicious look on Sam* Plus the ghost boy can be there too.

We cut to Tucker and Sam, taking invitations. Tucker is happy, but Sam is just ticked. Cut to Tucker, holding his paper in his fist as he pumps it up in satisfaction.

Tucker: Yes!

Sam: No!

Paulina then left as she gave one to Danny too, as he leaned in, surprising Tucker and Sam.

Danny: The ghost boy? *smiles and calls after her.* Oh, he'll be there, Paulina! I promise! *In his head* Pretty sure she was hoping for Danie but I'll play along.

Sam marches up to it and stands in front of it with her invitation rolled up in her hand.

Sam: Uh, guys? *She points behind her with her thumb* Movie? Friday? *She holds the invitation tightly in her fist* Non-refundable tickets?!

Cut to Danny, Star, and Tucker. Danny has the invite in hand so it faces the camera.

Danny: Oh, come on, Sam, *Looks to his invite* we never get invited to *Gestures to the paper* these parties.

Danny looks at Tucker.

Tucker: And I don't get to go if *Points to Danie and Danny* They don't go!

Cut to Sam, blinking.

Cut to Tucker and Danny, begging in unison.

Danny and Tucker: Pretty please. With those dark licorice sprinkles-- *They lift their hands to simulate balls in unison* --with the black frosting you like *Making desperate pinching gestures* with those little gummy bats on top?

Danie: Plus it's a right of passage for Paulina and it's like her special day.

Star: And it would be rude not to go.

Sam: Et tu Star? You hate Paulina, you didn't want to be her satellite.

Star: That was before when she was in the A-Listers Sam, I think she actually changed for good.

Sam: All right, all right!

Cut to Danny and Tucker, sharing a high-five and jumping in the air, saying "Woo-hoo!" in unison. Then they land on their feet and walk away the way they came as Danie and Kiko followed them

Cut to Sam, leaning on the bus stop with her arms crossed as Danny steps in to point a finger at her.

Danny: You're coming to the party too, right?

Cut to Sam, half-hearted to keep Danny happy.

Sam: Yes, *Looks up to the back.* I'll be there. *Cut to Danny looking extremely pleased with Sam as he turns and runs off. Pan right to Sam by herself* I'll be there, *Smiles, figuring out a loophole* unless something should happen to Paulina, *Looks evilly smug* and then the party got canceled. *Walks off, pleased* Not that I'd wish that.

Cut to Sam walking away from the bus stop. A swirl of pink mist spirals in when she's gone, materializing into Desiree.

Cut to Desiree, taking advantage of her wording.

Desiree: Well, she did say "wish".

Cut to Desiree from behind as she turns to the right, laughing mischievously and holding out a pink-glowing hand, panning right to it zapping out magic.

Cut to the movie poster. The magic beam comes in contact with it and it flashes black and white.

Zoom in on the black-and-white flashing poster.

Fade to a picture of the planet Earth on a gray background. A rock peeks into the corner of the shot and stops there.

Mr. Lancer: *Offscreen* Thousands of meteors will be visible in the skies of Amity Park this Friday. *Cut to Lancer teaching, holding up a rock in his hand to hover over the globe on his desk. The blackboard reads "Meteor Shower Friday!"* People tend to wish upon these-- *He raises his hands up to give them their so-called name.* --"falling stars"-- *Cut to Lancer, looking at his rock.* --without realizing,-- *He tips his rock so it is horizontal, and lowers it a little.* --that at the speeds they're falling, *Becomes serious.* They could drill through your tiny skulls-- *He closes in on the screen for emphasis.*--like they were wet toilet paper!

Lancer looks rather surprised, blinking a couple times.

We cut to three kids in the front of the class. One of them is a blonde girl with a red tank top and green pants. The second is a blond boy with glasses and a pronounced Adam's apple. The third is a husky red-headed girl with a purple cat shirt. This all goes over their heads. The girls blink.

We Cut to Sam with papers on her desk. She sighs "Oy", and puts up her fist to support her head while she doodles.

We cut to Sam's paper. There are various doodles on it. One looks like a triangle with a smaller half-triangle and a P-shaped one next to it. One looks like a P-shaped ghost with a jaggedy ghost tail. There's a ying-yang with ghost designs in it. There's a square with a reversed D in it. There's a lowercase, not even bubbled d and p. Sam is doodling a weird ghost on her paper. She removes her pencil.

Pan right to the other page. There's a D with a P in it that resembles a keyhole. There's a D with a P in it and a black dot in the P. There's an oval ghostly face and a weird ghost next to it. There's a D and a P in two squares looking blocky. Sam's pencil circles the design that looks like a slanted D with points jutting from the back and has a negative space implying a P.

Cut to Paulina at her desk.

Paulina: Papa says the stars are falling *She leans on her hands that she clasps together dreamily* on my birthday just for me. *Raises her palms gleefully.* And I'm going to wish to meet Ghoul -er, I mean the Ghost boy! *She curls her fingers and puts her knuckles together.*and if one of the meteors flies towards me, *Raises her hands in ecstatic joy* the ghost gir- err I mean the ghost boy could save me.

Sam: *Thoughts* Typical, she's still pining for Danny, heheh, if only she knew.

Dash: Huh? Uh yeah,-- *He leans forward to give out his comment* --you know what I'd wish for *Zoom out to reveal Danny and Danie looking to Dash who sits next to him as Dash flexes his arms out* Extra arms to catch more footballs! *He crouches and turns to Danny, pointing* And to wail on you, Fen-ton. *Dash stands up straight, smiling simply while Danny looks up at him.* But that doesn't technically count as a wish because, *holds up a palm*I can do that anytime. *He curls his hands into fists to get ready to punch.* Watch!

Just when Dash was about to punch Danny, Danie simply glares at him which makes Danny flinch.

Danie: Hurt my friend and I hurt you, got it?!

Dash: Y-y-yes ma'am!

Danie: Good, plus if I'm being honest, you're the worst football player I ever met. You couldn't even win a game if you tried.

Colette: Well when of thoze starz fall upon me, I'll be wishing for mon amor to leave Estelle and go to me~.

Danny: In your dreams!

The room turns all dark blue as Danny's and Danie's ghost senses go off.

We cut to the ceiling with two fluorescent lights. A rumbling is heard as one of the monsters from the poster, Femalien, busts down through the ceiling feet-first and roaring.

We cut to the class, looking forward blankly as rubble from the ceiling falls to the ground and Femalien lands on the front of her feet in the foreground, her tail swishing. The class runs away and shrieks in horror after she lands.

Cut to Femalien's large, green, reptilian feet. She has black ankle bands and a black loincloth.

We pan up to show her in her black tube top with the neck in metal, her right wrist has a jagged blade and her left wrist has a shooter of some sort, her left shoulder protected by a half-sphere shoulder pad attached to a giant shoulder spike-shield.

She has two upwards-pointing tusks, one on each cheek, lipstick, and two black pigtails with pink bows. She leans into the camera, parting her arms in an aggressive stance.

Femalien: *Hissing menacingly* Paulina!

Cut to Paulina, with Dash and Sam standing next to her, all in shock. Tucker is on the other side of Paulina, also shocked. Femalien's leg and hand are in the foreground.

Dash: Uh,-- *Dash looks down to Paulina, who looks back to Dash.* --did it just say your name?

Paulina holds out her fists to her sides gleefully while everyone looks at her, confused.

Paulina: Neat!

Cut to Lancer, ready to defend.

Mr. Lancer: War of the Worlds creature! *Zoom out into a purple action background as Lancer holds up a fire extinguisher in both hands.* Get away from my youthful charges!

Cut to Femalien, looking down. She looks back unfazed as Lancer jumps up and clunks the fire extinguisher to her back, futilely doing nothing to her. Lancer lands back down and looks at the fire extinguisher with uncertainty.

Cut to Lancer from behind, looking up in a fright to Femalien, who looks down at him over her shoulder. She turns to the side, lifting her claws out and roaring. She bares her teeth as she turns and leans down to Lancer, clearly predatorily.

Cut to Lancer, meekly holding the extinguisher.

Mr. Lancer: Well, *Smiles in the face of doom.* I tried. *Lancer drops his extinguisher.* RUN!! *He turns and runs off.*

We Cut to a fire alarm on the wall by some hanging files next to the chalkboard. Lancer runs in and pulls it down with both hands, causing the alarm bell to ring. Dash and Paulina run past him screaming, Dash is looking forward but Paulina is looking back. Lancer follows after them. Femalien marches after them.

Cut to Danny and Danie hiding against a wall by the staircase next to a closed classroom door and a drinking fountain as a red-haired girl with glasses, Dash, Lancer, Tucker, Sam, and someone with green pants in the foreground all run past him.

Cut to Danny and Danie pressed against the stairwell wall as he looks back. They both assume a fighting stance and with a flash of light, two rings form around their waists to transform them into Danny and Dannie Phantom

Cut to Danny's and Danie's head from the front. Their eyes become green and their hair turns white. Zoom out to show Danny and Ghoul Girl standing by the stairs. They bend their knees down low and jump up to take flight.

We cut to Paulina running down the hallway. She's looking back, but looks forward.

Cut to the hallway. Paulina, from the back, grows smaller as she runs down it. Femalien busts through a wall filled with lockers, bending her knees and putting a hand on the ground in a stance as she roars, proceeding to chase Paulina.

Cut to Femalien chasing Paulina with both her clawed hands up like some zombie. Pan right rotating as the chase continues. When they run offscreen, Danny and Danie intangibly phases through the wall of lockers and takes off after them.

Cut to an aerial shot of Paulina from behind, running. Femalien closes in. She holds out a claw, ready to grab her quarry.

Cut to Danie, intangible on a blue action background, fearing for the safety of Paulina. She looks determined to stop this as she speeds off.

Cut to Paulina tripping and falling as Femalien shrieks in surprise, being pushed by Dannyand Danie. Pan right and down as Danny and Danie phases the monster through the floor. Paulina runs in urgently with a piece of paper in her hand.

Paulina : Ghost boy, Ghoul Girl wait! *Smiles, holding up her paper* I have an invite for you both. Especially Ghoul Girl.

Meanwhile we cut to the duo fighting in an empty room as Danie flies in and goes to punch Femalien as she then whips her tail and growls as she turns on her side to look up and back menacingly.

Cut to Danny floating as he and Danie cry out as they are whipped away by Femalien's tail.

Cut to a desk next to a shelf full of glass beakers and flasks. Danny and Danie fly backward, panning right and rotating as he slams with their backs against the wall, cracking it. There is a basket that reads "MAPS" next to them.

Cut to Danny's and Danie's feet against the cracked wall. He grunts as he lands on his butt, tired. He gasps in shock.

Cut to Femalien, standing up. She thrusts her arm forward, shooting darts from her wrist-shooter, each taking off with a puff of red smoke.

Cut to the darts flying on a blue action background. They all are pointy with red tips, and red smoke trails after them.

Cut to Danny and Danie, sitting in front of the cracked wall. They stand on his hands and lift his arms to dodge the first two darts that vanish into red smoke, then duck to the side with one leg out to avoid the next few, but quickly change sides in surprise as the last one nearly hits him.

Cut to Danny from the side on a blue action background. In slow motion, one final dart flies in, but Danie uses Abra to catch and redirect it back at Femalien scratching her arm as she shrieks in pain as Danie socks her in the face and pushes her against the wall.

Danie: Okay talk you Predator reject! Who sent you?!

Femalien: *Hissing* Saaaaam...

Cut to Danny and Danie looking with astonishment at Femalien as she fades away into nothing.

Cut to Danny and Danie just floating there as we Pan right to an open basement window. Desiree flies up into the shot, clearly pleased and glowing with a heavy pink aura of magical energy. She turns invisible and phases upward through the ceiling as Danie felt something as she looked.

Danny: Danie, what's wrong?

Danie: Hm, nothing. Thought someone else was here.

Danny: What could Sam possibly have to do with Femalien showing up?

Danie: Hm... don't know.

We later see Danny, Danie, Kiko, Star, Tucker and Sam on a wooden park table. Danny's backpack is leaning against the table's leg next to him, Sam's backpack is on the table. A bag of chips is sprawled out in front of Tucker. Next to an orange tree is a wastebasket. Zoom in slowly.

Tucker: It said "Sam"?

Cut to Tucker from behind, looking at Danny and Sam. Sam's looking at Danny as he recalls what happened, his head resting on his hand. The bag of chips is on the table and in front of Danny is a red and white striped cup with a straw in it.

Danny: *Putting his hands on the table* Actually, it was more like, *He lifts his hands, wiggling his fingers and talking in a spooky manner for effect* "Saaaaam..." *He puts his hands back on the edge of the table.*--but you get the point.

Star: Weird, since when can ghosts do that?

Danie: Since never, but it did say Sam's name.

Cut to Sam, incredulous.

Sam: You can't really *puts a hand on her chest, angry at the accusation* blame me for this; *Narrows her eyes* Can you?

Cut to Sam in the foreground, looking at Danny.

Danny: Well, it's got *Smiles explaining this* something to do with you, *He leans back and puts out a palm to Sam.*but don't worry. *He leans his palm downward and closes his eyes* Danie saved Paulina, so-- *Close-up on Danny, smiling.*you don't have to apologize.

Cut to Sam, her hands on her hips.

Sam: Good. *Arches her eyebrows, bothered* 'Cause I'm not gonna. *Sees Danie glare* ah! Uh I-I mean thanks?

Danny: *Cut to Danny, fishing for something in his backpack* You're just gonna *He holds out two Specter Deflectors in his hand and puts down his backpack* have to wear this Specter Deflector *Cut to Sam's waist where she's sitting as Danny affixes it to her*and stay out of the way. *Puts one on Star* and the same goes for you Starlight.

Pan up to Sam looking down at the belt. She looks forward, offended but Star isn't.

Sam: What?

Star: Thanks Danny boo.

Cut to Danny.

Danny: Sam, something weird is going on and you're clearly the cause of it.

Danie: And it was weird, it wasn't even a ghost.

This got everyone's attention.

Sam: What do you mean?

Danie: I mean that it disappeared soon after me and Danny beat it. Like it had been erased from existence.

Tucker: That isn't normal for ghosts. Usually they get so weak that you suck them into the thermos, dump them into the Zone, and then they make a revenge plan that starts the cycle all over again.

Star: And that's normal for ghosts?

Tucker: Pretty much.

Danie: What I don't understand is why it was targeting Paulina specifically.

Sam: At least it wasn't going after you. Besides...

Danie: Sam! You can't seriously be thinking of saying that the world would be better off without Paulina!

Sam: Why are you defending her all of a sudden? Ever since she invited you to her birthday party, you've gone head over heels for her! Have you forgotten all the insults she has put on everyone including us before you came along.

Danie: Why are you so hostile? I remember what she has done in the past but I think she has turned a new leaf. Unlike you, I actually got the time to know her better than anyone else, even Star. *To Star* No offense.

Star: None taken.

Tucker: Well... at least it's over now.

Danie: And Danny's right, It's probably better for all of us *lifts up both her palms and flicks them down* -if you just lay low.

We see the camera pan left to Tucker on the other side of the table, the bag of chips in front of him. He's smiling in agreement.

Tucker Yeah, Sam. *He lifts his arms and lowers them down, mocking Sam.* You should just lay low. *gets slapped upside the head by Danie* Ow!

Sam: Thanks.

Danie: I didn't do it for you Manson, I did it because it was annoying me.

Close-up on Danie and Danny, the sky now a spooky green. Their ghost senses go off as screaming is heard.

Cut to Danny, Danie, Star, Sam and Tucker sitting at the table with Danny in the front. He turns with alarm to the source of the screaming.

Danie: Paulina? *Eyes widen* Again?

Danny: This is going to have to wait. *Pan up as Danny and Danie stand up from their seats at the ready. Sam looks up to Danny.* I'm going-

Danie: Ahem.

Danny: Oh uh sorry Danie, together?

Danie: Sure.

Danny and Danie: We're going ghost!

With a flash of light, a ring forms around them and transforms them to Danny Phantom and Ghoul Girl Close-up on Danny. He looks down, giving an order.

Danny: Stay here.

Danie: And don't do anything stupid.

Cut to Sam wearing the belt with her backpack on the table, She holds up her hands looking innocent.

Sam: Oh, I will. *Parts her arms.* I promise. *Cut to Tucker and Sam looking at Danny and Danie as he turns away and takes flight. Sam angrily picks up her backpack by the top and jumps out from her seat, shouting after him.* The same way you kept your promise about *Walks off, Tucker turning to look at her* going to the movies Friday!

Cut to Tucker with the bag of chips. He smiles.

Tucker: Aw, well. *Takes the bag* More for me. *He hugs the bag to himself gleefully*

Cut to the live, ghostly manifestation of

Terminatra running forward on a blue action background. Servos whir as she runs. She wears a black body-suit of all leather with a high collar and part of her face is shaped with a cybernetic, one of her eyes a normal purple and the other a technological red. Her hair is tied back in a ponytail with a long, red binding. One of her hands is flesh with a glove that covers everything but the tips of the fingers, and the other is a cybernetic prosthetic.

Cut to an overhead shot of Terminatra, in her red boots, running down the wall of a building.

Zoom out and rotate to show her running on the buildings in a line as Paulina is riding away on a white moped with the headlights on, clearly in a panic. She is wearing a pink driving helmet and is holding a pink dress in a plastic bag on a hanger in one hand. Terminatra is in hot pursuit.

Cut to Terminatra running on the wall in a blue action background. She points a finger barrel on her prosthetic and her red eye glows to target. Her finger fires a pink laser.

Cut to an overhead shot of Paulina driving on a blue action background, her dress trailing after her. The laser beam doesn't hit Paulina, but tears a smoldering hole in the plastic wrap her dress hangs in, not harming the dress.

Paulina: *Turning up to the side* Hey, I just got this back from the cleaners!

Paulina turns to the road and drives off, her engine revving.

Cut to Terminatra sideways as she is running on the walls of the buildings toward the camera. She closes in.

Cut to Paulina speeding fast as Terminatra runs after her on the buildings, the hole in the plastic wrap over her dress. As soon as Paulina is gone, Terminatra jumps off the building onto the street, where she crouches down and slams her flesh-fist into the street, cracking it and sending up lots of rubble.

Cut to Terminatra from behind, standing up. A cybernetic jetpack somewhat forms from jelly on her back as one big rocket. Red flame blasts out of it.

Cut to Terminatra standing in the cracked hole in the street with her jetpack blazing. She crouches down and blasts off into the air, panning right as she flies off.

Cut to Terminatra flying toward the camera on a green-air and blue-ground action background, her fists forward as red flame trails after her.

Cut to a fountain in the park. Two boys are standing in front of it. An empty park bench sits next to it. Paulina skids to a stop just before it, turning her moped to the side while holding her dress as she looks back where she came, one foot on the sidewalk.

Paulina : This is like the worst birthday week *Dramatizes* ever!

Paulina turns to the side as Danny and Danie intangibly floats up from the ground in front of her, smiling with their arms crossed.

Danie: Well, let's see*Cut to Danie resuming color* if we can't change that a little.

Close-up on Paulina, quickly cheering up.

Paulina : And now it's not!

Cut to Danny and Danie in the foreground looking at Paulina, holding up her fists near her shoulders in joy as she holds the hanger where her pink dress is in one hand. Danny turns in front of her, grunting with effort as he thrusts out a palm and blasts a green ectoplasmic energy blast out.

Cut to Terminatra flying on the green-sky blue-ground action background. She stretches her fists to her sides and crouches in mid-flight as a hole forms in her abdominal area and

Danny's energy blast harmlessly passes through it. When it passes, Terminatra morphs into a square net of metal with her head on top.

Cut to Paulina off her moped, bending over as she reaches into the compartment next to her seat with both hands.

Paulina: Wait Ghoul Girl *She stands up and holds up a piece of paper.* Let me give you this, it's an invention to my-

Danie: *Gets knocked back* Gah! Paulina, apreciamos el gesto, pero por favor, ahora no es el momento para esto, ponte a salvo de inmediato. (Paulina we appreciate the gesture but please now is not the time for this, get to safety immediately)

Paulina was a bit surprised that Danie as Ghoul Girl knew Spanish.

Paulina: Where did you-

Danny: She's right you need to run, now that thing is after you.

Paulina: What makes you say that?

Terminatra: Paulina...!

Terminatra tries to blast Paulina with a ghost ray but Danie gets in front of Paulina and blocks it as she punches Terminatra back.

Danie: Call it a hunch.

Paulina saw how much the ghost heroes were struggling to fight Terminetra but then remembered something that was in her backpack.

Paulina: Oh wait hang on, I got something for this.

Paulina ran to her scooter and into her backpack as the duo was fighting off Terminetra.

Danny: Citizen, I really don't think pom-poms are gonna-

Terminetra was blasted away as Danny and Danie saw that Paulina is wearing a wrist ray blaster.

Danny: -Help? Where did you get that?

Paulina: Oh uh, my fri- err I mean a boy named Danny Fenton gave me this when our parents were captured by those ghost pirates a few months ago. I may have kept some of their ghost hunting gear for myself just in case.

Danny: That's... actually really smart.

We then see Terminetra get up and was about to attack Danny but it received a powerful ecto blast in the back from Danie, causing it to fly before crashing into the park's fountain. The halfa flew towards his enemy, ready to bombard it with mnore blasts before he paused. Evidentially, Danie's blast had been more powerful than she had realized. there was a gaping hole through the middle of the robot, sparks of electricity were flying from the loose wires and circuits. The face of the machine was twitching spastically. Then, just as it had with the Femalien, Terminatra began to fade.

Danie: What is going on? Why are you attacking Paulina?

Terminatra: Saaaaam...

Terminatra glows with a red aura as her full robotic skeleton is revealed under her humanlike exterior. Then she fades away leaving nothing but red smoke billowing from the water as the lighting resumes to normal day.

Danie: First Femalien now Terminetra?

Danny: This is getting way too weird, even for us.

Paulina: Ahem.

Danny and Danie turned to Paulina with her hands on her hips as the duo remembered she helped them.

Danie: Oh uh, thanks for your assistance P- err uh I mean citizen.

Paulina: You're welcome Ghoul Girl. Oh and you too Ghost Boy.

Danny: Uh anytime.

???(Sam): Danny!

The trio turned to see Sam wearing a purple helmet and backpack while driving on her motor as she arrived on scene.

Danie: Oh great, the enemy of fun is here. *To Danny* I'll take Paulina home, you got it from here?

Danny: It's Sam.

Danie: True.

We then see Danie grab Paulina and her stuff in a bridal position which made her blush, as she and Danie flew off.

Sam: You okay? What did Paulina do?

Danny: Nothing, she actually helped me and Danie.

Sam: *Scoffed* Helped you two? Right, what did she do, cheer the ghost away?

Danny: No, she blasted it away, and then Danie finished the job.

Sam was still laughing until she noticed the unamused expression on Danny's face and realized he wasn't joking.

Sam: Wait... you're serious?

Danny: Yes, she helped me and Danie and blasted Terminetra away and Danie finished her off. Although, to be fair, me and Danie probably *Puts out his hands to explain.* wouldn't have needed it- *Sam reaches out to help Danny out.* --if it weren't for you in the first place.

Sam: Uh, excuse me? *Cut to Sam, leaning forward.* Paulina save your butts and you're giving *points to herself with her thumb.* me grief?

Danny: Yes, or did you forget all the times that I got the heat and you got off scot free.

Sam: What's that supposed to mean?!

Danny: All your ideas on "helping" everyone got me in trouble.

Sam: Name one time that I've ever done any of that?!

Danny: Hmm... let's change the school menu to an all vegetarian menu? Let's let the gorilla loose? Let's turn my parents' OP center into our own private radio station? Ring any bells?

Sam: Anything else you wanna blame me for?! Global warming? The dark ages?! Morning breath?!

Danny: Sam, both monsters knew your name. *Arches his eyebrows* Either there's another Sam involved in ghost fighting-- *Close-up on Danny*--or it's you. *Cut to Danny from behind looking at Sam standing by the fountain*

Sam: How about a "thank you", huh? *Cut to Sam, standing up straight and crossing her arms* You think Paulina, Star, or Danie would've saved your butt back there?

Danny: They would if Paulina wanted me to come to her party!

Cut to Sam. She sighs, sick of all this, then she turns and walks off.

Sam: Danny, I swear. *Cut to Danny standing in the fountain as he watches Sam walk away to her scooter, putting one foot on it and her hands on the handlebars as she revs it up.* There are days I wish I had never even-- *Close up on Sam, looking back. --met you!

Cut to Danny looking at Sam, with Danny far in the background. Sam speeds off.

Cut to Danny. He looks down, guilty.

Danny: Way to go, Fenton. *Looks to the side* You just ticked off one of the only three-- *He holds out his arms, showing the importance of the situation* --real friends you have.

Danny slumps back. He reaches for something behind him and looks at a dripping wet piece of paper.

Cut to Danny, reading the invite. It says "You're invited to PAULINA'S Birthday" with a pink border, two purple balloons, and two blue stars.

Cut to Danny. He puts down the paper.

Danny: Sam! Wait!

Close-up on Danny. The sky turns dark again as his ghost sense goes off.

Cut to Danny standing in the fountain by the edge. Behind him, pink bubbles rise and pop from the water. Danny looks over his shoulder at it. He turns to face it, then looks up in shock as the bubbles unleash smoky streams of pink that turn into a swirling river, panning up as it loops around. Desiree is heard laughing as the pink smoke materializes into her, tall and very powerful with her blue ghostly tail flowing down. She has her fists clenched by her face in satisfaction.

Desiree: *Leaning in so her head fills the shot.* Finally!

Cut to Desiree floating above Danny from behind, her hair flowing in tresses. Danny looks at her, responding quietly.

Danny: Desiree? *Cut to Danny, confused* You look-- *A ring forms around Danny's waist to transform him back into Danny Phantom* --different.

Cut to Danny from behind looking in trepidation to the giant Desiree.

Desiree: More powerful? *She looks gleeful, standing up and clapping her palms together* Why, yes! *Looks down to Danny* The more wishes I grant,-- *She spreads her arms to the sides, and arches her eyebrow* the more *She curls her hands into fists by her breasts* powerful I get! *Desiree resumes her evil laughter. Close-up on Danny, frightened. Offscreen* Oh,-- *Zoom in on Danny slowly* and only days away from the meteor shower-- *Cut to Desiree, widening her eye in excitement* where everybody will be *Looks as she's revealed her plan* making wishes! *Desiree laughs as she pumps her fist*

Cut to the giant Desiree standing outside the rim of the fountain where Danny looks up at her. Danny screams out as Desiree whips out her ghost tail and coils Danny in it. Pan up to the left as Desiree flings him away.

Cut to a sidewalk near a park bench. Danny lands making a hand-stand, then tumbles in the air with a few cartwheels as he eventually grunts in pain, landing on his chest and face-planting on the concrete.

Cut to Danny. He gets up on one hand and one forearm, widening his eyes in alarm.

Danny: What do you want?

Cut to Danny lying on the ground as he looks up at Desiree floating in front of him.

Desiree: You, out of the way. *Closes her eyes* By Friday night. *Desiree leans in toward Danny* But it's not about what I want. *Cut to Desiree* It's about what your *She arches her eyebrow, evilly and thrilled with the circumstances.* little friend wants. *Close-up on Desiree* And she just wished she never met you!

Cut to Danny, tired and realizing what's going to happen.

Danny: Oh. Oh no!

Cut to Desiree, in a stance ready to grant.

Desiree: And so *Sweeps her hand* she has wished it, *Stands up, turning to the side* and so it shall-- *She thrusts out her hand unleashing a beam of pink ghostly magic.* --BE!

Cut to Danny, engulfed in a pink glow as he screams, falling backward into a black screen and spiraling around due to the effects of the magic performed on him. He falls farther and farther away until the screen fades to black.

Meanwhile with Danie, Kiko and Paulina we see the duo arrive at Paulina's home as Danie puts Paulina in the living room.

Paulina: Is Terminetra still after me?

Danie: No, *Feels the timeline change* Ohh that's not good.

Paulina: What is it?

Danie: Something very bad. For now you better stay here just in case.

Kiko: *Squeaks*

Paulina: Okay, and thank you.

Danie: No problem. I best be off, stay safe.

Paulina: I will.

Danie: Oh and happy birthday.

Paulina: Thanks.

We see Danie take Kiko as she and her fly off leaving Paulina.

Paulina: If only I could tell you how I really feel about you Danie.

Meanwhile with Danie and Kiko.

Danie: I don't understand the only ghost I know could make things come to life are *realizes* Desiree, she must have done this. And I'm guessing she overheard Sam too. *Flies home* I'll deal with it tomorrow.

We fade into an outdoor shot of the front of Casper High. A school bell rings.

Cut to two nerdy-looking boys sitting (uncomfortably) inside of an open locker. A hand shoves another nerdy-looking boy into the locker. The boy whimpers.

Cut to a shot of Dash and Kwan in front of the nerd-filled locker admiring their handiwork.

Dash: This could be a new record. *Dash turns to look over at Kwan in the left-hand side of the screen* But there's still room for more! *Cut to a larger shot of the hallway scene. Dash points to Kwan who's standing next to him in front of the nerd-filled locker* Go get Mikey.

Pan right as Kwan marches past Danny and Tucker. Danny is hunched and holding his backpack strap while Tucker leans against the

lockers, holding his PDA.

Danny: So, what do you want to do tomorrow?

Tucker looks to his PDA.

Tucker: I don't know

Cut to Tucker reading his PDA. It says "MONDAY NOTHING" He taps it with his thumb so it beeps to "TUESDAY NOTHING".

Tucker According to my PDA, *He beeps it to "APRIL NOTHING"* We're free every night *He beeps it to "NEXT YEAR NOTHING", then "YEAR AFTER NOTHING"* through college.

Cut to Danny and Tucker peering into the PDA. Zoom out to reveal Sam and Star happy as ever, standing behind Tucker. Danny and Tucker look at her self-consciously.

Sam: Hi. *Sam looks confused with Danny's response*

Star: Hey Danny-boo

Danie: Hey Sam, Star.

Danny: *To Danie* Hey Danie, *To Sam and Star* Do I know you two?

Cut to Sam, lowering her eyebrows as she expects Danny to be sarcastic.

Sam: Oh, very cute. *Looks back to what happened* I said I'd wished I never met, *Tilts her head the other way* and now you're pretending we didn't meet. *Scoffs* You're hilarious.

Star: And funny.

Cut to Danny looking forward in confusion. Tucker, in the foreground in front of Danny, looks over his shoulder.

Danny: *Genuinely confused* No, seriously, do I know you two?

Tucker smiles with the opportunity.

Tucker: And more importantly *leans toward her.* Would you two like to *Lifts up a tube of breath spray* know me? *Sam looks surprised as Tucker sprays his mouth. Tucker puts his hands on his hips and stands up to address Sam* Hi. *Lifts a palm* I'm Tucker. Tucker Foley. *Points to himself with his thumb* That's TF. *Sam and Star get annoyed with him. Tucker points up his fingers and then points them at Sam* As in "Too Fine".

Sam and Star cowers back while Danie and Kiko could only laugh

Sam: Oh, gross! Are you hitting on us?

Danie: *Laughs* He is, he really is.

Star: Tuck, Danny is my boyfriend!

Cut to Dash holding up Mikey by his arms as he stuffs him into a locker with three other nerdy-looking kids with glasses and collared shirts. Mikey screams.

Cut to Dash's hands smothering Mikey's face while the other three watch. When Dash removes his hands, Mikey gets mad.

Mikey: I wish somebody would show you what this feels like!

Cut to Dash and Kwan, proud of what they did. Pan up to the left to an air vent. Cut to the vent. Hot pink smoke wafts out of it with sparkles of magic.

Cut to the hallway. The smoke wafts around and materializes into Desiree, with a heavy pink aura. Pan up to show her top with her arms raised up high.

Desiree: So you have wished it... *Cut to Desiree, happy* So, *Grows bored and rushes through it.* you know the rest.

Pan right as Desiree thrusts out her hand and zaps out a beam of pink, ghostly magic.

Cut to the locker with the four nerds inside it. The lighting darkens to blue as the pink beam of magic hits all four of them, turning them pink. When it is done, only Mikey starts to grow into a green-skinned beast, zooming out as he grows out of the locker, standing and towering over them while flexing his arms and roaring to the ceiling.

Cut to Dash and Kwan popping up in a red action background, screaming in total fright.

Cut to Desiree floating, feeling pretty good about her work. Zoom out as she leans back, pulsing with pink energy in her aura. She grows larger, then leans forward as her pink aura disappears. Pan right as she flies forward.

Cut to Danny and Tucker, observing all this. Danny leans back afraid when Desiree leans in toward him, and Tucker just screams and runs off.

Close-up on Desiree.

Desiree: *Just as a perk* Boo!

Cut to Danny, terrified on a red action background as he panics.

Danny: *Cowering his arms covering his head for impact* Ghost!

Cut to a pleased Desiree hovering over a cowering Danny. She turns and flies off.

Cut to Desiree flying away. She looks back at what happened, feeling that it is an optimal situation.

Desiree: *To herself* No memory, no powers. Perfect. *Sees Danie and Kiko not doing anything* Weird, why isn't the other ghost child doing anything? Whatever.

Cut to Danny cowering as Sam steps up. Danny's eyes widened.

Sam: That's Desiree! The Wishing Ghost! *She turns to Danny and raises her hands in urgency, but Danny only stops cowering in confusion* Danny, Danie you two gotta do something. *Sam grabs Danny by the shoulders and forces him to turn to her* Why aren't you two going ghost?

Star: Danny what's wrong?

Danny pushes her away.

Danny: Look, you two. *Removes his palm from her arm* I don't know who you both are or what you're all talking about. *Shrugs* All I know is, *Cut to Danny and Sam far in the hallway.*I am *Danny runs off closer to the camera, Sam and Star turns to him* outta here!

Star: Wha- Danny!

Danie: And I'm not doing anything.

Cut to Kwan in a locker. Mikey's giant green arm stuffs Dash in. Mikey growls as he retracts his arm, and Dash gives his supplication for mercy.

Dash: We're sorry!

Cut to the green beast that Mikey has turned into looking at Dash and Kwan in the locker. Its clothes are torn and it also has a black tail.

Dash: *Desperate to the verge of tears* We're sorry!

Suddenly, the lighting returns to normal as Mikey shrinks back to his normal self. He quickly jumps up to slam the locker on Dash and Kwan in defense.

Mikey: *Raising his arms in a cheer* I rock!

Mikey runs away past Sam, Kiko, and Danie , who lean against the lockers. Sam and Star carefully look at the lockers.

Cut to the dark inside of the locker. Sam opens it up, shocked. There are two burgundy books on one side, a blue math book on the other, and a baseball in there with some pictures taped to it.

Sam: Oh no. *Cut to a picture at the back of the locker. It has Tucker and Danny, but there is a giant gap between them and they are looking in different directions. Sam takes it* Last night I wished *Cut to Sam's backpack on the floor. A sea-foam green book with the word "DIARY" on it protrudes from it. Sam fishes it out* Danny had never met me. *Cut to Sam looking at the photo. She holds up her diary to compare* And Desiree must've made it so we never met!.

Cut to a picture in Sam's photo diary that displays the trio. Danny is on one side with his hands on his hips, Sam is in the middle holding the shoulders of both her friends, and Tucker is on the other side crossing his arms and leaning back. There appears to be a flash by-product in the center, making it look a little washed out.

Sam: Which means he never *Pan left to compare to the picture in Danny's locker. It's exactly the same, but Sam is not there. There also is no lens flare* got his powers!

Star: What?! You made him forget he's my boyfriend, again?!

Danie: Yeah she did, *to Sam* And you just realized that now.

Sam: Yes! Why didn't you do anything?!

Danie: Hey it's your wish, your problem, not mine.

Sam: You're not gonna do anything? Danny is my best friend!

Danie: Is he? You get him into trouble so much that he rarely even considers some of your ideas, at all.

Star: Danie please! Danny is my boyfriend! I don't wanna lose him again!

Danie could tell that Star was begging for her help, she knew how much Danny meant to her.

Danie: Alright, I'll help you. *Sees Sam looking hopefully at her* Just Star.

Sam: What?! Why don't you wanna help me?

Danie: Gee let me think, you almost blackmailed me, stalked me, and accused me of breaking up Danny and Star. What do you think?

Sam: Danie please! Danny is one of my best friends!

Danie: Oh please, if you were really his best friend, then you shouldn't have put your nose in his business. If anything, him not meeting you is the best thing that ever happened, because he's safe. You're just a bad omen to him.

Sam flinched a little, knowing Danie is kind of right but being stubborn she didn't want to admit it.

Sam: Why you little-

Star: Enough! Both of you, look I know you two don't like each other, but could you put aside your hate, and help Danny?

Danie and Sam: Fine.

Sam: One thing I don't get, how are you and Kiko not affected?

Danie: Protection Spell. I keep it on me and Kiko, in case Desiree ever attacks.

Star: Clever.

Sam: Come on let's go! *Cut to Sam comparing photos. She looks up from the book. Calling out.* Danny!

Cut to Sam, Star, and Danie at the far side of the hallway alone. Sam closes the book and holds it and the photo in each hand while she runs down the hallway.

Sam: You've got to listen to me!

Fade to FentonWorks. Pan left and zoomed in a little to show a far aerial shot of Sam, Star and Danie are all following Danny home. Danny is just minding his own business, and Sam has her arms up and out, serious about her explanation.

Sam: Why won't you believe me?

Cut to Danny walking down the sidewalk looking back and holding his backpack straps. Sam catches up beside him.

Danny: Believe what? *Grows incredulous* That I had super powers? My other friend has powers? *points to Star* She's my cheerleader girlfriend, *He turns to Sam and points to her* You and I are best friends-- *He makes his finger a palm and then retracts it back to his strap* even though I never met you? *Cut to Danny, truly disbelieving to the point of being bugged* And you're the only ones that know it?

Cut to the stoop of the house as Danny, Star, Danie, and Sam walk in. Sam's arms are still up and out, trying to tell an obvious truth.

Danie: Yeah that pretty much sums it up.

Sam: Yes! *Danny turns without stopping to walk up his stoop, and Sam turns to the stoop but stops there* Isn't that crystal clear? *Cut to Sam from behind in the foreground. The front door to Fenton Works is slammed shut in front of her. Panicked with urgency* I've gotta do something-- *Pan left as she turns away from Fenton Works* to get him to listen to us. *She looks to the side, thinking* But how do we get through the thick head of a fifteen-year-old boy?

Danie: Well the only thing he'll listen to is a pretty face, *looks at Sam* Just not a face that got hit by the ugly stick.

Sam: *Offended* Hey!

Star: Danny is my boyfriend, he'll listen to me. *Gets an idea* And I know what got his attention the first time he lost his memory.

We fade to the pharmacy. Danny and Tucker are sitting at a table and both are enjoying pink ice cream cones with chocolate sprinkles. They look self-conscious as the shadow of Star descends upon the table, apparently wearing something that Danny likes.

Star: *Off-screen* Oh Danny-boo~.

Danny and Tucker turned to see it was Star,

in a two piece cheerleading outfit. One that showed her bare legs and arms. It was vaguely familiar to him. She had a flirty look on her face as she crossed her arms.

Star: *Giggles* Like what you see~?

Cut to Danny and Tucker, flabbergasted as they hold their ice cream cones. A drop of ice cream on both their cones melts and splatters on the table in unison. Danny just chucks his ice cream away and smiles, rudely shoving Tucker out of his seat so he loses his grip on his ice cream and screams at the sudden push. Impact stars fly in from the side of the screen as Tucker's cone slams ice cream first on the table. Danny then grins broadly with pleasure as he curls his fingers on the edge of the table

Over at another table, Paulina saw what Star was doing and was kind of proud of her.

Paulina: Alright Star!

Cut to Danny, dreamily gazing at Stae while leaning his head on his fist, his elbow on the table. Sam sits down next to him in a no-nonsense manner, her backpack on the table as she reaches inside it.

Sam: So,-- *She takes out two photographs and puts them on the table.* --this is a photo I have of the three of us. *Danny looks down at them, confused and no longer distracted by Sam's looks* From eighth grade. *Cut to Sam's photo of the trio. She points to it* This is the same one-- *Pan left as Sam points to Danny's photo without her in it* you have in your locker. *Close-up on Sam. She rolls her eyes forward. Trying to make her point*

Star then shows Danny a book of photos of them on their dates.

Star: And this is us on our dates, we had lots of fun, some good, and some not so good. You're my boyfriend Danny-boo. Notice anything?

Danny: Yeah. *Rolls his eyes downward* You broke into my locker and doctored an old photo of me. *He dreamily lifts his hand up to rest his chin on it.* *to Star* You must really like me. *His eyes widen, considering another option* Or you're both nuts. *He removes his hand and looks forward* You're not nuts, are you?

Star: Nuts for you, but in a good way.

Sam: Focus!

Close-up on Danny. He rolls his eyes to read.

Cut to the photo diary. There's a picture of Sam and Danny laughing together, a picture of Sam, Tucker and Danny in a line, a claustrophobic shot of Sam and Danny laughing, and one cut-off showing Danny's hair and Sam's pigtail, and Danny and Star kissing and other photos of them being lovey dovey.

Pan right to a picture of the Fenton Portal, the doors shut. Tucker stands in the back on one side, with Danny standing with his hands on his hips on the other, and Sam is in front of him in the foreground and in another photo, Star is hugging his arm.

Danny *Offscreen.* Wait a minute. That's my parent's lab! Cut to Danny, looking down. Sam stands behind him. Danny lifts up Sam's diary, turning a page.

Cut to a photo of Danny Phantom with his fists up and his ghost tail behind him on a turquoise action background. Danny turns the page back. There's the picture of him and Tucker on the floor of the zoo, sleeping and in each other's arms. Danny turns the page back again to show the very shot Sam took during the flashback in the opener, the one of Danny holding his jumpsuit in front of the deactivated Fenton Portal. Zoom in on that picture.

Cut to Danny reading the book. Sam and Star are reading it behind him. Danny turns to Sam and Star

Close-up on Danny.

Danny: Who are you two?

Cut back to Danny with the book open, looking at Sam. Danny puts down the book as Sam steps closer, taking his shoulder in her hands.

Sam: I'm Sam Manson.

Danie: The girl who almost killed you.

Danny: Wait what?

Sam: Not helpful Danie!

Danie: Wasn't trying to help.

Danny: *To Star* And who are you?

Star: My name is Estelle Joy Strong, but you can call me Star, you nicknamed me Starlight and I call you Danny boo because that's what I call you.

Danny turns to look down as Sam puts one of hers down and the other curled on his shoulder.

Sam: A few months ago, I convinced you to go into this. *Cut to a picture of the activated Fenton Portal, open and green. Danny Phantom floats in front of it, his arms crossed and smiling. Sam points to the Portal* You went in there, there was an accident, and you got--

Danny: *Finishing* Super powers?

Sam turns to face Danny. Danny turns to Sam, Star and Danie.

Danie and Star: Actually ghost powers.

Sam: Exactly *Sam lifts her arms to the side to explain, regretfully* But we had a fight, and I wished we'd never met *Close-up on Sam* and that ghost in the school made it happen! *Cut to Danny, in the foreground looking at Sam. Sam holds up the Specter Deflector in her two hands* Me and Star were wearing these, which is why we think the ghost didn't affect us... *Cut to Danny, blinking in surprise with this new knowledge. Offscreen* But you don't have your powers anymore!

Danie: Gee I wonder who's fault that was? *looks at Sam* Oh wait!

Sam: Oh like it's my fault?

Danie: Who made the wish huh?

Star: Girls come on!

Cut to Sam in the foreground from behind, looking at Danny. She turns around suddenly and Danny looks in shock as well as the lighting becomes dark, signaling a ghost attack.

Nightmerica: *Offscreen* Paulina...

Cut to the wall of the pharmacy. Green metal claws dig into the wall and saw a circle in the wall. It falls forward, zooming out to reveal Nightmerica.

She wears gray gloves with green claws. She's a husky woman with a black fedora, green hair, pale reddish skin with spots all over it, a black and red striped sweater that's frayed on the bottom and black pants.

Cut to Paulina on a red action background, shrieking in fright.

The background resumes as Paulina curls her hands into fists, as she puts her hands by her cheeks, cringing. She turned and ran off.

Cut to Sam and Danie with Danny behind her. Sam is holding the Specter Deflector in one hand. Teens scream as they run past in the background past some freezers.

Sam: Danny, *Turns back to him.* you gotta-- *Cut to Danny, clearly without a clue as to how to respond to this. He looks around nervously, perspiring a little. Close-up on Sam, looking with realization* Actually, *Turns forward with determination* I-

Sam was cut off when Danie ran off screen and went ghost as we cut to Nightmerica holding the neck of a teenage boy with red hair, a black shirt, a white over-shirt and green pants. Nightmerica's claws are pointed at him and she carelessly throws him aside.

Cut to Paulina by the back door. Paulina's looking back to the monster, as she panics as she puts her hands on the bar and rubs it.

Cut to Nightmerica, pinning Paulina with the girl's back to the door with her claws. Suddenly, she grunts as mana wraps around her tightly and keeps her bound in a mummification of vines. She is pulled forward. Paulina looked there in relief.

Danie: Go, get out of here!

Paulina: Right!

Paulina gets out of the store as Danie slammed Nightmerica into a wall putting her in a daze as Nightmaerica goes to charge again only to get hit by the Jack of nine tails by Star, who's in disguise.

Danny: That, *Puts down his hand* might just be the coolest girl on the planet.

Tucker is unfazed.

Tucker: Or she's nuts. *Lowers his eyelids* Really, really nuts.

Star: *Pulls out the thermos from her bag* Danie catch!

Star tosses the thermos at Danie as she catches it and opens it as it sucked Nightmerica in as Danie capped it.

Danie: Good riddance.

Danny: Does that happen a lot?

Sam, Star, and Danie: More than you remember.

Cut to Danny.

Danny: Okay, you got my attention.

Cut to an ecstatic Sam and Star standing in front of Danny and Tucker.

Sam and Star: Finally!

Star rips off her clothes, leaving her wearing her normal outfit underneath but still with the sneakers. She grabs Danny by the wrist.

Danie: Wait, wait, time out, you were wearing those under those clothes?

Star: Yeah, why?

Danie: Nothing, just curious.

Sam: Well, thanks for saving me...

Danie: I didn't do it for you, I did it for Paulina, you're still on thin ice for this.

Sam flinched a little, she knew Danie has a kind heart but crossed her path and you're on thin ice with her.

Sam: Come on. *turns and runs off, dragging Danny with her. Tucker, Star, and Danie run after them*

We fade to FentonWorks, but the sky is dark, meaning it's night.

Tucker: *Offscreen* All clear, Danny.

Cut to Tucker in the lab by a giant console, peering up the staircase as he peeks around the corner. Pan left to the deactivated Fenton Portal, Danny stands in front of it with his hands on his hips. Danny's white suit is hanging on a hook next to Sam. Sam is shown by a console next to the portal, holding up a photograph. Cables run all over the floor.

Cut to Danny in front of the Portal.

Danny: Cool. *Looks to the Portal* How's it going over there?

Cut to Sam and Danie looking up at the gauges while holding up her photo. She puts her hand on one of the red dials to turn it.

Sam: Pretty good. *Cut to Sam's photo of Danny holding the suit in front of the Portal. Zoom in to the settings of the gauges*

Danie: I'm guessing if we set everything the way it was-- *Close-up on Danie, the photo blocking the lower half of her face* when it happened--

Sam: *Cut to Sam's hand on the gauges. One is in the proper 2:00 position, Sam turns the one in the 4:00 position to 2:00, a bell dinging with the setting. She then turns the last one in the 7:00 position to 2:00, and a clinking sound is heard.* It'll happen again.

Cut to Sam holding the photo looking at the gauges with her hand on the dial.

Sam: Are you sure *She turns to look forward with uncertainty, putting down her arms* about this?

Danie: You convinced him once, he'll do it again.

Cut to Danny looking into the chamber of the Portal, a hand in his hair on his forehead considering it.

Danny: Danie is right, and no. *He puts his hands behind him to refer to something in the past* But you and my sister saw those things, those-- *He curls his hands into fists looking for the word* monsters *He spreads his arms out downward and leans toward the chamber of the Portal.* --ghosts! *He points behind himself with his thumb* Those ghosts were attacking our school. *Cut to Danny* Besides-- *Cut to the inside of the chamber of the Portal looking out. Danny smiles with curiosity as he looks inside* I always wanted to go in heren *Cut to Danny from the front, looking up* Who knows what kind of awesome, super-cool things exist on the other side of that portal?

Danie: Well ghosts for one.

Danny: Exactly.

Cut to Sam, Danie, Kiko and Tucker by the gauges. Sam holds Danny's white jumpsuit with Jack Fenton's face on it by the shoulders. She throws it offscreen.

Cut to Danny standing on a cable snaking into the chamber. He catches the suit by the shoulders, looking down at it.

Cut to some dials on the console. Sam presses a square, blue button on it. It lights up and beeps.

Cut to Danny in the jumpsuit, his hand on the zipper.

Danny: Well, *Zips it* here goes everything.

Cut to Sam, holding a white sticker of the emblem she circles earlier. Tucker stands behind her

Stae: Wait a minute. *Cut to Jack Fenton's face on Danny's jumpsuit. Sam peels it off and sticks her black emblem on*

Cut to Danny, looking down.

Danny: Uh, what is that?

Cut to Sam holding up a palm. Tucker stands behind her.

Sam: *Reassuring Danny by putting her hands on her hips* Just trust me, okay? *Sees Danie and Star giving her the "are you serious?" Look* And it'll work!

Danie: I didn't say anything.

Sam: You were thinking about it.

Danie: Eh, but Sam I swear if it doesn't work, and this destroys Danny, I will destroy you. *Eyes glow red* Got it?

Sam: *Scared* *Gulps in fear* G-got it.

Cut to Danny. Zoom out with a whooshing sound to show Danny's body facing away from the Portal, he is looking over his shoulder into its depths.

Cut to Danny. He turns his body around and walks up to the camera.

Cut to the floor. Danny's black boots with white leggings step inside carefully and slowly.

Cut to Sam and Tucker. Zoom in as tension builds.

Cut to Danny inside the chamber, everything illuminated in eerie green light as he walks in, panning right as he reaches the red and green buttons, holding his palm up to the green "ON" subconsciously, looking away from it.

Cut to the ON and OFF buttons. Danny presses the green one. It beeps.

Cut to Danny's silhouette crouching in the center of the Portal's chamber from the outside. The whole chamber fills with green light, zapping Danny and spilling the extra light into the lap. Danny screams with hideous amounts of pain.

Cut to the portal from the side. The gauges are visible, but Tucker and Sam are absent. Light spills out of the portal in white photons and makes the lab all green.

Pan right quickly to reveal Tucker and Sam, their eyes shut tight due to all the light. They brace themselves.

Cut to Danny in the wave of radiation, his hands up. He flickers, showing his internal skeleton as he flickers back, showing that he is now Danny Phantom, his suit colors reversed, his hair white and his eyes green, but that hasn't stopped him from screaming any. Zoom in to the pupil of his green eye.

Cut to a slow-motion purple DNA strand spiraling onscreen. Some green ectoplasmic blobs with red eyes and a mouths dives onto it, smothering the strand in its ectoplasmic influence as the strand ends and spirals offscreen.

Zoom out of Danny's eye. He flashes from full color to monochromatic green as he spirals into the black further away from the camera while green shock waves assault him in the background.

This all fades away to a cloud of green smoke. It clears to show Danny's chest, which now has a white, DP logo on it that Sam stuck on. Zoom out quickly to show Danny Phantom in front of the now active and open Fenton Portal, the back of his neck and both of his boots steaming with white. He opens his eyes, not knowing what happened. He looks down at himself. Then he puts his hand together in front of him to observe them.

Danie: Well I'll be, it worked.

Cut to Danny's hands. The gloves flicker for a full, long second to show Danny's skeleton beneath it, then fade back to solid gloves.

Cut to the Portal. Danny scrambles out, putting his hands on the metal rim. He's panting heavily.

Cut to Danny with his hands on the rim of the Portal. He is smoking. He bends his knees and sits on the floor, then puts his hand down to support him, bending over as he puts his other hand on his face. The smoke on him clears. Sam runs up and turns to him, concerned.

Sam: Danny, are you--?

Cut to Danny, his hand covering his face. Sam puts her hands under his armpits and supports him up. Danny yawns. He unconsciously turns intangible and Sam's hands wisp through, she steps out of the shot as Danny resumes his color.

Cut to Sam, stepping back as the intangible ghostly wisps fade from her hands.

Sam: You're a ghost! *Puts her arms out and smiles* Again!

Cut to Danny looking at himself in front of the portal. Sam's legs and skirt frame him in the foreground.

Danny: You're right! *Looks up* I am a ghost! *Close-up on Danny, amazed* Cool! *He seems confused if he should think that way* Is this cool?

Cut to Danny's chest. Sam pats her hand on the emblem she put there.

Sam: Oh, it's very-- *Zoom out to reveal Sam looking at Danny, pleased.* --cool.

Danie: *Mutters* Cool to you that is.

Sam: What?

Danie: Nothing.

Sam removes her hand and both she and

Danny's eyes widen in shock at a voice calling out to them.

Jack: *Offscreen* What's going on down there?

Cut to Sam.

Sam: Oh man, *Looks to the side* your dad! *Cut to Sam and Danny in front of the Portal. Sam raises her arms in urgency* You've got to change back to normal!

Cut to Danny, not knowing how to do this.

Danny: Change back? *Arches his eyebrows* How?

Cut to Sam.

Sam: I don't know, *Raises her arms.* you just think about it or something!

Danie: Picture your human self.

Cut to the stairs leading up to the kitchen. Jack peeks in. He marches downward. Zoom out as he's in the lab, Tucker beside the stairs hidden from Jack's view. Jack and Tucker turn to the left. Jack gasps.

Cut to Danny Fenton holding a totally confused Star by the arm so she's leaning under him. Their lips are touching. Zoom out to show the Fenton Portal behind them swirling into a heart shape, much to Sam's displeasure.

Sam: Oh brother...

Cut back to Danny and Star making out. Danny stops, whispering to her.

Danny: I call that a "fake-out make-out".

Star blushes. Danny stops smiling.

Star: Yeah, I know.

Cut to Danny holding Sam. Danny lets go so they both stand up and turn, zooming out as Tucker and Jack walk in.

Jack: You're in a lot of trouble, mister! *Cut to Jack.* And who the heck are you?

Cut to Danny, Star, and Sam. Star has a finger on her chin, thinking.

Sam: Uh, I'm, Colette.

Jack: Then Danny Fenton is never,

ever allowed to see you, Colette.

Star smiles gleefully.

Jack: *Sees Sam* And who are you?

Sam: I'm Pau-

Danie hits Sam on the head knocking her out.

Danie: *Puts Jack under mind control* Everything is fine Jack, why don't you go back to the kitchen and eat something.

Jack: *Under mind control* Okay...

Jack then goes back up stairs leaving everyone as Sam regained consciousness

Sam: What happened?

Tucker: Danie knocked you out.

Sam: Why would you-

Danie: I am not gonna let you ruin this timeline you made, just like you did to Danny.

Sam: I... *Sighs* Fair enough.

Fade to Casper High, the next day.

Danny: *Offscreen* So-- *Cut to Danny and Sam in class sitting at adjacent desks. Danny leans to talk to Sam, putting a hand on her chair and holding up his other palm* Now what?

Cut to Danny's hand on Sam's chair. It flickers intangibly.

Sam: I don't know. I'm-- *Danny's hand sinks through the chair.* --sorta making this up-- *Pan up to Danny's panicked face by the sudden intangibility of his hand.* --as we go along.

Danny falls away with a cloud of dust.

Cut to the floor. Danny lands on the side of his head, grunting in pain in his upside-down position. His shirt hangs down and exposes his skin. Zoom out to show the whole class, including Sam, looking down at him with his legs hanging in the air. Everyone except Sam and Danie bursts out laughing, only to shut up when they all saw Danie's cold icy glare, and some shivering in fear.

Cut to Danny on the floor by Sam's seat. Pan left as Lancer's legs walked up.

Mr. Lancer: Mr. Fenton *Pan up to the top of him* I know astronomy can be dull *Cut to the class. Lancer is standing over Danny. Sam looks up at Lancer. Everyone else is smiling at Danny* but I'd appreciate it if you'd not *He puts his hands on his hips and leans down to Danny, scolding* take a nap in my class!

Danie: But you take a nap in the teacher's lounge Mr. Lancer.

Mr. Lancer: How did you know?!

Danie: I didn't until now.

Mr. Lancer: A-anyways, remember-- *Danny puts his legs on the floor, crouching right-side up* the meteor shower tonight. *Danny stands up and rubs his hair. Lancer turns and puts out a palm, smiling* Don't forget to watch. *walks off* And wear a helmet. *Cut to Lancer, walking proudly* It's a once in a lifetime experience.

Danie: Like you having hair? Or you in women's clothing?

Soon everyone in the class burst with laughter much to Lancer's embarrassment.

Lancer walks to his desk and takes a blue-green book in his hands. Danny is still standing up. Everyone jumps from their seats and takes off from the class in clouds of dust, leaving Sam and Tucker in their seats and Danny standing behind, all three of them in the second row. Sam and Tucker stand up.

Cut to Danny, Sam and Tucker. Star, Paulina, and Dash walk past them, holding blue books. The trio turns their heads as they pass.

Dash: What are you gonna wish for?

Cut to Paulina talking to Dash.

Paulina : I don't know. *Look back at him.* But I'm sure with everybody wishing at the same time, *Gleefully lifts a hand* somebody will give me an idea.

Cut to Sam, looking after them with worry.

Sam: Oh no. That's what Desiree wants!

*Eyes widen in alarm*

Danie: To grant all those wishes at the same time!

Sam: *Zoom out as Sam turns to an intangible Danny with green eyes, slowly sinking through the floor, looking annoyed* This is bad.

Sam looks concerned as Danny calls out to her, his head sinking through the floor.

Danny: And this is worse. *He has sunk through the floor completely. Offscreen* Hey, why is there all this meat down here?

Fade to night. A sign shaped like a ribbon over a shield reads "AMITY COUNTRY CLUB" on a building shaped like a castle. Teens stand outside it. Pan right to a pink stage with a DJ and his turntable. Lanterns are strung above it. Teens sit at pink tables by the stage.

Cut to Paulina and her father. Paulina has a pink dress, a golden tiara and a gold amulet with a green jewel at the center.

Paulina: Let's get this party-- *Zoom out as Paulina spreads her arms, revealing that she is wearing white gauntlets and is holding up a golden scepter* --started!

Cut to the turntable. A disc jockey bends over behind the table to take out a record and put it on the table. His friend stands behind him.

Dance music plays.

Pan left quickly to show teens in evening wear of many colors dancing on the grass beneath a disco ball.

Cut to this scene from afar in a view of binoculars.

Cut to Sam sitting on her knees in the grass by a rock. Tucker stands behind her and Danie is beside her.

Sam: Wow. *Removes her binoculars* She almost seems human. I'm going to have to forget that. *Gets her back stepped on* Augh!

Danie: Ahem.

Sam: *Scared* N-no offense Danie.

Danie: *Moves her foot* Some taken.

Sam: *Gets up* I don't understand, why do you always defend her?

Danie: She's a good person okay?

Sam: Yeah right, she's a sha- *sees Danie glaring at her with a icy stare* And I'll shut up now. *A shooting star streams over them. Sam and Tucker look up* A falling star! *Cut to Sam, her eyes on the skies* All right, Danny. Do your thing. *Looks over her shoulder*

Danie: And remember, nobody make a wish!

Cut to Danny, standing by a tree. He looks around.

Danny: Okay. *Cut closer to Danny as meteors fall in the sky* I'm... going to-- *Zoom out as he points to the sky* --become ghostly!

Cut to Sam looking in her binoculars. She removes them, correcting Danny as she and Danie are disappointed with his battle cry.

Sam, Star, and Danie: It's "going ghost".

Cut to Danny. He holds up his hand, expressing disagreement.

Danny: Nah.

Danie: It was or it will be your catch phrase, if someone *looks at Sam* someone messed with your head! *Sam looks away in guilt.* *Goes ghost*

Cut to Danny and Danie in the field. He strains, surprised when the blue ring of light forms around his waist. Zoom in as he transforms into Danny Phantom. He crosses his arms over his face as if bracing for impact. He then opens his eyes and looks down in shock. He screams.

Zoom out to show Danny hovering, his legs are a ghostly tail.

Danny: Where'd my legs go?!

He stretches out his legs so they come back. Danny slumps his shoulders and breathes a sigh of relief. Then his arms float up to his sides becoming two ghostly tails with white ends. He leans back in the air, screaming in distress at this.

Cut to the meteor shower. Pan down to the left to show Paulina gazing at it. She turns, using her hands to frame her mouth as she calls out.

Paulina : Hey, everybody! *Points to the sky* Falling stars! *She closes her eyes and clenches her fists gleefully* Close your eyes and make a wish!

Cut to the crowd of teens amazed at the sky. They all do as Paulina does.

Cut to Tucker, sitting in the field with his eyes closed and his fists tight.

Tucker: I wish I had one of those sweet monster trucks. *Tucker opens his eyes as Sam scolds him.*

Sam: *Offscreen.* Do you pay attention?

Zoom out to reveal Sam and Star, sitting on their knees with her binoculars in Sam's hand and looking back at him. Danny and Danie are floating on the side, looking at both of them.

Stae: To anything? At all? *Raises her arms* Ever?

Cut to Tucker, speechless. Behind him, Desiree floats out of the ground.

Cut to Desiree. Zoom out as she outstretches a glowing pink hand.

Cut to the trio. One of the yellow Gi-normo 6000 trucks appears out of nothing next to them. They all look at it.

Cut to the truck. Tucker runs up, putting his hands on his hips, unsuspecting.

Tucker: This doesn't seem very monstrous.

Danie: Wait for it.

Cut to Tucker with the truck. Suddenly, the hood of the truck roars, opening its mouth of jagged teeth and revealing an engine in it. Tucker jumps up in terror and screams. He speeds off in a cloud of dust.

The monster truck leans down and pounces after him.

Cut to Sam, Danie, and Danny on a precipice. Desiree is floating over the edge of it.

Desiree: Keep wishing, fools! *Zoom out as she grows larger, glowing all pink* Keep wishing!

Cut to Danny, in an urgent panic.

Danny: What do I do? *Looks to the left for a cue* What do I do?

Cut to Sam, stepping up and pointing up a finger.

Sam: You fight her! And then *She holds up the Fenton Thermos to toss it* you use this! *Pan right as Sam tosses the thermos.*

Cut to Danny, looking to the left with serious anxiety. He catches the thermos in his hands, looking down at it, then back to where he caught it.

Danny: For what, soup?

Danie: No to catch her.

Close-up on Desiree. She leans back laughing evilly, now exceptionally tall with her hair and ghost tail super-long.

Cut to Danny running up holding the thermos like a baton in slow motion. Zoom out and pan right as he runs up the hill. He jumps into the air off the edge of the precipice spreading his arms to take flight, only to open his eyes suddenly as he stops there. He flails his arms and legs, scrambling to stay airborne until he falls away in a dust cloud, leaving the thermos spinning in the air.

Cut to the bottom of the cliff. Danny lands prone on the ground with pink sparkles around his head, showing he's clearly dazed. The thermos lands on his head with a clang, panning right as it bounces off and lands next to him.

Cut to Sam, her hands framing her mouth to call out.

Sam: Danny, concentrate!

Cut to Sam between two bushes. Suddenly, they grow taller and sprout faces with red eyes, scaring the snot out of her. They wrap their shrub arms around her arms to keep her bound. Sam struggles to break free of their grip, stretching her legs out.

Sam: Who the heck wished for evil plants?

Danie: Garden club, landscapers.

Star: Sam?

Cut to Desiree from behind in the foreground, looking down at Danny, who looks to the side holding his thermos. Danny turns to the other side to face Desiree.

Cut to Danny. He lifts his arms in a fighting stance and looks more determined.

Cut to Danny in his stance by the cliff. Pan up as he streamlines his body and takes flight. He stops in mid-air as the meteor shower continues, losing his balance for a second but manages to stand back up, his hands on his hips. He smiles, pleased at success, but then tips over upside-down.

Cut to Desiree, looking at the upside-down Danny, annoyed.

Desiree: You? *Leans to get a closer look at him* You're back? *Clenches her fists, upset* But how? *Cut to Danny, upside-down. He looks back as a voice calls to him*

Sam: *Offscreen* Danny! *Pan down to the left to show Sam still bound by the bushes* Use your ghost ray!

Star: You can fire a ghost ray out of your hand!

Cut to Danny, upside down.

Danny: Ghost ray, ghost ray. *He holds out a palm to shoot out a ghost ray, but looks as his butt starts to glow green. He's confused about it.* Well, that can't be right. But it'll have to do! *Danny turns around to point his butt forward, shooting a ghost ray out of it.*

Cut to Desiree, shocked. She screams as she is knocked away by the ectoplasmic energy blast.

Cut to Danny crouching in the air, his butt is smoldering green. Danny looks to it. He turns back around to face forward.

Danie: Nice one!

Danny: Now, *Tries to screw off the lid of the thermos* while she's both grossed out and off-guard, I'll... *He uncaps it, and tries to dump something out of it, but then turns back, shrugging with the thermos and cap in his hands* I don't know how to use this!

Danie: Point and shoot!

Zoom out as the giant Desiree floats up while the meteor shower continues. She swats him and Danie away with the back of her hand. Danny and Danie grunt in pain.

Cut to the ground, panning left. Danny and Danie fly back, landing on the ground and bouncing off, tumbling until they land prone on their stomachs, grunting in pain.

They get up on one foot, his hand on his knee. Desiree's giant hand just squashes him. Zoom out to show Desiree floating just next to the cliff, pleased at how she defeated Danny and Danie.

She turns to the side, holding out a hand that glows pink with magic. She looks back to the sky. A purple and green dragon pops up into the skyline, then a giant pink bat. And some form of green Cyclops monster.

Cut to the crowd of teens, their eyes closed as they wish on the falling stars. Zoom out. A green hairy monster pops up roaring and smiling, then a black and red horned thing, a Grim Reaper with a black robe and scythe, a green cobra flicking out its forked tongue, and an evil purple cat beast.

Cut to Danny, hunched on the ground with a hand on his head as he picks up the thermos. Desiree's giant head leans in on him.

Desiree: You don't remember anything, do you?

Cut to Danny, becoming serious.

Danny: I don't need to remember everything to

know *He stretches out his arm and points his finger* I have to stop you!

Danny suddenly retracts his arm as he changes back to Danny Fenton without warning. He looks down at his current form, and then looks back.

Danny: Although, remembering would be nice.

Danie and Star: Oy vey.

Cut to Danny from behind as Desiree peeks over the edge of the cliff. Zoom out as she floats up. His hand swells to the form of a sledgehammer.

Pan right quickly to Sam from behind, bound by the bushes. She feels guilty.

Sam: Oh, this is all my fault.

Danie: Oh so now you say it's your fault? Typical.

Sam: Okay you don't rub it in.

Danie: Oh I think I do. After you tried to blackmail me, threaten me, and assume I was trying to break up Danny and Star!

Sam: Okay, okay you're right. I'm sorry!

Danie: If only you could just wish away that argument. *Gets an idea* Oh duh, I wish Danny and Sam never had that stupid argument, and I wish Danny remembered everything, including his relationship with Stat because they love each other, and I wish Danny's uniform stayed that way because Star really, really likes it.

Star: It's true I do!

Close-up on Desiree. She leans back, holding up both her hands that glow pink with ghostly magic.

Desiree: So you have wished it,--*Cut to Danny and Danie on the ground. Danny is engulfed by the pink magic, flexing his arms and stretching out his chest as it affects him* and so it shall-- *Close-up on Danny in pink* --be!

Danny stops glowing. Zoom in into the pupil of his blue eye.

Fade to Danny Fenton during the accident wearing the emblem on his suit, his colors fading to Danny Phantom. Zoom in on this Danny Phantom's green-eye into the pupil.

Fade to show a freeze-frame of Skulker on a pink background. Zoom out to show Danny giving him a spin-punch.

Cut to a freeze-frame of Danny on purple giving an uppercut. Zoom out to reveal that he is punching Vlad Plasmius.

Another freeze-frame flashes in to show Danny being held by the neck on blue-green background, trying to pry a giant black-gloved hand with both of his hands. Zoom out to reveal that Walker is holding him up.

Flash to the next freeze-frame of Danny flying on purple with his ghostly tail trailing. Zoom out to reveal that Danny is in hot pursuit of The Box Ghost, who is running away with a hand on his head and another forward.

Cut to a sudden shot of a door reading "GIRLS LOCKER ROOM". Zoom out to reveal Danny smiling as he jumps out from the door with his leg intangibly still inside.

Flash to a frame of the Fenton Thermos blasting out rings of blue light on pink, zooming out to show Danny's gloves holding it so he recalls how to use it.

Cut back to the door reading "GIRLS LOCKER ROOM", zooming out to reveal Danny phasing out of it happily again.

Cut to to all the times Danny and Star spend time together and how he remembered they're dating

Cut to Danny on black, zooming out and rotating around him until it stops with him standing in the dark looking at the camera. A ring forms around his body and transforms him back to Danny Phantom, all his old and new memories recalled, including the ones with Danie and Star. He bends his knees low and takes flight toward the camera.

Fade to a close-up of Danny Fenton, zooming out to show him standing with his thermos in the field. He smiles broadly, transforming back to Danny Phantom as Danie gives him the thermos. Danny grips the Fenton Thermos and holds it out, it charges with blue energy. Pan up as it blasts out a ringed beam of suction energy.

Cut to Desiree, regretting what she did as the blue beam engulfs her.

Desiree: No! No! *Cut to Danny from behind using the Thermos on Desiree* Noooooo! *Her shouting echoes as she is pulled into the thermos. Cut to Danny, holding the thermos and looking at it, satisfied with the capture. The thermos smolders blue. In the thermos.* I gotta stop granting every wish I hear.

Danny caps the thermos.

Cut to the purple and green dragons flicking out its tongue. It pops away in a shot of pink and vanishes. Pan right to the giant pink bat. It pops away with pink, too. Pan left to the Cyclops monster, doing the very same.

Cut to Sam, her arms bound by the ghost-infused bushes. They vanish in pink, leaving Sam free.

Cut to Tucker, left running away from the monster truck. The truck opens its mouth to roar, but then turns into a perfectly normal truck. Tucker stops screaming and turns around as the truck skids on the ground.

Tucker: *Happy* Yes! *The truck then poofs away in a cloud of smoke. *Covering his eyes.* No!

Cut to all the teens at the party, still wishing. The five monsters and things in the skyline all pop away in a flash of pink from left to right.

Cut to Danny Phantom, screwing on the lid nice and tight. Sam walks in. Danny looks down at himself, confused. He drops the thermos to pull at his suit where the emblem is.

Star rushes to Danny and kisses him repeatedly much to Danny's surprise.

Star: Danny-boo! You're back!

Danny: Woah, Star I'm okay!

Tucker walks in, relieved.

Tucker: Oh, man, that was close. *Danny bends down to pick up the thermos. Tucker looks scared at Danny's butt, which is pointed in his direction* Watch where you're pointing that thing!

Fade to the Amity country club where Paulina's party resumes and everyone is dancing to the music. Pan up to the right to show Danny, Danie, Sam and Tucker on the hill watching. Danny and Sam are sitting, but Tucker is leaning.

Tucker: Um, weren't we invited to that party?

Cut to the quartet. Sam is smiling, her legs to the side. Danny is sitting in a fetal position and Star is next to him. Tucker is leaning, supported by his arms, and Danie is leaning on a tree.

Sam: Yeah. And now that everything's back to normal, she's sort of expecting a visit from the ghost boy. *Turns to Danny.* You should probably keep your promise.

Cut to Danny.

Danny: Yeah, *Looks up* I probably should.

Danie: Actually, why don't you guys go? I think I can handle it from here.

Star: Really?

Danny: Are you sure?

Danie: Positive, after all she wants to see me.

Sam: You just want to see Paulina and- *sees Danie's glare* N-n-nevermind.

Danie: Thank you. And look, I know you all see Paulina as a... you know how she is, but under all that, she's a nice person. Just think about it.

Sam: Fine. And um, sorry about bad mouthing Paulina.

Danie: It's fine, *Hugs Sam and speaks in a low voice* But if you do anything like this again I will lock you inside a space pod and send it to the sun and blow you up. *Let's go as Sam looks fearfully* *Smiles* Byeeeee!

We then see Danie snap her fingers as she is now wearing her formal blue dress with Kiko following her as they go off to the club leaving the trio.

Danny: Well Danie is keeping her promise.

Tucker: Yeah she is, *sees a scared Sam* You okay Sam?

Sam: *Scared* O-oh y-y-yeah just... perfect...

Meanwhile we cut to the party where we see Paulina a bit sad that Monster Girl didn't show.

Paulina: Great, they didn't show, especially Danie.

Danie: *Off screen* Someone called my name?

Paulina perked up and looked as everyone stepped aside to see it was Danie.

Paulina: *in a Happy tone* Danie!

Paulina got up and immediately ran to Danie as she hugged the alien girl, almost tackling her but Danie managed to hug back.

Danie: Woah, I thought this was your party not mine.

Paulina: *Chuckles* Silly, it is. But truth be told, I never really wanted the ghost boy or Monster Girl at my party, I wanted you.

Danie: *Blushes* Oh uh... *giggles* th-thanks Paulie.

Carlos: Ladies and gentlemen, now is the time for the birthday girl slow dance.

Dash: Alright time to-

Paulina: Actually, Papa, may I dance with Danie?

Everyone, except Carlos, gasped in shock after hearing this.

Dash: What?! But she's-

Paulina: I made up my mind.

Dash: Please, like your dad would ever-

Carlos: I'll allow it.

Dash: What?! Why?!

Carlos: I trust her, that's why.

Dash: Grr... *to Paulina* Why did you invite Ben-turd to your party?

Paulina: Because she's my friend that's why, no go away while I dance with my friend.

We then see Danie and Paulina make it to the dance floor as the music begins and two begin slow dancing.

Danie: *While dancing* So didn't want the ghost boy or Ghoul Girl huh?

Paulina: *While dancing* Eh, they're hot but this is even better.

The two continued to dance while everyone watched, especially Dash who was cheesed off by this scene.

After sometime everyone left as we see Danie and Paulina walking home.

Paulina: I had a great time, Danie.

Danie: Me too, and you definitely look hot in that dress.

Paulina: *Giggles* Not as much as you do.

We then see the duo arrive at Paulina's home.

Paulina: Well I guess this is it.

Danie: Yeah, *remembers* Oh wait, I almost forgot.

Danie pulled out a rectangular, velvet box. Paulina took it gingerly in her hands before opening it. Inside was a gold charm bracelet with three charms already attached. One was a Cuban flag, another pair of pompoms, and the third was a little heart with the letters A and P engraved on it.

Paulina: Danie... It's beautiful! *takes it out of the box*

Danie smiled brightly before helping attach the jewelry to Paulina's wrist.

Danie: And a perfect fit. I thought you might like it.

Paulina: I love it. You're the best Danie.

Danie: *Casually leans on the wall* Yeah, well it's what I do-

Danie was cut off when Paulina kissed her cheek which made Danie blush red as Paulina giggled at her reaction.

Danie: Well um, thanks for your gift.

Paulina: Anytime, wait, your gift?

Danie: Heh yeah, I uh, never really told anyone this, but uh, it's also my birthday today.

To say that Paulina was shocked was an understatement, it was her birthday today and her friend/secret crush never mentioned it was also her birthday today!

Paulina: What?! *Remembers* Oh yeah your birthday is the same as mine. But why didn't you tell anyone? Or-or me?!

Danie: I didn't think it was a big deal for me, and because I didn't wanna hog your spotlight. I mean it's your special day and I didn't wanna rain on your parade.

Paulina: Danie you're my friend, of course I would have shared my party with you.

Danie: Really?

Paulina: Yeah, but why didn't you say anything earlier?

Danie: When you're a big celeb like me, people make a big deal about your birthday, especially when they throw a big party with fancy food and stuck-up rich people. *Pauses* *to Paulina* Uh no offense.

Paulina: None taken. So I'm guessing it gets dull partying with rich people?

Danie: You don't know the half of it. And being with you at your party was kind of nice... it made me feel normal.

Paulina: *Smiles* Thanks. *checks the time* Oh crud my curfew, I uh, better get going.

Danie: Oh uh, yeah. Me too. Happy birthday, Paulina.

Paulina: And Happy birthday to you too.

We then see Paulina go inside her house Danie and walk off.

Danie: Yes! *cheered, jumping up while throwing a fist in the air*

On the other side of the door, Paulina giggled at Danie's reaction to her kiss. That had been a complete spur of the moment decision for her but she did not regret it.

Meanwhile we see Danie and Kiko walk to her house as we see team Phantom come by.

Danny: Hey Danie.

Danie: Hey Danny, and others.

Sam: So how was the party, did her royal highness make fun of you and your dress?

Danie: No, and we danced together, had some cake and I had a good time too, and she wasn't mean to me.

Sam: That's just what she wants you to think.

Danie: Get real Manson, Paulina isn't the stereotype you think she is. Plus it was nice being there.

Tucker: Why?

Danie: Because it's also my birthday today.

Trio and Star: What?!

Danny: Why didn't you say anything?

Danie: Well-

Tucker: And don't say, "Because you never asked"

Danie: But you never did ask.

Star: Dang it, you're right.

Danny: But why didn't you tell us?

Danie: I didn't want to make it a big deal, my birthdays are always a big deal when I became famous. Plus with everything that's been going on, I figured it wasn't a big deal.

Tucker: Danie were your friends we wouldn't have made it a big deal, even if you're celeb.

Danny: Yeah and happy birthday.

Sam, Star, and Tucker: Happy birthday Danie.

Danie: *Smiles a bit* Thanks guys.

???(Paradox): And a happy birthday to you too Ms. Benton.

Everyone looked to see it was someone Danie was all too familiar with.

Sam: Who are you?

Star: And what's with the steampunk costume?

Paradox: Ah Samantha, sharp witted as every.

Sam: Samantha? No one calls me Samantha. Who are you?!

Danie: Hey Paradox.

Paradox: Nice to see you again Danie, and happy birthday, or was it your birthday?

Danie: Thanks. I think.

Paradox: *Sees Danny* And you must be Danny Fenton, the half ghost child. *To Star* And his girlfriend.

Danny: What? H-how do you-

Tucker: Uh, Danie, you wanna introduce us to your friend?

Paradox: Oh my apologies I can see I have you at a disadvantage, Or I will have had you at a disadvantage. Time travel makes verb tenses so confusing. I am Professor Paradox. It is nice to meet you all.

Danny: So you're a time traveler?

Paradox: Indeed I am.

Sam: Yeah I don't buy it, prove it.

Paradox: Months ago, you gave Daniel his iconic emblem, and yes I know about the sketch book or knew about it, especially the sticker you made and the real reason you made it for him.

Sam: Okay totally believe you!

Danie: Plus, he's 100,000 years old.

Danny: What? He doesn't look that old.

Paradox: I am immortal young Daniel, as for how I got my powers that was or is an accident on my part due to a slight miscalculation.

Danny: Oh gotcha.

Paradox: Anyways, as much as I would like to stay and chat I have business to attend too. Oh and Daniel one more thing, try not to cheat on C.A.Ts it will lead to a dark future.

Danny: Um okay? Thanks.

Paradox: Oh and Daniela good luck in your new soon to be relationship.

We then see a portal open as Paradox goes in and leaves everyone.

Tucker: What was he talking about when said dark future?

Sam: And "new relationship"?

Danie: Who knows, that guy is always so cryptic.

Later that night we see Danie and Kiko go home and to bed and as we see them sleeping we see Danie's cheeks start to glow as the camera fades to black.

Next: Chapter 21: New Day, New Look.

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