Chapter 43: Bonding Part 3.

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Here we see Paulina in her alter ego as she looks down at Amity Park.

Paulina: If I'm gonna prove to Sam that I actually changed, it's time for Phantasma to make her mark. I just hope people actually call me Phantasma.

We then cut to a montage where Paulina is doing good around Amity Park in her alter ego like saving a bus from falling off a cliff, stopping muggers, saving cats from trees, stopping fires etc, and stopping a ghost attack at the mall and using her Omnitrix in the process to help her out.

Meanwhile, we see Tucker going through the news as he sees something that surprised him, Paulina is on the news.

Tucker: No way…

Here we see Danny, Star, Sam, Danie and Kiko at their lockers until they all heard Tucker.

Tucker: Guys, it actually happened!

Tucker ran up to Danny, Danie, Star, Kiko and Sam, hanging out at Sam's locker, the following day at school waving his PDA in the air.

Sam: What happened?

Tucker: Paulina's in the news!

Danny and Star: She's what?!

Danie: Awesome! That's my girl!

Sam: Great, as if she needs more attention.

Tucker: *read aloud from his PDA* In mid-afternoon, Amity Park Mall fell victim to another ghost attack. The ghost, described by witnesses as a giant rat, wreaked havoc throughout the mall until it faced an opposing entity. A new hero the Amity Park Angle has dubbed Phantasma, or Inviso-Bella but we're sure it's Phantasma.

Sam: *Groans* Great, even her hero name is out there. *Chuckles* But out of all the revenge fantasies I've ever had for Paulina, this might top every single one of them.

Tucker: *Reading* Using powers witnesses have described as 'ghost water,' this.vigilante was able to run the rat out of the mall, but not before causing property damage to the mall's food court and buying some soap. Is this another rogue agent seeking the destruction of our fair city, or is Amity Park no longer a three town hero?

Danie: I am so proud of her.

Paulina: *Hugs Danie from behind* Proud of who sweetpotato~?

Danie turned to see her girlfriend as they both shared a kiss much to a certain goth’s annoyance.

Tucker: Hey Paulina.

Paulina: Hey… Tyler right?

Tucker: Close, Tucker.

Paulina: Right, sorry.

Tucker: It's ok.

Sam: This is exactly what I said was going to happen. We help her out and she repays us by acting like we hardly exist.

Star: Well I gotta say I'm proud of you Paulina, you did good.

Paulina: Thanks, I kinda felt bad about shoplifting that soap so I went back and paid for it.

Sam: *Sarcastically* Yeah of course you did.

Paulina: I did pay for it thank you very much.

Danie: Anyways, Paulina, we and Kiko have math class now how about we grab a seat and wait for the teacher.

Paulina: *Gets what Danie means* Ohh you read my mind babe. Bye guys.

We then see the two girls and Kiko go off to their class leaving the others.

Star: Man she has come a long way.

Danny: And taking on a ghost solo, not bad for her.

Sam: Oh come on! How can you buy that she “changed” she's just using you guys and Danie.

Danny: You know, Sam, you really need to stop this negative attitude about Paulina. If you took some time to really know where she's coming from-

Sam: I don't have to do anything! The plan was to get help Paulina control her powers and help Phantasma, not Paulina, into Team Phantom. I did my part for the first half of that, and as far as you're both concerned, the second half's already been accomplished. I'm done with her!

Danny: Sam, you're the only one here who hasn't tried to make any connection with Paulina.

Sam: Yeah, you tolerated me when I started going out with Danny-boo *holds Danny's hand* Maybe it's time you do the same with Paulina.

Sam: I did try, once, back at last semester’s dance when she used Danny. It was all I needed to know that Paulina is still not a good person.

Danny and Star felt stung at Sam's words. Not from the words themselves, but he felt reminded of evading Paulina's question from last night. Whatever guilt he had shouldered off just came crushing back down.

Tucker: Then try again! You have to see that Paulina's really trying to be friendly with us. *gasped as an idea suddenly popped into his head* You know what you two need?

Sam: Don't say 'girls' ni-

Tucker: A girls' night! Two girls bonding over their shared interests and laughing about the differences that make them special!

Star: Hey yeah, that could work.

Sam: What makes you think I share any interests with Paulina?

Star: You're both rich.

Sam: Aside from that.

Danny: Try to think of it as a team building exercise, You just said one of our goals was to get Downpour on the team. How can I expect you to get along with Phantasma if you won't even get along with Paulina?

Star: Yeah, take it from me, I thought Paulina hasn't changed but ever since she apologized for everything she's done, especially the Valentine thing, she's a changed person thanks to Danie.

Sam gave a few moments to mull it over. She sighed and answered.

Sam: Okay fine. I'll hang out with Paulina. For the sake of the team.

Tucker: Woo, girls' night!

Sam slammed her locker shut, the loud clang getting Tucker's full attention.

Sam: Don't call it that! Tell her to meet me at the Nasty Burger tonight. The sooner we get this out of the way, the better. And just so you two know, I'm not going to enjoy this.

Danny: You think me and Star enjoy fighting ghosts?

Star: Yeah I mean me and Danny had some good dates, but some of them get interrupted by either Skulker, Vlad, Lunch Lady, Ember, Technus, Young Blood, or even the Box Ghost.

Tucker: Besides, one day you're gonna look back at this night and say to yourself, 'Wow, I'm glad I took the time to get to know Paulina a little better. That night greatly strengthened the bond of Team Phantom.

Sam simply stared at Tucker, looking rather annoyed. He continued.

Tucker: And then you're gonna give me twenty dollars.

Sam: *chuckled and told Tucker* It's funny that you think twenty dollars means something to me," *before leaving for class*

Later on, we see Danie, Kiko, and Paulina leaving class as Danie kissed Paulina on the lips.

Danie: *Sees the time* I gotta get going soon

Paulina: Why?

Danie: Cause me and Kiko are making an appearance in New York for a Pizza shoot. *Kisses Paulina on the cheek* Will you be okay on your own?

Paulina: Don't worry sweet potato, I'll be fine. *Notices Danie's worried look* And I'll call if anything happens.

Danie: Phew, thanks babe.

Danie kissed Paulina on the cheek as she and Kiko left the school leaving Paulina as she walked off.

Paulina's trip to her locker was uneventful. She had opened it to retrieve some books for homework. Her locker was still filled with Danny Phantom memorabilia, which she did plan on cleaning out someday, and a lot of “love letters” from Dash  but she did find a note that wasn't there before. Assuming it to be another note from Tucker, probably containing what he was going to tell her earlier today, Paulina gave it a read.

See me in the broom closet after school. -DF

Danny, Paulina had figured it out. She was relieved to see Danny was playing along with keeping any interactions private. Less people seeing them together meant less questions. And she was genuinely interested in what Danny wanted to say to her.

It was a short walk to the broom closet in question. After looking around to check if anyone was watching her, Paulina quietly and smoothly snuck into the closet.

Paulina: Danny?

As if on cue, Danny emerged from behind a shelf.

Danny:  Hey Glad you could make it.

Paulina: You're really doing me a favor doing this in private.

Danny: Well, after earlier today, the gang and I figured you wanted to keep our interactions on the down-low.

Paulina: Oh uh, well, thank you.

Danny: You know, we don't have to do this in a broom closet. We can just go out and talk like it's no big deal.

Paulina: No, no it's okay, I'm just still getting used to this. Although, apart of me still feels bad about trying to ruin your relationship with Star, I mean it was your first Valentine's Day together as a couple and me and Collette ruined it.

Danny: Hey, hey it wasn't… well I mean… you weren't thinking right but now you're a changed person.  And speaking of, do you have plans for tonight?

Paulina: Woah Danny, I may know that you're half ghost now and dating my friend and I'm flattered but I don't think either Star or Danie would appreciate that.

Danny: What?  *finally caught on to what she thought he meant, he turned just as red* Oh! No! Not that at all!

Paulina: Oh thank goodness.

After the two had a brief little laugh over the situation, Danny finally suggested.

Danny: The group and I thought we should build the team up a bit, and Tucker and I thought the best way to do that is set up a night with Sam.

Paulina: With Sam…?!

Danny: She already agreed to meet up with you, now we just need to see if you're up for meeting her at the Nasty Burger tonight.

Paulina: You really think Sam and I can get along? She ruins everything I'm a part of! The dance, the pageant, even this! I tried being nice to her yesterday and she just threw it back in my face!

Danny: Paulina, I'm not letting you play the victim here, You aren't exactly innocent either.

Paulina just huffed, still annoyed at the idea.

Danny: You said you wanted to help fight ghosts. For the best possible results, I can't have two of my teammates constantly at each other's throats. The team really needs you to do this.

Paulina: And by “team” you mean you right?

Danny: I… w-well… yeah… and it was the same thing with Star and Sam, and I don't want that to happen.

Paulina: And part of Danie does want me to get along with… Sam. But I have to ask, how can you be friends with after everything she put you through?

Danny: W-what are you talking about?

Paulina: Danny I read your mind, I saw your memories with Sam, the good and the bad, it's because of her you have to fight ghosts on a daily basis, get involved with plans to “fix” things, and getting in trouble because of her.

Danny hated to admit but in some way, the former shallow girl was right, it was Sam's fault that Danny wound up in those situations, especially the ones that got him the crossfire.

Danny: Well yeah… but in the end I… forgave her…

Paulina: Mmhm…

Danny: Paulina come on, if you won't do it for the team then do it for Danie.

Paulina: *Thinks for a moment* Alright I'll go.

Danny: Great! I'll find Sam and tell her the news.

Everything's set. Have a fun girls' night!

At that, he disappeared from sight leaving Paulina to herself.

Paulina: Don't call it that!

Paulina called out. It was too late. The quiet had confirmed that Danny had already left the closet. She assumed this was to make sure no one could see one leave right after the other.

Now she had dinner plans. With a girl she wasn't terribly fond of but was trying to be nice to her.

Paulina: How am I gonna make this work? I better tell Danie.

Later after school, we see Paulina face timing with Danie at home explaining her situation.

Danie: *On video* You're having a girls' night with Sam?

Paulina: It's not a girl's night… Danny thinks that the team needs me and Sam to get along with each other so we don't fight.

Danie: *On video* And by “team” he means he wants you to get along with Sam right.

Paulina: Yeah… you think I should go with this Danie?

Danie: *On Video* Hmm… I know you and Sam don't really… click, but for the sake of Danny, and Sam not trying to get you off the team, maaaybe you should go on this, “Not girl's night” thing. After all Sam and Star didn't get along and look at them now.

Paulina: True. Okay I'll do it for you sweetie.

Danie: *On video* That's my girl.

Matori: *Off-screen* Ms. Benton, your shoot starts in 2 minutes.

Danie: *On video* I'll be there. *to Paulina* Be safe babe.

Paulina: I will. *Hangs up* Hmm… maybe I should lose the makeup so I don't stand out. *Hears her phone ringing* Hello? Hi papa what's- wait they're here at the police station again? What are they- *sighs* I'll be right there.

Paulina left school as she walked off to the police station to deal with Pamela and Jeremy Manson, again.

Later that night, we see Sam had waited outside the Nasty Burger for about twenty minutes. It was enough that Danny, Star, Danie and Tucker had convinced her to spend a night with Paulina, but waiting as long as she had been for her to show up had made her feel especially foolish.

Sam: She's standing me up.

The long wait gave Sam time to think. Think about her last interactions with Paulina. How she took Danny to the school dance purely to spite her. How she was rude to her in the bathroom of Floody Waters Water Park. How she acted like she was nothing at the North Mercy Hospital. Every interaction at the beauty pageants, and pretty much every other memory.

Then she remembered the worst one of all,  Paulina's first patrol, it was one thing for Star to show her up when she and her didn't get along but Paulina? It was way worse than having her room redecorated to look like a fairy princess land.

Sam shook off the memory and placed in back into the back of mind.

Sam: Whatever happens tonight, it can't get worse than that. *looked around again and spotted no sign of Paulina.*Sighs* This was a mistake.

Sam was ready to just up and leave right then and there. Nothing was stopping her from doing so. But she did not leave. She thought about how convinced Tucker seemed about Paulina being a team player. She thought about how hard Danny worked to get Paulina this far in getting Paulina back. Even prior to Danie moving to Amity Park and getting into a relationship with Paulina,

Paulina had been helpful in fighting off Youngblood's pirates and eluding the Guys in White when Danny was exposed (not that she'd remember the latter), and even figuring out Danny was half ghost and Star being a former half ghost, and finding out Danie's alien heritage and being half ghost and about her genetic mutation. As much as she didn't want to admit it, there was a small part of Sam that wanted to believe Paulina was doing this for the right reasons.

Sam: I'll give her five more minutes.

Almost as soon she had made that decision, Sam saw someone strange approach the restaurant. Strange, yet familiar. It appeared to be a girl her age, and she was dressed in the same clothes  Paulina wore every day, only the girl was wearing a beige shirt, and didn't have any eyeshadow, lipstick, or even her pink hair clip, and was carrying a purse with her. It didn't take long for Sam to realize that was Paulina.

Sam: Oh, you've gotta be kidding me.

Paulina walked up to Sam, trying to keep a low profile.

Paulina: Sam.

Sam: *Smirking* Bella.

Paulina: Can you not call me that?

Sam: Why not? It's clear you don't want to be Paulina right now.

I can't risk anyone seeing us together," Paulina explained, "and no one's gonna pay attention to anyone wearing beige."

Sam couldn't help but chuckle a bit, telling Paulina.

Sam: You know, it's kinda funny, I thought the same-.

Sam caught herself actually being pleasant with Paulina, reverting back to having a reason to be mad with her.

Sam: Wait, wait, wait. You're really think being seen with me would be that detrimental to your precious social standing?

Paulina: What? No, I just don't want Dash seeing me, cause if he did he'd find a way to flirt with me, try to get me back to my “Queen B” self and try to ruin my relationship with Danie.

Sam: Pfft, yeah right…

Paulina: Can we just go inside already?

Paulina walked past Sam not even waiting for her to answer.

Sam just glared at Paulina as she entered the restaurant and turned around, tapping her foot impatiently as she waited for Sam to catch up.

Sam: "It can't possibly go up from here *as she followed*

Sam walked into the Nasty Burger, right past Paulina, just as she did to her, and toward the cashier. Paulina caught up to Sam as the two made it to the cashier simultaneously.

Cashier: What can I get for you two today?

Paulina: *looked up at the menu and answered* I'll have the Mighty Mini Meaty Cheesy Melt.

Sam: And I'll have your plant protein-based meat substitute burger.

Cashier: You mean our Nastier Burger?

Sam: Yeah, I'm not calling it that, *slapping down a twenty dollar bill and leaving for the nearest open table*

Paulina looked down at the bill that Sam just left behind and asked.

Paulina: Aren't you gonna get the change?

Sam: Sit down and let's just get this over with!"

Paulina huffed and took her seat at the table, sitting across from Sam.

The next minute was especially tense. The two simply stared at each other, not speaking, not giving any indication they were interested in what the other would have to say.

It was finally Paulina who broke the stalemate.

Paulina: I guess I like your hair…

Sam: *Sarcastically* Wow, going straight to the superficial, You're really that shallow.

Paulina: Maybe if you weren't so boring, I'd have something else to talk about,

Sam: I'm boring? Have you forgotten I fight ghosts, too? Do you expect me to dress up in bright colors like every other girl in school? Like you?

Paulina: You're telling me you actually dress that way to stand out? You've obviously failed at that. Maybe if you cared a little bit about your appearance, people might actually want to be around you."

Sam: Right, because if you can't win 'em over with your lovely personality, you may as well try to look hot.

Paulina was beginning to get fed up with Sam's berating. There was nothing she knew she could say to please this girl, and her frustration was reaching a boiling point. Sam, meanwhile, was growing increasingly angry that in a night she was supposed to get to know Paulina a little better, she was turning out to be everything she thought she was. The night was just turning into a waste of her time.

Paulina: You think it's easy being me?

Sam: Wait, wait, I've seen this movie before, Is this the part where you tell me that everything you've ever said and done before all this was all a façade to stay in with the cool kids? Where you say you're actually jealous that I'm not bound by people's opinions of me and more free to express myself?"

Paulina: No, because I used to love that I'm the most popular girl in school! I used to love that people fall over themselves just to get noticed by me! But that all changed when-

Sam: *Mocking* Congratulations, Paulina! You've just confirmed that everything I've ever thought about you is absolutely true. Is there any part of you that's actually a human being?

A switch was flipped in Paulina. Sam, a girl who she was supposed to be trying to get along with that night, had just questioned her humanity. The last thing she needed was this girl reminding her of what she was. Already angry, Paulina became absolutely furious. She lifted herself off of her seat and slammed both her hands down onto the table, smashing int half, causing Sam to retreat into her seat.


The restaurant suddenly grew quiet. After venting out some rage, Paulina looked around to see most of the patrons and staff staring at her table. Only a few had just decided to go back to what they were doing. When Paulina looked back to Sam, her jaw dropped and her heart stopped.

Sam had dug back into her seat as far as it would let her. Her body was tense as if she were ready to run away at any minute. Her eyes were wide with terror.

Sam was scared.

Scared of her.

Paulina: Oh no…

Paulina said, immediately distraught. She fled to the nearest exit, repeating, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" She ran out of the Nasty Burger on the verge of tears.

Following Paulina's exit, Sam let go of a breath she felt like she had been holding onto for ages. She looked out a window to see Paulina running towards the back of the restaurant. She knew right there that this night was over.

She could just leave and go home right now. Paulina had run off and there was no reason to try to get along with her anymore. All because Sam had asked...

It struck her. Sam had dehumanized Paulina. Having those powers must have made her feel abnormal, and Sam just poked into a wound she had no business digging into.

Sam: Crud, this is all my fault.

She thought about going out to find Paulina and apologize. Instead, she hesitated. The last time she apologized to Paulina, she wound up with egg on her face and a cursed amulet around her neck. Besides, why should she be the first one to apologize?

She should just walk away now and let this day be forgotten.

Sam: Darn it

Sam sighed as she left her seat to search for Paulina. She just had to have a conscience, didn't she?

Sam: Paulina! *after exiting the restaurant*

She couldn't find any sign of her in the front, but then she remembered that she ran around to the back. As she made it to the back, simultaneously thinking she had waited too long to act and that Paulina had to've been long gone by now, she heard the sound of sobbing.

Sam quickly moved to the back and just saw a dumpster. As much as she enjoyed the idea of Paulina in a dumpster, her instincts told her to check the other side. Sure enough, there she was, seated against the wall, her knees tucked to her chest, sobbing. It wasn't something Sam was used to seeing. She never thought she'd find Paulina looking so... vulnerable. She almost felt bad for her. She approached Paulina and knelt beside her.

Sam: Hey, Paulina, You alright?"

Paulina looked up at and glared at Sam as she went back to sobbing.

Sam: Right, dumb question,

Paulina breathed in to swallow a huge chunk of pride.

Sam: Look, Paulina, I didn't-

Paulina: I shouldn't have snapped like that.

Sam let out a sigh of relief, glad that she didn't have to be the first to admit they were wrong. It wasn't a direct "I'm sorry," nor was it for the right thing, but it was a start.

Paulina: I just… I could've just thought that you were jealous of how popular I am, how pretty I was…

Sam: Gee, thanks for that.

Sam then realized something Paulina said. How pretty she was? Past tense?

Paulina: But now… I hate this, Sam. No matter how hard I try to hide this, I'm never gonna be a normal girl again. Just... just a freak! And Danie is always there to remind me I'm not a freak… but… I just feel… lost without out her…

Sam was at a loss for words. She was supposed to think of this night as a way to get to know Paulina more, and this new interaction really opened her eyes to her. Paulina may have still been vain and superficial, but her powers made her a bit miserable. It was going to be very hard to turn around. Sam got them both in this mess, she may as well try to get them out.

Sam: Hey, look, I know I screwed up tonight. I didn't mean... well, what you thought I meant. But you know what? Normal is overrated. I-

Paulina: *Wipes her tears* I know what your gonna say, *in Sam's voice* “I stuck it to normal when I was old enough to dress myself. Danny struggled with reentering school life after her got his powers, too. How else would you explain that time he tried talking to you and his pants dropped.”

Sam was surprised as to how well Paulina actually nailed her voice down.

Sam: Woah… is that what I sound like? Yeesh I hate to listen to me too. And how did you- *remembers* Oh right, telepathy. But how did you-

Paulina: Vocal mimicry, I can mimic any voice I know.

Sam saw how Paulina was not as mopy as she was before and tried to make her feel better.

Sam: Well… you're not so… gloomy now…

Paulina: But Danny doesn't have to try hard to pass for human. He can just... 'whoosh' between ghost and human. I'm stuck like this, even if I can shapeshift.

Sam: You're doing good so far! Everyone's still in love with you, and after yesterday, no one's made any connection to you and. You got this!

Paulina: You don't know anything. I have this secret so big, that if anyone found out about it, it could change what everyone thinks about me forever. You can't understand what I'm going through.

Sam: You're right, I really don't know what you're going through. Though I do know a thing about keeping secrets like that. You know, my family is-

Paulina: Incredibly rich because they made that colored cellophane around toothpicks they sell at dellies?

Sam: How did you-

Paulina: Danie told me, and let me right now they are incredibly annoying and pompous.

Sam: And how would you know that?

Paulina: They keep going down to the station asking my dad to put Danny in juvenile hall just because he's weird.

Sam: *Winces* Oh man…

Paulina: Yeah I had to kick them out again after they suggested this. Everyone knows you can't put a kid in juvenile hall just because he's weird.

Sam: How… Do you even know that?

Paulina: *Looks a bit down* My… dad trained me to be a junior police officer.

Sam: What?!

Paulina: Shh…!

Sam: Sorry… your dad trained you how to be a cop?

Paulina: Yeah, when he and mama weren't around he wanted me to know how to defend myself from robbers or muggers, or people who take advantage of me because of my good looks.

Sam: People like Dash?

Paulina: Yes… he almost tried to… *looks away*

Sam was a bit confused until she immediately realized what the former shallow girl was implying and covered her mouth in shock.

Sam: No…

Paulina: Yeah…

Sam: When…?

Paulina: Last semester… at that party… Dash tried too…

Sam: Ohh… oh my gosh… does Danie know?

Paulina: Yeah, I told her and she wanted to kill Dash for that but I told it's not worth it and it took a while to calm her down.

Sam: Geez I know Dash was bad but I didn't think he'd actually try that.

Paulina: Yeah and that was when he changed the dress code and I was dressed as you.

Sam: Wait what?

Paulina: *Sighs* Dash changed the dress code to “loser cheque* After he was short on cash, so Danny shot out like a sore thumb, heh he actually sort of looked like a rapper.

Sam: You were dressed as me?

Paulina: Yeah, and in all honesty, it felt kinda nice, apart from the top which was tight in the chest area.

Sam: *A bit irked* Well it's so nice you didn't stretch out my look.

Paulina: Hey I didn't want to do it, but Dash made me and the others do it just to make fun of Danny. Plus if I didn't… he…

Sam: Oh… oh yeah but he…

Paulina: Let's drop it okay? I… I don't wanna think about what almost happened to me, and I don't wanna think about Dash.

Sam: You actually hate him that much?

Paulina: Yes! Even when I was still in that dumb clique Dash was so obnoxious, annoying, idiotic, and just… just a bad boyfriend! He'd flirt with other girls, forget our dates! And he didn't even remember it was Valentine's day and he got one of those last minute chocolate boxes, the gross filled kind.

Sam: Yikes… well I know a thing or two about a bad boyfriend…

Paulina: You mean that Elliot guy who lied about being goth?

Sam: How do you know?

Paulina: Star told me he was flirting with  her and Ashley last semester when they were at the observatory, and when the guys in white thought he was Danny in ghost mode.

Sam: Ohh right…

Paulina: And you had no right to blow up at Danny for spying on you, he was just trying to protect you and Tucker.

Sam: W-well y-yeah but-

Paulina: But what? You spied on Danny when he was dating Valerie and you spied on me when I was on that charity date with Danie before we even became official, and especially when you and Tucker spied on Star and Danny when they were on their date at the water park. *Sam's eyes widen in shock* Yeah that's right, I know you're shocked that your secret was found out by someone you hate and I agree with your shocked expression.

Sam: Hey I was trying to-

Paulina: Trying to what? Protect Danny from Star? You and Tucker don't get to decide who he dates, or he hangs out with, especially when you consistently spied on Danie when she was hanging out with him and Star and you thought it would be a good idea to blackmail her.

Sam: Okay… I admit that was a bit too far…

Paulina: A bit? You know a lot of people have been saying you and Danny would be a good couple but…

Sam: But…?

Paulina: Seeing Star with Danny, it's obvious who's the better girlfriend there.

San didn't know why, but it irked her after hearing that.

Sam: Hey I can be a good girlfriend when I want to!

Paulina: *Sarcastically* Oh yeah because everyone loves a girl that stalks their best friend and steals someone's name when they make him relive the same traumatic experience that gave him powers twice and blows up at them for getting spied on by them!

Sam flinched because some Paulina was actually right about this.

Sam: You mean you…

Paulina: Yeah I know, Danny's parents keep giving me the stink eye thinking I'm a bad influence, but thanks to Danie, that mess was sorted out. Seriously, what part of identity theft do you not understand that it's a serious crime.

Sam: I… okay… that was going… a little too far…

Paulina: A little? Sam I know you were just trying to protect Danny, but you don't get to decide who he loves or hangs out with, heck, you didn't even want Jazz on the team after she found out his own brother was half ghost!

Sam flinched a bit but she wasn't going to back down.

Sam: That's… not entirely true…

Paulina: I wish Danie was here.

Sam: What? So you can be the little damsel in distress while she saves your butt…

Paulina: At least I am willing to ask for help when I need it! Besides, how many ghost battles did you win by yourself without Danny,  Star or even Danie being there to bail you out of trouble?!

Sam was about to answer..but paused, actually trying to think up something but in almost every ghostly encounter she was in, Danny was there to help her out.

Sam: Uh...Oh, me, his mom and sister teamed up to take down Ember, Spectra and Kitty while Danny was out fishing with his dad..

Paulina: You were with Jazz and Mrs. Fenton.

If you can't answer that, quit acting like you're in a different boat than me!

Sam: *Gets up* No listen here-

Paulina: *Gets up* No you listen! This exactly why no one likes your ideas because they always end in disaster!

Sam: Oh like you were there, and name one time I was to blame.

Paulina: Hm, let's see, changing the school menu for yourself, freeing a gorilla, not helping Danny when he made a mistake, not helping him when Valerie broke up with him, You would constantly belittle Jazz when she joined the team, instead of actually showing her the ropes. You claim to be above me, but in all reality you're just as bad as me just in opposite ways, heck you entered a beauty pageant just to make fun of the other contestants. You constantly think you're above everyone else because you don't like social norms or you only eat salad. You claim to be above violence but you have no problem with physically abusing Tucker. You claim to be an individual but you have no problem fitting in with the goth kids, and speaking to them, bet that when you're around them, they're probably thinking, “Why is this poser with us?” Honestly, Spike is more goth than you are. Against Danny's wishes you turned the OP Center into a radio station while the adults and Jazz were kidnapped by Ember and Youngblood. You never see the faults in your ideas! "Let's release some endangered species of gorillas so poachers and predators can kill them off sooner." or "Let's release some frogs so they can get run over by trucks and other vehicles or so snakes and eagles can eat them!" You changed an entire lunch menu just to feed you, instead of oh don't know, maybe make a separate menu or you could do what most people would: bring your own food from home! When Danny got his heart broken by Valerie what did you do? Oh that's right, you smiled, sighed and said clueless! You threw a fit when Danny wanted to get even with Dash, but had no problems with him destroying some trucks because they're bad for the environment. Given your unhealthy obsession with all things abnormal, I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts that the only reason why you were so close to Danny is because his parents were the "weird" ones. And I'm also willing to bet even further that the only reason why you stayed is because of his powers!  But that all changed when Star got involved with Danny and she changed for the better thanks to Danny and your still hung up on the fact that you're losing Danny to her.

Sam flinched, she never ever once heard Paulina rant this long about her faults and she actually felt kind of guilty, and surprisingly  it was working but Paulina didn't stop.

Paulina: And another thing, what makes you think that Danny's parents are anything like yours huh?

Sam: *Weakly* It's just.. they don't accept me for who I am…

Paulina: *Sarcastically* Can't imagine why. And for the record, you are no better than your own selfish spoiled parents who want everything to go their way and not caring who gets caught in the crossfire.

Sam: Hey now! I am nothing like them. My parents and I are polar opposites...they act likes these super preppy, colorful, happiness-obsessed 1950's couple who are obsessed with making me wear these pink, fru fru, frilly floral pattern dresses and want me to act like some plastic, brainless barbie doll who is just as shallow and snobby as they are… They look down on goths, the working class, on people who express themselves outside of the normal, who are individuals and who don't think like they do... They even tried to put a restraining order on Danny one time because they thought he was making me goth and tried to ban Circus Gothica and anything remotely gothic...please, I don't need anyone to tell me how to act…

Paulina: So...your parents saw something they didn't like and tried to use their influence to get rid of it…

Sam: Yes exactly…

Sam then paused as she remembered something Star said to her before Paulina got involved followed by another voice.

Star's voice: Oh, can it Manson! That wasn't about individuality, it was you not liking something and using your influence to get rid of it..

Paulina's voice: You are no better than your own selfish spoiled parents who want everything to go their way and not caring who gets caught in the crossfire.

Sam was silent as her eyes widened in horror as the same thought dawned on her.

Sam: *In her head* No way...there.. there is no way...I'm not like my I?

Paulina: Sam? What's wrong?

Sam: I… am I… really like my parents…?

Paulina: I won't sugar coat it, but yes, they want things to go their way, you want things to go their way, you do the math.

Sam: No… no… I-I can't be like my parents! I'm not like my parents! I'm not them! I'm not them!

I'm not them! I'm not them! I'm not them! I'm not them! I'm not-


Paulina slapped Sam across the face, snapping her out of her panic moment.

Sam: Ow…! *Rubs her slap spot* thank you I needed…

Paulina: You're welcome.

Sam: Okay so maybe my parents might not be evil, but I'm not happy with how things are… and… I guess I am… like my parents.

Paulina: *A bit bitter* Yeah well at least you get to see your parents while I barely get to see mine…

Sam: Huh?

Paulina: My parents are workaholics, my dad works day and night as a police officer and my mom worked overseas at our makeup company.

Sam: Your parents own a make-up company.

Paulina: My mom runs. She sells a lot of makeup in Amity Park.

Sam then reached into her back and pulled her black abyss lipstick and saw the label, “Sanchez inc”

Sam: How did I not notice this? So your like-

Paulina: The make up princess? Yep, the princess who's mom hardly ever visits because she and her husband are too busy for me, and we hardly ever spend any time together. *Looks down* They were actually thinking of… getting a divorce…

Sam gasped in shock, it was one thing for Star to go through this but Paulina? She didn't expect it.

Sam: Did- did they…

Paulina: Yeah, but they remarried and It's better now thanks to Danie and my mom apologized and is trying to make up for it, but it's going to be a long time before I can really forgive her for everything.

Sam: I… I didn't know… and I thought Star had it bad…

Paulina: Well, you told me about your folks...I figured I could tell you about mine…

Sam: Let's just agree that both of our families are a piece of work and leave it at that…

Paulina: Yeah. I still feel bad about Danny.

Sam: Why would you feel bad about him? Aren't you with Danie?

Paulina: You know what I mean! He didn't ask to become a half ghost, Daniela didn't ask for it either, but you had to make him relive that same accident two times!

Sam: I… okay y-your but without his powers Danny would-

Paulina: Be safe, and not have to fight ghosts and have his parents hunting him down, I know. *Brief pause* I… I'm sorry about ranting about you earlier, that was probably going too far.

Sam: No, you were right, I was ticked off when Danny chose Star over me because I thought-

Paulina: She only loved Danny because of his powers?

Sam: …Yeah… but… I was wrong… they really do love each other, and Star cares about him. *To Paulina* Do you care about him?

Paulina: When I didn't know he was the ghost boy yeah, he was kind of like… a role model to me. But now I'm dating an actual model, plus I still  feel bad about pinning for Star's boyfriend.

Sam: I still feel bad about spying on them, and for when Danny was trying to protect me from Eliot.

Paulina: Let's just agree that we both had relationship issues in the past but we got over it. *Sees Sam is still bummed* Okay I got over it.

Sam: I know Danny and Star are happy with each other, but sometimes…

Paulina: You wish that was you instead of Star?

Sam: Is it wrong to think that…?

Paulina: No… well a little… *hears Sam sighs* Look, I know you and Danny have history, you've been friends for a long time, and now he's dating someone else you're afraid he might forget about you.

Sam: W-what? No… no I'm not… *Sees Paulina's unconvinced look* Okay maybe… I'm a little afraid… of losing Danny…

Paulina: Sam, I know for a fact that Danny wouldn't forget about you, sure he's dating someone else and can be a bit clueless, but under all that he cares about you just as much as he cares about Star and the others.

Sam: You think so…?

Paulina: I know so.

Sam: Thanks Be- I mean Phantasma.

Paulina: *Smiles* Anytime. I sure hope Danie is okay. *Hears her phone go off* *sees a text message* “I heard everything, congrats babe.” -Danie. Aww 🥰

Sam: Wait how- *sighs* forget it I'm not even gonna ask. So how are things going for you and Danie?

Paulina: *Blushes a bit* Ohh they've been fantastic… *flustered* uh mostly she's a nice girlfriend, and a good partner, the most gorgeous woman, and her cute pink freckles, and the way she fondles me it makes me so aroused and…

Sam: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it, I get it. I'm happy for ya Paulina.

Paulina: Thanks Sam.

The next day, after school we see team Phantom enjoying some downtime since ghost attacks were less frequent. Then there was an awkward silence. Both girls knew that they couldn't keep beating around the bush any longer as Danie saw this.

Paulina: Um Sam… I'm gonna assume that last  night out together didn't automatically make us friends, right?

Sam took a moment to think before, solemnly, nodding.

Sam: You'd be right... but I do accept you as a teammate. *with her arms crossed*

Paulina: Thanks and I am willing to give you another chance...if you promise to stop spying on my dates with Daniw and to stop degrading me whenever we meet, I am willing to let it go...As I said, we don't have to be friends, but we shouldn't be enemies. At least for Danie's and Danny's sake...

Sam: Yeah… and you did help Danny and Danie even before you knew about them being superheroes. Especially when-

Paulina: When you sicked Nightmerica, Femalien, and Terminetra on me, twice, on birthdays?

Sam: Yeah… I'm… sorry about that…

Paulina: It's fine, and I am still offering you an olive branch… *offered a hand* "So... truce?...

Sam took her hand.

Sam: Truce…

Paulina: *Whispers* But if you ever say I'm not human, I will end you…

Sam went to the lane because her turn was up next as Star, Danie and Kiko went to Paulina.

Star: Soo… are you and Sam cool now?

Paulina: Well we're not friends but she does respect me now.

Danie: Well it's a start. *Hugs Paulina* I'm proud of you sweetie.

Paulina: *Kisses Danie* Thanks sweetie.

Danie: Anytime.

Kiko then stood up as she walked to Paulina and hugged her in a cute fashion.

Paulina: *hugs Kiko* And thanks Kiko.

Next: Chapter 44: Malfactor.

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