Chapter 44: Malfactor.

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Here we see Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook going to the Olde Bellwood Days festival. Ben holds a pamphlet.

Ben: The Olde Bellwood Days festival is the first personal appearance me and Danie haven't done in months! *They arrive at the fair* I can't find my name on here anywhere!

Danie: *Looks over Ben's Shoulder* Neither can I.

Paulina: Or me, I'm a superhero too, well in training of course.

Rook: Ben, I know you and Danie are famous throughout much of the universe... but it does not seem right for a Plumber to seek personal celebrity.

Ben: *Points at Rook* Rook, Plumber. *Then points at himself with both hands and then to Danie* Ben and Danie heroic dude and duddete! If people wanna shower us with attention, who am we to stand in their way? *Shrugs while smiling*

Danie: Yeah, it's nice to be recognized once in a while. And don't worry Paulina, you'll be famous too.

Paulina: *Smiles* Thanks babe.

Danie: Anytime.

Natalie: Ben Tennyson! Danie Benton!*Waves at Ben and walks up to him, Danie, Paulina and Rook* Natalie Alvarez, deputy director Bellwood Parks & recreation and the event organizer for this little shindig. *Ben and Natalie shake hands* We spoke on the phone. I'm glad you two and your... sidekicks could join us here today.

Rook: *Puzzled* Sidekicks?

Paulina: I'm her girlfriend, not a sidekick!

Danie: *Kisses Paulina* Don't worry hun, I'm sure she didn't mean it.

Paulina: Thanks hun.

Natalie : I wanted to get Kangaroo Kommando for this year's festival, but the kids were all: *Mimicking the kids* "BEN 10! BEN 10! Danie 10! Danie 10!", don't you know?

Ben: *Excited* Oh, man. Kangaroo Kommando would've been sweet!

Danie: *Chuckles* It would be pretty awesome.

Natalie: Oh, I'm sure you'll both be fine. *Pats Ben's shoulder* We're on a tight schedule, so if you'll both just follow me.

They walk ahead and halt near the middle of the fest, close to the giant wooden bell on display. Natalie presents the bell to Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook.

Natalie : That, of course, is 'The Bell'.

Rook and Paulina: The bell?

Natalie: The world's largest wooden sleigh bell to commemorate the Laplanders who founded Bellwood in 1638. Hand-carved from solid walnut, it weighs over 3000 pounds.

Ben peers at the pamphlet.

Rook: Bell...wood!

Paulina: So that's why this place is called Bellwood.

Ben: So, um, Ms. Alvarez, I know it's probably just some huge typo or something, but me and Danie can't seem to find our names on here. *Shows pamphlet*

Natalie: Hmm? Oh, yes.

Ben:  I mean, it's kinda weird since... We're the guests-of-honor and all.

A stall named 'Dunk Ben and Jen 10' is shown, with Ben sitting on a platform above a big dunk tank.

Ben: *Annoyed* There's gotta be some kind of mistake, lady! I-I'm Ben Tennyson! Superhero?! Saved the world like a billion times!

Danie: And so did I!

Natalie : And the kids want a chance to dunk ya! All proceeds go to charity. Thanks again. (Walks away)

Ben: This is ridiculous. We're outta here- WHOA!

The platform opens and Ben and Danie falls into the dunk tank. Ben and Danieemerges out of the water and wheezes and coughs. It was Rook who hit the target with a ball. He is holding a few more balls with Paulina.

Paulina: Sorry babe.

Rook: *Cheerfully shrugs* It is for charity.

Ben and Danie gapes at Rook and Paulina.

A few children go running to the park. A group of kids are standing in front of the dunk tank. A boy goes up to the stage and thinks. Ben and Danie watches him, nervously.

Kid:  Do two Big Chills, no, wait, no... Brainstorms!

Ben activates the Omnitrix, dials up and transforms into Brainstorm and Danie does the same.

Ben: *As Brainstorm* *Vexed* Oh, sure. Now the Omnitrix gives me what I want.

Danie: *As Brainstorm* Cool your jets will you brother, it's for charity.

Ben: *As Brainstorm* I suppose your right sister.

The kid is happy. He throws the ball at the target, but misses. Ben places his claws on his lower body.

Teen: Out of my way, dweebs!

The teen walks onto the stage. Ben is bemused. The teen, with an intense expression, throws the ball and hits the target. The platform opens and Ben and Danie fall into the water. The spectators cheer.  They both change back. The teen smiles, then gets serious.

Teen: Stinkfly! And Jetray!

Ben and Danie get back on top of the platform and transforms into Stinkfly and Danie turns into Jetray. The teen hits the target again and the duo falls into the water.

Teen: *Pointing at Ben* Wildmutt! *Points to Danie* Diamondhead!

Ben transforms into Wildmutt and Danie turns into Diamondhead. The teen hits the target once again and they plummet into the tank.

Teen: Spidermonkey and Ripjaws!

Ben changes into Spidermonkey and Danie turns into Ripjaws and gets dunked once more.

Teen: Humungousaur and Fourarms!

Ben and Danie, soggy and depressed, transforms into Humungousaur and Fourarms. The teen hits the target, Ben and Danie are worried and falls. He braces for impact but doesn't completely drown into the water because of theie big size.

Teen: *Snarky* I bet you're not even the real Humungousaur and Four arms. You're probably just some losers in a cheap costumes

Ben: *As Humungousaur* Dude, you just saw us transform.

Teen: Lame. I'm outta here. *Swishes his hand*

Ben and Danie change. They see Rook and Paulina getting more tickets.

Ben: Rook, Paulina where have you both been? *Meekly* We're getting killed here.

Rook: We were purchasing more tickets. *Smiles and shows the tickets*

Ben: *Unamused* Seriously not cool, man.

Rook: It is for a good cause.

Ben: *Gets out of the tank* You already paid for the tickets. The charity still gets the money even if you don't dunk me and Danie!

Rook: But where is the fun in that?

Paulina: He's got you there.

Danie: True, it is kinda of fun.

An explosion occurs. The people scatter in panic as Buglizard shows up. Buglizard snarls and jumps onto the wooden bell.

Natalie: *Gasps* THE BELL! SAVE THE BELL!

Two balls hit Buglizard, which was thrown by Rook and Paulina

Rook: I think we got it's attention.

Ben: Aw, man. *Activates Omnitrix* I thought we sent this puppy to the pound! *To Rook and Paulina* You two go find the huntsman. He's gotta be around here somewhere, controlling it. *Confidently* Me and Danie will teach this old dog some new tricks. *Jumps and runs ahead with Danie*

Rook: This is no time to be teaching tricks to a- *Pauses and thinks* I am just going to assume, from now on, that everything you ever say is just some weird expression. *Runs off*

Ben: *Waving his arms* HEY, UGLY! OVER HERE!

Buglizard jumps down and hits the wooden bell with her tail, sending it rolling.

Natalie : THE BELL! Aaah. *Faints*

People: Giant bell! Look out! AAAH!

The people get out of the bell's way. The teen from earlier runs away from the bell.

Ben: Oh, come on. I have to save that kid? *To Omnitrix* It would be so fitting if you gave me Humungousaur!

Ben slams the dial and transforms into Heatblast and Danie turns into Four arms.

Ben: *As Heatblast* Heatblast? Whoa!

Buglizard swipes her tail at Heatblast. He dodges by bending low, and then jumping up. He shoots fire at Buglizard and propels himself forward to fly and catch up to the bell. Buglizard follows him.

The teen trips and falls.

Teen: Whoa!

The teen is about to be crushed by the bell. Just then, Ben and Danie arrive. He gets in between the bell and the teen and tries to stop the bell with his hands. He gets pushed back while stopping the bell, and eventuDanie manages to bring the rolling bell to a halt. The teen runs away.

Ben: *As Heatblast* *Relieved* Ohhh. Aw, man. That was a close- UNH!

Crabdozer arrives and smacks Ben  away. He crashes into a stall. Crabdozer pushes the bell away. Ben attacks Crabdozer with flames, but without success. Ben looks at himself.

Ben: *As Heatblast* Can't reDanie fight fire with fire in this case.

Ben panics, as Crabdozer comes closer and tries to eat him but she gets punched away as Ben sees it's Danie as Humungousaur

Danie: *As Humungousaur* You want Ben, you have go through me tiny!

In another part of the fest, Rook finds Khyber, who is hiding. Rook gets on top of a stall and tries to jump and attack Khyber, but Khyber is alerted and catches Rook. He smashes him into a door and throws him away. Khyber takes out his sword and walks towards Rook.

Khyber: You should've learned by now... No one gets the drop on Khyber the hunts-

Just then a pink blur zooms by and punches Khyber in the face knocking him back as he sees it's Paulina by Rook's side.

Paulina: You were saying?

Rook: *Brings out his Proto-Tool and powers it up into a tonfa* There is a first time for everything.

Khyber: This is between me and Tennyson and Benton.

Rook: When you let your pet run rampant, threatening innocent civilians, I make it my concern!

Paulina: And when you mess with my girlfriend and my day off, I make it my concern too!

Khyber: Hmm. YAAARGH!

Khyber charges at Rook and Paulina.

Julius attends to Natalie, who is recovering after having fainted. She sees the bell go rolling again.


Ben and Danie try to wrestle Crabdozer, holding her by the horn and jaw. But Crabdozer manages to keep pushing Ben and Danie back.

Ben: *As Heatblast* *Grunts* Kinda busy right now!

Ben ans Danie changed back. They jump back and transform into Armodrillo and Danie turns into Four arms. He manages to hold and stop Crabdozer.

Ben: *As Armodrillo*.Now to reDanie shake things up.

Ben uses his piston-arms and hits Crabdozer. The shockwave causes all of them to go hurtling backwards. Ben and Danie slow themselves down. Crabdozer recovers, gets back on her feet and transforms into Slamworm.

Ben: *As Armodrillo*  Slamworm?!

Danie: *As Four Arms* How?!

Slamworm tries to attack Armodrillo, but he somersaults and avoids her. Slamworm digs into the ground. Armodrillo turns on the Omnitrix's comm link. Rook flips and avoids a swipe from Khyber.

Armodrillo: Rook, you've gotta find Khyber. And make him stop whistling commands at the dog!

Khyber sees a small explosion behind him. He walks closer to Rook.

Khyber: Your partner's having a little problem, is he?

Khyber attacks with his sword, Rook blocks them with his Proto-Tool. Rook gets pushed back into a fence and Paulina catches him. Rook communicates to Ben and Danie

Rook: Khyber is not whistling.

Paulina: At all.

Ben: *As Armodrillo*  He has to be! His creature is changing as fast as I-

Natalie : SAVE THE BELL! *Desperately pointing at the bell*

Ben: *As Armodrillo* Lady, if it's okay with you, how about me and Jen save the people from the bell.

Ben uses his drill-hands and drills the ground, causing the ground to rupture and crack. The part of the ground just ahead of the bell is uprooted, causing the bell to slow down, then go rolling the other way. Then, Slamworm emerges from the ground. Ben and Danie look on, anxiously.

Slamworm descends and hits the duo with her mouth.

Ben and Danie: *As Four Arms and Armordrillo* Woah!

They go inside the ground and emerge in a short while. Ben and Danie desperately try to keep Slamworm from swallowing him. Slamworm squirms around.

Danie: *As Four Arms* I don't want to be eaten!

Ben: *As Armordrillo* Whoa! Unh! Hey, no snackin' on the superheros!

Ben uses his drill-hand and drills into Slamworm's mouth while Danie punches a weak tooth. Slamworm feels pain, moves around and throws Ben and Danie away. Ben and Danie crash into the Dunk Ben and Jen 10 stage. They get back up, only for Slamworm to fall over them. They get away. Slamworm recovers and slithers closer to the duo, while wreaking havoc in the park.

Ben:  *As Armordrillo* This thing can instantly match us, alien for alien now.

Danie: *As Four Arms* *Gets an idea*But what about an alien she's never seen before?

Ben: *As Armordrillo* Ooh yeah, good thinking Jen.

Danie and Ben slam their Omnitrices and they both turn into Big Chill as they fly and produces an icy trail. He flies around and approaches Slamworm. Accordingly, Slamworm transforms into a new predator, Hypnotick. Big Chill halts. Hypnotick floats in front of Ben and Danie and hypnotizes them, with what appear to be red circles.

Big Chill:  *Surprised* HUH?! Uhh, ohhh... *Shakes his head and covers his eyes with his smaller wings* Never thought I'd see one of you guys again.

Danie: *As Big Chill* Or ever.

The screen transitioned to 5 years ago.

Max drives the Rust Bucket 2 to Mount Rushmore, with Ben, Danie and Gwen.

10-year-old Ben: Whoa, the holographic presidents' heads look totDanie real. *Looking out the window*

5.5 year old Danie: It looks so realistic.

Gwen: Yeah. You can hardly tell that some doofus wrecked the real ones.

Ben: *Sadly* It wasn't my fault. *Scratches his head* The Forever King stole the Sub Energy and-

Gwen: And you turned into Upchuck and belched away half a mountain.

Danie: Not to mention a national monument.

Gwen: Yeah, *SarcasticDanie* Good job, hero.

Max presses a button on his radio, revealing a secret keypad. He inputs the code, the first three numbers being 5,9,0.

Ben: Is that what happened? I thought you looked at it!

Max: That's enough, you two.

A tunnel is revealed. It opens, they drive into it, the tunnel closes.

Max: Mount Rushmore is a working Plumber base now. So I want you three to be on your best behavior.

Danie: We'll… I'll behave grandpa.

They drive onto a platform. The platform rises up. They arrive on a level with other vehicles parked. The trio get out of the RV.

Gwen: You still haven't told us what we're doing here, Grandpa. *Excited* What's the big surprise?

Danie: Please let it be an alien cake! *Sees Gwen giving her a look* What? I'm hungry.

Max:  If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise.

Ben and Gwen look at each other. They walk ahead to a door. Max flashes his Plumber Badge at a scanner. The door opens. Inside, they see several Plumbers at work.

Ben:Whhooa! So, you're back in the Plumbing business, huh, Grandpa?

Max: Nooo way. I'm strictly retired.

One Plumber, carrying a pile of sheets, runs up to Max.

Plumber:.M-M-Magister Tennyson, sir! *Drops the papers and salutes Max* It's an honor.

Max: *Awkwardly* Uh... As you were, Plumber. *Salutes back*


The Plumber smiles, salutes again, picks up the sheets and walks away.

Ben: Magister? What's that?

Danie: I think it's like a rank or something

Max: Uh, this way.

Max clicks on a button. A nearby compartment is opened, which had several headsets. Max gives Ben, Danie, and Gwen a headset each, to wear on their eyes. Max wears one himself. Then, a door opens and they walk in. Inside, an injured alien, the same species as Hypnotick, is being kept in a cold tube.

Max: There it is, kids. A real, live Psycholeopterran. The Plumbers confiscated this one from some interstellar smugglers. It's being kept here until it can be moved off-world, to a wildlife preserve.

Danie: Are they gonna take care of it well?

Max: Don't worry Jen, they'll care for it well.

Danie: That's a relief.

Ben walks closer to the tube. The Psycholeopterran flaps his wings, releases a hypnotic mist and tries to hypnotize Ben.

Ben: *Cheerfully* Gross!

Max: Take a good look. They're almost extinct. This might be your last chance to see one.

Gwen: I don't get it. Why would anybody smuggle some big, ugly bug? And what do we need these glasses for? *Points at them*

Ben: To hide your ugly face?

Gwen and Danie blow raspberries at Ben. Ben does the same, removing his headset and showing his eyes focusing in the middle.

Max: Psycholeopterrans hunt by hypnotizing their prey. *Ben turns around. Max points at the alien* Those patterns on their wings directly stimulate the reward centers of the brain.

Ben is slowly hypnotized.

Gwen: Reward centers?

Danie: So, whatever you want most?

Gwen: That's what you see?

Max: Smart girls.

Ben: Sooo cool.

Ben walks even closer to the tube. The Psycholeopterran tries to attack him but hits the tube's wall.

Max: Ben!

Ben: *Startled* AAAH!

Danie: Ben you okay?

Ben: I'm good sis.

Max: That's why people smuggle them. *Catches Ben and puts his headset back on his eyes* Staring at them is addictive.

Danie: And from the looks of it, dangerous too.

The alien goes back on its perch.

Gwen: If they don't bite your face off.

Ben: That... was... AWESOME! *Points at himself* Me and Danie were the most famous superheroes in the universe! There were people cheering wherever we went!

Danie: ReDanie? Ooh I can't wait to be a superhero like you.

Gwen: Good luck with that Jen.

Gwen: That's what you two want most? Huh, lame.

Ben: And you had to clean my room. *Points at Gwen* and make cake for Danie.

Danie: Yes! I knew it!

Gwen: Pfft. Keep dreaming.

Max: Strange that it would go after you, Ben. Psycholeopterrans usuDanie hunt creatures that can phase through solid matter.

Ben: You mean Ectonurites, like Ghostfreak?

Max: Close. They're called Necrofriggians, and they-

The red alert alarm goes off.

Alarm: Red alert! Security breach at main entry. Red alert! Security breach, main entry!

Max: You kids stay here while I check this out. *Runs off*

Ben: No way. Red alert means HERO TIME!

Ben strikes a pose, then runs out of the room. Outside, the Plumbers arm themselves with blasters and start shooting. Ben, Danie and Gwen arrive.

Ben: AWESOME! *To Gwen* Who do you think it is? Giant robot? Monster tentacle-thing?

Danie: Ooh maybe it's an evil alien from another planet out of revenge.

Gwen: Big trouble if Grandpa Max catches us.

The Plumbers continue blasting. The intruder walks out of the smoke. It is Malware, walking towards them, unaffected by the blasts. Ben and Gwen are shocked.

Ben: Malware?! What's he doing here?

Malware leaps and swipes the Plumbers' weapons in a flash, leaving them surprised.

Plumbers: Wha-? Huh?

Malware: Mine! *Laughs psychoticDanie*

Malware absorbs the blasters into himself and shoots at the Plumbers. They desperately avoid it. Other Plumbers arrive as back-up. Ben and Danie are about to join the fight but Gwen stops them

Gwen: Don't! Grandpa Max said-

Ben: Let Malware destroy the whole base and everyone in it? I don't think so.


Ben activates the Omnitrix, slams the dial and transforms into XLR8 and Danie does the same. They speed on, past Max.

Danie: *As XLR8* One side!

Ben: *As XLR8* Coming through!

Max: Ben! Jen! No!

The Plumbers shooting at Malware get backed up against a wall. They run out of ammo. Gwen chants a spell.

Gwen: Vorcess Nebulae!

Gwen raises her arms in front and shields the Plumbers from Malware's blast. Although the blast destroys the shield, the dup quickly grabs and saves the Plumbers.

Malware: Ben and Jen Tennyson, the banes of my very existence. I should have known you two be here!

Ben and Danie get the Plumbers to safety.

Ben: *As XLR8* What can I say? We get around.

The duo zooms ahead. Malware blasts at them multiple times. Ben and Danie effortlessly dodges. Max observes the battle. Then, he spots a Tachyon Cannon, goes closer to it and lifts it.


Ben: * as XLR8* (Continues dodging) Is that the best you can do? Wow, dude, you reDanie are defective.

Danie: *As XLR8* *While dodging* Yeah I've seen processers faster than you lame-ware.

Ben and Danie continue running. But then, Malware hits them on the legs and they time out and revert back to normal. They rub their heads Malware walks up to them.

Danie and Ben: *Gasps*

Malware:  I am superior!

Malware aims his blaster at Ben and Danie. Max is alerted and fires the Tachyon Cannon at Malware, seemingly obliterating him into small pieces that scatter across the room.

Malware: AAAH!

One piece lands on Ben's face and another on Danie's face. Max puts the cannon back, while Gwen runs up to Ben.

Max: Ben, Jen, are you two  okay?

Danie: *Gets up and wipes her face*  I'm fine.

Ben: *Gets up and wipes his face* Okay? I am AWESOME! Whoo-hoo! *Ben, Danie, and Gwen high-five* Another victory for Team Tennyson!

Danie: *Sees the Tachyon Cannon* Grandpa Max, what's that?

Max: A Tachyon Cannon is a weapon of last resort. It keys into the target's bio-signature, then disrupts every individual cell with matching DNA. It took Malware apart on a subcellular level.

Danie blinks in confusion until Gwen explains it more in simpler terms.

Gwen: It makes things go boom.

Danie: Ohhhhhh gotcha. Well at least Malware is gone for good.

Malware: *Chuckles, his voice echoing* You'd like to think that, wouldn't you?

The pieces of Malware start to reform. They absorb the Tachyon Cannon in the process.

Malware: Too slow, old man. It's mine now! What a shame your weapon couldn't properly disrupt my mutated genetic code. *Regenerates into a much more monstrous form* I wonder what effect it will have on human DNA. Let's find out... shall we? *Points cannon at them and cackles*

Max covers his grandchildren.

Malware points the cannon at the Tennysons and cackles.

Max: Don't do this, Malware. Human DNA has less than one percent variation. You could wipe out every human within a hundred miles. Maybe more!

Malware: A bonus.

Danie: *to Max* Why would you tell him that?!

Max: Sorry.

Danie turns around and activates her Omnitrix. Just as Malware is about to fire, Danie slams the dial and transforms into Feedback and Ben does the same. Malware fires. Danie and Ben both jump and get ahead of Max and Gwen, and absorbs the blast.

Danie: *As Feedback* Oh I am so glad I got the right alien! *To Malware* Now, how'd you like a little Feedback?

Ben and Danie fire electric energy back at Malware. Malware liquefies his body to create a hole for the energy to pass through. Malware roars and charges at the dup. They tussle. Malware continues to fire energy while Ben and Danie continues to absorb it. They struggle.

Meanwhile, inside the Psycholeopterran's room, Khyber, wearing a helmet, walks up to the alien and uses a device to switch off the tube containing it.

Ben, Danie and Malware appear to be a match for each other.


Ben: *As Feedback* You... also something bad! *Feedback senses an energy plug point behind him* But what's this? Tennysons, once again, gets the upper hand. They go in for the winning move!

The duo absorb the energy from the plug point with their antennas. Their eye glows, indicating that they are charged up. They both fire the energy at Malware, sending him flying across the room. Malware hits the wall.

Malware: *Laughs* I'd like nothing better than to drain you to an empty shell... but I've gotten what I came for. You've already lost, Ben and Jen Tennyson, and you both don't even know it!

Malware laughs and fires a blast above him, causing debris to fall over him.  Ben and Danie covers themselves as they change back.

Ben: Aww. I was all ready to blast him into atoms.

Danie: Don't worry Ben, there's always next time.

Gwen: He said he got what he came for. *To Max* That big alien gun?

Max: Eh, there are easier ways to get a Tachyon Cannon. *Thinks* It had to be something he could only get here.

Danie: Well the only thing here is the psycholeopterran

Max is struck by a realization. He runs, Ben, Danie, and Gwen follow him. They arrive in the room with the Psycholeopterran.

Gwen: *Relieved* Whew. It's still here.

Max: But Malware, or someone who works for him, was here too. Look. *Points at the creature*

The alien snarls and relaxes again.

Danie: It's sedated.

Ben: Why would someone sneak in to grab the galaxy's rarest creature... but then just leave it?

Gwen: He didn't. He said he had what he came for.

Max: But what?

The Psycholeopterran relaxes.

Back in the present.

Ben and Danie continue to resist Hypnotick.

Danie: *As Big Chill* I didn't realize he had this guy.

Ben: *As Big Chill* Yeah, Khyber and his buddies have been collecting alien predator DNA for the last five years. *Peeks and sees Hypnotick come closer* Whoa!

The chase commences. Ben and Danie fly out of the park at high speed, while Hypnotick follows him.

Ben: *As Big Chill* But if this is about taking us out, how come Khyber isn't here for his big moment?

Danie: *As Big Chill* Yeah, *Looks back at Hypnotick* He wouldn't let his dog hog all the glory.

They fly between tall buildings. Ben and Danie gain altitude but Hypnotick still follows them. The duo look back at her, speeds up and phases through Billions Tower. They come out the other end and look back triumphantly.

Big Chill: Splat like a bug on a windshield!

To Ben's and Danie's shock, Hypnotick phases through the tower as well. Hypnotick proceeds to hypnotize the duo

Danie: *As Big Chill* You were saying?

Ben: *As Big Chill*  Duh! Of course it can go intangible too. It's our... natural... predator.

Ben and Danie are entranced. Inside his conscience, Ben and Danie are being cheered by a crowd while they stand on a stage dedicated to them.


Ben: *Overjoyed, swiping his arm* Yeah-ha! Thank you! We love you all, too!

Danie: But not as much as you love us.

In reality, Hypnotick opens her mouth and is about to eat the duo.

Danie: *As Big Chill* No. It's not real. I'm not that person.

Ben: *As Big Chill:  No. This isn't what it's about. We're... a heros!

In his conscience, Ben and Danie are dejected. Then, they become serious. The crowd stop cheering to listen to them.

Ben: Being a hero isn't about fame.

Danie:  It's about putting other people before yourself, or what you want.

Ben: It's about doing the right thing, just because it's the right thing to do.

Danie: It's about making a difference.

Ben  and Danie (Big Chill) succeed in trying to resist Hypnotick's mind control. Ben and Danie moves their arms and hit their Omnitrices to revert back into normal

Ben: WHOA! Unh!

Ben and Danie fall onto the roof of a building below him. Theyboth get up. Hypnotick flies closer to him. Ben and Danie shield themselves, but Hypnotick does nothing but hover in front of the duo. Ben is puzzled.

Ben: Dude, are you ever gonna fight or just keep wasting our time?

Danie: *Realizes* Or maybe you are just wasting our time.

Back at the park, Rook, Pualina (as Diamondhead), and Khyber continue to fight. Khyber hits Rook and Paulina. Then, Rook and Paulina dodge a couple of blows and block an attack. Khyber kicks Rook and Paulina. Rook and Paulina fall but get up in a flash. Rook and Paulina kick Khyber, then Paulina performs a roundhouse kick, pushing Khyber back. Ben and (F/N  contacts Rook and Paulina via their comm link.

Ben: Rook, Paulina. Me and Danie think this is all just a diversion to keep us busy.

Danie: He's after something else here.

Khyber: *Chuckles* Smart kids. And with that, we're done. Oh, you've got bigger fish to fry, my friend. You might start at your quaint, little Plumber craft.

Rook: Why would you tell us what you are after?

Paulina: Yeah don't you bad guys try to keep it a secret or something?

Khyber: I have my reasons.

Rook powers down his Proto-Tool while Paulina changes back  and they run. Khyber whistles. Far away, Hypnotick hears the whistle and flies back to the park. Ben and Danie are confused.

Rook: *Through comm link* BEN, Danie, IT IS MY TRUK!

Determined, Ben and Danie run ahead and jump off the building. Ben transforms into Heatblast, again, and speeds on while Danie turns into Jetray and flies beside him.

The duo flies even faster than Hypnotick and surpasses her. They both land in front of the Proto-TRUK and change back. They run to the back of the TRUK and look inside.

Ben and Danie: No!

Ben and Danie horrified to see Malware, rummaging the Proto-TRUK's computers. Malware spots Ben and Danie and jumps out of the TRUK. Ben and Danie take a few steps back.

Ben: You can't be here.

Danie: It's not possible!

Malware: Come, now, Ben Tennyson and Danie Benton. You didn't think two children could get rid of me that easily, did you?

Malware walks closer to Ben and Danie. Ben and Danie step back.

Ben: *Terrified* Stay away from us.

Danie: We're warning you!

Malware: You're warning me? *Laughs* No, I'm warning you both. Do not try to follow me. You both know what I'm capable of.

Rook: BEN!

Paulina: Danie!

Rook and Paulina come running towards them. Malware runs off. Ben and Paulina stoop for a while.

Ben: Check inside.

Danie: He took something.

Ben: *Intensely* Me and Danie are going to stop Malware. Once and for all!

Malware runs on a street. A car veers and crashes in front of him. Malware runs up a sloping road and halts at a road junction. Behind him, Ben transforms into Humungousaur once again and Danie turns into Four Arms.

Malware: I told you both to stay put!

Ben: *As Humungousaur*I was never very good at following orders.

Danie: *As Fourarms* Neither was I.

Malware blasts at the duo. They jump to dodge the blast. Ben and Danie smash the road after Malware avoids him.

Malware tries to attack but Ben pushes him away with his tail and Danie punches him back. Malware gets up and sees a school bus with the driver and a few children inside driving towards them.

The duo tries to punch Malware, he dodges and runs up to the nearby gas station. The duo also sees the bus. Malware pushes a gas truck down the road, towards the bus.

Malware: Your choice, heroes. Me or the little ones down there.

Ben and Danie: *As Humungousaur and Four arms* *Angrily* Coward!

The driver stops the bus. The gas station rolls closer to them.  Ben jumps down the road, picks up a car and throws it at the truck to make it turn away from the bus while Danie catches them. The bus is saved. Ben comes closer to the bus.

Ben: *As Humungousaur* You kids okay?

The kids cheer. Ben and Danie look up the road and see that Malware is gone.

Ben and Danie arrive back at the Proto-TRUK.

Ben: What did he take?

Rook: *Working on the computer* Difficult to determine. He did not take any weapons or equipment.

Paulina: But a section of the main memory core was destroyed, along with some of the auxiliary power systems.

Ben: You're lucky he didn't turn your whole TRUK into dust.

Danie: Or your armor.

Rook: Who is this Malware? I would check his Plumber file, but-

Danie: Short answer, he's a corrupted galvanic mechamorph and a total psychopath. Long answer-

Teen: Hey, um, I was being kind of a jerk to you both  before, but... you two saved my life... anyways. I, um, I-I just wanna say, y'know, thanks... and stuff.

Ben: *Happily* Don't mention it.

Danie: It's what we do.

Ben, as Humungousaur, places the giant wooden bell back into its place, while Danie, as Armordrillo, makes the stand stronger and more sturdy, and they turn back to normal

Natalie: Mr. Tennyson, Ms. Benton, I can't thank you both enough for what you've done here today. I guess I made the right choice after all.

Ben: Me too.

Danie: Now, if you'll excuse us, We... have to give the people what they want.

Ben and Danie get back on the platform of the Dunk Ben 10 and Danie 10 stall.

Ben: Alright, folks, who wants to try and dunk Four Arms and Diamondhead, step right up!

Ben and Danie awkwardly see that other than Rook and Paulina, nobody comes ahead. Rook cheerfully reveals a bucket of balls and Paulina has a bunch of tickets and prepares to dunk Ben and Danie

Ben: Anybody?

Danie: Anyone at all?

The camera pans up to the 'Ben 10 and Danie 10' sign, as Ben and Danie get dunked.

Next: Chapter 45: Showdown Part 1

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