Chapter 21: New Day, New Look.

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Here we fade to Benton residence where we open to Danie's room where we see her sleeping and Kiko on her stomach as we see she now has pink freckles on cheeks.
She hears her alarm go off as she accidentally smashes it, again as Kiko wakes up too.

Danie: *Yawns* Man, again? Ah, forget it. *Scratches her head*.

As Danie got off the bed, Kiko saw her owner's new look and squeaked in surprise.

Danie: Kiko? What is it? Does mama have a booger on my face?

Kiko pointed to a mirror as Danie turned around and saw her reflection as she could only react in only one way possible.


Everyone in Amity Park heard Danie’s scream and even in Bellwood.

Ben: What was that?

Rook: I do not know.

Back in Amity Park, Danie's moms heard the scream and immediately barged into their daughter’s room armed with ghost weapons.

Sierra: Danie, is something wrong?!

Della: Did a ghost attack you?! *Pauses* Oh woah, we're starting to sound like the Fentons.

Sierra: Oh yeah.

Della and Sierra then looked at Danie as they noticed her new pink freckles.

Della: Oh… my.

Danie: Hi moms.

Sierra: How in the world did you get freckles? From Vlad? Vilgax? Animo??

Danie: No, no, it wasn't them… I hope so. I think it could be my mana build up.

Sierra: I thought freckles only form too much sunlight.

Della: That's a different case with Danie, she must have absorbed a lot of mana from that dwarf star.

Danie: Another side effect from the star? Oh great, what's next, zits?

Sierra: Now Danie, we know this is a… big change but just remember, no matter what you look like everyone will still like you.

Danie: You think so?

Kiko then walks over and hugs Danie.

Della: We know so.

Danie: Thanks moms.

Della: Anytime.

Later on, we see Danie and Kiko arrive at school as everyone notices Danie's new appearance, specifically her freckles, and rather than hide them, Danie decided to flaunt them since she didn't have any shame in hiding who she was. Soon the duo arrived at their lockers where they met up with Danny and Star.

Danie: Hey guys.

Danny: Hey Da- *sees her freckles* Woah!

Star: Danny-boo what's- *Notices her freckles* Woah!

Danie: Noticing anything different?

Danny: I'll say, did puberty hit you?

Danie: Yep, and it did wonders for me.

Star: I'll say, those freckles really bring out your eyes Danie.

Danie: Aw thanks Star.

Just then we see Tucker and Sam arrive where they see Danie's new freckles.

Tucker: Hey how's it, *sees Danie’s new look* Woah! What the heck happened to Danie?

Sam: Since when does she have glowing pink freckles?!

Danny and Star: Alien puberty.

Tucker: So Danie went through puberty and got… that?

Danie: Yep, and it is awesome!

Sam: This is not awesome! What if someone freaks out because of… *gestures to Danie’s new appearance* Your situation?!

Danie: Pass it off as part of a Halloween costume, like yours Sam.

Star, Tucker and Danny stifled a laugh at Danie’s unintentional burn at Sam.

Sam: Oh very funny, no one's gonna believe that.

Guy 1: Nice look Danie!

Girl 1: Dig the new look girl.

Girl 2: Pink is soo your color!

Soon everyone believed Danie’s new appearance was just a new look.

Danie: You were saying?

Sam: Fine, but it's not gonna last forever.

Danie: Yeah I know, and I'm proud of what I have.

Later on, we see Danie and the others running around the track as Danie then picked up the pace out running everyone, even Dash, as she then went at super speed and ran a total of 10 laps in 1 minute much to everyone's shock.

Tetslaff: Levin, you just broke a school record, how in the world did you get so fast?!

Danie: Um, I drink milk?

Everyone cheered for Danie, well everyone except for Dash since he was peeved he was beaten by a girl.

Later on, we see Danie, Kiko, and the trio at lunch where we see Danie and Kiko eating their food and Danie picks up a milk carton and downs it all and then picks up a another one and pours into Kiko's bowl as she lapped it up as the others saw this.

Tucker: Looks like everyone is digging your freckles.

Danie: I know, I've never been this liked before, it's kind of amazing.

Sam: Amazing or not it's still a bad idea.

Star: Oh calm down Sam, nobody is in danger.

Danny: Yeah and besides no one seems to mind Danie’s new look.

Just then we see Paulina walk by as she notices Danie's new look.

Paulina: Woah, Danie...!

Danie: *Turns to see Paulina* Paulina! Hey, hi, um *Freckles glow bit brighter* What's up, how's… how's it going?

Paulina: Good, what's with the glowing pink freckles?

Sam gained a small smug look thinking it was gonna end in disaster and she really wanted to rub it Danie’s face and so did the A-Listers too.

Danie: Oh yeah, the makeup guy screwed up at my photoshoot and well… I'm stuck like this.

Paulina: Yikes, well I gotta say you make that look work girl.

Sam gained a surprise expression as did the boys and the A-Listers too.

Sam: What?!

A-Listers: What?!

Danie: You think so?

Paulina: I know so, you look amazing.

Danie: Wow, heh thanks Paulie.

Paulina: Anytime Danie.

Paulina walked off as Danie turned to Sam with a smug look.

Danie: Mmhm…

Sam: Don't you dare…

Danie: Well turns out everyone still likes me and my new look, including Paulina.

Danny: Well I gotta say it's nice that everyone accepts Danie’s new look.

Tucker: Heh, yeah. *Sees Sam is enraged* Well mostly everyone.

Sam: It'll backfire I know it will.

Danny: Sam come on, if Danie’s happy and everyone else is then it's fine.

Tucker: Yeah seriously, this is a good thing for Danie.

Sam: Yeah right, this is gonna backfire and you'll know I'm right.

We cut to a montage where Danie  was going through her day including in cheerleading practice where Paulina lost her balance and was about to fall but Danie caught her by her waist and placing her down gently, grabbing an apple from the tree in the highest spot, and as a mini broom proving Sam wrong that everyone wouldn't accept her.

Later that night we see Danie and Rosie are in their room resting in bed.

Kiko: *Squeaks*

Danie: Yeah, today was amazing, Kiko. *Yawns* Well, time for bed.

We see the duo go to bed as the camera fades to black.

Next: Chapter 22: Another Day, New Powers.

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