Chapter 4: Many Reunions.

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Here we see Danie waking up as she went to her bathroom and the sound of brushing her teeth and running water could be heard. After a few minutes she came out clean, and put her usual outfit on. Since today was a weekend, she had a lot of free time as she went to the kitchen where her moms were making breakfast.

Danie: Morning moms.

Della and Sierra: Morning Danie.

Della: The usual?

Danie: Yes please.

Della then gave a plate of waffles and bacon to Danie to which the ghost alien scarfed as she then heard her phone ringing.

Sierra: Danie you know the rules, no phones at the table.

Danie: I know, sorry.

Danie then answers the phone as she sees it's Ben.

Danie: Hey Ben what's up.

Ben: *Oh phone* Nothing much, how's Amity Park?

Danie: Not bad, I made some friends here, the school is a bit crummy but other than that it's not so bad here.

Ben: *On phone* Nice, me and Rook just stopped a few crooks on the way here.

Danie: Awesome. *Sees Sierra looking at her* I gotta go. See ya

Ben: *On phone* Oh gotcha, see ya. *hangs up*.

Danie: Again, super sorry mom.

Sierra: It's okay, if that was Ben then I can make an exception.

Danie: Thank you.

After breakfast, Della and Sierra got started on the food while Danie was out picking the ingredients where she was out in a field with Danny who agreed to tag along.

Danny: So what are we looking for?

Danie: Truffles.

Danny: Truffles? Then don't we need a truffle pig?

Danie: Please who needs a truffle pig when you have…

Danie hits her Spectertrix and changes into Wildmutt much to Danny's awe

Danie: *As Wildmutt* *Roars*

Danny: Woah! Awesome!

Danie, as Wildmutt sniffed around as she then ran off and dug in a spot as Danny followed her.

Danny: Did you find something?

Danie came out with a giant truffle in her  mouth which weighed about 62.99 oz as she gave it to Danny.

Danny: Woah awesome!

Danie sniffed the air and continued digging and found more truffles. After some time we see Danny and Danie have found up to 30 truffles.

Danny: Wow, who knew an alien dog-

Danie: Vulpimancer.

Danny: That would be just as good as finding truffles.

Danie: I know right, and thanks for helping me out.

Danny: Anytime.  So I guess you need all these?

Danie: Uh, actually I only needed 15, you can keep the other half.

This actually surprised Danny, his friend was willing to give away something rare and expensive to him.

Danny: Really?

Danie: Yeah, what are friends for. And you give Star one too, I mean if she likes truffles or not.

Danny: Wow, thanks Danie.

Danie: Anytime Danny, ooh I gotta get going. Don't be late.

Danie turns into her ghost form as she and Danny fly home. There we see Danie arrive home as she phased through the door where she saw her moms making pasta.

Danie: Mama Della, I got the truffles, 15 exactly.

Della: Thanks Danie.

Danie: Anytime mom, your truffle pasta is the stuff! I can't wait to scarf it. I mean, eat it like a proper lady would.

Sierra: *Giggles* That's our girl.

Meanwhile, Danny arrived back home where he was met by the sight of his older sister Jazz with a smug look.

Jazz: So enjoy your little date?

Danny: Okay first of all it wasn't a date, second Danie just wanted some help, that's all.

Jazz: Say what you but you'll be-

Jazz then spotted the bag in Danny's hand.

Jazz: What's that?

Danny: Oh just a bag of truffles Danie gave me.

Jazz: What?! She gave you 15 truffles?!

Danny: Yeah… and what's the big deal?

Jazz: Big deal?! Do you know how much you're holding?!

Danny: Uh… 50 dollars?

Jazz: Truffles are super rare Danny, your holding


??? (Maddie and Jack): $47,242.50?!

Jack and Maddie then rushed out of the kitchen and saw the bag of truffles Danny was holding.

Maddie: Danny where did you get those truffles?!

Danny: I… uh, Danie gave me half of them.

Jack: Wait, who's Danie?

Jazz: Danny's new girlfriend.

Danny: She's not my new girlfriend!

Maddie: I dunno… she did give you $47,242.50.

Danny: Mom, just because Danie gave me a bag of truffles doesn't mean she's a girlfriend, she's just a friend.

Jazz: *Sarcastically* Sure she isn't.

Danny: She's not my girlfriend.

Madie: Now come on, we have to get going.

Jazz: Going? Going where?

Jack: To our new neighbors house down the street.

Jazz: New neighbors? Okay, well if you are gonna meet them, no talking about ghosts.

Madie: But Jazz-

Jazz: No buts, I do not want our new neighbors moving out because of your weirdness, please.

Jack: *Disappointed* Ohhh alright.

Meanwhile Danie and her moms finished making the food.

Danie: Phew there.

Della: Done and dusted.

Sierra: So when are the neighbors coming?

Della: They should be here right about…

The doorbell rang as Danie heard it.

Danie: I'll get it.

Danie rushed off leaving her moms. Meanwhile we see Danny, his parents, Jazz, Star and her dad John, her Mom and divorced wife to John, Stella.

Star: I can't believe Danie gave you $47,242.50 worth in truffles.

Danny: But it was a gesture.

Stella: True but truffles are incredibly rare.

The door opened as Danie greeted everyone.

Danie: Hey everyone glad you could all make it.

Jack: Glad to be here little…

Jack smells the air as he's hit with the aroma the food.

Jack: Is that panettone?!

Danie: Oh uh yeah my moms made-

Danie didn't get a chance to finish her sentence as Jack rushed inside and to the kitchen because the only thing he was listening to now was his stomach.

Jazz: Dad control yourself!

Danny: Well you already met my dad.

Danie: Big appetite?

Danny, Jazz and Maddie: Yep.

Johnathan: Well it's nice to meet young lady I'm-

Danie: Johnathan Strong right? Your Star’s overprotective dad who stopped dating until you met some lawyer woman named Solene right? *sees Stella* And you must be Stella Bevier, John’s ex-wife.

Star’s parents were a bit surprised to hear Danie say these things quite bluntly.

Johnathan: Um, yeah that's us how did you know all that?

Danie: Oh uh, sorry about that, you two are just open books to me it seemed kinda.

Stella: It's okay, mistakes happen. Colette and Jean luc couldn't come because they had to go do a business meeting.

Star: *In her head* Thank goodness.

We later see everyone in the kitchen as Danny and Jazz were a little disturbed by Danie’s moms.

Della: *Notices Danny's uncomfortableness* Is something wrong young man?

Danny: Uh, no, noo, everything's fine.

Jazz: Yeah totally fine.

Sierra: Alright, just let us know if anything is wrong.

Danie noticed how uncomfortable the others were so she got an idea.

Danie: Hey why don't we go to my room and talk.

Danny and Star: Sounds good to me.

We later see the trio in Danie's room as they saw how clean it was and fancy too.

Star: Wow, nice digs Danie.

Danie: Thanks Star, so you guys okay? You both looks like you saw a ghost *chuckles* or something you guys see every day. But seriously what's wrong?

Star: Well it's just…

Danny: Your mom looks like an evil ghost genie and your second mom looks like Mrs. Bevier! *Covers mouth*

Star: Danny-boo!

Danny: I'm sorry, someone had to say it.

Danie: Yeah mama Della gets that a lot for some reason, but to assure you she's not genie.

Star: Wait, is she an anodite too?

Danie: Yeah, she is. But what's this talk about an evil ghost genie?

Danny: Oh yeah, well there's a ghost in the Ghost Zone named Desiree, she's a genie that grants people's wishes and-

Danie: And they don't go well.

Star: Yeah, last time I was sent to the Ghost Zone with Danny because but  it's how we started dating and found out he was Danny Phantom.

Danny: It's true.

Danie: Really? I thought for sure people would have figured it out.

Danny: Well Jazz figured it out after the Spectra incident.

Danie: Figures.

Della: *From downstairs* Daniela please come downstairs, we're all starting to eat.

Danie: Coming mom.

We later see everyone in the dining room eating their food and enjoying themselves.

Mandie: Mmm, I have to say this spaghetti is amazing.

Della: Thanks, Maddie, me and Sierra made everything from scratch.

Jack: *While eating* Mmm, well I gotta say you gals are great cooks.

Danie: Hey I picked the truffles.

Stella: Where in the world did you buy these?

Danie: Buy them? I found them myself.

Stella: Oh nice.

Della: So, Maddie, what do you and Jack do for a living? You two seem like inventores any devices you're working on?

Jack: *holds Ghost Gabber out*  Well, it's called the Ghost Gabber, and--

Jazz: Dad, put that thing away! *To Della* She's actually working on a new form of self-generating energy. She's an amazing and intelligent woman who's about to change the world.

Maddie: Well if you must know, me and Jack are ghost hunters.

Della: Sorry did you say ghost hunting?

Jazz sighed in embarrassment assuming this was gonna go downhill.

Jazz: Mrs and Mrs Benton I am so sorry about my parents they can be so weird and-

Sierra: No, no it's okay Jazz,  me and Della are actually ghost Hunters too.

Jack, Jazz, Maddie, Danny, Star, Stella, and Johnathan: What?!

Della: Yeah, back in the day we used to be quite the ghost hunting duo.

Jazz: Y… you two are ghost hunters?! Ohh poor Danie.

Danie: Excuse me?

Della: I beg your pardon?

Jazz: Danie is only 14 and clearly she needs guidance, and parents who can provide it.

Sierra: Okay Jazz I know what we did before was a bit strange, but we raised Danie well and your only-

Jazz: Sixteen. Biologically! But psychologically, I'm an adult!  *Pulls Danie close to her* And will not allow your insane obsession with ghosts to pollute the mind of this impressionable little-

Jazz was cut off when she felt something bite her arm and saw it was Danie as she yelped in pain letting her go.

Danie: Okay Jazz I'm gonna stop you right there, and sorry for biting your arm, first of all I'm 15, second of all my parents are retired ghost hunters, third, just because they're ghost hunters doesn't mean my “mind is polluted”.

Jazz was a bit surprised by what Danie said despite being a year younger than her, the half ghost girl knew what she was talking about and she was okay with her moms being ghost hunters.

Jazz: Ohh… uh… I… I'm so sorry…

Sierra: It's okay these things happen.

Della: Yeah heh not the first time someone assumed this. So John, what do you like to do for a living?

Johnathan: Well I'm a successful lawyer and I mostly have to leave town for most of my cases, I like to golf, and I care about my daughter a lot and I passed law school with flying colors.

Sierra: Oh nice, I might have to call you when we get sued.

Johnathan: *Chuckles* Thanks. What about you two?

Della: Oh well as you already know we're retired from ghost hunting, but nowadays we're bioengineers.

Star: Bioengineers?

Sierra: We make fake limbs for people who lost them in tragic accidents or just need a helping hand.

Jazz: Wow, that's generous of you two.

Danie: That's my moms for ya.

As everyone continued to eat and talk among themselves they were all enjoying themselves. Unknown to them, they were being spied on by a certain goth and techno geek, I. E Tucker and Sam, after they heard that Danny and his family along with Star and her folks were hanging with Danie’s folks.

Tucker: Sam this is nuts, Danie isn't doing anything wrong and now your spying on her moms.

Sam: I don't trust her Tuck, she's stealing Danny and Star from us, and pretty soon she'll get everyone on her side.

Tucker: She's not doing anything remotely wrong.

Sam: Her parents are ghost hunters Tuck, what if they come out of retirement and start hunting Danny or Dani down or worse.

Tucker: They're not gonna do that.

Sam: Wake up and smell reality Tuck! They're ghost hunters! That's why they moved to Amity Park just so they can't hunt down Danny and rip him apart molecule by molecule.

As Sam was ranting, Tucker then notices a Techadon drone land behind which surprised him.

Tucker: Sam…

Sam: And Danie is no better than Paulina or Colette…

Tucker: Sam!

Sam: …She's probably even more shallow than them.

Tucker: Sam!!

Sam: And even more of a-

Tucker: SAM!!!

Sam: …What?!?

Tucker turned Sam  around as she saw the Techadon robot which was the security guard of the Benton Resident.

Techadon Drone: Unauthorized intruders will be vaporized on site.

Tucker: Still think it was a good idea to spy on Danie?

Back with Danie and the others outside and we see them now hanging out with each other as they then hear laser blasts followed by screaming.

Star: What the heck was that?!

We then see the Techadon drone fly in with Sam and Tucker in its hands as it drops them on the ground and flew off.

Danny: What's that?

Danie: Security drone in case someone tries to break into the house.

Star: *To Sam and Tucker* Okay what are you guys doing here?

Tucker: We were uh…

Danie: Come on, isn't it obvious?

Sam and Tucker panicked knowing Danie was gonna rat them out, especially in front of the adults.

Danie: They just wanted to hang out without their folks knowing.

Danny: That makes sense.

Maddie: It sure does.

Sam and Tucker were baffled by this, or more specifically Sam was baffled by this as she briefly saw Danie glare at her as she flinched knowing she could tell Danny and Star and completely ruin their friendship and trust.

Later that night, we see Star and her family leave after saying their goodbyes and along with Jazz, Maddie and Jack and Sam and Tucker too.

Della: Oh Danny before you leave there's something we have to tell you.

Danny: What is it?

Sierra: *Smiles with a dark aura around her* If you try to hurt our daughter in any way possible we'll sick our drones on you, understand?

Danny: *Gulps* Uh, heh, got it.

Danie: Moms relax, Danny isn't that type of guy, he has a girlfriend.

Della: Congratulations, they do make a cute couple. Oh and Danny don't worry *whispers to Danny* We won't tell your folks about the other half of you.

Danny was confused until he immediately realized what Della was talking about.

Danny: Wait.. you know I'm-

Della and Sierra: Yep.

Della: Don't worry, we won't tell your folks about your ghost half.

Sierra: Yeah, we wouldn't want you to get hunted down by your folks.

Danny: Heh thanks, I better get going. It was nice meeting you Mrs and Mrs Benton.

Della and Sierra: You too Danny.

Danie: Well this was a nice visit.

Della: It sure was.

Next: Chapter 5: Ghost Zone Visit.

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