Chapter 6: Alien and Phantom

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Here we see it's Saturday in Amity Park as we see Danie going into Fenton Works after a long day.

Danie: Hey Fentons, sorry for the wait.

Jazz: It's okay Danie, but where were you?

Danie: I was in Florida fixing up houses that were storm damaged. And donating to an animal shelter too followed by a homeless shelter too.

Maddie: Well that was nice of you Danie. *Walks off*

Danie: Thanks. And after that I had to do a photoshoot but other than that, it was nothing I couldn't handle.

Danny: Wow, guess being a model isn't easy huh?

Danie: Nah, well I mean it is but not as easy as it looks.

Danie went into the kitchen to get breakfast as Danny then notices Jazz writing something down.

Danny: Jazz seriously? It's too early in the morning for this.

Jazz: It's never too early for a new thesis.

Danny: On what?

Jazz: Celebrities having issues and lucky for me we got one living with us.

Danny: Jazz don't even think about it, whatever Danie’s dealing with it's not your business to pry.

Jazz: And now I'm making it my business. Danie come to my room when you're done eating.

Danie: *While eating some food* Okay.

We later see Danie in Jazz’s room lying on her bed playing with a ball while Jazz is taking notes.

Jazz: *To herself* (F/N) Daniela Benton, famous celebrity, teen model, sounds like Kim Possible, charitable person, and a good influence on Danny and Star.

Danie: Soo, why am I lying on your bed?

Jazz: Because you're gonna tell me about your life.

Danie: My life? Hm okay.

Jazz: Yes! Uh I mean, cool, cool *quickly writes down* Very willing patient. *to Danie* Now then tell me about yourself. *Reddies her pencil and notebook*

Danie: Hm, okay well for one I'm an alien and so is my adopted brother.

Jazz: Adopted?

Danie: Yeah, I never knew who my biological parents were and Kevin is my only family. Neither  of us have seen our mom and stepdad in years. Kevin is the only family I have.

Jazz: I see, *writes down* and when you say “Alien” you and your adopted brother disconnected from people? Or from yourselves?

Danie: Uhh, neither,  me and my mom are aliens, like real aliens.

Jazz: Now there's no shame in being an alien, it's okay to feel like you're not connected to people or being different.

Danie: Well you're right about the “different” part.

Danie goes into Jazz’s desk and gets a stick of gum as she was about to eat it only to see it's spearmint.

Danie: Bleh, spearmint? Gross.

Danie then focused and in a flash the stick of spearmint gum became cherry gum much to Jazz’s surprise

Jazz: H-how how did you…!?

Danie: Subatomic manipulation. *Offers it to Jazz* Do you want it?

Jazz: Um… sure.

Jazz takes the piece of gum and hesitantly eats it and is surprised that it is cherry.

Jazz: Woah, it's… it's cherry.

Danie: Yep. Because I'm an Anodite.

Jazz: So can all aliens change gum flavors?

Danie: Nah just me. And it's more than just gum flavors.

Danie pulled out a quarter and focused as she changed the quarter as it now has Danie’s face.

Danie: Look, it's president Ally.

Jazz: *Chuckles* Nice, anyways was anything traumatic in your childhood that made you who you are?

Danie: Hm… nope none that I could think of. Other than my moms being former ghost hunters but I didn't mind that.

Jazz: *Writes it down* I see…

Danie: *In her head* How long is this gonna be?

Sometime later we see Jazz still talking to Danie all while ignoring her parents usual anti-ghost antics.

Jazz: Danie you have to open up to your parents! Be true to yourself and them.

The camera pans to Danie who was tossing a ball up and down and against a wall.

Danie: *While playing with the ball* Uh-huh…

Jazz: Tell them how you feel! I mean, it's not like they're gonna attack you or anything.

Danie then pulled Jazz making her yelp in surprise close to her as a laser blast went through the window and broke it.

Maddie: *Offscreen* Sorry sweetie! That was a misfire!

Jazz: Woah… Danie, you saved my life!

Danie: No biggie, it was kind of obvious when I heard your parents tinkering with their weapons.

Jazz: Yeah they always do that and I'm the one caught in the crossfire. I swear it's like I'm the only adult in this house and they actually thought I was a ghost. A ghost! I was ambushed, suffocated with smoke, and worse, I was pulled away from one of my patients before he had his breakthrough!

Danie: So your parents thought you were a ghost?

Jazz: Pretty much. I swear it's moments like these  that I wish I had normal non-ghost hunting parents.

Danie: Well even though they're eccentric they have their hobbies and they sometimes sort of mean well.

Jazz: Yeah, I guess they are. *Hears the timer go off* Aw man, the time is up. Well we'll have our next session some other time.

Danie: *Gets up* Okay then. It was nice to talk to you.

Later on, we see Danie and Danny are at the mall and as they were passing through Danie saw the arcade.

Danie: What is that?

Danny: It's an arcade, have you never been to one?

Danie: Not really, I was never much of a videogame person.

Danny: Really?

Danie: Yeah.

Danny: *Gets an idea* Well today’s your lucky day Danie, let's go in.

The duo went into the arcade where Danie saw many loud machines and bright lights, as well as humans who seemed to be mesmerized by everything, like they were glued to the screens or something.

They briefly stopped for a moment once they saw Danie, like they were stunned speechless by her.

Danie: Um, D why are they all looking at me?

Danny: I think you're probably the prettiest girl to come in here, so you're probably like some angel before their eyes or something. Honestly, I can see why.

Danie: *Chuckles* Aw thanks D.

Danny then showed Danie around, explaining that like the carnival, these are games but they are mostly digital and if you win enough tickets, you can get a prize that is on the Counter.

Danie: *Sees a whack a mole game* Whack a mole?

Danny: An all time classic. In this game, you have to take one of these plastic mallets and hit the moles every time they come out to score a point. The more you hit, the more points and tickets you get…

Danie: Oh just like the combat simulator at the Plumber’s academy.

Danny: Well, this isn't for training. It's for fun. Watch…

Danny took a put a token in the machine, took a mallet and began hitting the little plastic moles as best as he could.

Thanks to his ghost training, he had faster reflexes and managed to hit most of the targets as soon as they popped out of the holes, as well as get a lot of tickets from it.

Danny: Your turn. *placed another coin in the game and handed the mallet to Danie*

The female Osmosian grinned and gripped the mallet menacingly.

Danie: I am ready! *holding it tightly with a look on her face that was screaming "Determined to win, no matter what"*

It was amazing but Danie managed to hit every single one of the moles with such speed and precision that the robotic creatures didn't even have a chance to get away. Once it was over, the machine then said "New High Score" and lights flashed.

Danie: That's good right?

Danny: Are you kidding? That was great! *In his head* At least they can't feel pain and she didn't do too much damage.

Danny wasn't really sure if he should mention this to Sam or not about Danie's cruelty to un-living, plastic animals. Danie smiled, feeling happy that she had the ghost boy.

Danie smiled, feeling happy that she had the ghost boy cheering on her skills, boosting her pride to new highs. Though, she ignored the unneeded attention she was getting from the other patrons.

Danie: Now this is fun. I want to play more of these games!

Danie looked around for anything she might like, which was hard to tell as there were so many games. She felt so pumped and eager right now that she wanted to try something else. She noticed a lot of games that were fighting games or space themed and she seemed intrigued, especially for the ones that says "DOOMED", "Crash Nebula" and really interesting one that says "Fighters"on it She couldn't wait to get started. "Come on, let's try that one that says "Fighters"next.

Danie: Come on, let's try that one that says "Fighters" next. I have a feeling that it will be easy for us.

Danny: *Chuckles* Whatever you say cinnamon roll.

A few more hours had passed and Danny and Danie played practically every game the arcade had to offer. Danny had explained the basics of each game Danie, who pretty much dominated nearly every single game in the arcade. Danie seemed to have a real talent for the fitting games and easily managed to win at the space and fighting games, no surprise there.

Danie: I gotta say, those games were awesome!

Although  that last space game had a rather inaccurate depiction of the Andromeda galaxy and I should know I've been there. But it was still entertaining to play.

Danny: Well, video games aren't really known for scientific accuracy, just fun.

Danie: True, though sometimes they can teach you some scientific facts if your lucky.

Danny: *Chuckles* Probably.

They played a few more games and now they were on a dance style ganme and Danny and Danie had challenged each other to it.

Danie however, showed to be more graceful than him and the ghost boy was almost mesmerized by her body moving to the beat of the music from the dancing game, almost as if she was intentionally trying to show off how she moves her body if front of him, which wouldn't be too surprising.

Soon, the game ended and lights flashed, music was heard as Danie was deemed the winner and got another high Score.

Danie: Victory! *while many of the arcade patrons applauded her*

Random Person: I think I'm in love!

Danie just enjoyed her victory and collected more of her tickets.

Danie: Danny, look at all the tickets we've won!

Danny: I gotta say, you really are getting the hang of this. I think you won every game here. Now come on, I think you have enough tickets to get a prize.

Danie: Right.

Danny led Danie to the prize table and the alien princess just dumped several hundred tickets on the counter, while the guy in charge seemed surprised.

Danie: I believe that you must present to me a prize of equal amount of my many tickets. *while the guy quickly counted them and saw that there were close to 1,000 of them*

Guy: Well, you seem to have enough to get whatever you want on this shelf. You can take any of these. *Motioned to several of the prizes on display*

Danie looked at them, paused as she tried to consider them. She then noticed that Danny's eyes had been on a collectors model of the lunar lander and had an idea, already making her choice.

Danie:  I'll take that one. *Points to the lunar lander*

The guy complied and gave it to her.

Danny: Nice, you've got great eye for model spacecrafts.

Danie: Thanks.

As they were walking, Danie then handed it to him, surprising the ghost boy.

Danie: Here.

Danny: You serious?

Danie: Of course dude, I chose this for you.

Danny smiled and gratefully took the spacecraft model from her, looking touched as he sent her an appreciative look.

Danny: Wow, thanks Danie.

Danie: Anytime D. Oh almost forgot.

Danie then focused and rearranged the molecules of the spacecraft model so it was indestructible.

Danny: What did you do?

Danie: Made the model indestructible so it wouldn't break.

Danny: Thanks.

Danie: Anytime.

Danny noticed how late it was getting and that soon, they had to get back home.

Danny: Oh man, it looks like we're gonna have to call it a day soon.

Danie: Aw man already?

Danny: Unfortunately yeah, I actually wanted this day to be longer but I got homework to do.

Danie: Gotcha. But before I go…

Before exiting, Danie  had grabbed another cone of ice cream, she smiled widely at the treat before scarfing it down voraciously.

Danie: So yummy!

Danny chuckled at this side of her. Who knew such a fierce girl would have such a love of sweets. Anyway, the two soon left the mall together, feeling a lot better as they decided to fly back.

Later that night before curfew, the duo made it home as Danie noticed some ice cream on Danny's cheek and then went to him and licked it off making him yelp a bit.

Danny: Woah what was-

Danie: Sorry, you had a little ice cream on your cheek and I didn't have a napkin on me soo… yeah. Again super sorry about that.

Danny: *Smiles* It's okay you did what you did.

Danie: Thanks Danny, you sure know how to show a girl a good time.

Danny: *Laughs* Only the famous ones, and I wouldn't mind this more often.

Danie: Same here.

Next: Chapter 7: Undertown Tour.

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