Chapter 5: Ghost Zone Visit.

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Here we see Danie cleaning up the lab in her house along with Danny and Star.

Danny: I gotta say this lab looks amazing.

Star: Even if it is a little dusty.

Danie: Yeah, my folks never use this stuff anyways ever since they retired.

Danie saw her moms Ghost Portal, the same portal that gave her the ghost powers that day she wandered into, only it was shut off.

Danny: Your moms Ghost Portal, nice.

Danie: Yeah the same portal that almost killed me.

Star and Danny winced at the thought of it and recalled that memory when Danie told them how she got her powers.

Danny: Was it that bad for you?

Star: You don't have to answer it if you don't want to.

Danie: Well the process was incredibly painful, and the memory still haunts me, but it's not like I'm broken, and now I have someone who understands me.

Star: So you don't mind being half ghost?

Danie: At first I did, ever since I got my powers when I was 14, I never used them because I was afraid of using them, but seeing Danny use his powers gave me the confidence to embrace my ghost half instead of rejecting it.

Danny: Heh thanks Danie.

Danie: Anytime Danny. So is this Colette girl that bad from what I heard?

Star: Yeah, she's the worst, she hates me for no reason and tries to steal Danny from me, she even took advantage of him the time he had amnesia from nanobots.

Danie: What?! Really?

Danny: Yeah, and it was on our quarterversery.

Star: Which you didn't know about either.

Danie: Quarter versery? What's that?

Star: It's like an anniversary but it happens after four months, and Danny forgot but it wasn't really his fault since he didn't know it was a thing and we got into a fight.

Danny: Our first one and we almost ruined our relationship.

Danie: Hey it's ok, a lot of couples fight but in the end you two made up.

Star: True, and we did get back at Colette by switching her shampoo with green hair dye.

Danie: *Laughs* Serves her right.

Later on we see Danny and Danie arrive at the park where they were the only ones there.

Danie: Say, since we're the only ones here, wanna spar?

Danny: Hm, sure I don't see why not.

We then see Danny turn into ghost mode as Danie turned into her ghost form.

Danie: Ready Danny?!

Danny: Ready.

Danie: Then let's see who's the stronger ghost.

Danie fired a small mana blast, while Danny fired an ecto-blast as both attacks collided and canceled out as the two fought.

Danny hovered into the air and Danie used her Stinkfly wings to fly up to Danny as she fired again. Danny created an energy shield that blocked the blasts but Danie took advantage and went higher.

Once Danny lowered the shield to look around for Danie, he looked up and saw Danie appear in front of Danny with a fire blast that, while light, still knocked him to the ground.

Danie: Gotcha.

Danny: *Chuckles* Not bad for a model.

Danie: *Helps Danny up* You're not bad yourself for a half ghost guy.

Danny: *Changes back* Thanks.

Danie: Though your combat could use a little work but other than that your good sparring buddy.

Danny: Heh, yeah so I've been meaning to ask, what's with the weird watch on your wrist?

Danie: Oh it's a level 20 DNA replicator.

Danie then notices Danny's confused expression as she sighed.

Danie: It's a watch that turns me into aliens.

Danny: Ohh gotcha.

Danie: Yep, a friend of mine has one too. It also doubles a phone too, and lets me and my friend walk a mile in an alien's shoes or whatever they wear.

Danny: And you two have been doing this since you were 10?

Danie: 11 actually and sort of. But unlike Ben's Omnitrix, mine is the Ultimatrix, not only does it let change into aliens but it hyper-evolves them.

Danny: So like ultimate forms?

Danie: Pretty much. So what do you wanna do next?

Danny: Well... we could- *ghost sense went off* Uh oh…

That's when the sound of some kind of machine could be heard from above. They looked up.

Skulker: Ghost Boy! Your pelt will be mine!

Danie: Foe of yours?

Danny: Yeah, *looked around and so nobody else present* He wants my pelt, so just give him a piece of my mind instead.

Danny morphed thanks to the rings.

Danny: Be right back…

Danny flew at Skulker, who readied his shoulder cannon.

Skulker: Eat this, Phantom!

He fired. Danny was about to fire, but a blast of pink energy flew past Danny and hit Skulker's rocket, blowing it up before it could reach Danny.

Danny looked down and saw it came from Danie.

Danie: I have powers too you realize.

Danny smiled.

Danny: Then, care to give me a hand?

Danie: Alright.

Danie created constructs that acted as steps for her as she ran up them to help Danny out. Skulker blinked his eyes before pulling out his special binoculars. His readings made his gasp.

Skulker: Mana energy? How?!

That's when he scratched his chin and an idea formed.

Skulker: Then again... such a creature would make a fine addition to my collection…

Danie: So uh, who is this guy?

Danny: Skulker is an egomaniac hunter. He's actually a tiny ghost in a robotic body. Think man-sized megazord.

Danie: Hm, so the real him is in his head then?

Danny: Yep.

Danie then spat blasts of Stinkfly slime and fire from her Heatblast arm at Skulker. Skulker flew around to avoid the blasts.

Skulker: Excellent! I didn't want this hunt to be too easy!

He fired another rocket from his cannon. Danny fired a ghost ray, destroying the rocket. Since Skulker couldn't see past the smoke, he didn't defend himself in time from Danny flying in and kicking him in the side, towards the ground.

Danny: Don't even think about hurting Danie!

Skulker soon felt something as he hit what was not the ground. Opening his eyes, it was a glowing pink platform Danie created. She hopped off the one she was standing on, making it disappear, and faced him.

Danie: Don't worry D, I can take him.

Skulker got up and grinned.

Skulker: You'll regret that, girl… *raised his fists*

He threw a punch, but Danie countered, grabbing his fist and flipping above him before blasting him in the back, destroying his jetpack. Angered, Skulker turned around to attack her again. However, Danie used her powers to create small shields to block his blows. He swung his arm as hard as he could, but Skulker missed. Danie did a split and fired into his stomach. The blast was enough to send the screaming ghost to the ground.

Danny, who was observing, was pretty impressed.

Danny:  Not bad.

Seeing this, Danie smiled, and had a hand through her hair to adjust it.

Danie: Thanks.

Skulker, having made a crater that was comically his shape, got up. He was not happy.

Skulker: Accursed girl!

Then Danie fired a beam around his head. With her power and strength, Danie  pulled it off. Once it was close enough, with a swing of her hand, the face opened and revealed the tiny ghost inside. Skulker flinched in fear.

Danie: Huh... and Ben thought Grey Matter was tiny…  *grabbed hold of Skulker and pulled him out and looked at Danny* You're up!

Danie threw Skulker up and Danny used the Thermos on him.

Danny: That was awesome, Danie.

Danie: Thanks, guess ghost hunting is just as easy as taking down supervillains.

Danny: Sure is, what did you have to fight?

Danie: Hm, let's see mad scientist, alien warlord, evil alien version of my friend, my adoptive brother, zombie clowns, a lot of things really.

Danny: Wow, and here I thought the ghosts I fight were tough but yours take the cake.

Danie: Yeah, but I don't understand though, why do we have to be the ones with superhero stuff? I mean, you were just a normal guy until that lab accident and I was just a regular alien girl that suffered the same accident.

Danny: Well I mean someone's gotta do it.

Danie: Fair enough, but why do you do it? Why save humans?

Danny: Because people aren't strong enough to protect themselves.

Danie: Well I'm not people, why should I care?

Danny: Well you care about your family and the people you protect right? and besides, someone's gotta do it.

Danie: Yeah I guess you're right. I guess being a superhero isn't all bad. But love life wise, not awesome. I mean awesome for you but not me. It's hard finding a nice girl.

Danny: Nice girl? *Realizes* Wait your a-

Danie: Lesbian? Yep I am. That's not a problem is it?

Danny: *Waves his hands* No, no of course not, you're my friend and I won't judge who you like.

Danie: Oh phew, that's a relief. Thanks D.

Danny: Anytime.

The next day, we see Danie looking around the lab as she saw her moms portal again, then thought about something, she never actually went to the Ghost Zone before.

Danie: Hmm, wonder if this thing still works.

Danie then went to the controls and blew the dust off as she then hesitantly hit the on button and the ghost portal opened showing a gateway to the Ghost Zone.

Danie: Woah… it worked. *Outloud* Mama Della I'm gonna go and explore the Ghost Zone now!

Della: *Off-screen* Okay be back by curfew.

Danie: I will.

We then see Danie go ghost and  go into the portal as she sees how creepy it looked, even more than the planets she visited.

Danie: Meh, I've seen better, and it goes on forever.

Danie then sees a cluster of doors as then flies

toward one of them.

We then cut to the  inside of the room. It's blue. The door opens, revealing Danie. Zoom out. There is a small kid watching something on a rug. with a ghostly blue glow reflected off him. There are a couple blocks on the floor with the letters X and Y on their faces. Danie is standing in the doorway, far behind the boy. Danie closes the door. The boy's eyes shift to Danie and back to whatever he was looking at.

Danie: Huh, hi there what are you doing here by yourself?

Cut to another shot. We see the boy from behind with Danie’s shoe in the foreground. The boy is watching static on TV, with three blocks around him. There are shadows cast on the boy and the blocks. There's also a lamp on the side that is plugged in. Zoom in slowly.

Danie: Hello? Anybody there?

Cut back the boy watching TV. It's the same as before, and Danie’s shoe is still in the foreground. The boy turns his head so we see it at a side view facing left. He is frowning now. Zoom in on the boy. The TV continues to play static as the boy turns his head the rest of the way to face Danie without turning his body. Zoom out to show a full shot of the boy in front of the TV. His body is still sitting in the same position, Indian-style, but his head is facing the back of the room. The boy snarls loudly, lifting his arms in downward-90 degree angles.

Cut to a side view shot of the room. It's big and empty, with the boy on one side and Danie  on the other, with a huge space in between. There's also a gap between Danie and the door.

Boy Ghost: Get *The boy stands up and takes a fighting stance* out *The boy transforms into a purple, spiny beast with red eyes. His voice becomes more coarse* of- *The boy grows larger, to match size with Danny* -my- zl*The boy is now the size of the room and is roaring in a deep voice. His arms are over Danie* -ROOM!

As the beast talks, Danie is standing her ground but his hair and face are blown back due to air resistance. The beast now puts down his arm and roars loudly. Danie was unphased by this as she fixed her hair.

Danie: I think it's time someone taught you some manners.

We then see Danie charge into the ghost as she grabbed him by his hand and slammed him on the floor and repeated this several times until she tossed him into the wall and was now dazed.

Boy Ghost: Ughh… *sees Danie* Ah! P-please come on I-I’m sorry…!

Danie: Of course you are, now what did you learn?

Boy Ghost: Don't… raise my voice?

Danie: And…?

Boy Ghost: And try not…to… hurt anyone…?

Danie: Good, now sit in the corner and think about your life.

Boy Ghost: But-

Danie: *In a demonic tone* NOW!!!

The boy ghost flinched as he went to the corner and thought about his life as Danie left and closed the door.

Danie: Boy needed to be taught some manners.

Danie then flies around more as she enters another door and she surveys the new room he ended up in. The door he took is still open and behind him. The room is empty, save for a purple background. Zoom out to show Danie and the open door floating in mid-air along with numerous other objects surrounding them. They include a box, a toaster, briefcase, corded phone on hook, pencil, thermos, envelope, teddy bear, a bottle, shirt, a single sock, another thermos, basketball, a book, a suitcase, another envelope, lunchbox, another box, football, trumpet, a watch, a pen, a glass of liquid, a another watch, another glass, another basketball, a washing machine, a lamp, bottle of sports drink, and another box. Zoom in on Danie, who is floating with a watch, laptop, thermos, envelope, and a single sandal.

Danie: Wow this is a lot of junk, guessing this is where lost stuff ends up.

Box Ghost: *Off-screen* Yes!

We see Danie from behind as The Box Ghost flies up from below. Floating in the scene is a horn, a box, and a sock.

Danie: Ugh, what are *you* doing here?

Box Ghost: am The Box Ghost! *thrusts backwards and points forward* Where do you think we go *clenches pointing hand into fist* when you release us *moves arms to show a cylinder with his hands* from your cylindrical trap!

Danie: You mean the Fenton Thermos?

Box Ghost: I am the Box Ghost! And beware! For am merely- *face thrusts forward for emphasis* -*ONE* of *face changes back* the foes who reside in this realm! In fact, you might say, *comes closer* were a-

Danie:  Package deal?

Box Ghost: Hey I wasn't finished!

Danie: Come on, it was obvious. *Sees a stuffed panda bear* Hey my panda bear, I thought I lost it when I was 5. *Grabs the Panda bear*

Just then Danie and the Box Ghost hear sirens wail. Danny turns to the right to find the source of the sound.

Cut to The Box Ghost in the foreground. He turned his head so it faces to the right. Danie is floating in the background with a pen, a glass, a TV, a lava lamp, two envelopes, a washing machine, a sock, a football, a paper cup, and the door he came in.

Box Ghost: Flee! Lest you be hermetically sealed *he turns his head to Danie* and shipped to your doooom!

Close up on Danie's face. Lasers are heard blasting. Cut to The Box Ghost, whose head is facing left, fioating with three boxes, a envelope, glass, a basketball, a sock, a belt, a book, and a handbag. A green laser comes off in the background as The Box Ghost floats/runs to the right, showing Danie from behind anda sandal, a computer, a thermos, a laptop, and some obscured objects in the distance. Danie  turns as The Box Ghost runs a few more feet and is shot by a laser, being restrained by a green force field, which suddenly transforms from around the waist and arms to handcuffs. Zoom in on The Box Ghost, looking at his restrained hands. He turns around. Cut to Danie.

Danie: What the heck is going on?

Some more lasers are heard. Cut to many green lasers zapping off in many directions. One of them hits Danie. She grunts in pain as the laser engulfs her and pushes her back. Cut to a blank purple background. Danie comes from the left and is thrown back with handcuffs on due to the force of the laser.

???(Walker): Possession of unauthorized stuffed animals, that's against the rules.

Walker then goes to Danie and takes the panda toy from Danie.

Walker: Or at least it is n-

Danie: Wait!

Walker was confused as he saw Danie pull out her phone and texted Della.

Danie: *While texting Della* Hey mom, going to ghost jail, be back soon.

Danie then sees Della replied back with “Okay.” as the ghost alien put her phone away.

Danie: Okay get on with it.

Walker: Uh *composes himself* There may be chaos everywhere in this Ghost Zone, but there'll be order in *my* prison.

Danie: Ohh your prison, okay I get it you're one of those wardens who thinks he's all that but he's compensating for something right?

Walker blushed in embarrassment but composed himself.

Walker: Shut it!

Danie's eyes shift to the left. Cut to the back door of the van. A police ghost holding a green pole opens the doors. Cut to a back view of the van. The police ghost is still floating there, Danny and The Box Ghost are looking forward, still sitting tied up in the van. Danny stands up. Zoom in on Danie and The Box Ghost. They are both gaping in awe. Cut to a view of a purple building. A police ghost is floating in front holding a green pole in both hands, there is a crowd of prisoners behind him. In the center is Skulker wearing a prisoner's Outfit, on the right is Desiree and to the left is Technus in his robot body. They are also wearing prisoner's attire.

Skulker: The new ghost child…

Danie: Oh great, the tiny ghost acting like a big ghost.

Box Ghost: I am the Box Ghost!

Danie: Shut up! *Looks at Desiree* Hmm…

We later see a view of the Ghost Zone prison. Zoom in on it. Cut to a police ghost slapping his green pole on his hand. Zoom out to show the prison campus. Zoom in on one of the buildings.

Walker: *off-screen* Trespassing. Loitering. *Cut to a front view of Danie sitting in a chair, in prison attire and his hands in shackles. The ghost walks by* Creating a disturbance. *Zoom out to show the ghost walking to the right, holding the open book in his hands, reading it. He stops and turns around, pointing a finger into the book* And, possession of real- world contraband.

As he says this, Danie looks up as the Panda floats above his head from the left to the right. She tries to reach it, with sounds of struggling, but the shackles prevent her from doing so. Cut to Danie.

Danie: Soo…

The ghost grabs her by the shirt.

Walker: Name's Walker, lady. Know it. Fear it. *Close up on Walker.* Obey it. am your- *Cut to Walker, holding up Danie by his shirt so the skin under is showing.*  judge. *Gets closer.* executioner, *Close up on Walker*  jury,- *Close up on Danie *  -executioner. jailer,- *Cut to Danie and Walker. Danie is seen from behind*  -and, if necessary. *Lowers Danie* your executioner.

Danie: You said executioner three times. And grabbing a lady without her consent, that's against the rules.

Walker realizes Danie had a point and let her go.

Walker: I.. I'm sorry ma’am.

Danie: Eh, it's fine.

Cut to Danie. She looks to the right and smiles. Cut to the toy panda. It's floating and glowing, wi. Zoom out to show it behind Walker, who is reading the book.

Danie: You know, this is fun and all, but I gotta get going, and I have school tomorrow, so if you could just let me get my-

Walker runs over from the side and pushes Danie's seat down with his leg. The chair falls to the floor. Walker sets his hand on it.

Walker: l'd like to let you go, kid,- *Zoom in on Danie , Walker crouches down next to him.* -but I can't. *Walker stands upright, turning around to look in the book again.* That'd be against the rules. *Cut to another shot. Danie is seen from the side view in the foreground as Walker looks in the rule book* But seeing how this- *Turns to Danie* -is a first offense- *Cut to Walker from front view, he is walking forward. Danie is sitting behind him*  -I'm willing to be lenient. *He closes the book. Cut to Walker from behind. He turns around and points his finger at Danie, shouting loudly. Shouting* 1,000 years!

Danie: …Are you done? Because I am.

Walker: What are you-

Just then Walker heard noise coming from the prison campus as he looked out to see the chaos and the Danie clones causing it, including freeing the prisoners.

Guard: It's Madness! Madness!!

The guard is blasted away by a Danie clone as even the prisoners are helping the Danie clones. Walker was shocked to see this, how could this happen to his prison?!

Walker was about to say something until he was hit over the head with a chair knocking  him into a wall and saw Danie now free from her restraints.

Danie: Well looks like my plan is working. And for the record, try using the world  *Close up on Danny's face.* "please"? *Zoom out. Walker is in the foreground shown from behind* Saying "please" is a rule.

Walker: It is?

Cut to an aerial shot of the book. It has many paragraphs that read section A-D. Walker's finger is on Section C. Danie's hand comes in and a pan out shows Danie slamming the book on Walker's finger. Walker is seen from behind in the foreground with a pained expression.

Danie: Is now. *Close up on Danny's face. He blinks and looks to the left. Cut to the Panda. It is still floating and glowing in place. Zoom in on it. Cut to Danie* My panda!

Zoom out. Danie leaps forward, panning left as Danie flies, getting closer to the screen. He passes Walker. Cut to the Panda floating in the upper left corner. Danie is flying from the right reaching out to grab it, but she is held back a few inches away. Pan right to show Walker holding a tight grip on Danie's other leg. Zoom out. Walker turns around and thrusts Danie, who gives out a grunt. Cut to the floor. Danie lands on it. She tries to get up, but a huge boot steps on her chest, pinning her to the ground.

Walker: Now let me acquaint you *Danie lifts his arms to pry the boot off* with a few rules. *Cut to Danie and Walker. Danie is on the floor with his hands on Walker's boot, staring up. Walker is standing over Danie, staring down.* Rule one. *Walker holds up a finger crouches down. Zoom in.* You cross me,- *Cut to Danie on the floor. Walker's boot applies pressure to her chest*  -you pay the consequences. *Cut to Walker, holding up two fingers, one of them obscured by the screen edge.* Rule two. Just because you're a ghost doesn't mean I can't crush you *Clenches a fist* within an inch of your *Close up on Walker's face.* afterlife. *Cut to Walker, still standing on Danny. Walker holds out his fingers* Rule three-

Walker was cut off when he was blasted away by Danie who shot laser eyes at him as the ghost warden saw the ghost girl now enraged.


Before he could react, Walker was punched through the wall by Danie as she charged in and started beating up Walker to no end as the guards and some of the prisoners tried to do something by Danie looking at them with a look that said “I will destroy your afterlife” as they flinched. After some time, Walker was incredibly bruised and he could barely stand as Danie got her panda bear toy.

Walker: Y…your… you're not… going…

Danie blasted Walker back into a wall as she grabbed Desiree by her hand and they were leaving.

Danie: Never get between me and my Panda! Oh and she's coming with me too. Or else.

We then see Danie and Desiree leave the prison as everyone was terrified that Danie, the alien ghost, was this strong, stronger than Danny.

Later on, we see Danie and Desiree are somewhere safe where no one else can find them. Desiree was still confused as to why this girl freed her.

Desiree: I don't understand, why did you free me?

Danie: You remind me about my mom, she was kicked out by my other mom's ex-girlfriend because she was jealous of her. And sorry what happened to you when you were alive, the Sultan just wanted to do something nice for you and his wife was being a jerk.

Desiree: True. And… thank you, but know that on the battlefield, we're enemies.

Danie: *Smirks* Understood. You should probably hide before Walker finds you.

Desiree: Noted.

We later see Danie is back in the real world in bed snuggling with her toy panda.

Next: Chapter 6: Alien and Phantom

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